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Fade to Black is the debut novel by award-winning short fiction writer and journalist Morgan Kearns. It is a tempestuous and witty love story, complete with dangerous twists and turns that keep the reader guessing until the very last page.

Kate Callahan is a news reporter in Salt Lake City whose life seems to be perfect. Her attentive boyfriend, Jesse Vasquez, is determined to prove his love for her. But the day she steps through the doors of KHB as their newest reporter and meets photographer Rich Spencer, everything changes. There is something about the way he caresses her with his eyes, speaks to her without saying a word, and lights her skin aflame with a simple touch that makes her rethink everything she’s ever known.

Ultimately, she is faced with an impossible choice—one that tears her heart in two—which becomes excruciating when fate steps in and decides for her. Walking along a mountain of heartache and regret, Kate struggles to find a world where love does conquer all.

497 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2009

About the author

Morgan Kearns

17 books232 followers
Morgan Kearns is an Emmy-Nominated Journalist turned Bestselling Contemporary Romance Author with readers cheering for her Deadlines & Diamonds series.

Some of her favorite people include those who step out of her thoughts asking for their stories to be told. Grab a book and meet them today!

If not glued to her laptop, Morgan can be found with her nose stuck in a book or cheering for her own little athletes. She lives in Northern Arizona with her amazing family and her English Bulldog, Gus.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 52 reviews
2 reviews
June 25, 2012
This was the worst book I've ever read. Their was no proper development. The characters were not believable. Every "twist" was a cliche you expected. Don't waste your time.
Profile Image for Yelania Nightwalker.
1,058 reviews181 followers
May 9, 2011
Lo primero que me atrajo de Fade to Black fueron los personajes. Todos, desde Kat hasta Shea, fueron personajes creíbles, humanos. Todo lo que les sucedió a lo largo de la historia, fue absolutamente real, aquí habían cosas que sólo puedes encontrar en la vida, no todo es miel sobre hojuelas. Hay sufrimiento, locura, amor y pasión.

¿Qué puede hacer una mujer que ha estado toda su vida con el hombre que ama y que la ama, si un día se da cuenta que hay otra persona que tiene la capacidad de hacerle sentir cosas maravillosas? Kat sufrió mucho. Estaba dividida entre su amor por Jesse, un chico muy lindo pero demasiado inseguro, celoso todo el tiempo. Hubieron un par de cosas que no me gustaban de él, pero aceptaba su personaje porque creo que de verdad existen muchos hombres como él, yo podría listar un par de nombres, de hecho...

Rich, por otro lado es todo un caballero, un chico con una calidad humana como pocos. Su matrimonio con la bruja de Shea me hacía llorar de rabia y con todo, podía entender la terrible situación que tenía con ella.

El romance entre Rich y Kat es hermoso, triste y muy tierno. Hay muchas cosas que los separan, las dudas sobre todo. Y entonces, el cruel destino les hace una jugada perversa y Kat se siente confundida y devastada, que yo no podía dejar de llorar con ella y pedirle que viera las cosas con total claridad. "Él" era el hombre para ella, siempre lo había sido, sin importar nada. Siempre dando amor y cuidados.

Fade to Black es una hermosa historia de amor. Lo que adoré fue ver la realidad impresa en cada palabra, es una historia que podría ser la de cualquiera de nosotros, son cosas que pasan en la vida. La autora hizo un maravilloso trabajo, no sólo podemos saber las cosas desde la perspectiva de Kat, también las veremos desde el punto de vista de Rich, Jesse y Shea; en sí, lo sabemos todo. Una historia inolvidable.


The first thing that attracted me to Fade to Black were the characters. Everyone from Kat to Shea, they were believable characters, human. Everything that happened throughout story, was absolutely real, there were things that you can only find in real life, not everything is hunky-dory. There was suffering, madness, love and passion.

What can a woman who has spent all her life with the man she loves and who loves her, if one day she realize that there is another person who has the ability to make her feel wonderful things? Kat suffered greatly. She was torn between her love for Jesse, a very nice guy but too insecure, jealous all the time. (There were a couple of things I didn't like him, but accepted the character because I really think there are many men like him, I could list a few names, in fact...) And Rich, a gentleman, a guy with a human quality, like few others. His marriage with Shea made me mourn in anger and yet could understand the terrible situation he had with her.

The romance between Rich and Kat is beautiful, sad and very tender. There are many things that separate them, doubts about everything. And then the cruel fate makes them a perverse move, Kat is confused and devastated, I could not stop mourn with her and ask her to see things clearly. "He" was the man for her, always had been, no matter what. Always giving love and care.

Fade to Black is a beautiful love story. What I loved was seeing the reality printed on each word, a story that could be any of us, these things happen in life. The author did a wonderful job, we not only know things from the perspective of Kat, also see from the point of view of Rich, Jesse and Shea, in itself, we know everything. An unforgettable story.
Profile Image for Kristina.
258 reviews72 followers
July 21, 2012
Morgan Kearns is the Queen of Contemporary Romance!

Seriously! I cannot remember enjoying a contemporary romance as much as I did Fade to Black! I enjoyed Morgan's Paranormal romance Heart Ache and her two PNR shorts, but FtB blows them out of the water and it was her debut novel. After finishing the novel only a few hours ago, I feel like I'm having withdraws. Imagine the joy I felt learning that Rich, Kate, Nate, and Roxy are all back in book 2. I was elated.

As stated above, Fade to Black is Morgan's first novel. The story is set primarily in a news room. This aspect of the story is not only informing, it's fascinating. All of the things you learn while reading this book is genuine information. Morgan worked for 10 years as a journalist, and knows her stuff!

While that aspect of the story is great, the characters are even better!The character development is phenomenal Not only are Rich and Kate delightful characters, I found myself falling in love with Nate, Rich's best friend. Shea, Rich's wife/ex-wife, aka the bad guy, is a great villain. She's crazy, but somehow you still feel sorry for her in certain spots throughout the novel. The KHB crew is full of great characters.

Fade to black is romantic, suspenseful, and addictive. I didn't want to put it down. Despite being just under 500 pages, I devoured it in a very short time. It's entertaining and exciting. I laughed, wanted to choke characters, cry, and at one point felt like I was as depressed as Rich. If that's not the description of a good book, I don't know what is!

I don't know why I waited so long to read these, but you can bet I'll be starting book 2 ASAP! :)
Profile Image for Jennifer.
205 reviews131 followers
November 9, 2009
Fade To Black - Debut Novel By Morgan Kearns

If your looking for a romance, where not to much happens and everything ends perfectly, Fade To Black is not the book your probably gonna enjoy...things happen to these very real people...

Fade to Black grabbed me from the very first sentence, "Was it possible to be perfectly content and nervous as hell all at the same time?" And did not let me go...each page, I wanted to read further, I actually MADE myself stop, sleep, stop, eat...ect. I did not want to just plow though it! It had me, laughing out loud (seriously, many people thought I was nuts in the park I was at), it had me balling, not just crying - nooooo balling my eyes out...it left me feeling like I could feel these people, like I knew these people, these characters...it's a strong book to leave you feeling like that.

Fade to Black is a story of 2 people who "can't" fall in love with each other...The spicy, over confident Kate, is in love with Jesse, the sometimes sweet but all the time jealous, man of her dreams. Then there's romantic, thoughtful Rich whose wife Shea is a disaster waiting to happen, abusive is a "nice" word for her.

However, Rich was taught that once your married, your married - you do everything you can to push though any problems, but to be honest, he's been sleeping in his locked den for nearly a year, dreading any and all contact with Shea. He can't seem to bring himself to demand (or even ask for) a divorce, no matter what all his friends are saying.

Enter Kate...very in love with Jesse, she's been dating him off and on for 10 years, though he has not proposed yet...Kate's sure it's gonna happen soon. He moved to be with her, he tells her he loves her at least 100 times a day, he is always jealous of someone (which is just a sign of true love right?)...No matter what Kate knows he loves her, and she loves him.

However, when she meets Rich, on her first day at her new job as journalists for KHB, (her next big step up on the latter to becoming anchor woman), Kate does not understand the feelings she is having for Rich. She knows she's already found the man for her - the "only" one in this world meant for only her, so how can she be having these feelings, for a man she does not even know?

A true love story, with a dramatic and devastating twist...Being in love is not always easy and Kate, Jessie, Rich and Shea are beginning to see just that, no one could have predicted the devastating turn these characters face with-in the pages of Fade to Black. No one comes away from this story unscathed...

I hesitate to write more, I don't want to spoil the amazing ending - and the ending starts in the middle *smile* - all I can say is it's worth your time, just sitting here writing the review, I am in tears...and to understand why you just gotta read it!

Morgan Kearns created these characters, with rich amazing dialog, honestly I don't think I have ever read a book with so much dialog, and it's brilliantly written. The book often switches prospective, which I love! But don't worry, Morgan does an amazing job making sure we, as the reader, knows exactly "whose talking" - most of the book is written either from Rich or Kate's POV but you get the occasional tasty tidbit from Jesse, and Shea.

In the end, Fade to Black is an amazingly powerful love story, one I will not soon forget. A story that shows you just how possible it is to love to people at the same time, and just how destructive that can be. Amazingly written, by first time novelist Morgan Kearns, Fade to Black is not a book you should miss, if your even a little bit of a "romantic." I give it a 5+ stars... You can win your very own signed copy if you click here!

P.S. I just have to say this, I loved it Morgan dedicated the book to Rich, Kate and Jesse, for sharing there story with her. How sweet is that?

~ "OK people, Let's Cover The Black," said Dale
Profile Image for Wanda.
253 reviews57 followers
October 15, 2011
This book was sooooo good! And the author of this book is such a sweetheart. I got in contact with her through Facebook and Twitter she was so sweet. She requested I kept her informed on my reading progress. Now I must say that I read this book in less than a week. It probably would have been less than a week but I had my son at home, demanding my time and attention. But once I opened this book I literally had a hard time putting it down. And if I were sitting when I read, it would have had me at the edge of my seat. That's how good it was. Picked it up and was hooked from Day 1.

In this book, you get all sorts of characters with different personalities. And you'll like all of them. But most of all you have Kate and Richard. So in book you have all kinda of character. From the time they met they had chemistry. You immediately was drawn to them. But I was also drawn to Jesse, Kate's boyfriend. How can you choose between two wonderful and sexy guys? I know if "I" were in that situation, I wouldn't know who to choose. The one I've loved my whole life or the one that sets me on fire by touching my skin. And she just couldn't decide until their was only one standing. But that still wasn't enough to make her understand "He" was the one for her.

This book was amazing! From beginning to end! 5 out 5 stars and a MUST read. A definite GOOD CHOICE for READING!! To buy "Fade to Black" you can purchase your copy at http://www.morgankearns.com/ and she can be found at facebook.com/morgankearns AND @morgankearns on twitter. You won't regret your purchase. She's an amazing author and a very sweet author.

Profile Image for Raquel Vega-Grieder.
112 reviews61 followers
August 30, 2010
Review Of Fade To Black By Morgan Kearns

Paperback: 498 pages
Publisher: BookSurge Publishing (October 20, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1439255636
ISBN-13: 978-1439255636
Url: http://www.morgankearns.com/fade_to_b...
Genre: Romance / Thriller
Age: 18+ (but not so much that at mature 16+ could not read it in my opinion.
Soure: Amazon.Com (link to buy)

Fade to Black is the debut novel by award-winning short fiction writer and journalist Morgan Kearns. It is a tempestuous and witty love story, complete with dangerous twists and turns that keep the reader guessing until the very last page. Kate Callahan is a news reporter in Salt Lake City whose life seems to be perfect. Her attentive boyfriend, Jesse Vasquez, is determined to prove his love for her. But the day she steps through the doors of KHB as their newest reporter and meets photographer Rich Spencer, everything changes. There is something about the way he caresses her with his eyes, speaks to her without saying a word, and lights her skin aflame with a simple touch that makes her rethink everything she’s ever known. Ultimately, she is faced with an impossible choice—one that tears her heart in two—which becomes excruciating when fate steps in and decides for her. Walking along a mountain of heartache and regret, Kate struggles to find a world where love does conquer all.

This book was AMAZING. I have been so lucky with reading debut novels because I haven't come across a bad one yet. I was totally hooked from the first page. Rich Spencer and Kate Callahan were such relatable characters. They could actually be friends of mine that's how familiar they felt to me. You even feel for Jesse Vasquez Kate's current boyfriend at the start of the book but you also can't deny the chemistry of Kate and Rich. Rich's wife, at the start of the book, Shea Spencer is a character you dislike pretty much from the word go. She is a paranoid psycho who needs a reality check. Kate and Rich's co-workers Jordan, Olivia, Nate, Roxy, and Dale feel like one big extended family. Even though in the beginning of this book I really liked Kate and Jesse together but I also understood the complete and utter attraction of Kate and Rich. It was so strong that even I change teams from Jesse and Kate to Rich and Kate. I liked the fact that these two characters had to actually fight to get to their conclusion (don't want to give anything away....lol). This book had it all a forbidden romance, an unstable (at best) woman, a jealous boyfriend, heartache, and a happily ever after. Morgan is a great story teller and although I wish there was a little bit more of Shea's psycho mayhem I was completely taken with this book. On a scale from 1-10 I give this book a big huge 10. I think everyone should read this book that is how great I think it is.

Profile Image for Kara Peterson.
Author 7 books6 followers
January 1, 2010
This book is totally outside of my genre. I normally read supernatural or thrillers. This book is total romance-every now and then I have read a historical romance but this is not even that. It is pure here and now romance. It is hot. Lots of burning sex. The descriptions for the scenes were original and not super uncomfortable (no throbbing members and my hot desire etc). The reality of it is that I get bored with just romance, I guess I need more. I liked that the characters were all likeable, however the way the author handled the triangle that was creating was convenient. Although, I don't know that she had a choice, being that her characters were so likeable. Another good thing to know about me if you read my review is I don't like Bella in Twilight. I think she leads Jacob and Edward on and she can't make up her mind. She seem to have no strength of her own. The main character in Fade to Black reminded me of Bella in these attributes (not good ones!) and there was too much going back and forth wishy washy going on. I found myself constantly doing a headslap and saying choose already and let me read how your life turns out-both guys are great! It could be I felt this way because I am not a romance reader though. I like a little romance mixed in with a lot of action or vampires or werewolves. For a first novel, I think Morgan Kearns did a great job and has a good springboard to work from.
Profile Image for Georgiann Hennelly.
1,960 reviews24 followers
November 21, 2010
Fade to Black grabbed me from the very first sentence. The Characters are interesting, the plot is unique, and the dialogue is fantastic. Mr Kearns , created a wonderful story full of romance, humor, and heart breaking suspense. Set against the background of the Tivi news industry.Kate the main character is torn between two men. One who she has loved for years and one who took her breathe away at first sight.Kate is a smart women who,s struggling to let her heart soar. Rich and Jesse are are both incredibly handsome, loving men vying for Kate,s love. Who will win Kate,s heart? Will Kate let herself give into happily ever after?
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,803 reviews537 followers
August 21, 2011
Debut book by Morgan Kearns. An extremely emotional story that is a guaranteed page-turner. Nothing like anything I've ever read before and although there was much I didn't like, there was more that captivated me and wouldn't turn loose. The subject matters covered in this book are difficult and heartwrenching. Even so, I am glad I took the chance and read "Fade to Black."
Profile Image for Morgan.
521 reviews264 followers
September 16, 2011

Fade to Black is a memorable and capturing adult romance. It grabbed and held my attention from the very first page; it didn’t drag. It’s also an original, complicated and emotional story.

Rich is in a horrible marriage. His wife, Shea, is psychotic and suspicious. She makes his life hell.
Kate has been dating Jesse for about 10 years. She is happy. Jesse is a good guy, but he’s jealous and very insecure at times.

When Kate starts her new job as a reporter, she meets Rich, a cameraman who also works at KHb-Salt Lake. They have an instant connection and quickly become friends and partners at work.

That’s basically when sh*t hits the fan. Shea, Rich’s wife, becomes even more neurotic and jealous. Jesse has his suspicions of Kate & Rich’s “relationship” too. I can’t tell you anymore. I must stop myself here, and you MUST read it for yourself.

This book definitely brings on a whirlwind of emotions. I felt happy, frustrated, sad, hopeful, desperate, and scared all while reading this book. It also made me laugh a couple of times. One word: Lemongrass. Oh goodness, I almost fell out of my chair when I read this part because I was laughing so hard.

I gave Fade to Black by Morgan Kearns 4 STARS. I strongly recommend this novel to adults looking for a complex but realistic(ish) romance.


December 16, 2011
4.25-4.5 Stars :)

This book had me frustrated, laughing, crying, and yelling. This book had everything. We have our four main characters, Jesse, Kate, Rich and Shea. Jesse and Kate have been together for 10 years and love each other very much. Jesse, however, can be a very jealous man. Rich and Shea are married, but Shea has some psychological issues and just plain ole CAA-RAY-ZEE! Shea keeps on insisting that Rich is having extra marital affairs, which of course, Rich is not. She's psycho. Kate is starting a new job as a reporter, where she meets Rich, her new photographer/cameraman. Of course sparks fly when both meet and since both are taken, both are denied their feelings. After lots and lots of tension build-up, crap finally hits the fan and everyone's lives are forever changed.

Holy cow does this story have major drama. I normally have major issues with cheating story lines, but this didn't bother me at all. I mean first off, Shea is nuts. Second, for some reason, Jesse keeps putting off proposing to Kate. I really wish the author took the time to explain why that was. Rich never really physically cheated on Shea until he decides to file for divorce. I just think the author did a fantastic job weaving the story line together and made you feel for the characters and their connections. I really enjoyed it and when I was telling my husband about it, he was actually glad when I told him the conclusion. He actually liked the story. That's a huge compliment when my hubs takes an interest in a book I'm reading. Big props! LOL.
Profile Image for Marcie.
709 reviews6 followers
December 7, 2010
Fade to Black is a 'couldn't put the book down' read. This story grabbed me from the start. I loved the story line. It had mystery, romance, and humor. I found myself staying up late just to see what would happen next. This book is more than just a romance, it is also a thriller. I loved the thrilling aspect of this book. The story is fast paced and moves continually. I also loved the characters. They all bring something different to the table. Kate Callahan is the main character. She is a woman who knows what she wants most of the time. She is very likable and also relate-able. Kate has a dreamy boyfriend, Jesse, whom she loves but she is surprisingly drawn to her new co-worker, Rich Spensor. I had a hard time choosing who I thought Kate should be with. I loved Jesse and Rich. They both had flaws but who doesn't? Morgan Kearns wrote their characters in such a way any girl would have trouble choosing. I would definitely recommend this book to you. If you want to read a thrilling romance this book is it!
Profile Image for Erin.
180 reviews14 followers
March 16, 2011
This story had too many flip flops between men for me... Although I can understand and relate to the whole "I'm with this man, but am also very attracted to that man" happenings, I just had a hard time with the page after page flip-flops from Kate. Rich seemed like a nice enough guy, though his feelings for Kate were way intense from the beginning of the relationship.

I REALLY didn't like the treatment and attitudes that assaulted Kate after she returned from her tragic ordeal and time away in AZ. I understand that her news friends are also friends with Rich, but I was just left speechless at everyone's lack of caring for Kate's predicament. Wow... Then you throw in Rich's unfounded jealousy over Kate's surprise and the possible origins of that surprise - I was just stunned...

There were some good parts of the book. I really liked Kate's relationship with Jesse. He was written as what I believe every girl dreams of finding...
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tich Brewster.
Author 22 books167 followers
August 8, 2012
I review for Loves All Things Books and left this review on their page as well.

This is the first book I've read by Morgan Kearns. I wasn't sure how I was going to like it but I ended up thoroughly impressed. I felt like I was right there in the story experiencing everything. And the emotions, just...WOW! Tissues are a must when reading Fade to Black!

Kate has a great boyfriend and a wonderful new job as a news reporter. Rich is a miserable man in a horrible marriage. When the two are paired together on assignments, something happens. Rich finds a reason to smile again and Kate gets butterflies when Rich looks at her.

What a wonderful story about real life. Sometimes life just isn't fair but when you listen to your heart you open the door to many great and wonderful things.
Profile Image for LovesAllThingsBooks Book Reviews.
155 reviews14 followers
August 8, 2012
This is the first book I've read by Morgan Kearns. I wasn't sure how I was going to like it but I ended up thoroughly impressed. I felt like I was right there in the story experiencing everything. And the emotions, just...WOW! Tissues are a must when reading Fade to Black!

Kate has a great boyfriend and a wonderful new job as a news reporter. Rich is a miserable man in a horrible marriage. When the two are paired together on assignments, something happens. Rich finds a reason to smile again and Kate gets butterflies when Rich looks at her.

What a wonderful story about real life. Sometimes life just isn't fair but when you listen to your heart you open the door to many great and wonderful things.

Profile Image for Linda Boulanger.
Author 35 books117 followers
April 11, 2012
Morgan Kearns’ Fade to Black was a first for me by this author and I have to say I immediately ordered book two in this series because I loved this first one so much. From the believable characters and situations that take the reader inside a TV Newsroom to a story that kept me turning page after page in an attempt to find out what happened, I enjoyed it all and spent several late nights trying to get to the highly satisfactory ending. I found myself feeling for Kate in her struggle with love vs. being in love and wondered why there couldn’t be more men like Rich in this world. All in all, this was my kind of book from start to finish and I’d highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Barbara ★.
3,499 reviews276 followers
July 22, 2016
I just don't do cheating as I simply don't find it romantic on any level. So when Kate starts flipping between married Rich Spencer and her long-term boyfriend (whom she claims to love-love-love), my triggers starting tripping. I found it incredibly difficult to get behind a relationship between Rich and Kate and found myself rolling my eyes in disgust again and again.

The writing itself wasn't so bad for a first attempt but I'm so not interested in reading about cheaters.
Profile Image for Melissa.
3 reviews2 followers
November 6, 2009
I LOVED this book!

Fade to Black grabbed me from the beginning and I couldn't put the book down.
I couldn't wait to see what the next turn would bring or where the characters would end up.
YES, I fell in love with Rich...
I can't wait to see what Morgan comes out with next, she has a fan that is sure to read any books she publishes... :)

Thanks, Morgan for sharing this story with us.
1 review2 followers
November 6, 2009
This book is wonderful. Morgan Kearn's has done an amazing job bringing her characters to life. The choice Kate has to make between Rich and Jesse is excrucitating for her and you can really feel the emotion. How do you choose between two amazing men that you love? Join Kate in her journey through heartbreak and fear and finding her true love.
1 review2 followers
July 22, 2010
This book is captivating. Without giving away anything, I will say it is unlike any book I have read before...I had no idea how it would end. Kearns definitely invented her own style on this one. Morgan's writing comes to life and I felt like I was actually there watching the whole thing play out....
2 reviews1 follower
September 4, 2011
I don't normally read contemporary literature, but I'm glad I read this! I thoroughly enjoyed it! Love Rich and, dare I say it, disliked Kate more than a little bit. Shocking, I know! Felt she really short-changed Rich when he was there for her. I did like the change of emotion for a character though...first like then dislike.

Don't miss this read and let me know what you think of Kate!
Profile Image for Shawna LeAnn.
128 reviews30 followers
December 15, 2011
I am going to give this book a 4.5 because jeez, it was good. There was parts where I wanted to shove some people around and yell at them, but the ending it totally and completely worth being pissed. Ups and downs and crazy people what more could you ask for in a romance? This book is just so much more than I thought it would be and I loved every second.
Profile Image for Dinjolina.
534 reviews527 followers
June 4, 2012
Wow! Just....wow!
Adultery and the fact that it was one a twilight fanfic(this one gave me heart palpation and made me prepare for doom) aside…it was a freaky love story, but I loved how everybody was obsessed with the heroine. Maybe I have read to many Harlequins so that a heroine that is pursued-and not a pining wallflower to an alpha-is such a good experience. :)

Full review to come.
44 reviews
February 16, 2010
This was a great read. I instantly connected with the characters and couldn't put the book down. Just when I thought I had the story figured out, there was always another twist and turn I didn't see coming.
7 reviews
November 6, 2009
This book is hard to put down. It sucks you in from the first chapter and sticks with you long after you have read the last page. The dialog is top notch and the story is full of angst, humor and romance. I loved this book and hope Morgan keeps writing. I can't wait to read what she puts out next.
Profile Image for Laurel.
582 reviews16 followers
April 6, 2010
Just realized that I never reviewed this book, which I read a while ago. This was a great first book for this author. The story line was complicated enough that I couldn't figure out how it was going to come together until the very end. A fun romance with many levels.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
7 reviews
May 19, 2011
It's a pretty good book. It kept me interested. Some of the characters make me angry but I think that's what they were there for. Overall, the book was a good read and was a little different than the other romance books I've read.
7 reviews
March 6, 2011
Loved this book! The characters became so real to me, I felt every thing they did! The plot will keep you guessing the entire book. I could not put it down! Can't wait to read more from Morgan Kearns!
September 21, 2011
I cant stop thinking about Kate, Rich, and Jesse. These characters capture your heart and mind. It was an amazing love story, I cried with Kate so many times. I could really feel the characters emotion and sympathized with them all. It was well written and the story had a wonderful ending.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 52 reviews

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