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This is the last match between Bofurin and KEEL! It's time to bring down the hammer on their vile violence!! Sakura's first-year group clashes with KEEL, the team that rules through fear, in order to help their classmate and friend. When the second-years, led by Kaji, shows up, their bout finally reaches its climax! Meanwhile, as Sakura fends off KEEL's members, he notices a sudden change happening to his own body. How will these friends that Sakura made for the first time shape his future?!

192 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 9, 2022

About the author

Satoru Nii

25 books31 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 reviews
Profile Image for Emma.
159 reviews7 followers
February 20, 2023
C’est bon je suis archi fan (je le sais depuis le début mais fallait que je l’écrive mdr) tous les persos sont trop attachants, j’adore les chara designs et vrmnt c’est tout plein d’émotions et de persos qui apprennent à grandir.
Ça invente vraiment rien de bien nouveau mais ça le fait de façon assez rafraîchissante je trouve donc : je suis fan.
Profile Image for Ilsa༄⸼۪❀.
65 reviews
June 30, 2024
Awww Kaji He was just counting the punches and tryin' to fulfil his promise to Sakura for ten blows.

Sakura!! Everytime i read his dialogue in moments like these it makes me think that depsite the tsundere side of him, he can be so sincere that everyone ended up doing that too.

Damn!! These kids just wants to live happily with their childhood best friends. And I just realised how Suo is like always so clean after a fight. This guy's motto should be "stay always clean even during a fighting"

And OMG who's that new scary character someone more stronger and dangerous.... nervous and excited to see more of him!!
Sakura is the real man for keeping his promise he is the first baby girl MC and that's a surprise for a shonen story, not that I'm complaining ofc instead i love his bbg side.
And I need Ume to be my therapist to heal my anxiety and trauma 😭

OMG 57 was such a sad chapter. Poor Sakura 😭 the fact that we know this already but seeing it like this. The fact he does not have any food any items other than his school uniform is soooo sad. Sakura really makes me cry at times. I'm not gonna lie, but we need Sakura's full backstory asap. I need to know what the happen to him. I don't wanna guess but Was he abandoned for being "different"? From the backstory from time to time, it's obvious he doesn't have friends because everyone's so hellbent on bullying him for his unconventional appearance. But what happened to his family?

Kotoha is so sweet and understanding she knows exactly how to make things clear for Sakura our perfect girl. You don't see these kind of friends everyday who go out of their way to help you or want you to lean on them cause i can relate to Sakura a lot but sadly I don't have friends like Suo Nirei Kotoha and all those classmates and senpais.

I felt Sakura a lot in the last chapter I've read somewhere before that over independence is a trauma response. I'm scared that if I keep asking people for help, they'd eventually hate me for causing them inconvenience. Or sometimes, when they offer help, they only end up messing things which leaves more work for me.
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Profile Image for Mosaic.
53 reviews
June 24, 2024
Sakura sweetie idk who or where your parents are but just know they’re going to hell. They got my baby living in an emptier apartment than Naruto. No rice cooker no furniture no dishes no food closets empty. Just a mat on the floor, a hoodie, his school uniform, and a phone charger.
Idk what happened to him but whoever did it better be dead or they getting JUMPED when everyone finds out.
Profile Image for ℂ ✧.
2,012 reviews
July 14, 2024
Baixada d'intensitat després del desenllaç de la baralla amb la Keel i un volum molt més introspectiu, centrat en les relacions entre els membres de la Furin i l'embolic de sentiments d'en Sakura, qui de mica en mica es va fent un lloc a la banda, però no vol sentir-se feble ni vulnerable. Maquíssima la pinya que fan tots, en especial quan en Sakura està malalt a casa ♥
Profile Image for Say.
1,225 reviews49 followers
September 15, 2024
I love them.
I super do.
This is my last physical copy (volume 8 is in Oct) & I am so looking forward it as well as season 2 anime.
You can’t help but love everyone here because this manga has heart. 💛
Profile Image for Guady.
87 reviews
September 23, 2024
Sakura learning that he's not alone, him having friends and learning to trust them and rely on them makes me feel things
Profile Image for Katie.
315 reviews3 followers
June 29, 2024
Sakura got a cold, so his friends came in to check on him to see if he was alright. That was so sweet of them. I hope Sakura will learn that he is not on his own anymore.
Profile Image for Elena.
56 reviews
June 6, 2024
sakura growth thanks to even more friendship love. the shonen sure can shonen
Profile Image for Ludivine.
2 reviews
September 3, 2024
La bataille contre les Kneel continue dans ce tome avec un Sakura qui reconnaît ses faiblesses et qui se désole de ne pas avoir protégé les personnes dont il avait la responsabilité. La bataille s’achève assez rapidement mais on comprend vite que c’est que le début d’une nouvelle guerre. Le mangaka à réussi à créer des événement bien réfléchi permettant le développement des personnages notamment de Sakura, je trouve que c’est très bien mené car cette “petite” bataille en soit n'était pas extraordinaire mais il y a un fond derrière et une remise en question pour Sakura.

Le petit passage où tout le monde voit que Sakura n’est pas venu en cours car il est malade et que sa classe décide de préparer un panier pour qu’il se rétablisse j’ai trouvé ça trop beau. Par contre, quand Nirei et Suo vont emmener le sac à Sakura chez lui, on voit où il vit : un endroit lugubre, sans affaires, ni cuisine, une maison abandonnée quoi… Celà m’a fendu le cœur même si je m'en doutais.

Un tome encore extraordinaire car développe les personnages et surtout le personnage de Sakura pour mon plus grand plaisir ♥.
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Profile Image for Melissa.
70 reviews1 follower
June 11, 2024
“What…is this feeling? Ever since I saw them get beat up…I’ve felt something lurch in my stomach. …. What the hell? What the hell is happening…to me?”

Thanks to Kaji and his vice captains, Bofurin is victorious in their raid against KEEL. But it is hardly a victory the first years are satisfied with, least of all Sakura. If the previous volume was about Sakura learning about his role in Furin and what it means to be a leader, then this volume shows the beginning of his journey to accept the conditions of his role - the responsibility (blame) and the support (love).

I’m still not used to being so touched by a delinquent shounen series, but here I am reading Sakura’s struggle just to accept a little help with tears in my eyes. I’m glad Sakura is trying to understand what to do rather than run away. I can see the fight with KEEL having a long impact on Sakura and even Furin in the future…
Profile Image for Rebeca Reads.
59 reviews
July 27, 2024
🔸Reseña con spoilers🔸

En este tomo se terminan de resolver los conflictos con la Keel y Sakura puede decir que cumplió su promesa, pero también reflexiona sobre un momento que ocurre en el tomo 6, y es que, se queda paralizado cuando ve a su gente en el suelo, heridos, teniendo que necesitar la ayuda de los de segundo que acuden lo más rápido posible!

Me ha gustado mucho ver como Umemiya, le hace reflexionar sobre esto, haciéndole ver que es porque le tiene cariño a sus compañeros, más del que cree, pero Sakura, no sabe lo que es tener un grupo de amigos, así que sigue rechazando o sin entender del todo lo que le está pasando, aunque poco a poco sus compañeros se lo irán haciendo ver!

He llorado mucho con Sakura en este tomo, porque vamos a conocer más aún a nuestro protagonista y su situación, vamos a verle sentirse parte de un grupo...y que por primera vez, no tenga que tirar el solo con todo!

Kotoha sigue siendo una de mis favoritas y sin duda también es un gran apoyo para Sakura, pero es que tiene una personalidad y un carácter que me encanta! Umemiya como siempre, maravilloso! Y de los personajes más nuevos, Kiryu y Kaji son mis favoritos! Son tan distintos, pero a la vez tan adorables y tan buenos personajes...que es que os van a encantar!!
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Profile Image for RATA &#x1f400;.
422 reviews5 followers
August 21, 2024
Dropped at ch 55 — Even if I think it's not a shitty manga like many others I've read, I don't see the point to continue reading this mediocre thing.

I don't dislike fighting manga, I don't dislike them if the characters have a good story. In the case of this manga, I've read 7 volumes and nothing was mentioned about the back-story of the main character or the "most notable" ones. I known more about some NPCs than about the charas that appear on the covers of each manga. 💀

How much do I need to read to know something about those mfs? I'm sorry. I think you just have a huge problem as a writter if you don't tell a single shit about your mc in 1300 pages.
Profile Image for The Book Dragon.
2,249 reviews33 followers
August 12, 2024
Kaji vs the leader of Keel (no contest) comes to a close as Anzai and Nagato face each other and what happened to them. Meanwhile, Sakura is still struggling with his new role as Grade Captain, especially after the near disaster that was the raid on Keel.

And... I get it. His feelings are deeper and more complicated than about 90% of the BS you find in shojo manga and this series unpacks it beautifully. And it's in a series aimed at boys.

I got this book in the mail and immediately started reading it, that's how you know it's good.
Profile Image for Mindi.
1,370 reviews265 followers
August 19, 2024
I really enjoyed this one. The fight with Keel comes to an end, and Sakura has a lot of emotional baggage from it. We even get a peek into his life and where he lives, which I love. I absolutely adore that Sakura is slowly trying to figure out how to let people into his life. One of my favorite manga tropes is when a character gets a cold and the people who care about them show up unannounced with food and medicine to take care of them. I was so happy to see that in this volume. I cannot wait to continue this series.
Profile Image for Kaitlynne.
1,600 reviews53 followers
June 7, 2024
Furin... Where everything can be solved with the Power! Of! Friendship!

Don't mind me getting a little teary eyed. I'm FINE. It's just DUST! These characters are all so endearing and if ANYTHING bad happens to ANY of them I will RAGE. The character design, in My opinion, is very shojo coded for a shonen series.

We've got a new Antagonist who's just been introduced, and I'm curious to see just how much trouble he's going to cause
Profile Image for C..
236 reviews
July 21, 2024
We see Sakura changing by wanting to rely on others in this volume. In addition, the fight between Bofurin and Keel comes to an end with the second year class coming to the first year class' aid, with Kaji leading the pack.

Some of the dialogue hit hard, I'm really enjoying this manga series and can't wait to see them all get animated in the future.
Profile Image for Isabela M.
32 reviews
March 7, 2024
Gnt o Sakura (protagonista) é simplesmente muito bem desenvolvido! Esse menino tem medo de ser rejeitado por causa do passado dele mas tá tentando TANTO ser aceito. Ele precisa de um abraço
T amo Sakura ❤️👊
Profile Image for J-Lynn.
1,144 reviews4 followers
September 27, 2024
Yup, this series is gonna be good. We have the main character acknowledging his inner issues which is a phenomenal sign for good character growth and development.

Trust your VPs! Keep it up, Sakura! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ You got this! (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
Profile Image for Andrea.
485 reviews21 followers
April 14, 2023
Han aparecido un nuevo malo con muy buena pinta y una reina.
Profile Image for Ady Weasley.
1,495 reviews42 followers
December 30, 2023
Los Keel han sido derrotados, pero Sakura no se siente conforme con su "debilidad" sin embargo le hacen ver que no está mal depender de alguien más con tal de defender a los que quieres
Profile Image for mghf.
198 reviews22 followers
April 28, 2024
i cried reading this vol, sakura you're so so loved.
Profile Image for Natasha.
44 reviews
April 28, 2024
Love the friendship blooming between Suo, Nirei, and Sakura. As well as how the friendship blooming for that class. They all stick together and cheer and help each other.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 reviews

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