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Stand up for your classmates! Furin Year 1 students, march forward!! Haruka Sakura has transferred into the strongest delinquent high school, Furin High. After attaining his classmates' trust, he is promoted to grade captain! Without any time to settle in, a sudden turn of events send a ripple through Sakura's new life. In order to save his classmate's childhood friend, Sakura and his class of first-years must step foot into the violent and feared team, KEEL's, castle. It is up to our hero delinquents to fend off their vile enemies!

192 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 9, 2021

About the author

Satoru Nii

25 books31 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 66 reviews
Profile Image for kelly.
343 reviews24 followers
May 10, 2024
4 ✨ i’m the happiest when a manga has me excited to get on my sheets and read all night long
Profile Image for mikaela (spinebreaker).
1,329 reviews48 followers
June 16, 2024
I literally cannot wait for more Kaji content. Love seeing another side to Suo as well. This fight with Keel has been really well done
Profile Image for Jess Shumaker.
332 reviews10 followers
June 17, 2024
Kaji!!!! ugh tbh I binge read this all in a weekend so idk exactly what happens in each volume but Kaji's back story that we get later makes me love him even more
Profile Image for ℂ ✧.
2,012 reviews
December 22, 2023
Aquest volum prometia batussa i no es queda gens curt, sort que venen els de 2n al rescat ^^' M'encanta l'expressivitat de tots els personatges en ple combat i com veiem l'evolució que fan quan pensen en el bé de la banda i no en interessos personals. Ja en el combat de l'Umemiya fa uns quants volums ens va introduir en el vessant més filosòfic de la lluita a través del diàleg així que ja veig que serà una constant, molt a favor!!! Amb ganes de saber com es resol, tot i que caldrà esperar fins al març :')
Profile Image for Ilsa༄⸼۪❀.
65 reviews
June 30, 2024
Kaji is sooooo Damn cool. The man that HE'S... a good freaking upperclassmen on top of that also more gratuitous. The way he literally knocked some sense into Sakura's head he's teaching him how to be a good leader.

I love how they didn't feel devastated because of the amount of enemy numbers, but they just don't like to lose from their senpais.
You know when our Mitsuki wear his jacket properly.. it means you've fked up so bad. Mitsuki is plenty handsome especially with his hair down. These boys are so eyecandies.

Suo chan is maaaad. He's not smiling at all he's pissed badly. When the smiley characters ain't smiling anymore...YOU BETTER RUN.
I'm so late at noticing this, but THIS is what Nirei meant in the first chapters when he said he expected Suo to be cold.
Suo was cold in this chapter BECAUSE Nirei was injured. This almost led him to go out of his fighting style. Suo usually fights with kicks, or moving the enemy away. But at the start of this chapter he was about to PUNCH his opponent. Because Nirei was hurt... That rare show of anger was because he thinks he failed to protect nirei. Meanwhile, sakura was also feeling the same. As the freshie captain and vice captain, they have more room to grow. Nirei also feels upset thinking he's holding everyone back and being pathetic. This trio will grow a lot from this experience.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Say.
1,225 reviews49 followers
September 15, 2024
I love them all. Really. Still no bad volume so far. And Kaji being the cover is fitting. I do love his character. I love how he gave the wake up call (tough love) to Sakura. He is a leader after all.

This volume will be the start of Season 2 (anime) and I can’t freaking wait. One of my favorite volume so far.
Profile Image for Kaitlynne.
1,600 reviews53 followers
June 6, 2024
The answer to my question about getting to see Suo fight fight is a resounding NO. Almost, but no go. He was big mad though and knocked his opponent out with one kick, so...

I really like the camaraderie that all the students at Furin have, and how many layers they all have.
Profile Image for Vega Mateos.
22 reviews1 follower
July 19, 2024
el meu Kaji ha estat més hot que mai, si ja m’agradava imagineu-vos ara que l’he vist emprenyat de veritat, vull llegir el 7 ja de ja (nota addicional per dir-ne que la psicopatia d’en Suo i la maduressa progressiva d’en Sakura també em semblen molt hot). resum: 🥵
Profile Image for Ester.
1,022 reviews62 followers
January 8, 2024
4. Wind breaker 6
Ufff quins nervis llegint el tom!!
La classe d'en Sakura va a l'amagatall de la KEEL per rescatar l'amic de l'Anzai, però la banda els té preparada una trampa. Sent inferiors en número, en Sakura i els seus pateixen de valent fins que arriba en Kaji per ajudar.
Gaudeixo moltíssim d'aquest shonen de pals tot i que els solc detestar. Però clar ha de ser amb gamberros perquè jo en tingui interès hahahaa.

Ressenya completa
Profile Image for Lucía Salgado.
20 reviews
July 4, 2024
unos puños por aquí, un te salto los piños por ahí, bastante chido QUIERO MI ANIME YA TT
Profile Image for Guady.
87 reviews
September 20, 2024
I decided to pick it up where the anime left it cause after skimming through some previous chapters I saw that the anime did a pretty good job adapting those volumes, so maybe I'll read them properly after catching up.
My love for Sakura is unmatched so far, I truly adore him.
The fights are really well done, I'm excited to read the rest.
Profile Image for Enairolf.
2,051 reviews18 followers
March 12, 2024
C’était le dernier tome que j’avais en ma possession, quel malheur.. Il va vite falloir que je me procure la suite parce que j’ai besoin de savoir ce qu’il va se passer par la suite! Rien que de penser que je n’ai plus rien à lire de cette série ça me rend déjà nostalgique. J’ai enchaîné les six tomes les uns après les autres, j’étais tellement prise dans l’histoire que là pour le coup, passer à autre chose ça va être dur. Je pourrais même dire que ce manga est un coup de coeur en vérité. Attendre la suite va être longue pour le coup..

Dans ce sixième tome, fraîchement arrivé au lycée Fûrin, célèbre pour abriter les pires racailles du pays, Haruka Sakura a gagné la confiance de ses nouveaux camarades, au point d’être élu délégué de classe. Mais dès les premiers jours de sa nouvelle vie au lycée, les embrouilles commencent. Afin de venir en aide à un ami d’enfance d’un de leurs camarades de classe, Sakura et ses potes lancent l’assaut sur la planque des Keel, une bande de délinquants sans pitié ! Les jeunes voyous au grand coeur vont devoir affronter des adversaires qui n’hésitent pas à employer des méthodes ignobles !

Avec la fin du tome précédent, j’étais plus qu’impatiente de découvrir ce fameux combat entre Wind Breaker et Keel. Et c’était clairement à la hauteur de mes attentes! Un combat incroyable, hyper dynamique, qui nous tient en haleine tout le long. Ce gang des Keel c’est vraiment un gang redoutable. Ils n’ont aucune éthique, ils peuvent se mettre à dix sur une seule personne et en plus ils aiment se battre avec des coups de battes ou des bâtons. Personnellement, je trouve qu’ils ont un côté assez terrifiant, ça c’est dû au fait qu’ils portent leurs capuches quasiment en permanence et du coup on ne voit pas leurs visages.. En tout cas, ce combat était incroyable à voir et j’ai hâte de lire le prochain tome pour voir comment tout ça va se terminer. J’ai adoré le comportement de Sasuke dans ce tome, il semble prendre de plus en plus compte de ce qu’on lui dit et il se fie de plus en plus aux autres. C’est vraiment chouette. Nirei dans ce tome m’a vraiment scotché, il a fait preuve d’un sacré courage, quand on connaît le personnage, on sait que son action lui a beaucoup demandé. C’était encore une fois un tome vraiment excellent que j’ai adoré lire. Vivement la suite maintenant.

Un tome composé quasiment entièrement à un combat. On alterne les « points de vue », on voit les différents personnages pendant leur bagarre, on voit comment ils s’en sortent, le genre de bagarre qu’ils utilisent etc, j’ai vraiment adoré ça. Mais vu la fin, ce qui m’intéresse le plus c’est clairement ce qu’il va se passer dans le prochain tome!
Profile Image for Alicia ^^.
102 reviews
September 29, 2024
Es domingo y el cuerpo lo sabe (me he leído 2 volúmenes en un día, ayuda).

Me ha encantado. Nunca pensé que, siendo yo una amante de las historias de romance, iba a acabar viciada a un manga de peleas 😭.

En cuanto a este volumen…
Empezamos por Nirei. Lo amo.He sentido tanto el mensaje que tiene por aportar este personaje.
Una persona que ha estado esperando a que los demás lo protejan, pero que cuando se da cuenta trata de aportar su granito de arena.
Pese a que no se ha visto nada más sobre él a parte de cuando sale del recinto, creo que su historia es potencialmente inspiradora.
No sé exactamente si comenzará a pelear. Pero incluso si no lo hace, creo que Nirei es un personaje muy importante para el grupo.

Pasamos a Kaji. Mira, ya dije que no iba a opinar mucho de él hasta que no viese mas desarrollo de su historia. Y efectivamente me cae genial (como todos los personajes help). Me ha gustado mucho el golpe de realidad que le ha dado a Sakura.
Y que el tío se ponga a hacer backflips mientras pelea (???? Me meo, sinceramente.

Me ha faltado ver un poquito más a Suo peleando 😞 (una va a lo que va). Pero en fin, supongo que hay que guardar emoción para la siguiente pelea 💪.

Me encanta que este manga se siente como una especie de slice of life, pero version puñetazos. Es como que te mete los mensajes más inspiradores y bonitos q he leído mientras están con media cara sangrando JSHSJAHD.

Es una pena que mañana tenga clase y, con ello, menos tiempo para leer. Pero la adicción que tengo a este manga es tan severa que no creo que eso sea mucho problema para mí 😭.
Profile Image for Melissa.
70 reviews1 follower
May 12, 2024
“Do you…even know what the hell’s going on right now? … You’ve…got other shit you gotta take care of first, don’t you?! If you can’t even save your own classmates…then you shouldn’t call yourself their grade captain!”

Despite their best efforts, the first year Furin boys really get in over their heads with this raid. It’s sad to see that Sakura’s first real test of his leadership as grade captain goes so poorly, especially when he just started to really understand his role at Furin. Even Nirei and Suo fail in their own ways as vice captains. As several characters note, they still have a long way to go.

But the second years come to their rescue just in time! It was great to see Kaji make a grand entrance and kick some ass. It looks like we’ll also get some backstory for Kaji in the next volume, which I’m excited to see. Go get them, Kaji!
Profile Image for Emily Grace.
Author 1 book5 followers
August 30, 2024
"I'll give him an extra punch just for you."

"If you can't even save your own classmates, then you shouldn't call yourself their grade captain!"

Kaji just became my new favorite. He's second only to Sakura in my mind.

The sheer intensity of this volume was insane. Nire finally did something (he tried at least), Kaji got mad at Sakura (rightfully so), and Suo showed off his anger in a frightening way where even Sakura had to tell him to calm down.
Profile Image for Ady Weasley.
1,495 reviews42 followers
November 13, 2023
Sakura y los demás chicos del grupo van a ayudar a Anzai para pelear contra los Keel, un grupo que se mueve solo por la violencia sin importar si es contra sus mismos miembros.

Pero los chicos caen en una trampa por parte de los Keel y son superados en número y llega Kaji y habla seriamente con Sakura
Profile Image for Maria.
84 reviews2 followers
July 19, 2024
Totally awesome fights! Kaji is such a great senpai, he saw the first years going to fight and knew that he had to go support them. I like that Sakura is growing as a person, he’s trying to think of his classmates and not only about himself, he wants to be strong for others! I’m really glad we get to see new sides of Suo and Nirei. I enjoyed this volume and the fights a lot!
Profile Image for C..
236 reviews
July 20, 2024
Sakura and his class go to Keel's headquarters to save a classmate's friend and a fight between Furin High students and Keel members break out.

I'm so excited to see this volume get animated, I love the art style so much and the fight scenes don't look messy. I enjoyed seeing more of Kaji and Kiryu.
Profile Image for The Book Dragon.
2,249 reviews33 followers
June 8, 2024
Sakura takes his entire class to get Nagato back for Anzai. But KEEL isn't going to just hand him over, so of course this turns into a KEEL vs Furin brawl.

And Sakura gets his first hard lesson in being a leader. (Surprisingly this series isn't all fist fights and speed lines)
1,434 reviews
June 9, 2024
Oops, class 1 needed a little assist from their sempais. That’s not a bad thing, they need to learn to think a little before biting off more than they can chew. I hope to see them grow into people that don’t just go head first into battle without considering their odds.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for María.
13 reviews
August 21, 2024
Increíble. Maravilloso.
A partir de este tomo, no sé nada porque no lo ha adaptado el anime... pero el desarrollo de los personajes, de la situación general como individual...
Me encanta 😍
Hay unos paneles que son brutales y me tienen así 🤩🤩🤩
Y no voy a cansarme de recomendarlo 😌
Profile Image for J-Lynn.
1,144 reviews4 followers
September 23, 2024
Okay…. This series is super fun! Like, I was not expecting to like this series as much as I am (to the point that I’m flying through these volumes).

With each new character backstory, I get more invested in seeing these kids grow up into strong protectors of the town! ৻(•̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)⊹。₊*⊹.˚
Displaying 1 - 30 of 66 reviews

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