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Soul Cure: How to Heal Your Pain and Discover Your Purpose

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Your soul, simply put, is your mind to think, your heart to feel, and your will to decide. It's the very deepest part of your humanity, the source of all treasure and talent.

Refreshingly honest and keenly insightful, pastor and talk show host Gregory Dickow shows how your mindset is the single most powerful force in shaping your emotions, your decisions--and your destiny. When you discover the power of God's healing love, then fear, anxiety, anger and shame will stop sabotaging your happiness--and your life.

Your best days are going to be your next days. Turn your pain into purpose and let God continue your winning story.

272 pages, Hardcover

Published May 3, 2022

About the author

Gregory Dickow

108 books975 followers
Pastor Dickow is the founder of Chicago-based Life Changers International Church. He is the popular host of Changing Your Life an international television ministry as well the highly rated Ask the Pastor radio program heard during the afternoon "drive-time" in Chicago.

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Profile Image for Andrew.
715 reviews10 followers
May 29, 2022
In Soul Cure, Gregory Dickow explored the dynamics of your soul and everything that emcompress it. He discussed how we can work towards healing our soul and dealing with our soul thieves. These soul thieves included depression, shame, self-hatred, fear, guilt, and much more. In the book, he will share many different tips and suggestions on handing our negative emotions. He explained the power of the mind and how it is the single most important thing that we need to learn to control and think right. He opened up throughout the book about how the devil come to steal, kill, and destroy and how he is doing just that. He shared that 1 million people successful commit suicide every year. 20 million Americans are battling addictions. Many are trying to deal with emotional stress and to find freedom or something to stop the pain that is going inside us.

In the book, he shared his own struggle with depression and feeling so alone. He also lost his best friend, Randy to suicide and this left him with very few friends left. At age sixteen, he was hooked on drugs and alcohol. He didn’t know his worth or value. He revealed how his coworker reached out to him and brought him to Bible study and this was his real encounter with Christ. He accepted Christ and the light started clicking on and he was changed.

I would recommend this life changing book to anyone is seeking healing from the pains of life and they want emotional healing. One of my favorite teachings, he discussed was the power of thankfulness and how this is the key that drives miracles. I immensely loved that outlook on that. He looked at Jesus feeding the 5,000 and raising Lazarus from the dead. I loved how he shared we need to know that we are loved and that we need to believe before we see. He included a special check-up and how thankfulness affects us positively. All of these are awesome benefits we will received if we choose to practice thankfulness. I also loved how there was a special section after each teaching about declaring and praying to help readers in refocusing their life.

"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”
Profile Image for Mariel.
284 reviews10 followers
May 11, 2022
Soul Cure: How to Heal Your Pain and Discover Your Purpose
by Gregory Dickow

I received a complimentary copy and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Gregory Dickows’ Soul Cure is precisely that, an invigorating remedy composed in the pages of a book that focuses on life enhancement, lifting up our hearts and minds, seizing control of our lives, recognising how easier our troubles would be if we surrendered them into God’s hands.

The author also discusses the Bible and Christianity itself eloquently, identifying it as not a religion per se but more a relationship with God.
“ A mosaic of Jesus Christ’s beauty.”

Each chapter ends with a positive declaration that inundates the reader with love and devotion, supported by a prayer encompassing the meaning of the completed chapter. It is a literary guide to self-empowerment, referencing the teachings of the Bible, full of stories and quotations. Some are from the Bible, some from the author, and others from experience offered from life in general. Even if you are not of faith, reading the words by Gregory Dickow will fill you with a sense of goodwill, a written aid in self-healing.

Sometimes we become too focused on things we want or need, what we lack, or events beyond our control. This leads to a downhill spiral of emotional instability and depression. Soul Cure can raise you up and carry you through these stressful times, with advice on how to unburden from these devastating restraints.
“As Eleanor Roosevelt wisely said, “ No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.” “

I enjoyed this book, finding a lot of positive aspects. It is written beautifully, educative, and enlightens readers. It can clear doubts and disparities that one may hold concerning your path in life, concerns and doubts, or self-destructive thoughts we hold close.

I found nothing I did not like in this book. It is well edited and professionally written. I rate Soul Cure the 5 out of 5 stars it truly deserves.

I recommend this book to persons of spiritual background and to people grounded in knowledge of Christianity. I also recommend this book to readers who are searching for a book to help lift their spirits, and to anyone who needs a guide through difficult times.
Profile Image for Grady.
Author 49 books1,794 followers
April 18, 2022
‘Life is truly about perspective’ – trading a damaged soul for a beautiful one

Illinois author Gregory Dickow is the founder and senior pastor of Life Changers International Church, creator of the Fast from Wrong Thinking movement, and the host of the television show Power to Change Today. He has published nineteen books to date, SOUL CURE being his latest.

The tone of this accessible book is set as the author states, ‘I start this book with some lighthearted humor because laugher does good, like medicine. This is especially true in today’s chaotic world, where we definitely need a good laugh and God’s healing hand. Good news is in short supply these days, especially in the headlines - filled with fear, hate, disease and crisis.’ He follows this with scripture excerpts, his technique of writing throughout the book, and in this fashion his insertion of his Christian approach to every topic presented becomes accessible. ‘This book is dedicated to helping you focus on what is beautiful. Why? Because what we focus on shapes the soul – the mind, the will, the emotions…This book is all about healing and freeing the soul by understanding the root cause of human suffering, emotional pain and the spiritual forces behind it all. Indeed, this book will address the dark night of the soul and offer a powerful navigational system that will dissolve fear, self-hatred, bitterness, guilt, anger and negativity. We have all experienced these diabolical emotions, for sure. I call them soul thieves…It’s time to unleash God’s healing and purpose for your life!’

Gregory Dickow’s supportive language and sensitive messages provide many memorable quotes to note – ‘What you focus on and the way you think will determine the way you feel and the way you live’ - as his words provide ways to ‘heal the soul - the mind, the heart and the will - to and build a new momentum, one of overwhelming gratitude and power, one of health and supernatural joy…learning how to battle your personal soul thieves: loneliness, depression, anger, guilt and shame.’

Keeping his discourse user friendly and entertaining while making his profound points assures that even the most skeptical reader will find substance and support from this book. This is a fine time for the release of this new inspirational volume.
Profile Image for Lite Reads.
12 reviews238 followers
May 9, 2022
As the book blurb for Soul Cure states, the power of the mind is the single most important part to a happy and fulfilling life.

I have always believed in “the power of the mind”, however it is THE most difficult thing to achieve in my opinion. Trying to stay positive when things around you are falling apart is a difficult task, however I found this book to be of great assistance to me. Since finishing it I go back and use it as a kind of reference, which helps me stay focused when I need that extra help. Just reading sections of the book as and when I need a lift or a reminder that GOD IS working to help me, he loves me , he believes in me has been fantastic. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Janalyn.
3,673 reviews105 followers
May 26, 2022
With a talent only Mr. Dickall possess you learned that only those who except Christ and live in the light of the Lord can you being healed emotionally and physically. There is something truly heartwarming about this book. As soon as I started reading it I was glad I did you can tell when going from chapter to chapter that the author not only believed but wants to share God‘s love. I highly recommend this book. Please forgive any grammar or punctuation errors as I am blind and dictate my review but all opinions are definitely my own.
Profile Image for Christina F.
121 reviews3 followers
May 30, 2022
This is a great book about healing and learning to discover your true purpose in life. I appreciate the author sharing his stories as a way to see how he healed. I also like the Bible versus sprinkled in throughout the book that connects with what the author is discussing. I like how the book is split up into three sections- soul health, battling soul thieves, and parting gifts for the soul. When the author talks about soul thieves he is referring to fear, self-hatred, bitterness, guilt, anger, and negativity. Which I absolutely agree are soul thieves! We all have the power to learn to switch on positive emotions such as love, hope, forgiveness, gratitude, kindness, joy, confidence, and optimism. Sounds much more meaningful and powerful to me! The author also states that your mindset is the single most powerful force in creating your emotions, your decisions, your character, and your destiny. And you learn all kinds of tips and ways to work on changing your mindset in this book so that you can heal, move on, find your purpose, and feel all around better. A powerful book.
Profile Image for Grymm Gevierre.
187 reviews8 followers
May 27, 2022
Soul Cure is a great self-help book focused on strong beliefs and to let go of the small stuff. It’s about changing our mindset about our circumstances to be at more peace with yourself (which will, eventually, change your circumstances that bring you stress/unhappiness). This book is a great tool to enrich a balanced life. There is some religious references, but it’s built on a sound message of positivity without being preachy. It mainly targets those that are spiritual, and those who are struggling with tough times, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be for these folks.

The writing here is solid, I’d recommend this book to anyone tackling tough times and in need of a new mindset/frame of mind to move forward.
Profile Image for Melissa Botelho.
18 reviews
May 27, 2022
This book has a lot we can learn to channel our emotions and change our mindset and believe me I am guilty of my emotions ruling me but I know feelings are fickle but it is so hard to change them as when you see a counselor they want you to talk about your feelings and get them out and I struggle as not everyone I meet care how I feel honestly. God is right there to help you fight off the depression you have but never let it rule you.
Profile Image for Rose.
2,453 reviews55 followers
May 17, 2022
Soul Cure is a self-help book based in spirituality. It addresses mental health issues with humor and stories, along with multiple bible passages. Pastor Dickow relates his own experiences to help provide guidance when situations seem out of control.
I liked how he started chapters with a bit of levity, and sometimes a joke, or a sweet and humorous story. He also related various situations to bible verses, and explained the root of the passage.
I think this book would be helpful to people who are stuggling, and need some guidance to recognize that your pain is not something that you need to live with forever. Seek the help you need.
This was an easy and enjoyable guide to hard issues.
Profile Image for Lily.
2,951 reviews97 followers
June 16, 2022
This book was engaging and helpful. Even though I’m a lapsed Catholic, I still carry around quite a bit of Catholic guilt (if you know, you know). It’s weighed heavily on my soul at times, and it has been hard to shake it. There have been other things that have also affected me, many that are addressed in this book, such as depression, fear, self-loathing. Dickow does an excellent job of talking about everything, and he shares pieces of his own life along the way, which really touched me. This book isn’t just about healing your soul, but examining your emotions and feelings and how they affect you daily. Highly recommend if you’re hurting and looking for a new approach.
Profile Image for Aarion.
16 reviews1 follower
June 20, 2022
Author Gregory Dickow has been helping people to find peace, healing and transformation through Jesus Christ and the love of God. He also has his own TV show called “Power to Change” where he has transformed many, many lives by teaching them how to harness the power of their own mind and finding the true purpose of a soul’s life, understanding God’s love is completely different from how my own interpretation and understanding used to be. But not anymore, after reading Soul Cure my understanding of the interpretation of God’s love has changed, for the better, and I truly feel I’m heading on the right path for the first time ever. This makes me very happy, so I’m extremely glad I found this book. I feel at ease and not under the same pressure like I used to feel sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, changing my mindset and the way I saw yourself and others wasn’t as easy as perhaps it sounds, but with practice and Greg’s guidance I really feel I am getting there.

The writing and teachings within Soul Cure I found came across with ease and even sometimes with humour, so I didn’t feel I was being preached to. A definite recommended read from me.
1 review
May 19, 2024
I was expecting a well reviewed scientific book but everything is about God and Jesus. Thank you but I’ll pass.
Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 reviews

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