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Dragon Goddess #1

Unexpected Shift

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They took everything from her. Now, her true nature will take over. When the time comes, will she be able to handle it?

Tia’s life has always been sheltered. However, one night is enough to destroy everything she once knew. Suddenly, she has to run for her life and fight for her survival. And just when things couldn’t get any worse, those twin wolves become her saviors… and then mark her!

Tia is forced into a world she never expected. Strange forces pull her towards the twins and the sexy Alpha of the WaterStone pack. But the strangest thing of all is the change within her… Something powerful has been asleep inside of Tia, lurking in the shadows.

Now, the time has come for the awakening of the Dragoness. Will Tia be ready to accept her true nature?

However, if she wants to unlock her true potential and save the world, she must first choose her mate… or mates. Who will accept her nature and love her for who she really is? The mysterious vampire Mithraheal, the brooding Alpha Cage, or the loyal werewolf twins, Luke and Levi?

Sometimes, finding your true mates means to let yourself free to experience new things, but is Tia ready to accept this?

This is a reverse harem (why choose), paranormal romance with werewolves, wizards, vampires.... and one slightly stabby and very sarcastic, dragon shifting goddess! This book is full of humor, and scenes that will steam up your glasses.

**Due to the sexy scenes, this is an 18+ only book**

162 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 12, 2021

About the author

Sedona Ashe

46 books719 followers
Sedona Ashe lives in a tiny town in Tennessee, near the Great Smoky Mountains. She enjoys reading and writing stories filled with powerful paranormal females, and sexy supernatural men. Sedona has a tea collection of over 300 teas from around the world, which her husband claims has become an obsession. When she isn't writing, she enjoys hiking, free diving, and photography. She shares her home with three kids, four pups, five cats, an arctic fox, chickens, a crazy turkey, and way too many reptiles!

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118 (3%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 241 reviews
Profile Image for Ashley.
287 reviews12 followers
May 18, 2021
❌Syntax errors.
❌The MC tries to be funny, but she really isn't.
❌Lack of character development
❌Rushed story line
❌Stereotypical juvenile mean girl bullpoop
❌Super special snowflake

🚨Spoilers Ahead🚨

Started out promising, but within 10 pages there was already a bond formed between the MC and two of the characters... she literally meets them and then is marked, passes out, wakes up in a bed with a complete stranger like its no big deal. But, I soldiered through thinking maybe it will get better?

It doesn't.

It is important to point out that the MC has literally just fled from her home after her parents were murdered and her home was burned down. She knows there is danger and someone is after her... YET, she is completely fine with being taken in to a house with a bunch of supernatural strangers and doesn't even blink an eye. OKAYYYYY... making smart life decisions from the start.. (she isn't.😒)

Oh yeah, she finds out that there are such a thing as wolf shifters and just moves on like 'no biggie.. feels right'🙄 and doesn't even blink at the vampires.

But of course, it gets better...

She ends up passed out in bed 3 different times with complete strangers, despite knowing she is being hunted.

She barely even acknowledges that her parents are dead. She moved on awful quick and they were literally the only people she knew or interacted with her entire life (or so the story alludes).

She spends less than 24 hours with one of her 'soul mates' and there are already declarations of love. They hadn't even had a conversation yet, but somehow he knew she liked knives and had personalized ones made for her? Can't forget the boots made specifically to fit said knives either.

I don't know why I kept reading, I guess I was holding out hope. But it just got progressively more ridiculous.

I'm not even rating this one.. its just too ridiculous. Read at your own risk.
122 reviews3 followers
March 24, 2021
Not really a fan either

I read the book and I'm not ok with how easily Tia can just go from one man to another. Not a traditional harem more of a "Hey you look better than the 1st mate" I wasn't happy how she dismissed Cage for Marthreal. Fell for him faster and Cage was her 1st mate. Then he has his own issues to make sense why... nope poor excuse to dismiss him. I should've stop reading I only got more irritated with how she sleeps with everyone one else lol.
Profile Image for Lillium.
168 reviews
August 30, 2021
Painful, people. It was painful trying to read this. I couldn´t even make it to 30%. No way, no how.
Profile Image for Creslin.
146 reviews2 followers
March 27, 2021
Some spelling and syntax mistakes. A bit of everything happening at once and the dialogue somewhat childish I'd say. The story has potential though.
Profile Image for Sarah  thomas.
333 reviews
November 8, 2021

I made it 20% in the writing is something I'd expect in a middle school level book not something meant for adults
Profile Image for Rachel.
246 reviews24 followers
November 26, 2023
I had the thought that I wanted to read a PRN WhyC? with a fast-paced plot and some humor similar to Klutz: Phoenix Down. So I decided to try something else from the same author.

Similar to the 'But Did You Die?' series this storyline was full of non-stop action with an FMC that rolls with the punches and lets the information bombs that get dropped on a regular basis filter through with zero resistance. If you didn't care for the 'But Did You Die?' series you will probably hate this one. I was prepared for this type of story going in and even knowing what the author's writing style is like I still hated it.

Shallow characters, unbelievable plot themes that don't make sense inside the book world let alone in the real one, and an entitled dunce of an FMC. When I say dunce I mean she comes across as slow-witted while also being self-centered, it's a horrible mix.

The FMC is some kind of ultimate superpower who is "entitled" to many mates, I think I read up to ten. It's the entitlement that bothered me the most. As men kept popping up out of the woodwork growling "Mate" or "Mine" We learn that those men only get one chance at a soul-bonded mate and she's it. But she's super special and has a world-saving mission to complete and, even though she's an ultimate powerful being, needs to be protected. That means she can pick and choose who to 'Bond' with because it's always her choice. Sounds right except, those men have waited their whole lives, some centuries, to find a soulmate, and now that soulmate can choose to reject them and leave them with a one-sided bond for the rest of their lives while she gets to prance off and mate with a dozen other dudes. What makes this very one-sided unbalanced relationship worse is that she seems to have zero problems with it, in fact, she's coming to realize that she's entitled to all these men throwing their souls under her combat boots. I can't get behind this kind of selfish FMC.

As for the story, because of the fast-paced quality, we get facts and information when it's pertinent to the continuation of the storyline. Simple facts that would normally be explained in the first couple of chapters get spread out and sprinkled in at random intervals throughout the book. So I can't tell yet if the inconsistencies are due to plot holes or if I misunderstood something that will be revealed later on. Either way, the story wavered and at times made no sense.

The characters need a lot of work also, they have zero personality or depth. The only things we really learn about them are how obsessed they are with the FMC and what kind of supe they are.

Not a good start to a series.

Profile Image for Jackie.
2,489 reviews
December 31, 2021
DNF - quit at 15%
This started out ok, though the beginning with her escaping thru a hidden tunnel seemed way familiar to another book I read (don’t remember the specific book though). It was enough to keep my attention at least, though I wanted to check if I had maybe read this before because it was so familiar feeling. At the point I quit, Tia is in between 2 wolf shifters (the alpha & 1 of his twin betas) that are squabbling over her defensively because she falls out of bed onto the beta, and she says to them - “Seriously girls, is it PMS time for both of you? Go take a Midol.” (this is the first time she snarked to the point I quit) Um, what the heck?! That single snark was a major turn off for me to not want to continue! I hate needless rude snark, it’s instant “do not pass” for me.

This FMC is all over the place, one minute she’s running for her life -in fear, then letting the twin betas mark her with no thoughts of what was going on or what, then passing out, waking up with the stranger beta snuggling her like it’s a normal occurrence, to then just wander in a strange house by herself to find food while the beta sleeps, then have the atypical cheerleader type mean girl attack her, then oozing some mystical power to make the whole pack bow to her (not just the mean girl), next she’s passing out again, then waking up snuggled with the alpha (again she’s not surprised) -then she’s a sarcastic bitch. Real great way to keep my attention on the crazy girl (that’s my sarcasm). Then a few paragraphs later -Tia and the wolf alpha walk out of the room & the next chapter starts as “ Unknown’s POV”. Ok, that really shut me down, I was already on the teetering edge of quitting because of crazy girl, but introducing the chapter that way was just taking me out of the story.

At my age (approaching 60), life is way to short & my time is to important to force myself to read a book I'm not enjoying, especially when there are so many other books out there waiting to be read.
Profile Image for Rick S.
46 reviews2 followers
February 21, 2021
Great story and good characters!

This was a great start! While I know this is the beginning of a series I am hoping there will be less grammatical errors and possibly more backstory on each of the characters. I look forward to the next book!
Profile Image for Angelina Drake.
91 reviews
February 16, 2021
Amazing read!!!!! So easy to fall in love with all the characters. Could not put it down and had to finish it in one sitting. Can not wait for the next book.
279 reviews2 followers
March 27, 2021

Things happened pretty quickly in this story, but I still enjoyed it. I look forward to the next adventure! Happy reading everyone.
Profile Image for ReaderMelodie.
544 reviews58 followers
November 6, 2021
DNF at 48 %

I am sad. This book could have been really good.
I love mates and I love fantasy.

I'm also not the biggest fan of insta-anything, but some others do a good job with that, this author sadly did not.
I was totally all right with the whole wolve-shifter storyline, but then out of nowhere she was with the vampires and trusted them - I get that the author tried to introduce all the characters, but that could have been smoother...
And I also missed the depth of the characters, and the whole kidnapping was weird too... argh

The twins earned one star.

Author not followed !
Profile Image for VANESSA BARRITT.
809 reviews8 followers
March 27, 2021

Not gonna lie but when I grow up I want to be a dragon, holy hotness not only is she a cheeky horny dragon but she has so many hot guys even I'm jealous, actually enjoyed reading this book and quite excited to see what the next book will. Be like x
2 reviews
March 1, 2021
Buckle up buttercup, you’re in for a wild ride!

If you like Laurell K Hamilton, Danika Dark, Patricia Briggs, J.R. Ward... you will LOVE LOVE LOVE Sedona Ashe! This beautiful written novel builds up like a decadent 7 course meal with each course leaving you wanting more! I cannot wait to read more about Tia and the rest of these incredible characters!
Profile Image for Danielle (Danniegurl).
1,905 reviews101 followers
November 5, 2021
Fast Burn RH

I wasn’t expecting this to be uber fast paced fast burn romance. I was hoping for a prolonged collection of mates over time. The book is ok as it glosses over a lot of events in a telling manner but does a ton of showing during the sex scenes. Ironically the sex scenes happen toward the end of the book and our FMC is a virgin. So she goes and has back to back sex with two of the other guys for a total of three guys in one go. My only issue is there was pain associated with the first time and she didn’t really have any recovery. The second issue was with the twins and the moment one finished and then the other eventually went south…with his mouth threw me off. I can’t possibly see how a brother would be cool doing that right after their brother finished there….I’m just saying. So this was a continuity issue for me that threw me out of the story.

In addition to all of this everyone was throwing around I Love You’s, and while I get they have a sort of fated mate bond that is influencing feelings and some primal animal feelings being a shifter, it was entirely too soon. We don’t know much in depth about these guys, except surface level details. Going in to this story I didn’t anticipate having a fast burn, I anticipated a bit of slow going love growing. I was hoping for something like that.

The writing though is definitely decent, and if there were errors in the previous additions as noted on the synopsis right now, there weren’t any errors at all that I noticed and that made the book enjoyable. The writing isn’t exactly the issue, we just need more depth for the guys, more depth for the planning.
Profile Image for Princess J. Antoinette.
966 reviews99 followers
September 1, 2021

Seriously, I'm so freaking surprised at how much I enjoyed reading this book.. I would like to give Sedona, a shout out for the laugh out loud moments in this book and most definitely the hot, and sexy sex scenes.. Whew, girl now that's what I'm talking about! So far I'm so loving our heroine. She's going through a learning curve but she's getting a clue, I faith in Tia... However, let's not forget about our sexy, hot heroes.. I just love everything about those guys especially the twins!

Anyway, I will be jumping into book 2 of this series! Here's hoping it will be just as good if not better than this book.

Overall Rating:
4* ~ A Good Read
Profile Image for Andréa.
786 reviews
July 15, 2022
3.5 stars - This was fun

Maybe it’s not meant to be but this book was so over the top, fast-paced, insta-everything that I saw it more as a comedy. And I laughed… a lot.

Honestly, so many things happen with little to no explanation or backstory to help make sense of things. It was a bit difficult to take it seriously.

But you know what ? I liked most of the characters, this was light and predictable in a way and still enjoyable. It made me laugh and that’s what I needed.

So I won’t torture myself too much and look for a deeper meaning to life with Tia’s story. I had a good time and that’s all that matters to me.
Profile Image for Kristen Dalrymple.
519 reviews2 followers
January 23, 2023
Okay so am loving this book! I love how sweet and attentive Luke and Levi are to her. I was glad that they are more than her protectors. Mithraheal is very protective. What I like is that he loves her as a human and a dragon. I was honestly shook that Cage rejected her dragon and is with someone else, I was glad she broke the mate bond with him. Maybe he will come back? Probably and hopefully not. I absolutely love Damien. He is hilarious and he is going to be the hilarious and sarcastic best friend I feel like. The wizards are with her against Draven…for now. We will see if they are telling the truth or if they turn against her.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Crystie.
445 reviews13 followers
August 13, 2021
Something about the writing style is very immature to me. I ended up skimming several sections.

There are some pretty big plotholes as well. How can she be so well trained and yet so easily captured so many times? How can her loved ones never sneak up on her but the bad guys can?

The ending wasn’t even a true ending. It’s like a longer book was just chopped in half to make two books. All in all, kinda meh, but I’ll read/skim the next book to see what happens next.

Sometimes the second book is better. I guess I will find out.
Profile Image for KLynn.
1,414 reviews18 followers
March 27, 2023
3.5 not bad, not bad at all stars.🤩

This was a quick fun hidden destiny, multiple powerful mates read.

Trope trigger warnings:
1. TSTL moments with illogical behavior tied to them. (Is this a trope? Probably not, but it is today)
2. Fated mates with insta love
3. Rejected mate
4. Virgin

This book is a supernatural prophesy book where the unknowing heroine discovers the world is filled with vampires, shifters, and magic users and she is the most powerful one of them all with a destiny she's yet to uncover.
Profile Image for Claire Letnic.
426 reviews8 followers
May 8, 2023
3.5-ish⭐️’s rounded up

It was decent, but it felt like there was almost ALL FMC’s POV and I barely got any back story behind the rest of her mates or other characters.

I looked at reviews to the other books in this series and this seems to be a chief complaint for the rest of the series as well. I’m gonna put this series on hold for the time being and I might come back to it.
Profile Image for Amber.
2,146 reviews60 followers
August 24, 2021

This book was fun to read. I love Tia's playful sarcastic nature and look forward to reading all about her journey. This is an exciting new series I am looking forward to devouring.
March 23, 2021
So much fun!

This was such a fun read! Tia has an amazing personality I hope I get to see more of her bada**ness in book two.
Profile Image for Imee Benzon.
447 reviews19 followers
January 1, 2023
***Feisty Dragoness***

Oh wow a light and sweet read, i loved beasty she is hilarious and so glad she mated Luke and Levi their hot as hell.
89 reviews2 followers
March 1, 2021
Read It!

I really enjoyed this book. The characters are great and the story line moves along at a great pace. Can’t wait to read the next book.
Profile Image for Amanda.
985 reviews7 followers
March 13, 2021
Great story!

Loved seeing the dif POV. There was a bit of disconnect with the characters emotions when dealing with stressful
Situations but it didn’t hinder the storyline at all. I would still give this book 5 stars. Only wished it was longer.
361 reviews
March 28, 2021
I hated how her dragon explained everything to her it just made things too easy and she never really had to learn anything for herself. Also weird how she felt totally different for Mithraheal than for Cage, and he essentially got pushed to the side. They didn't even have a real conversation about her dragon form or where they stood when he left.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 241 reviews

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