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Somebody's Daughter

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A man must save the life of a little girl who may be his own flesh and blood in this pulse-pounding novel of psychological suspense from the USA Today bestselling author of Kill All Your Darlings.

When Michael Frazier's ex-wife, Erica, unexpectedly shows up on his doorstep, she drops a bombshell that threatens to rip his family apart: Her ten-year-old daughter is missing--and Michael is the father. Unsure whether this is the truth but unwilling to leave the girl's fate to chance, Michael has no choice but to follow the elusive trail of the child he has always wanted but never knew he had.

Over the course of one night, lies that span a decade come bubbling to the surface, putting Michael, his wife, and his whole family in jeopardy. And as the window for a little girl's safe return closes, Michael will have to decide who can be trusted and who is hiding the truth....

496 pages, Paperback

First published July 10, 2018

About the author

David Bell

32 books2,162 followers
David Bell is a USA Today bestselling and award-winning suspense novelist. His most recent thriller from Berkley/Penguin is KILL ALL YOUR DARLINGS. His previous novels include THE REQUEST, LAYOVER, SOMEBODY'S DAUGHTER, BRING HER HOME, SINCE SHE WENT AWAY, SOMEBODY I USED TO KNOW, THE FORGOTTEN GIRL, NEVER COME BACK, THE HIDING PLACE, and CEMETERY GIRL. He is currently a Professor of English at Western Kentucky University and can be reached via his website at www.davidbellnovels.com, on Twitter at Twitter.com/davidbellnovels, and on Facebook at Facebook.com/davidbellnovels.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 767 reviews
Profile Image for Debra.
2,826 reviews35.9k followers
April 8, 2018
Somebody's Daughter captured my attention and I did not want to put it down! I literally sat and read the entire book with a 24-hour period. David Bell has done it again!!! This is a thriller roller coaster ride full of family secrets, bombshells and suspense!

Michael and his wife, Angela are enjoying a quiet night at home when his ex-wife, Erica, shows up desperate and begging for help. Her 9-year-old daughter, Felicity, is missing. Michael feels bad but doesn't know what she wants from him, until she reveals he is the girl’s father. She also tells him the girl resembles his sister who died when they were children which she knows will pull at his heartstrings. Not knowing if she is telling the truth or not, he decides to help. He has always wanted a child. He and his wife are currently trying to have a child. What if this girl is his child? He would not be able to live with himself if he did not help in finding the child. Why did his ex-wife never tell him she was pregnant when they divorced? Why has she remained silent about the girl? Just what happened the day the girl went missing?

As he leaves with his ex-wife to find her (and maybe his) daughter, his current wife, Angela learns some "truths" which are troubling to her, concerning her husband and several of his family members. It turns out Michael's ex-wife was not the only one keeping a secret(s) in this book. Through the course of the night searching for the missing girl, twists and turns, revelations and hidden agendas come into play.

There are quite a few characters in this book, but it is very easy to keep track of them from the police detectives, the family members, old neighbors, exes, and suspects. Whew! I really like when I cannot figure a book out. There suspense galore as most of the chapters end in a tiny cliffhanger which has the reader begging for more information. Some of the characters seems a little off - so the reader never knows if we can fully trust them - which adds to the fun of reading this psychological thriller.

There are quite a few twists and turns which had me turning the pages. I really enjoyed this book. I think fans of mystery/thriller/suspense books will enjoy this. There are no graphic scenes, excessive language or violence so most people will be able to enjoy this book. As I previously stated, I liked that I did not have the book figured out. I also enjoyed the various POV chapters. I found they helped move the story along and kept my interest.

Thank you to Berkley Publishing Group and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

See more of my reviews at www.openbookpost.com
Profile Image for Meredith (Trying to catch up!).
877 reviews13.9k followers
July 31, 2018
Suspenseful mystery that kept me guessing!

After finishing dinner late one evening, Michael and his wife Angela are startled by a knock on their door. When Michael opens the door, he is surprised to see his ex-wife Erica. Even more surprising is when Erica tells Michael that he has a nine-year-old daughter named Felicity! Erica then goes on to reveal that Felicity has gone missing and she needs Michael’s help finding her, which lays the groundwork for a lot of action, drama, and a little bit of craziness.

The police, Erica, Michael, and Angela, all get drawn into the search for Felicity. Was this little girl kidnapped or is there something even more sinister going on?

Each chapter had me coming up with a new theory about what really happened to Felicity, as little snippets about her disappearance gradually come to light. I love playing detective, and in this instance, my detective skills let me down as I was too caught up in certain characters to pay attention to what was really going on! While I might have failed at playing detective, I loved the experience of trying to solve the mystery behind Felicity’s disappearance.

Short chapters with alternating POV’s add to the tension and suspense of the story. Angela and Detective Griffin seemed to be the most developed characters, while Michael felt flat to me and came off as a little childlike--I think I would have felt even a higher level of tension had his character been more developed.

There were several instances where I found myself yelling at the characters--boy oh boy do some of them make STUPID choices….but then again their stupidity lends to some interesting revelations! I also found the ending a little bit too neat and happy for my tastes, but I am a cynic at heart so others might not feel this way!

Overall, this was an enjoyable read that tested my detective skills! I recommend to those who enjoy a twisty mystery!

I received an ARC of this book from Berkley Publishing and EW in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Deanna .
722 reviews13k followers
July 8, 2018
My reviews can also be seen at: https://deesradreadsandreviews.wordpr...

Another great read from David Bell!!

When the doorbell rings at eight o’clock on a normal Tuesday evening, Michael Frazier is surprised. The doorbell almost never rings. Michael was just thinking about the upcoming trip that he and his wife, Angela are taking. They have been trying to have a child for quite some time and they hope that some time away together will help them realize their dream.

When Michael opens the door he’s shocked to see whose standing there. A woman is pacing back and forth, smoking a cigarette. He can’t believe what he’s seeing. It’s his ex-wife, Erica. She tells him she needs his help. He tells her she needs to leave. But she says something that shocks him into silence…

Michael. My daughter. Someone kidnapped my daughter this morning.”

It has been ten years since he's seen Erica….he’s remarried. She is talking so fast he can barely keep up. She mentions something about a music teacher and her daughter, Felicity. Michael tells her she needs to go to the police. She says she has already talked to them. Then she starts to cry and tells him he has no choice, he has to help her.

“She’s yours, Michael. Felicity is your daughter, and I need your help getting her back.”

Michael doesn’t believe her. Why would she wait so long to tell him? But regardless of whether or not Felicity is his daughter, he now realizes he needs to help Erica in any way he can. His wife, Angela is not thrilled when Michael leaves with Erica but she knows he needs to do what he can to help. All she can do is tell him to be careful.

Where is Felicity?

I was immediately pulled into this story. It is told from multiple perspectives. We hear from Michael, his wife Angela, and Detective Erin Griffin. We learn more about Michael’s history including a family tragedy that occurred when he was young. A tragedy that still haunts him.

I thought this was a well-written and interesting novel. As it is fictional suspense, there will often be things that seem implausible. I don’t usually have an issue with that, though there were a few things that seemed a bit over the top. I also felt the ending was a little rushed. But overall, I really enjoyed this novel. It had some great twists that I didn’t see coming and I read it in just a few sittings.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what David Bell has in store for readers next.

I'd like to thank David Bell and Berkley Books for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest review.

Profile Image for Kaceey.
1,298 reviews4,070 followers
July 22, 2018
A pleasant, quiet evening at home. That’s the plan for Michael and Angela tonight. A scrumptious dinner, maybe some Netflix and well...after all, they are trying to have a baby. The perfect evening for this perfectly happy couple. Then the doorbell rings.

Enter Erica, Michael’s ex-wife, with some shocking news. After announcing to Michael that her daughter Felicity is missing, she’s now pleading for his help in finding her.

Without thinking, (literally) Michael drops everything and heads straight out on the trail with Erica. And it quickly becomes an all-out race against time to find the missing child. And the closer they get, secrets hidden for decades begin surfacing at a disturbing rate. Does anyone walk away unscathed? Will their lives ever be the same?

Quick, short chapters that leave you reaching for the next. I read this book in two sittings! It’s just that hard to put down! You’ll most certainly lose yourself in this one. David Bell manages to place you right there, alongside the characters, racing against the clock to find Felicity!

I’m quickly becoming a huge fan of David Bell! Can’t wait for his next release!

A fantastically fun Traveling Sister read.

Thank you to Edelweiss, Berkley Books and David Bell for an ARC to read and review.
Profile Image for Berit Talks Books.
2,062 reviews15.7k followers
July 11, 2018
4 Somebody’s Missing Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟

This book pulled me in from the very first chapter and did not let go until the very end... The book is told From alternating points of view... with very short chapters that all have a bit of a cliffhanger at the end... this made this book a very quick and suspense filled read...

One quiet night at home Michael answers the door to find Erica... and his life is changed forever.... Erica‘s daughter Felicity is missing... and the kicker Felicity is also Michael’s daughter, something he is just now finding out... told from the perspective of Michael, his new wife Angela, and a police detective....

Angela was by far the most relatable character to me.... you could just put yourself in her shoes... a loving wife desperate to have a child of her own, who just found out her husband has a child with another woman, and the child is missing.... now those are some tangled emotions to sort through! And if that’s not enough Angela begins to find out more and more family secrets and deceptions... I really feel as though her story was the strength of this book... The perspective of the police detective added some information we might not otherwise no and Michael.... i’m still slightly puzzled by him and quite a few of his actions, but no judgment...

This was a fast paced enjoyable thriller and I had no idea who was guilty until the end... where this book was slightly lacking is the emotional connection between the reader and the child’s parents... I found Erica terribly unsympathetic and Michael just irritated me for some reason... I recently just finished Three Days Missing... another book involving a missing child and the main difference between these books is the emotional connection with the characters as well as a sense of urgency.... yes this book made me turn those pages quickly because I wanted to know what was going to happen next, but TDM made me feel every emotion that mother was going through and I was on pins and needles The entire read.... hate to compare, but because I read these books so close together the difference was noticeable... both books were filled with suspense and kept me guessing until the very end, one was just a little more emotional...

Definitely recommend this to fans of a good suspense filled psychological thriller...

*** many thanks to Berkley for my copy of this book ***
Profile Image for  Li'l Owl.
398 reviews271 followers
March 18, 2019
A missing child. A desperate search. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough, finishing it two sittings!

What would you do? 
Michael and his wife, Angela, are settling in for an evening together when there's a knock on the door. When Michael opens the door he's shocked to find his ex-wife, Erica, standing on the doorstep. He  hasn't seen or heard from her in ten years. Now, she wants his help to find her missing nine year old daughter, Felicity, who went missing earlier that morning. Michael's confusion is evident. Michael tells her to let the police do their job and asks her to leave. What she says next will change Michael's life forever.
Felicity is Michael's daughter.

Somebody's Daughter by David Bellis a fast paced, authentic story that crackles with trepidation and anticipation, sending my nerves buzzing like live wires!
Nerve-wracking fear for Felicity's safety escalates with every minute she remains missing!
The case takes a multitude of crafty and clever twists that produced more questions than answers and all my guesses proved to be very wrong in the end! The conclusion was shocking! What really happened to little Felicity?
Surely you're not expecting me to tell you?!

I will be reading more novels written by David Bell!

With thanks to Elisha and Berkley Random House Publishing Company for an advanced reading copy to read and review.
Profile Image for Marialyce .
2,104 reviews692 followers
July 23, 2018
4 eye opening stars
My reviews can be found here: https://yayareadslotsofbooks.wordpres...

A knock on the door.... An ex wife's plea....a chance for a child.....a lie or the truth

Michael and Angela Frazier are having a quiet evening, when a knock on the door interrupts all that quiet and is the beginning of a suspenseful laden trail to find the whereabouts of Michael's ex wife Erica's daughter, Felicity. Michael feels sympathy for Erica but then she delivers a punch that leaves Michael and Angela reeling. Erica reveals that Felicity is Michael's daughter. How can that be and yet Erica produces a picture of Felicity and it is a reminder to Michael of his dead sister. Michael races out the door with Erica and the chase is on. Michael and Angela have been trying to have a child with no success and yet here is a child, Michael's child or is she? What will this do to Michael's and Angela's marriage? Where is Felicity and why was she taken?

As Angela and Michael try to discover where Felicity might be, detectives show up at Erica's house and she permits them access to Michael's computer where revelations that shake the foundation of her marriage are revealed. What is Michael's connection to his ex wife, and why does it seem like his family is involved? Talk about being blindsided!

Mr Bell created for his readers a very well constructed mystery that kept you going wondering who could have taken Felicity. It had quite the surprising ending and the story made this reader want to dash for that ending, scurrying to find out if Felicity was safe and was she actually Michael's daughter. I would recommend this book to all who like twisty turning characters and events that makes one burn that midnight oil totally immersed in the story they are reading. "It is the wise father who knows his own child." (William Shakespeare) Will Michael come to this realization? Will Michael know his real child?

Thank you to David Bell, Berkley Publishing, and Edelweiss for a copy of this enticing book.
August 29, 2018
Michael and Angela Frazier are happily married and are desperate for a baby after years of failure. One evening, Michael’s ex-wife, Erica, appears at their door unannounced. This is a big surprise since the two have not been in touch for many years. She is in a frantic state after the disappearance of her ten-year-old daughter Felicity. Erica gets Michael to help her investigate after revealing that Felicity is his child.

Erica believes that Felicity’s music teacher is involved in the abduction and knows where to find her daughter. She needs Michael’s assistance for her planned interrogation. Together they seek to solve the mystery despite the efforts of detectives already working on the case. At the same time, Angela learns information about Erica that has her concerned about her husband’s safety.

This is a delightfully suspenseful book with major twists and turns. David Bell owes me a night’s sleep back after making me stay up for the conclusion. I look forward to more novels from him.
Profile Image for Lindsay L.
763 reviews1,465 followers
May 19, 2018
2 stars. This storyline didn’t work for me.

I had a fantastic experience with this author’s previous novel “Bring Her Home”. Having loved that one (I gave it 5 stars!), I was excited to start this one. Unfortunately for me, this seemed like it was written by a completely different author.

Starting with the positives, I really enjoyed the short chapters. Most of them ended with somewhat of a cliffhanger, making it easy to fly through this book. The author, David Bell, has a knack for creating a strong sense of suspense keeping the reader flipping the pages quickly.

On the other hand, the characters and storyline did not work for me (at all!). I found the entire premise unrealistic and the majority of the characters actions and decisions highly implausible. The characters did not come to life for me whatsoever. I simply couldn’t get into this story at all.

I read this along with five of my Traveling Sisters and we were split with our feelings. Some enjoyed, others did not. I strongly suggest checking out the many raving reviews of this novel before making a decision.

This was my lovely GR friend Kaceey’s “birthday read” and though I didn’t enjoy the book, I loved the experience of “celebrating” her birthday by reading it along with her.

A big thank you to Edelweiss, Berkley and David Bell for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Expected Date of Publication: July 10, 2018.
Profile Image for Diana.
857 reviews687 followers
July 10, 2018
Michael Frazier is in for a shock when his ex-wife, Erica, shows up unexpectedly at his door one evening. They divorced 10 years ago, but she's back to tell him that her nine-year old daughter, Felicity, is missing (surprise!) and that Felicity is Michael's daughter too (bigger surprise!). Erica is desperate for his help. He has no time to wrap his mind around this revelation before he's caught up in the mad search for Felicity too. Angela, his current wife, is none to thrilled with the situation, but what can she do? A child is missing...

SOMEBODY'S DAUGHTER is a gripping mix of suspense, mystery, police procedural, and family drama. The whole book takes place over one night, and the short chapters with alternating perspectives kept the pace flying along. Lots of intriguing characters are introduced, and whether they're trustworthy or not is up in the air. Let's just say that Erica wasn't the only one with secrets.

My one quibble with the book is that it left me with some unanswered questions. One important story line ended abruptly without any further explanations. I had other questions too, about Erica and some supporting characters. Maybe the ending was just rushed?

Overall, I thought that SOMEBODY'S DAUGHTER was an exciting, entertaining, and emotional thriller, which you can always count on from David Bell.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Norma.
557 reviews13.5k followers
August 16, 2018
3.5 stars!

This was a Traveling Sisters “birthday” read for my dear friend, Kaceey! It was so much fun discussing and reading this book together!

We planned on “meeting” at a certain time to read and discuss the ending altogether. I hadn’t even picked the book up yet so I had to race through this one to be at the same spot as everybody else was when we started reading together. Luckily I was immediately drawn into this story and found the story to be an entertaining and enjoyable one. The short chapters and suspenseful storyline definitely helped me meet our goal. I was literally swiping those pages as fast as I could and read this book in less than 6 hours in one sitting. Phew! For me that’s fast reading! LOL

Thanks so much to Edelweiss, Berkley Books and David Bell for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book in exchange for a review!
Profile Image for Sherri Thacker.
1,481 reviews324 followers
July 14, 2018
This is my 3rd book I’ve read by David Bell. I loved his other 2 I read and was excited to see he had a brand new book out. I felt that this book dragged around the middle in spots. I just felt like it took forever to get to the end, maybe because it was all told over a 24 hr time period? It kept me interested but I THOUGHT I had guessed the ending at about 35% - but nope, a big twist at the end!! The ending shocked me! Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this book for my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Elizabeth of Silver's Reviews.
1,169 reviews1,536 followers
July 11, 2018

A nine-year-old is missing.

Did she run away or was she kidnapped.

Kidnapped is the consensus.

The suspect could be anyone - a single person or a team.

The drama begins with the ring of the doorbell.

Angela and Michael didn’t expect to see his ex-wife, Erica, on their front porch. What Erica had to tell Michael was a shock.

Erica’s daughter is the nine-year-old missing, and she wanted Michael to help her. The reason she wanted Michael to help was an even bigger shock.

We follow the investigation as it gets thicker by the minute and brings in a similar case that might be connected.

The characters all seemed to be guilty, and they all seemed to have secrets with Angela being the only one who had no clue about anything going on.

SOMEBODY’S DAUGHTER is filled with Mr. Bell’s signature tension and suspense. His hints and hanging situations at the end of each chapter were strong enough to make you not want to stop reading.

And....I couldn't stop reading as the characters and the search became more complex, more intriguing, and had me scratching my head.

BRAVO, Mr. Bell.

Another suspenseful story line with an ending to ponder and to discuss. 5/5

I received an advanced copy. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Wendy.
1,810 reviews641 followers
July 14, 2018
Somebody's Daughter is my 1st novel by David Bell.
Told with multiple points of view his writing kept my interest, especially his ability to leave you hanging at the end of each chapter. This made it very difficult to stop at any given point.
A missing child and a frantic search, made this novel a page-turner.
Late one night Michael opens the front door to find his ex-wife in a panic, telling him that he has a daughter and she is missing. Unwilling to do nothing, Michael is then taken on a whirlwind of twists and turns, secrets and lies.
An enjoyable mystery and I look forward to reading more of David Bell's novels.

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley Books for an arc of this novel in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Amy.
2,218 reviews1,945 followers
June 28, 2018
Wow. To say I was blown away, satisfied and completely engrossed in this one would be a huge understatement, this book totally consumed me. The blurb is enticing enough but trust me my friends, it does not even come close to conveying just what a twisty, wild ride Somebody’s Daughter is. I know I say this every summer when Mr. Bell releases a new novel, but I’m saying it again anyway, this is my favorite of his books to date and his best yet.

Bell is the master of taking ordinary people and thrusting them into outrageous yet wholly believable situations. Michael is happily married to Angela, so when Erica shows up unexpectedly one night and drops a bomb, he’s shook. The revelation is the first of countless shocking announcements, I swear this one was so surprising I truly never knew what would happen next.

The pacing of this was relentless, short chapters, tons of mini cliffhangers and a super intense plot that made this unputdownable. I could go on and on about how much I loved this one, but I’ll end by urging you to read this, it’s outstanding.

Somebody’s Daughter in three words: Shocking, Compulsive and Quick.
Profile Image for Dennis.
907 reviews1,853 followers
June 14, 2018
24 meets Law and Order, meets Taken—if you've never read anything by David Bell, Somebody's Daughter will surely take you by surprise. Michael Frazier and his wife Angela are trying to get pregnant; following the fertility methods by the book. Michael and Angela live a nice upper middle class life in a renovated home that he's had for years; a house that his ex-wife and him used to share. His ex-wife Erica has been out of the picture for a long time now, but she surprises Michael and Angela one day at their house with dire news. Her daughter Felicity is missing and Michael is the father. Unable to determine it's validity, Michael is stunned, but focused on helping Erica find Felicity. He wants to find out the truth and see if Felicity really is his daughter. As the investigation of Felicity's disappearance continues, both Michael and Angela fall down the rabbit hole of deception, lies, and family secrets that all wanted to stay buried.

Somebody's Daughter is David Bell's best writing to date. Bell knows how to craft the story and engage the reader so intimately that you feel that you're intertwined into the plot. I really enjoyed how he has further developed his style of writing, as this time it's more gripping and fast-paced than ever before. If you have never read anything by David Bell, I urge you to pick this one up.

If you have read novels by David Bell before—this story could be problematic for you. I gave Somebody's Daughter 3 stars because I felt that the story, although different in primary plot development, had an almost identical theme to Bring Her Home, which came out last year. I really felt that if Somebody's Daughter had a more diverse plot and storyline, I would have enjoyed it more.

Overall, if you are interested in a fast paced thriller and never read anything by David Bell, Somebody's Daughter is yours for the choosing. If you read his previous work Bring Her Home and didn't love it, then this story may not be the best fit for you. I'm curious, yet excited to see David Bell's future work as an author, because his writing has continually grown and become more atmospheric.

Thank you Berkley Publishing for my advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. Somebody's Daughter will be released July 10, this summer.
Profile Image for Holly in Bookland.
1,265 reviews589 followers
April 29, 2018

Having trouble rating this one. I’m a huge fan of David Bell’s. His books keep you riveted till the end. This one is no exception. Hooked me right from the start. The books begins with a knock at the door of Michael ‘s Home. When he opens the door he’s surprised to see his ex-wife standing there. They haven’t seen or spoken in ten years but that’s not the biggest surprise. Erica’s daughter, and supposedly Michael’s, is missing. So Michael sets off with Erica to help find her, leaving behind his wife Angela. The story takes place over the course of one evening. With alternating chapters between Michael, Angela, and a cop named Griffin. It’s fast paced and will keep you reading. There was one story line that was brought up, and I thought added an extra layer. But......at the end it was forgotten about! And they mentioned it a few times so I was really wondering if it was true or not. I hate when you don’t get the answers. Maybe at that point it didn’t make a difference but I thought it did. So that bothered me. The rest of the story was enjoyable and definitely keeps Bell in my “must read” list.

**Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Chandra Claypool (WhereTheReaderGrows).
1,660 reviews351 followers
July 13, 2018
It's no secret that I'm a fan of Bell. His writing is addictive as he writes short hanging chapters that keep you turning page after page. All three I've read from him have something to do with a daughter being gone. What else can he do with these poor girls!! I'll always want to know!

I couldn't imagine having my husband's ex-wife show up on my front porch saying their child that he had no idea he had, is missing. I mean, BOOM - what a way to start. (Also, I can't particularly imagine having a husband but that's a whole other story - ha! ;)) All jokes aside, this immediately set my curiosity sparks firing. Somehow Bell manages to build these characters and their complex lives in a very short time. No over indulgent descriptives that can get overwhelming in some books.

Look, I'm a fan. I can't help but know I will always want to read whatever he puts out into this world. I can't quite pinpoint what it was that made me not like this quite as much as Cemetery Girl. At one point I felt like I was left hanging with one plot line but then realized it did get answered in the end but I was curious - what happened to those other characters though? Such a relative thing since they were really tertiary characters but still... I have to say the fact that he had me thinking about these still is a tip of the hat to Bell.

For thriller fans who love domestic suspense and a binge read, Bell is always the way to go.

3.5 stars rounding to 4 for Goodreads
Profile Image for NZLisaM.
472 reviews520 followers
November 20, 2018
Middle-of-the-Road Domestic Noir!

2.5 Rounded up!

Husband and wife, Michael and Angela Frazier, are enjoying a quiet evening at home, when the doorbell rings (I have to mention this because the author dedicated an entire page to the doorbell for some reason?!). Michael answers it to his ex-wife, Erica, whom he hasn’t seen in years. She then drops the biggest bombshell of his life (the first of many he’ll receive over the next several hours) – tells him he’s the father of her ten year-old daughter, Felicity, a child he didn’t even know existed, and that as of that morning Felicity is missing... kidnapped...

Told over a twelve hour period, narrated by Michael, Angela, and Erin Griffin, the lead female detective investigating Felicity’s disappearance, this was an average missing child crime thriller, with nothing really original to make it stand out from the rest. Things started strong – the first half retained my attention, and the various twists piqued my interest. Unfortunately, I found the last half long-winded, with too much time spent on the same twist, resulting in a plot that just didn’t move fast enough for my tastes, and the short alternating, cliff hanger chapters became rather eye-roll inducing. On top of that, the various characters actions and behaviours grew more and more far-fetched as the novel progressed. Michael in particular was too easily convinced by Erica, which would’ve worked if she’d been believable and reliable, or cleverly manipulative, but she just wasn’t either of those things – her craziness and untrustworthiness stood out a mile away.

But I kept reading, anxious to find out who had taken Felicity, and why, and because I was enjoying the characters of Angela, and Griffin, the lead female detective investigating Felicity’s disappearance. However, when the ending came, turned out I had guessed correctly, so major let down! I think the clues were just too memorable – they really stood out! I’m 95% positive there was an important loose thread left hanging, but I was skim reading towards the end so I may have missed the answer? Re-skimmed the epilogue – didn’t see it mentioned? Not sure on that one then?

Doorbell page aside, I had no issue with the writing, it was of a high calibre, and the plot had potential, so with the right book synopsis I might try another novel by Bell, but with so many authors out there writing in this vein, I wouldn’t be in a hurry to read another book by him.
Profile Image for Maureen.
176 reviews94 followers
August 3, 2018
This was my first book by David Bell and it did not disappoint!

Michael Frazier and his second wife, Angela have a good marriage and are trying for their first child. Otherwise their life seems almost perfect, until one day Michael's ex-wife shows up on their doorstep and shocks him by saying he has a 10 year old daughter, conceived after they split and she has gone missing. She wants Michael to go with her to find Felicity.

This was a very good, fast-paced book. The author cleverly ended each shortish chapter with a cliffhanger which made me eager to continue that thread, but then there is another chapter which follows and is just as intriguing.

I will definitely be reading more by this author.
Profile Image for Chris  C - A Midlife Wife.
1,691 reviews354 followers
June 10, 2018
Pretty good twists. 3.5 stars
I have read several of David Bell’s books now and they have all been great with the edge of your seat, biting your nails, suspense and thrills.

This new book, Somebody’s Daughter, has a great premise and plot. After all, we are talking about a missing child so there is suspense built in just within that aspect.

But something was missing in this book. When the doorbell rang and he found out who was standing on the other side, I knew what direction this book is going to take. I was not wrong by much and the path of the story he took was a bit too obvious.

Don't get me wrong. The author did include plenty of those key twists to keep us on our toes and keep us connected to the story. But the foreshadowing was not subtle enough and I think that is the difference between this book being a great read and something that just can’t be missed. Plus a big issue was left unanswered. Hmmm

David Bell has brought us some great crime fiction suspense stories and this one is a very good story. It is a story that will keep you entertained, keep that heart rate up just a little bit, and keep you wondering what if…

* copy received for review consideration
Profile Image for BernLuvsBooks .
949 reviews5,053 followers
October 3, 2020
A thrilling ride filled with secrets, suspense and action!

This book was sitting on my TBR for over 2 years! Why did I wait so long to read it? I actually listened to the audiobook and was fully engrossed from beginning to end. Let me set the scene for you - Michael and Angela Frazier are happily married and trying to conceive after years of failure. One evening Michael’s ex-wife, Erica, appears at their door frantically asking for his help locating her missing daughter, Felicity, who she believes is his daughter. After that, it was bombshell after bombshell as they searched for Felicity.

I will come right out and say that the plot was far fetched and so much of what happened was implausible but this girl was hooked. The book mostly takes place over the course of one crazy night with short chapters that leave you filled with either dread or suspense so it's impossible to walk away. The search for Felicity uncovers secret after secret, putting everyone in harm's way for one reason or another.

While I enjoyed this book I did have the kidnapping figured out so sadly there were no surprises there for me. I also felt like the end served to tie things up a bit too neatly and happily ever after like, or at least as much as a thriller has a happily ever after. 😉 3.5 stars (rounded up!)
Profile Image for Bandit.
4,800 reviews540 followers
February 19, 2018
David Bell is usually a pretty reliable choice when it comes to suspense thrillers. This one, though, reads like it’s been phoned in or whatever the literary equivalent of that would be. Actually, it reads like it was written purely for the paycheck and was paid for by the page. That’s seems like a pretty severe estimation, but I’ve read every book Bell’s written so far, I know how well he can write and have a wide pool for comparison, so…yeah. This is thriller lite version, primarily a family drama with some misunderstanding based intrigue. Ready made for Lifetime movie of the week. The plot involves a 9 year old girl who disappears, the kid’s paternity is questionable, hence the title. So one evening a man receives a visit from his ex wife, whom he’d not seen in 10 years, claiming that the child is his and is nowhere to be found and we’re off…everyone gets involved and sure enough in one evening/night/early morning the mystery, such as it were, is solved. The fact that it took over 400 pages to cover that short of a span of time gives you an idea of just how exhaustively detailed everyone’s perspectives were drawn out to be. Every chapter ends in some form of gasp inducing event and yet the sum total is so very underwhelming. Not even a murder, barely a proper mystery to solve, some suspense, sure, but for a thriller it’s just so…tame. Very frustrating, actually, to patiently wait for the book to get interesting while it steadfastly refuses to do so, opting instead for a somewhat tedious theatricality. And this is from a man who started with some pretty intense scary stories before he realized which genre is where the money’s at. Maybe it’s one of those things where a person just really mellows out with age. The thing is Bell can write, he’s got the basics down, even if it’s by numbers, it’s much more often than not oodles of fun, and his books read very easily and quickly and entertain plenty. In that respect this one is no exception, stylistically it’s Bell, thematically it’s Bell PG. So basically perfectly readable, just so disappointing and difficult to care about. Too bland, too mild, too lackluster, too long and too fairy taleish of an ending. Don’t judge the author by this book if you’re just discovering him, everyone’s got bills to pay. Thanks Netgalley.
Profile Image for Darinda.
8,780 reviews158 followers
July 16, 2018
Michael finds himself in an odd situation when his ex-wife, Erica, shows up unexpectedly in his life. She needs help finding her missing daughter, who she claims is his daughter too. His marriage to Erica ended 10 years ago, and they have had no contact with one another, so the surprise of a nine-year-old daughter is a big shock to him. Michael is a good guy though, so he wants to help find the little girl, whether she is his child or not. However, this does cause some problems with his current wife, Angela.

The story is told over about a day's worth of time, but does include flashbacks to explain backstory. One important part of Michael's life happened when he was a kid. A tragedy in his childhood greatly affected his life, along with the lives of his sister and parents.

The current day story is told from multiple viewpoints, so the reader is aware of the activities of Michael, Angela, and the detective on the case. The characters were not all likable, but they were believable. A lot of people were involved throughout the story, and some of the subplots were not as interesting, or really, even relevant.

Somebody's Daughter is a suspenseful story full of family drama. A complex and gripping read.

I received a free eARC of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Namita.
578 reviews32 followers
April 28, 2018
When the doorbell rings the last person Michael expected to see was his ex-wife Erica . Erica’s missing her 9 year old daughter Felicity who might be Michaels daughter and needs his help to find her.Michael then embarks on a journey with his ex-wife while his current wife Angela tries to solve the mystery herself revealing some deep-rooted secrets in Michael’s family

Somebody’s Daughter is a fast read by David Bell with lots of characters which sometimes seem confusing. There were some twists and turns but the ending felt a little rushed.Overall a quick read with a 3 star rating

I would like to thank Berkley Publishing Group & NetGalley for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest and fair review.

This and more reviews at https://chloesbooksblog.wordpress.com/
Profile Image for Erin Dunn.
Author 2 books92 followers
March 9, 2018

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing a free ebook copy of Somebody's Daughter By: David Bell in exchange for an honest review.

It's thrillers like Somebody's Daughter that are the reason I have so many trust issues. Whew, so many of the characters in this book are hiding secrets! I really didn't like any of the characters (in a good way), except Michael's wife, Angela. I loved her character, but with some of the things that happened I wanted her to get a little more feisty. I won't give spoilers, but let me just say a few of the things that involved Michael and his ex-wife Erica would have made me very irritated. Then again maybe Angela doesn't read as many thrillers as I do and so she doesn't have as many trust issues? Ha!


The story is a bit of a slow burn at first, but then the pace picks up and the plot gets very INTENSE. I had to stop myself from racing through the book to get to the end. I desperately wanted to know what happened to Felicity and who her biological dad was. There are some very well done twists and turns in Somebody's Daughter. When I finally got to the end I wasn't disappointed. The ending was unexpected, even though looking back there are a few clues woven into the story. I love when that happens! That shows excellent writing skills in my opinion. Overall Somebody's Daughter is a fantastic thriller and I would recommend it for sure.

Profile Image for Jessica Strawser.
Author 8 books1,597 followers
December 31, 2017
Sweeping readers into the chaos of one breathless night, SOMEBODY'S DAUGHTER calls uncomfortable attention to the fact that water under the bridge can rise without warning. By daybreak, Bell will have you questioning everything, from how much the truth matters, to whether there are wrong ways of doing the right thing. A well-paced race against time that will grip you from the first chapter all the way to its satisfying conclusion. (With gratitude to the author/publisher for providing an ARC for honest review.)
Profile Image for Kim Young.
374 reviews6 followers
March 3, 2018
Imagine your ex-wife of 10 years ago showing up at your house one evening and telling you her daughter is missing. You didn’t even know she had a daughter. Then she tells you it is your daughter. This is what happens to Michael Frazier. He is now happily married to Angela, and they have been trying to have children with no success. When his ex-wife Erica shows up and drops this bombshell he doesn’t know what to do. He decides to go with Erica to try to help her find her/possibly their missing daughter. What follows is a night of mystery, revelations, and ultimately, answers. I really enjoyed the way David Bell wrote this book. The main characters are Michael, his wife Angela, and a Detective Griffin. Every chapter ends on somewhat of a cliffhanger and then goes to the other person’s viewpoint. This style of writing made for a very quick read and impossible to put down. I definitely would recommend this book to fans of fast-paced mysteries. The whole book takes place in one night. I have read almost all of David Bell’s previous books and this ranks as one of my favorites. I would like to think Net Galley for giving me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jayme.
1,343 reviews3,451 followers
July 28, 2018
Tuesday 816 PM

The doorbell rings, just as Michael and his wife Angela are finishing a late dinner. They joke that it must be the neighborhood kids selling candy.

They never could’ve guessed that it would be his ex wife, Erica, claiming that her daughter Felicity was missing, and that she has come to Micheal’s house for his help because he is the father. The father to a child he didn’t know even existed.

The action takes place over the next 12 hours as everyone related to the case stays up all night to trying to find the 9 year old girl.

Although my suspicion of who took the girl turned out to be correct, I was surprised by just about everything else, so that did not take away from my enjoyment of this fast paced thriller.

Wednesday 825 AM

They have their answers now. So do I.

It’s time to get some sleep.
Profile Image for ♡ Kim ♡.
138 reviews399 followers
May 4, 2018
I am a huge David Bell fan! I recommend his books to anyone and everyone I can. I am not sure if I set myself up with too high of expectations for this one. I was so excited to get my hands on a copy that I could not resist to just dive right in! As typical Bell fashion, it did keep my interest - that is one thing I love about his writing - his ability to leave you hanging at the end of each chapter, so there is never a good stopping point. You must read in one or very few sittings! My only disappointment is that I guessed most of the revelations early on and hoped for something more truly shocking in the end. Overall, I would definitely recommend as the perfect beach read!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 767 reviews

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