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Gallagher Girls #3

Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover

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When Cammie "The Chameleon" Morgan visits her roommate Macey in Boston, she thinks she's in for an exciting end to her summer break. After all, she's there to watch Macey's father accept the nomination for vice president of the United States. But when you go to the world's best school (for spies), "exciting" and "deadly" are never far apart. Cammie and Macey soon find themselves trapped in a kidnappers' plot, with only their espionage skills to save them.

As her junior year begins, Cammie can't shake the memory of what happened in Boston, and even the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women doesn't feel like the safe haven it once did. Shocking secrets and old flames seem to lurk around every one of the mansion's corners as Cammie and her friends struggle to answer the questions, Who is after Macey? And how can the Gallagher Girls keep her safe?

Soon Cammie is joining Bex and Liz as Macey's private security team on the campaign trail. The girls must use their spy training at every turn as the stakes are raised, and Cammie gets closer and closer to the shocking truth. . . .

263 pages, Hardcover

First published June 9, 2009

About the author

Ally Carter

50 books16.5k followers
Ally Carter writes books about sneaky people and movies about Christmas. She is the New York Times Best-selling author of the Gallagher Girls, Heist Society, and Embassy Row series for teens as well as WINTERBORNE HOME FOR VENGEANCE AND VALOR for younger readers. Her books have been published all over the world, in over twenty languages.

She encourages you to visit her online at allycarter.com and embassyrowbooks.com.

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Profile Image for ♛ may.
816 reviews4,381 followers
May 27, 2017
I fail to see the point of this book??? It could honestly be condensed down to 30 pages and added as an excerpt in another book.

I enjoyed how friendship seemed to be the dominating theme of this book but the lingering love interests is pissing me off bc **love triangle**

The humour has not picked up nor has the writing. Still v juvenile, still v lame

Hmmmmmm, what else?

Cammie is annoying. Her friends are much cooler than her and I think it would be more enjoyable if we got some more POVs going around ((especially Bex))

My brain did this thing again where it wouldn’t comprehend what I read, I think it was to save me from anything traumatic and intensely boring

Hopefully this series picks up bc its still boring and idk man, not much else to say.

“I thought about how there are two types of secrets: the kind you want to keep in, and the kind you don't dare to let out.”

1.5 stars
Profile Image for Tricia.
62 reviews
January 1, 2010
Ally Carter is a great writer and this book just proves it. She weaves in the new mysteries and includes some old ones too, just to tie all of the books together. Once it comes down to the final showdown, I wouldn't be surprised to see all of the characters (spies or not) included in the battle. This series is fantastic, and I definitely recomend this book
Profile Image for Sue.
781 reviews1,566 followers
July 27, 2015
REREAD: July 27, 2015


Initial Read: January 22, 2015

I ship Solomon with Abby a lot.
and I also ship Macey and Preston. That's the only update, I could ever give you.
Profile Image for Y.
734 reviews19 followers
December 28, 2014
Definitely an improvement over the first two books; it's basically what I'd wanted to see from the series to begin with: more actual spy action (that isn't focused almost completely on boys), and an actual focus (somewhat) on Cammie's relationship with her friends, (specifically Macey, who is admittedly probably my favorite character in the series, so bonus points for that) which has thus far been rather superficial.

The book is marred, however, by having dramatic scenes, particularly toward the end, that all scream "This was so aVOIDable!" had most of the adults actually, you know, decided to divulge what they knew with Cammie and Macey earlier on in the book. Bad things happening because of people in the know keeping secrets from other people who have a right to know to keep themselves safe always smacks of a cheap way to have a plot. Regardless of what Solomon and Mom say, if they honestly knew pretty much nothing more than Cammie all that time, then they're pretty sorry-ass spies and not really in a position to be protecting her, I'd think, especially considering that the girl has a huge habit of sneaking out of the school, on multiple occasions, and everyone knows it. Most likely they did know more but chose not to give the girls any clues for...what reasons, I can't think of any smart ones right now, considering the previous italicized and bolded segment above. Because they're still "kids"? Hello, these are girls that are trained to deal with highly sensitive government information and how to kill people using mundane, everyday objects. They're not really kids. Get your priorities straight.

Actually, that's something that's kind of been bugging me about these books. The teachers at Gallagher are largely supposed to be some of the greatest spies of all time, but...personally, I've yet to see much proof that would lead me to agree.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Issabelle Perry.
Author 4 books199 followers
August 26, 2023
August 2023 Reread

Still really enjoyed this book and watching these characters grow with every addition to the series but you can just ignore the very cringey review below from 2021. ;)

May 2021 Read


No idea why I put that in all-caps.

Anyway, so I’ve been a fan of this series for a while now. (Seriously, the first YA novel I ever read waaaay back in the day was #1 in the Gallagher Girls series.) In fact, I credit both my love of the YA genre and my love of reading to Ally Carter. (I know it’s hard to imagine, but before 2018, I never liked to read.) Anyways, it’s a pretty long (and highly complicated story) but while I have read to the end of the Gallagher Girls series, I have never read #3. For some unknown reason, it took me FOREVER before I got my hands on this novel. But that all changes this day. I have FINALLY completed the Gallagher Girls series!!!!! *screams wildly*

*cough* *composes self* Moving on.

This book had everything the Gallagher Girls series is known for, from its wit, love, suspense, awesome girls, even more awesome boys, and Carter's signature storytelling skills. It had well-developed characters, kept me turning the pages with each chapter (y'all there's a reason I finished this book in three days), unforgettable dialogue, teenage spies, and Zach. (Need I say more?) To sum it up: I LOVED IT!!!! (It may actually be my favorite in the series. Well, it's probably just tied with book one.)

So for all of you who have read the first two books and are wondering, should I continue the series, my answer is a huge Y E S S S S S S S S!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (But maybe read it BEFORE the last three books so you won't be as confused as I was when I read the latter ones. XD)
Profile Image for Stephanie.
1,528 reviews98 followers
June 11, 2009
I swear, this series gets better and better. So I definitely wasn't disappointed with Don't Judge A Girl By Her Cover.

The plot gets more interesting and it definitely has more action. I mean, a kidnapping attempt on the daughter of the governor, soon-to-be, VP of the US? Yea, action packed novel for sure. And not only is there an kidnapping attempt, who are the people behind it? And who exactly are they trying to kidnap?

The characters are definitely more well-defined. Cammie seems to be a lot more mature in this novel and her relationship with Zach is more confusing as ever which only adds an element of mystery and suspense to Don't Judge A Girl By Her Cover. Cammie's best friends are, as always, her loyal sidekicks. So they're always a refreshing element to the plot especially with their obvious different activities and specialties.

The writing style is also a lot more flowing. There's definitely not as many parenthesis (I'm really against it, if you couldn't tell. So against it that in fact, I use them too! :) and if there were, it didn't bother me as much.

My favorite part is probably the disguises. I mean, you get to read about Cammie dressing up as a hooker! How amazing is that? It's totally entertaining and hilarious. Plus, you get a lot of advice in spy stuff too which is always helpful. :)

The ending is kind of a cliff hanger but then again, it shows that there's a definite continuation. If there isn't...I'm gonna sue! Hahaha.

Overall, I can't wait for the next installment of the series!
Profile Image for Kay.
388 reviews35 followers
July 12, 2014
When I read YA I usually do it unthinkingly, by which I mean I read YA like I would read any other book for which I am the target audience. The Gallagher Girls series is one of those things, though, where I am constantly made aware of the fact that I am absolutely not the target audience. From a bookselling perspective, I'd definitely recommend these to a young reader making the transition from MG to teen; the series may get darker later on, but as of book three the series is pretty sanitized, easy-to-read, and quick. So: I recognize the particular use and place of books like these. I just feel like, even with that fact acknowledged, Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover is just bad.

I get it. It's book three in a six-book series, and not every plot line can be resolved. That said, it's impossibly frustrating to read an entire novel and get nothing resolved. This doesn't feel like a complete book, and honestly, the information and action that occurs in here could pretty easily be condensed into half a book. I get each novel is supposed to cover a semester at a time, but when the author fails to make the semester interesting then maybe it's time to consider a different format?

Like, a lot of my objections are personal taste: where other people might find Zach cool and intriguing I find him and insufferable prig. The adults are unlikable and strangely incompetent for super-spies. Cammie's friends are impressively two-dimensional. The writing itself isn't bad, but it's boring. Rather than finding different ways to write scenes, Carter is overly reliant on almost this memetic shorthand: "Cammie knows 14 languages but doesn't know what to say," &c. &c. Once that line is cute, but it gets dropped obnoxiously often. The action is unclear and difficult to follow, which may have more to do with my engagement with the text than the author's craft. That said, these books have been surprisingly slow reads despite being 250 or so pages and also about spies.

I guess the problem is there's very little spying. Hardly anything happens, and whenever the characters act for themselves it almost always ends terribly. The school structure of the books doesn't help; I don't care about their classes, I don't care about their teachers, and I really, really, really do not care about boys. Like, the whole "omfg what do boys think??" thing gets super annoying. I hated it in Wheel of Time and I hate it here.

Like I said, though, I am obviously not the target, and I'm glad that these books make other people so happy! I was really expecting to at least enjoy this series since I like the author's other work so much, but no dice I guess.
32 reviews2 followers
February 12, 2009
I finished the galley for this book last week and I really enjoyed it. I think each book could have more in it though. I'm not sure what I mean about more, but the books are spread out too far and are too forgettable that if there was more to it, I wouldn't have to spend the first few chapters trying to remember what happened in the last book. Maybe it needs more action or more missions or something. That being said, I always enjoy the books when I am reading them and this one is no different. I love the idea of a spy school for girls and I like the main character very much.
Profile Image for Lindsey (Books for Christian Girls).
1,837 reviews4,196 followers
December 17, 2015
Pretty good, pretty good. The plot is thickening. The writing was a tiny bit better, but still confusing at some parts. Less romance than the first two, but there was a kiss or two, many mentions of guys being hot and their hotness. Language was overall clean, with really only a 'wuss'. Aunt Abby was awesome, and I like that a bit more was said about Camnie's dad.
I'm curious to see what will happen next, so I will be reading the next book in the series. ;)
3 reviews1 follower
Want to read
January 6, 2009
I hope I can wait for this book to come out. I am sooooooooooo excited! Ally Carter is a great writer, and everyone should read the Gallagher Girls series.
Profile Image for C.B. Cook.
Author 6 books209 followers
January 3, 2018
Hooooooowwwww???? How could Ally Carter make this my favorite book in this series so far??? This book was so exciting, and I think the reason I like it best out of all three is that it had more of a mystery feel to it, and the romance was less. Plus, it gave all of my characters awesome moments and chances to show off their awesome spy skills. A few of the characters did dumb things (*cough* CAMMIE) but I've kind of realized that "doing dumb things" is part of Cammie's character. Really loved this book in the series, but THAT CLIFFHANGER THO.

Series predictions (read at your own risk) (although I am completely guessing here and you're probably fine just reading them) (also, if you've read farther than me, please DO NOT comment below and spoil things ;) ) (okay, I'm done):
Profile Image for Mafi.
1,144 reviews230 followers
December 1, 2015
Não estava nada nos meus planos ler esta série agora mas estou meio que viciada!
"Quem vê caras não vê espiões" teve o papel difícil de começar a grande estória que é desenvolvida até ao final do último livro. Aqui a vida de Cammie complica-se ao ponto de quererem matá-la! Também são introduzidas novas personagens como o Preston que aqui mesmo não tendo grande relevância, certamente tem o seu destaque nos últimos livros da série. É engraçado como a autora consegue explorar todas as personagens e desenvolvê-las ao ponto de a sua presença na série é linear e não irregular. Seja a mãe de Cammie, os professores ou as amigas, todas elas têm um papel fundamental na construção do enredo. É importante e agradável que a autora não tenha centrado toda a atenção na Cammie e que os laços de família e amigos estejam sempre lá.

Profile Image for anna.
593 reviews36 followers
October 1, 2015
Covert Operations Report
By Anna Sk (hereafter referred to as "The Operative")

Phase 3.

At this point of the mission, the Operative would like to state that (simply stated for everyone) shit has started to hit the fan. A change of scenery for the Assets and an addition of new Assets (particularly Abigail Morgan and Preston Winters) has brought a more serious and dangerous vibe on the mission. Main target in this mission was Asset McHenry (that the Operative managed to understand better in Phase 3 and would like to see her with Asset Winters).

Asset Goode was sadly MIA for most of the phase which resulted in the disappointment of both the Operative and Asset Morgan.

Additional input: none.

Proceed to Phase 4.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
631 reviews508 followers
May 8, 2015
These books are seriously getting better and better. The characters are as kickass and amazing as always and the overall plot is so intriguing. I have so many questions and I can't wait to see how it all pans out. This one was certainly a lot darker than the first few and it was perfect. Seriously my favourite so far.
Profile Image for Laura Gardner.
1,765 reviews122 followers
June 21, 2009
Cammie Morgan is back in her most exciting adventure yet. Roommate Macey McHenry's father is running for vice-president and Macey is a target. After an incident on the campaign trail when Cammie and Macey barely manage to escape an attack on their lives, a new operative is brought to Gallagher Girls Academy to watch out for Macey. Cammie, Liz and Bex are told not to worry, but when have they ever followed the rules before? And why does Cammie keep seeing Zach in strange places? Does he still like her or was their kiss in book 2 a one-time thing?

I loved this book just as much as the first two, I'd Tell You I Love You But Then I'd Have to Kill You and Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy. I highly recommend this series for middle and high school students. Ally Carter writes books that are fun to read; I can't wait for book 4 in the Gallagher Girls series!
February 15, 2015
Wow, these books are truly amazing, I never get bored because there's always something happening and a lot to figure out. To be honest, most of the times I have no idea of what is about to happen and that's why I find it so interesting.

This particular book was so OMG, I'm still shocked and I really need to read the next one to know the truth. I mean, what the hell is happening???

Now, about Cammie and Zach: I think they're very cute and they have to stay together in the end, but he has so many secrets and he's so confusing, gee.

And Abby and Joe... WHAT?? They're also really cute because he's different with her, it's like he's got a heart after all.

All in all, it was a great book and I'm dying to read the next one!
Profile Image for sally ✿.
435 reviews113 followers
February 27, 2018
“I thought about how there are two types of secrets: the kind you want to keep in, and the kind you don't dare to let out.”

Preston is so pure and wholesome and I love him so much.

Zach is so shady and mysterious all the dang time, but I still love him.

Aunt Abby is everything I aspire to be.
Profile Image for Beth.
1,190 reviews147 followers
June 10, 2018
If you know that someone prone to sneaking out is a target, maybe informing her would be better than relying on vague "this is dangerous!" speeches and hoping for the best?

This book is ridiculous, but Preston makes me laugh. Abby's a little over-the-top here, but Zach and Mr. Solomon and Rachel Morgan are great.
Profile Image for Skye.
285 reviews70 followers
December 26, 2010
This review is also posted on my blog, In The Good Books.

When Cammie visits her roommate and friend, Macey, in Boston, where her father's being nominated for vice president, she expects an exciting end to summer break. Excitement she gets, when she and Macey find themselves in a kidnapper's plot.

Luckily, escaping is just one the things they do best, as students of the Gallagher Academy For Exceptional Young Women - a spy school in disguise. But soon they find out that it isn't over yet, and as more attempts are made, they wonder if Macey was the real target.

Like the Gallagher Girls book before it, Don't Judge A Girl By Her Cover was fast-faced and fun to read. Written in a no-nonsense prose, there was constant action and mystery, and was completely captivating - so much so that I read it on Christmas morning.

There aren't a lot of spy books out there targeted to a young adult audience, and this series is the only I've read in the genre, but it's enough to make me want to branch out and find more books like it. A boarding school full of female spies-in-training - a premise so unique and exciting you can't help but pick it up.

Cammie is a strong, clever and loyal protagonist. She spends the majority of this book trying to protect her friend without a second thought, outsmarting secret agents, and unraveling mysteries. Though, in spite of all that, she's relatable. She worries about her friends, she has boy trouble, and misses her dead father. She's a dynamic protagonist that you can't help but feel endeared and sympathetic to.

The plot was cleverly constructed, with problems from past books weaved into the story and with new ones arising. It was at all times unpredictable - every time I think I can guess what's about to happen, something else entirely occurs.

The romance between Zach and Cammie was mysterious and compelling. The broody, mysterious stock character that always weasels his way into paranormal romances can't hold a flame to the enigma that is Zach. I mean, he's a spy. His intentions throughout the book aren't clear, but he still feels trustworthy.

I give Don't Judge A Girl By Her Cover 4 out of 5.
Profile Image for Rachel.
32 reviews25 followers
March 20, 2012
Another completely and utterly awesome addition to the Gallagher Girl series! Love this one!

We get to know Macy so well in this book and, honestly, I loved it because it really didn't take away from Cammie at all. Oh, and then we realize that...........oh, I can't say that. It would give *everything* away. Just know that Cammie is awesome.

I really liked the incorporation of the Gallagher Academy classes - we hear the girls' worries about upcoming tests and are a part of their classes sometimes - and events happening outside the Academy with Macy.

Cammie, Liz, and Bex are sneaky again with their crazy antics! We're introduced to new characters you're going to absolutely love! Oh, and Mr. Solomon is at his best with his classes in town. I love his classes. They're so entertaining and interesting.

Zach is so frustrating in this book! Appearing at the most inopportune moments! And then with NO explanation whatsoever! No wonder Cammmie is so frustrated with him! All he does is points to himself and say "spy". As if *that* explains anything!

And the ending?! Holy. Cow. Probably the book with the worst cliff hanger in the entire series! I just DIED. Seriously. I was thrown off my feet! Between Zach, Macy, someone new, Cammie, Mr. Solomon, the Circle. Wow. I was FREAKING OUT! Okay? Just be prepared! I cannot express how awesome the ending is (not that the rest isn't awesome, too!)!

With frustrating (and totally spy hot) guys, amazing friends, and page turning twists and turns, don't hesitate for this book! Go read it!

Sexual Content: Mild kissing. Language/Profanity: None. Violence: Some fighting.
Profile Image for Cassey.
115 reviews
August 17, 2017
Omygosh. This book is just... I can't even... Okay, I can't find proper adjective to give justice to this third book from the Gallagher Series so I might as well just give some reasons why I really loved this book.

The first few chapters leads to kidnapping that is really action-packed and I really love it when the girls show their spy abilities.

Macey McHenry. Most girls envy her. She's got the face and the body. She's got money. She's got almost everything. Almost. I love that Ally Carter showed some of Macey's insecurities in this book. And how well she does her cover. I just love everything about it. Macey is definitely a Gallagher girl.

Liz. I specially loved the part where Liz told Bex and Cammie that they do not understand what it feels like to not be a part of a spy family and all of a sudden the best spy school calls you to be a part of them. I really really really loved that part. I just love it. I just do.

Cammie-Zach moments! Definitely! Cammie, you are not the only one waiting for that kiss to happen. *nods slowly*

Again. Boy problems. Even Macey McHenry can experience those. Did Preston and Macey really kiss???? Because omygosh.

Aunt Cameron and Joe Solomon. I just love the two of them. <3

Plot. Of course I loved the plot. Period. The Washington D.C. scene definitely took my breath away.

Lastly, a quote from the book...

"Some people run... to see if you'll come after them."

EDIT: (upon reading for the 2nd time)
God. Even better than the first time! I'd probably read this book yearly now, just to remind myself of unbreakable bonds like friendship. I just love these girls!
Profile Image for Marianne (Boricuan Bookworms) .
817 reviews438 followers
January 18, 2013
Wow! Now THAT is a book with substance.

Seriously, I can't believe how good this was. The other books in the series just start off light and preppy, so I never thought they were "serious". But this book... This book introduced danger from the very beginning. I guess that it could represent the fact that the girls are older, therefore wiser, therefore could get into more danger? Nevertheless, Ally Carter found a way to seamlessly weave all the conflicts of the past books, and then add a ton more with this one.

Ally Carter also never fails to surprise me in the way that she can introduce more and more characters and yet make them all so unique. I could really hear all of their voices in my heads and imagine them clearly. Abby was so fun, and I can't help but feel swoony towards Mr. Solomon... And of course Zach!

I'm so glad that Cammie had some really great development in the book. She's 16 now, so she needs to be more grown up. It's great to see when a character "grows up" before your eyes.

Now, I have to say this, because I got really annoyed by this fact. Who in their right mind would call their daughter "Cameron Ann Morgan Cameron"?! Her first name and her second last name are exactly the same! I just seems ridiculous to me.

To sum everything up, if you're looking for light, quick and entertaining reads, you should look into this series. (A spy school, how awesome is that?!)

5 stars.
Profile Image for Keya.
444 reviews24 followers
June 25, 2016
These books. I am in love with these books. They're so much fun with the perfect amount of suspense to keep you reading until the very end! There were some scenes that even made me teary eyed. And the last few chapters were crazy.

I loved how this was mostly centered around Macey since there wasn't much of her in the previous book. I still can't believe I disliked Macey in the beginning because she's honestly one of my favourite characters. And Then Abby! I loved her!! And I'm excited to see if she will make more appearances.

The dynamic of the friendships between the Gallagher Girls (mostly between Cammie, Bex, Liz and Macey) is something I adore about this Series. And also the relationship between Cammie and Rachel (Mother/daughter) is something I'm looking forward to in the next books.

Also I WANT MORE ZACH. I hope to get more scene with Zach in the next books!
Profile Image for Brigid ✩.
581 reviews1,845 followers
October 25, 2009
It was okay. I still liked the first one the best. They're not brilliant or particularly well-written, but these books are fun to read. They're the kind of book you can read in an hour or so, and be like, "Yay, that was shallow and fun." But that's about it. :P I liked this one … except I always feel like these books are too short. Plus they make me a little angry. I keep waiting for something really bad to happen – but for books about spies, there's not much conflict/death/etc. Fine, I know they're chick lit. But still.
Profile Image for natalie.
732 reviews34 followers
December 7, 2013
Looks like things are finally looking up for Cammie Morgan.
And I mean that but I don't, because Cammie's life is slowly becoming a clusterfucks of whodunit, and I love it.
That's right.
Ally Carter is starting to tighten the ribbons on the present that is the Gallagher Girls series, and I can't wait for the bow to finally be tied.
Plots are coming together, characters are appearing into new light, and secrets are starting to be unearthed.
Plus Zach...
what a dream boat. UuU
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