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Windows to Our Children: A Gestalt Approach to Children and Adolescents

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With over 300 pages of methods, materials, techniques for working with children and adolescents, transcripts, case examples and discussion, this book filled a void in the child therapy literature. Counselors and therapists, in schools, mental health centers and private practice embrace this book. It is the largest selling book on the subject in the world.

344 pages, Paperback

First published January 30, 1978

About the author

Violet Oaklander

24 books14 followers

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3 reviews3 followers
July 16, 2012
My mom wrote this book in 1978 and it's still in print and translated into 14 languages. It's changed millions of lives. Fun easy reading for anyone interested in children (or your own inner child) and essential reading for anyone working with children, especially therapists. This book has changed the lives of perhaps millions of children and adolescents. It's available (among other places) at vsof.org.
Profile Image for Jessica.
85 reviews4 followers
September 5, 2008
An excellent blend of gestalt and play therapy. I refer back to this book time and time again when I'm looking for a new way to help kids open up in our sessions together. Violet Oaklander combines years of experience with her own stories which makes this book not only interesting, but fun to read as well.
Profile Image for Vášnivá čtenářka.
235 reviews13 followers
June 10, 2023
Ať už jste rodičem či pracovníkem, který je obklopen dětmi, tahle kniha vám jednoznačně otevře obzory.

Autorka v této knize vysvětluje, jak úžasná je dětská fantazie a jak jí lze využít pro léčbu dětských emocionálních potíží. Děti totiž neumí své emoce tak dobře verbalizovat jako dospělí lidé, proto se může stát, že když se jim v životě děje něco, s čím si neumí poradit, uzavírají se do svého světa. Mohou přestat komunikovat a mohou se u nich začít objevovat různé somatické symptomy jako je například bolení bříška, horečky, pomočování apod. Výjimkou nejsou ani noční děsy, smutná nálada, nechuť se kamarádit s přáteli a mnoho a mnoho dalšího. Některé děti se ubírají ke lžím a snaží se tu realitu, ve které musí žít a se kterou se neumí vyrovnat, potlačit tím, že se stahují právě do svého fantazijního světa, ve kterém se cítí bezpečněji a kde je všechno takové, jaké má být.

Rodiče jsou obvykle nešťastní, protože vidí, že se s dětmi něco děje, ale neumí jim pomoci. A právě proto vznikla tahle kniha. Využijí ji všichni rodiče, kteří potřebuji poodhalit, jak s nešťastným dítětem komunikovat. Využijí ji psychologové, kteří si potřebují nebo chtějí rozšířit obzory a v neposlední řadě i pedagogové a jiní pracovníci, kteří jsou obklopeni dětmi.

Kniha nabízí nepřeberné množství příkladů a kazuistik, které vám pomohou pochopit, kdy a jak se dítěte správně zeptat, aby své emoce mohlo adekvátně ventilovat, prožít a zpracovat. Kniha vám ukáže, jak s dětmi nenásilně komunikovat skrze jejich fantazii, tvořivost a hru. Právě tyto tři věci jsou pro děti tak přirozené, že nevyužít jich při práci s nimi by bylo jako odmítnou ten nejúžasnější dárek.

Knihu mohu za sebe jen a jen doporučit. Otevře vám oči, rozšíří vám obzory a pomůže vám nahlédnout do prožívání dětí, když sami ztrácíte půdu pod nohama.

Je to jedna z nejhezčích psychologických knih, které jsem kdy četla a domnívám se, že může být obohacující i pro laiky.
Profile Image for Thiago Martins.
41 reviews1 follower
August 7, 2022
Muito mais técnico do que eu imaginei, um banquete para psicólogos. Como não trabalho com isso, foi um pouco cansativo e demorei muito pra terminar. Mas com certeza aprendi muita coisa sobre crianças e sobre mim mesmo.
94 reviews
August 17, 2010
This is an amazing resource. Oaklander presents dozens of avenues for those who wish to explore the vast universe that is the psyche of a child. She goes gently, but with playful curiosity. It is a joy to read about her ideas and put them into practice.
Profile Image for Clara.
36 reviews17 followers
July 6, 2011
Muy buen libro, con ejemplos reales se tratan temas básicos para la terapia gestatl infantil.
Profile Image for Andrea Johnson.
53 reviews6 followers
August 9, 2011
This is an amazing book for anyone who works with
children. I will keep it close by my desk!
Profile Image for Cherene.
365 reviews
October 14, 2011
Great book with lots of ideas about how to approach counseling children.
Profile Image for Anna.
1,060 reviews21 followers
May 23, 2018
This is a very helpful and practical guide to beginning children's play therapy. The author offers so many suggestions and examples on how to do play therapy and different mediums to utilize (painting, clay, music, toys, sand trays, senses, etc). She does an excellent job of demonstrating how various techniques could be used by giving tons of examples of scenarios, pictures, questions, and children that she's worked with. This book gave me an excellent idea of what play therapy can look like.

This book was also an interesting introduction to Gestalt therapy, something I know little about. Most of the scenarios and examples that the author presented had strong Gestalt influences. Many examples utilized the empty chair technique and the author demonstrated how to combine that with playing (and how to make that seem natural in various situations).
Profile Image for Eva Anca.
Author 2 books35 followers
March 19, 2021
Suntem în permanență în căutarea de „ferestre” care să ne ducă mai aproape de copiii noștri, să ne ajute să îi înțelegem, să descoperim modul în care gândesc și sentimentele pe care le au. După părerea mea, cartea Ferestre către copiii noștri este excelentă în acest sens. Ne oferă nu doar informații teoretice, așa cum găsim în alte cărți de parenting, ci și exerciții practice, care să ne arate cum putem, prin intermediul jocului, să ne apropiem de copiii noștri.

Eu mă bucur tare mult că am ales să citesc această carte și v-o recomand cu încredere. Sunt sigură că veți găsi măcar câteva modalități pe care le puteți aplica în viața de zi cu zi, alături de copiii voștri, pentru a vă apropia de ei.
Profile Image for Nitsa Pkhaladze.
33 reviews
January 26, 2022

მშობელმა, მასწავლებელმა უნდა ისწავლოს ბავშვებისთვის მკაფიო შეტყობინებების გადაცემა, ისევე როგორც გააზრება და პატივისცემა იმისა, რომ ბავშვი დამოუკიდებელი, განუმეორებელი, უფლებამოსილი, ღირებული პიროვნებაა. ეს გააძლიერებს ბავშვის თვითშეფასებისა და დამოუკიდებლობის შეგრძნებებს, რომელიც თავისთავად გარემოს შეცნობასა და მასთან ადაპტირებაში მნიშვნელოვან წინაპირობას ქმნის. “ფანჯრები ჩვენი ბავშვებისკენ” არის წიგნი, სადაც ავტორი წარმოგვიდგენს ბრწყინვალე ანალიზს თავის პრაქტიკული გამოცდილებისა, გვთავაზობს სხვადასხვა იდეებსა და ტექნიკებს ბავ���ვებთან ფსიქოლოგიური და ემოციური კავშირების დამყარებისთვის, რათა უფრო უსაფრთხო და კომფორტული გავხადოთ მათ გარშემო არსებული სამყარო.
კითხვისას სურვილი გაგიჩნდება ამ ჯადოსნური თამაშების მონაწილე გახდე და უკეთესად გაეცნო/შეიგრძნო შენი მთლიანობა.
Profile Image for Andrea Serrano.
42 reviews1 follower
September 28, 2023
I think this book is a must for anyone who spends time with children: parents, therapists, directors, teachers, camp counselors, family members and more. It addresses many behaviors, ages and concepts; I found it very complete and yet well summed up.
The author is very grounded and practical, which makes it a very easy read. As she mentions, it’s also an amazing tool for connecting with inner childs in adults.
My book is full of highlights, bookmarks, post it’s and writing; a clear sign for me of how much I learned and enjoyed it. I took my time and recommend doing so too, with a pencil always at hand.
Profile Image for Beck Sanchez.
66 reviews
May 19, 2024
This was a really heartwarming book to read. There's something really wonderful about reading a book written by someone who genuinely and wholeheartedly cherishes & has the utmost respect for children & consistently demonstrates this in their work. I see a lot of myself in Violet Oaklander and her approaches.

I started this book with a misinterpretation of what I was getting into -- seeking a book more about Gestalt language processors -- but really found myself enjoying reading about Gestalt play therapy especially with all the case studies presented, only wish the author got into them a bit more.
Profile Image for Trevor.
481 reviews7 followers
November 17, 2021
Violet Oaklander knew kids. Her background in Special Education and Gestalt Therapy inform her Oaklander Model beautifully. Tons of great ideas for therapeutic activities to do with children and adolescents. And great anecdotes to get a sense of how she spoke to kids in session. A must for all Child and Adolescent Therapists.
Profile Image for Allison Gary.
146 reviews
January 18, 2018
This was a recommended read for some play therapy coursework I was in and wow! There are some really wonderful ideas in here about working with children, different techniques and ideas. It's a wonderful resource and well written.
Profile Image for Andrew Barnett.
Author 2 books10 followers
April 16, 2019
It's got solid suggestions, and I would certainly send my hypothetical children to her for therapy. I'll keep this book around for suggestions and inspiration. Yet the reading really dragged for me. I did a lot of skimming.....and I wish I liked the book more than I did.
Profile Image for Austė Janušauskaitė.
100 reviews6 followers
April 23, 2023
„Geras susitikimas yra toks, kuriame vaikui įdomu, jis pats jaučiasi įdomus ir priimamas toks, koks yra, saugus. Kai gali laisviau išreikšti savo emocijas, mintis ir nuomonę, kai žino, jog psichoterapeutas ir vaikai jį palaikys, vaikas stiprėja.“ 🌼 5/5 ✨
Profile Image for Anna Lau.
2 reviews
October 15, 2017
Straightforward, easy & interesting to read. Good for parents who want to know more of their children.
Profile Image for Judy.
22 reviews1 follower
March 21, 2018
Another book full of wisdom from this gifted child therapist. Gestalt and sensory experience techniques, working with anger, the properties of specific art materials--so much here.
Profile Image for Laura.
14 reviews1 follower
July 28, 2018
My favorite book in my career as a psychologist!!
(I read this book in Portuguese)
1 review
May 22, 2019
The Best book of children gestalt therapy. Great strategies and examples. Thank you Violet for sharing your experience!
3 reviews
September 30, 2019
A classic in Gestalt work with children, Violet paints a way to use different materials to draw out a child’s ability to express themselves through the language of play.
Profile Image for Tara Burns.
1 review
December 28, 2019
I read this book for a class I had, learned a lot but was hard to get through at some parts.
July 28, 2023
Teachers and therapists should read this book. So ahead of the time - I wish Violet was still alive so I could also write to her and tell her how impactful her book has been.
Profile Image for Carol.
146 reviews17 followers
December 29, 2013
Great book that's rich with details of lots of creative techniques to reach children's hearts and minds in therapy and outside of therapy. She provides the exercises, as well as the prompts she uses to help kids explore. A big focus on using imagination, visualization and prompting kids gently to get to their own life stories through imaginative play.
April 18, 2013
Great book for people who want to understand children and for those who work with children. For all therapists, not only Gestalt ones. Incredible simple in approaching a complex subject, it gives you courage to follow your instincts in getting closer to the children in your life.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 31 reviews

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