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Sweet #2

Sweet Persuasion

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For five years, Serena has run Fantasy Incorporated and has devoted her time to fulfilling her clients' fantasies. Never her own. Until now...

Her most secret desire is to give ownership of her body to a man. Someone who will command her, pleasure her, and have complete authority over her. So she seeks out Damon Roche, owner of an exclusive sex club and a man strong enough to make her do anything he wants. Anything.

Together they'll journey into a world she's only dreamed of. She's given the opportunity to immerse herself in a different life while her normal one waits for her to return whenever she wishes. Damon has no desire to let her go, however. Serena is the woman he's long searched for, and it's up to him to convince her to stay when the game is all over with. He wants their fantasy to become their reality and for Serena to remain his pampered, cherished submissive.

345 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2009

About the author

Maya Banks

301 books21.1k followers
Maya Banks is the #1 New York Times, #1 USA Today and international bestselling author of over 50 novels. A wife and mother of three, she lives in Texas.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 835 reviews
Profile Image for Kristen.
842 reviews4,982 followers
March 29, 2014
4 1/2 Stars


What it's about–book blurb

For five years, Serena has run Fantasy Incorporated and has devoted her time to fulfilling her clients' fantasies. Never her own. Until now...

Her most secret desire is to give ownership of her body to a man. Someone who will command her, pleasure her, and have complete authority over her. So she seeks out Damon Roche, owner of an exclusive sex club and a man strong enough to make her do anything he wants. Anything.

My thoughts

I know MANY struggled with this book and I understand why: frankly, elements of this plot can't help but offend our feminist sensibilities. In addition, the BDSM content was a little harsh and hard to read at times. That said, few erotic romances have captured my attention quite like this one did. And though I spent a good portion of this book sitting outside my comfort zone, I couldn't help but fall in love with the love story.

Like many who've read this book, the infamous and humiliating punishment scene was difficult to read and left me with an assortment of vacillating emotions. However, I also understood why the scene was necessary in the context of the lifestyle in which they practiced. In fact, I felt the scene was essential for the plot and the couple's relationship. It also helped that the heroine gave her full consent. She knew she had the power to stop the punishment but chose not to. For these reasons, I was okay with her public punishment.

I know this book isn't for everyone, but it worked for me. The all-consuming connection between the hero and heroine, as well as their struggles and their unconventional relationship made reading this book a riveting and satisfying experience.

After finishing this series, I can easily say that Sweet Persuasion is my favorite of the series (with Sweet Possession a close second). The fact I didn't have to read a ménage scene during this book—which is a common occurrence in this series–made me love it even more.
Profile Image for Auntee.
1,335 reviews1,444 followers
June 19, 2009
Well I tried, I really tried to love this one... to give it a chance, despite the subject matter (woman who runs a business making people's fantasies come true wants to live out her fantasy of becoming a sex slave). But I discovered that no matter how much I like an author's previous works, I'm just not into the whole bondage/domination/submissive thing. I don't see the romance in it, it's not arousing to me, doesn't get me hot or even lukewarm, and a lot of the time I find it demeaning. So why did I read this book? Well gee, it's Maya Banks, you know? And I happen to love most of what she writes, but darn it, this one just didn't totally work for me. I just didn't feel the romance. I didn't particularly care for either the hero, Damon (he just wasn't my type--seemed a little too sophisticated, too urbane) or the heroine, Serena (I don't think she knew what she wanted), therefore I wasn't all that invested in what happened to them. And although at first I was thinking (about the bondage scenes) "This isn't all that bad" and "he's treating her quite well" later on in the book when the heroine was about to be 'punished' I was shouting out "Run, Serena, head for the hills!"

***********Spoilers ahead***************************
There was one scene, I think it was after Damon and Serena had some rather rough anal sex, that Damon brought her over to lie (exhausted) at his feet on a pallet while he worked on his laptop from his big comfy chair, while he 'lovingly' rubbed his toes across her nude body, that I thought "this guy really needs a dog..."! And this was just the beginning of scenes that irritated me. The scene where she 'serviced' him orally while he met with two business associates, and then later they joined in? Just a big ewww for me. But the straw that broke the camel's back for me was when Serena did something that was thoughtless that ended up worrying Damon, so he ordered her to do something and she had the nerve to defy him, and then of course she was due a big 'punishment'. And it was pretty darn punishing. Twelve lashes with a leather belt to your torso, then 12 'welts' to your butt? And then you provide the hero with oral sex? And all in front of some party guests? And you're not humiliated, you're aroused? And then you're forced to kneel (for hours) in front of his 'chair' while the party goes on around you? And then you're fed (like a dog with his master) with your head in the hero's lap? So not for me...

Okay, so after all that, why did I still give it 3 stars? I happened to like Ms. Banks writing style, if not the sex scenes. It flows nicely and there are no dead spots. I enjoyed reading about Serena and her two friends, Faith (Sweet Surrender) and Julie (the upcoming Sweet Seduction) and thought some of their conversations (about their love lives) were pretty funny. I enjoyed the small glimpse into Damon's life outside of his relationship with Serena. The visit to his mother's house in Louisiana and his relationship with her brought some much needed background to his character--he wasn't just a fabulously wealthy, kinky businessman after all! I just wish the author would have spent a little more time delving into Serena's background--I felt she got a little short-changed.

So, if you don't mind a storyline heavy on BDSM, you may actually love this book. For me, a little bit of BDSM goes a long way, and I'm afraid this one was a little hard for me to take. Will I continue on with this series? You betcha. I'm dying to read Micah's story (that guy has some secrets, I'm sure), and I also want to see how Julie (the masseuse) gets Nathan to finally notice her. This one wasn't quite up my alley, but you can't win 'em all! 3 stars.

Warning: This book contains explicit language and sex, including oral and anal, bondage (with cuffs, a rotating table with clamps, etc.), themes of domination and submission, whipping (with a whip and a man's belt), semi-public nudity and sex acts in front of party guests. Definitely not for the faint of heart!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Penny Well Reads.
841 reviews223 followers
December 24, 2022
“[…] all I ever want you to be is mine.”

Yes, I read it again.

“Tell me, Serena. Do you want me?” he asked softly. “Do you ache for me? Do you want my possession? Do you lie awake at night wanting a man strong enough to harness your sexuality, stroke it until the fire rages and then unleash it, set you free?”

I found very well put their BDSM relationship. The way it was defined, how nicely it was transmitted, how much they wanted to please each other, the transparency of their feelings; it all explained very well what that kind of relationship is really about. It was beautifully done.

“I’ll never ask for something you can’t give, Serena mine. I only want what you freely offer. I only want you. With me, belonging to me. Me protecting you, cherishing you, honoring you with my every breath, with my body, my soul and my heart.”

I appreciated very much that Damon wasn’t into titles like “Sir” or “Master”, instead he preferred to be addressed by his name. I never liked the titles part of the BDSM relationships, it seems too fake and ridiculous to me:

“What do I call you?” she asked softly […] “You’ll call me Damon. I see no need for dramatic titles. I, on the other hand, will call you beautiful . . . lover . . . mine. I’ll call you mine.

I would have liked more development in their story, it seemed too short and quick for me. I needed more time, more of their relationship and interactions. Also, the ending was a bit too brusque for me.
Then it was the double punishment, I understand the why of it and I don’t have a problem with it, I just personally never enjoy reading about punishment in BDSM books. I think it might be a pride issue...

“I want your obedience. I expect it—no, I demand it. I don’t relish nor will I enjoy the idea of punishing you. So if you seek to bait me so that you enjoy the thrill of discipline, you’re sure to be disappointed.”

Damon: Well, I am in love, what else can I say, he really is perfect. LOOOOVED HIM! <3

“You don’t trust me yet, and you shouldn’t as we’ve only just met. But you will come to trust me, and when that happens, you’ll give yourself into my care and keeping. When you do that, I will give you what you most want. What you need. And I’m going to love every damn minute.”

I envy the girls friendship, their loyalty and devotion to each other. It really is special to have that kind of support and constancy. It is fantastic to know that when you screw up, everything in your life is a mess, and you are completely lost; you can count on those special people that show you that you are not alone. That’s what the girls are to each other in this book (and in others of this series, just like the boys are too). To me, these friendships are a very good component that this series have, an essential ingredient really.

"I won't allow you to degrade yourself for voicing your desires. They're yours. That makes them important. Valid."

I my opinion, the combination of book 2 and book 4 of the Sweet series are a great insight to the BDSM lifestyle.
In a way, this series remains me to the Masters of the Shadowlands series by Cherise Sinclair, except that the Sweets series are not that heavy on the BDSM stuff and have a more romantic air, more sweetness.

“I love you, Serena. Stay.”

Sweet Temptation (Sweet #4)
Sweet Addiction Temptation (Sweet #6)
Profile Image for Shar.
21 reviews6 followers
September 17, 2010
Selfish, pompous douche meets limp, wet dish-rag; awkward kinkfest ensues.
Badly written, with really unlikable and obnoxious characters. The dialogue was especially bad; super stilted and weirdly formal. Who the hell talks like that?

The sex slave fantasy has been done before better. Maya Banks just handled it badly: it was all about humiliation and sexual use (like a masturbatory aid) not about mutual enjoyment. I usually enjoy some BDSM smut, but this was very off-putting.
This book has lots of contrived angst and annoying bullshit rationalizations/justifications for some questionable behavior (because IMO it did cross the line to abuse).
Profile Image for Shawna.
3,655 reviews4,712 followers
January 29, 2015
5 stars – Erotic/BDSM Romance

**********Revised rating/review**********

After reading more BDSM erotic romances and the books Sweet Seduction and Sweet Temptation, I achieved a much deeper understanding of Damon and Serena’s relationship, felt a greater appreciation of them as a couple, and gained more respect of their M/s lifestyle, especially when Damon calls her Serena Mine...*sigh*. So, I increased my rating from 4 to 5 stars.

**********Original rating/review**********

“To each his/her own” and “don’t mock it 'til you try it”, or so the sayings go.....

Whew this one was hard to rate/review. Provocative, kinky, stimulating, emotionally-charged, wickedly erotic...There were aspects of this story that were worthy of solid 5 stars, some parts more like a 3, and a couple of scenes that had me recoiling just a little bit. I kept thinking about the lyrics to Depeche Mode’s song “Master and Servant” while reading this...it's very fitting.

I appreciate the allure and appeal of a D/s relationship and understand the pain/pleasure fixation, at least to some degree. That being said, this leaned much heavier towards the whole Master/slave thing, and there were some parts that raised my feminist hackles just a tad (okay maybe a lot). I’ve read a few reviews that suggested what Damon really needed was to just get a dog, and there were a couple of times that I had that exact same thought myself. The public punishment scene induced a slight cringe of disbelief and shock, especially since Damon adamantly declared, “I’d never hurt you Serena”. So, 24 lashes with a leather belt across the shoulders, back, and buttocks (while a party of people witness your shame and humiliation) is painless...hmmm? And there’s no broken skin or lasting marks as a result, even though no aftercare (like applying a salve, balm, or an ointment) was performed to prevent scarring?? That just didn’t sit right with me. Not to mention that Doms/Masters are entrusted to handle all the aftercare needs of their submissives after bondage/pain play. I mean, come on, she didn’t even need Vitamin E or Neosporin afterward? Serena must have freaky super healing skin because I have a permanent mark on my shin from where my ski boots were latched too tight once!

Still, the quality of writing, in depth characters, and raw, powerful eroticism are top notch, as always in true Maya Banks fashion. Although I had serious doubts about the believability of the Master/sex slave relationship, she actually makes it plausible and realistic for the characters Damon and Serena; and I could even fathom some of their fascination with the concept, even if it’s not quite my cup of coffee.

I’ll definitely read the upcoming books in this series, Sweet Seduction that’s due out October’2009 and Sweet Temptation (mysteriously yummy Micah’s story) slated for release in April’2010.

Even though I didn’t love every facet of this story, it was still entertaining (and definitely H-O-T) enough to hold my attention and a pulse-pounding erotic read; so I’m settling on 4 stars.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,279 reviews956 followers
August 9, 2022
Delicious! Hot! Steamy! I do not expect less from Miss Banks. So sweet just like the title Sweet Persuasion. I read Sweet series not in order. Miss Banks giving me Damon and Serena story. Since this is erotica and Miss Banks is well known for her BDSM lifestyle, Sweet Persuasion hits the right spot.

Like many of erotica story, the characters are not really in depth. The plot is straight forward and focusing more on the BDSM.
I enjoy it very much. Such a steamy read to close my weekend.

4 stars
Profile Image for Annie .
2,484 reviews944 followers
July 3, 2012
4.5 STARS!!!

Dear Damon,
Take me. Make me your slave. You may do what you wish to me. I am yours.

Sweet Persuasion is the second book of Maya Banks’s Sweet series and it is hands down my favourite! I have a feeling that it will remain my favourite even when I get down to reading the other books in this series. This book is sinfully sweet, mixing the perfect amount of kink and tenderness! The BDSM wasn’t over the top or scary. And I think most of that is because Damon Roche, the hero of this book is so downright sexy, that any female would be willing drop down on her knees for him.

Damon mans The House, an elite club where you can live out your sexual fantasies. He is Mr. GQ, all sleek and quiet strength, the absolute perfect gentlemen. But when it comes down to sex, he is raw sexuality to the hundredth degree. So much so that these pages burn so hot, they’ll scorch your fingers!

I devoured his book completely and when I flipped that last page, I was so sad to have it all end. Simply put, Damon is a dream. And I never wanted to wake up to reality...

Serena has dreamed to be owned completely in the most basic and primal way. She wants to be taken wholly by a man who she can trust to take care of her. As a wish fulfiller herself, she desperately seeks out her one chance to make her wildest dreams come true. With Damon, she gets that.

Here’s a not-so-secret secret....I am not a fan of butt plugs. I’ve read a few erotica romance novels in the past with them and they just make me cringe. But SOMEHOW in this book, I didn’t find myself wincing as I read those scenes. Again, I think it may be solely because it was Damon and not any other character. Damon was a great Master, caring for her and pleasing her at the same time. He made sure he never hurt her and through that, he gained her complete trust.

Sweet Persuasion was deliciously dark and alluring. And mixed in with the humour and heart, it made for the perfect book to heat up my evenings!
Profile Image for seton.
713 reviews317 followers
June 3, 2009
Pretty good considering it's not really my cuppa.

I love smut as much as the next girl but I have a low threshold for BDSM. Spanking by hand is fine but as soon as all the hardware comes out - the nipple clamps, the crops, the whips, the handcuffs, the furniture - it becomes a real turn-off.

This book was more hardcore than the first book in the series - SWEET SURRENDER - but beneath all the BDSM, there is a tender relationship with lots of heat. Banks does exceptionally hot sex scenes altho I could have done without the descriptions of "bowels" being pummeled. She also does a great job setting up Book #3 and Book #4 in the series and I look forward to them in hope that she will go easy on the BDSM. I have read the majority of Banks's book and this is the first time I really couldnt handle some of the elements in her novels.

Content warning: exhibitionism, anal, belting, whipping with a crop, nipple clamps, bondage, public punishments, one scene that verged on menage a quartre, and abuse of the phrase "sex slave".
Profile Image for Teryl.
1,130 reviews
February 2, 2015
What I learned from this book:
I don't want someone to feed me from their hand
I don't want to be told when I can and can't wear clothes
I don't want to sleep tied to the bed
I don't think whipping me with either a crop or belt would give me an orgasm and I most definately don't want to be around people naked or be whipped in front of others.

After all that, for some strange reason I liked Damon.
Profile Image for Cami.
1,532 reviews74 followers
July 17, 2020
Very sexy book!

I was wanting to know more about Damon and so this gave me what I wanted. He is just as lovely as I thought he would be after reading the first book.
Profile Image for Dee.
1,500 reviews173 followers
October 12, 2015
Although this is #2 in the series by mistake I read #3 first and then went back to this. I read a lot of erotic books and accept there may be a few things in there that I don't agree with. I am open-minded and have always been a live and let live sort of person and providing all parties are happy then there is nothing wrong and that although something may be wrong for me it is right for them. On this basis I accepted that Serena was happy about the relationship between her and Damon as he was fulfilling her fantasy.

Then we got to a part that I really struggled with. I accept a bit of whipping but full out beating was past my tolerance level but I couldn't stop reading it as couldn't really believe it and wanted to see how things ended. I am afraid I do not find anything hot or sexy about being beaten in a room full of people and to me it was full out humiliation. In my mind a decent human being would not even treat an animal like that yet Damon, who supposedly cared about her, had her strung up naked, whipped/beaten 24 times with his belt and then forced to her knees whilst he f***ked her mouth. I am sorry but if that was me I would have bitten his d*ck off when he shoved it in my mouth and then I would have kicked his ass.

I know that those who practice extreme BDSM may see nothing wrong with this scene but I couldn't cope with it. I actually had tears in my eyes thinking how on earth could he treat her like that. He left her humiliated and in pain, made to sit upright on her knees by his chair all evening before allowing her to go to bed after his guests had left. To make matters even worse he made her sleep alone as part of her punishment knowing that she was desperate to be held and re-assured.

What I also could not understand was how Serena dealt with all this. She got absolutely no pleasure out of being beaten (and I do mean beaten not a little tap!), allowed herself to be humiliated further and then ended up crying because she felt that she had failed and disappointed him and in her mind she deserved what she got!! WTF

I am not sure that I want to go on and read Micah's story as have seen reviews that it is even heavier than this!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Riverina Romantics.
427 reviews28 followers
March 20, 2012
After finishing the first book in this series I decided to read the next one straight away.

The mighty fine Damon was calling to me....calling I tells ya.

I fell in love with him in the first book. Apart from the hunky goodness, he was rich, dominant and held himself in the sexiest, confident manner that made me go all soft inside.

Unfortunately, I had the same problem with this book as I did with the first and maybe a few added annoyances to make it only 3 stars.

The first half was enjoyable, the emotion was more in depth and I loved the build up to the passion and the nervousness, but then....

there is this HUGE block of sex. As I mentioned in my review of the first book - I LOVE SEX, but it flipped from an interesting story to a big lego block full of orgasms. There was sperm flying everywhere and I'm damn glad she didn't get it in her eye cause that shit stings!....Or so I'm told.

I wanted to feel more of an emotional connection between Damon and Serena and to be honest the BDSM was a little too full on for me. I admit I'm not a huge BDSM fan and Maya Banks take on the genre just doesn't tickle my fancy. The punishments are harsh and I can't feel the love while reading through parted fingers covering my eyes.

It was still well written, just not for me unfortunately and the ending was summed up so quickly that I wasn't left feeling content with the outcome either.

More poor, poor Damon. Oh how I had such high hopes for you.

Profile Image for Shannon .
1,215 reviews2,406 followers
July 28, 2015
Serena James runs her own successful business, making people's fantasies come true. Whether they dream of being a head chef at a fancy restaurant, or a princess on a cruise ship, Serena's job is to make it happen. The one person whose fantasy she hasn't worked on is her own. Deciding to take the plunge, she approaches her friend Faith and asks her if she knows of anyone who fulfils sexual fantasies.

Shocked as she is by Serena's fantasy to be a man's sex slave, Faith puts her in touch with her friend Damon Roche, who runs The House, a private club outside the city for people to indulge in all manner of eroticism. Damon is as attracted to Serena upon meeting her as she is with him, and when he hears what she wants he's determined to be the man to fulfil her fantasy.

For Damon, though, it's no fantasy, and as the two explore the kind of relationship he wants more than anything, Serena has to face her own fears and decide which is the real her: the woman she is under Damon's expert care, or the woman who's resistant to the idea of doing it "for real".

This is an extremely intense and erotic novel, and quite different from the other two Banks novels I've read, especially the first book in this series, Sweet Surrender, in which nothing really happened until the very end. Banks creates a very real, very sensual and incredibly erotic situation here and doesn't hold back. At the same time, it's a romance, and leaves you all warm and fuzzy. That's the big difference between straight erotica and romantic erotica - there can still be a bit of angst and soul-searching, but there's also a lot of love and a lovely happy ending.

While it's not something I'd ever want in real life (I don't even see how it could be practical), it's a lot of fun to read someone else's experience - especially with Damon being as sexy as he is. Serena is a wonderful heroine, strong-willed and strong and secure enough not to agonise over what she's doing and what she wants - at least, not until she has to decide whether it really is just a fantasy or not, and even then her indecision isn't depressing or dark as it can be in erotica.

In both this and the previous book in the Sweet series, Banks targets a modern conundrum, that of the independent woman battling her own needs and feeling ashamed of them. The thing that I enjoy about this is the emphasis on being strong in order to give of yourself. In today's world, women too often feel that self-assertiveness must of necessity equate holding yourself back, being dominant, maintaining control etc. The women here set themselves free by embracing what they desire and trusting the men they give themselves too - naturally, it wouldn't work with just any man.

This is a sweet and loving story, but it's wilder than Banks' other books, very erotically charged, so it won't be for everyone who enjoys erotic romance. It has some scenes that are quite powerful but the emotional connection between the main characters, and the extent to which I empathised with them, made them all the more powerful and not in the least tacky. In fact, I delight in Banks' prose here, the simple but beautiful scenes she creates through her words. I didn't care greatly for the other two books of hers I've read, but this one touched me and I even cried a bit at the end. Highly addictive.
Profile Image for Holly.
304 reviews103 followers
June 18, 2009
** spoiler alert **

Serena James is in the business of fulfilling fantasies. Whether it's a night as a high roller, or the childhood dream to act the princess aboard a cruise ship, Serena happily and wistfully fulfills whatever her clients desire. Happily, because she enjoys whenever a fantasy lives up to it's expectations and wistfully, because she wishes she too could just walk into a room and have her deepest darkest fantasy come to life. Though her fantasy is a little more complicated than setting up a dream night as the head chef in a restaurant. She wants a real life master she could kneel before and lay her head on. Who will take her, own her, and cherish her. Lucky for this lady she happens to know a friend who has the private number of the man who lives in a world where finding such a master is commonplace. When Serena's friend points her in the direction of Damon Roche, it's like serving up the lamb to the lion. To steal a line, "What a stupid lamb, and what a sick, masochistic lion." (I think that line sums up this story pretty nicely)

Damon Roche is a man who has given up on his own personal fantasy. He loves the feel of a woman kneeling at his feet. He loves the feel of a bound woman, submissively offering herself up to his control. Finding such a woman is easy. Keeping one is a different story. What he wants as a lifestyle scares off most women and so when his friend points him in the direction of Serena, he sets after her with predatory anticipation. He's willing to live the fantasy with Serena for one month, going a week at a time. Barely the first five days have past before the lines of this carefully delineated fantasy begin to blur and neither Damon or Serena know what is truth or illusion. Are they living out the fantasy of Master and slave? Or are they simply creating their own relationship in a world with no guidelines or rules?

Maya Banks can certainly write some sexy scenes. Some parts of this book had me squirming in lust. While others had my mind wandering in boredom. Plus there were others that had me going, "Ewwwww." Still, there was one scene that had me going, "Awww." Since all I heard before reading this book was about specific scenes - I'm going to spoil them and give my thoughts: Spoilers ahead!!!!!!

Maya Banks loves having her men feed and bathe their ladies. While I could do without the feeding part (but thank God she didnt have the women kneeling at the mens feet, being fed scraps from the table * waves to Jaid Black*) I certainly enjoyed the bathing parts and whenever someone takes a brush to Serena's hair. I looooooooooooove having my hair brushed so whenever I read about it in a book it instantly gets a thumbs up from me.

Damon likes to keep her naked and he enjoys having her naked in front of other people as well. But only in front of servants who never bat an eyelash over it or only in front of people who either live or know the lifestyle. He repeatedly tells her his aim is not to embarrass her and indeed, no one bats an eyelash over it.

One man prepares Serena for a night of fun and games at The House. He toys with her nipples before applying nipple clamps and then hands her off to Damon. Other then that, the closest we got to multiple partners was the first anal scene. Damon had two men hold Serena down while he was having rough anal sex with her. Later, while he was coming inside her, the two men come on top of her. I could have done without the mention that some of the stuff landed on her face, but other then that, I found that scene to be damn hot. Damn. Hot.

Damon has a comfy cozy pallet made up for Serena that he places at the foot of his super masculine chair before a roaring fire. (I ain't gonna mention the absurdity of having both the fire and the air conditioning on. Nope. Ain't gonna mention it - though it was this type of pretension that rubbed me the wrong way with Damon) It's the infamous dog reposing before it's master scene. Truthfully? I kinda found it cute. Damon is working and he occasionally rubs his toes along her back. I couldn't help myself and had to let out a big, "Awwww."

The first whipping scene at The House was very hot. She hit subspace with a bang and I thought it was very erotic.

The second whipping scene was not as erotic as Maya Banks could have written - which was appropriate since it was created to be a scene of endurance and atonement, and ultimately about submitting with grace. Damon stands there before her and demands her eyes never leave his face. Micah is actually the one who administers this corporeal punishment. What happens to bring about this scene is that Serena does not call Damon when she knows she's going to be late. She's actually avoiding him and does this on purpose, knowing he will be worried. He's understandably pissed off. He's going to get her back later for it but in the meantime they have guests so he wants her to get dressed and come back to him. She's playing games and unsure of whether or not she wants this to be real. She decides she doesn't want this to be real and instead of changing her clothes, she comes down naked as a jaybird. As a slave. Since the party is full of men and women who live the lifestyle, they all know exactly what she is doing, and what message she is conveying. A big F U to all of them. So Damon punishes her publicly for her defiance of him and her shaming him in front of them.

End spoilers!!!!!!!!!!!!

Damon was very sweet in Maya Banks' first book in the Sweet series, Sweet Surrender, and I had problems imagining him as the type of man who would want Serena as he did in Sweet Persuasion. After finishing this book I still felt no closer in knowing what made him tick and while I can now envision him as the implacable master who desired instant obedience and devotion, it didn't mean I particularly enjoyed it. He was too GQ for my tastes. I like a man with a harder edge. A rougher refinement. Truthfully, he reminded me of Phury from J.R. Ward's BDB series. Try imagining that wet dishrag as a powerful dom and see if you can keep a straight face. It's kind of a drastic comparison and not a particularly fair one, but it's an image that kept popping in my head regardless. Neither Serena or Damon were personable enough to keep me centered in this story and neither were the BDSM scenes hardcore enough to keep my interest alive either. (ETA: For a mass market produced book this a very hardcore book. So read at your own risk.)

Julia, a character that Maya Banks is sequel baiting with irritated the holy crap out of me. I wanted to take a pair of scissors and cut her out of this book. Her idea of catching a man consisted of batting her eyelashes and showing off her cleavage. Since she was constantly saying that she was not a submissive woman, I was pretty disgusted by her "roll over play dead" attitude whenever the object of her lust walked by. And speaking of sequel baiting - I'm still waiting impatiently for Micah's book. If Miz Banks sets up MY object of lust with that twit Julia I will shoot something.

I also did not like the way Maya Banks brought about the end of this book. Serena's reasons for leaving Damon seemed pretty pathetic. She was hurting and it appeared to me as if she wanted to prolong the bleeding. But that being said, the rather abrupt ending worked FOR me rather than AGAINST me. This type of relationship needed to be worked through on the daily and having them ride off into the sunset would not have been honest. Every relationship has problems that need to be worked through but their problems would not be about him leaving his socks on the floor in front of the laundry basket. So theirs was a relationship that needed to be lived through one day at a time. So while the abrupt ending and ambiguous HEA didn't bother me, I wish there could have been more of them talking. The initial buildup of their relationship started off with a lot of communication and I wish it could have ended that way too. All in all I would rate this book as a 3.75. 4 stars was too much because while I enjoyed several parts, I don't see myself rereading this book. 3 stars seems too low. 3.50 is a cop out I use when I don't want to go as low as 3 stars so I'm bumping it up to 3.75. Does that make sense?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Saimi Vasquez.
1,685 reviews85 followers
March 15, 2022
Serena esta acostumbrada a hacer realidad la fantasia de los demas, pero cuando se trata de la suya no sabe a quien acudir. Pero cuando su amiga Faith le habla de un lugar llamado La Casa donde su amigo Damon hace realidad la fantasia sexual de sus miembros, ella esta realmente interesada, pero le da verguenza expresar sus deseos. Cuando conoce a Damon se da cuenta que tal vez si es posible hacer realidad su fantasia, y si fuera con el mucho mejor.
Damon esta en busca de una mujer que sea completamente suya atada a el y a cumplir sus deseos, algunos lo llamarian una "esclava", y no es una fantasia, es lo que quiere para su vida. Cuando conoce a Serena y se entera de lo que ella quiere como "fantasia" no puede menos que desear que ella sea la mujer que tanto ha esperado, pero podra ella entender que lo que para ella es una "fantasia" para el es la realidad?.
La dificultad mas grande a la que se enfrentaran no sera externa, sino a la actitud de Serena de no aceptar lo que realmente quiere sino ocultarse por verguenza. Damon debera hacerle entender que lo que ellos tienen es real y no es una fantasia, y que la mujer de la que se enamoro es realmente ella y no un personaje.

Este libro esta mucho mejor trabajado que el anterior, los personajes son mucho mas profundos y significativos, la forma como el autor aborda el tema de las fantasias me recordo mucho una serie de los 70's llamada "La Isla de la Fantasia" donde tu hacias realidad cualquier fantasia que tuvieras, pero en el caso del libro las que mencionan pueden llegar a cambiar tu vida.
Pero tambien tenemos el caso del pasado de un personaje como Damon que en el libro anterior fue mencionado bastante pero del que no sabiamos nada, aqui lo conocemos muchisimo mejor hasta el punto de llegar a comprender muchas de sus acciones y de su forma de ser. Y aunque el personaje femenino si siento que le falto un poco mas de empuje, se siente mucho mejor trabajado que el anterior.
En fin, es una serie que promete, y de la que quiero saber un poco mas, asi que seguire leyendo a ver con que me encuentro.
Profile Image for Amy.
631 reviews
April 13, 2010
First off, this story was incredible and HOT! Second, Damon owns me and third, this is one of two books in 2010 that literally brought tears to my eyes! I knew Damon would be special from the first book, Sweet Surrender. He is the ever well to do gentleman, exceptionally tentative, respectful, deeply caring and I was immediately drawn to him because he was such a giving person in spite of the fact that he was missing a deep fulfillment in his own life. Damon oozes charisma, charm, grace, tenderness and style and he's not the type of man to settle for second best so he pretty much has ruled out finding the type of relationship he longs for. In steps Serena, and damn does his world turn upside down.

Now this is a true dom/sub type relationship here. Something I don't relate to but can appreciate the appeal, to a point. Slave and master aside, what is truly evident is Serena wants to be "owned". Not in a beat me, slap me, treat me like a dog kind of way but to give and feel true reverence and adoration to a person, body, mind and soul. Yes there were "kink" moments but Damon never degraded, forced or hurt Serena in any way. He gave her exactly what she asked for. (I told you he was a giving man!) While a written agreement was made between the two, Damon and Serena had no idea this "fantasy" would evoke more "real" raw emotion, feeling, and desire that they both could ever fathom.

I could write all day about this book but I won't because I can't stand crazy long book reviews and I want people to experience this book and the deep quality of writing that Maya Banks brings to these two characters. You so have to look beyond what brought Damon and Serena together to experience the full capacity of their relationship.

There was only one part of the story that had me cringe/bite my lip to the point of bleeding where I questioned, okay, has he gone to far? (you will know this pivotal point in the book when you get there) And that part broke me a little because the punishment, in the end, came not from Damon even though he was the inflicter, but from Serena and it hurt him far worse than it did her. I leave you with one of my many favorite quotes from Damon which captures his total reverence for their relationship.

"You'll call me Damon. I see no need for dramatic titles. I, on the other hand will call you beautiful, lover, mine. I'll call you mine."

Amy mine..... *sigh* ;)
Profile Image for Marion.
525 reviews
June 4, 2009
Serena James runs her own business fulfilling her clients fantasies. She has supressed her own fantasy of being a sex slave. She discusses her fantasy with her friend Faith who tells her to contact Damon who runs a sex club and is a Dom.
While talking to Damon about the fanaties she pretends they are that of one of her clients. Once Damon realizes that it's Serena who wants to be the sex slave he volunteers himself to fulfill her fantasies.
Damon has been looking for a permanent sex slave and he hopes to have found her in Serena. She however insists it's only fantasy and she has no intentions living this life style. Both are very attracted to each other and Serena is torn . She is starting to fall in love but is afraid that once she gives Damon total control of herself she will loose her own idenity.

The sex in this book was HOT. While Damon is a likable character, sweet and considerate at times there were also times he seemed very spoiled and arrogant. Some of the things he did to her were a total turn off for me. There were times when I thought "Why does he not get a dog"? Also one of the punishment sessions was a little over the top. If you like BDSM stories you will love this book. For me it pushed the envelope a little too much but putting my own personal feelings aside I still liked the book. I even cried at the end when Serena was torn and confused and had to make a decision.
22 reviews4 followers
January 9, 2013
Ok, I love the books written by Maya Banks but I honestly didn't see the point to this. I mean, I LOVED Damon in the first book and I love how he interacts with all the characters but I just cant stand the relationship he shares with Serena. He says he doesn't share but he goes around parading her naked for everyone to see and he also lets random strangers touch and orgasm all over her. The scene when she was giving Damon an oral while two business associates of his watched and then they join in....ok ew. If he really does love her, he would not be happy with letting that happen. And what'/s with her being naked all the time? Like really?!? I kinda felt like his personality does not really fit with the way Banks portrayed his dominance. How can one be soo "possessive" and yet be happy to let other men touch and coddle her? And also I didn't really feel that there was connection between Serena and Damon, even though they are supposed to be in "love." I felt there was deeper connection between Damon and Faith rather than Serena.
Author 2 books63 followers
December 8, 2011

Sweet Persuasion is totally rockin’ awesome. The emotional rollercoaster in this book left my heart pounding as I read and read and ..you got it! .. Read.

Serena, a business owner specializing in fantasy fulfillment, finds herself empty. She spends her time helping others smile as they live a moment they have always dreamed of. Being a chef at a fancy restaurant. A princess on a cruise ship. But what about her own fantasies? An arrogant, strong-willed and stubborn woman wants to explore her fantasy of being a sex slave.

Faith, a wonderful friend, introduces her to Damon, the owner of The House.

Damon, a handsome GQ man who refuses to settle for a woman, a relationship that is less than what he needs. His desires as intense as he, demanding and dominant, he feels as if he has lost all hope to find the woman who will fill his heart and shackles.

This book takes you through the journey into the beginning of a relationship between a “Master” and his “slave.” As they both struggle through awkward and unsure moments, each turn, each decision takes them deeper into a world they unexpectantly tiptoed around.

Unlike a lot of books, I found myself very excited in anticipation of what would come next. I found throat burning as the book slipped me into a saddened state of disappointment. Nothing elates me more than a sling shot of emotional turmoil.

I recommend this book to ADULTS ONLY! This is an erotica book that focusses on relationships and scenes absorbed into a world of BDSM.

Severely strong sexual content. Punishment and despair.

Sweet Persuasion, the second book in Maya Bank’s Sweet series is amazing!

~Happy reading!
Profile Image for Greta is Erikasbuddy.
852 reviews27 followers
June 18, 2010
The reason I gave this book 2 stars is because --- OMG!! IT was chock full of penis butter!! Ewwwwwwwwwwwws!!!!! I am sooo OCD when it comes to bodily fluids lolz. I guess I like my fictional porn like I like my soft core porn -- left to the imagination when it comes to the big guns firing. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I thought I was going to go blind!!

And yet... I didn't stop reading lolz.

I also wasn't too big on the girly in this story wanting to be all SUBMISSIVE. Uhhh... do people like that really exist? I mean I know they exist in FF and all but really? Why would you want to get whipped for doing something wrong. Why would you W-A-N-T it?

I would rather hold the whip then receive the strap. But that's just me.

Now, I'm not saying that I want all my broodys to be sensitive folk singers (even though mamma does like that). I don't mind a bit of beast in them (mmmm) but I want the girly to be the one to tame them.

I guess this just wasn't my thing. It's a good book if you don't mind all the fluids getting FLOWN (i kid u not!) around but ummm... not for me.

My eyes!! My eyes!! lolz!

Ewww!! get it off me!! Get it off me!!

Profile Image for Zury.
269 reviews
February 7, 2011
This book should be called Sweet Humiliation. I thought it went beyond the submissive/master line, it was totally humiliating!
I love a good bondage/MS book; I felt that she was being treated more like a Dog than a human.
I am sorry; I did not enjoy this book at all. Maya Banks can spin some amazing stories, but this one was not one of them.
Profile Image for Ana.
808 reviews697 followers
February 16, 2013
Oh my God. So bad. Sooo bad. This was so bad. *blinks confused*

I actually don't know why I borrowed it. One of my best friends had it on his shelves when I went at his place, and I just thought: "hey, why not, erotica cannot get worse than Fifty Shades of Shit, you go for it!"

Apparently, a girl can be wrong from time to time.

I'm seriously ashamed of the fact that I read this. And I'm even more baffled of the fact that I thought Grey's obsession with food and possession was better than Damon's silly secret desire to have a slave, a woman he could protect and love and what-not. I though Ana and her impossibly annoying inner goddess were manageable, compared to how much Serena annoyed me when she went on with her jokes and her "why do I like this pain? someone please send me to the shrink! but wait until I finish this act, then you can send me".

It's so awful that even a child could write better erotica than this, without ever have encountered a penis, a scrotum or a clitoris in his life.

The writing is awful. Boring, boring and, how can I put it?... boring. I guess after Grey you cannot be surprised anymore of how badly a person can write and still be published. And that's not even the most confusing thing about this. What is is that this trash actually sold. I mean, we all know humanity is obsessed with sex and secretly, deep within us, we are all perverts, just waiting for the right combination between dim lighting and vodka to get out and make a mess of things, rampaging through the bedroom, but still. Still.

That's low. Even for humans.

And the sex? ..... No. No. I'd better not go there. I might never stop verbally abusing this work. Never.
Profile Image for Tracy74.
42 reviews
April 26, 2010
I knew this book was a series, but I didn't realize that this book would visit previous characters of the first book...I loved that, b/c I fell in love with all of them in the first book and it was awesome to visit w/ them all again.

Serena was/is a very strong women to put herself in the hands of Mr. Damon Roche. I loved them together, their journey to get to where they ultimately ended up was very emotional to say the least.

I am fairly new to erotica books and certainly very new to the BDSM experiences of books. Granted this book is written very well and tastefully executed, there were some "cringe worthy" moments that I personally wouldn't be comfortable participating in myself. So, I had to keep in mind that these are two consenting adults.

Keeping that in mind, the journey of Serena and Damon was very beautiful and I look forward to reading more in this series.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Deanie Nelder.
1,131 reviews19 followers
July 19, 2020
Serena James runs a company that gives everyone else their PG-rated fantasies (like being a chef or a princess), but hasn't found anyone to fulfill her decidedly dirtier ones. She wants to be a man's (temporary) sex slave, and finds BDSM club owner Damon Roche to implement her fantasy. However, the sparks between them are anything but imaginary and temporary, leaving them wondering where to go next.

I liked the book, with a whole lot of suspension of disbelief. Why would Serena immediately jump into being a stranger's month-long sex slave? Especially when she has a friend with contacts in the lifestyle, wouldn't it have made sense for her to start smaller? Like one night of D/s play? And the way she changes her mind about everything near the end almost gave me whiplash. Damon also has difficulty communicating, which is a definite problem in their relationship.

Still, despite all this, the two of them seem to share an authentic attraction and undeniable bond, and the resolution of their conflict is very satisfying.
Profile Image for jenjn79.
723 reviews264 followers
April 17, 2012
Rating: 2.5 / 5

It's rare for me to read an erotic romance that tweaks the wrong buttons, that inspires such conflicted feelings. This book definitely does that.

Series Note:
Second book in Banks's "Sweet" series...and erotic romance series with a BDSM theme among connected characters. You probably don't need to read the first book first.

Serena James runs a business that caters to people getting their fantasies...whether it be to be a head chef in a top restaurant, or to be a princess on a cruise ship. But Serena has never delved into her own fantasies...until now. Her darkest desire is to be a man's slave, to cater to his every whim and be completely under his control.

Enter Damon Roche, a man who has searched for a woman to be completely his. He's almost given up hope until Serena enters the picture. He volunteers to give her her fantasy, knowing it'll only be for a short time. But once she's his, Damon doesn't want to give her up.

Hmmm...well...what to say about this book? I've read a lot of erotic romances with a lot of different kinks in them. And I'm generally not bothered by them. I have a high kink tolerance and like I said in my review for book 1 in this series: as long as everyone is consenting, of legal age, and not harming anyone else, I don't care what people do. So while I'm not going to say that the sexual element of this book is wrong, it definitely didn't do it for me and made me uncomfortable. And yet, at the same time, I liked the characters, thought there was still a decent romance and in a general sense, I liked the book.

The basis of this story is that Serena wants to be, for lack of better words, a slave to a man. I've read a lot of BDSM themed books before, but I think this is the first one that went full slave theme. And I can't say I liked it once I got into the story. Reading about a woman who is totally under a man's control - he told her when to dress, what to wear, how to act, etc - kinda skeeved me out. I mean, Damon has Serena sit on the floor with her head in his lap while he petted her and did his work. He even had a pallet on the floor in his office for her and all that. It just did not work for me. It was too much. It crossed a line for me from hot erotic romance to...something else. I wasn't turned on by it at all. And I admit I have a hard time understanding why someone would want a relationship like that. For me, it's one thing to want a take charge man, and another thing to be a man's slave.

And yet...like I said above...there were still things I liked about the book. Somehow, I still liked Damon. I liked him in the first book, and despite his need to be a slave master in this book, I still liked him. For the most part, he's a kind, generous, caring man. Who just happens to want a slave relationship with a woman. Weird.

Then there's Serena...hard to say what I thought about her. I'm not sure I ever was able to understand why she wanted to be a slave. I think the lack of understanding there took something away from the story a bit. But overall I liked her and I think Banks's did a good job exploring her conflict over what she wanted. And I liked the business she ran. Very unique

Plus, you get more of the secondary characters who are all fascinating. I'm really looking forward to seeing how things play out with Julie and Nathan. Should be interesting.

WARNING, this book contains: explicit sex, explicit language, anal sex, toys, BDSM...heavy emphasis on D/s slave element and bondage, spanking, whipping, public sex and D/s acts, involved of others in those acts, humiliation....definitely not a book for everyone. If you are even remotely not a fan of BDSM you will not like this book.
354 reviews29 followers
November 22, 2021
I thought this was a better overall book than the first one in the series. The first was closer to a traditional romantic suspense book with a little extra kink thrown in, except MB totally dropped the “suspense” plot down a flight of stairs and it ruined the overall book. This one is just a straight up erotica. There’s very little going on in the story besides the sex fantasy master/slave relationship between the main characters, and while that did get to be a little repetitive, at least I wasn’t left frustrated by massive plot holes like in book 1.

Overall it was a decent erotica that mostly hangs together. There isn’t much plot outside the sex, though, so adjust your expectations accordingly.
Profile Image for Jewel.
990 reviews
June 27, 2013
This will be a graphic rant, so be warned! GRAPHIC rant. NOT kidding.

No, just no. I almost didn't finish this slave/master book numerous times and I kept reading thinking there'd be some kind of HEA that would fix everything. I didn't get that.

I'm not a prude person, but this "relationship" grossed me out and left me a little horrified. Hey ladies, do you want a man to continually and randomly (including in front of other men) whip his dick out, hold your head forcibly and fuck your mouth while you're gagging? Telling you your mouth belongs to him? There will be no return of the favor, either. Nothing in it for you but discomfort. He'll let you know that you're there for his pleasure only. This happened four or five times.

How about being tied to the bed while you sleep, but he can mount you and start fucking away whenever he wants (she was awoken this way a couple of times). Don't forget that he's doing this in a way for his own pleasure and could give a crap whether you get any pleasure or orgasm from it. She didn't.

Maybe you'd be more interested in being forced to lie on a pallet at his feet while he works? Don't worry, he'll rest his feet on you so you know he cares about you.

Or maybe you enjoy being tied in shackles and forcibly whipped. Not the fun, pretend-like whipping of play. Once while also being sodomized. With nipple clamps that were apparently well past the point of "good pain." In front of an audience. Tears streaming down your face from pain. Welts left behind. Twice she was shackled and whipped way too violently in front of others.

Oh, and about that sodomy thing... What woman doesn't dream of her first time having anal sex as being taken by surprise while two strange men hold her down? Then they'll masturbate and cum all over your face and stuff as the tears of pain stream down. Oh, goodie! That'll make you feel good about yourself!

This book was full of dubious consent, too. She had signed a one month contract with this man to be his slave because she wanted to see if it was something she'd enjoy. He told her there would be no safe word, but that he would simply respect the word "no." However, if she ever uttered "no" she would be forced to leave his house and the relationship would all be over. She regularly is screaming in her head that she wants to say "no" but is so scared to do it because she doesn't want to be forced to leave. So, she doesn't say it even when she really wants to. Don't think for a second that he didn't want it that way, too. Knowing she was too scared to say no because if she didn't go along with every little thing he wanted he would kick her to the curb. Ugh.

The bottom line is, if you like your erotica written in a way where the female in the story hardly ever experiences pleasure (except for the mental pleasure she claims she got in pleasing him) and you can keep from slapping her across the face when she repeatedly says "I know Damon would never hurt me" (so those welts and injured nipples were from... what then?) then this book is for you. This read like something written for men (angry men!), but I know this author writes for us ladies. I normally say that what's between two consenting adults is cool by me even if it's not my thing, but like I said... Not so comfortable with the "consent" in this one. Ick.

I reserve one star reviews for books poorly written or full of plot holes, so that's why I'm giving this piece of shit a two star rating.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Michael Dunellen.
202 reviews68 followers
October 24, 2012
Note: this one probably spoils some things so be forewarned.

So Serena runs Fantasy Incorporated, a kind of private Make-a-Wish Foundation. If you have the money and your fantasy is reasonable, she can try and make it happen. The problem is that she has a fantasy and it is a little outside the scope of her business.

She wants to be delivered to an Auction where she can be put on display and sold. Forced to serve her new Master right there on the spot. Taken to his home and be taught to fulfill his every desire.

For a Month.

So when she decides to make her fantasy happened, she is put in touch with Damon, the owner of the hottest sex club - and I assume the only - in Houston and someone with the connections to make her Fantasy happen. And he chooses the perfect candidate - himself. The only thing is that Damon wants what she is fantasizing about (at least mostly) - only he wants it to be real.

Some quick observations

Someone needs to do a study on the correlation between extreme submission and narcolepsy. This isn't the first story I have read where our heroine is getting like 20 hours of sleep a day and can't keep her eyes open.

The structure was interesting - the first third set things up, the second got the Fantasy going, and all the actual impact play scenes (which didn't look like they were going to happen for a while) occur in the final.

The trip home to Mom - I love those every time. I guess they are there to show he isn't a psycho but they are always fun. I actually never worried about her after the first conversation between Damon and Micha - the fact that Micha expressed zero concern, made me think we had nothing to worry about.

The safeword and collar thing - The reason that people use safewords is that sometimes it is fun to say "No" when you don't really mean it. And slave collars aren't demeaning or even embarrassing. I could point out several stories where a simple necklace was used. But whatever.

The subplots from the series - that got kind of annoying - it was one thing to have them dropped in during conversations with the main characters but when you had whole chapters it was distracting.

And finally - I really would have liked to see them get through the whole month. Instead, we got through the first week without an issue, her crisis on her first day out - planning a dinner party for that night was not the best idea, and her crisis on the second day.

I really liked the story but I didn't feel like it was over at the end. I am assuming you see more interwoven in the later novels.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 835 reviews

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