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The Four Kingdoms #5

The Princess Search

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An outcast.
A prince.
And a deadly rebellion...

After a lifetime of rejection, seamstress Evie can't trust Frederic, the crown prince of Lanover—not his words of friendship or the way the warmth in his eyes seems to ask for even more. But when they end up on a tour of his kingdom—one filled with increasing danger—Evie's mistrust might doom them all.

In this spin on the classic fairy tale, an ugly duckling must discover her true worth in order to save her kingdom and maybe even find true love.

308 pages, Kindle Edition

Published May 11, 2018

About the author

Melanie Cellier

93 books2,409 followers
Melanie Cellier grew up on a staple diet of books, books and more books. And although she got older, she never stopped loving children’s and young adult novels.
 She always wanted to write one herself, but it took three careers and three different continents before she actually managed it. 

She now feels incredibly fortunate to spend her time writing from her home in Adelaide, Australia where she keeps an eye out for koalas in her backyard. Her staple diet hasn’t changed much, although she’s added choc mint Rooibos tea and Chicken Crimpies to the list.

She writes young adult fantasy including her Spoken Mage series, and her Four Kingdoms and Beyond the Four Kingdoms series which are made up of linked stand-alone stories that retell classic fairy tales.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 286 reviews
Profile Image for Lindsey (Books for Christian Girls).
1,837 reviews4,196 followers
June 12, 2024
4 stars ✨

Aww. I finished the series. 🥺

Honest thoughts before starting this book: I wasn’t very excited for it. We don’t really see either the main girl or her Prince expect in passing mentions in the prior book plus I’m not a big fan of the Ugly Duckling story. I wanted to read it though because I’ve really enjoyed all the other books in the series and wanted to see any glimpses of those characters again.

But, well, I ended up enjoying it so it was fine! 😉 It’s not a new favorite of the series, but I did like different aspects of this book and I’m glad that while it’s technically the end of this series, there’s spin-offs to catch up on and read soon. It helped it feel not so bittersweet.

While reading this book, I realized that the godmothers aren’t ever said to be fairy godmothers. They’re godmothers who have wings and are sent on missions from the High King. You could totally argue that they’re supposed to be angels. 👀

One thing I didn’t really care for is that soon after Evie would tell parts of her lore (backstory), Frederic and her would have a moment and would nearly kiss. She was emotionally distressed or emotionally charged even at those times which didn’t feel like a good time to kiss, imho. Poorly timed kisses is a pet peeve of mine. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Frederic reminded me a lot of his younger brother, Ralph, in the 3rd book because he seems like a good guy, but we don’t really see much of him in the grand scheme of the book besides that he’s obviously crushing on the main girl. Which is cute, don’t get me wrong, but I would have liked to see more of him and her together.

The Ugly Duckling story can be retold in different ways as a retelling, because the main character can either be pitiful or be annoying or you feel for her. It might be a mix of those, but I feel like you typically lean one way. With this one I didn’t feel 100% any way about Evie at all—the only thing I would note is that I do feel like all her past circumstances—and lives if you will—made her a little too perfect, but I did actually like seeing that on the same side because of that is often how life works. Past experiences make us into who we are in the current day and by gathering those experiences we become more well rounded. I do think it was interesting that this version of The Ugly Duckling wasn’t based on anyone’s physical appearance, but the part for the classic story where our main character feels rejected and unloved after going from place to place.

This really sets up for the next series where new characters go beyond the four kingdoms—which I’m looking to start soon!

✨ Ranking this series with the novellas ✨
The Princess Companion
The Princess Game
The Coronation
The Princess Fugitive
The Princess Search
Happily Ever Afters
The Princess Pact
A Midwinter’s Wedding

Main Content-
The first chapter is two godmothers talking about their charges; Mentions of godmothers, their magic items/objects (which can be used by those with ill intent and do not work like the item is supposed to), and curses and broken curses; A mention of a Christening; A mention of Evie worshiping someone who was kind to her as a child.

Evie struggles negative thoughts from her past (including thinking that everyone will change their minds about her because everyone has & being mistreated); Evie has nightmares of past events like being bullied, locked in a shed, fires, & seeing deaths (from fires) (some causing her to wake up screaming or retching, up to a handful of sentences); It’s noted that after she turned sixteen, Evie tried to avoid a young man because of the look in his eye (it’s not suggested as ill-intent sexually, but that he wants revenge on her and would harm her physically if he could); Evie tells others about a massacre she came across (of friends who were killed and burned (including elderly, children, and their camels), up to a few sentences).

Being attacked, Being abducted, Held at knife-point (x3), Threatened, Fighting and Self-defense, Injuries, Pain, & Blood/Bleeding (up to a handful of sentences); Stabbing someone (x2, one which another says she “didn’t think it would feel like that” and looks like she will vomit; the other time Evie recalls the sensation again later and the thought nearly sends her into hysterics); Seeing bodies, others fighting, someone choked, injuries, pain, & blood/bleeding (up to a few paragraphs but details being not-gory at all).

Many mentions of wars/rebellions, treason/traitors, bandits, crimes, fighting/fights, attacks, fires, an arsonist, deaths/murders, attempted murders, bodies, & grief (up to a few sentences in details); Mentions of injuries, pain, blood/bleeding, & stabbing others who mean harm (up to a few sentences); Mentions of someone being trapped on a drowning ship (attempted murder); Mentions of thieves, thefts, stealing, lies, lying, & liars; Mentions of hatred & jealousy; Mentions of gossip & rumors; A few mentions of slavery & slaves; A few mentions of poison; A few mentions of throwing up; A couple mentions of a mother dying in childbirth & a man being hit and killed by a wagon; A couple mentions of the deaths of camels (a young boy cries over this); A mention of hostages.

No language stronger than ‘idiot’ and ‘stupid’; ‘What/how in the kingdoms’ is said a few of times; A few curses are said, but not written on page; Sarcasm & Eye rolling.

Two almost kisses (a few sentences), a hair/head kiss, a kiss with one adjective, and two kisses (lasting a few sentences); Evie notices Frederic glancing at her lips; Touches, Embraces, Warmth, Nearness, & Noticing (up to a few sentences in details); Flirting & Blushes; Evie tries not to stare at Frederic’s bare chest and muscles when he’s swimming (a couple sentences in details and she becomes aware of her bathing costume cloning to her curves); Seeing a couple embrace & kiss (a few sentences); Mentions of kisses & kissing; Mentions of the rules o modesty of young women swimming & a few mentions of men swimming bare chested; A few mentions of an illegitimate child because the parents never got married despite living like they were; A mention of Evie making a dress for Celine that were too old for her (Book #4).
Profile Image for Hannah G.
319 reviews18 followers
June 3, 2018
The journey she takes is the journey of her past,
-This quote sums up the whole book.
"I had thought revisiting the scenes of my past life would cripple me, and yet this trip had only made me stronger. I had needed to remind myself of the parts of my journey that had been good, and to visit the sources of my fear now that I was no longer a frightened child. I had needed to give myself space to grieve. I had needed to face my past to conquer it."

4 star rating.
Profile Image for Bryn Shutt.
Author 3 books161 followers
May 17, 2018
*blows nose and sniffs in completely unladylike fashion*

Well, I burned my supper to finish that one and it was completely worth it. Definitely Cellier's best book and set of characters yet.
Profile Image for H.S.J. Williams.
Author 6 books284 followers
May 18, 2018

A brilliant seamstress goes on a tour of an exotic land with a big and lovable royal family? Yes please! I have loved all of Melanie Cellier's Four Kingdom books so far, but yeah, I think this might be my favorite. It's just so beautiful.

While it can be read as a standalone, I do recommend you start at the beginning just to get a grasp on all of the characters. This author really knows her world and her royal families, so it's surprisingly easy to keep track of. The writing is beautiful, the romance is sweet and clean...I cannot recommend these enough.
Profile Image for human.
648 reviews1,113 followers
October 15, 2022
to think that i started reading this series on a dare from my friends, who all quit after how horrendous the very first book was, and here i am.

is it strange to be proud of an author? i feel incredibly proud of melanie cellier, having seen how much her books have improved just in the span of this series. having somehow made it this far, i actually find myself sad that there aren't more books specifically catered toward what these characters are doing.

the princess search quite literally has it all. characters with depth, an intriguing plot, details and settings that i could easily picture, and a romance that had been grinning to myself while i was listening to this book (usually i am poker-faced while reading absolutely anything, so i hope you see why this is significant).

overall, this was such a fun reading experience and i absolutely adored every moment of it. i'm not sure if i want to read the rest of cellier's books because i want to see where she goes from here or never read a fantasy/fairytale retelling ever again because this book has ruined me for them.
Profile Image for Josie.
185 reviews12 followers
January 6, 2020
I CAN'T BELIEVE ITS OVER. After the last book I waited awhile to start this one because I just didn't believe it was possible to love a book as much as the one before, oh but it was possible and it did happen. Melanie Cellier just writes such damn compelling MC's, both the females and males are well developed with personalities and flaws and interests (usually the girls a little more than the guys tho) and even the secondary characters are amazing. I can't tell you how BADLY I want to read a book from Celine's perspective and I really hope the next series does that. The only thing I wish was different was that the last book had more of a crossover with characters from all the other books because I miss those characters so much. Either way, loved this, can't wait for the next series.
Profile Image for Coralie.
616 reviews115 followers
May 18, 2018
Gah! The internal struggle! I really, really want to give this five stars! And, at first, the book truly felt like a five-star book to me. Let me explain.

I love Melanie Cellier's work. I love her world. I adore her characters. She writes well and her plots keep me engaged. The first half of this beautiful book had me giggling and sighing, clapping my hands, and gushing over the sweet factor. (It wasn't mushy or cheesy or anything; truly, it was just well-done!) I really liked the romance in this book, a lot. I liked Evie, the bottle of insecurities and fears that she was. She felt real to me. I can relate to her mistrust and pain and I loved that Cellier didn't shy away from that. Evie was still strong and brave, she admitted that the smile was just a mask sometimes, but she also was willing to grow and learn. Evie didn't fight the changes that her journey brought. Yeah, she messed up and she felt guilty and remorseful, but she also recognized that she messed up and sought to prevent it from trapping her for the rest of her life. I really liked Fredrick. I mean, come on! He was layer upon layer of fun. I loved how stoic he started--and remained. It was part of his character, but as we grew to know him better, we began to see underneath his exterior and into his heart. And the romance between the two was so slow and steady that I was a total melted puddle at every tiny moment they shared.

But more than the romance, there was the underlying themes of the story: forgiveness and the unique acceptance of who we are. Evie was uniquely qualified for the Tour. I very much enjoyed digging into her past and learning her story. It was neat to see how each segment was a part of her and she played an integral part in the journey of the two princes and the princess. Her experiences were relevant, not just thrown in to make us pity or understand her. They mattered and all came into play. The layout for the plot was well done, in my opinion. The trouble in the kingdom was planned out properly and executed with such care. I loved the threads of romance, but the plot and the vast array of settings are what drew me in even deeper.

This story covers a few different settings, all within Lanover. However, Cellier didn't just give us exotic islands, jungles, desserts, and cities. She created a subculture for each which thrilled me. Studying the laws of the land and people is one of my favorite parts in stories. I love to see how the people react and deal with the plot points, the circumstances the author throws at them. I thought the setting was rich and vast, which I particularly enjoyed.

My issues with this wonderful story, and the only reasons--call them poor if you like, but they are my own--the story didn't quite reach five stars, as every single one of her other full length novels have, if you will note, are tied into each of the elements I just praised. The short of it is the resolution felt off. The climax was great, and immediately after the climax as things start to wind down, I was still content. But the very end, the fluff that ties everything together, sort of disappointed me in a few very small ways. But those all added up and it left the book as a whole on a bit of a down note.

As wonderful as Cellier's characters are, secondary included, Frederick kind of blew a gasket or something in the last few pages. He made a few declarations that, while entirely swoon-worthy and sweet, just didn't feel...in character for him. It felt more like three paragraphs of what we wanted to hear rather than how Frederick would normally say the same thing but in his own way. Furthermore, the explanation of his grand exit felt a little forced. I think it was Celine who voiced my concern: and you picked now to do that?? Though Frederick gave an answer to the concern, it didn't satisfy. The primary culprit behind all of the tension in Lanover was awfully convenient. What I mean is that he kind of popped up out of nowhere. Sure there was a reason and a background and all, but it was a two sentence, crash course explanation after the climax. Similarly, Evie sort of abandoned everything she had, which took me by surprise. And the story of her ancestors was too convenient, like a rabbit out of a hat. What? I don't think the resolution was full of unnecessary things, but it did seem...excessive in some places, as well as...maybe it was just tied up too neatly to lead into the spin off series? I'm not entirely sure. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it led to a rushed feeling. Also, also! Cassian?! I mean, come on! That was so unlike Cellier. I was insta-love from the first moment. He should have gotten his own story. (But, I must admit, my heart still smiles at it.)

After all the great groundwork Cellier had done, I was just taken by surprise, that's all. There is clean romance, some mild violence, and no foul language. Overall, it's an excellent read, and I'd certainly recommend it. I'm very thankful to have Frederick's story and I really like what Cellier did with the Ugly Duckling story. As a total sidenote: If Mrs. Cellier wants, I would be completely okay with a short/novella from Frederick's pov from the moment he met Evie on the island until the end of the, ahem, boating excursion. Just sayin! ;-D (I'd die to get in his head for that whole bit!)
Profile Image for Tricia Mingerink.
Author 12 books413 followers
December 2, 2022
I love how this book develops the various cultures in the different parts of the kingdom of Lanover. I didn't know it was possible to write a princess retelling of the Ugly Duckling story quite like this, but this one does it so well!

Re-Read Review: Still adore this book! I love the way the ending hints at the next series! The audiobook version is just as gorgeous as the rest of the series!
Profile Image for Annette.
3,329 reviews156 followers
March 28, 2019
This book was heartwarming and cute and a very worthy end to the Four Kingdoms series and I'm really glad that Cellier decided to add it so the last few princes who had not find their soulmates yet could get the chance to do so! Especially because during this book I really fell in love with Frederic, who is very different from my usual prince charming, but amazingly fascinating and wonderful too.

It did help that I could identify with Evie quite well. I loved it that this book was not so much about her and the crown prince falling in love, but more about her learning to accept each and every part of herself and her past. I love how we, as the readers, find those small pieces of the Evie puzzle one step at a time and how each piece saves her and the ones she cares about one way or another. The fact that at the end she accepts herself is not just the result of someone loving her, it's also the result from learning that the parts that make her her can make a difference.

The result of this story and journey was a book with a wonderful world building, a really believable romance that takes its time to get wings, characters who are easy to connect with and an adventure that has a little bit of everything: Friendship, Love and Danger. At some points I think the story rushed over some things that could have been written down more detailedly. But I have a rich imagination. I can totally fill in the gaps.

I can't wait to start beyond the four kingdoms!
Profile Image for Kendra Ardnek.
Author 66 books270 followers
January 23, 2021
My greatest anticipation with these books is waiting to see when and where the dress on the cover will play into the story.

And so this begs the question ... WHY IS VANNIE WEARING CELINE'S DRESS???

That small quibble aside, a gorgeous story that took a bit to get going, but slowly unraveled in a delicious web as we discovered more and more of Vannie's history.
Profile Image for Angi Naerebout.
1,529 reviews11 followers
August 31, 2018
This was so cute. It was fun to get the 2 brothers at once through this story. I really enjoyed the adventure and the look into Evie’s life. Lots happening in this one! It could have been disjointed because of all the different parts, but it had a great flow and was a great addition to the series.
Profile Image for Winter.
302 reviews47 followers
February 17, 2022
I wanted to read The Princess Search before continuing with the Beyond the Four Kingdom books because--
A. It's the only Four Kingdoms book I hadn't yet read and--
B. I wanted to get more insight into Celine's character before reading A Crown of Snow and Ice: A Retelling of The Snow Queen. -where she can finally get her own adventure XD-

I have to say I definitely find the Beyond the Four Kingdoms books superior so far, but this one was still entirely enjoyable!
-the poetry bit with Cassien was hilarious! XD
-and Celine is such a fun princess! I'm even more so excited to listen to her story now!

Side note: I wouldn't have guessed this to be an Ugly Duckling retelling if it wasn't in the title
Profile Image for Jacinta Meredith.
537 reviews6 followers
May 11, 2021
I was very curious as to how the author would take The Ugly Duckling and turn it into a princess fairytale and I have to admit, I was impressed. She did an excellent job of capturing the spirit of the story of a misfit, and I greatly enjoyed it. It was not my favorite of the series, but still worth reading!
Profile Image for Camille.
Author 32 books514 followers
September 2, 2018
The Princess Search— a retelling of “The Ugly Duckling”— is the final book in the Four Kingdoms series and was a wonderful way to conclude the series. Evie, a brilliant and talented seamstress, is invited to participate in the royal family of Lanover’s Imperial tour through the Kingdom. Throughout the journey not only do the royals uncover a plot of a rising rebellion, but the places they visit are places from Evie's past that stir up dark memories and force her to face her fears. Evie must learn to overcome her past in order to embrace not only who she is but also her future.

This story was fun because I felt as a reader I got to experience the journey alongside the characters. I enjoyed touring the exotic Lanover’s different regions— from islands to jungles to the vast desert and finally to a large and diverse tropical city, each place with their own subculture. With each unique setting, Evie is forced to revisit her past and learn not only how to trust the royal family who’s befriended her but most importantly learn to trust herself.

I adored all the characters. Evie was so kindhearted and the Crown Prince Frederick whom she gradually falls in love with is adorably serious yet incredibly sweet. I also loved Princess Celine’s mischievous, energetic personality along with her matchmaking antics. The romance between Evie and Frederick was slow burning and adorable. They were perfect for one another.

I especially loved the themes of this story: accepting who we are, learning to trust, finding the good in our circumstances, forgiveness for past wrongs, overcoming our fears, and seeing how our past intersects with our present. Each setting and each of Evie’s past experiences were integral and relevant to not only the Imperial tour but also Evie’s inner journey of discovering her own worth.

This quote sums up the story’s beautiful message: “I had thought revisiting the scenes of my past life would cripple me, and yet this trip had only made me stronger. I had needed to remind myself of the parts of my journey that had been good… I had needed to face my past to conquer it.”

Overall, The Princess Search was an enjoyable and incredibly moving story. I’m excited to not only one day revisit it and the other books in this fun series but to read more of Melanie’s Cellier’s fairy tale reimaginings in her Beyond the Four Kingdoms books.

Profile Image for Tiffany.
1,381 reviews10 followers
June 4, 2018
I liked this one better than others in the series. I thought it was a little weird that the only places they went on their tour just happened to be the exact places where she lived. Also, looking at the map, their route didn’t make sense to me.
Profile Image for J.M. Stengl.
138 reviews148 followers
October 23, 2018
Melanie Cellier once again pleases her readers with a lovely story packed with intrigue, adventure, and sweet romance!

Evangeline, or Evie, is a strong and appealing heroine who must face her childhood fears while traveling with her royal friends, Princess Celine and her brothers Prince Frederick and Prince Cassian. The story winds its ways through various parts of their kingdom, bringing Evie face to face with her difficult past and life-threatening dangers while she helps solve the mystery of a strange political rebellion.

I love the development of the sweet romance in this story, and Celine is, as always, an entertaining and lovable princess. I look forward to reading her story soon!
Profile Image for Courtney.
558 reviews3 followers
October 15, 2021
I've really enjoyed this series. Looking forward to the Beyond the Four Kingdoms series.
Profile Image for James.
282 reviews1 follower
February 16, 2020
The Princess Search by Melanie Cellier 5 Stars

Evie is seamstress to the youngest princess of Lanover. She’s busy running her successful dress shop when the princess presents her with an opportunity. This could be her chance to secure a future for herself. As the royals travel from one part of their country to the next disasters seem to follow them. A rebellion is brewing but Evie could be the one to save everyone. That is as long as she can survive facing her past.

“One person would be enough for me,” I finished in a whisper. “I just want to be important to one person.”

The romance of this book is summed up so perfectly in this quote. Evie and Frederic take the entire book to pretty much acknowledge their own feelings. But I could feel their connection from the first moment they saw each other. In some ways it felt like a bit of a return to the beginning. With the commoner and prince romance I mean. I’m always here for that so I wasn’t and about it though.

Both Frederic and Evie both fight their attraction for so long. I loved the back and forth this created between. Frederic is known for his calm stoic demeanor. But beneath that serious attitude he’s actually pretty funny sometimes. He made me smile with how funny and sweet he could be. It’s immediately apparent how much he loves his family and how the crown weighs on him. He’s misjudged some people and situations lately.

It helped that I had faced my past with my new friends beside me. Everything was easier when you weren’t alone.

Evie has spent her whole life trying to be a part of a family. She’s struggled to find a place where ever she goes. In fact, she’s lived throughout the kingdom of Lanover for her childhood and always had to leave each time. This was such a interesting way of working the ugly duckling elements into the story. It was so amazing to see her find true friendship with Celine and the other royals, though.

Celine is the youngest royal and such a friend to Evie. They bond over fashion, designing tons of dresses together. However the ones for Celine tend to be a bit mature for a fifteen year old, so the queen asks Evie to stop making dresses for her daughter like those because they’re never worn. Or at least not more than once. Celine is... a lot. Caution? Whatever that is Celine hasn’t heard of it before. She’s pretty much always scheming about one thing or another, but she’s got a good heart. Her book in the sequel series is going to be exciting.

I’m so glad that I read this entire series. There were so many amazing heroines in these books. Just like their fairytale predecessors. I feel like each book was trying to teach something important. [These are thoughts about the series as a whole. Might contain some spoilers.]
Profile Image for Xena Elektra.
404 reviews5 followers
March 8, 2023
A nice enough story. I enjoyed it, though it doesn't seem like an Ugly Duckling story. I can see the idea that Evie never felt like she belonged anywhere and had to find her place, but other than that.

It felt a bit contrived that all the stops they went to were places that Evie had lived and they met all the people from her entire life journey.

I also felt like she was a bit TOO pessimistic about being accepted. Like, I get that she was a bit jaded and so on, but the situation had too much acceptance from the royal family for me to really buy her fear of being dumped at any moment. I thought for a long time that she had some deep dark secret she was hiding to be so afraid. "Once they find out they'll ditch me." Ooohh, sounds like there's something horrible in her past or something horrible about her. I thought maybe she was actually hideous and had a magic power that disguised her form. Or some sort of magic talent connected to dressmaking and she thought she'd be feared for her magic. SOMETHING. Instead it's literally just Evie thinking they won't like her and when they find out she's . . . a person? they'll dump her. I don't know. It was melodramatic just for me to find out that she only has a normal fear of rejection for who she is.

And the royal family was SO nice that it felt goofy for her to hold onto the idea that they'd dump her.

So it was cute, and I finished it, and there was some good stuff. But overall I felt like it was a bit melodramatic and contrived.
Profile Image for Emma.
457 reviews2 followers
September 25, 2020
I really enjoyed this one! Frederic and Evie's love story was so sweet. Both of them were super lovable characters. The character development in this one is also really good. I loved seeing Evie grow as a person, and Frederic relax and open up more.
I also love that we get to see Cassian find love. (I was laughing pretty hard at him while also cheering him on, poor guy! XD)
The settings were neat as well, as they travel through jungles and deserts which is pretty different than the previous books.
I really do love the family of Lanover. They're awesome! They're banter and personalities are just great. I was laughing out loud a LOT throughout this book. Celine especially cracks me up so I can't wait to read her story in the next series!
Profile Image for Brynn Keel.
34 reviews2 followers
August 27, 2021
I absolutely loved this book! I thought it was well done and each character had some sort of progression! I can’t wait to start the next series!
Profile Image for Katie.
48 reviews
March 21, 2022
It's over!! 😢😢😭😭

I swear I read this book in one day! From 1:45 in the afternoon to 12:45 at night! (Don't tell me no one's ever done that).

I hate it when I finish a series so quickly! I feel sooooo depressed. Does that to anyone else? I hope I'm not the only one.....

First of, this book was the perfect conclusion of the Four Kingdoms book series! I think the storyline gave me a very satisfied ending. The story of these books came with a bitter-sweet ending paving the way for the next series and the next generation. The retelling of the Ugly Duckling was amazing. To be honest I was expecting something quite different from the way it turned out. But I was pleasantly surprised that it was even better than I thought it would be. As usual every character felt completely different from pervious characters in the other books, which makes me happy. I've noticed in other books, that with so many characters they can sometimes feel all the same. But that wasn't the case here. I enjoyed all twists and turns that the book delivered.

I also enjoyed venturing around Lanover. I was so fascinated how Melanie Cellier was able to blend and detail so many different cultures and people in this wealthy kingdom! I love how there was so many different lands in Lanover. From the paradise islands to the jungles all the way to the sandy dune desert. I felt like I was touring this kingdom with Evie.

Speaking of Evie, I loved her! I like how character was different, like I said before. She came from a such an amazing background, it would be awfully hard for any to claim she wouldn't make an amazing queen with all her knowledge of the different places in Lanover. Her different fears and insecurities and the feeling she never belong anywhere only gave me even more hint of the Ugly Duckling retelling. And it of made it sweeter when Frederic fell so madly in love with her. I remember him from book 4. So serious and mature. Headstrong about his duties as the crown prince and one day king. I liked that about him tho. I like how he was mature and responsible (something lacking in men today). And the fact that Evie could bring out the humorous side of him only made they're whole romance sweeter. I also liked the age gap between them. From what I gathered, Frederic is around his mid twenties and Evie is eighteen. (Unlike the other couples who were around same age). And of course this was the same thing: the guy fell first! I'm strongly feel love-at-sight is Miss Cellier favorite sort of love stories!

Frederic and Evie may be my favorite romance in the but (Cassin's sudden romance being far behind---mainly cause it came out of no where), but my most favorite character in this book was, Celine! I love her so much! She's to brilliant and cunning. Celeste may be the smartest out of the two, but Celine is the most cunning. She's sticks her nose in everyone's business just looking for an adventure. I sorta feel sorry for her times tho. Being the youngest of seven and always being viewed too young to have her own adventures. She's a real hoot too! I love how she knew Evie was so perfect for her brother. If she wasn't a princess, she'd make the most perfect matchmaker.

The villiany was decent. But I feel this story focused more on Evie and her overcomings than the actual villian. But overall the villiany was satisfying.

As far as content, there was several deaths and/or killings. Nothing to detailed. And character seemingly wanting to "get his own way" with Evie, if you not want I mean. But no more than taunted her and said evil things to her. There was great deal of different cultures and some orphan street children. The romances were clean and involved a few kisses (of course there were kisses ;)). Overall the content was just the same as the other books, clean, for which I am very thankful.

And now for sum up of my favorite characters in the series. I will list their names, female leads first then male leads. My favorite characters will be listed first. Then I'll list my favorite books in the order I favor them. Also I'll listed my favorite romances.

Female leads:

Alyssa (book #1)
Marie (book #3&4)
Celeste (book #4)
Evie (book #5)
Ava (book #2)

Male leads:

Rafe (book #3&4)
Max (book #1)
William (book #3&4)
Frederic (book #4&5)
Hans (book #2)

Favorite books in series:

The Princess Companion (book #1)
The Princess Pact (book #3)
The Princess Search (book #5)
The Princess Game (book #4)
The Princess Fugitive (book #2)

Favorite romances:

Marie & Rafe
Alyssa & Max
Evie & Frederic
Celeste & William
Ava & Hans

Of course, as I continued to move on to another book, my favorite characters changed. But I loved them all! Sad to see this series end but happy to have already started the next! I hope y'all decide to try these books and keep an open mind when reading them. They may not be what everyone will enjoy, but they're an amazing read for when looking for a clean, heartwarming book with amazing romances and personal growth for the characters. I am currently reading this only Kindle but soon will order books off of Amazon.

I love your books, Melanie!

Happy reading! 👋
Profile Image for Reese Songbird.
72 reviews26 followers
May 31, 2023
Just read this again and it’s as awesome as when I first read it. I’m not sure exactly what it is about this book but I just love it.
Profile Image for Jessie.
1,381 reviews78 followers
May 16, 2018
Intrigue and Romance

When Princess Celine invites her friend Evie to be the royal seamstress on their tour of the country, Evie gets more than she bargained for. Evie ends up facing down her past as an orphan over and over again on the tour, but also finding strength as she faces her past. Evie, Princess Celine, Prince Cassian, and Crown Prince Frederic also find a plot of rebellion that seems to be following them wherever they go.
If Evie is going to help her new friends she is going to have to learn to trust them and to trust herself.

This book had it all: a tour of Lanover and it’s different regions, a worthy heroine who discovers her own worth, a Prince who is wise enough to see it as well, a princess who is a loyal friend and mischief maker, and an insidious plot of rebellion for our heroes to overcome.

I couldn’t put it down! I can’t wait for the next book from Melanie Cellier.

Content: clean (mild violence, a few kisses)

Recommended for fans of K.M. Shea
Profile Image for Alisha.
735 reviews
August 23, 2022
This was a fun series. I was happy to finish the series but then found that there are more that tie in with it. I think I will take a break from them for now but enjoyed them enough that I might start the next one sometime. This was one of those rollercoaster romances, we can't be together, but we're drawn to each other, but we can't be together... maybe we can make it work... no, it can never work... you get the idea... Anyway, I liked her stroll through her past. I think sometimes we have to face things from our past to help us grow and move on. I liked the side romance as well. I was confused about the whole rebel part but hung in there and it made a bit more sense later on.
843 reviews4 followers
July 13, 2021
This is my new favorite in the series. I loved Evie’s character! She had so many reasons to allow her past to define her and she did not do that. She learned from her experiences and was a stronger and more capable person as a result. The lesson of working hard to be successful in a profession and be happy in spite of past trials is a great message. I loved the story and I especially loved the lessons taught by the story. Great book!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 286 reviews

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