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The Sea Was a Fair Master

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The Sea Was a Fair Master is a collection of stories, riding the currents of fantasy, science fiction, crime, and horror. There are tales of murder, death, loss, revenge, greed, and hate. There are also tales of hope, survival, and love.

For the sea was a fair master.

83 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 5, 2018

About the author

Calvin Demmer

82 books453 followers
Calvin Demmer is the author of The Sea Was a Fair Master, Dark Celebrations, Her Heart Beats for Ancient Beasts, and Through the Ravenous Night We Ride. When not writing, he is intrigued by that which goes bump in the night and the sciences of our universe.
The Sea Was a Fair Master
Dark Celebrations
Her Heart Beats for Ancient Beasts
Through the Ravenous Night We Ride

Duel the Darkness for Nightmare Rule


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 160 reviews
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,894 reviews12.6k followers
May 19, 2024
The Sea Was a Fair Master was so freaking fun to read!

I have never read a Flash Fiction Collection before and I wonder, are they all like this? Are they all so good?

I am guessing probably not. Calvin Demmer is a master at this style!

There are 23-stories within these 83-pages and each and every one of them left me with chills.

Mostly Horror stories, with a sprinkling of Sci-Fi and Crime Fiction, there is something here for everyone.

Whether your biggest fear is clowns ((MINE)), carnivals, the psycho next door, dolls, robots, etc., you will find something in here to make your blood run cold.

I recommend reading it at night, home alone, on your kindle, so you can turn out all the lights. That's how I read it, anyway, and it worked for me!

I really look forward to reading further works from Calvin Demmer. An author to watch, in my humble opinion!
Profile Image for Char.
1,806 reviews1,733 followers
January 22, 2019
THE SEA WAS A FAIR MASTER is a top notch collection of flash fiction!

I have always thought that flash fiction consisted of stories that were only a few sentences long. For example: "The last man in the world heard a knock at the door." That type of thing. I was wrong. Apparently flash fiction can be super short stories-say a page or two. Four to five. Six to seven. Now that I know the correct definition of flash fiction, I'll say this: I love it!

I read a ton of single author story collections and multiple author anthologies throughout the year. I've done this since about the age of 12. It seems to me that stories back then were shorter than the tales these days. The last one I read had two stories that were the length of novellas. Not that I'm complaining, but I like my short stories to actually be short. These are!

What I liked most about the tales here is that they were all dark, they had lots of variety, and they were ALL GOOD. Seriously, every single one of them made me feel something, made me think, made me chuckle, or made me marvel at how well written they were.

My absolute favorite was YARA. Incredibly poignant and super short. It's amazing to me that such feeling and emotion can be communicated in only a few pages, but Calvin Demmer is a master at doing just that.

LETTING THE DEAD GROW and HUMANS OR SNAKES were another two stories with disturbing imagery while at the same time being wildly creative.

UNDERNEATH, BLIND TEDDY, REVENGE OF THE MYTH and VOODOO CHILD round out my favorites. Usually I would tell you a little about each story, and/or about why I liked them so much, but these bite-sized pieces of entertainment are so short, I feel you need to go into them blind, as I did, and take from them what you will.

I hope, (and I'm pretty darn sure), that you're going to like them as much as I, (and nearly everyone else who has read this book), did! If you like your short stories to be short, original, and have occasional punches to your gut? I doubt you could find a better volume than this.

My highest recommendation!

Get your copy here: https://amzn.to/2VYHWs8

*I bought the Kindle version of this book with my hard earned cash, but then the author offered to send me a paper copy with no strings attached, and I accepted.*
Profile Image for Sadie Hartmann.
Author 24 books6,424 followers
January 1, 2019
I'm not a stranger to flash fiction. I've written a fair amount of it myself just for fun. In fact, if you ever want to try your hand at it, Chuck Wendig hosts some great, themed Flash Fiction prompts and contests on his blog http://terribleminds.com/ramble/blog/
I'll also tell you, I don't think I'm any good at writing Flash Fiction; it's extremely difficult! Often times, with just a few pages at your disposal , the story seems a little "raw in the middle". Undercooked.
This is not the case with Calvin Demmer's collection of 23 Flash Fiction works of art. Demmer covers lots of ground within the genre of horror. And because I love food almost as much as books, I'd like to paint a visual picture of my reading experience of The Sea Was a Fair Master by saying it was very much like Calvin had me over for Horror Tapas.
Instead of eating a meal off one plate of one kind of food (novel) a reader can sit down and enjoy a tapas meal where there are several small plates of food-each one totally delicious & different but not enough to satisfy all by itself.
That's what this collection is: Delicious, lick-your-fingers-tasty stories served up one right after the other until you're full of yummy horror. Right after the first story, On the Seventh Day I knew I was in capable hands. This is really the first order of business between the reader and the author, right? I read the story, I liked it, we shook hands and I moved on.
The next story, Restroom Finds, OH MY HELL! Now I'm excited. I'll be honest and say, even though I love short stories, that one left me wanting so much more. My brain was quietly chanting, "More, more, more!" but I moved on to the next. And the next. And the next.
Each story fresh, vibrant and full of flavor. My other favorites were: Underneath, The Peeper, VooDoo Child, Letting the Dead Grow, The Guests, Hangman and Grave. Those all had moments where I was wanting to get up and freak out with someone over the crazy story I just read, do you know that feeling?? Such a good feeling.
In no time, I had finished the entire collection and I was kind of like, shit.
Now we wait for Calvin's follow up, yes? Yes. I'm showing up for that. I've tried the tapas but now I want a four course meal.
Profile Image for Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader.
2,446 reviews31.6k followers
December 9, 2018
I think The Sea Was a Fair Master is my first foray into reading flash fiction, and who knew that short, short stories could pack such a punch?

I was also impressed with the mix of genres within these 83 pages. Fantasy, crime, horror, and science fiction, with themes that ran the gamut from love and loss to greed and pure hate.

In a collection of 23 short stories, Calvin Demmer’s talent shines. I’m grateful I had the opportunity to try something different. The stories are dark in nature, but well-written and hit their intended target...in a flash.

I received a complimentary copy for review. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Candace Robinson.
Author 55 books1,084 followers
May 12, 2018
I normally am not a big fan of reading anthologies with short stories when they are by different authors because my level of liking the stories fluctuates. However, I have read several stories by Demmer and was excited to see there would be an anthology with only his written words. He’s like the king of horror short stories! Anyway, this was a cool ride through tales with dark stuff, fun stuff and all around cool stuff! Gritty and dark while also being thought provoking!
Profile Image for Peter.
3,439 reviews652 followers
June 11, 2023
I really enjoyed this huge collection of 30 flash fiction stories. There were so many highlights inside (e.g. Fear the Clowns, the title story, Blind Teddy, Hangman or Graves to name but a few). Great storytelling and carving out the plot by the author. The stories also mostly have a great twist that make you speechless. Some of the stories were a bit too fantastic to me but overall an absolutely outstanding collection of little terror gems. Thanks Calvin for sending me this ARC of your forthcoming new edition of this book. Highly entertaining horror shorts told by a true master!
Profile Image for destiny ♡ howling libraries.
1,878 reviews6,107 followers
January 6, 2019
On these dark blue waves, it is the sea who is judge, jury, and executioner.

I'd heard so much praise within the horror blogging circles I run over this collection that, when I was offered the chance to review The Sea Was a Fair Master, it was a no-brainer—I immediately said yes! I've always been very fond of flash fiction (if you're not familiar, it's just really short stories!), but it's difficult to write, and even more difficult to write well. Thankfully, Calvin does an amazing job and I was not disappointed at all!

While I enjoyed all of the stories (minus 2, I think, that missed the mark a little with me), I definitely had some stand-out favorites, so I'll make it quick and name those off for anyone curious:

Restroom Finds: This packed such a fun twist into only a few pages and I loved the description and setting!

Fear the Clowns: The ending on this one is so subtle it took me a second to catch, but wow, did I love it!

Voodoo Child: Creepy kids, man, you can never trust 'em.

The Guests: I don't know where I thought this was going, but it was NOT where we ended up, and I literally laughed out loud in surprise at the ending. FLAWLESS. Easily my #1 fave of the bunch!

Altogether, Fair Master is such a fun read and I absolutely recommend picking up a copy, whether you're a long-time lover of flash fiction or brand new to the style—you can't go wrong with this collection.

Thank you so much to Calvin Demmer for sending me a review copy in exchange for my honest thoughts!
Profile Image for Dianne.
6,794 reviews603 followers
May 21, 2018
A talented author knows how to set the tone, the atmosphere and tell their story. In the case of author Calvin Demmer, he set that tone, that atmosphere and told several short stories without missing a beat! THE SEA WAS A FAIR MASTER is dark, edgy reading with hints of horror, the unbelievable, the gut-clenching and the just plain creepy.

Several of the twenty-three tales told could easily be expanded into longer, and probably more gruesome tales, but most importantly, each one is complete or leaves us hanging at just the right time!

Now, before you think this is just a compilation of horror, be advised, there is a love story that clearly demonstrates how far a man will go to please the woman he loves. There is even a tale of an android grieving the loss of her human friend. Then again, some people find ways to make their lover leave, permanently. Sail the seas at your own peril or rescue a young child from the end of the world (at your own peril).

Calvin Demmer’s wicked-sharp imagination comes across in each story in an economy of words and a wealth of reading entertainment that can be read in pieces, chunks or the entire book!

I received a complimentary ARC edition from Calvin Demmer!

Publisher: Unnerving (June 5, 2018)
Publication Date: June 5, 2018
Genre: Dark Anthology | Short Stories
Print Length: 83 pages
Available from: Amazon
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Profile Image for Krystal.
2,012 reviews439 followers
November 3, 2018
Not gonna lie, this was actually a lot better than I was expecting!

What can I say? I'm a skeptic when it comes to e-published authors. (Note: I just assume this hasn't been published in physical format. Sorry for my ignorance if it has!) So many people seem to write a complete story then just go about self-publishing the ebook ASAP, which means they skip editing, beta reading, etc. - all the refining processes that turn a raw story into a compelling novel. I still enjoy reading 'amateur' work, but mostly because I want to give feedback, suggestions - ways to clean it up and make it a bit more marketable. So many great stories out there meet early deaths because they carry too much dead weight. I like to help lighten the load - Tetris it a little bit, sometimes.

(Yes, I'm a word nerd. I want to do this stuff for a living but dang is it hard to break into the industry. So I just do it for free. :D)

Anyhoo, I digress.

This is not amateur work. Reading this book, I wasn't compelled to consider ways it could be improved. It never felt raw or unrefined, and the writing is fantastic. Maybe a little too fancy in places (there are A LOT of similes) but it really draws you in and paints quite colourful pictures, and I really enjoyed that aspect of it.

It's such an intriguing mix of stories and I was captivated by every. single. one. Sure, some of them were totally bizarre and left me scratching my head, but there were also others that really sucked me in and had me thoroughly entertained. The Santa one still stands out. I loved that they were so short and got straight into the action. The characters were easily apparent and varied and there was so much refreshing originality here that I just settled in to enjoy the unexpected.

The writing is impressively communicative for such short works but it never gets so descriptive that it detracts from the story. It packs a hard punch and keeps things entertaining.

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this one, and I'm thankful for being given the chance to read it! Highly recommend for lovers of the bizarre, particularly in horror and sci-fi.
Profile Image for Laurie  (barksbooks).
1,840 reviews753 followers
July 31, 2018
This is a collection of little short stories or as they’re better known “flash fiction”. There are 23 of them and when I realized how short they were I have to admit I was super worried that they’d be a waste of my time. I mean, I have trouble with a lack of a complete story in a novella, never mind a story that is only 2 pages or so! But once I started reading them I was no longer worried. These stories are eerie, creepy, sinister, sometimes bleak or funny and always creative and best of all they are COMPLETE! One or two even almost made me get teary. How the author managed to do that with so few words is beyond me but I’m glad he did and I can easily recommend it for any weird fiction and horror fan.

There’s a little something for everyone here and I wasn’t disappointed with any of the stories but, of course, there were some I liked better than others. I'd say my least favorites were the two having to do with the sea. Here are my favorites with vague little recaps.

Restroom Finds is filled with gory gorgeousness and is set during the aftermath of an apocalypse. All I have to say is, when are people finally going to listen to Agent Mulder and Trust No One?! And that means absolutely NO ONE!

Underneath is a darkly demented, humorous little tale about a man and his wife that still makes me laugh when I think of it. But perhaps there is something wrong with me 

Yara Damn this one. This one made me go all bleary eyed when I least expected it.

Revenge of the Myth Krampus comes a-calling and you can bet I loved this one. It’s complete but I’m greedy and I want it expanded into a novella! Who can ever get enough of the sexy Krampus, lol.

The One is a weird little voyeuristic look into the desperation of a homeless man willing to do the most awfullest of awful things in order to win the hand of the woman he loves. It’s gruesome and it’s fun, if you’re a weirdo.

Letting the Dead Grow A cemetery grounds keeper takes his macabre garden very, very seriously using the materials he has on hand.

Graves Oh, ouch this one stings the heart until it’s dead.

If you like this sort thing, I suggest you grab a copy of this collection. Each story is like a little present, and most contain an unexpected nasty little surprise inside. What more could you want?!

Profile Image for Alyson Walton.
797 reviews16 followers
June 15, 2023
4.5⭐️ for me, this authors flash fiction is 🤌 chefs kiss perfection! Short, precise, well thought out plots leave you gasping with the horror of it all. Demmer can also show the massive expanse of human emotion. The way characters react to some of the situations written here is very honest, brutally so at times. I just can't get enough 😃
Profile Image for Kimberly.
1,832 reviews2 followers
December 6, 2018
4.5 stars!

THE SEA WAS A FAIR MASTER, is the first book I have read from author Calvin Demmer. There are 23 flash fiction stories in this collection, and--with only a couple of exceptions--I had assigned individual ratings of mostly five and four stars to each story. In a collection of any size, this is something I rarely do. You almost always have those stories that just don't resonate with you, for whatever reason. In this book, however, I was able to really appreciate the writing and direction of nearly every tale.

What makes this book especially distinct, is the fact that all the entries are "flash fiction". It can be difficult enough working in a suitable amount of storyline and characterization to get readers invested in a short story, but when you dramatically reduce the word count, this becomes a much greater challenge.

Yet, Calvin Demmer did just that.

In fact, he did it so well that a few of his tales are still popping into my mind even now, begging to be read again, or looked at from another angle.

Personal favorites of mine included:

--"On the Seventh Day": A fantastic look at life, and justice, when living at sea. "On the sixth day, the other boat and its crew were visible . . . "

--"Fear the Clowns": I can't say much about this one other than "WOW!" It had a terrific set-up, and an even better ending.

--"The Sea Was a Fair Master": If I had to pick one "favorite", this would probably be it. This story had such an incredibly powerful impact that I keep finding myself thinking about it, even now. I found more in what I read "between the lines", than in what was actually stated. "I'd learned to be out at sea for months at a time is no different from being on land. The sea was a fair master . . . "

--"Underneath": ". . . People were evil, not houses . . . " The dark humor in this one is what really made it stand out to me as a personal favorite . . . which probably says something about my sense of humor not being of the normal variety.

--"The One": A romantic look at one man's search for just the right gift for his "one and only". (Yes, I'm aware that my sense of what constitutes romance, is also warped).

--"Letting the Dead Grow": This cemetery groundskeeper has a LOT of respect for the dead.

--"Hangman": We've all heard of Extreme sports, but Extreme English may be the toughest of all . . .

--"The Snakes or the Humans": This one would have to be my "second" favorite--the implications of it still haunt me. A solid five stars! "The snakes or the humans?" After reading this tale, that question will haunt you, too. . .

Overall, I was overwhelmed at how powerful these short tales were, and at how much I enjoyed the entire collection. Calvin Demmer is a name I won't be forgetting anytime soon, and I'm already hoping for more to come from him.

Highly recommended.

*I received a copy of this collection in exchange for an honest review. The thoughts here are uniquely my own.*
Profile Image for Mindi.
1,370 reviews265 followers
July 8, 2018
This book was sent to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Flash fiction is fairly new to me. I don't read a lot of stories in magazines, and I'm beginning to think that I need to change that. I'm thrilled that Demmer and Unnerving Magazine released this book of his flash fiction in a single volume. There isn't a dud in the entire bunch, and I really enjoyed this short and immensely entertaining collection. I read this one straight through, but I kept thinking how nice it would be to have a collection like this to take out with me when I have to run errands that only take a short amount of time. This book is perfect for horror fans who don't like to leave the house without a book, but would rather have quick tales for those short trips when you need something to occupy a short amount of time.

Of course while I enjoyed the collection as a whole, there are always stories that I like more than others. The title story is sincerely disturbing and probably my favorite. Letting the Dead Grow has some truly eerie imagery, and The Snakes or the Humans? is absolutely chilling. Graves is an intensely melancholy story and one that will stay with me for a long time.

This is easily a single sitting read, but like I said earlier, if you are the kind of person who likes to take books with you to fill the boring spaces of time when you have to wait in public, these quick and creepy stories are the perfect companion.
Profile Image for Amber J (Thereadingwitch).
1,039 reviews72 followers
November 25, 2019
I try to express only my most honest opinion in a spoiler free way. If you feel anything in my review is a spoiler and is not already hidden in spoiler brackets please let me know. Thank you.

This book is a collection of short stories. They all seem to be pretty horror based. They are super short. Some only being a page or two but some being a good 5 or more.

I didn't hate any of them, but this was my first introduction to short stories like this. While they were entertaining, I didn't find any of them particularly scary. They are too short to really get into but the constant change keeps you from getting bored. It wasn't a bad introduction to this kind of book and it made for a good short read.

How I choose my rating:
1* Did not finish, or hated it but forced myself to finish.
2** Didn't really like it. Didn't hate it but not sure why I finished it other then for some closure.
3*** I liked it. I had some issues with it, but as a whole it was good. I probably won't reread again ever, but there is a chance I might finish the series. (If part of one) But if not it's not a huge loss.
4**** I really liked this book. Maybe not a work of genius, but highly entertaining. I might reread this again, and I will finish the series. (If part of one) I would recommend to those I know hold interest in this books content.
5***** I loved this book. I found little to no issues with it at all. I will definitely be rereading this and probably more than once. I will finish the series and reread it multiple times. (If part of one) I will recommend this book to EVERYONE!!!!

Profile Image for Janie.
1,145 reviews
October 9, 2019
This collection of flash fiction packs a punch into small spaces. Entire stories are covered with a sparing yet fully expressed amount of words. Each piece feels complete. Dread, violence, psychological issues and strong emotions all find their places amongst the pages. Supernatural elements meld with everyday occurrences, and many of the stories reveal clever twists. The author has a strong imagination and a skill with language, creating stimulating images and believable emotions with a conciseness that keeps the reader fully engaged. This inventive mix of fiction makes me eager to see what Calvin Demmer will attempt next.

Profile Image for Romi || Romi Reads.
322 reviews55 followers
June 5, 2018
I have found a new favourite genre: flash fiction. For an impatient person, like me, it's perfect! Each story in The Sea Was a Fair Master is only a couple of pages long, but contains everything you need in a story: suspense, well built characters and a nice plot twist. And talking about the plot twists, I just have to mention that most of the stories contains a twist that takes place in only two or three words. It just comes out of the blue and leaves you flabbergasted! Sometimes I had to read these words for a second time, just to make sure I read it right. Amazing.

This was a book that I wanted to treasure, but also read as quickly as possible. It was just that good! Where most short story collections, that I have read so far, consist of stories that follow a same structure, The Sea Was a Fair Master consists of stories that are all unique and surprising in their own way. While reading some of them I caught myself thinking "How did Demmer come up with this? This is awesome!".

Now this review may seem super enthusiastic, but that's just because I am. If you love horror, sci-fi and thrillers, you'll love The Sea Was a Fair Master!

* An e-copy of this book was kindly sent to me in exchange for an honest review *
Profile Image for exorcismemily.
1,381 reviews334 followers
August 19, 2018
The Sea Was a Fair Master was a fun collection! This was my first time reading a series of flash fiction, and I enjoyed it very much. I think it's a really great way to get a taste of what someone's writing is like. If you need a book to carry on the go, this is a perfect one to pick up. Most of the stories can be read in just a few minutes. It was really hard not to blow through this book in one setting since I was enjoying it, but I made it last for a few days.

My favorite stories in this book were Restroom Finds, Underneath, Revenge of the Myth, The One, Voodoo Child, and Hangman. I was planning to pick 5, but there were 6 that I loved the most. I didn't think there was a bad story in this collection at all, but these were my favorites.

I'm looking forward to reading more from Calvin Demmer! I think his stories are creative, and I enjoyed the format of this book. The author sent me this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Tracy Robinson.
513 reviews153 followers
August 29, 2018
Full review now available here:


Man, that was a great read. I'll have a complete review up soon - for now here are my faves from this collection:

Restroom Finds
Revenge of the Myth
The Sea Was a Fair Master
The Guests

Hangman gets a special mention for tackling an "extreme English" class. Made my English teacher heart happy.

I want to read more from Denmer as soon as possible.
Profile Image for Chelsea (chelsea.wilde).
103 reviews36 followers
July 18, 2018
This is a quick collection of flash horror and it is done right! Each story is unnerving in its own way, with some being left for you to draw your own conclusions. It’s an ideal blend of science fiction, horror and fantasy. An easy 5 stars for me and I’d recommend it to anyone!
Profile Image for Cassie Daley.
Author 9 books247 followers
August 2, 2022
“On these dark-blue waves, it is the sea who is judge, jury, and executioner. This is another realm, where forgiveness doesn’t exist as on land and where spirits do not find freedom among the clouds. Here, they ride the currents of forever.”

Review on my blog here: https://letsgetgalactic.com/2018/11/0...

I absolutely LOVE short stories, and especially flash fiction. As a kid, I used to select books based on how many pages they were - the more, the better. As an adult, I've found that I have so much less time to devote to my hobbies while also juggling more adult responsibilities... And that's where these bite-sized beauties come in handy the most!

THE SEA WAS A FAIR MASTER contains 23 super short stories, and isn't easy to categorize into a single genre. Calvin's fiction is genre-bending, some stories including sci-fi elements, others focusing on crime/thriller plots. Horror is a big theme, as is the ocean - and as someone who is completely intrigued (and terrified) by the ocean and everything about it in literature/movies/life, this was 100% up my book addicted alley.

I honestly couldn't give anything in this collection less than 4 stars, and I'm fairly picky when it comes to short fiction. I want my stories to pack a punch, and punch me they did, several times throughout reading this! There were a few stories that had endings I did not see coming at all, and I love being surprised.

I felt like this could have been written with me in mind because of all my favorite things that were included: Christmas horror (literally my #1 favorite thing, and Christmas was mentioned IN MORE THAN ONE STORY!), sea creepiness, zombies, serial killers. Each story was fresh and exciting because it was totally different from the last, and in such a good way!

I normally prefer my collections to have centralized themes, although that didn't even matter here. While this one is pretty scattered in subject matter, Calvin's written voice really shines through to tie everything together, providing a sense of cohesion overall.

Stories with 5 Stars from Me:

- On the Seventh Day (One of my favs in the entire collection and such a good entry point to the book!)
- Restroom Finds (!!! Please write more about this, okay?)
- Yara (Emotional sci-fi? Yes please.)
- Revenge of the Myth (Repeat after me: CHRISTMAS. HORROR!!!!)
- The Sea Was a Fair Master (Title story! So good.)
- Trashcan Sam (I loved this weird little society so much!)
- Blind Teddy (Okay, it isn't Christmas HORROR, but it's like an episode of Law & Order and I'm digging it!)
- The Snakes or the Humans? (I have ophidiaphobia and am down with the removal of snakes, sorry snake-loving friends!)
- Like a Spanish Guitar (If this and Coco have taught me anything, it's that stealing other people's musical instruments is WRONG!)
- Hangman (I'd love to see this adapted into a short film so much.)
- Noisy Neighbors (WHOA, that took a turn!)

I'm realizing that I listed over half of the stories here, and that was even after I narrowed it down. Oops? Seriously, read this! My only complaint is that there isn't more of it to read! I could have easily read 23 more (and then 23 more, and 23 more...) of these stories.

When is the next collection coming, or literally anything else the author writes? I am ready! Calvin Demmer is someone that I've seen around the bookstagram/bookloving community; he's friendly, he's knowledgeable about the stuff he likes, and he's got great taste in media. I can officially add "awesome writer" to that list of positives after finishing his debut flash fiction collection, and I'll definitely be keeping my eyes open for his future publications - and you should, too!
Profile Image for S.E. Casey.
Author 26 books13 followers
July 3, 2018
The Sea Was a Fair Master is a collection of 23 stories, spanning the depths of horror, science fiction, crime, and fantasy. The commonality here is the form: flash fiction, or stories that are 2,000 words or under.

Flash fiction is not a rushed short story, nor is it simply an excerpt from a longer one. Flash is its own form. Like any story, it has a beginning, middle, and end. It has characters, plot development, nuance, and twists. Flash fiction is an economy of words, stories that start fast and dive straight to the point. It is a gang fight, an alien landing, a capsized burning boat.

One of the collection's highlights is"The Snakes or the Humans?". Like many of the stories, it contains a subtle pivot leading to a surprising twist. Much like haiku, there is a misdirection point which when done in the short form stands out and is ripe for provoking thought and interpretation.

The stories are primarily horror, sci fi, or crime. Sometimes satirical, sometimes realistic, sometimes fantastic, there is a strong speculative element to everything. Some of my other favorite stories were "Hangman", a tale of campus language police taken to an absurd extreme. The titular "The Sea Was a Fair Master", a pseudo-Lovecraftian story with a quietly disturbing ending. Also, there is "Fear the Clowns" with its didn't-see-it-coming, punchline ending which is deliciously funny and creepy at the same time.

For those looking for some horror short fiction, "The Sea Was a Fair Master" provides genuine scares and creepiness, but also some sardonic humor and heart as well. I would hope the reader too comes away with an appreciation and understanding of the short form too—flash fiction an art to itself!
Profile Image for Norrie.
538 reviews104 followers
July 13, 2018
Writing short stories is hard, because you need to get your point across pretty quickly, but at the same time provide enough details that the readers won’t get bored out of their brains because of your dry ass wall of text. Writing flash fiction is even harder, but not for Calvin Demmer. He pulled this one off like a boss. Each and every story punches you in the face with such precision that you have no idea just what hit you. Since the stories are barely three pages long, this collection of stories is the perfect sneak read for a smoke break, or when you have five minutes for a coffee while your clients are hitting redial with your number like there’s no tomorrow and you just want to get away for a breather.

An eclectic selection of delicious and dark tales, The Sea Was a Fair Master will have something for everyone: ghosts, creepy little girls, mythical creatures, blood and guts, you name it. My favourite ones were the one about the android who tries to be people, and a ghost story that had some serious H.P. Lovecraft vibes.

Profile Image for Steve Stred.
Author 84 books644 followers
December 29, 2018
Seriously, if you haven't read this yet, please change that.

I snagged this some time ago, and it became my 'I'll read this next' book about twenty times. Why? God if I know.

Now, what you'll find in this collection is tale after tale of minimal words with maximum impact. It's ridiculous. Demmer makes you fill in the blanks in the best way possible and good grief does he do a good job of ensuring your mind terrifies you. I wish I could suggest a few stand out tales, but I can't. I think there was only one story in here that was maybe, maybe a 4.5/5, but that's stretching it. Like a 4.99/5 would be more accurate.

Tales of binners/garbage pickers, tales of ghost ships, haunted cemeteries, voodoo dolls, this collection has everything. I would have read this in one sitting, but I stopped at 50% simply because I wanted to savor these. Well done Calvin, I see a lot of worthy praise for this collection all over the place, and I can conclude that it's all warranted.
Profile Image for Brian Steele.
Author 40 books91 followers
August 29, 2018
Demmer has created a stunning collection of dark flash fiction, its horrors touching on sci-fi, noir, humor, and fantasy. Each tale is a glimpse into his fertile and macabre imagination, literary slivers that will keep you riveted. I highly recommend for fans of Richard Thomas or Harlan Ellison.
Profile Image for Reonie.
57 reviews24 followers
June 26, 2018
The sea is a fair master is a collection of short horror stories. Very short stories. They are like little bite size appetizers. Each one with a different twist or some shock value.

I’m very picky about horror, but this type of stories really appealed to me. There is some gore, but not excessively. I would say that it focuses on the human condition and how terrifying that can be.

Some of the stories I chuckled at (this review is written by someone with a dark sense of humour) and others required a surprised oooh at the end. There were some that had a twist that I could see coming a mile off, but they were still satisfying when they arrived.

My favourite of the stories is Trashcan Sam, Yara and On the Seventh Day. The last one reminded me of The Ghost Pirates by William Hope Hodgson who happens to be my favourite horror writer. The collection also reminded me of the Fireside Mystery Theatre.

To sum up my thoughts: They are skillfully written chilling tales that I enjoyed very much.
Profile Image for Sunshine Somerville.
Author 17 books110 followers
July 1, 2018
This author never disappoints in coming up with unique, impressively well-written shorts. This collection of 23 stories has a little bit of everything – from crime to love to androids to the worst English class imaginable. There’s a great balance of creepy, troubling, sometimes funny (in an “oh, that’s terrible” grinning kind of way), and heart-wrenching tales.

I also love that these stories aren’t straight horror aimed for gore and terror only. They feel more akin to the works of Poe – there’s a point, if not a message, about humanity in every one. Some stories are thought-provoking, others intentionally make you sympathize with the baddies, others are horribly sad but have something beautiful thrown in. And Demmer is a master at last lines.

Give this collection a read! These stories are super-short, so even if you don’t like one or two, it’s not like you’re wasting time.
Profile Image for Becca.
766 reviews73 followers
December 28, 2018
Thank you so much to Calvin Demmer for sending me a copy of The Sea Was a Fair Master to review!

Flash Fiction (flash fic·tion), noun.: fiction that is extremely brief, typically only a few hundred words or fewer in its entirety. difficult to write & yet Calvin Demmer nailed the shit out of it.

When it comes to flash fiction, you have only a matter of seconds to grasp the reader, set up characters, & deliver a plot. Y'all, sometimes people can't even do that in a full-length novel, yet here's Calvin Demmer servin' us with some exceptional bite-sized reads. Prior to reading The Sea Was a Fair Master, I seen a lot of positive reviews, but I was still semi-nervous to read this collection of extremely short shorts, because wow -- can flash fiction actually be good? Will I even be able to write a proper review? The answer is yes & this collection is proof.

Calvin Demmer also managed to include so many plot twists in such few words. Every time I started a story, I was so excited to see what direction it would take me. & because of that, each story was extremely unique to both the others in the collection, but just horror, in general.

The Sea Was a Fair Master includes a wide-range of horror sub-genres; androids, ghosts, serial killers & more all come out to play in this collection. I, personally, am a big fan of slasher/serial killer fiction, so just imagine how pleased I was to see that there were multiple stories that played to my interests.

Favorites in The Sea Was a Fair Master:

- Underneath
- The Peeper
- Hangman
- Noisey Neighbors

These flash fiction pieces are the ones to REALLY stick out to me, but I gotta be honest — there’s not one story in here that I didn’t like. And, if it means anything, I tried my best to savor this collection. I typically rush everything I do, BECAUSE THERE’S ALWAYS SO MUCH TO DO. But, I wanted this to last forever. The good news is — I can always just reread it & I’m positive I’ll still love it as much as the first time.


I can go on & on with this rave-review, but instead, you guys should do me a solid & read the DANG BOOK YOURSELF? It’ll be worth your time, I promise. ♥ & I’ll be over here seeing what other Calvin Demmer works I can get my hands on & read.
Profile Image for Donna (BookDragonGirl).
1,201 reviews10 followers
August 16, 2018
When I picked up this collection of 23 stories by the oh-so talented, Calvin Demmer, I thought I was about to read 23 short horror stories. Oh....people!! This is SO MUCH more than that!! In fact, these stories are the kind of stories that stick in your head and aren’t too quick to leave. I read a couple of stories here and there. I loved reading it like that!!! Every one is different, another person might choose to read it all in one go! But I liked having a couple of stories to carry around in my head for the day!! And they really did stay with me like no other story. Because many of them just end leaving the rest of the story up to you to wonder about. So my imagination would be buzzing around about the characters and why this happened, or what might have happened further on down the road, etc. I just loved how these stories had me going!!

Now, back to them being all horror. They weren’t really. In fact I realized this afterward, so I reread the book description, or summary, which says, "The Sea Was a Fair Master is a collection of 23 stories, riding the currents of fantasy, science fiction, crime, and horror. There are tales of murder, death, loss, revenge, greed, and hate. There are also tales of hope, survival, and love."

Calvin Demmer is a Master of Words!!! Yes he has quite the imagination, but to be able to put that across in words that affect people the way you want it to, or maybe even more profoundly than you even planned....well that is indeed a gift with words!!!

Just to give you a sneak peek of a few titles, here’s a few of my favorites:

- On The Seventh Day
- The Peeper
- Fear The Clowns
- Voodoo Child
- Letting The Dead Grow
- Hangman
- Graves
Profile Image for Audra (ouija.reads).
743 reviews317 followers
November 5, 2018
Short fiction isn’t as easy as it sounds. Sure, any old monkey can bang out a couple thousand words and call it a story, but to make characters breathe, worlds come alive, and themes resonate is no short order. And flash fiction: to create a well-rounded story— beginning, middle, and end—in so few words is even more impressive. This slim volume of horror tales does all that, and at the end of each story, you’ll feel your heart pumping, getting that great rise of tension and release that we all come to horror for. I was more than impressed.

His stories dive right in, pulling the reader into a place and a character’s mind. They don’t meander; they get right to the point—and then, BAM! A curveball. Most of the stories swerved to places I didn’t expect, wrenching the knife in at the last minute and really getting to the dark depths of human nature, myths and lore, and creatures you’ll never see coming.

Each one was truly a treat, a delicious vision, a fully-realized story that I found myself wondering about and wanting to spend more time with. That’s how you know short fiction is doing its job and really getting to you.

If I had one nit-picky thing to say, I think the stories were sometimes a bit overwritten—too many unnecessary adjectives and over-explaining of easy things (sometimes you can just say, “he walked down the street” and it actually works better than a flowery, pretty sentence).

I definitely look forward to whatever Demmer writes next. He has a lot of talent as a writer and a great mind for horror. What a treat!

My thanks to the author and Unnerving Press for sending me a copy of this one to read and review.
Profile Image for turnthedamnpage.
65 reviews27 followers
October 12, 2018
My goodness. I devoured this book of short stories in no time at all. I couldn't read fast enough and when I was done, I wanted more! My favorite haunt was "Restroom Finds." I would read that as a full novel! Really, all of them would catch my eye as novels but there's something very special about them being short stories and they were appreciated as they are. So interesting, the way they're written in completion with such few words.

As we know, I'm no stranger to tearing up while reading a horror novel. My heart aches for some of the characters I've met over the years and this book was not left from that. There were a couple of stories that actually had me feeling so many emotions; primarily sadness as I fought off a tear or few.

I loved this little book and would recommend to anyone looking for proper, unsettling horror.

Well done, my friend.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 160 reviews

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