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You Are Enough: Heartbreak, Healing, and Becoming Whole

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Mandy Hale, the creator of The Single Woman, the social media movement that rewrote the rulebook about singleness, challenges every woman to see that she is sufficient, acceptable, and complete.

After years of trying to prove she was enough in the world's eyes, even working alongside Oprah and hitting the New York Times bestseller list, Mandy hit rock bottom. But as it turned out, that very rock bottom became the most firm foundation she had ever planted her feet on. A foundation so solid, it finally provided the springboard she needed to outrun the taunting shadow of unworthiness that she'd tried to escape her whole life.

Now she wants readers to see that though life may not always be lighthearted and happy and shiny, each woman is deserving of the life she dreams of and hopes for. Nothing readers do can ever take away from their worthiness or enough-ness in God's eyes.

This book is for any woman who wants to overcome heartbreak, claim her healing and step into wholeness!

176 pages, Hardcover

Published October 23, 2018

About the author

Mandy Hale

11 books944 followers
Mandy Hale is affectionately known around the world as "The Single Woman.” In just over three years, Mandy has garnered a massive Twitter following of a half a million people from across the globe. With a heart to inspire single women to live their best lives and to never, ever settle, Mandy cuts to the heart of the matter with her inspirational, straight-talking, witty, and often wildly humorous take on life and love. She’s also not afraid to talk about the many realities of being single in a world that still asks “And WHY are you still single?”

Recently invited by Oprah to cover her “Lifeclass: the Tour” events in St. Louis and New York City as part of OWN’s “VIP Press Corps,” and featured at the Women of Faith conference in Hartford, Connecticut, Mandy has also been named a “Twitter Powerhouse” by the Huffington Post, a "Woman of Influence" by the Nashville Business Journal, and a “Single in the City” by Nashville Lifestyles magazine. She has also been featured in Forbes magazine, Cosmopolitan magazine, the Huffington Post, and is a featured guest blogger for Lifetime’s The Conversation. With followers from all over the world, Mandy has made a name for herself as the voice of empowerment and sassiness for single women across the globe.

Mandy released an e-book in February of 2012 that has gone on to garner rave reviews, and recently signed a two-book deal with Thomas Nelson Publishers. Her first published book, The Single Woman: Life, Love & a Dash of Sass hits shelves this summer.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 106 reviews
Profile Image for Monica H (TeaandBooks).
763 reviews69 followers
November 1, 2018
I think many of us have wondered at one time or another if we really matter--matter to people around us, matter in our jobs, or matter in the scheme of the life we live. Mandy Hale spent some time wondering if she mattered as well and the result of her wondering and going through life's challenges and depression is the book, You Are Enough.

You Are Enough is mostly a memoir of a time in Hale's life when everything fell apart for her in a short time and she became depressed. She shares how things went wrong, how she dealt with her life, and how she came through it in the end to feel that she truly was enough. At the end of each chapter, along with sharing her story, she has a side-bar of encouragement for the reader. Not to be overlooked, Hale has an appendix in You Are Enough that offers several resources for suicide prevention. For someone who needs this book, this list alone, may be the biggest thing they need if they don't know where to start looking for help.

You Are Enough was an interesting read for me as I always enjoy hearing about other people's lives and challenges through memoirs. At one time, I also went through some difficult challenges in life and could well relate to some of her struggles. I think this book could be helpful to someone else struggling with depression and/or anxiety. You Are Enough be a reminder to someone facing those challenges that they are not the only ones and Hale's encouraging side-bars may be the only uplifting words they hear. At the same time, Hale does write from the point of view as one who has struggled and came through the other side--which is helpful--but she is not a professional. I appreciate that she encourages readers to get professional help if they need it and she shares how she did just that. I would also mention that Hale is spiritually seeking in this book. She looks to God for answers but this isn't a book with a lot of Bible verses and concrete Christian thoughts. I could see that this was all part of the process for her, but someone else may be in a different place spiritually and looking for a different sort of book that has more Christian answers so I want to point that out.


I received this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review.
Profile Image for Joan.
3,992 reviews97 followers
October 26, 2018
Hale has struggled with feeling she is not enough. She writes of a “life crash” in her midtwenties when she was held together by therapy, antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication. (Loc 626/1480) She suffered from clinical depression in the winter of 2016. Her parents intervened and she ultimately spent time in intense therapy at a mental institution. It was a dark night of the soul for her. God seemed to be hiding and she didn't feel Him. Therapists and a new antidepressant helped her out of that situation. She came through that dark time with the understanding that she was enough, she writes. She knew she was imperfect and messy but enough, she says.

I am not so sure she did understand. A couple of months after the new understanding resulting from her therapy, she felt the need to reconnect with the boyfriend who had previously devastated her with their breakup. Reconnect they did. “As usual,” she writes, “I let my heart get ahead of my head.” (Loc 960/1480) There was talk of marriage. And then she got hurt all over again, finally realizing he would have been wrong for her. She did come to understand that actions reveal truth often hidden by words.

Hale shares her journey and how tragedy brings life into focus and gives a new understanding of who you are. She is honest about her feeling God was absent and not helpful during her dark time. She shares her raw feelings of just needing to survive.

She has not arrived at the point of being convinced she is enough (despite her earlier claims in the book). She still struggles with it, she writes. She wrote this book so she can come back to it and remind herself of the truth. (Loc 1429/1480)

Hale pretty much documents two years of her life. Millennials might like it. Readers who like reading about a young woman's experiences may like this book. Don't expect any conclusive teaching as the author is still struggling with this issue.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.
Profile Image for Tiffany Tyler.
689 reviews98 followers
October 18, 2018
This book started off very strong and it lost a little of my interest. The first half is amazing and quite helpful!
Profile Image for Seashelli.
77 reviews2 followers
January 22, 2019
I read it in one setting! I loved Mandy’s honesty and that she did not sugarcoat life issues - especially for single women. I could relate on many levels - being single, anxiety and dealing with rejection from relationships. The book helped me see truths about being enough and letting go. Losing yourself to find yourself hit home with me.
Profile Image for Celeste Marie.
9 reviews
January 16, 2019
I am enough

Delightful and inspiring. I like that she bares her soul and tells you that getting to enough is a journey, not the destination. Every event in life will require a transformation into a higher level of enoughness and self-acceptance.
Profile Image for aliyahrambely.
195 reviews8 followers
February 17, 2020
Soft and light book for a person currently in healing situations. She chose the words carefully and it makes you as a reader to know that you are more than enough of your life. Realizing the depress situation will help you to be more aware of yourself. She is the approval of strong and holds herself to not fall in the dark spot. She was there but she hardly trying to crawl and she made it.

A good reminder for those who struggle with life that go and seek help. Do not keeps all burden on yourself (reminder for me also). Always tell that you do good enough to yourself. Speak positively with yourself and be more love to yourself.

On the other side for me, this book is more about someone that is broken from rejection. She always finding and needing of love from another gender. I feel like kinda boring for the part that she always talking about her crush/ex-boyfriend and whatsoever.

In my opinion, she will grow and be better if she just leave all the not so thankful guys behind and be more her. She is a great person, a great writer, has a supportive family and surrounds by great friends! She can be more than enough. A guy does not mean any win to live unless just as a bonus (no offence). A time teach her, and I hope she can be better. I’m interested to read her writing more and thanks to my reader mate that she this book with me😊
301 reviews3 followers
November 22, 2018
This is another of those "paid" review books (they give me the book) that I get from time to time and they require me to say that at the beginning of my review. That being said, I only agree to review books that I think might be helpful to my readers and this books is no exception. I will admit I had an ulterior motive for selecting this one. I am definitely not the target market for this book. Mandy Hale is known as The Single Woman on her social media and blogs. I am kind of the opposite of that, The Married Man if you will. I selected the book because it has a similar title to mine (I'd love to have you read that one too).

I wanted to see how Ms. Hale arrived at being enough and I was not disappointed. This book is vulnerable, at times rawly so and yet it manages to be helpful and inspirational. She is so honest with her struggles and her journey in the battle to realize she is enough, but it's more than that, she helps her reader to understand what it means to be enough. While I was clearly not the target of this book, I thoroughly enjoyed it. She shares her story poignantly and yet helpfully. This book is more than just a memoir. She deals honestly with her struggles with depression, stories of being lost and found and through it all finding "enoughness." If you have ever struggled with anxiety, depression or just wondering whether or not you are enough, this book is for you.
26 reviews
December 20, 2018
I can't describe the joy and love I have for this book. In a nutshell, I experienced major life changes recently and found myself feeling guilty for finding what I was thought was happiness and also lost over the major changes I had went through. Just like Mandy, I felt bad for wanting to find the kind of happiness and joy that makes life shine brighter. From a woman's perspective, it always helps to find someone (like Mandy) who experienced the same type of things you did and know that she came out on the other side after hitting the very lowest point possible. This was an uplifting, life changing read in my opinion. I had been searching for a book, an article, or anything to help me gain perspective on all the mixed emotions I had after closing the door on a rough period of my life. This book was perfect. Plain and simple. I'll never be able to say enough about Mandy, her experiences, and the bravery in telling her story.
January 4, 2019
I have always loved Mandy Hale, and i have to say this is her best work yet. If there is one thing Mandy is known for, it is her honesty and transparency about what she has experienced and what she grapples with, and this book is all about her grappling with not feeling "enough" - it is so well-written, and so raw and I can't say enough good things.
Profile Image for Dawn.
17 reviews
April 25, 2023
I found this book encouraging and relatable and also comforting. I read this book at a time in my life when I needed it the most. Thank you, Mandy.
Profile Image for Rubi.
2,422 reviews7 followers
September 10, 2024
Book about self worth

This book touches on self esteem/self worth. How sometimes we don't feel like we're enough, and that sometimes others make us feel so. It also touched on depression that stems from that.....
But the author gives some advice and life experiences to help. That it's OK to feel angry and hurt and to question things. But to not let it get the best of us.
That if we feel SO low we don't feel like living to seek help.
It was some pretty solid advice and was more in depth than I thought it'd be, especially when it came to talking about romantic relationships and placing our value on what our partner feels for us.
We can't do that. Nobody can or should make us feel worthy, we already are.
The one thing I deeply disagree with author on is that.... "we can save ourselves". Yes, we are enough, but not enough to save ourselves. We do need God.
We can't expect Him to do all the work, yes, we have to try but we do need Him. Its a partnership, just as in romantic relationships. With God's help we can overcome anything.
She has a point though. When someone is upset or sad, that isn't the time to be preachy. It's a time to let them vent and feel.
Solid 4 star read for me 👍
March 26, 2020
The author is a hypocrite, rude, and cruel. The words she says in this book are lies, she can't even speak them into existance in her own life.
Once I was about half way through this book, I decided that I really liked the author, Mandy Hale's writing. I looked her up on social media and began following her, but I quickly noticed that she was constantly bombarding and spreading negativity about political issues. It was so dark and negative that I almost wanted to quit reading her books. Instead, I replied to her and I told her that I felt her public platform was not the place to be spewing negativity and hate. She then told me that I shouldnt buy her books ever again, and that her books were "not for people like me". I went to write and response, but she had proceeded to block me. (I would also like to say that I truly did try to not be rude, and I did tell her in length that I loved her writing, because I do).
My point in this is to share how hypocritical she was in saying and doing those things. Her books are written to give inspiration, and this one in particular is written to remind us that we are enough, no matter who we are. But, by the way she treated me, she had essentially told me that I was "not enough" to read her books. OUCH!
Mandy is very raw in her books, and I appreciate that. So when she said that to me, I thought about how she might feel if somebody had said those words to her. She talks about her struggles with mental illness, and about how much just words have impacted her. I, too, have a mental illness. Although Mandy has no way of knowing this, she should be aware and careful of how words can affect others given her experience's with being mentally ill. Her words hurt. I am appalled that she would act like this, and it shows me as clear as day that all of the words she says in this book are straight lies.
She talks about how we are all accepted, but she can't accept others.
She talks about how we are all enough, but she treats others like they aren't.
Mandy Hale should be ashamed of herself. She should be ashamed that she has written hundreds of pages on her own struggles, and then takes actions that could cause others those same struggles.
I wish I could give this book zero stars. It holds no value. The woman behind these words is callus, fake, sheisty, and doesn't even understand her own struggles enough to not cause other people to feel her same pain.
Mandy, I hope you can learn from this. Be better.
Profile Image for Isabelle.
345 reviews28 followers
July 23, 2019
DNF @ 17%. I'm going through a very bad time with life over the last year. I turned to this book to find the secret to learning to build my self-confidence and find the strength to not give up. But as an agnostic this book is unhelpful. The author's premise is "don't give up and you're enough because God has a plan for you." If you're religious and this reasoning helps you come to a place of peace I don't fault you. But it doesn't help me. I need to find the strength within myself and for me personally, due to my own personal beliefs it can't come from a higher being. Hale doesn't stop quoting scripture and her story centers 100% with her faith. Again I don't fault her; it just doesn't work for me.
Profile Image for Caitlin.
75 reviews
January 10, 2019
A perfectly timed book for my season. My favorite book is still Vegas, but the message I got from this book was nothing short of Devine intervention.
Profile Image for Sarah Beth.
209 reviews4 followers
December 26, 2018
This was a good read. I really enjoyed it's message but thought that at times it became repetitive. I really liked the memoir aspect of the book and the twists and turns of the author's story. I found myself gasping out loud in some parts and laughing in others. I feel her message could be broader and didn't need to apply so singularly to one's relationship status. Overall though a neat book to end my reading with for the year.
Profile Image for Rianna *Hermione* B.
272 reviews30 followers
December 26, 2018
I underlined / highlighted a few. It was pretty raw, honest and helpful. Depression is an ugly, terrible thing.
Profile Image for Sarah.
958 reviews31 followers
November 6, 2018

"You Are Enough" is a book that most us, if we were honest, would say is something we've wondered from time to time. We want to know if we matter as parents, in our jobs, with our friends, family and just in life? Mandy Hale also has wondered this same question and spends a great deal of time answering this in her newest book.
"You Are Enough" is a memoir of a time in Hale's life when everything was falling apart during a short duration and she found herself depressed. She shares how things went south and how she came through it. At that end of each chapter, she shares encouragement with the reader, which I enjoyed. She also mentions resources at the back of the book.
"You Are Enough " was a great book for me, especially as at point I had struggled with this question during a difficult season in my life. This served as a great reminder that their are areas in my life where I struggle with this question and also where I can encourage those who may struggle with this same question. I appreciate that Mandy encourages readers to seek help and to feel empowered to make that choice. She uses a biblical approach which is foundational to her book and life, but isn't pushy, which makes this book a great tool no matter where you are in your personal walk with the Lord. I give this book 5/5 stars. It was a great read!

341 reviews2 followers
November 12, 2018
You Are Enough: Heartbreak, Healing, and Becoming Whole by Mandy Hale is a book about moving forward and maintaining hope when everything feels hopeless. The book is funny, entertaining, and fun to read. It is also inspirational, and focuses on healing from heartbreak and loving yourself.

I had previously read another book by Hale, Beautiful Uncertainty: Singleness, Surrender, and Stepping Out on Faith, and I was interested in seeing what new adventures Hale has been on since then. In You Are Enough, I liked hearing about Hale’s ups and downs in dating, from her excitement to meeting a guy on Bumble, to her realization that another guy would never really commit to her. She makes up cute pseudonyms for the different guys she dated, and the book does have a bit of a romantic comedy feel. (Hale would write a good rom-com novel!).

Through this book, Hale wisely reminds us that loving and accepting ourselves is a journey. Life does not have to be perfect, and on the road to self-discovery, we can embrace God and embrace life. I am interested in reading Hale’s future books and seeing where her life leads her next.

I received this book for review.
Profile Image for Laura Hughes.
Author 2 books
November 26, 2018
I highly recommend this book to everyone! When this book came out, it was no coincidence that I needed to read it as I have been going through a season of heartbreak. The author is very real with her feelings and has helped me to know that I am not alone in my singleness. If only this book existed when I was a teenager more than 20 years ago.

I have read Mandy's other books which I truly enjoyed reading as well. She has put a new perspective on singleness. She does not sugarcoat it and does not use Christian cliches such as "Maybe God has other plans for you," "There must be a reason you're still single," or "You need to pray about this."

She has also touched on an issue close to my heart: mental illness. I have been where she has been, but not geographically. As I read her testimony, I felt as though I was growing alongside her.
Profile Image for Elisabeth Warner.
152 reviews3 followers
November 10, 2018
This review is #sponsoredbyfaithwords, but I wanted to be honest. I loved the first half of the book. Hence the three stars. I got kind of sick of her beating me over the head with the same sob story (the man she loved for nearly a decade told her he didn't love her). She also writes that she's mentioned this in other books. Hey, I know you want to be real and to relate to your audience, but I get it. You've had some dark times. You don't have to keep reminding me. I'm already with you. Constantly repeating yourself makes it seem like you think I'm stupid, or you haven't processed everything yet. Despite the apparent repetition, I do recommend this book for people battling depression and anxiety, especially in light of a bad relationship or a dark season of singleness.
10 reviews
December 12, 2018
Great book!

I can relate so much to this book. I, myself, have gone through similar situations as the author. It's refreshing and encouraging to know that this too shall pass.
Profile Image for Kelly Larabie.
11 reviews1 follower
March 6, 2019
Not impressed with it at all. The writing came across as extremely juvenile, very casual & light. Very “cheerleader” feel to it that just didn’t do it for me. I also didn’t realize that it was a Christian living/self-help type of book which as a non-christian isn't something that interests me at all. I am sure it may speak to some people but did not speak to me. I feel like she collected all the “you can do it” cliches and put them in a book.
Profile Image for Steph Carr (LiteraryHypeWoman).
548 reviews25 followers
October 28, 2018
Well, I read it in 2 hours, if that says anything. It's a much-needed look at the reality of life good mental health that tends to get hidden in religion
May 26, 2021
I feel the need to put out a disclaimer as mental health and the journey to recovery is a heavy focus of this book and I would hate for someone to use this book as a guideline for their own journey and be left in a potentially worse state because they weren't able to achieve the same results and outcome as Mandy.

From other reviews I knew the author was a religious faith-spirited writer, and going in I knew some parts of this book were not going to be my cup of tea. As I was reading through the book, religious messages and blind optimism weren't the only things that made me feel uneasy - some of the choices she made and messages of hope she shared felt wrong. It's weird for me to critic this book as it is a journal of her journey through a rough time in her life. I can't critic her life choices, but I do feel uneasy about the messages she shares directly and indirectly.

1) In her darkest hour Mandy said her family and friends came to her aid, when she stopped answering her phone, her dad showed up at her door and talked to her about a plan forward. Not everyone has family that are supportive, infact some of us will struggles to explain to our family why we need help. You can't wait around for loved ones to come save you, sometimes you need to take action and getting started, getting out of bed, admitting you need help can be one of the hardest steps in the path to recovery. A important step that wasn't discussed and ceases to exist.

[SPOILER ALERT for the next two paragraphs]

2) She reached out to her ex for closure, what she got was an apology that she didn't expect but needed. In fact things "worked out" so well for her that her and her ex got back together after 2 years apart. I don't see a message of "just hang in there" hope. I see the best case scenario playing out in the short term, which again...not everyone will get and it can be rare. They didn't end up together, but it shouldn't take a dying grandparent to realize that its not a good idea to get back together with a ex who mistreated you and violated your trust and boundaries. I can't judge the author's reason to get back together with her ex, but I can condemn her message.

When looking for closure, make sure you know what your boundaries are, what you're willing to tolerate and what the right steps are for you to move forward in life. Talk to a friend, therapist, or someone you trust to help you define what scenarios should be tolerated. Don't look for closure as a means to potentially get back together with an ex. It's good she came to an understanding eventually that she shouldn't be with him...but they were thinking of getting married after getting back together? All I'm hearing is that she fell back into old habits and saw it as a happily ever after until a death in the family occurred. I felt like some poor boundary issues were disguised as a fairy tale happy ending and thats not a good message to readers who are struggling with heartbreak. Know your worth, know your boundaries, know your limits.

My reason for the 2-star:
Reading through parts of this book I saw communication issues, boundary issues, and a very optimistic view of recovering from mental health struggles. When I picked up the book I was interested to read about some life lessons based on the author's experience of her journey to find self worth (as it was advertised)...that's not what I found. Some of the chapters were moving and the message in the end was beautiful. However a lot of her actions and "life lessons" were fairy-tale like  and not inclusive of what depression, anxiety and other mental health struggles looks like in different people. Read this book as a story of the author's journey, don't try to carve your own path based on her experience.

Mandy if you are reading this, this isn't personal and I respect you and your struggle to become the person you are now. You made the choices that felt right to you and were good for you in the moment, but they might not be right for another reader because they don't come from the same religious, or family background as yours. My review is meant to serve as a disclaimer, as not all parts of the book are inclusive IMO.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jessica.
351 reviews95 followers
January 22, 2020
"Yes, I was losing myself.
But I was also finding myself.
Sometimes the finding is in the losing,
as I would soon find out."

Lost and lonely.
Depress and anxious.

These are the words I wrote as part of my "homework" to my therapist. I found a God sent therapist at the same time I started reading this book. Both were like angels brought to me when I most needed it in my life. Both made me finally realize that I need to be a little selfish and finally start taking care of myself.

You Are Enough - Mandy Hale

Reading Mandy's words was like she was in my head. Even though this book was written two years ago, it's like it was being written in the present time for me. Every word, every chapter, was like being inside my own mind and my own thoughts. I few times I was gasping so much and relating too much that I had to stop and catch my breath a few times. My eyes started to water and I kept saying out loud YES! YES TO ALL OF THIS! YES TO FINALLY HAVING SOMEONE UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM GOING THROUGH. Mandy's words were the jumbled mess of my head, written in chapters in this incredible book. I kept reading and reading and reading and just didn't want to stop. I wanted to absorb into my pores the very essence of Mandy's own experiences. I felt her pain, felt her joy, felt her journey because I too am going through a very similar one. It's an extremely bumpy and curvy road, but the way through it is to just keep going. Always keep going.

"But I love big and I love hard and I am fiercely loyal and crazy passionate...
I bring the broken and sweaty and messy and imperfect,
because that's exactly what this life is:
broken and sweaty and messy and imperfect.
I'm gorgeously human.
Flawed and fabulous.
And I am ENOUGH.
You are enough.
It's time for us to accept that.
And then...
Let it be."
Profile Image for Jonelle.
6 reviews
March 18, 2019
I have read all Mandys book and I will say this one is by far my favorite. I think all females of any age can gain from this book. I am 43, divorced mother of 3 daughters. I gave this book to my 19yr as soon as I finished. Mandy is raw and real. Down to earth. No matter your age or circumstance there is something to gain from this book. I could relate to many things, from bad hurtful relationships, depression /anxiety, death of my father & a family members suicide. I used to be the kind of person that felt like I always needed a boyfriend to make me feel worthy. I have been single and not dated for quite sometime now. Some days I do miss having someone there, I find myself reach out to an ex with a simple hello occasionally or have an ex contact me a year or 3 later. Its easy to get sucked into the "maybe " they changed and things will be different this time. After giving 5 exes 2nd & 3rd chances.......NO NO NO. I am single and pretty happy. I read many books, because everyday is not sunshine and rainbows and I NEED to be able to pick up a book see a highlighted page to ground me. To remind me....I don't need anyone else to complete me, As the book states often......I AM ENOUGH! I want my daughters, friends and other family members to read this book so they to know its starts within you. I can't wait to read whatever book comes next. Thank you Mandy for this much needed to read book.
Profile Image for Karlie Shay.
1 review1 follower
February 10, 2020
This book held the mentioned topics of being lost and lacking that “enough” type of feel, however, I felt as if the book itself was more like a biography than it was helping others feel that “enough” emotion. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the book and the raw emotions from Hale herself were represented, I suppose I had a different mindset about what I’d get out of the book, rather than expect it to be all about Hale and her own personal battles. The connection of her issues, how she faced them with Godly help, and relating it to the audience is what I believe lacked. I figured I’d get a little more out of it but the middle portion of the book lost me a bit, it was just reading a story about her troubles and it gave me a bit of anxiety if I were honest.

Now, I’m not saying this to be selfish or rude as I know people have their own experiences when reading and I know this book was about her specifically. Because of that, I realize the book wholly was a fine read and a nice little reminder for those struggling that healing is possible, even for Hale who went through many tribulations. It’s a reassuring book and goes into topics that seem avoided in society. I’m glad I read this and found potential in it, for others and myself even when I originally had different expectations over it.

Do recommend though :)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 106 reviews

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