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The Secret Sheriff of Sixth Grade

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A new hilarious, honest, and inspirational middle-grade novel about finding your inner hero, from the author of Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie.

In sixth grade, bad things can happen to good kids. Bullies will find your weakness and jump on it. Teachers will say you did something wrong when really you didn't mean to do anything wrong. The kids who joke the loudest can drown out the quieter, nicer kids.Maverick wants to change all that. One of the last things his father left him was a toy sheriff's badge, back when Maverick was little. Now he likes to carry it around to remind him of his dad -- and also to remind him to make school a better place for everyone . . . even if that's a hard thing to do, especially when his own home life is falling apart.The Secret Sheriff of Sixth Grade is a story about standing up for yourself -- and being a hero at home and in the halls of your school.

208 pages, Hardcover

First published August 29, 2017

About the author

Jordan Sonnenblick

26 books917 followers
I am the author of seven books for children and young adults, including Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie. So if youʼre looking for info about some other guy named Jordan Sonnenblick, youʼve got the wrong website.
Anyway, I know a lot of people are looking for stuff they can use in reports for school, so Iʼll just get this out of the way right up front:
My favorite color is blue.
I have a wife and two kids.
The best pet I ever had was a garter snake I caught when I was eight by a lake in Pennsylvania. I named the snake Hector. Then it gave birth to 20 baby snakes, so I changed its name to Hectoria.
My all-time favorite band is the Beatles, although I like a ton of different music.
My hobbies are playing the drums, guitar, and bass; riding my bicycle at least 50 miles a week; hanging out with my wife and kids; and reading.
Speaking of reading, I read a lot of different genres. As a kid, though, I mostly read fantasy, science fiction, and comic books. When I was in fourth grade, a fantasy novel called The Dark is Rising inspired me to become a novelist someday.
My favorite baseball team is the New York Yankees. When I was a kid, my best friend and I used to go to Yankees games and throw open ketchup packets off the upper deck. Donʼt try that at home, kids!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 275 reviews
Profile Image for Laura.
1,463 reviews245 followers
February 27, 2018

This little book holds some BIG issues! Jordan Sonnenblick’s The Secret Sheriff of Sixth Grade takes on bullying, alcoholism, and abuse along with heroism, leadership, kindness, and the true meaning and value of having someone on your side.

Maverick Falconer is a short, poor, lonely kid just trying to survive the sixth grade in the halls at school and at home. At school, he has his archenemy Bowen Gregory Strack to contend with. At home, he has his Mom’s drinking and abusive boyfriends to worry about. But on the eve of sixth grade, Maverick decides to take a stand. He decides to stand up for the weak, the short, the….well anyone who needs standing up for. In short (no pun intended), Maverick decides to be a hero.

And a hero he is! I loved this kid. Maverick charges in! He charges into frays and fracases and trouble galore! And hilarity. Maverick’s voice is honest and hilarious.

“Now we are going to sit on the couch, and you are going to tell me everything.”

Everything? I had never told my mom everything. This could potentially take weeks. I had the crazy thought that we might need to send out for water and camping supplies.”

There is no sugar coating things here either. I respect that. Mr. Sonnenblick speaks to young readers without any kind forced sentimental cheesiness. He gives the reader respect. He tells it how it is. I do wish one of the big issues was addressed a bit more, but overall I really liked how the situations were discussed and wrapped up.

A powerful story that will inspire readers of all ages—big and small—to stand up for themselves and others. We can all be heroes!


Favorite Line: “I sort of liked the idea that sometimes, when you fix a broken star, it ends up stronger than it was before.”

12 reviews1 follower
October 16, 2017
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

Maverick wants to be a hero just like his dad but when he begins 6th grade in a rough way, he may need a hero of his own. No one knows what his home life is like but he tries to make the best out of every situation.

This is a must read for all preteens! This could be about you or even the student sitting next to you.
Profile Image for mytaakeonit.
221 reviews39 followers
October 19, 2017
This book surprised me! It was very deep and tackled some tough issues like addiction, poverty, and bullying. Even though it was a little sad, I think it's an important read.
Profile Image for Brenda Kahn.
3,744 reviews58 followers
July 21, 2017
Classic Sonnenblick M.O. He sucks you in with a winning, earnest, imperfect narrator; then breaks your heart while making you laugh out loud; zings education and some educators; and gently imparts his message of kindness without didacticism. Love!
Profile Image for Jan.
926 reviews51 followers
April 2, 2020
This story showed me once again why Jordan Sonnenblick is one of my favorite middle grade authors. His words can both break my heart and have me laughing out loud all within a few pages of each other. And there is always, always, always, a kid that I just fall in love with.

Maverick Falconer doesn't have it so good, at home or at school. His mom drinks too much, can't hold a job for more than a week, and brings home one drunk and abusive boyfriend after another. School doesn't really offer him the safe place he needs either. He doesn't have any friends and is also the shortest kid in 6th grade, something that definitely makes him a target for bullies who like to pick on anyone smaller and weaker. He has a plan though. Before his dad went to fight, and unfortunately die in Afghanistan, he gave Maverick a plastic sheriff's badge. His dad died a hero, and that's just what Maverick plans to be. He's going to stick up for everyone who is treated unfairly. He will be a hero like his dad.

You have to love this kid. He is so kind, and his heart is in the right place, but dang is he impulsive. He tries to help a kid who is being made fun of, but does it on sheer impulse, jumping right in the middle without any kind of plan, and just makes things worse. He gets in trouble with the assistant principal and makes an enemy of the kid he was trying to help. Then he tries to make a special surprise for someone's birthday. That didn't turn out the way he hoped either. And it's back to talk to the assistant principal again. So does he give up? Heck no. He's still trying his best to make things better for everyone. And that's what I loved about Maverick. With everything that happens at school, in addition to how he has to be the parent at home every day, he still stays kind, he still is just so decent. But along the way he discovers truths about himself and what he is capable of. He learns who he matters to, and some of those people are a surprise. Maverick is definitely someone we can all learn from and be inspired by.
Profile Image for Julie.
76 reviews7 followers
December 31, 2017
I loved this book. I don’t give many 5 stars-but this book gets one! That saying—“Be nice to everyone, you never know what struggles they are facing”—TOTALLY applies here. This is a story about bravery on many different levels. Maverick is a student living a difficult home life, and then has to face daily battles at school with peers who have no clue about all he must face. As an adult it is a great reminder of what some students may be dealing with at home that we may not realize affects them at school. Hopefully it will present the same to students who read it too. Thanks Mr. Sonnenblick-your ability to reach into Middle School (life and minds)-is amazing AGAIN!
Profile Image for Lynn Plourde.
Author 66 books149 followers
May 2, 2019
Sonnenblick does a great job of layering humor with serious issues (i..e poverty, substance abuse, domestic abuse). Part of me wants to take 6th grader Maverick home and nurture him and another part of me wants him to take on the whole world by himself so I can keep cheering him on and learn from HIM!
Profile Image for Analise Powell.
25 reviews3 followers
February 27, 2018
I loved this book so much. It had a deep concept but the author managed to make it in a good book for kids. I would defitnley read this again. This is a great book almost every kid can learn a lesson from.
Profile Image for Suezette Given.
480 reviews15 followers
July 22, 2017
Solid story. Main character accurately reflects the life of kids who don't have the perfect home life. Really quick read, perfect for character education programs.
121 reviews
June 24, 2017
I'd give this TEN stars if that was an option! I LOVE this book!!! I love Maverick! For a kd with all the challenges he faces in life, he's got a good head on his shoulders, a great heart and he's witty to boot.
Profile Image for Jeannie.
625 reviews4 followers
July 12, 2018
This is more than an adjustment to life in middle school. Yes, there are the bullying, locker combinations that just don’t work the vice principal, and changing for gym class. Maverick Faulkner is short, poorly dressed and has few friends. However, Mav has decided to help others who are suffering by being their super hero. This bombs! Maverick’s backstory is that his widowed mother is an alcoholic who can barely take care of herself SO Maverick has learned to shift for himself and take care of her. The one reliable person in his life is his Aunt Cat. When he has trouble, she is the one he calls. Although Sonnenblick writes with a sense of humor, he presents a serious situation and a clear message about bullying, family dynamics, and the ability to recognize what doesn’t work so you can change your “destiny.” There is hope in this story and some of the adults do turn out to be decent people.
Profile Image for Michelle.
214 reviews
October 27, 2018
I really liked this. It's so brutally realistic - dealing with bullies, a drunk mom who dates abusive men, and the very real trials of 6th grade -- and yet so funny and smart. The narrator, Maverick, sets out with a strong desire, a quest, to be heroic - despite his physical disadvantages, and true to life, his attempts are very less than perfect as he navigates how to be like his heroic father and tries to understand why people do what they do -- good, bad, harmful to themselves, confusing, and compassionate. It's a complicated world, and we are certainly very complicated creatures. This story was refreshing in its honest, endearing, humorous look at a kid trying to navigate a confusing, complex world.
Profile Image for Melissa.
73 reviews2 followers
August 23, 2021
Great book for sixth grade kids

Can't wait to read this with my sixth graders! This book addresses all of those things that are important in the life of sith graders and all of the challenges they might face. Big issues are handled tastefully that would allow those students who have bigger challenges to feel like they aren't alone.
Profile Image for Christine.
460 reviews
December 22, 2017
Another great one by Jordan Sonnenblick. It touches on so many relevant issues...bullying, single parents, abuse, alcoholism...in a real, touching, funny, heart-breaking way.
Profile Image for Patrick.
385 reviews
August 9, 2017
Loved it. Fun to be back to an J.S. Novel. Great main character who has a tough home life but wants to make the best of his school life. Good deeds seem to land him in trouble. Page turner for sure.
Profile Image for Amy.
1,902 reviews6 followers
January 12, 2018
If you want a funny, heartwarming story then pick up this quick read. Maverick has a rough life with a mom who struggles with drinking, keeping a job, and not dating abusive jerks. His dad died saving others and was a hero, so Maverick has the idea to be a quiet hero of the 6th grade. Things escalate quickly as his attempts backfire and he seems to make his enemies hate him even more. It is a tough read at times and I may have shed a tear or two for all of the Mavericks out there that have sucky lives. The good news is there is a hope in the story as he tries to impact others around him. 6th grade and up.
Profile Image for Mia Wenjen.
Author 10 books18 followers
November 6, 2017
What makes a true hero? THE SECRET SHERIFF OF SIXTH GRADE by Jordan Sonnenblick.

Sonnenblick has always created heroes that spoke to me. They weren’t obviously heroic on the outside being puny or skinny but they carried an invisible burden gracefully that would have felled anyone else. They also have the super power to change those around them for the better. Maverick is carrying the weight of his mother’s alcoholism and the instability and poverty that it brings including food instability. His father died in Afghanistan when he was three. His mother has always attracted men who were physically abusive and Maverick’s shame is that he never stood up to them. As the story unfolds, Maverick decides to be that guy who protects the victims at school despite being scrawny. He finds out that people surprise you, especially himself.

If you liked WONDER by R. J. Palacio or ONE FOR THE MURPHYS by Lynda Mullaly Hunt, I think you will love this book too.
Profile Image for Kim.
722 reviews2 followers
July 1, 2018
Good story that hit some hard topics: bullies, poverty, drinking and abuse.
Profile Image for Bookish Devil.
506 reviews72 followers
February 13, 2019
The Secret Inspirational Sheriff of Sixth Grade

If I had some sort of legislative authority, I would definitely make this book mandatory for all school children to read. This book will hit you hard. Going through depression, I couldn't have picked up a better book to read. From the first page, Maverick will pull the strings of your heart and establish a deep connection with you. Raised by a single mother, who ends up sloshed most of the time, Maverick leads a crummy life. Labeling him a 'broke' would be a mere understatement. Despite all the adverse situations and conditions surrounding him, Maverick is determined to make a positive difference in his new school even though the odds are stacked against him. In my opinion, the kind of character he exhibits, his selflessness, confidence, empathy, will power - all those qualities makes him the richest kid.

But I hate him for one reason - Making me cry bitterly towards the end. :')

" Maverick is one tough cookie who doesn't crumble that easily "
Profile Image for Diane.
7,197 reviews
January 24, 2018
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."**

The night before sixth grade, Maverick Falconer comes home and finds his mother and her abusive boyfriend, Johnny, having a fight. And Maverick feels powerless ... again. That night, he makes a decision: "I was going to be like Spider-Man or Captain America. I was going to do good deeds, right wrongs, stand up against evil and protect anybody who was smaller and weaker than I was."

Which is why on his first day of middle school, after an encounter with Bowen Strack, class bully, he finds himself in the principal's office. But even the notorious Mr. Overbye (The Bee) doesn't put a damper on Maverick's mission. But every time he tries to stand up for someone, something seems to go wrong. And things aren't going much better for him at home, either. Thankfully, his Aunt Cat is there to help.

As Maverick continues on his mission and he begins to see things change ... slowly. "Maybe kindness spreads slowly, and even fails for awhile, but then sort of seeps through again and keeps moving outward ..." He also begins to understand that others have their own secret battles that they are fighting ... including the class bully.

Such a phenomenal book. Maverick has a strong voice and is such a likable character.
**Quotes above are come from an Advanced Reader Copy
My students adore this book. Some of their comments included:
"Best book I've ever read."
"It was amazing. The way Mav reacted to situations was so great. He didn't just take it in, he tried to make things happen."
"My new favorite book.
"It was awesome. I was reading it so much I didn't even know time was passing."
"I've never read a book like this before! It was really so good!
Profile Image for Melanie Dulaney.
1,825 reviews101 followers
May 15, 2017
Jordan Sonnenblick has created another middle grades novel that rings with truth and provides a look at the grittier side of life experienced by so many. Maverick's dad is dead, his mother drinks too much and goes from one abusive boyfriend to the next, food and money are scarce, and he is bullied regularly by classmates Jamie and Bowen. Determined to start sixth grade as a righter of wrongs, Mav seems to just make everything worse. But as the year progresses and life reaches a new low, things that seemed so black and white suddenly start looking less clear. Resolution of Mav's story is satisfying, but as in other Sonnenblick works, not perfectly neat and tidy. 6th through 8th graders will definitely enjoy this one. (Review of digital copy from publisher via Edelweiss Above the Treeline)
621 reviews2 followers
September 19, 2020
This book surprised me. I thought it was going to be about the trials and tribulation of being a Middle School student. But this book is about a 6th grader dealing with major issues in his life (abuse, alcoholism, poverty) and how he interacts with the bullies in his class and deals with a terrifying Associate Principal. The writing is perfect for Middle School students, though 5th graders would easily understand this book. The voice is clearly that of a confused 6th grader. The message in this book is great - being a hero, sticking up for others.
Profile Image for Dr. Hrubik.
136 reviews14 followers
March 12, 2024
Realistic Fiction: This book is classic Sonnenblick- tears and laughter throughout. This is one of my favorites of his so far- it deals with so many tough issues in one story of a young man who wants to be a hero but nothing seems to work out for him.
Update: I just finished a second read of this book and liked it just as much.
Profile Image for Gunnar Gray.
7 reviews2 followers
February 27, 2018
Jordan Sonnenblick is definitely my favorite author, and this book makes it even better. I like his writing style, about how his books can be sarcastic and funny, but then make you sad the next.
Profile Image for Cindy Mitchell *Kiss the Book*.
6,002 reviews208 followers
March 4, 2018
Sonnenblick, Jordan The Secret Sheriff of Sixth Grade 208 pgs. Scholastic, 2017. $17. Language: G (0 swears) Mature Content: G Violence: PG (bullying, psychically abusive mom’s boyfriend).

Maverick doesn’t have much. His mother is an alcoholic with a string abusive boyfriends who can barely keep herself together, let alone a household. Maverick is used to going hungry, wearing the same clothes everyday, and fending for himself. School doesn’t help either- adults don’t seem to understand, the other students make fun of him for being short, and his attempts to make friends lead to situations that make everything worse. But Maverick doesn’t give up and decides he is going to take a stand and defend those like him, he will be the secret sheriff of sixth grade.

This is such a great book for quite a few reasons. First of all –it was just the right length –realistic fiction that is three or four hundred pages for elementary is a huge deterrent –and it seems like most of them are. It would make a great read-a-loud for a 5-6th grade teacher. Maverick is an incredibly believable character and the readers will find themselves rooting for him and hopefully discover some empathy. This was a book that I could not put down and it did not talk down to the reader either. The situation is fully fleshed out and the author has a done a great job creating the world. This is one of the best fiction books (non-graphic novel anyway) I have read this year. Its very realistic yet isn't cold or distant, it has a warm heart.

EL –ESSENTIAL. Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author
Profile Image for Amy.
1,105 reviews34 followers
January 27, 2018
Actual rating: 4.5/5 stars.

I really, really enjoyed this middle grade read from Jordan Sonnenblick. I read this over the course of a morning, and I just kept coming back to it in the midst of normal Saturday morning things (laundry, kids' breakfasts, coffee, etc). I wanted to see what would happen to our fearless wanna-be hero Maverick Falconer.

Maverick has always had a hard time in school. Ever since his military firefighter dad died rescuing others, his mom has been on a downhill slide. It's always one bad boyfriend after another, with a lot of drinking and not a lot of working on the side. They move from one bad apartment to another, and there usually isn't much he has to pack up to take with him. Beyond that, he's the smallest guy in class and his nemesis Jamie and the class bully Bowen both give him a hard time every day. But, the day before 6th grade begins, Maverick decides he's going to change. Sure, he can't make himself taller, but he can do good deeds. And, if he ever finds anyone smaller than him, he'll try to help that person out. Of course, all of his good deeds seem to end up with him in the principal's office. So, it's not working out quite the way he wants.

Throughout 6th grade Maverick will have to deal with: bullies, multiple school fights, trip to the principal, avoiding the school nurse who usually ends up hurting more than she helps, along with trying to be a hero. It won't be easy, but he's willing to try.

Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Barbara.
14.1k reviews300 followers
December 11, 2017
Life isn't easy for sixth grader Maverick Falconer. Not only must he deal with bullies at school, his small size, and often being in the wrong place at the wrong time, but things at home are less than perfect. His mother makes less than stellar choices when it comes to her romantic relationships and spends a lot of time getting drunk. Money is tight too. After an incident at home in which he feels helpless to take action, Maverick decides to make a difference at school. Inspired by the toy sheriff badge his father left him, he begins watching out for opportunities to stand up for others in his classroom. Although his intentions are good, this leads to problems when his kindness is misinterpreted or things don't turn out quite the way that he had hope they would. The drama that ensues with his classmates, Jamie Thompson and Bowen Gregory Strack is both humorous and not unexpected. I have to say that I adored his principal, Mr. Overbye. I wish all schools had administrators like him. While many issues are still unresolved at the end of the book, and things will never be easy for Maverick, at least now he has quite a few folks who have his back. This book makes a great read aloud title, perfect for sharing and discussing with others. After all, heroes come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.
Profile Image for Ruth Ann.
2,039 reviews
December 12, 2017
Holy moly. Funny and sad. Thank goodness this main character, Maverick Falconer, has a great sense of humor and self deprecation. If not, I would have had tears on my face the whole time I was reading.
Maverick needs gym shoes, money for his gym outfit, eye glasses, food at home, etc. Luckily, he has an aunt who can step in sometimes. His goal for the new school year is to stop bullying! To stand up for other kids who are being bullied like he often is. He has such a rocky start, he ends up in the assistant principal's office on the first day of school - twice!
This book helped me remember when I was doing a long-term sub. teaching assignment at the beginning of a school year (2001) that teachers were asked to identify kids in need. I had noticed a boy named Marcus whose shoes were obviously too small - he couldn't tie them and the shoes were not long enough for his feet. This noticeable need made me wonder what other things were lacking in his life. :(
Profile Image for The Library Lady.
3,791 reviews619 followers
February 15, 2018
You can keep Wonder.
This is a book about a kid who doesn't have a "Mask" like deformity, but is struggling through life with a single,alcoholic mother. He is the shortest kid in class and is picked upon, but decides that he wants to try to defend other kids. It's a disaster, but in the process, with the help of his aunt, a scary school principal who has hidden depths, and some discoveries about his classmates less than perfect lives, he comes shining through. As it says on the sign behind the principal's desk "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle," and with totally believable characters, Sonnenblick makes readers see how true that is. A winner.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 275 reviews

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