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Ice Planet Barbarians #9

Barbarian's Heart

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I’ve never spent a day without my mate since arriving on the ice planet. I’m happy and in love, and we have a beautiful child together. All that changed when the world shook.

My mate nearly died.

He wakes up from his coma…and he can’t remember me. Or our son. Every memory of the past two years is gone. And that changes everything between us. How can I love someone that doesn’t remember me?

How can I not, when I know he’s still my mate underneath it all?

222 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 13, 2016

About the author

Ruby Dixon

145 books16.4k followers
Ruby Dixon is an author of Science Fiction Romance. She likes fated mates, baby-filled epilogues, and cinnamon roll heroes. She also likes to write biographies of herself in the third person, because it feels more important that way.

Ruby also loves coffee and dirty books and will probably be a cat lady at some point. :)

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August 5, 2022
4 Pashov and Stacy Stars

May have spoilers

I was losing it going into this book. In the last book Pashov was hurt during the earthquake, almost died, and woke up with no memory of his mate and kit. My heart broke for Pashov, Stacy and Pacy. I enjoyed this book a lot, but I found myself getting upset with Stacy. I understood her feelings, but I felt like she was blinded to Pashov's feelings and pain.

Pashov was so cute. I loved how even while dealing with years of lost memory, almost dying, having and mate and kit he didn't know, he still tried really hard to be a good mate and father. He was dealing with a lot. I felt like his fears and feelings were put on a backburner while everyone worried about Stacy's pain. I loved when Pashov would get playful with Stacy. I melted at all the Pashov and Pacy moments. Nothing is sexier than a good dad. Stacy I liked a lot but I didn't love. She was sweet and loved to take care of people. My only problem with Stacy was I felt she didn't try after Pashov woke up. Yes he woke up with no memory of her and their baby. I'm sure that crushed her, but I felt she should have at least tried to talk to him. You know be like "Hi I know you don't remember me, but I'm your mate. I want to be there for you. We will get through this together" something!

I loved when Stacy finally let her guard down and let Pashov in. Stacy and Pashov were cute and sweet together. I could feel their love for each other. My heart hurt for the pain this family went through after the earthquake. The rest of the tribe was having a hard time as well. They lost everything and had to find a new home. Low on food, furs, and well everything really. Then having to move with small kits in bad weather. I am glad the tribe found a cool new home where they could all be together. Overall a good slow burn love story. I am loving this series. So good!
Profile Image for Kiki.
1,217 reviews626 followers
June 15, 2018
Wimpy female shelf may needed to be created for this book!!!!!

For fuck’s sake people! This guy is recovering from brain injury AND trying to adjust to the fact his whole surroundings is destroyed AND he has a VERY weird looking wife with a baby!!!!

He. Is. Recovering!!!!! Let him fucking breath!!!

No! From his sister, to his friends, to their girlfriends, HE is the bad guy?

Did he say “hey, I don’t remember her, I refuse to go anywhere near her tailless ass”? Cause if I woke up to a blue skinned horned and tailed husband I sure as fuck would refuse anything to have with him!

But does he do that? No. He merely states what’s the truth. He doesn’t remember. And he’s actually depressed about that fact because despite heroine being a MASSIVE bitch he doesn’t for a single minute doubt he was besotted to her and the kid, and surely that was one of the happiest feelings known to him and now he can’t remember it.

But does anyone care about that? No. Does the heroine who loves him SO much care about him actually forming PTSD? No!!! Her biggest concern is she doesn’t get her ass groped anymore!!!!

I mean I can’t even!!!

People tells him he’s not pushing her! Then when he mans up and starts being there for the heroine, she loses it and goes crying to the MIL and now MIL tells her OWN son that he’s pushing too hard???? Damned if you do, damned if you don’t! I am just so fucking over it!

And heroine has ZERO survival skills. I’m not talking about going out there and living through it survival skill, but she’s actually a vine like creature! She was completely co-dependent on the hero and the hero only. And she was more mad to lose the support system rather than be grateful that he was alive. Her third sentence on their first normal conversation was “I am poor because my husband no longer provides for me”. I’m of course paraphrasing and this is when there utter world has been destroyed and they’re actually moving! And apparently she’s a caring person! *snort* yeah, and I’m submissive in bed! 😂

It’s not like she didn’t have anyone. In fact she had EVERYONE! Her in laws treated her like family and the MIL loved her like a daughter. She never asked or gracefully accepted their help, or done anything that would make her look less like a victim or make the hero feel less like he’s at fault. May be not deliberately, but she had the whole “I am the victim in this situation” going and that automatically made the hero bad guy, who was sick, unwell, and had PTSD! And people felt they had to choose sides and seriously, who chooses the bad guy? She claims she’s extremely adaptive, and how she had ZERO problem finding herself in an alien planet and pretty much jumped right in the middle of the lifestyle and embraced it. Author tries to give us the vibe that she’s one of those nauseatingly optimists, yet she shows ZERO agility or adaptivity where Hero was concerned!

The heroine was just plain unlikable! And I really didn’t enjoy her tantrums!

But hey, guy’s idea of courting his female is to bring her eggs for her to cook/eat! 100% Alex’s mate! He’d skip the roses and bring Alex beer!!!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,474 followers
January 2, 2017
I love a second chance romance as much as the next girl, but this was just mediocre. The female is a horrible bitch from books gone by, and the male is a boring doormat. Of course, by the end of the book, I can feel for the female, and I like him less. I don't blame her bitchiness so much after hearing about his crappy way of dealing with her.

The moral of the story is this: behind every bitchy girl is a dumbass guy who needs to be bitch-slapped. That's called evolution, my lovelies. Nature sees a need. Nature provides a solution.
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,658 followers
May 15, 2017
A second chance romance for an already mated couple.

I cannot imagine how hard it must be for someone to lose her husband who is also her closest friend.
And I cannot even imagine how hard it must be for someone to have her love of her life back, but he is not the same person because he cannot remember her or their child or their first kiss or their first laugh.

Pashov survived the earthquake, but a head injury has made him a stranger.
Stacy is devastated and she pushes him away. Pashov does not really try hard in the beginning to win her back.
Both of them will need to try harder, maybe fall in love again and create new memories if the old ones are forever lost.

“I am not whole unless you smile. Like the suns rise when you move closer. Like there is nothing sweeter than touching you and hearing your moans of pleasure.” At her hesitant smile, I continue. “I do not need memories to feel joy when I see you holding my son. I do not need memories to know that there is no greater feeling than sinking my cock deep inside you. I do not need anything in this world but your smile and your heart, Stay-see. And that is why I will wait until you invite me back. If it takes twenty seasons, I will wait.”

The story of Pashov and Stacy is heartwarming and inspiring. One of the best stories in the series!
Profile Image for ♛ Garima ♛.
962 reviews183 followers
May 11, 2022
I really liked it, but I admit it was bit of let down :(

It was more like domestic issue than ice planet barbarian issue but I guess that's what Ruby also mentioned in author's note.

AUTHOR’S NOTE Not all books are created equal. I’m just going to say that right now. It’s not that they don’t hold a special place in my heart (they all do) but some fight you more than others.

After all the exciting stuff in the last book , I really wanted this one to be crazy, over-the-top adventurous fun. That… did not happen. It did not even remotely come close to happening. For one, I wanted to write about Stacy and Pashov and ease their suffering. And Stacy is not the most adventurous of heroines. We all know someone like her - perfectly happy being at home and taking care of people. She’s a nurturer and a mom and she loves being that. So how am I going to force a stressed-out mom into wild adventures?

Answer: You don’t. You let her tell the story how it should be told.

After trying to fit this square peg into a round hole for a few weeks, I gave up and let it flow. It’s a quieter book, but I like those. I like showing the intimate moments between characters, and sometimes we need a break from the bang-boom-pow of some of the more exciting books. At any rate, I loved writing Stacy and Pashov and how they figured out their relationship again. I hope you enjoyed it, too. :)

So, in short she wanted to write something exciting but unfortunately, it didn't come out of her pen.
Profile Image for Warda.
1,263 reviews22.1k followers
March 11, 2024
Another winner! This time we have a second chance romance of sorts.

The hero got injured in the last book and is dealing with amnesia. He doesn’t remember his mate and his child and throughout this book we see them dealing with that loss and re-coupling again.

It was sweet as fuck!

Also the world has gotten bigger too and I’m loving seeing these humans and aliens integrate into each other’s lives.
Profile Image for Sarah Beth.
504 reviews5 followers
March 24, 2023
You know those old school romances where someone has amnesia and no one communicates? Barbarian’s Heart was very that.

I don’t have anything against that type of novel in general; if it was written in the 80’s or 90’s, that’s one thing. However, for a book published in 2016 and by an author who has proved herself capable of greater originality, Barbarian’s Heart was a big letdown. After a streak of excellent, creative books, I am really disappointed with the series’ last two novels.


In both Barbarian’s Heart and Barbarian’s Taming, Stacy and Maddie’s deeply internalized fatphobia reinforces (even if unintentionally) the idea that fatness is shameful and something to justifiably be self-conscious about. It’s not until their non-human lovers (who, by the way, have no concept of and dgaf about Earth beauty standards) tell them that they are beautiful and attractive as they are that these characters come to accept their bodies. Yuck. As someone who has had to overcome a lot of internalized fatphobia myself, I really disliked seeing these characters hate their bodies so much and put so much value on beauty ideals that do not exist on this alien planet.

One of the things I used to think was really unique about Dixon’s earlier IPB books was that the heroines did not obsess over their appearance in comparison to the other women; they understood that physical appearance did not determine value or attract a mate in this setting. Like, girls, the sa-khui dudes think you look kind of strange no matter what because you are a completely different, unfamiliar species; they do not give a shit if you have stretch marks. Plus, with resonance pairing couples together, physical appearance was truly unimportant. That is not to say the characters shouldn’t care how they look or know they look good—just that feeling inadequate based on Earth beauty standards is pointless here. I would really like the self-consciousness/self-loathing trend in these last two books to die. Also the ‘needing a man to tell you you are pretty to finally accept it as truth’ thing. Come on.

Stacy Sucks

Stacy was completely unlikable as a heroine. I am usually the queen of character forgiveness but even I couldn’t wring out any compassion for this woman. Throughout the entire book, Stacy treats Pashov like he’s broken because he lost his memories. Instead of treasuring the opportunity to create new memories, she constantly mopes and guilts Pashov for not having his memories back. Yeah, yeah, she talks a lot about how she should be grateful he’s alive and cherish their relationship as it is, but she doesn’t actually do that until the end and her thoughts show that she deep down she feels he needs to be ‘fixed.’
“Maybe instead of resenting the changes, I need to remind myself that he’s alive and healthy. I have a mate. He didn’t die in the cave-in. Pacy will have a father. Surely I can be grateful for that.

A father that doesn’t remember him, my horrible brain whispers.”
Bitch, what??? You think your son will care that his father doesn’t remember his birth, or will he be glad that he has a caring, involved father who is there for his childhood? #*%&!*&!

On top of that, Stacy keeps giving Pashov mixed signals and then is hurt when he does what she told him instead of reading her mind and doing what she actually wanted. The flakiness and communication are so bad that it takes another character’s intervention to finally bring these idiots together.

BTW, the “important things” Stacy kept wanting Pashov to remember were really stupid, like an unfunny running joke they had about how she doesn’t have a tail. Honestly, take a drink for every time Stacy asks Pashov, “Did you remember?”


Stacy and Pashov were pretty unremarkable as background characters and are no different as protagonists. I don’t even have anything to say about poor, bland Pashov other than that this whole ordeal sucks for him.

There is very little action in this book, mostly walking through the snow or sitting in a cave.

I’m still open to reading on in the series, but if the next book is as terrible as Barbarian’s Taming and Barbarian’s Heart I might have to call it quits.
July 11, 2022

The following ratings are out of 5:
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙🎙
Romance: 💚🖤💙💜❤️
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙📘📔
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌏
Character development: 😌😎🙃😮

The heroine: Stacy - she was in a crash landing on the ice planet three years ago and immediately resonated with her mate Pashov. They now have a two year old when there is a cave in and her mate hurt and was in a coma.

The Hero(es): Pashov - he wakes up and doesn’t remember the last years. He doesn’t remember the alien ship crashing, resonating to a human female or his son. He thinks Stacy looks funny, since she doesn’t have a tail and isn’t blue like the Sa’Qhui.

The Story: Stacy can’t even be near Pashov because it hurts too much. She was blissfully happy with him and it kills her that he can’t remember her or their son. She ignores him at the fires while he feels guilty for not remembering and for hurting her.

The clan doesn’t know what to do since the cave-in since the brutal season is coming up and they have to find a place to live. They want to stay together through the brutal season so they search out a new place.

The story was good, Stacy was a bit sad at the beginning because she wanted Pashov to remember her and was mourning the years of memories between them that were lost to Pashov. Though when she realized that she was hurting both of them by continuing to think that way instead of just getting to know him again, she was much better.

The book was told in dual points of view with dual narration and narrated by Hollie Jackson and Mason Lloyd. Both narrators do a fine job and I enjoyed listening to this one. I liked the fact that they moved to a new village in this book, which they named ‘Croatoan’. The name fits since the village was abandoned when they found it.

Profile Image for Hana ♡.
345 reviews199 followers
October 17, 2016
2.5-3 Stars

Sad to say this wasn't really a winner for me. I rated it higher than I usually would because I love this series... but 3 stars was stretching it.

To be honest, I know that everything Stacey had to deal with in regards to Pashov's memory loss was tough for her and she was struggling. But honestly her impatience and insensitivity to his condition was extremely annoying. Obviously he didn't choose to lose his memory, but she pushed him away and made him suffer for something he couldn't control. He tried so hard in my opinion, and she was just so bloody hard to please! It was so frustrating to read...

Beside that, as usual I enjoyed the plot and story that surround the Ice Planet. The scenes with little Pacy were also super adorable!

According to Facebook next will be Asha! I'm quite curious what route Ruby is going to take. Now that Asha and Hemalo have 'broken-up' will she be with someone else or reconcile with her mate? Does resonance even allow for that..? Super curious and excited :) She deserves a happy ending!

Profile Image for Lolina ⋆ .
985 reviews49 followers
August 22, 2021
Tbh, this one was just really annoying.

Stacy was just a crap heroine- there I said it.
This girl managed to step on all my nerves with her naive and immature (and downright pissy) behavior.


This book was essentially a second chance romance between Stacy and Pashov, after he lost all of his memory of Stacy and his child. To be completely honest, this was just a book about literally every person on this planet berating Pashov for losing his memory 😶- excuse me but how the hell does that work??

You would think that everyone would be supportive and helpful with him- Not to mention actually be happy and grateful that your friend is ALIVE- , to try and help the problem, but no. Everyone's initial plan was to make him feel like crap. And it wasn't just his friends, it was his own family as well.

Ah yes, what a great idea to make the man who lost his memory feel guilty, shameful, and downright terrible about himself- such a great plan 😐.

I just found it stupid how everyone was getting mad at the hero- like please, it wasn't his fault, pipe tf down ✋. And let's talk about what a committed and amazing partner Stacy was to immediately just leave your husband after he suffers a severe brain injury 😶. Lets have a round of applause for her dedication-


In terms of the characters and romance, I never really thought much about Stacy and Pashov within the last books, so I didn't really care about them that much. And especially because it was a second chance romance, I wasn't really that interested. I was just really bored towards the end and ended up skimming a bit.

I feel like the story dragged on in a way that was just annoying. I feel like it would've been better if it was shorter, because the constant repetition of the heroine whining, and the berating of Pashov, really didn't help the book in the long run.

I'm not necessarily enjoying the series as much as I have in the past- it's just that all my favorite characters have already gotten their books-

The pain of this series about alien smut letting me down is real 😶.
Profile Image for Mar, Queen of Darkness.
262 reviews67 followers
January 11, 2021
Okay, I can NOT with this book! Poor Pashov has suffered a TRAUMATIC HEAD INJURY. He is injured, even if he is up and walking. And his mate, who supposedly loves him, gives him the cold shoulder because he doesn't remember her.

As if that's his fault? DaFUQ? That is not how head injuries work, people!

And what kind of f*cked up relationship is it anyway, where she only loves him when he remembers her? Shouldn't she just be glad he's alive and be ready to make new memories, no matter what it takes?

Lemme tell you, if my hubs woke up from a near-death experience and couldn't remember me, even if he was hugest dick to me (which Pashov never is to Stacy btw) I would still stand by him and do everything in my power to be there for him. He could insult me all day long and I might cry about it, but I wouldn't leave his side.

That's not some crazy romantic notion, it's just what you do in a marriage. You stand by your partner no matter what shit life throws at you. It's not conditional on them behaving a certain way or remembering the past or whatever.

I am friends with someone who suffered from a traumatic brain injury after a car accident, and I understand somewhat what goes into being there for that person. Sometimes, their whole personality can change. They might be a total jerk or say inappropriate things, but you don't judge them or expect otherwise, because you have COMPASSION and you understand that it's a brain injury and NOT THEIR FAULT.

Maybe it's because of my personal experience that I found this book so disturbing. Brain injuries are serious shit and we still have a lot way to go as a society to become more understanding of ppl who suffer from them.

Okay, rant done. PHEW. Feels good to get that off my chest!

I can't believe how angry this book made me after loving the shit out of every other book in this series! I feel like I've been betrayed by my best friend! 😭
Profile Image for Nana .
1,201 reviews36 followers
December 25, 2019
Well , I really loved Pashov
But at times I was annoyed by Stacy, was such a selfish person. Poor Pashov is suffering from memory loss and Stacy is just being mean to him because you don't remember her and her son.
And everyone around them was constantly making him feel bad for 'upsetting Stacy' just because he couldn't remember certain things.
Is a good addition to the series. However It’s not my favourite book.
Profile Image for Natalie Randall.
132 reviews62 followers
June 27, 2023
My favourite of the series 🥹❤️ (despite the fact the cover is downright appalling)

Update: I’ve read over 30 of the Ice Planet Barbarian books now, and this is still my FAVOURITE
Profile Image for Samantha.
397 reviews118 followers
November 10, 2023

1 star

➕ What I liked :

The world building on/with the new village/location.

➖ What I disliked :

Annoying and selfish/insensitive heroine.
(That treats the hero badly and more or less blames him for his amnesia etc.)

The heroine is too whiny and gloomy.
(Seeing almost only the bad things and not seeing the good things … Like : the hero is alive and healed...and they can build new memories and have a new start etc.)

The chemistry and romance was lacking and forced.

The main characters lacked depth and were rather bland.
(Especially the heroine.)

The lack of communication from the heroines side.


The heroine had internalized body-shaming and fat-shaming issues.

The troubling fat-phobic and stereotypical/prejudiced “theme” in/with some of these characters/books.

They are more or less living in a somewhat “controlled” survival situation on the Ice Planet… you would not have the time or the energy to think/obsess over what your body looks like…. Especially Not in the same way as they did on earth.

But also why would they (the women/humans) care about Earth beauty standards/ideals on this totally different planet? Where there is a totally different species that does not care about physical appearance in the same way/or at all... or put the same “value” on it as on earth etc.

But also that no matter what... humans and the sa-khui are two completely different and unfamiliar species to each other and the sa-khui people/men think humans look kind of strange.

And why are all the curvy or/and plus size/big heroines in the series about the Ice Planet the only ones struggling with body image? (Penny in Penny's Protector, Hannah in Hannah's Hero, Maddie in Barbarian's Taming, Kate in Barbarian's Lady etc.)
And why write them so stereotypical and prejudiced.
All of them so far have issues with internalized body shaming, internalized fat-shaming, internalized fat phobia and are very self-conscious and self-loathing and self-deprecating about their bodies.

None of the slim or thinner women care or are struggling with body image...they have other internal conflicts that have nothing to do with their bodies.

Where are all the capable/confident and bold/strong/positive curvy and/or big/plus sized heroines in this series etc.?

This author has proved that she is capable of writing curvy/plus sized heroines that are confident or semi-confident and interesting and capable etc. in her other books (Lucy in When She's Bold, Chelsea in When She's Fearless.)
So why not in the Ice Planet books/series/heroines ?
Why perpetuate the negativity and prejudice ?
Instead of writing/having Positive Plus Size Representation?
It is and was disappointing.

I totally concur and agree with what this reviewer said about the book and character.


And this article from bookriot.com comes to mind as well:


Profile Image for Brandi.
1,158 reviews148 followers
December 27, 2017
I don't have a lot to say about this one. It was "meh" on a scale of meh-to-bring it on.

Stacy is boring.
Pashov, man, I felt bad for the guy. He tried. And tried. And tried.
And Stacy just kept pushing him away.

I was bored. For the first time in all the blue alien smut I've read, I was bored.

I don't often say this, but if you're reading the series, you can skip it. Go on to the next because this one drags.

If you want the highlights, I'll include them in this handy spoiler tag:
Profile Image for  B.E.Love.
1,314 reviews130 followers
October 21, 2016
I was so excited when I saw this book would be about Stacey and Pashov and after seeing what they went through this book was a must read for me. I re-read every book in this series before this book because I was jonsen for this series and I loved every minute of it but was ready for this book. I couldn't wait to see how it would all turn out, what would happen, if Pashov would get his memory back.

This book did not disappoint, After the earth quake that destroyed the cave Pashov survived just barely but when he woke up Pashov had no memory of the last two years which meant he didn't remember the humans coming, his mate or his son. Devastated Stacey is broken hearted and angry. Pasov knows Stacey is his mate but he doesn't remember her, even though he doesn't Pashov wants to protect her and not only get his memories back but get to know Stacey till them.

As time goes by and the tribe travels to their new home the gap between both Stacey and Pashov just grows. And then Pashov has an idea that he hopes will bring them closer together. As he sets his plan into action everything won't be easy but both Pashov and Stacey are willing to work to get their love back.

I really liked this one, you know sometimes when you want a book so bad when you finally get it it's almost a let down because you have wanted it so badly. Well that was not the case at all for this book. I loved it from the beginning to the end. My heart broke for both Stacey and Pashov but I loved that they both on their own realized that they had to work for their relationship and that they would work for their relationship. I also love that we see how the tribe is doing after the earthquake and that we see their new home. I can't wait to see what happens next.

If I am very honest I not as much a fan of reading books with the h being "other"(not human) but I am really excited to get Asha's book, there have been times were I want her mate to move on and then my heart breaks for her so I am very excited for this book. But I am also hoping we get Ariana and Zolaya's book. I think they are the only couple we haven't gotten yet so hopefully we will. But if I'm being very honest I want another ship to land full of humans because I feel bad for the guys left out (including Bex) and because I don't want this one to end. Or hey maybe a new series of the woman who actually make it to wherever these woman in this series were supposed to go, that would be really cool too.
Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,137 reviews1,642 followers
March 4, 2019
Oh this was surprisingly good!!


Anyone that knows me knows I hate crying females. The heroine cried so much that I was starting to think she was pregnant. But that wasn't her problem...she just couldn't deal! I still enjoyed the story even with all her ridiculous tears.

I'm glad that the series has taken a new turn and look forward reading more of this series.
Profile Image for Valkyrie ✨.
652 reviews877 followers
August 19, 2022
I wanted to love this one but it was kinda boring. I didn’t care for the couple at all. And I found myself more interested in the female metlak with her baby and the mystery about the timeline and other posible species than the romance.
Profile Image for Kate.
125 reviews292 followers
August 13, 2024
Loved this one so much! Probably one of the best in the series for me.

I was afraid before starting this because i had high expectations after the last short story, where we saw what happened to Stacy and Pashov, but i wasnt disappointed at all.

Did i say about my last read that it was kind of depressing? I take it back, it has nothing on this one. I always get too involved in the books i read (thats why i cant read unsafe books) so no surprise that i was crying with Stacy half of the time during this.

I have read lot of reviews where readers complain about Stacy and her behavior, that she was whiney and wasnt thankful that he survived, well, i didnt see that. I think she was reacting the way most of us would. Yes she cried a lot, but who wouldnt? The man (can i say man?lol more likely male) you love doesnt remember you and your child, and he refers to that child as yours, not ours... Really tell me how would you react to this? In my opinion she was handling everything as best as she could. She didnt want to be just responsibility for him so she stayed away and i cant blame her.

Pashov.. huh. Well, he was great and sometimes he wasnt, nothing wrong about him but i really wanted him to go the whole-caveman thing on Stacy. Yes he was possessive and felt later pull towards her but it wasnt insta love and not even insta lust.
I dont know...when i read Stacy POV i was so frustrated with him but than we got his POV and i was like, yeah, that makes sence, lol. So yep, they were frustrating, mostly because of the lack of communication.
For example what he said when they got home nearly at the end of the book? (They should split up and go to live in different houses, and i have to mention that they already bonded again at this point.)

Good. I was like WTF did you just said? Good? I wanted to shake with him so badly. But than again i calmed down when i got his POV and understood things from his view. So yes, i wish he would be more persistent on being with his mate again, especially after the alone-time they spent together from the others.

Can say that my emotions were all over the place with this one and i enjoyed it. Even the story although there wasnt much happening.

Not sure if i want to read Asha story, she is still the OW for me.
Profile Image for Tami.
Author 17 books2,690 followers
May 15, 2022
Ich hatte gehofft, dass es besser wird. Wurde es nicht. Obwohl ich den Memory Loss Trope liebe, war das hier gar nicht mein Fall (vermutlich weil ich Second Chance Romance so gaaaar nicht fühle). Aber dann war Stacy auch noch unglaublich anstrengend.
Meh. Hoffentlich wird der nächste Band wieder spannend und entertaining.
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,997 reviews6,249 followers
October 16, 2023
*3.5 stars*

TBH, I related a bit too much with Stacy. I'd be the crying, scared, wimpy one on the alien planet who just wants to cook food and make babies while the others hunt. Plus, I already have that big ol' booty for Pashov to grab...

This one was okay, but I'm not as much of a fan of second-chance stories as I am with meet-cutes or enemies-to-lovers. I felt a bit impatient with both MCs as they tried to get to know one another again. Plus, the story is a bit slower, plot-wise. Still very hot and very readable, but for sure one of the lulls in the series.
Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,634 reviews926 followers
August 28, 2018
I really like this series. It’s fun! The double POV’s give it a certain flair adding to my enjoyment. It’s a pattern I have come to adore. The books carrie with them sexy hero’s, likable heroine’s, sweet, funny and sexy moments. I also adore the world Dixon has created and the strong cast of characters.

Barbarian’s Heart was heartbreaking to read for me. What would you do if your husband, boyfriend, or someone you love forgot all about you and the life you had together?

Pashov survived the cave in, but at a cost. Stacy doesn’t know what to do when her fun loving man, now looks at her as a stranger. She keeps hoping, but everyday that goes by her hope slips away. Can they rebuild what they had, even if he can’t remember?

Barbarian’s Heart isn’t as action packed as the last few books. It takes a quieter approach and focuses entirely on Pashov and Stacey. I really enjoyed this one. I liked the approach Dixon took with this couple. The challenges they face are just like real life and what some people face. It’s not an easy read. It’s very emotional. It’s warm and romantic and a bit heartbreaking. You see how they both struggle and try to make things work.

Ice Planet Barbarians is one of my favorite Science Fiction Romance series to read. They are sexy and romantic.

Rated: 4 Stars

Profile Image for Set.
1,615 reviews
November 5, 2022
They have to re-learn each other all over again and he has a first time for the second time. haha Love it.
Profile Image for Fanny.
2,386 reviews52 followers
April 25, 2019

Barbarian' s Heart tiene como protagonistas a Stacy y Pashov, pareja que conocemos practicamente desde el primer libro pero que aun no habia tenido su propia novela.

Barbarian' s Heart es una historia un poco diferente a las anteriores, tiene una trama mas tranquila y serena que se centra mas en la relacion entre los protagonistas, pero no por eso se hace aburrida o lenta.

Honestamente no extrañe que tuviera mas accion, en parte porque la historia de amor de Pashov y Stacy es muy ligera y romantica de leer, lo unico que le hubiera cambiado es que me hubiera gustado que se revelaran mas detalles del nuevo hogar de la tribu, pero supongo que eso sucedera en la siguiente novela.

En conclusion, una novena parte que mantiene el ritmo de sus predecesoras y que te engancha de tal forma que no puedes parar de pasar las paginas hasta llegar a el epilogo.

3.25 Estrellas!
Profile Image for Becky (romantic_pursuing_feels).
1,027 reviews1,213 followers
June 30, 2023
Note: Some of my goodreads shelves can be spoilers

Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Readability: 📖📖📖📖
Feels: 🦋🦋🦋
Emotional Depth: 💔💔💔
Sexual Tension: ⚡⚡⚡
Romance: 💞💞💞💞
Sensuality: 💋💋💋
Sex Scene Length: 🍑🍑🍑
Steam Scale (Number of Sex Scenes): 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Humor: A bit
Perspective: First person from both hero and heroine (alternating chapters)
Cliffhanger: No
Epilogue: Yes, two months later
Format: audiobook checked out on Hoopla

Should I read in order?

Basic plot:
Stacy and Pashov have a life together, a family. But when he loses his memory after a cave in they must get to know each other all over again.

Give this a try if you want:
- Science fiction romance
- Alien setting (book takes place on Not-Hoth)
- child in the story
- touch of second chance feel
- chef heroine
- amnesia
- medium to high steam – 4 full scenes in a shorter page count

My thoughts:
Overall I liked this one! When I found out it was amnesia and they already had a relationship started and a child I didn’t think I would like it much at all because those are some of my least favorite romance types. But I found this one pretty sweet.

I was getting a bit frustrated in the beginning how Pashov didn’t seem to care overmuch about trying to make things better with Stacy. He seemed...unconcerned? But to me this went against everything these men have shown on this planet as well as just the tribe culture. But it turned around and I started really loving their story.

Stacy is a bit of a weeper, but I liked the emotional pull of her struggle. It was getting rather angsty in the middle and I always appreciate that. And I do enjoy when the couple has to go off alone to bond better together (which has been a theme in most of these books!)

I enjoy the audio of these - Mason Lloyd is one of my favorites. And I like Holly Jackson for the female voices but I'll admit her alien hero voice is grating to me at this point. They are always a bit flat and monotone and expressionless.

Cock/Hero Stats:

Content warnings:

Locations of kisses/intimate scenes:

Full break down on what my ratings above mean here:

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