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Trust: Mastering the Four Essential Trusts: Trust in Self, Trust in God, Trust in Others, Trust in Life

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"Learning to trust is one of life's most difficult lessons. That’s because trust is not a verb; it’s a noun. But what if the real problem is not that we can’t trust other people; it’s that we can’t trust ourselves?"In this compelling volume, filled with illuminating and heartrendingly powerful stories of broken trust, betrayal, and triumph, Iyanla demonstrates why the four essential trusts—Trust in Self, Trust in God, Trust in Others, and Trust in Life—are like without them, none of us can survive. Mastering these four essential trusts requires both a process and a Life gives you the process through your experiences; people provide you the opportunity to practice.Iyanla explores what trust really is and reveals why some of the most shocking trust violations offer us profound opportunities for personal growth and healing. Her pragmatic trust prescriptions—rooted in self-awareness, intuition, communication, and spiritual practice—will challenge you to face your deepest fears and free you to cultivate new levels of increased authenticity, greater resilience, renewed peace, and joy.

354 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 1, 2015

About the author

Iyanla Vanzant

130 books1,250 followers
In Peace From Broken Pieces New York Times best-selling author Iyanla Vanzant she recounts the last decade of her life and the spiritual lessons learnedfrom the price of success during her meteoric rise as a TV celebrity on Oprah, the Iyanla TV show (produced by Barbara Walters), to the dissolution of her marriage and her daughters 15 months of illness and death on Christmas day. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Iyanla shares why everything we need to learn is reflected in our relationships and the strength and wisdom she has gained by supporting others in their journeys to make sense out of the puzzle pieces of their lives.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 reviews
Profile Image for Venessia.
287 reviews17 followers
June 9, 2016
I picked up this book because I wanted to tackle my trust issues head on. Like most women who had an absentee father, I had trust issues with men...like most women who have been burned by old friends...I had trust issues with women....and like most sex abuse survivors...I had trust issues in general. Thankfully I have a Husband that understands all of this but I wanted to start working on these issues. This book is the closest thing to a therapy session you will ever get as far as finding out why you don't trust and how to learn to trust. I felt like I was sitting across from Iyanla and she pulled a page out of my secret diary and read it aloud to me. She slapped me upside the head with my own insecurities, she showed me my issues with myself that didn't allow me to trust people...and she kept reiterating the one thing I've been trying to avoid...a true relationship with God. I feel like she truly fixed my life with this book.....and I will reference it over and over again until I have mastered Trust. I am glad I got this in the Kindle version so I can review my highlights anytime online. AMAZING BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if you are not a Christian, this book will hit HOME.
Profile Image for Monica Moyes.
78 reviews2 followers
February 5, 2017
Wow.. I wasn't sure that this book would make the impact it did! Iyanla did it. She helped someone with trust issues understand trust at the heart of it. He entire last third of the book is marked up on every page because there are so many little nuggets that made my heart go, yes! It spoke to my heart and soul and I truly hope it's the beginning of self trust. Her book is special because she outlines the four principles to trust: trust in self, trust in God, trust in others, trust in life. Because she covers all four essential truths, I believe it helped me to understand trust on all levels and to help identify where I struggle. If anyone is interested in trust, or feels that they need to control their life, people, and situations, this book is for you. If you are anxious, suspicious, fearful, depressed, or angry, this book is for you. Pretty much everyone needs to read this book. There is no way you won't learn something about yourself. So go ahead and get this book and thank me later!
Profile Image for Tiffany Tyler.
689 reviews98 followers
November 2, 2016
There were quite a few gems and useful takeaways, but a little too much repetition. Full review to come!
Profile Image for Brandi Davis.
109 reviews46 followers
May 19, 2016
My goodness, this book came at the right time! I had never really paid much attention to Iyanla Vanzant even though I had heard of her show on OWN. It wasn't until I began watching Super Soul Sunday and saw the episode in which she appeared and spoke to Oprah about this book and her road to trust that I began listening.

This book was really incredible. It speaks to mastering the four most important trusts in our journeys through this world and how instrumental each is to us living a life that grows us to our greatest potential. I highly recommend this book -- everybody could use a little more trust, whether it is in themselves, God, others or the process of life.
April 2, 2016
Life Saver..

This book have opened my mind to so many things most importantly the possibility of who I can become. Thank You Iyanla for hearing and trusting in your anointing and divine (sub) consciousness to utter the Truth about Trust!!!
Profile Image for Kyle Chase.
5 reviews1 follower
May 1, 2018
Loved everything about this book! It makes you take a hard look within yourself. Either you're going to fully accept the truth, breakdown and build yourself back up ... Or not. Thank you Iyanla!
Profile Image for Khamis Kay.
42 reviews6 followers
September 13, 2020
2nd time reading this book and it has again left me in awe of the amount of gems Iyanla drops for us to ingest in this book. This is a book that you could reread many times and will apply to all and any situations you are going through. This book is exactly what I needed and it means even more because I trusted the Holy spirit who led me to reread this book at a time when I need refocus and direction. This book reminds me to continually be led by the spirit and all will be well, connect to God and hold onto him and he will never forsake you and always lead you to growing towards the light. POWERFUL BOOK.
Profile Image for The Glass House Online Magazine.
120 reviews11 followers
December 21, 2016
Mastering the Four Essential Trusts

The Duchess reviews this book for The Glass House Book Club:
Mastering the Four Essential Trusts
Reading and reviewing a book by the incredibly talented Iyanla Vanzant is both a privilege and a daunting task in equal measure. Iyanla is a highly celebrated inspirational speaker, lawyer, New Thought spiritual teacher, author, life coach and television personality. Reading her biography leaves me feeling tired and breathless, but it seems this positive beautify has boundless energy, making regular appearances on the Oprah Winfrey Network.

When we were given her latest book by Hay House Publications, I was front runner to read and review the book. Why? Because out of all three ladies in The Glass House, it seems that I may have the biggest Trust Issues.

Having dealt with emotional vampires, narcissists and tough relationships for most of my life, I struggle to trust easily. But I was assured that reading this would help me master the four essential ‘trusts’, leaving me more open to others and of course able to trust myself more in the process.

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So did the book succeed?

I was skeptical at first. Unlike Miss Pollyanna, I do not regularly read ‘self help’ books. I am a control freak, and don’t like being told what to do or how to do it. So the idea of reading a book that will help me change a fundamental part of my personality seemed a little far fetched.

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10 reviews
October 24, 2019
This book was too long. It did not add much value.
Profile Image for Caroline Lumosi.
24 reviews6 followers
May 20, 2017
Awesome book to understand the nature of trust and why many of us get it all wrong. A great book for those desiring to do the hard work on themselves and grow authentically! A definite read if you have many questions on life and the process.
Profile Image for Jackie Paulson.
17 reviews1 follower
January 4, 2017
I am a huge fan of Iyanla Vanzant! She has some of the most amazing self-help messages that can change the way you think to creating a life style that is just right for you. She had to endure so many hardships like filing bankruptcy, and divorcing her husband. The glue that held her life together was her relationship with God. The book is very inspiring to men, women, college age if they believe in faith. This is one author I will collect her books on my shelves for years to come. @ 2017 Jackie Paulson
Profile Image for Alithia Toussaint.
14 reviews7 followers
June 29, 2016
we're right where we're supposed to be

I love, love,love Iyanla Vazant. She has translated so many spiritual principles that I live by but don't pay attention to the details. After reading her work, I understand the intimate details of my processes and can appreciate the hidden structure in my messiness. Grateful for such a great orator.
Profile Image for B. Larnell.
17 reviews11 followers
January 2, 2017
I highly recommend this book for any person that has been through any type of hurt and/or starting a new relationship. This book mended my heart in areas that I didn't realize were damaged. Great book to start the year as I embark on new endeavors. If you want to learn how to rebuild your trust, then this is the book to read.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
June 12, 2016
Through reading Trust I have learned that trusting isn't about anyone except ourselves. I have also learned that faith and trust are different animals. - Faith is a demonstration. Trust is you know that you know - and it is unshakable.
July 7, 2016
Guidance and clarity

I recommend this book to any who has dealt with a series of trials. This book while guide you out of the darkness, and teach you how to deal with life and relationships by using trust. Beautiful Book!!!!
Profile Image for Jeanniehay64 .
451 reviews36 followers
March 24, 2017
This is a very thought provoking book. It explores the meaning of trust. She outlines the four essential trusts, trust in God ,trust in life,trust in yourself and trust in others with examples along the way. This book gets you thinking and is written from the heart.
Profile Image for Mona Green.
102 reviews5 followers
July 28, 2016
This book was really good for me. It worked with my mind. Always enjoy Iyanla 's positive vibes also her humor. She can be oh so serious but that humor is hilarious. Love life
Profile Image for Donna.
42 reviews3 followers
February 5, 2017
There is much to digest-I think it needs a second read to be fully appreciated.
2 reviews
December 5, 2019
Unfortunetly this book was so bad that I didn't manage to finish reading it. Total waste of money and time.

This book is divided into four parts: "trust in self", "trust in God", "trust in others" and "trust in life". I only read up till the beginning of trust in others.
I found that this book was a lot more based on Iyanla's beliefs than I had imagined. Not only does she talk about God extensively (not just in the "trust in God" section, but throughout the entire book), she also quotes the bible. On page 28, she goes into a painstakingly detailed explanation of her interpretation of an extract of The Book of Revelation which, as many parts of the book, proved to be useless.

There were also some details that really bothered me. For instance, on page 44 (still in the "trust in self" section) she makes a brief comment about the movie "The Help". The story she described, however, was not the same as the movie's. This made me question if she had even watched it and if, in general, she says whatever is on her mind without checking the facts. As I said, it was a minor comment, but the errors made me doubt her credibility.

In the "trust in God" section I found that her examples were not relatable at all. She tries to portray herself as having been a woman in very dire situations that managed to turn in all around thanks to God. What bothered me here was that God's work showed up in the form of Oprah offering to renovate her house for free. Really? What are the odds of that happening to someone who's not a famous writer?

Lastly, I find that Iyanla is often very conservative and judgemental. Just not an open minded person at all. For example, on page 174 she uses the phrases "Young people are putting tattoos on and holes in parts of their bodies that should not be seen in public. And when they flaunt these symbols publicly, we are no longer sure what to say". I found this to be (again) useless, and very judgemental. Why is she so bothered by what other people do with their bodies?

In a nutshell, I don't recommend this book to anyone.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
173 reviews6 followers
December 28, 2018
A relationship without trust is like a car without gas....you can stay in it all you want but it won't go anywhere.

When people never show up when they say they will, or when they always have an excuse or reason for not doing what they say they will you can draw the logical conclusion that they probably cannot be trusted with more important things, like your heart.

Hoping that someone will meet your needs and trusting his capacity to do so are two very different things. When you are hoping, you ignore, dismiss or diminsh all of of the physical and logical signs that are presented to indicate whether ornot you can or should trust that person.

An egg is perfect for baby chicken it provides everything it needs for awhile, but soon it is cramped and the chicken is floating in its own mess. We become deaf mute and blind to the mess in our lives and we will stay where we are and suffer rather than risk venturing into the unknown. Can you imagine that a baby chicken has more courage than a human?

Profile Image for Kelly.
225 reviews
December 13, 2018
I love books that help you understand yourself and others better, and this book definitely fits that bill. This book was not a fast read, but it was a valuable read. Vanzant intersperses true stories about herself and others to help make her points. There are some sections that are so dense with her nuggets of wisdom and profound explanations ... that these storytelling sections are quite welcomed. I honestly feel I could reread this book multiple times to continue processing all the takeaways... there is just so much to digest. However, her framework of four essential trusts helps glue everything together. In the mind of this reader, it seems the first "trust" (Trust in Self) is the most important, but they all are inextricably linked to each other. If you are ready to take a path of self-discovery and of better understanding others, I recommend this enlightening and insightful read.
Author 4 books4 followers
December 5, 2023
I've never read or studied this subject before. It was interesting to think about self, others and God in terms of trust. Also, I didn't know about the author and her association with Oprah.

I was pleasantly surprised with elements of the book, including how it provided a framework for having difficult conversations. It did feel a tad long but I am satisfied with the level of detail.

Iyanla shares alot about her history and personal experiences. She also provides stories about other people to illustrate her point. These are all helpful and I would recommend this book if you do want to explore and understand yourself better in terms of trust.
Profile Image for Jill Niebuhr.
Author 3 books23 followers
July 1, 2018

How can you listen and view the world in a lens that allows it to be as it is without trust? I found myself wondering this as I read the book. Why can't I be ok with some things? That answer was in here too. I took responsibility for my part in making the world a better place by picking up this book. Trust is one of the foundations truly necessary for joy and lasting happiness. Allowance, willingness, and decisions determine not only my results but the results that take shape in my environment. I think this book is so important and good.
Profile Image for Em.
47 reviews3 followers
March 18, 2022
I re read this book every year and talk about it with several ladies in my 12 step program. It is the most useful and insightful book I have ever read. I have had countless AH-HA! Moments. Sometimes I want to throw it across the room. It has helped me grow in ways I didn’t know I needed to and brought me to a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me. It’s a must read for anyone doing soul searching
Profile Image for María ..
164 reviews
November 27, 2023
1 out of 5 stars
This book was OK.
This book offered practical advice on one hand, but unnecessary/inapplicable advice (At least to me) on the other. I usually don't like when books include personal stories, and this one had a ton.

Anyway, obviously when Iyanla Vanzant is involved in something, it must include at least 10 awesome advice! therefore, none of her books can be completely useless.
January 29, 2018
Mastering in trusting.

This book taught me a lot about trusting in myself, God and others. For a very long time i had a hard time trusting people. By reading this book it gave me hope that i can trust people but, i must start trusting in myself and everything else will follow. It a must read book in my opinion.
Profile Image for Joshua Perez.
2 reviews30 followers
June 24, 2018
While I do think there is a lot of great content and truth in the book, I do think a lot of unnecessary stories and ramblings could have been left out. The last chapter is, in my opinion, the most powerful chapter of the book. In fact, I see myself using the last chapter to reference in life for years to come.
Profile Image for Tasha Stepongzi .
24 reviews2 followers
September 16, 2018
Had a lot of really good insights as to why we become people pleasers, and how when trust is broken we can chose to grow, or stay guarded and miss out on the good people the world has to offer. It had a lot of good ways to explain why you should learn to trust, and to take the time to heal when trust is broken.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 reviews

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