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Darkest Powers #1

The Summoning

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Chloe Saunders used to have a relatively normal life.

But now she finds herself in the middle of some really strange situations because:
~She suddenly starts seeing dead people.
~She gets locked up in a group home for unstable teens.
~The group home isn't what it seems.

My name is Chloe Saunders and my life will never be the same again.

All I wanted was to make friends, meet boys, and keep on being ordinary. I don't even know what that means anymore. It all started on the day that I saw my first ghost—and the ghost saw me.

Now there are ghosts everywhere and they won't leave me alone. To top it all off, I somehow got myself locked up in Lyle House, a "special home" for troubled teens. Yet the home isn't what it seems. Don't tell anyone, but I think there might be more to my housemates than meets the eye. The question is, whose side are they on? It's up to me to figure out the dangerous secrets behind Lyle House... before its skeletons come back to haunt me.

390 pages, Hardcover

First published July 1, 2008

About the author

Kelley Armstrong

282 books32.2k followers
Kelley Armstrong has been telling stories since before she could write. Her earliest written efforts were disastrous. If asked for a story about girls and dolls, hers would invariably feature undead girls and evil dolls, much to her teachers' dismay. All efforts to make her produce "normal" stories failed.

Today, she continues to spin tales of ghosts and demons and werewolves, while safely locked away in her basement writing dungeon. She's the author of the NYT-bestselling "Women of the Otherworld" paranormal suspense series and "Darkest Powers" young adult urban fantasy trilogy, as well as the Nadia Stafford crime series. Armstrong lives in southwestern Ontario with her husband, kids and far too many pets.

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Profile Image for Kat Kennedy.
475 reviews16.3k followers
June 29, 2010
I sat down at my computer this morning and tried to think of something interesting to say about my reading experience of The Summoning. It seems though, that all of my creative faculties have been sucked away since I spent eighty percent of this book imagining what the story COULD have been.

The story is like the little engine that could. It has the potential, it's chugging away, it's working hard. Only as it turns out it's The Little Engine That Could Have Been Something interesting.

The first part of The Summoning was great. It was creepy with freaky ghosts and our protagonist Chloe Saunders being put in a Group Home for disturbed children. That's the first eighty or so pages and then the story abruptly stops there. The ghosts, the spooky atmosphere and all that doesn't show up very much from then on. There's a few instances but they're no longer scary and frankly the focus of the story is on the Group Home from then on, which I found really frustrating and annoying.

There's even these tantalizing hints that there's a supernatural community out there somewhere that Chloe could escape to. Yet do we get to see it? No. I doubt there could have been a more effective way of annoying me. This book was the biggest tease. Everything it seemed to promise was just smoke and mirrors behind what it really provided. What it really provided wasn't at all great.

Chloe is not a great character. Armstrong seems unable to decide what kind of person Chloe is. Most of the time she is docile and a bit of a push over. She's a self prescribed rich brat. She never puts up a fight with anyone - oh of course EXCEPT for the people who could help her. That's right. The big intimidating guy with a violent history is the perfect person to practice your bravado on. I know she's only supposed to be fourteen but she's just a non event. There's nothing interesting about her. She spends most of the story just annoying me with her patheticness.

The other characters are just boring. I had no interest in any of them. I kept waiting for something interesting to happen - someone interesting to come along but they never did. It was agonizingly painful and disappointing!

Warning Spoilers below:

What the hell? I have never been so disappointed in the ending of a book my life! She has this great escape from the Group Home that we've been forced to suffer through for pretty much the entire book, only to end up in yet another asylum? I have no interest in reading on. I've already read Armstrong's Stolen and the asylum in that was boring enough. Not interested in going through it again!

And the "big reveal" at the end? Okay, sit around kiddies, it's time for a plot lesson from Mrs. Kennedy. Gather in close, okay? For all of you writing a story or novel, do not, and I repeat, do not make the "big reveal" at the end of your story so painfully obvious from a quarter in, okay?

The Group Home is evil? Dang, I didn't figure that out two hundred pages ago! Stop, I never saw THAT coming! *Rolls eyes* Oh no! Who are we to believe in now that it turns out that the Group Home is evil? The very foundation of our world has been turned upside down! (Okay, I just woke up so my sarcasm o'meter is on full throttle right now.)

Aunt Lauren made absolutely no freakin' sense, by the way. I feel like it was flung in there at the last moment as a shock and awe tactic. It wasn't shocking, it wasn't awing... it was just stupid.

So, over all, I was quite underwhelmed with this book and I have absolutely no intention of reading the others. I'll stick with Armstrong's adult fiction from now on like Tatiana told me I should.
Profile Image for Anne.
4,388 reviews70.2k followers
June 29, 2021
4.5 stars
This was really good!
I originally read this back in 2010 and didn't remember any real details of this series. I did have vague memories of it being an excellent young adult novel about a group of supernatural kids running from mad scientists, and that it had a romance that I really was fond of for some reason.
But. I'll be the first to admit that I liked a lot of books back in the day that I wouldn't be able to tolerate anymore. So when I saw the audiobook was available from my library, I thought I would revisit this one and see if it held up.
It held up shockingly well.


It opens with Chloe as a small child being terrified of a malevolent spirit that she sees in her basement. Most of the ghosts she sees are friendly, but not this one.
Fade to black.


When we next meet her she's in high school. Her mother has passed away, her father is always gone on business, and her aunt is the closest thing she has to a real parent. She's small for her age and a late bloomer (do they still say that?) in the sense that she was 15 and still hadn't started menstruating. As for seeing the dead? Her memories of ghosts seem like nothing more than the overactive imagination of a child who was afraid of the dark.
And then she gets her period.


Suddenly she's seeing people no one else can see, and as might be expected, some of them are a bit scary to look at. And as also might be expected when one starts screaming about a crispy looking janitor that no one else can see, she gets tossed into a group home for children with mental illnesses. Because schizophrenia.
Except we know that's not the problem. And so does Chloe after she discovers that some of the other kids at Lyle House aren't what they first appear to be.


What I really appreciate about this book is the lack of romance. I mean, I've read the trilogy, so I know that there will be a romance down the road. But there's no insta-love or even insta-lust. In fact, you may not even be able to recognize that there might be some feelings happening in later books because these kids aren't gazing at each other's lips or staring deeply into each other's eyes while they're running for their lives.
And that makes this story fast track to a shortlist of young adult books that I can read without gagging.


Ok, about the audio version.
I swear to god, when the narrator first started talking, I thought she was 7 years old. My first impression was that they had hired Minnie Mouse to be the celebrity narrator. She has this teeny- tiny girl voice that really didn't do much for me throughout the story, but at least she wasn't trying to be breathy and sexy. But in all fairness to the author, there wasn't any of that bullshit in this book. Now, I'm going to continue with the audio version because I simply don't have the time to read-read these books and the story is AWESOME. Awesome enough for me to suck it up and deal with a baby voice reading to me. And frankly, she grew on me by the end of the book.
But I just thought I should give fair warning to anyone else who was thinking of listening.

Profile Image for Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin.
3,601 reviews11k followers
October 21, 2016

I thought this book was pretty good. I thought the blurb sounded good when it mentioned Chloe seeing ghosts! I mean the first ghost she saw as a child would have freaked me clean out!!

Later on Chloe is 15 and in high school. She has a breakdown at school, or so they think, really she just saw a ghost that keeps melting his skin and looking all creepy! But this book is not what it seems at all!

Poor Chloe finally gets sent to the Lyle House for "special kids". She has no idea.

No one would say what was wrong with me. They had me talk to a bunch of doctors and they ran some tests, and I could tell they had a good idea what was wrong and just wouldn't say it. That meant it was bad.

This wasn't the first time I'd seen people who weren't really there. That's what Aunt Lauren had wanted to talk to me about after school. When I'd mentioned the dream, she'd remembered how I used to talk about people in our old basement. My parents figured it was my creative version of make-believe friends, inventing a whole cast of characters. Then those friends started terrifying me, so much that we'd moved.

There are a small cast of characters at the Lyle House. Derek, Simon, Tori, Rae, etc. Some of them have abilities like Chloe and some of them finally inform her of what she truly is and that they (the supernaturals) are in danger.

If your looking for a young adult, somewhat creepy book then you should pick this one up. I'm holding myself back from spoilers =) And I really want to continue on with the series to see what happens with these "special" kids. There are bad people out there that want to do them harm!

MY BLOG: Melissa Martin's Reading List
Profile Image for Heather.
300 reviews13.9k followers
January 24, 2012
This book was nearly impossible to put down and I have no doubt that the menacing allure of the setting and plot hindered my ability to do so.

There were several compelling plot points going on in this chilling tome, but somehow they not only found a way to co-exist, they actually enhanced one another. The idea of necromancers alone was an eerily intriguing concept but to then confound it with a mental institution setting was sheer sinister brilliance. As if it weren’t creepy enough for the heroine to see ghosts, she is then locked up in a home for mentaly disturbed teens. That is evil genius on the author’s part, and I ate it up! I had so many conflicting emotions while reading this book, though suspicion and fear ruled more often than not. Yet despite my constant suspicion of nearly everyone, I was still floored by the twist. I knew that Rae’s idea was unwise, but I had no idea how unwise. To this I say, “Well played Kelley Armstrong.” And speaking of being played, I feel as though I should be angry that I find myself lusting after a character with an obvious attitude problem who has been plagued with a “puberty smack down.” Nevertheless, Derek shines and I am looking forward to more of his keen observations and snide remarks.

In summary, The Summoning is a freakishly entrancing read with a brilliant plot, menacing setting, and intriguing character. I'm excited to see how it all ends.
Profile Image for Nicole.
817 reviews2,377 followers
June 18, 2021
You know those small appetizers they serve before the main dish? Or sometimes salad (I don't like salad). This book felt exactly like that. Why? Because we only got a small taste and nothing of the juicy stuff. Nada. We are told about things but do we see them? Nope. If there's a first book syndrome that sets up things for the sequel without having much going on itself, this book suffered from it.

But hey, at last! This is the oldest YA book on my GR tbr shelves and I finally read it. A few years too late. Might have enjoyed it more if I was still new to this genre but now? I’m not impressed. The book isn’t bad and there’s nothing that I hated about it, the characters were meh. It just had nothing special going on.
Profile Image for Vilde.
36 reviews8 followers
August 1, 2023
Reading this book made me clench my jaw so much it's still hurting several hours later. Although the story is not a standalone, it really left me with a bone chilling feeling and I truly can't wait for the next book in the series.

Chloe's a young girl struggling with her new found power, Lyle House and her housemates, the setting itself is filled with teenage hormones and jealousy. It's filled with mysteries and no one seems to be what they appear,this is especially true for her housemates. We join Chloe as she uncovers the secrets of Lyle House as well as a few secrets belonging to her housemates.

I read this book in one sitting because it sucked me in and left me whimpering for more at the end. It really is an amazing book and I truly recommend it, especially if you're read books such as Tithe by Holly Black, City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, Vampire Academy by Rachelle Mead or Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr. It may also appeal to readers who've enjoyed the Twilight series although this book is a bit tougher and probably not suited for younger readers. (Although that's a decision the parent's have to make I guess)

It will most likely also appears to fan of horror, even if the horror-element is less in-your-face in The Summoning than it is in No Humans Involved.
Profile Image for J.L.   Sutton.
666 reviews1,144 followers
July 12, 2019
“I let out a laugh that sounded more like the yip of a startled poodle. "Super-powers? I wish. My powers aren't winning me a slot on the Cartoon Network anytime soon... except as a comic relief. Ghost Whisperer Junior. Or Ghost Screamer, more like it. Tune in, every week, as Chloe Saunders runs screaming from yet another ghost looking for her help."

I'd read Kelley Armstrong's Darkest Powers Series about 5 years ago and wanted to go back and see if it still resonated. The Summoning is the first book in the series and it follows the awakening of 15-year old Chloe Saunders' powers. The story highlights how a teenager with powers could be seen as mentally unstable by the outside world and the plot proceeds accordingly. The book is well written and there's a fair bit of action, but it seemed very much an introductory book (with not much resolved at the end and a huge cliffhanger). Still, it establishes Chloe's powers of necromancy as well as her friendships and provides a solid basis for the rest of the series. Didn't love it this time, but I still think it's solid. 3.5 stars.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews371 followers
December 22, 2019
The Summoning (Darkest Powers #1), Kelley Armstrong

The Summoning is a novel by Kelley Armstrong, and is the first book in the Darkest Powers series. It was released on July 1, 2008. Chloe Saunders believes things are finally starting to go right in her life – a boy asks her about the dance, Chloe gets on the directors list for a short, she finally gets her period at age 15, dyes her hair red so she could actually look her age, and commits her first crime. Little did she know, her entire world was about to turn upside down. After an incident at school, the label 'schizophrenic' is slapped on Chloe and she's shipped away to the dreadful Lyle group home for the 'crazies.' There, Chloe meets the jealous Tori, antisocial Derek, hottie Simon, Peter, and her two friends (Rae and Liz) – and realizes that not everything is as it seems.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز بیست و دوم ماه دسامبر سال 2011 میلادی
عنوان: وقتی اشباح بیدار می‌شوند؛ نویسنده: کلی آرمسترانگ؛ مترجم: ندا شادنظر؛ تهران: ایران‌بان‏؛ 1389؛ در 460 ص؛ شابک 9786001880032؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان کانادایی - سده 21 م

چویی ساندرز، دختری پانزده ساله است، که دوست دارد زندگیی عادی‌ داشته باشد؛ اما او انسانی عادی نیست. او پس از رسیدن به سن بلوغ، مسیر زندگیش دستخوش تغییرات ناخواسته‌ ای می‌شود و به دنبال تغییرات، به توانییهای مافوق طبیعی خود، پی می‌برد؛ او بی‌آن‌که خود را به زحمت بیندازد، می‌‌تواند با ارواحی که دور و برش هستند، حرف بزند، یا مرده‌‌ ها را میتواند بیدار کند. اطرافیانش می‌‌اندیشند، او دیوانه شده است؛ به همین دلیل از آسایشگاهی خانگی سر درمی‌آورد، و از قضا، آن‌جا با بچه‌ هایی آشنا می‌شود، که آن‌ها نیز همانند او، تواناییهای مافوق طبیعی دارند. یکی از آن‌ها «گرگینه»، و دیگری «جادوگر»، و نفر سوم هم «شمن» است. بچه‌ ها درگیر ماجراهایی می‌شوند، و در نهایت هم برای نجات جان‌شان از آسایشگاه فرار می‌کنند...؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Kristi.
1,206 reviews2,897 followers
May 5, 2009
I think I’m one of the last people to read this! I’ve heard nothing but how good this novel is, and that I must read it ASAP. When I received a copy of The Awakening, the next novel, I knew that I needed to read The Summoning, right away. (I’m almost glad I waited to read it, so I could start The Awakening right away! What an ending!)

This book is everything I was hoping for and more! I’ve never read Armstrong before, I really want to read her adult fantasy series, but I just haven’t had a chance and when I heard she was doing a YA series, I just knew that I HAD to read it.

This was a very good first in a series. The characters and the plot-line were introduced impressively, I didn’t ever feel like the story was inadequate through getting to know the characters. I love the whole story line of teens thrown in the house that have these extraordinary powers that most aren’t even aware of.

The writing was marvelous, the dialogue spirited...no pun intended! The characters were also fascinating. Chloe and Derek were by far my favorite. And I’m hoping to see more of these two in future... especially Derek!

This novel has a little bit of everything, action, adventure, fantasy, suspense. It was my type of book! A very surprising cliffhanger ending! (Glad I’ve got the next one right here....)
Profile Image for Tatiana.
1,464 reviews11.4k followers
September 13, 2009
As seen on The Readventurer

"The Summoning" is the first YA novel written by Kelley Armstrong. It tells a story of Chloe, a 15-year old girl who suddenly finds herself capable of seeing ghosts. Only, of course, nobody believes her and she is quickly sent to a boarding house for disturbed kids for psychological evaluation. It turns out however, that the house and its inhabitants are not quite what they seem to be.

While this book was definitely a page turner, I was a little disappointed in it. I felt that the narration dragged quite a bit in the middle of this novel and the build-up to the climax of the story was too long with almost no payoff. This book definitely read as a part of a trilogy: it had a lot of loose ends and didn't really attempt to give a closure, even a temporary one.

I will continue reading this series because I am rather curious to see where the story goes and how the characters develop, but looking back, this is a type of book which is better to read once all parts of the series are out.
Profile Image for Darien.
861 reviews322 followers
August 21, 2011

So I bought this book last year at a summer book fair, I was not expecting to like it cus me and Kelley weren’t friends after reading Bitten, which I felt was mediocre at best but this book came as a surprise. First I was all like typical teenage stuff, girl complaining about life, afraid to ask boy to the dance typical stuff. Until this girl starts to see things that no one else can and then it became all kinds of interesting.

Chloe Saunders is having some weird dreams about basements and ghosts, with no idea where they are coming from she easily forgets it. Until she gets her period and then all hells breaks loose. Yeh I know its sounds crazy right, but its true. With this new walk into womanhood comes ghost, and this one’s face is all burnt up and Chloe is two seconds away from losing it. A run in with a teacher, who claims Chloe became violent, leads her to being incarcerated at some group home like place called Lyle House. That is when all that Chloe knows no longer exists, she is about to enter into a world she never thought possible and find friends in this unlikely place.

Well something is up, the kids in this house don’t seem quite normal especially the huge boy with the acne face who gives Chloe the creeps. Derek is a brooder but he seems to know a lot more than he is letting on; him and his brother. A talk with the house doctor claims Chloe has schizophrenia, and that seems impossible because she still is seeing ghosts. Well going along with their diagnosis seems to be the better thing to do, the quicker she can leave.

Well there is something fishy up with Lyle House and the people who run it, all the kids seem to have some kind of power and some are turning up dead. A quick plan for an escape comes up and thus begins the beginning of their lives. Chloe will come to learn she is a necromancer( can raise the dead) and a powerful one, there is a company hell bent on harvesting supernatural’s and if they seem defective they are terminated. Life aint easy for this 15 year old.

This book was a prime example of pill pushing, your kid seems to be acting out of character, so that means they have a mental illness. How about you try talking, that works where I come from. Plus this book characters are so well developed it just blew my mind, they seem adult yet they manage to still come off as teenagers, very realistic. It’s also creepy, all that raising the dead was well done.

The character of Chloe is likable. Lets talk about Derek, cus I love him. He is described as being ugly and scary but the way he is super sexy. Yeh I know its YA, but he is still sexy, the other characters create a good foundation for a very solid read. As I said I was surprised that it was sooooo good, and I will be continuing the series.
Profile Image for Francesca ❆.
501 reviews96 followers
August 13, 2018
Nope. No. Absolutely terrible.

Awful nail-scraping-on-a-chalkboard smoothness in the writing, characters more flat than a sheet of paper, plot designed by a teenager in the middle of a hormonal crisis.
Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,031 followers
May 4, 2018
⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*Why do I keep doing this to myself?*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱
BEWARE FOR SPOILERS FOR THE SERIES! This whole review can - probably - contain spoilers for the entire series. This review is mostly for me to remember the details.

Re-read: 03.05.2018 . Why I decided to re-read this one, I have no idea. I don't even remember it, nor do I remember liking it all that much... Hell, I don't even like YA anymore. Anywho, here we are and I'm yet again reading about Chloe Saunders (15) who can see ghost. She gets herself locked up in Lyle House, a ‘special home’ for troubled teens, where not all is as it seems. She gets labeled a schizophrenic, but is really a necromancer. She is jumpy, naive and somewhat dumb. She's also a bit judgmental and a boring character. Overall, I didn't remember the book - it was back in 2013 when I first read it so it's no surprise there - but I do remember some glimpse throughout the story. However, I didn't remember being so bothered by certain things. They really bothered me this time around.
Life experience. I can talk it up, vow to broaden my horizons, but I’m still limited to the experiences with my life.
How can a person understand an experience that lies completely outside her own? She can see it, feel it, imagine what it would be like to live it, but it’s no different from seeing a movie on a screen and saying, ‘Thank God that’s not me’.

The treatment of Derek is the worst and it ruins the whole book. Not only that, but the judging is so high in it! Just because a guy is full of acne and is quite muscular and straight to the point guy that makes him seems like a douche, doesn't mean that he should be treated wrong/badly like he isn't a human/teenager, or people should call him ugly or a monster or a creep. It's disgusting how they are with him. He deserves so much better. Chloe gets better with the story but she's one of the people who judge him. I hate people like that; people can't fucking help how they are born to look. I can't get over this. Also, this book would've been so much better if the characters were more mature or if the genre was NA instead of YA. Me and YA don't get along anymore....
Don't talk to the crazy kids. I longed to shout back that we weren't crazy. I'd mistaken her kid for a ghost, that's all.

Other characters:

“That's what we all want, isn't it? Power without price.”

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (YA) Paranormal Romance.
Series: - Series, Book One.
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - Derek Souza.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Sure.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Undecided.
Will I read this again in the future? - Probably not.
Rating - 2.5/2 stars (First rating - 3 stars).
Profile Image for Tani.
245 reviews270 followers
April 5, 2018

Whoa! That was one heck of a wonderful book. I liked the book cover and was pretty much surprised to find out that the story was great. At first I felt the story was slow paced but as the first half of the book finished, the story was taking zigzag turns and left out with a cliffhanger that made me check the book again and again and yet I wasn't convinced that I finished reading this book. It kept me on my toes till the end and even though I've finished reading this book, I'm anxious to find out what happens next in the next book.

So, the story starts with a glimpse of Chloe Saunders’s childhood memory seen in a dream but she isn't sure whether that truly occurred. Then on her first day of the school, Chloe finds out that she can see ghosts and after a mishap, she's transferred to Lyle House, a group home. She meets bubbly Liz, shy Rae, bitchy Tori, friendly Simon and mysterious Derek. As the days pass, she doubts that she has powers and has a gut feeling that something isn't right in the Lyle House. As the story progresses, her doubts for her powers and other bizarre incidents continues to trap her mind and it's concluded by the doctors that she's mentally ill. Is her power real? Is she a necromancer? If she has power, why do everyone say that she has a mental illness? Well, that could be only found out from the book.

The story was mind gripping and had a suspense which keeps you at the edge. The story continues to confuse the readers in almost 75% of the book about Chloe’s condition. But that's the main point which traps the readers to turn the pages of the book. The writing was captivating and characterization was marvellous. The last 25% of the book is takes a way which makes one feel like a ride in roller coaster and suddenly stops at the highest peak of suspense i.e. the cliffhanger. The book was worth a reading and I'm glad to say it didn't disappoint me.

Thanks for reading my review. Happy Reading!!! 😊
Profile Image for Sarah.
Author 75 books5,466 followers
December 28, 2008
This book turned me into a shameless fiend for the Chloe and Derek relationship - I adored their banter, and their romantic date in the basement with the dead bodies, and their other romantic encounter in the shower. (Note: my views on what is romantic may be deeply weird.)

On the first read, I found the book a little hard to get into, but on subesequent re-reads that hasn't been a problem at all. Realistic characters, interesting powers, cliffhanger ending... I'd do a lot to get the next book!
Profile Image for Daiane.
179 reviews211 followers
October 16, 2017
Actual Rating: 3.5

Why is it that every time a girl says a guy is bothering her, it’s fluffed off with oh, he just likes you, as if that makes it okay?

I have to confess that I almost dnfed this book. The main word here being -Almost-.
At first it was too juvenile for me. And the plot wasn't doing it for me. Like, come on... Rich girl who is the perfect daughter but the father doesn't care that much about her and her mother is dead. Then she has her period decides to skip class and dye her hair to just not be so perfect anymore. Then she sees something like a ghost, run like crazy and people from school call hell knows who and then she goes to basically, a mental institution.... Yeah....

By that I decided that I would just forget this series. Until I forgot to get more books on my kindle and had this long time on the subway. Well, I'm glad I got back.

“So he grabbed your arm. That’s what it looks like. Right? He just grabbed harder than he thought.”
“He threw me across the room.”
Simon’s eyes widened, then he lowered his lids to hide his surprise. “But he didn’t mean to. If you saw how freaked out he was last night, you’d know that.”
“So that makes it okay? If I lose my temper and smack you, it’s all right, because I didn’t mean to, didn’t plan to.”

After a while I started to like Chloe. I confess that the other characters aren't that nice but the writing style is so fast paced and the details are so well written that I just couldn't stop reading. And I was having fun.

“I told you not to go near that fence, Amanda. Never talk to the kids over there. Never, do you hear me?”
Don’t talk to the crazy kids. I longed to shout back that we weren’t crazy. I’d mistaken her kid for a ghost, that’s all.

Maybe because I read so many good reviews about this I had high expectations but after I lowered them, I really enjoyed the read and the strange things started making sense. Not a lot but I expect things to get better on the next books.

“ ‘Cause we’re special.” She gave a bubbling laugh. “That sounds so lame. But it’s what everyone wants, isn’t it? To be special.”
Do they? There were a lot of things I wanted to be. Smart, sure. Talented, definitely. Pretty? Okay, I’ll admit it. But special?
I’d spent too much of my life being special. The rich girl who lost her mother. The new kid in class. The drama major who didn’t want to be an actor. For me, special meant different, and not in a good way.
Profile Image for ⊹ Gabriela | Asternyx ⊹.
611 reviews441 followers
January 19, 2022
To be honest, I had low expectations about this one. It's true the beginning had some potential, but I didn't get my hopes up (bc it's an old series and all).
Well, it surprised me and in a good way. It gave me Mara Dyer vibes, which is a series I adored ✨
I'm glad I have the other books 'cause I'll continue this series soon 👀
Profile Image for Arlene.
1,191 reviews636 followers
August 22, 2009
The Summoning by Kelly Armstrong is a story about Chloe Saunders who is a fifteen year old necromancer just beginning to realize her powers. She is not quite aware of its possibilities and at the onset of her revelation; she suffers a meltdown in school and is placed in a house supposedly for mentally ill teens. When she arrives at Lyle House, Chloe discovers that her fellow patients also have unusual powers and all is not what it seems to be.

The story started off well enough, but really didn't progress from there for a majority of the book. Then all of a sudden when you feel you're making progress, it abruptly ends, which I feel is wrong, wrong, wrong! I've begun to lose my patience with sharp, blatant cliffhangers and forced series. This story could so easily be complete in one book, and I don't understand why it's being shoved into a trilogy. I'm okay with leaving a few events/issues unresolved and whet your appetite for more to come. However, by the time I was done with this story, it came off as a semi-complete book that left me checking the back cover for some missing pages, which by the way I didn't find.

Anywho, back to the story. I felt like meaningless events kept happening one after another and I really didn't get to know the characters, so when the main character did things I didn't agree with, she wasn’t like-able enough in my eyes to want to redeem her. So in the end, I felt she was a deceptive liar. Okay, harsh statement, so let me clarify. It really bothered me that Chloe stole a fellow patient’s file, so she could find out why he was in Lyle house. Not right. I also didn't like when she lied to Simon about tattling on his brother. She said her aunt saw the bruises when she accidentally lifted her sleeve and she didn't tattle. Simon felt horrible about his assumption, which he was originally, before she lied, right about. Again... not right. She was deceptive to the doctors about her progress and even went so far as to say, that she was proud of herself for, "... putting on an Oscar winning performance." Argh!! Not good! She doesn't take her meds and she tried to figure out a way to switch specimen samples. I didn't like any of her tactics. Then at the end there was a sloppy character switch that left me baffled about how I should feel about the whole story. I also thought it was funny a fifteen year old uses words that even I had to look up, okay, I won’t reveal those words to save me some embarrassment, but do fifteen year olds really talk like her? LOL

The only character I came to like was Simon. I felt he was somewhat developed as a character. Unfortunately, his brother not only suffered from a "puberty smack-down" but a literary smack-down as well. I didn't know how to feel about him, and his reveal at the end just had me shaking my head.

I'm glad I borrowed the book from the library because I think I'd be upset for paying full price for an incomplete story. I'm in no hurry to get to the sequel. I'll get to it when I get to it.

BTW, I'd give this book two stars, but in respect to my fellow reader that loved it, I'm adding an additional star in case I might have read the wrong book. That is all.
Profile Image for Niki Hawkes - The Obsessive Bookseller.
771 reviews1,479 followers
October 23, 2020
Well, color me surprised, this book was great!

I’ve been such a grinch with YA over the last few years because they’re just not singing to me like they once did. A small part of that is poor title selection, but the bigger part is that I’m tired of all the repeating tropes and weak writing that gets forgiven as long as the book has a love story and a trendy theme. But hallelujah, The Summoning had some real substance and depth.

I went in with high expectations because Armstrong is an author I’ve read (Women of the Otherworld) and enjoyed (mostly… the series is hit or miss). My success rate with YAs written by adult-genred authors is much higher. But even here I was surprised at how off the beaten path the story took me.

For starters it’s dark, taking place in a group home / asylum for disturbed teens. The main character is young but seems to have a good grasp on common sense and how to take care of herself (a rarity), but still gets the benefit of the doubt for human error. Also, it contains some not so typical characters, including (gasps!) a few somewhat unattractive ones. In the spotlight!! Wow. That alone gets kudos.

And finally, what impressed me the most was how much the book creeped me out. I listen to most YA before bed to help me fall asleep (because I don’t have to pay as close attention as I���d need to for an adult fantasy), and there were a few scenes that had me staring at the dark ceiling in the middle of the night, trying to ground myself back into reality so I could sleep. Granted, I’m a total, unapologetic wimp when it comes to scary stuff (can’t do it. Nope.), so take my marveling with a grain of salt. However, it did ding my creep-o-meter a lot more than almost all of the adult urban fantasy / paranormal books I’ve read, so either it appealed to my personal scare triggers or it was just exceptionally done. Either way, for a YA, it blew expectations out of the water.

Recommendations: I’m not sure where the story is headed, so I’m still reserving final judgement, but overall this is a strong read and I recommend it to paranormal fans who are tired of the same old YA tropes. It was well written, creepy, and a totally unexpected delight of a read.

Via The Obsessive Bookseller at www.NikiHawkes.com

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Profile Image for Alaina.
6,682 reviews213 followers
April 22, 2018
The Summoning was a pretty good starter for the Darkest Powers series. I've wanted to read this book/series for a while and didn't make it official until a challenge I was participating in required me to read book by Canadian authors. Weird and highly specific but I honestly loved every book. Okay, not all of them I loved - but most of them I did!

This book starts off with a dream, Chloe's dream. Okay, more like a childhood memory. Well, turns out our girl can see ghosts. No, not like that movie Casper. One day she makes a mistake and gets transferred to a group home called the Lyle House. There she meets a group of weird people just like her! Yay for friendships!

From this group, Liz is super bubbly and friendly, Rae is shy, Tori is a bitch from hell, Simon is beyond friendly too, and then Derek is the super mysterious guy. As Chloe spends more time in this house she started to wonder about it. She doubts she has powers and such but also thinks something is't completely right at the house either.

The Summoning provides a ton of twists and turns. It also has a great mystery to it that I felt like I was Nancy freaking Drew trying to figure out everything before I got to the conclusion. I was thoroughly confused about what was wrong (if there even was anything wrong) with Chloe. Even after reading that ending, I'm probably still a little bit confused.

Then we met the dreaded cliffhanger because I hate those. They suck my soul into the book and make me turn into a reading zombie and just buy any book from that series so that I can see what the hell is going to happen in the next book.. then the next one after that. AND SO ON PEOPLE.

Overall, this book didn't disappoint at all. No, I didn't buy the next book. Yes, I'm still going to read it but I'm going to see if my library has it for FREE. If not, then I'll see if Kindle has it for FREE or at least for cheap. If all else fails, I'll buy the damn book. TAKE MY MONEY BOOK PLACES.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
277 reviews880 followers
September 23, 2020
There was a lot of unnecessary discussion in this book. Like the characters just talked the shit out of some things.

"Are you-?"
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Good enough."
"Maybe you should take a cold bath."
"Nah I'm okay."
"If you need anything..."
"Just rest, I'm fine."
"You should really-"
"I'm fine."
"You're not fine."
"I'll take care of it."

This ridiculous conversation took up two pages and there were plenty more where that came from. It was like OKAY WE GET IT YOU'RE FINE, CHLOE TAKE A HINT HE'S FINE. DID EVERYONE ELSE UNDERSTAND THAT? DEREK'S FINE. HE'S GOING TO TAKE A COLD BATH AND REST AND HE'LL BE FINE. JUST FINE.

Also Chloe? Was like. I don't even know what she was. Other than the fact that she could TALK TO GHOSTS she was the most boring fifteen year old I've ever come across.

But I mean, despite all that I kept reading. And I'm going to read the sequel. It was good I just don't remember what took up almost 400 pages. Chloe gets sent to a mental help thingy for kids and then... 350 pages later they decide to escape? What the hell happened in the middle? I kept being shocked every time they referenced the time frame. This book takes place over like nine days but it feels like nine months.
Profile Image for Marta :}.
455 reviews494 followers
February 4, 2016
Oh, God! Have mercy, this book is so amazing. I can't even form words properly. It is my second time when I try to read it, I first tried some years ago and I read just the first chapters and I considered them quite boring. But now, I went further and I'm so greatful that I did so. At first, it seems like your typical girl-sees-ghost story, where the girl ends-up in some house for people with problems. Chloe is a character which I could totally relate to. She was passionate about movies and she always saw her life as one. I fell for Derek/Chloe as the storyline progressed because they're a really weird couple at first glance. But as I look more at everything that happened between them they're totally meant to be together. I can see an endgame coming!
Profile Image for Dawne.
Author 3 books11 followers
April 14, 2018
"We'd run down the stairs together every morning all through kindergarten and half of first grade and then... well, then there wasn't anyone to run down the stairs with anymore."

This first book always kills me a little bit inside. Especially this quote up there. :'(

"Cleavage is great," she said. "Like an extra pocket."

Preach it Rae. Preach it.

"It's called being considerate. Maybe you've heard of it?"
He batted my hand from the dials. "Darks, cold. Or you'll end up with the dye bleeding." A glance back at me. "See? I'm considerate."

We turn to see Derek crossing the lawn. Simon swore. "Anyone ever tell you your sense of timing really sucks."
"That's why I don't play the drums. Now what's up?"

Derek I love you. The sass is certainly strong with this one. Plus the sarcasm is fantastic. <3

Just stay still. If you stay still, it's cant find you.
That's sharks! You idiot, sharks and dinosaurs can't find you if you stay still. This isn't Jurassic Park!

I think I laughed way too hard at that part.

"Don't." A sharp intake of breath, then he expelled the words. "Don't go."

Guys!!!!! :'D I got a little teary at this part. It's just so darn cute!!

Read - May 2015. 5 stars.
Re read- January 2017. 5 stars.
Re read 2- April 14. 5 stars.
Profile Image for Monisha.
50 reviews97 followers
April 28, 2013
This book was ^^SURPRISINGLY GOOD!^^ .

At first I thought it was kinda weird but that made me read it more to find out what was going on.

This book has everything a book needs.

Interesting, mind you, very interesting, characters, mystery, crazy people, and a writing style that says, "If you put me down, so help me you will regret it. Keep reading, you know you want too."

Did you hear that?
It sang the last part!
Sad part is, you keep reading for fear of waiting until the next time you might pick it up.

The last thing I will say though is the book leaves you hanging. Literally, when you find out that you finished your jaw drops to the floor! (Well, it happened to me.)

Nevertheless, Derek shines and I am looking forward to more of his keen observations and snide remarks.

I will continue reading this series because I am rather curious to see where the story goes and how the characters develop.
Profile Image for Taylor of Alethkar ❦.
292 reviews87 followers
May 31, 2016
Honestly, I added these books to my tbr forever ago, assuming I would likely never read them. But then I was in the library and the complete series was on the shelf right in front of me so I figured why not? Low expectations, lots of potential. And wow was I pleasantly surprised. I blew through this, didn't want to put it down. It was really entertaining and the characters were so very genuine. Believable. And I enjoyed being in the protagonists' head.
Definitely looking forward to reading the rest of the trilogy, and I'll probably write a real full out review for the last book. It depends.
Profile Image for  Lady Jayne *~*The Beach Bandida*~*.
118 reviews388 followers
August 27, 2016
3.5 - 4 Stars

This was a We Love Lisa Kleypas Group “Secret” Santa pick from JessicaB. Thanks, Jessica!

This is going to be a fairly short, and a bit uncertain, review. Yes, I can do short ones without hottie photos! ^_^

This is my first Kelley Armstrong book.

Chloe Saunders is a late bloomer and puberty doesn’t fully hit her until her 15th birthday, when weird things start happening to her. She's seeing people that nobody else can. When she suffers a breakdown in school, her guardian, Aunt Lauren, sends her to a highly recommended group home called Lyle House.

Chloe gets labelled as “Schizophrenic”. It isn’t until another girl in the home with a “thing” for fire befriends her, and suggests to Chloe that she might be actually be seeing ghosts that she begins to think maybe she’s not crazy, after all, just “special”. (Wow, that was a long sentence!) She begins to look at others in the home and realises that there may be others who are also “special”.

This is a YA book, written in the 1st-person (why does it seem like almost all YA books are written this way??), and was an easy read. It is a slow-paced book but drew me in and I could get back into it really easily, even though I read it over a couple of weeks, as I was unwell.

I’m rating this 3.5 - 4 Stars because I really did like it, but there’s something “missing” that I can’t quite put my finger on. This was a library book that I’ve already returned, so I can’t skim it again to figure it out. It may be the slow pace for most of the book? Suddenly things start happening toward the end, then the cliff-hanger ending, and feeling like even though I was engaged, there were things that were maybe drawn out? Yeah, maybe that’s it! ^_^ I don't know. Sorry if that's not very helpful. It's a bit fuzzy right now.

I am most interested in finding out more about the gruff and hugely built Derek, and no, not because he is muscular and well-built. Ahem. I really didn’t like him, at first, but then he captured my interest towards the middle of the book, and I found him more intriguing than his nice, good-looking brother, Simon. I will read the next book in this Darkest Powers series because I’m curious about where this story is going. This was very much a lead-in to the rest of the books in the series.

And I am interested in trying the Women of the Otherworld series (Adult) by this author, which was recommended to me by another GRs friend (Lisarenee).

Favourite quote:

"Life experience. I can talk it up, vow to broaden my horizons, but I’m still limited to the experiences with my life.

How can a person understand an experience that lies completely outside her own? She can see it, feel it, imagine what it would be like to live it, but it’s no different from seeing a movie on a screen and saying, “Thank God that’s not me”."

How very true.

COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: I do not hold the copyright to any of the images used in this review. They are posted to add visuals to the review and for fun. If any of these images are yours and you would like me to remove them, please let me know, and I will do so as soon as possible. If I can identify the copyright, I will do so.
Profile Image for Lara (Bookish_turtle).
322 reviews223 followers
October 20, 2017
This book had an interesting premise and fairly good plot, but I never really connected to any of the other characters and there was a large section in the book where nothing was happening. It starts off really well with the introductions, context and setting, but after that the book fell a bit flat for me. Just when the action started back up, the book ended on a cliff-hanger. And whilst I understand it was setting up for the next book, and explanations were needed to get to that stage, I wish there was more action.

I also just thought Chloe was really awkward and a bit cringey when reading from her perspective. I didn't find that she had much depth and she came across as a weak character. Rae and Derek were pretty interesting, and I loved Liz. I want to know more about Simon and Tori, I probably will in the next book if/when I choose to read it. But I never really cared all that much for any of the characters when I think about them...

I was also expecting it to be quite spooky, but it really wasn't at all. Maybe I just jumped to conclusions with it being paranormal, but I was expecting from the cover and blurb to find this book fairly creepy and was disappointed in that sense. There were definitely supernatural themes, but it was not scary, speaking as a person who is often terrified whilst reading books.

Despite all the things which I found wrong with the book, I thought that it was a fairly pleasant read which I did enjoy when I didn't really think about it. When I concentrated on what was happening I realised it was a bit weird, but it was nice to mindlessly read and I did enjoy it overall.
Profile Image for Darcey.
1,209 reviews280 followers
April 19, 2023
This book is brilliant: full of romance, paranormal mystery, betrayal, secrets, and the dangers of trust. The characters are flawed and misjudged and have such beautiful character development, and the slow-burn romance that develops throughout the trilogy is just *chef's kiss* perfection.

Another brilliant Kelley Armstrong series that will be re-read, and re-read, and re-read, and then finally memorised (except not by me, because my long-term... and short-term... and just memory, overall, is not the greatest).

Also, some diabetes rep? Love it. There are a lot of books with teens on the run, but not many books involving those teenagers worrying about insulin shots and sugar intake and the like while running. Go Kelley Armstrong!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 6,767 reviews

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