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Ascension #1

The Affiliate

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On the day of her Presenting, in front of the entire Byern Court, seventeen-year-old Cyrene Strohm's lifelong plans come to fruition when she's chosen for one of the most prestigious positions in her homeland—an Affiliate to the Queen.

Or so she thinks.

When Cyrene receives a mysterious letter and an unreadable book, she finds nothing is as it seems. Thrust into a world of dangerous political intrigue and deadly magic, Cyrene's position only grows more treacherous when she finds herself drawn to the one man she can never have...

King Edric himself.

Cyrene must decide if love is truly worth the price of freedom.

333 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 10, 2015

About the author

K.A. Linde

87 books10.2k followers
K.A. Linde is the USA Today bestselling author of the Avoiding Series, Wrights, and more than thirty other novels. She has a Masters degree in political science from the University of Georgia, was the head campaign worker for the 2012 presidential campaign at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and served as the head coach of the Duke University dance team. She loves reading fantasy novels, traveling to far-off destinations, and dancing in her spare time.

She currently lives in Lubbock, Texas, with her husband, son, and super-adorable puppy.

Visit her online at www.kalinde.com and on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @authorkalinde.

Join her newsletter at www.kalinde.com/subscribe for exclusive content, free books, and giveaways every month.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 438 reviews
Profile Image for Christy.
4,234 reviews35.1k followers
September 6, 2017
4-4.5 stars!


I love when authors go out of their normal writing genre and publish something else. I think it shows true talent to be diverse like that. It’s been a long while since I’ve read a YA Fantasy book, but I used to read them when I was younger. Reading The Affiliate, I remembered why I loved reading this genre. KA Linde did a fantastic job with the first book in this series. Her writing was descriptive, engaging and pulled me right into the story.
“From this day forth, you shall be known as the Queen’s Affiliate.”

Cyrene’s life changes when she hears those words the day of her presenting. Cyrene has been chosen for this esteemed position of the Queen’s Affiliate and she couldn’t be happier. Until she realizes that things may not be as she thought in the kingdom. Not only is there tension with the Prince (and not the good kind) the Queen doesn't like her and the King may like her too much. She’s dealing with this, plus new revelations about herself. Cyrene has to decide what to do. Taking a risk and going on an adventure is maybe her only option…


Cyrene is intuitive and has an adventurous spirit. She’s on a mission to find out why things are different for her… Not only was the main character fantastic (lets face it, I’m not a fan of all of Linde’s heroines so I’m more than happy to report that this MC is great) but there were so many wonderful secondary characters that brought so much to the story. I loved the ones that were willing to go on Cyrene’s journey with her.
“What are you going to do? You have something in mind. I can see it.”

“Yes, I have a plan.”

“Could we get in trouble?”


“Is it worth it?”


And lets not forget King Edric. Even though there wasn’t a ton of romance in this story, you definitely want him as the love interest and feel the chemistry and tension these two have. I’m rooting for him.


I am very impressed with this first book. It set up the start to a potentially great series. I loved how the story developed and the characters we’ve got to know so far. I’m sure book 2 will have even more action, more development and more romance (one can hope ;)) I think it’s important to point out that even though this story is YA, it didn’t feel young. Cyrene and the characters her age are mature for their age due to the time period/situation.

After finishing this story, the main thing that kept running through my head was MORE. I need more of these characters and I need to see where this is going to go! I really hope there isn’t a long wait on the sequel because I’m dying to know what happens next.

Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews791 followers
September 15, 2015
I don’t usually read YA or Fantasy books, but Kyla’s books are like crack to me so of course I decided to read Affiliate. When I started I was immediately intrigued and fell in love with the time period. I am a HUGE fan of Western Civilization and while this is obviously fiction it is set in a similar time, so I was hooked.

Our heroine is Cyrene is seventeen and we first meet her on the day of her Presenting. Today is the day that will determine the rest of her life. She will learn if she will be First, Second or Third Class. During her Presenting she captivates King Edric and becomes an Affiliate to the Queen.

From the moment Cyrene begins her time as Affiliate her life as she knew it completely changes. She has multiple challenges and learning who she is. She has these new abilities and is seeing things differently. This story is really just a tease of what’s to come and learning the class systems and characters. We need to learn of Cyrene’s powers and I am dying to see where things could go with King Edric. I have so many hopes and for this book and I can’t wait to see what’s in store.

Despite this story being YA and our heroine being seventeen it doesn’t feel like typical YA. The best way I can describe it is to say she isn’t a seventeen in high school. She is an adult according to her culture and making adult decisions that will affect the rest of her life. It’s very grownup YA. That being said, I do highly recommend even if this isn’t your typical genre if you are fan of Kyla’s angst and creativity!

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for ✰ Liz ✰ .
1,374 reviews1,343 followers
June 23, 2019
"It spoke of caution, the duality of nature, and perhaps the duality of the human condition."

The Affiliate is the first book in the Ascension Series. A YA Fantasy with a spunky heroine and plenty of suitors vying for her attention. When Cyrene Strohm becomes an affiliate to the queen, her entire life is altered. She is swept into a deep dark mystery full of magic and intrigue. When the unforbidden attention of the King becomes her new reality, Cyrene's struggles are only beginning.

"I have a plan”
The Affiliate offers a magical plot with numerous players in the game. Be forewarned there is a lot going on in this plot, so you will want to pay close attention to every single detail!
"She has this pull. When I'm with her, the throne slips away and I'm just a man with a beautiful woman."
Overall, The Affiliate will appeal to YA romance fans who enjoy a little magic and intrigue in their reads. This plot is complex, so readers will need to be on guard the entire read so they don't miss a thing!

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February 17, 2021
this was like frigging america singer all over again

no seriously, this gave me major The Selection vibes and they weren't positive ones.
First of all, I struggled with the writing. I'll be truthful and admit I'm not really used to reading period novels, but I've read a number high enough to recognize this wasn't the best written one.
Second, it took the book a good 40% to become interesting, in terms of plot.
I read the author mainly writes romance books and I can see that, to an extent. Said extent being that the fantasy factor was weak af and the narration focused too much on the romance side.
Which brings us to one of my main issues with this book.
The romance (romances?) was too prominent and too obviously centered around the main character being so irresistible every male she encountered fell for her charms.
Mind that I'm using the word with a grain of salt because there was nearly nothing charming about her. Issue number two, in case you didn't get the memo about her being even more insufferable than america singer, who is my yardstick for least favorite characters. Or was, because Cyrene Strohm totally wins the first prize.
Her love interests weren't any better but I can't find it in me to say more about how bad men were portrayed.

#PenguinOnATBRMission: book #7

this hashtag is something I self-indulgently created for fun when I decided to thin out my immense tbr list as a new years resolution starting from books I added on GR back in 2017/2018/2019 those I added more recently will be shelved normally. So please feel free to check out the shelf with the same name to check out how it went with previous books, to keep up with this insanely over-hyped adventure I got myself into or to simply share with another overdoing, picky, messy reader your very own reading experience. Happy reading and stay penguin-y!

To Be Continued...🐧
Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,023 reviews2,447 followers
October 21, 2016
So I genuinely want to commend KA Linde for writing this book. She has said that she wanted to write a book like this, a YA fantasy instead of her usual romance, and she went out there and did it! Me not liking this is very much a case of it's not you, it's me. I just didn't connect. But I wanted to write something short because I think Linde is a great example to all writers, writing something that makes her happy and going for it.
Profile Image for Rachel  (APCB Reviews).
333 reviews1,309 followers
March 3, 2016
Set in a fantasy world of relative peace, the kingdom of Byern has a rite of passage ceremony when children turn 17. They are either assigned to first, second, or third class. First is the aristocracy who work for the monarchy, second is the military along with other necessary bourgeoise jobs, while third are the merchants and farmers. Cyrene makes Affiliate and catches the attention of young King Edric. As murders appear around the castle, Cyrene discovers they might be connected to her.

As much as I wanted to like this book, the noxious fumes of insta-love kept batting me down. I'm a sucker for books with forbidden love, and this one is the epitome of forbidden love, since the king is married. I wanted a romance with a searing, slow burn, a connection that didn't click right away, one that grew stronger and stronger. Sadly I got none of that. They have an instant connection and are mutually entranced by one another from the start. I couldn't get myself to care about the romance at all which stinks because it's a relatively large element in the book. Of course there's the spiteful and bitter younger brother who's playing for Cyrene's attention too, because he's jealous of his brother's throne and wants to take something he loves.

The characters were good enough, if a bit flat. I couldn't really connect with any of them, and I didn't feel nor care for them much. There are many secondary characters with enough ulterior motives, deception, and venge-seeking to make things interesting. The court politics and overall political intrigue are constant high points in the novel. The world-building was fascinating, and the world K.A. Linde creates is complex and vibrant; I want to know so much more!

There's also mystery and magic in The Affiliate, and I love where K.A. Linde takes the story with those elements. It's still a bit unclear and hazy, but I can't wait to see what happens in the next book.

K.A. Linde's writing is wonderful and highly absorbing. It's clear the author has talent, but I felt a few key elements of her story were lacking. Would I recommend this? I'm not really sure. It's a fast read, and if you're not feeling too picky I'd give this one a try. Also it's definitely for fans of the tv show, REIGN.

Profile Image for TJ *Book Twins Reviews*.
1,118 reviews2,565 followers
September 25, 2017
If you were to start with a little bit of The Selection, add in a smidge of ACOTAR, then sprinkle in a bit of The Golden Dynasty you'd have something that's truly amazing! That’s kinda how this book reads! Don't get me wrong, it's completely fresh and unique. However, it feels like an amalgamation of everything I love about the YA genre with a hint of romance. I adored everything about it! There’s a lot going on here. The story is multi-layered and unbelievably AMAZING! K.A. Linde totally owned me today! I couldn't put it down. I literally sat on the sofa smiling to myself all day, while reading this amazing book. I looked like a crazy person, but didn’t care at all!

Here’s the skinny: Cyrene Strohm is appointed to the position of Queen’s affiliate, a high-profile position in the royal court. After her appointment, she is thrown into the power struggle between the King, Queen, Prince, and Consort. She also captures the eye of the King and Prince early on, along with somehow becoming mixed up in a murder mystery.

Here’s what I loved:
The Affiliate is imaginative, exciting, thrilling, enigmatic, mysterious, and bloody brilliant! I was on the edge of my seat waiting for the ending. I cannot wait to continue with this series! I loved the characters, interpersonal dynamics, plot, writing, pace---pretty much everything about it.
Cyrene is smart, resourceful, determined, and cunning. She possesses all the traits I love in respect in a YA heroine. She’s a woman after my own heart.
The hint of paranormal was effing fabulous! I’m dying right now because I want to start the next book right now….sleep be damned.

To sum up, the book is amazing. If you love YA; you’ll love this one. I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Darcey.
1,209 reviews280 followers
Shelved as 'd-n-f'
August 16, 2021
DNF @ 60%

Just not for me. I found the romance dodgy and I didn't like the characters that much. Not captivated at all and now that I have A Curse So Dark and Lonely on my shelf, I couldn't be bothered continuing this. I might pick it up and continue it later if I have nothing to read.

Thanks for the free book anyway, K.A. Linde and Amazon Kindle! And beautiful cover :)
Profile Image for Miranda.
759 reviews108 followers
September 8, 2015
I am a sucker for YA Fantasy books, so when I had the opportunity to read this book, I knew I couldn't pass it up. It took me a little while to submerse myself into the world K.A. created, but once I got into the book, I couldn't stop reading. It took a while for me to understand the world, but it was eventually fleshed out in the book. I was so thankful for that, because I was really confused as to the dynamics of this fantasy world in the beginning of this book. I thought the world K.A. created was really unique and interesting. I would still like to learn more about the world. I am also intrigued by the magic in this book, and I would like to see how that develops in this series. My favorite thing about this book was the fact that everyone wore long ball gowns. It created beautiful visuals in my mind.

One of my major complaints about this book was the fact I couldn't connect to any of the main characters. I liked Cyrene's best friend in the book, but I didn't like Cyrene or her male counterparts. I enjoyed how strong Cyrene was, and I thought some of her snarky comments were funny. However, I thought she was rude, unlikeable, and annoying at times. I really was annoyed that she seemed to excel at everything, and everyone was in love with her. I understood that she was beautiful, but I couldn't understand why everyone loved her so much. However, I really liked her whenever she was with her girlfriends in the book! I admired how brave and strong she was, but I just could not get attached to her. I was just confused because she was always weirdly smirking or being rude, and everyone loved her!

When it comes to the romance, I am still on the fence about how I feel about it. I was annoyed that every male seemed to love Cyrene. When Cyrene started to fall for the King, I was just confused. I felt like it was randomly done to cause angst and drama. When Cyrene and the King talked, it was obvious they had chemistry. I found myself forgetting about the reasons why they couldn't be together. However, when I stepped back and looked at the situation, I got annoyed because THE KING IS MARRIED. I know the Queen is horrible, but I still felt weird rooting for the King and Cyrene to get together when he was married. As I said though, they definitely had chemistry. When I wasn't thinking about why they shouldn't be together, I enjoyed their romantic moments. However, I am still not 100% behind the romance.

Overall, I thought this book was an okay book. I enjoyed the world, and the plot of this book. However, I am not sold on the romance or the characters. I do think the characters have potential to grow into character I love in the next books. I still think K.A. Linde is a wonderful author, even if I didn't absolutely love this book! I will probably read the next book in this series, but it is not something I am dying to get my hands on.

3 / 5 Fangs

*This ebook was given to me in exchange for a honest review.*

MrsLeif's Two Fangs About It
Profile Image for Ashley.
667 reviews793 followers
September 23, 2015
The story was cool and I like the fantasy world.

The romance and some of the characters were... bleh. Very shallow.

The romance was TOLD instead of SHOWN and this was one of those things where every male seemed to be obsessed with the main character. There was hardly any dialogue between Cyrene and the king. Then when they spent the most time together, there was literally no dialogue at all. We were just TOLD that they spent time together and that it was fabulous.

She and Eric paced the deck, discussing everything from geographical formations to ancient history to gardening. Over meals, they found themselves contemplating various cultural differences between the cities of Byern, and at night, they practiced languages and read aloud late into the night. They listened to a minstrel on board, danced their favorite jigs, taught each other card games, and watched the sunset over the Taken Mountains.

This is literally a recap of the most time they spent together—four days. We're given no dialogue, no conversation, no experience of any of those events. We're just told that they happened.

This romance could have been so fantastic. There was definitely some chemistry there, we just weren't privy to any of their moments together and that was a bummer.


* Good story
* Interesting world/fantasy
* I like the magic elements
* The romance had POTENTIAL but it was very poorly executed
* The whole "every male in the world is in love with the MC" thing is sooo annoying
Profile Image for Krystal.
2,012 reviews439 followers
September 11, 2023
If I'd been paying attention this might have been a 4-star, but I think it's more likely it would have been a 2-star. So just gonna settle on 3.

I listened to this one, which means I started with a low commitment to it. I did really enjoy this narrator and I'm sure she's done a few others I've enjoyed. Very easy to listen to.

The story starts with Cyrene getting chosen as an affiliate - and if there was an explanation for why this role is such a big deal I missed it. I didn't miss the part where she gets a super special role because she flirted with the king, though.

I feel like there were a lot of clichés in this story but I thankfully missed a lot of them because I was only half tuned in. The times I was paying attention there were some really cringe-worthy moments but on the whole I enjoyed the overall story so maybe it's a good thing I missed all the little details.

Cyrene is of course a classic, YA 'Special One' - the one with powers that haven't been seen in years and everyone is obsessed with her and everything happens because of her but of course she's in denial the entire time because she's ever so humble. It's a trope I'm really, really tired of.

There's a supporting cast that seemed better - I liked Maelia - but I'd like to re-read to properly understand why they're all getting involved. Ahlvie seemed like a cool dude at times but then he does some really questionable things later?

I also really hated what I heard of the Cyrene/Prince (I don't remember his name - K-something) relationship. Like he's super skeezy straight up and then later she's WHY. Stuff like that is DUMB and why I suspect a re-read will drop it a star.

But there was also a mystery related to dead bodies turning up so that had me intrigued.

Honestly, I'll probably listen again. It was interesting enough to me that I wanted to go back and listen properly so I may just do that. Orrrr I may just move on to the second and see what happens. *shrug*

Love this narrator, though. She reads it well!
Profile Image for Donna.
1,053 reviews586 followers
October 16, 2015
I love how many YA fantasy stories are popping up lately and The Affiliate is an even more special book for me because it’s written by K.A. Linde – one of my favourite bookish friends. With the author being such a huge fantasy fan I was excited to see her take her hand to it and I can’t say I was disappointed! I think K.A. Linde did a fantastic job with The Affiliate and I hope to see many more fantasy stories from her.

The Affiliate is a unique read. I’ve read many fantasy stories and the ones that I have loved, have each been for their own reasons. The reason for me loving The Affiliate is because it’s so unique. I’ve simply not read anything like it. Cyrene’s story is brave tale, one about a girl heading into an uncertain life that is full of mystery, danger and politics and magic. Magic plays a big part of this story and it’ll certainly wrap you up in the mystery around it. It’s rich in detail and woven into the story perfectly and the mystery surrounding the letter that Cyrene receives will leave you dying to know more.

Like all great stories there has to be a great love and The Affiliate definitely delivers in that way. Cyrene’s love interest is one so forbidden it makes the story even more dangerous but also a suspenseful one too – yep, she falls in love with the King. King Edric! And even though he has his faults, I couldn’t help but fall in love with him. Theirs is a love story you can’t help root for – my favourite kind and I just can’t wait to see what happens next.

So if you haven’t already added The Affiliate to your TBR list. Do it now. You don’t want to miss out on this adventurous tale by a stunning writer!

Thank you to K.A. Linde for giving me the opportunity to review this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Archives of Jina.
528 reviews197 followers
January 9, 2022
I think KA Linde his built a very interesting world here. I haven’t been so engaged in a fantasy book in a long time. There’s a lot of world building here and setting the scene. I can’t wait to get to book two, this book has been permanently in my mind when reading and not reading it.
Profile Image for Kimberly.
77 reviews52 followers
April 23, 2016
If I'd had the time I would have read this in one sitting. This wasn't over the top good writing but there was never a dull moment, I liked the characters and I can't wait for the sequel to come out!!
Profile Image for Rizza✧˖°.
185 reviews55 followers
November 3, 2019

Seven chapters in and I still don't know what's going on in this book. At times the pace is moving too slow and other times it is moving too fast. The characters are one-dimensional and I just can't get through with the MC.
Profile Image for Dark Faerie Tales.
2,274 reviews563 followers
October 7, 2015
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: Epic high fantasy that will leave you breathless and dying for the next book. Brimming with magic, romance, and adventure, this is sure to be a hit with all YA fantasy fans!

Opening Sentence: “Let them in.”

The Review:

It is Cyrene Strohm’s seventeenth birthday, which means it is also her Presenting day. The day she will be assigned into a class and given a position that she will have for the rest of her life. There are 3 classes and the Third Class is a mix of craftsmen, merchants, and farmers. The Second Class consists of mostly the guard service and all those that help with creating military weapons. The First Class are made up of the Affiliates and the High Lords that help to run the country. It has always been Cyrene’s dream to become an Affiliate to the Queen and her dream is about to come true. Cyrene grew up in a very prestigious family and she has always had high expectations of her future. What she didn’t expect was court life to be so dangerous and difficult to navigate.

On her Presenting day Cyrene received a letter full of riddles and as a birthday gift her sister gave her a book that is blank to everyone but Cyrene. She starts to hear voices inside her head, and it seems like she is being constantly watched. To top things off there are dark brutal murders happening at the palace.

Cyrene was bred to be the perfect Affiliate, but she soon finds herself caught between the man she can’t fall for and the queen she is suppose to serve. Will she choose loyalty or love? Or is there another path she is supposed to take all together? Find out in this sweeping high fantasy that you won’t want to put down!

Cyrene is a very bold character. She is witty, flirtatious, and intelligent. She was really fun to get to know and I felt an instant connection with her. On top of all of her endearing qualities she also has some major flaws which made her a more realistic character. She tends to make rash decisions at times, and she is a little overconfident at times, but she is also a sweet, loving, loyal person. I felt like she grew tremendously as a character throughout the story, and by the end she had really come into her own. She still has a long journey ahead of her and I am really excited to see where her story goes in the next book.

Edric is a very charming, swoon worthy, hot king that you can’t help but find intriguing. His relationship with Cyrene is very cute. They have an instant connection, an amazing chemistry, but things do develop a little too quickly for my liking. I think they could become an epic couple, but they still have a long way to go. To be perfectly honest, I felt like you didn’t get to know Edric as well as I would have liked, and I am hoping in the future books we get to explore his personality a little bit more. What I do you know of him I really like so far, but I can’t say whether or not I would pick him for Cyrene.

Kael is a mysterious character that I really can’t quite figure out. One moment he seems like he could be a villain and then the next moment he turns into the charming prince you want to fall for. To be perfectly honest his relationship with Cyrene is rocky from the start. They seem to have a connection as well, but at this point I can’t really tell if it’s romantic or not. Kael really intrigues me as a character and I’m very interested to see how he develops in the future books.

The Affiliate is an action-packed, romantic, adventurous book that I couldn’t put down. From the first moment I picked it up I was instantly hooked and finished the entire book in one sitting. I really enjoyed the entire cast of characters including all of the secondary characters they were all so well written and very engaging. The book is definitely full of lots of drama, political intrigue, and romance. I thought that the romance develops a little quickly, but I still really enjoyed it. I do want to mention that I know it looks like there is a love triangle because I talked about two boys earlier my review, but honestly I don’t think it was really much of a love triangle. It’s pretty obvious who Cyrene is going to end up with. So if you are not a fan of love triangles, I think that you would be fine reading the story. The book was definitely not perfect, but I cannot deny that it was very entertaining. The book was very fast-paced but there were a few times it felt a little choppy and not as smooth as I would’ve liked it to be. There were also moments where I got a little confused about what was happening and I feel that there were a lot of unanswered questions that I still have. But this is only the first book, so I’m sure that many of those unanswered questions will be answered in future books. I am really looking forward to the next book in the series. This is my first book by Linde and I found her writing to be very captivating, and addictive. She really knows how to weave a wonderful story and I look forward to reading other books by her. Overall, this was an extremely enjoyable story and I would highly recommend it to any young adult fantasy fans.

Notable Scene:

Her lips quirked up into a haughty smirk. “Yes, My King.”

King Edric paused, eyeing her mouth. “Do you always wear that smirk?”

She tried to tramp down the expression on her face, but she didn’t seem to be able to. “Yes, My King.” His blue-grey eyes narrowed, and her heart thumped. Why can’t I keep a lid on my attitude today of all days?

FTC Advisory: K.A, Linde/InkslingerPR provided me with a copy of The Affiliate. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
Profile Image for Coco.V.
50k reviews49 followers
Want to read
March 30, 2019
🎁 FREE on Amazon & on iBooks today (3/30/2019)! 🎁

On the day of her Presenting, in front of the entire Byern Court, seventeen-year-old Cyrene Strohm's lifelong plans come to fruition when she's chosen for one of the most prestigious positions in her homeland—an Affiliate to the Queen.

Or so she thinks.

When Cyrene receives a mysterious letter and an unreadable book, she finds nothing is as it seems. Thrust into a world of dangerous political intrigue and deadly magic, Cyrene's position only grows more treacherous when she finds herself drawn to the one man she can never have...

King Edric himself.

Cyrene must decide if love is truly worth the price of freedom. Find out in this first book in USA Today bestselling author K.A. Linde’s new Ascension series.
Profile Image for DKristin.
494 reviews225 followers
April 5, 2018
It was a little too drawn out for me in places where it was obvious where the story was going... none-the-less I plan to continue to the next book because as they say "the plot thickens" and I do want to know what happens next!
Profile Image for L.R.W. Lee.
Author 31 books755 followers
March 7, 2016
4.5 Stars! Engaging plot. Complex world. Scintillating romance. This is how I summarize The Affiliate by K. A. Linde.

I’m a sucker for a believable romance and this book definitely had that in spades. But there’s more. Linde introduces us to the complex world of Byren that is filled with numerous factions vying for their own gain and thus not friendly to each other…it’s the stuff great stories are made of, right?

The writing flowed and drew me in to the world. One thing...Read full review on my blog at http://blog.lrwlee.com/2016/03/07/rev...
Profile Image for Starrisa.
106 reviews42 followers
October 31, 2017
***May contain spoilers***
2.5 (sad) stars
Omg. Where do I even start??

Expectations: With so many four and five star ratings, I expected the book to be engaging, interesting, with some sort of a plot or SOMETHING resembling that, and the characters to be, at the very least, likeable, relatable and nice pacing of events.

Reality:For like 80% of the book, literally NOTHING happened, I was just flipping page after page waiting for SOMETHING, I don't know what, to occur and finally release me from my eternal boredom.And then BAM! Towards like, the last 20% of the book, the author just dropped bombs after bombs at me, which was: NOT COOL!!! Maybe it's just me(DEFINITELY just me since everyone rates it like 4/5 stars) but the pacing of events was TERRIBLE!!! The beginning and middle segment of the book was like so...so...MONOTONOUS and TEDIOUS!!

And boy does the main character gets on my nerves... a lot. A LOT.

I found myself tremendously annoyed, so annoyed that I could have filled Jupiter to the brim and still have enough irritation leftover to cause it to explode into a billion smithereens due to overflowing and excess of exasperation vaguely annoyed with Cyrene, aka instalove protagonist victim no. 278. (jkjk there's not that many instaloves. I hope.)

so. Let's talk about the "romance" between Cyrene and ahem, the KING. The freaking king.
So what happened between them hmm?

Well...let's just say that for some INEXPLICABLE reason Cyrene saw the king and "BOOM! sparks fly and all that stuff" and there's apparently some sort of "intensity and electrifying tension between them" for...ummm... no apparent reason. Like dude. DOES THAT MEAN THAT CYRENE COULD JUST GO ON THE STREET ONE DAY, SEE LIKE A CAT OR STH AND BE LIKE WOOO! TENSION BETWEEN US! I LOVE THE CAT!!!! No! Right?

THE INSTALOVE IS SO...ARGH!!! And the only things I can say about the king are negative because I can't even describe his character with positive traits as I know next to zero about him!!!!!! (when I say next to zero I mean towards the LEFT side of course. in case you didn't get it I meant like NEGATIVE )

How I think of the king:
1. Two-timing jerk: He has a queen, aka his WIFE and he still wants to you know, the thingy with Cyrene. RIGHT. What a nice husband. NOT.

2. Irresponsible:Look, I'm not telling him to like force himself to produce an heir with the queen, but since he MARRIED the queen (it was his choice, he could have like, I dunno, refused or run way or STH), he shouldn't shirk his responsibilities!!! Gah. If he hated the queen so much, just divorced or sth. HOWEVER EVIL THE QUEEN IS, SHE DOESN'T DESERVE YOU TWO-TIMING HER DUDE!!


4. Indecisive: One moment he was like "I WILL HAVE NO MISTRESS GAH" the next he was like "Cyrene!!! Be my oh so lovely mistress (I can't marry you since I have a wife you know but I don't love her anyway teehee) NO!!! This is just ahh!

Ok. I don't have to elaborate further about how Cyrene just kissed the king (Excluding kissing and sexual tension scenes, there were almost (if not) ZERO scenes telling us MORE about the king. Is he fun and playful? Dunno. Probably not? Is he gentle and kind? Um. Is he more of a sternish dude who's sorta possessive? Hmmm.

Yeah. ^^what I meant.

ANYWAY. The book has SOME redeeming qualities which was why I gave it 2.5 stars. Towards the end, the story really picked up and STUFF STARTS TO HAPPEN. Cyrene FINALLY grew a brain and managed to figure the stuff out. Some things were revealed which I didn't expect (maybe I'm just dumb xD) which were a nice change from the ahem rather er, calming starting and middle. Other than the instalove stuff and some moments of dumbness, the main character is mainly okay-ish I guess. Oh yeah, btw I found Maelia SO annoying? She's always like:
"Are you SURE about this"
"Think? You THINK?"
"I don't trust him" (THEN DON'T AND LEAVE!!!!)

But yeah. It was okay... I guess. The overall plot (which was like, the last 20% of the book) was great actually. I wish it had been PACED and PLANNED well though. I gave it a (barely) 2.5 stars. It's still quite okay-ish good overall!! I'll be reading the next book for sure (hope it improves!) :D
Profile Image for Jaime (Two Chicks on Books).
825 reviews396 followers
October 4, 2016
I really loved this! It was a mix between The Selection and some high fantasy novels like the Study series, etc. I can't wait for book 2!
Profile Image for Steph's Romance Book Talk.
2,829 reviews1,398 followers
July 31, 2019
4.25 Stars / 2 Steam Fans

W.T.H!!! I'm not really sure what just happened because that ending makes me want to jump into the next book RIGHT NOW!! Fantasy is not usually my jam and it took me a little bit to get into this story but once I did, WOWZER! I am here to learn more about Cyrene and her journey to Ascension.

This specific video review will be included in the July 2019 wrap-up.

For other video book reviews check out my YouTube channel: Steph's Romance Book Talk.

(Review may be edited at a later date)
Profile Image for Tiffany.
724 reviews50 followers
June 1, 2016
First let me just put it out there that I am Team Kael.

Just saying.

Turns out I am being a bit of a YA Fantasy junkie this year. I wasn't going to read this book until at least the second in the series had been published but Kyla promised me in person this book didn't have an awful cliffhanger.


Wish List for Book 2 in the Series:
-Kaliana gets slapped
-Cyrene ditches Edric and gets with Kael
-We find out who is sending the Braj
-Her best friend does NOT betray her
-At least one other hook up

Come on. We need some action here!

Profile Image for Bridget.
54 reviews7 followers
September 9, 2019
What is this? I like fantasy?? Maybe I do because that was awesome!

But really, why am I so surprised? When I think of movies that are fantasy, I loved them. Who doesn't like action, adventure, and intrigue? This one also contains sexual tension, which as primarily a romance reader, I'm in. All in.

**Full review to come...

This book was provided by the author in return for an honest review

84 reviews17 followers
January 2, 2017
where are all the 4 and 5 star reviews coming from? did i read the same book? cuz this book was terribly written and i cared nothing for any of the characters
Profile Image for Raven_Blake (dreamy addictions).
772 reviews224 followers
March 17, 2017
Actual Rating: 3.5 Stars!
Same Review Also Posted In My Blog: Dreamy Addictions

This book could’ve been my next favorite fantasy read if it wasn’t for the insta-love portrayed in it which pretty much ruined my enjoyability. When I read the premise of this book, it sounded like an exciting read with forbidden romance but I wasn’t expecting the cliched insta-love. I hate insta-love romance because they always annoy me so It’s a serious case of it’s not you, it’s me. I’m not saying it was entirely bad because I loved the plot, the setting and also the wonderful writing of the author. If you don’t hate insta-love romances then you might enjoy this book more than I did. I’m not familiar with K.A. Linde’s other works and this is my first book from her and I loved her writing style. I’ve heard this was her first YA fantasy book and she really did a good job in weaving this story and I really hope it improves in the next book.

In the kingdom of Byern, every year they conduct a presenting ceremony rite for everyone who turned seventeen. At the ceremony they are assigned a duty either in first class, second class and third class. The first class are assigned to the monarchs, the second class and third class citizens are assigned in military, merchants and farming. Seventeen year old Cyrene is a first class citizen who’s been training hard since young to get placed in the first class just like her brother and sister. At the ceremony, she gets selected in the first class and placed in a most prestigious position, an affiliate to the queen. She also gets the attention of the handsome King Eric whom she feels drawn to but she can never have him. When she receives a mysterious letter and an unreadable book that only she can read, Cyrene begins to search for the hidden secrets. While on her search, mysterious murders happen around the castle that might be connected with her. With her feelings growing stronger for the king, Cyrene needs to make a decision between her freedom and love.

Cyrene is a strong female protagonist but I can’t say she’s my favorite either. She’s brave, strong, adventurous and loyal. The only thing I hated about her was her strange attraction to the king who is also married to another woman. King Edric is handsome, regal and protective. Honestly, I wasn’t impressed with his character and I can’t connect with him either. Prince kael is cunning, flirty, mysterious character who seems to have hidden motives. When Cyrene rejects his attention, he takes it as a challenge. Both brothers vies for cyrene’s attention but Cyrene only has eyes for one guy *cliche much*. I can’t help but roll my eyes with how cyrene and King Edric gets enamored with each other. I wouldn’t even care if Cyrene ends up with prince Kael. I’m glad the romance isn’t the central focus of this book because I didn’t liked the romance in this book and I also didn’t cared much about it. I like triangles only if they excite me but this one didn’t even excite me a bit. I’m fan of slow burn romance with angst and tension which this book heavily lacked. As for the secondary characters, I liked Cyrene’s friends Rhea, Ahlvie and Maelia. I enjoyed the girl friendship between Cyrene and Rhea and I want more of it.

The plot is engaging, mysterious and unique. Though I didn’t enjoyed the romance, I really enjoyed the story and the world the author has created. The story moved in a fast pace and there’s never a dull moment. Even though some parts of the story is predictable, it never stopped me continuing the book. The whole book is told in third person perspective. I loved the writing style of this book, it was addictive and I flowed through it easily with out any struggle. I enjoyed the world the author has created with unique customs and culture and I’d love to know more of this world.

Overall, I liked it! With the appearance of the mysterious braj, the story became more interesting. Honestly, I would’ve given it a four star rating if there isn’t a super insta-love in this book. The story finally concluded with a minor cliffhanger with so many questions left unanswered and I might read the sequel just to find out what happens next.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 438 reviews

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