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Beth Jamison had a rough start in life. She survived a childhood abduction, but her traumatic past still haunts her, and she suffers from anxiety and issues with intimacy. Beth doesn't know it, but the man who kidnapped her has just been released early from prison. When Beth’s brother hires McIntyre Security, Inc. to protect Beth and conduct surveillance on her kidnapper, Beth has no idea she has secret bodyguards keeping her safe 24/7.

With his money and good looks, CEO Shane McIntyre has never been short on feminine company, and he’s developed a reputation as a “love ‘em and leave ‘em” kind of guy. But that changes when Shane meets Beth. Their mutual attraction is instant and intense, and Shane falls hard for Beth. Shane has his work cut out for him if he’s going to gain her trust and get past her fears. This alpha protector is determined to keep Beth safe, but he’s also determined to make her his.

438 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 6, 2015

About the author

April Wilson

42 books987 followers
I write about alpha protectors who fall in love hard and unconditionally, through the good and the bad. My characters are strong, sexy, and slightly damaged... because no one is perfect. All of my novels have happy-ever-after endings. What else would you expect from a die-hard romantic? I'm the author of the McIntyre Security Bodyguard Series of contemporary romance novels.

I live in Ohio with my daughter and more than a few dogs and cats. When I'm not writing, I'm reading romance novels and watching movies with happy endings. I'd love to hear from you! You can e-mail me at aprilwilsonwrites@outlook.com. Or, visit my website: aprilwilsonauthor.com.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 444 reviews
82 reviews6 followers
September 18, 2015
This book was terrible in every single way. I have no idea why I kept reading...

First off, April Wilson is one of those authors who feels the need tp write every exchange and situation, so a simple and unnecessary breakfast scene takes an entire chapter. The conversations always feel stilted and stale and, worst of all, repetitive. The same phrases are used over and over, even in the course of the same conversation.

Beth was an awful charter. Why do writers keep creating leading females like this? She was so so so dumb and boring. If I met someone like this in real life, I would be so unsurprised to learn that person was a shut-in hermit with no friends and family. She brings nothing to the table. No personality, no spice, just mumbles amd constant doubt and goddamn she is so helpless. One of those characters that doesnt offer anything and yet all the other characters in the book are totally in love with her - she's so pure and good and virginal they can't help but take care of her. And another thing, she has an array of vibrators that the author makes clear have been used, but she is still magically a virgin???

Shane was gross, too. Overprotective to the point of infantilising Beth, which is as sexy as a dog turd. Their interactions were boring, the sex scenes were crap and all the characters were one dimensional - ex girlfriends were bitchy and slutty, everyone fell in love with Beth to the point of stalking, and NOTHING happened. In the entire book. Nothing. And because of all the nothing, there's meant to be a sequel, which will be equally thrilling I'm sure.

Crap story, crap characters, crap writing.
Profile Image for Victoria.
1,188 reviews95 followers
October 30, 2015

3.25 RATING- This was an average "damsel in distress/damaged heroine" read. Pretty simplistic. At times the story definitely dragged and I thought some editing may have helped keep the story moving.

The author states that this book can be read as a stand-alone but I think this is more a HFN ending instead of HEA because one major part of the story is not resolved in this book. For the life of me, I don't understand why. The author could have 100% resolved all issues in Vulnerable and kept this a one book story. I'm still scratching my head about that. Will I read book two? I don't think so. The book wasn't terrible but I think I've had enough.

Note: At the time this review was posted, this book was available to borrow through Amazon's Kindle Unlimited program.

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Profile Image for Emily.
5,498 reviews526 followers
March 22, 2016
Beth Jamison was abducted when she was six and she still has the nightmares even at twenty-four. When her brother finds out her kidnapper has been released, he seeks out Shane McIntyre, CEO of McIntyre Security. Shane wants to tell Beth from the get go that her assailant has been released, but her brother Tyler puts his foot down. Her anxiety, nightmares and panic attacks all play a part in what he thinks she can handle.

Shane becomes protective of Beth from a distance, but it is only a matter of time before Shane inserts himself into Beth's life. Once that happens Shane realizes he wont be able to let her go. He knows Beth needs patience and that she is vulnerable, he is willing to take the time to get Beth to trust him. However, Beth's threat is coming closer and Shane wants who he really is out there in the open before he his relationship with Beth implodes/

I did not realize this was a sequel book, so the ending was a surprise. However, that being said this was an excellent story. I loved Beth, she has been sheltered and I think because she was a victim, overlooked at how strong she really is. Shane is a dominant character, but his sole concern is for Beth. He is so delicate with her but he also pushes her to be vocal and come into her own. Anxiously awaiting the next book.
Profile Image for BleuBelle.
638 reviews180 followers
December 14, 2016
I didn't read much of this book, probably 25%, after their first meeting I quit reading.

The one thing that got on my nerves (so much I couldn't read on) were the secondary characters. I hated how all of them were "In my face". They were noisy, loud and busybodys.

Gabriella, Beth's best friend, is living with her. She's then on the meeting with Shane and Beth's brother about Beth's protection. There she tells all of Beths secrets, well her life, how she's having nightmares and panic attacks and describes them in great detail for all them to know. And then she decides it's better to let Beth in the dark about a matter of importance. That is not my definition of a "friend". I didn't like her.

Then there was this issue with Shane. He's the CEO of the Security Company. And of corse he want's to keep an eye on Beth himself. So he tells his people that he's going to work in the field. And everyone has something against it. And I mean everyone! His coworkers and his roommate. Everyone tells him what he should do, and what he shouldn't do and how he should do his things. My god! Let the man be! He's the CEO and if he wants to do legwork than please be my guest.

Overall the Hero and heroin don't seem to be very mature at all. I got the feeling I was listening in on teenagers. Nothing against teenagers, but there has to be a distinction between them.

That's why I stopped reading. But that's just my opinion.
Profile Image for Astraycat.
1,020 reviews85 followers
September 30, 2015
Great book. A hot reading with constant known threat.

H was so sweet and patient that no sane women would reject him. I didn't know how to think about h's brother, he was overprotective, and totally treated h as a little child, not to mention his decision almost ruined H and h's relationship. I was constantly nervous about h's reaction when she found out the truth. Fortunately, no much dramas.

H's sister was an interesting character, I suspected she would play an important role in Tyler(h's brother)'s future.

The only thing I hated was I had to wait for the release of 2nd book. When will it be?
Profile Image for Helen Power.
Author 10 books615 followers
August 14, 2020
Vulnerable is a standalone, though I realize that there are two later books in the series that deal with the same two protagonists. That said, the plot of this one wraps up quite nicely, and I didn't even realize there would be more books until I looked at the series list.
The story of Vulnerable is much like what you would expect it to be, though the plot takes a couple of unexpected turns, which kept it interesting and fresh. Unfortunately, like so many other books, this one has insta-love, at least, on Shane's part. Shane and Beth get together far too quickly for my liking, though the book makes up for this with quite a few steamy romance scenes.

I also want to add that I found it exciting to read a book where the female protagonist is a librarian who works at a college! (For my own selfish reasons--being an academic librarian myself--it's nice to feel represented in fiction). Usually librarians in books work at public libraries, and while there's nothing wrong with that, it does feel like a bit of an overused trope--the shy librarian who talks to cats and shelves books all day.

I also want to mention that in this book we're introduced to Shane's siblings who work for him. I'm super excited to read about Lia finding love.

4 stars.
Profile Image for Samantha Britt.
Author 44 books223 followers
August 7, 2015
Wow! Loved this book.

From the get go, I absolutely invested in Beth's character. I found her endearing and more than likable. Shane's draw to protect her did not upset any feminist notions I might have, but rather endeared him to me and strengthened his swoon worthy-ness. April Wilson did a wonderful job portraying her characters in relatable and moving ways.

Plot of the story was also enjoyable. It kept me eagerly turning the pages to figure out what happened next! I am excited to see where April Wilson takes the series not only with Shane and Beth, but also other members of the McIntyre world.

Only downside I can think of would be how suddenly timid Beth jumped into a romantic relationship with a virtual stranger. As a result, it did take me a bit to emotionally connect with their romance. Then again, with Shane's described appearance and tentativeness, I might not have been hesitant to date him either. lol

I definitely recommend giving this book a read!
Profile Image for Wendi Wilson.
Author 30 books326 followers
July 30, 2015
I loved this book! Beth is a very likable character and her romance with Shane is epic! I loved the suspense and excitement. I felt that their relationship unfolded at a believable pace, even though it happened quickly- I still believed it! Shane is a hot alpha male with love in his heart and his patience with Beth and her issues was very sweet. I can't wait for book 2! Hurry April, hurry!!!
Profile Image for Daisy Delfin.
1,200 reviews158 followers
August 19, 2023
I needed a book about a bodyguard and the person who is protected fall in love. I read a little more than 60% of the book and dnf it. I liked the idea of the plot, but most of the 60% was about the insta Luv between Shane and Beth. At random times the plot would resurface, but mostly it was about getting Beth to agree to be Shane's girlfriend. I was bored.
Profile Image for N.D. Jackson.
Author 16 books240 followers
August 25, 2015
Beth Jamison…has some issues.

Some truly terrible stuff went down with her when she was younger and it has left her with extreme anxiety, panic attacks, a fear of the dark and a fear of intimacy. Sounds horrible, right? You would think so but despite what Beth thinks, she is strong as hell. She gets up every day—after a night filled with nightmares—goes to work with a smile on her face. She even makes time to do the thing she loves most on Fridays, go to a bookstore. When she stepped foot in Clancy’s I said to myself “I’m gonna like this girl.”
And I did.

Beth meets Shane, super hot and sexy security guru, Shane McIntyre. And he is more than a little interested in sweet young Beth. Easy, right? Except Shane has been hired, by her brother, to keep her safe from the very scumbag who caused her issues in the first place. And this is where things get interesting. Shane has gotten close to Beth, too close, and he’s basically been lying to the vulnerable girl with trust issues.

Seems pretty standard until you actually start reading the story. Like I said I wanted to high five Beth much of this story. Sure she’s got a bucket load of issue but the girl does what she can with what she has. When she meets Shane she wants to get over her issues and start working on her future. This is the part that I loved most about Vulnerable, watching Shane’s patience and kindness as he helped Beth fight her demons. It was easy for me to fall in love with him so you know Beth didn’t stand a chance.

April Wilson did a fantastic job with this story, it is a real love story that yes, does have some pretty good sex, but also has tons of tenderness. You know who the bad guy is and what everyone is doing to keep her safe, but at times you completely forget because Beth and Shane are so wrapped up in each other.
This was a great story and yes, a great beginning to a series, much to my chagrin. It is totally worth the read, but you should know the story doesn’t end with book 1.

All I have to say is I hope Gabrielle or Lia’s story is next!
September 11, 2015
*I received a copy in exchange for an honest review*
I found this story to be engrossing, heartfelt and arousing. This is a suspenseful romance that includes plenty of alpha males, a timid broken young woman, and a gorgeous, serious, intense family.Shane McIntyre and Beth Jamison are a endearing, passionate couple that just have to be experienced by the reader first hand. April Wilson does a fantastic job of combining love, sensuality, and mystery. Some of the scenes are titillating while others are raw and dark which draw the reader in and make them feel like they are part of the story.

Shane McIntyre is the alpha male in his world with many siblings to lead along with a security business, he would have to be. I loved his commanding yet still sensitive presence towards Beth. Who wouldn't love an older man who is protective, melt in your mouth hot, and knows what he is doing in and out of the bedroom. No wonder Beth couldn't resist him. Beth is a beautiful young woman who has been traumatized since childhood and yearns for a more intimate connection but is fearful of being victimized again. So she settles for living a solitary life with just her best friend Gabrielle, her older brother Tyler, and some steamy erotica novels. Little does she know that she is capable of so much passion and is strong enough to endure her past as well as any trouble in her future.

This is a remarkable story that has amazing characters.I found the family dynamics and drama to be intriguing and left me curious to read more about the McIntyre clan. It had plenty of emotional depth, along with enough romance and steam to rise your temperature while simultaneously melting your heart. I highly recommend if you are looking for a gripping story that will keep you on the edge of your seat along with a powerful love story.
Profile Image for LunalandBooks.
99 reviews28 followers
October 5, 2015
Sometimes there are books you like, and sometimes there are books that make all other books pale in comparison. Vulnerable is definitely the latter! April Wilson is now firmly at the top of my authors to watch out for list. There is a little piece of everything in this book, romance, action, suspense, mystery and dear lord it was so hot my kindle began to sizzle. I found Beth to be such a sweet heroine and i love how much she developed throughout the book but also how much room she has left to grow. Beth has major problems with intimacy that stem from a traumatic experience in her past that makes her so endearing and yes vulnerable. However, you can't have a good heroine without an equally compelling hero and you certainly get that wish with the sexy alpha male that is Shane. He takes one look at dear sweet Beth and pulls out the big guns to protect her. Shane is controlling one minute and a giant understanding teddy bear the next. He has definitely got top spot in my book boyfriend list.... and if santa is listening my christmas list. Shane can be naughty and nice ;)

Shane is called in by Beth's brother to protect her, although Beth isn't allowed to know about this. You can see that this is where things get complicated for this lovely couple as Shane has to keep secrets from Beth at the same time as keeping her safe from a number of different bad guys. The obstacles they have to overcome are many but sometimes there are loves that are completely worth the trails.

I can't recommend this book enough i absolutely adored this book and i can't wait for the sequel. It is such a beautiful story and had me staying up all night reading as i literally couldn't put my kindle down. You can purchase Vulnerable now on Amazon and I sincerely hope you do because i promise you won't regret it.
1,254 reviews1 follower
January 23, 2020
The heroine's reaction to her tragedy seemed overblown to the level of trauma experienced. I'd expect some residual issues from being kidnapped as a young child, but panic attacks and night terrors almost two decades later when apparently no harm occurred seems...odd. There was something about the writing that didn't quite jive with me but the breaking point was where after the first meeting (which is engineered by him) even though she pretty much flees in terror he says to himself that he would become get lover "no matter what it took." That sounds super rapey just because a girl is maybe sexually attracted to you, and I seriously do not trust his own perception of that, doesn't mean she's interested in having sex with you. All but tripping over themselves to get away from you is a pretty good sign that's not going anywhere. Dnf
Profile Image for Kelly Crowley .
229 reviews
March 3, 2021
For someone who was kidnapped when she was six and had nothing done to her, she seems to have an awful lot of nightmares almost two decades later. Why is there nothing in the book about Beth having gone to therapy? There wasn't anything really done to her for these nightmares to keep happening. Yes she was held in a basement for twelve hours. People have been through a hell of a lot worse, myself included and I'm not having nightmares decades later. As for Shane really? After one look, I have to be her personal bodyguard. Bleh.
Profile Image for Marie.
Author 24 books66 followers
November 9, 2017
Steamy romance

This is your typical steamy romance. It doesn't offer much new as far as stereotypicsl characters and circumstances, but the style of writing draws you in and gets you hooked. Though I had read these characters a million times in other books, I still found myself caring about them and wanting to read more.
This is impressive for an author's first published work. If you are looking for sexy and heartwarming, this is the book for you.
Profile Image for Dai.
658 reviews49 followers
May 9, 2020
Beth me da tanta pereza, ¿por qué a las autoras les gusta hacer personajes tan debiluchos?
Profile Image for BooksSaveMe.
877 reviews11 followers
August 9, 2019
Not what I thought it was! I thought it would be more security/romantic suspense, but this was insta love followed by one sex scene after another which seemed out of place - I particularly dislike the millionaire and the virgin trope gave me serious Christian Grey and Anna vibes which give me the heebie jeebies, Uber controlling male whose wealth excuses his behavior- nope!

I liked the writing style on the plus side
Profile Image for Laura.
727 reviews54 followers
March 21, 2020
Beth was abducted when she was 6 years old. She was rescued but now at age 24 is still traumatized and has panic attacks. The abductor is set to be released on parole so her brother hires McIntyre Security for her protection, only she doesn’t know any of this. Shane the CEO feels a “ connection” and takes a personal interest in the case, and decides to be her personal protector. I love this entire premise. The alpha protective hero, and the shy vulnerable damsel in distress. This is hotter than hell, with action and danger. All my favorite things. Loved it! 5 stars.
October 4, 2015
So one of my dirty little secrets is I read erotic romance. But I will be honest, I usually skip the sex scenes because...quite frankly...most of the time if you have read one you have read them all. My main interest is in the romance aspects of it. Because who doesn't love a good love story?

I find myself quite often disappointed by erotic romance though. Too often people try to imitate 50 Shades by slapping together a first person style, an alpha male, an "independent" woman who is a borderlined bitch and/or schizo, and call it done.

Happily, Vulnerable (the first erotic romance I have read in at least a month) did not do this. Oh, it was cliche. Definitely cliche. The guy saves the girl and they fall in love. But there is nothing wrong with cliche and I happily like this cliche.

The technical aspects weren't astounding either. They weren't BAD - don't get me wrong. It is a solid book. No misspellings, no jarring sentences that don't fit. But neither is it wonderfully written. I guess the best way I can put it is that I wish there was a more...graceful style of writing. The best books are books that you get so lost in you never once think "Oh, this is a book." It's not a book to you then, it's this amazing story that is so vibrantly real you never think of it as a story. This was a story written in a book. It was never so real I got lost in it. There were too many "forced" aspects of the characters for me to ever lose myself - for example the spanking scene felt very forced. Not organic at all. Like the author demanded the characters engage in it and they did because they had too, but were rather embarrassed about the whole thing.

I hated the cliff hanger. It was especially irritating when I read the author saying she doesn't have cliff hangers. That little lie there lost you a star - this would have been an easy five star otherwise. Don't lie to your readers - this was a cliff hanger at it's finest. If the book wasn't so enjoyable I would have been so irritated at this I wouldn't have read anything else.

So those were the worst things I had to say about the book.

Other people might complain about the heroine, saying she is too weak and lifeless. I don't know, I haven't read other reviews of this book. But I have noticed a lot of readers of erotic romance seem to WANT a bitchy, too-independent female lead. I do not. In fact, I tend to dislike those types of books. I like the white knight style heroes that save the day. I like the sweet-tempered but a bit fiesty female leads that try to stand on their own (and often succeed for a time) but quickly allow for the strong helping hand of a man. I love that. Nor will I apologize to the frothing at the mouth feminists for it. I think you can still believe in equality for women and enjoy a good romance where a woman is helped by a man too.

I loved this book. The heroine is sweet tempered, the hero is capable, and I love the interplay between her, him, and the brother. I LOVE he actually gets to help her. There is nothing more irritating to me than an alpha male character not allowed by the author to actually help his lady.

In fact, I loved this book so much I did a rarity and followed the author on goodreads AND signed up for her newsletters so I won't miss the next book. But I am still annoyed by that no cliffhanger lie.

Profile Image for Anne .
468 reviews73 followers
November 24, 2020
This is my first book from this author. I was excited to start this as I am a huge fan of Security/Bodyguard romances but this book is quite a failure for me.

There's just so many plot holes in the story that it's just making me scratch my head. Subplots that was not fulfilled. Bland main characters and side characters. I'm expecting camaraderie, brotherhood relationship as per usual/norm in such series but with this one, they were not touch/explored. Repetitiveness of conversion and mixing POVs in between each sentences within a chapter too.

However, I still managed to push through hoping it will get better. It did not though. Which is sad since this book looks promising. The hero, I expected him to be more Alpha being with his status but he's meh as well. There's really no character and plot development.

But I don't wanna give up on this series yet. I'm going to still read book 2 and 2.5 just to see if there will be any good development or changes in the over all plot.
Profile Image for Mia Searles (The Muses Circle).
318 reviews52 followers
August 24, 2016
I'll keep this short and sweet. I actually enjoyed the story. Loved that it was in third person and that we got both the hero and heroine's perspective. I enjoyed most of the male secondary characters and definitely can see some of them getting their own books which I anxiously await for.

The sex was hot. Hero possessive and alpha. My only thing that was a bit annoying is I felt some scenes dragged on and got a little tedious. I found myself skipping paragraphs and pages to get on with the story. Aside from that, a strong start. A little surprised that the book spawned a sequel, but I will get to that in my review for the second volume.
Profile Image for Samantha Christy.
Author 43 books3,336 followers
October 14, 2015
For her debut novel, April Wilson has found the perfect combination of sexual tension, heat and angst to keep you turning the pages.
If you like Sylvia Day's Crossfire series, you'll love this book! There is nothing better than a hot empire-owning, gun-slinging alpha-male who wants to save the beautiful-yet-damaged soul he is commissioned to protect.
The cover draws you in from the start, and once you read those first few pages, it's hard to stop. If this is Wilson's first attempt at a novel I can't wait to read the sequel.
Profile Image for Louise Wetton.
53 reviews
January 10, 2016
Omg I wished I would of known this was a two part series before I read this, cuz now I have the waiting game until I get to read the next book, this book was awesome the story between the two characters was sweet. he was hired to protect her but after meeting her just once he didn't only want to protect her but also to heal her too.
Profile Image for DemetraP.
4,925 reviews
December 21, 2020
I liked how patient the hero was with the heroine. They discussed things like adults, he did nice things for her, and he was always there for her when she needed him.

He takes care of her, he buys her nice things, he listens to her, he wants to know about her traumatic past, and he daydreams about marrying her.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 444 reviews

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