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Nine Minutes #1

Nine Minutes

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On May 15, 1975, fifteen-year-old Ginny Lemon is abducted from a convenience store in Fort Lauderdale by a member of one of the most notorious and brutal motorcycle gangs in South Florida.

From that moment on, her life is forever changed. She gets a new name, a new identity and a new life in the midst of the gang’s base on the edge of the Florida Everglades—a frightening, rough and violent world much like the swamps themselves, where everyone has an alias and loyalty is tantamount to survival.

And at the center of it all is the gang’s leader, Grizz: massive, ruggedly handsome, terrifying and somehow, when it comes to Ginny, tender. She becomes his obsession and the one true love of his life.

So begins a tale of emotional obsession and manipulation, of a young woman ripped from everything she knows and forced to lean on the one person who provides attention, affection and care: her captor. Precocious and intelligent, but still very much a teenager, Ginny struggles to adapt to her existence, initially fighting and then coming to terms with her captivity.

Will she be rescued? Will she escape? Will she get out alive—or get out at all? Part psychological thriller, part coming-of-age novel, filled with mystery, romance and unexpected turns, Nine Minutes takes readers into the world of one motorcycle gang and inside the heart of a young girl, whose abduction brought about its fall.

317 pages, Paperback

First published July 19, 2014

About the author

Beth Flynn

7 books2,735 followers
Beth Flynn is a fiction writer and USA Today Bestselling Author who lives and works in Sapphire, North Carolina, deep within the  southern Blue Ridge Mountains. Raised in South Florida, Beth and her husband,  Jim, have spent the last 21 years in Sapphire, where they own a construction  company. They have been married 35 years and have two daughters and a loveable pit bull mix named Owen.

In her spare time, Beth enjoys spending time n the Word, writing, reading, gardening, and motorcycles, especially taking rides on the back of her husband’s Harley. She is an nine-year breast cancer survivor.

You can contact Beth at beth@authorbethflynn.com

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Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,963 reviews33.8k followers
December 4, 2016
12/4/16: Holy crap, This is FREE
Just wanted to let people know so they don't miss the deal...this was my favorite read of 2014, I can't recommend it enough.

It fucked me up for days...

--5 Gripping Grizz Stars--

***Spoiler Free***

(Updated 1/10/15 to include disclaimer at the end of my review. Nothing else was changed.)

I am having a hard time qualifying my thoughts on this book. That being the case, I also went back and forth all night about what I wanted to rate it. You'll notice I said all night as this was me...all last night:


Which never happens.

Because I'm typically verra unfeeling and cold-hearted, quite honestly.

It takes a lot for a book to hit me in the feels.

And even more to make me cry. In fact, only this book and Transcendence by Shay Savage have ever made me done so.


But seriously.

This book legit kept me up because I couldn't stop thinking about it. And when you have to get up at 4am every day, that's really saying something. In fact, I can't remember the last time a book affected me so much.

Now I'm not saying that I loved everything that happened in this story, because I sure as hell didn't. Indeed, there were some parts I fucking hated, especially toward the end.

But this book was compelling as fuck people.

Therefore, 5 thousand huge stars.

I'm going to keep this review somewhat short and vague, because there was a lot going on in this story and I don't want to inadvertently include any spoilers.

Let's begin...

This was me 2% in:


And the remaining 98%...












And that was this book for me in a nutshell.

Some Reading Advice:

-DO limit the amount of reviews you read on this book - unless they specify spoiler free.

Before reading this, I quickly skimmed maybe 2-3 reviews, one of which included a spoiler that wasn't tagged as such, which I noticed...but didn't really notice until it came up in the book. Go in as blind as possible. The blurb is enough.

-DON'T expect a classic romance and a classic HEA.

I wouldn't really call this book a romance. Yes, there is definitely a love story element here, but if you are reading this with the expectation of a traditional romance book with steamy sex scenes, you will be sorely disappointed.

-DO expect to completely hate OR completely love - or perhaps both - one of the main characters.

DON'T read this book at all if you have issues with underage characters being involved in possible sexual situations with adult characters.

This is obviously alluded to in the blurb, but I stress this because I know this is a sticking point for some people.

Final Thoughts:

I thought this book was amazing, although I can see some people outright hating it due to some of the subject matter and/or the path the story takes as well as its conclusion.

I went into this book not knowing that it was a part of a series. As such, while there is a sense of closure at the conclusion of this story, it is definitely not all inclusive. You are left with a lot of unanswered questions. So much so, in fact, that some people might view this as a bit of a cliffhanger.

The writing was superb. I loved how the author laid this thing out. It is told via first person narrative, from the past and about the past, with a hefty dose of foreshadowing.

Think Forrest Gump / Shawshank Redemption style narration.


In short, this is perhaps the most powerful thing I've read in years.

And so in the spirit of that I say, rid yourself of any reservations and "Run Forrest, Run" to get this book.


Random Disclaimer: In recently re-reading this review, I saw that I have a Bill Cosby Jello gif in here and I just wanted to let everyone know that I wrote this review WAY before the whole possible Cosby/rape scandal came to light...I just wanted to throw that out there in case anyone was thinking I purposefully included that, what with any possible relation to the story's subject matter.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,234 reviews35.1k followers
June 1, 2022
5 stars!

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For me, a good book is a book you enjoy reading. You look back and think, I liked this book or this character. A great book is a book you remember. It’s a book that touches you, with characters you adore. A exceptional book is a book you can’t stop thinking about. A book that stays with you for days. A book that makes you think, makes you feel, and changes how you think and feel. This was an exceptional book for me. Did I love everything about it? No. But I couldn’t put it down. It’s been days and I’m still reeling over what I’ve read. I have all these feelings and I just don’t think I’ll ever forget this book. I’ll never forget the characters, the story, and how it made me feel when I was finished reading.

Meet Ginny Lemon, also know as Kit. A fifteen year old girl who was abducted by a biker. A girl who’s life was forever changed in one moment.

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I was a loner but never lonely.

This girl was my favorite character of the book. I can’t imagine being that age, being taken from everything I’ve known and placed into somewhere like this biker compound. But she takes it in stride. She’s strong. She’s determined to make the best of everything.

When she first meets Grizz, she doesn’t know what to think of him. He’s older than her, he’s a biker, and even though she doesn’t want him to know it, she’s terrified at first. Grizz is not a perfect man. Not even close. But he does care for Kit. He loves her and he has his reasons for the things he’s done and the way he chose to do them. He’s rough, he’s tough, but with Kit, he has a sweet and gentle side.

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With time, Kit adjusts to living in this world. Though she never is truly comfortable with all the things that goes on around her, these people become her friends and family. She makes friends with a girl named Moe and a guy named Grunt who is about her age. Their friendship makes things easier for her. She’s accepted the way her life is, and in some ways she loves it. She loves Grizz. But loving him makes her question herself.
He was my first love. He was a true love.

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I don’t want to say much more about the story line. There are so many unpredictable twists and turns and by the end, my jaw was on the floor. Everyone will have their theories, their questions and their speculations. Hopefully the sequel that comes out in spring will answer all our questions. This book doesn’t have a cliffhanger, it just leaves things open. And I need this second book. I have to see what’s going on.

Nine Minutes is not a feel good book. It’s not a sweet and sexy romance. There is love, there are some elements of romance, but if you’re looking for something light and fluffy this is not the book for you. It’s raw. It’s gritty. It’s got characters that have such strength and determination. It’s not your run of the mill biker book. It’s unique. It captivated me from the start and I couldn’t put it down. Nine Minutes is an unconventional love story that I know I’ll never forget.

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Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
November 15, 2014

WOW!! I was completely blown away by this book!! It was a dark, gritty, dangerous, intense, shocking, addictive, raw, and captivating page-turner. A complex, multi-layered story with outstanding writing and unexpected twists and turns!!  I could not put it down for even a minute!! If you're looking for a well-written, intense, and utterly unputdownable book with a completely unique and original plot, and a surprising love story that'll captivate you from the very first page, READ THIS!!!

I officially have an EPIC book hangover!! 5 STARS!!

On May 15, 1975, fifteen-year-old Ginny Lemon is abducted from a convenience store in Fort Lauderdale by a member of one of the most notorious and brutal motorcycle gangs in South Florida.

From that moment on, her life is forever changed. She gets a new name, a new identity and a new life in the midst of the gang’s base... And at the center of it all is the gang’s leader, Grizz: massive, ruggedly handsome, terrifying and somehow, when it comes to Ginny, tender. She becomes his obsession and the one true love of his life.

Wow, right?

At this point, I was pretty sure I had a idea what direction the story was heading. Then I opened the book and read the prologue. Wait... what??! Did that really just happen?? O.O -- At that point, there was no turning back for me. I just had to know this story and see what could possibly have led them to that place. The interesting thing was that I ended up surprised by what I felt -- and I loved that! This book made me think I was going to feel one thing, then showed me how I actually felt something entirely different.

I don't want to say anything about the plot other than what the blurb tells you, because honestly, that's all you should know. It's quite a complex storyline with a lot of layers and it's best to just let them unfold as you read. From beginning to end though, I could not look away even for a minute. It was one jaw-dropping scene after another and I couldn't flip the pages fast enough.

This is just one of those books that you can't stop reading.

The writing was absolutely phenomenal. Vivid, evocative, and utterly captivating. This was a full length book (326 pages) but I  just flew through it in an afternoon. There was an ease and fluidity to the language that gave the story no stopping points. It was fast-paced but focused on all the right details. I can't say enough good about this author's writing style. Honestly, it's some of the best I've read.

Is there a cliffhanger? Will there be a sequel? -- First of all, I was completely happy with this ending. It was the ending I wanted. I do not consider this a cliffhanger. This chapter of the story is over. However, there is more to the story to tell... so there will be a sequel coming in Spring 2015. My strong advice though is to read this now and don't wait. I honestly was left in a good place.

It's actually very rare for me to read biker books and the simple reason is that there's a lot about their lifestyle that is just a little too "much" for me to handle reading about. But I loved this book. It was not graphic. Yes, there was all sorts of sex, violence, cold-blooded brutality, but it was not graphic, nor was it over-dramatized. It was not erotic, in fact the sex was all fade-to-black, it was there as a fundamental part of the story but it wasn't the driving force. The writing just let you know what was happening, and often that would be chilling enough to build a vivid picture in your mind without needing further details.

Addressing the issue of age... Yes, she is underage. She's about 15-16 at the start. There is no violent rape. Grizz genuinely cares for her. That being said, what happens is still wrong. My guess is that Grizz is about 30(ish) so yep, that's uncomfortable. But you've read the blurb... this isn't meant to be a fluffy book.

Another thing is don't go looking for spoilers. I've been asked so many questions by readers that start with "Omg, I heard that....*spoiler*.... happens. Does it really??" and honestly my answer is that you have to just see how it unfolds because what you think its going to be, isn't what it is. But if I tell you what it is, then that'll ruin everything. And you guys know that I'll often do spoiler pages whenever I think it's best to know stuff in advance but this is a case where I really feel it's best to just let the story happen.

Lastly, based on what I've seen of reader reactions to the prologue, it seems there are two types of reactions. The first kind are the ones who LOVE it and dive right in. To you guys, I say: YAY!! Go for it!!! Enjoy the crazy ride and come tell me what you thought when you're done!! .... But there's another group of readers who read the prologue and kinda go WTF and nope right out of the book. To you guys, I'll say this: Yes, it's exactly what it looks like... but it's not at all what you think. There are so many twists and the  book reveals the true complexity of the situation. My advice is don't assume anything before you know the full story because, as you read, your feelings might change... I know mine sure did!

Guys, this is an absolutely fantastic book. One of the best I've read. I highly recommend it!!

Rating: 5 STARS!!


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Profile Image for Lady Vigilante (Feifei).
632 reviews2,941 followers
November 10, 2014
5 stars!!!!!

If there can only be one book you can get this month, heck, even this year, it HAS to be this one. This is going to sound cheesy, but I felt so alive when I was reading this book. It’s a story that evoked visceral reactions, put me in a book frenzy, and made me feel like I was taking caffeine shots. This book was 200% unputdownable for me. I’m a very paranoid and picky reader and unless a book has positive reviews from my friends (because we know each other’s tastes well) I won’t pick it up. However, this book’s synopsis had my attention and for the rest of the day I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I read a sample which was the engrossing prologue that gave me goosebumps and after that I was a goner. Putting down the book just simply wasn’t an option. Pages were flipped, tears were shed, and 2 hours later I was done.

The rest of my review is going to be a bit unconventional. There is SO much in this book so I decided to do a Q&A review. You see, every time I worked on my review, I would get a question, a message, or a comment asking me this and that and it really made me see that my normal review style is just not going to be good enough to cover everything. So the rest consists of questions others have asked me and my thoughts without spoiling anything.

Is there romance and an HEA?

That is the most asked question and my answer is yes to the romance. 100% yes. But I also have to say that if you are a romance only reader, this book may not be for you. As for the HEA part, I can’t emphasize enough that because this book crosses many other genres, we can’t subject it to the same kind of scrutiny as we do for pure romance books. So that HEA question? Hold onto it. It’s not defined and is something every reader has to decide for themselves. But for me personally? It was the best kind of happy ending that stayed true to both the characters and the story.

What genre is this book?

It’s not one specific genre. It crosses over many sub-genres as well and this is what I think the book falls under:

-Psychological thriller
-Historical (referring to the setting)
-Religious (referring to the heroine’s faith)

After mulling it over, I think it was faulty of me to project this book as mainly a biker book first. The heroine’s life does revolve around a motorcycle club but it’s not what defines her. Her age makes this book YA, her kidnapping, attitude, and psyche makes this a psychological thriller, her twisted love for a dangerous man makes this a romance, and the gritty biker life portrayed that has many triggers makes this dark. And speaking of triggers…

Yes, there are triggers in this book!!

Ginny is 15 when she’s taken. It honestly made me uncomfortable to know that our heroine is underage, probably because I have a younger sister close to her age and it makes me sick to think of an abduction like this ever happening to her. I will also be frank and say there is a questionable rape scene present and it was the first time in the book where I cried. The circumstances revolving around this scene is what made my heart break for all parties involved. And violence…yes, there is a good amount of violence, and a few scenes where it’s in explicit detail. But never did I feel like anything was gratuitous. Everything said and done had a purpose.

How historical is this book besides the setting?

Well the story spans from the time Ginny was kidnapped in 1975 to the year 2000 where a monumental trial takes place. 25 years of history packed in this story. I also want to point out that just because this book has a MC background, don’t expect it to be like other ‘modern’ biker books. You really can’t compare a present day MC to one 20-30 years ago. Times are different and people change.

Cheating, love triangle, and sex

With all honesty, I can’t say there was or wasn’t cheating or a love triangle because my opinion is not a fact. My opinion is no, there was no cheating and no love triangle (those needing details will have to message me), but for others even a tiny detail will make the difference in deciding if lines have been crossed. The sex is fade to black. This is not your typical MC where all guys act like manwhores and all girls are skanks. Sex in here is not meant to get you hot and flustered; it’s meant to drive an emotional impact home.

Is this a mindfuck?

200% yes. From the beginning to the very end, I felt like I was smacked upside down with plot twists. This story was so unpredictable, the characters unstable (some even volatile), and the psychological aspect added an extra layer of complexity to it all. Even now, I am still questioning whether the romance in here was more obsession or love. I think it’s both. An obsession turned into love and on the flip side where love for another turns into an obsession. If anything, the latter is confirmed with the revelation near the end of the book.

For me, this aspect was the most compelling. I think there are just some events, some things words are not enough to explain or account for, and the love/obsession is a prime example. You really have to experience it, feel it, to have a point of reference.

Cliffhanger, standalone, and series info

Once again, these topics are all subjective and opinion vs. fact. It is a fact that this is a series and book 2 will focus on these same characters. It is my opinion that this book doesn’t have a cliffhanger but of course I know some will say otherwise. The book has a full beginning, middle, and end and is very much a complete story, but the ending doesn’t resolve all the loose ends. That closure will be seen in the next book. But at the same time, even if there wasn’t a second book I would be completely satisfied with the way this one ended.

So yeah…this book is quite complex and difficult to explain in just a few words. I am still finding it hard to believe this is a debut novel. I can’t remember the last time a debut book has completely blown me away like this one did. I can undoubtedly say that this is a book that has it all.

Profile Image for Kristen.
842 reviews4,982 followers
November 23, 2015
Full review now posted



First Impressions – 11/16

Wow! Just Wow! This book messed with my mind BIG TIME! It was emotional, engaging, unique, gritty, and jarring. I loved it but at the same time a part of me hated it, too.

I honestly don't know how to write a review for this story. I really don't! I have so many conflicting thoughts and feelings about this book that I need to take some time to sort myself out.

Update – 11/25

Well, it's been over a week since I've read this book and I've spent the whole time trying, but failing, to finish this review. I just wasn't having any luck expanding on what I already posted. FINALLY, IT DAWNED ON ME THAT MY REVIEW WAS ALREADY DONE. There was nothing left for me to say. I had already expressed my feelings and the affect this book had on me.

Nine Minutes is one of the best book I've read this year. Why? Because even a week later, I'm still thinking about it. I'm still affected by it. I'm still obsessing over it. This story made a huge impression on me like few books have. If that isn't good writing, I don't know what is.
Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,023 reviews2,447 followers
December 3, 2016
12/2/16 Kindle freebie!!! http://amzn.to/2gwyyd6

5 stars!

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Fuck it. I'm giving this 5 stars. This was the most morally conflicting book I've read in a long time. I basically had to throw almost every single one of my morals out the window for this book. And I can't stop thinking about it.
I'm not an avid reader of all of the mindfuck books, but I know this isn't the usual mindfuck that readers of that genre expect. (Btw sorry for the excessive use of the word "fuck" but it's helping me process this book).

Ginny is 15 years old when a biker offers her a ride home. Instead of bringing her to her house, he drives her to the Satan's Army compound, where she discovers that she's being offered as a gift to the head honcho Griff. Ginny is given a new name, Kit and told to basically forget about her life before the MC.

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For my own poor brain, I'm going to have to break this review down by character.

Ginny/Kit: One thing I keep reading in other reviews is how surprised people are that she didn't try to escape despite a few opportunities to do so. When you look at where she came from, with a mother and a stepfather who weren't cruel, but didn't really seem to care about her I can kind of understand how she decided to stay. At the club, she had people who cared about her (albeit in their own sick and twisted way) but she really wasn't ignored or neglected like she had been at home.

Ginny without a doubt had Stockholm syndrome. There's really no denying it, but what I thought was interesting was how she ignored all of the bad things in order to remain somewhat sane. Every time she saw something horrible or heard about it after the fact it was a huge emotional trauma. So I sort of don't blame her for choosing to remain oblivious when it was a survival skill kicking in.

Grizz: This is the man who brought out all of my morally conflicted thoughts when reading this book. Was Grizz a bad guy, the villain? Yes. Did he treat Ginny horribly? NO. In fact, Grizz never really hurt Ginny directly. She ended up being hurt because of him, but he always treated her well and with respect (except for one instance but it was explained later). Grizz may not have been the hero of the story, but he could have been much much worse of a man to Ginny considering all of his other crimes.

I couldn't help but compare him to other MC leaders in popular books. I don't usually compare books to each other, but comparing these characters with Grizz really helped me make up my mind about whether or not I liked him.
Now don't go and stab me with your pitchforks ladies, but I HATED Tack from Motorcycle Man. He was technically a "good" guy but he treated his woman like shit and ordered her around and she just took it. Did Griff do this to Ginny? No. The only orders he gave her were for her safety. And for almost all of their relationship, he put Ginny's wellbeing ahead of his.

The other character I wanted to compare Grizz to was Deuce from Undeniable. Another MC guy that I fucking HATED because guess what? he treated his woman like shit and cheated on her all the time. In Undeniable the age difference is very much present, like 20 years or something and it was gross. I liked that in this book, we know the age difference is great, but it's never explicitly stated. So for me, it wasn't that gross because I could picture a guy 10 years older than Ginny instead of 20 or 30 years older (vomits).

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One of my favorite realizations when reading this book was the absolute devotion Grizz had for Ginny. He knew that he took her, and that legally he could be punished for it. Grizz lived every day knowing that he could lose Ginny. The police could come and take her, she could try to run away, someone would eventually recognize her. The worst being his actions could scare her away from him. But he loved her, so he did his best to treat her well and to show her how he felt. He knew he had to appreciate her while he had her.

I will warn that there are many triggers in this book. There is rape, murder, torture, and other difficult content. But I feel like if I could stomach it, you could because normally these issues are hard limits for me. Just know that this is a story like no other, so give it a chance.

Thanks Feifei for recommending this one to me!
Profile Image for Mo.
1,389 reviews2 followers
November 17, 2014
He found he wanted to watch her but couldn't ...

OK, I'm not going to rehash the book. Its a debut novel. Well done to the author for the time and effort it takes to write a book. But most of the time I was literally rolling my eyes. I mean, everything but the kitchen sink was thrown into the book. Was waiting for a natural disaster to hit to round it all up. I must say the Prologue was original and made me want to read more.

I don't know how this can be conceived as romance. I found it a tad disturbing. Not sure if we ever found out what age Grizz was but c'mon, she was 15, I do read the odd dark and gritty book. I do read the odd MC book but this was just a mish-mash of "let's throw everything out there all together."

This is my personal opinion. Plenty of my friends on here have read and loved it. Give it a shot. Don't take my word for it.

Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,730 followers
October 12, 2017
This book was amazing! I could not put it down. This story gripped me on page one and didn't let go till the very end. Prepare to have your mind blown!

Kidnapped at 15 by outlaw bikers, Ginny (aka Kit), soon finds herself falling hard for Grizz, the leader of the biker gang who has been obsessed with Ginny for years. The deeper she falls and the longer she lives in the midst of this outlaw world, the more conflicted she feels about Grizz. Her love for him is strong, but she cannot reconcile the cold-blooded killer with the gentle man that loves her so fiercely. Nor can she ignore her attraction to Grunt, the young man that becomes her friend and her sanctuary over the years.

Despite the reality of how Kit came into her relationship with Grizz, she grows to genuinely love him and their life together. If you're expecting a tale of abuse and Stockholm Syndrome with a "victimy" feel, you won't get it here. Brace yourself for a love story of epic proportions.

This book went far beyond my expectations. Just when I thought I had it all figured out, Ms. Flynn turned my world upside down! There is so much of this story left to be told that I can hardly contain myself. Please let the second book in this series be available as a pre-order. I need it STAT!

This book is definitely a new favorite of mine! Click it. Buy it. Read it. You won't regret it!
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,351 followers
December 3, 2023
4.5 Stars

”Missing Girl Found Married to Leader of Notorious Motorcycle Gang.”


This is one well-done page-turning debut novel. This story starts with a heart-pounding prologue that takes place at an execution. The author then takes a reader on a kidnapping tale of fifteen-year-old Guinevere Love Lemon by the Satan’s Army motorcycle gang from the years 1975 to 2000. The story was fast paced and the twists and turns that are gifted at the end will leave a reader going over events in their minds on a continuous loop.

Since this book is told from a young girl’s pov of her kidnappers we don’t get any information on what these bikers are into and it seems that there are only six members, half of which have full time jobs (phone company, professor, college student, etc.??) outside of the club. Kit is never around the pit or any meetings of the club's dealings and so I’m interested to see just what Grizz and gang were really up too.

Kit accepts and settles in (too quickly for my tastes) with her new family. The warmth of Grizz the head of this dangerous mc gang has her feeling wanted and loved for the first time in her life.

”Time to meet your new family.” Maybe he was right. Maybe I was meant to be with Grizz. The realization stunned me.”

Kit slowly falls in love and accepts her life as Grizz's girl. She also has a strong attraction/bond with Grunt and together they keep a secret from Grizz.

”If it could be, would you want it? Would you want me?”

Kit has many opportunities to flee her new life. Blame it on Stockholm syndrome or just acceptance but she is happy with the love and protection of Grizz.

”Actually, he spoiled me rotten. Grizz was quiet. He didn’t’ talk a lot, but he was affectionate.”

As the years pass Kit even attends college, makes friends and lives a happy life with Grizz until the story comes full circle and we reach the prologue scene and beyond. Leslie Cowan a reporter is writing an article and before the story comes to a close many twists are revealed.

Overall, this story was an entertaining and thought-provoking tale with some twists you’ll never see coming.

”Can’t you give me something else here? Something to shock my readers?”
November 11, 2014
4.5 Stars

So I've been very busy lately mainly with work but yesterday morning I said good morning to Feifei like I always do and one of the first things she said to me was, "I think you'll like this other book I just finished."

So immediately I was all ears because believe it or not, Feifei rarely says this to me! So I was all over it!

And this is my face when I finished the prologue:

And this is my face when I finished reading the book.

Nine Minutes, is written like an autobiography and for the most of the book I actually thought it was because it honestly felt like the author was telling me about her life and experiences. The heroine is 15 years old when she's taken and this isn't one of those glamourised kidnapped books where the villain waits until the girl is legal before he has his way with her. Grizz was a hard man, brutal and cruel but when it came to Ginny he became a different man. But only for her.

What happened in this book was messed up, the characters were even more messed up but I ate that shit up! I think part of the allure was the writing, from the first page you kind of know how it's all going to end but not quite.

Okay I'm gonna stop babbling. FULL REVIEW TO COME.

So if you're looking for something different then you should definitely try this book! Now about that happy ending, in my opinion this book has a happy ending. But for a more thorough review, you should check Feife's review out though :D

Profile Image for Shelby *trains flying monkeys*.
1,705 reviews6,404 followers
December 9, 2016
One thing I gotta get out of the way before I ramble out a review.

Ms. Author, please for the love of mankind..trash the cover of this book. Get someone to do one deserving of this book.
Market this sucker not just as romance, because it really isn't. It's fiction and it deserves to hit on all the audiences.
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Now that I'm done bossing.
Let's talk about the book.

I bought it a couple of years ago and have never read it. I'm a book hoarder. I admit it. Recently though I saw it went up for free. I messaged my bookie bestie and pushed her into getting it. I later get a text telling me

I begin to whine about not reading much lately and having too many books started. You know that feeling don't you?
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I give in thinking it's one that my husband will enjoy me reading.
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Holy cow! This book is not the standard motorcycle porny romance. It's so freaking much more. I don't want to spoil (because seriously, just go get this one) but so much goodness. It's dark. Dark as freaking night. AND if you have a problem with the female main character being underage you might should just stay away.
I'm hoping it won't scare people away though, because it's done so well. The writing isn't froo-frooy. The story makes sense with the Stockholm syndrome weirdness. I need to shut up because I don't want to spoil it! I just want to talk to everyone about this one.

But I'm gonna be good. You need to just jump right in.
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(That prologue alone should be enough for you to know if it's the book for you.)

And it was totally the book for me.
And it gets all the stars. And then some.
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Profile Image for ~ Becs ~.
708 reviews2,154 followers
November 16, 2014
4.5 shocking stars

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I’m really not one for MC books these days. After a fantastic beginning the genre is, at least for me, awash with mediocrity and I never normally choose to read one of these books but this one has been gathering five star ratings from reviewers I really respect so I thought it was definitely time to break the habit and go with the flow just to see what all the fuss was about.

I will agree that this is a highly accomplished debut from Beth Flynn and bears no resemblance to the generic MC romance that floods my newsfeed at Goodreads daily. Yes, there is love to be found in this novel but no, it is most definitely not a romance. It’s just not told that way – it reads far more like an autobiography, a recount of information rather than a novel. The style is actually pretty spartan – there’s no flowery prose or superfluous adjectives to romanticise the story. It’s told in an incredibly matter of fact way – this is what happened, this is what I did, this is what I knew and what I didn’t. This of course helps it to stand out from the crowd and gives it a very different feeling from pretty much anything else that I’ve read this year to date.

I’m not going to give away any plot details in this review – the blurb states pretty much all you need to know. It serves you better not to know anything more as you can allow the surprises and shocks to have the full impact the author intended. And so we begin with a heart-thumping, highly evocative prologue which foretells the end of the book and will pretty much leave you agog and then we immediately go back in time to 1975, when it all began.

The story is then told by Ginny as she slowly recounts the events that lead towards the inevitable conclusion. Everything is slowly revealed and I think it serves well to pay close attention to the details here – it’s all very significant as everything begins to line up and we draw closer to the impending tragic ending as foreshown by the prologue.

I absolutely devoured this book – two train journeys disappeared in the blink of an eye as I lost myself in this story. It’s completely engrossing and captivating and refreshingly different and highly original. It’s definitely not your typical MC – the deadly biker gang is more background rather than the device that drives the story. This is Ginny’s story and she keeps herself pretty aloof from the gang most of the time. There are several ‘triggers’ in this story that may bother some readers such as underage sex, rape and strong violence but it’s not at all gratuitous and it’s respectfully done and very much adds to the whole ‘retelling of information’ style of the story.

If I have any criticisms at all it’s that much of the story focuses on the early years and as we span decades, I felt not enough time was given to the later years although this is possibly intended by the author as the epilogue gives away a few little gems of information that beg for expansion and will no doubt make up the sequel. Also, Ginny refers to her ‘husband’ multiple times during the story as a kind of mystery but I worked out who he was right from the early chapters.

Other than that, this was a truly excellent offering from Beth Flynn – hard to believe that it’s a debut. It’s compelling, tragic and spellbinding and, if books are judged by how hard they are to put down, then this is most definitely a winner. I can’t wait for the sequel to see where the author will take us next.

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Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,048 followers
November 26, 2014
5 angsty-tangled-in-knots stars
He was my first love, He was a true love.

DAMN it all to hell! I can't even go into detail with this book or else I'll give it all away. But I can share how this book made me feel, because this book drew out so much feelings in me that by the end I was glad it was over because I was all tied up in knots.

This book isn't erotic, not much sex actually, which is okay, because this book had everything else; power, greed, obsession, pain, torture and a really really good mind fuck!

From the prologue on, I knew I was gonna hate how this book was going to make me feel, because I would be the first to admit that I would be the one to romanticize the situation and root for a happily ever after.

Like our brave little heroine, I survived this book only by pretending it all didn't happen, I had my blinders on only to have it ripped away in the end. I'd like to think that it helped me though, the blinders, because I was able to (stupid or not) find beauty in their little fucked up world and wish for them a better tomorrow.

As much as it killed me in the end, I'm glad the author went with the direction she did, because it gave an overall realness to the entire story. She didn't introduce us to hell and put a pretty red bow on it and pass it on as a happy story. It needed it all.

I'm really fighting with myself if I will read the next book or not. I don't think I can handle more, but at the same time that damn curiosity of where can it go from here is leading me towards, "yes". There is an ending and I am okay with the ending, because in a way in nine minutes it did end, but there is so much more to come.

Awesome read, highly recommended if you want some crazy-ass-butterflies banging away in your stomach. It felt like I was reading with one hand over my eyes and peaking through my fingers. If you know me I love a good mind fuck, hate angst but in some cases such as this I do put my big girl panties on and dive right in. If you do read this, I do recommend you have a light, funny book to follow it up wit, it will help with the post read hangover.
Profile Image for • Jodi Bibliophile •.
311 reviews1,158 followers
November 13, 2018
**Re-read 4 years later and i'm broken AGAIN!**

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It's 5:55am. I'm currently sitting crossed legged on my bed writing this review. Actually I'm not going to call it a review. This is better than some review. These are my feelings. My emotions written down. I've just finished Nine Minutes by Beth Flynn. I've just finished a book that has literally rendered me speechless. Shocked is one word for it. I'm shocked. I never had the slightest thought of what this book would do to me. I thought it was another MC book. Although most I've read are completely different but still kind of the same if that makes sense. They all end the same is what I'm saying. Not only has an MC book I've read ever ended like this one but comes to think of it no book I've ever read has ended like this one. As I'm typing these words my hands are shaking. I feel like I been on the biggest rush of my life. I spent 5 fucking hours in a fucking cold bath reading this book and not even realising I was in the bloody thing till I got a cold shiver down my body. I remember putting my kindle down on the side and lifting myself out of the bath and turned and looked in the mirror. With my make-up still on, well I say still on as most of my mascara was running down my face and i was sporting a pair of blood shot eyes from all the crying. I looked a state. Now from putting my kindle down and looking at myself in the mirror I felt only one thing: loss. I missed my book already. I missed the story. I missed the characters. I missed it all. I ended up finishing it an hour or so later.

So what can I can about this book? Other than it was mind fucking blowing, rip your heart out of your chest, scream at the top of your lungs fucking AMAZING! Never, I have NEVER read a book like this in my life. Like WTF, I seriously can't believe I just read it. I want to pinch myself to see if it's a dream? Did I just go through all that? The laughter, the tears, the swooning, the heartache, the twist and that MOTHER FUCKING ENDING!!!!

You know You go through life and look back and say 'I will never for get that day' well that's me right now. Because I will NEVER forget that on 9th December 2014 I picked up the most outstanding book I have ever read in my entire 28 years. There is no point in writing what this book is about because my words can't and won't do it justice. Everything about this book was so powerful and fucking torturous and fucking spectacular and it made me want to scream to the high heavens and keep screaming till I passed the fuck out and then maybe wake up and it would all be an illusion because no one could write that book? And now I'm sitting staring at my white walls and thinking, fuck I did just read that book and I did just meet those characters and I did just meet a girl called Ginny that stole my heart and made me smile, I did just fall in love with a biker called Grizz who despite all his flaws made me sworn over him through out the book, I did meet a character that made me cry, I did just read a book that left me speechless, I did just read a truly beautiful story and I did just read a book that is not only in my top reads in 2014 but has shot up into my top fucking ten.

I will finish this by say you will NEVER EVER read a book like this in your life. Go in with an open mind and come out with your mind completely fucked up in the best possible way.

Fuck me sideways I still can't ever over that ending!

I never once saythis, I've always done a review and left it at that. I've never forced anyone to read anything that I've loved but I will say these fucking words to you now and that's:
Profile Image for Brandi.
656 reviews1,467 followers
January 12, 2015
4.5 Stars

It took nine minutes. It sounds quick. Less than ten minutes. But for me, it was an eternity.

This story pulled me in right from the start. Well paced and compelling, I could not put it down.


At 15, Ginny lives a pretty lonely life, she is ignored by her parents, and doesn't really have any friends. One day while waiting for a ride home, she is kidnapped by a biker, and given to the leader, Grizz, as a present. This begins her time with Satan's Army.


While Ginny is afraid of Grizz, her feeling for him grow throughout the time they spend together.

I kept forgetting that he didn’t get to be the leader of this gang by being soft. He was hard. He was cold-blooded. He was ruthless in his pursuit of what he wanted.

I really enjoyed this one, the plot was unique and it was full of twist and reveals, I never saw coming. It is light on steam, so if you're looking for a lot of hot sex, you won't find it here. Nine Minutes is a complicated love story full of violence and secrets, and I can't wait to get my hands on book 2.


"A story about a man who has loved me from the very beginning, from the first glance. The man who always was and still is my soul mate.”
Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.2k followers
November 25, 2014
{BR with Mel, Dee, Sharon, JR, and Tiff}

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This is definitely one AMAZING story!!
I'm still reeling from the ending and teaser into the next book!
I've got so many questions and all I can say is...I NEED BOOK TWO NOW!!!

The story of Kit and Grizz is far from conventional and yes, maybe how it all started might have seemed inappropriate if you take into consideration their age difference, but I don't know, I just didn't have an issue with it.

Guinevere Love Lemon aka "Kit", is kidnapped at the age of 15 and given to the President of the Satan's Army MC as a present. This is what we are led to believe but nothing is as it seems in this story!! Nothing happens by chance and my mind is literally blown away!

I loved Kit and her spunky attitude. She grew up with two negligent parents. They never abused her but they also failed to provide her a loving family environment.

Grizz comes off as the scary and sometimes "psychotic" Prez of the outlaw "Satan's Army" MC, but when it comes to Kit, he is the sweetest, most loving man I've ever come across in a book. I found it easy to fall HARD for him.

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I don't want to go into detail about this one because I think it is best to go in blind. All I can say is after getting deep into the story, I kept thinking back to the Prologue, and my heart was breaking over and over again. BUT the last chapter, plus sneak peek into the next book, have completely left me feeling MIND FUCKED!! Nothing is as it seems!!! Trust no one, people!!!!!

I am hopeful that things will turn around in book two!! Otherwise I am going to be a complete wreck!!
Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,681 reviews1,035 followers
June 5, 2022
Re-read on 6/1/2022
Listening Length: 7 hours 48 minutes.

I jumped on the bandwagon and I’m not sorry I did because this book was fascinating. I started it on Thanksgiving and had a hard time putting it down to hang out with family members.

The prologue was gripping and had my attention when I realized we were reading the ending of the story. I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book but what I walked away with was a story that will have me thinking about it for a long time.

As I approached the end of the book we had just arrived at my mom’s house for an after Thanksgiving left-over dinner when I reached a part in the book that crushed me. With tears running down my face I told my husband to just go in and let me sit in the van and cry. Of course, the moment I walked through the door with my tear stained cheeks everyone wanted to know which book had made me cry.

I know I always say this but I love when chess is used in books. The strategy and skill of the game leads to its cunningness which appeals to my nerdy side. You must stay several steps ahead of your opponent while being patient before you checkmate them. The keen insight is what can win the game.


I’m looking forward to the next book in this series. I WANT MORE! And if you are debating if you should jump on the bandwagon, let me say… READ IT.

Nine Minutes (Nine Minutes, #1) by Beth Flynn Out of Time (Nine Minutes, #2) by Beth Flynn
To find out when the next book will be released click here.

descriptive text here
Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,124 followers
November 18, 2014
4.5 stars!

Compelling, intriguing, gripping, horrifying, tragic...just a few adjectives that come to mind when I think about this book.

In my opinion, this isn't romance. And I'm not just saying that because of the ending. Yes, romance is present but to me, it doesn't follow the genre's narrative. And that's perfectly fine. In fact, that's one of the reasons why I liked this book because this doesn't feel like a romantic read.

Nine Minutes tells the tale of a 15-year old girl who was abducted by a notorious motorcycle club. Its president, Grizz, was obsessed with her and later on, fell in love with her. Reading about abduction is hard enough, but reading about a 15-year old slowly falling in love with her captor is even more difficult.

And Ginny did fell in love but her confusion and doubt was palpable. She questioned her sanity. I, as the reader, was horrified. And rightfully so. I think the author wanted that because every time Grizz does something sweet for Ginny, he turns around and do something so horrible to other people. The author clearly doesn't want us to forget who this person Ginny is falling in love with.

I actually liked that. I respected it. I needed reminding sometimes. Trust me, you don't want Grizz to be your book boyfriend. You don't want to find yourself swooning over him. Reading about the brutal things he did kept me on my toes. There was nothing romantic about the things he did. I concede that he did care for Ginny and maybe even love her as much as he is capable of loving someone but Grizz was no hero.

That prologue was the best thing that happened and I was happy it happened. It sets the tone for the whole book. It also gave me a measure of relief in a way since I know how it ended somewhat. If anyone had asked whether this book had HEA, I would say YES just based on that prologue alone.

Ginny, while I question her judgment throughout the book was a sympathetic character. To me, it was clear that she's suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Even she questioned herself. Her reaction to Grizz's criminal activities was very telling. She protected herself by mostly ignoring the things happening around her, turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to Grizz's atrocious behavior. I know a lot of readers would have a problem with her behavior. But to me, it made sense because it was the only way for her to stay sane and cope with her captivity. People react to traumas differently. She figured that the only way to survive was to be as passive and obedient as possible. And her behavior got rewarded because the more she obeyed Grizz and do what he wanted, the more freedom she gains.

I also liked how the author had set up her home life. That was important to me because it explained a lot of her behaviors. While she wasn't abuse physically, she was neglected as a child which made her very vulnerable to manipulation. And Grizz showing her attention (no matter how creepy) made her think her situation wasn't so bad after all. Of course we all know how dire her situation is but she doesn't. It didn't make for an easy reading but her irrational reaction made sense.

I was about to breathe a sigh of relief and ready to give this 5 stars when that ending happened. That ending made me question every thing. EVERY SINGLE THING!! It made me question and doubt who the bad guy truly is. It made me question every decision certain characters made. It was fucked up and until now I'm still thinking about it. I have theories, but I guess we'll never know until the second book comes out. I wanted to give this 5 stars but I felt that we only got the first half of the whole story. I wanted more.

I love to read books that give me the fuzzies. This book didn't give me any of those but it fascinated and intrigued me. It made me think. It's been days since I've read it and I'm still thinking about it. I was glad I picked this one up despite my reservations. A word of caution though. This book contain a lot of triggers, so proceed with caution.

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I loved the first 95%. The last 95%...I'm still not sure about. I honestly don't know how to rate it now. I already had my rating but then that happened. Now I'm not sure. Arrggghhh!!!

Goodbye, sleep! Hello, restless night ahead!

Review and rating to come...
Profile Image for Shabby  -BookBistroBlog.
1,679 reviews881 followers
March 28, 2020
I had read this book way back when it was released but I had stopped because waiting for the next sequel kills me. Anyway so now I've reread it to complete the series. There's nothing left unsaid in regards to the magnificence of this story. Beth has immortalised Guinevere Love Lemon and Jason William Talbot as Ginny and Grizz. They shall forever be a reference point for future characters to showcase undying love. Needless to say the its nt just a story , it's a Love Saga !
I can't manage a coherent thought right now bc, im still so gutwrenched. Grizz can be described as a cold blooded killer, a tender lover, a protector and worshipper, a loyal friend,but in the end, he's a passionate lover who would die for his true love...
Oh my God ! Here I go sobbing again.............................................
Ginny/Kit/Anne is a 15 year old innocent girl, abducted, protected, ignored, loved and confused. She's caught in circumstances beyond her means and she anchors herself to Grizz, who adores her.
The twist broke my heart, if it was possible anymore.
Please I beseech all people who read
Guinevere Love Lemon and Jason William Talbot invite you to their angst filled love story to love and cherish, to cry and adore, in murder and in tenderness, till death do them part
now to continue......
5 stars I took you kitten!!
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,277 followers
April 19, 2022
5 Lived up to the Reviews Stars
* * * * * Spoiler Free
I have mentioned before how sometimes we see books rated really high and wonder... can they really be that great... is it just hype or group-think which is causing all the praise...Well, these things have happened from time to time...

However.... Not. This. Time.

This time every review and comment you have seen on this book is authentic... these reviews are coming from a place stimulated by visceral feelings about what was just read... some are more analytical in their way of expressing their opinions of this book, such as, this review from
Lady Vigilante (FeiFei)https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...

Other reviews are done in many different impactful ways...Please take a look at all the other reviews because each of them, including those which are not in the higher ratings level touch on something about this book.

Where to begin... this book covers so much which is soooooo wrong... but if you are committed to just accepting the premise from the start... then it is an intense, disturbing ride... with brief moments of shaded light filtering through.

There is very little true goodness in this book, per se...There are moments where those who will lash out and inflict grave bodily harm will act humanely or even lovingly the next... and see no conflict in it...
All the men are violent... some more than others...and this was during a time where we were not all so connected...no cell phones to capture these deeds...no YouTube or Internet... no commonplace commuters... so things happened in a void...

You have characters which stay with you while you read... they are occupying your thoughts when you are not...The beginning is unique how it sets the stage... and the tease of the second installment at the end of the book is just as important, in my opinion.

The characters, Grizz, Grunt and Kit will seep into unconscious and hold you captive. The surrounding characters all contribute. I saw many things and sensed situations which then did come to pass... but there were also things which I had no clue about and am still reeling from... I am still not sure about things and usually I am pretty quick on nailing all twists and turns.

I will say there were a few moments when I felt it slowed down and maybe was a tad long in parts but not anywhere near enough to discount the overall impact for me. It could have to do with my reading all in one sitting...

So this worked for me as a very dark, brutal, realistic period piece. I, unfortunately, am old enough to have experienced the time most of this took place. I heard all of the music first hand on the radio when it was released...I remember when Woodstock took place... before the movie or the remake... and I remember when Motorcycle Clubs were not romanticized... when you knew these guys were scary and you should go the other way....All of this was done extremely well by the author.

I want the next book... I want it now... because I need to know what will be revealed... A terrific sign of a successful read.

For more Reviews, Free E-books and Giveaways
Profile Image for ~♡AB♡~.
974 reviews691 followers
November 10, 2014
★★ 2 Stars ★★

OK, so the blurb told me that this book was part psychological thriller, part coming-of-age novel, filled with mystery, romance and unexpected turns, It told me that it would take me into the world of a motorcycle gang and inside the heart of a young girl, whose abduction brought about its fall.

What I found was a book about a disgusting man called Grizz (Hated this name by the way) who abducts a 15 year old girl that he's had his eye on for a few years, he wants her and he makes sure he gets her. Set in the late 70's, we are thrown into a world of violence, but this is a biker book like nothing I have read before. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but if you are looking for the familiar terms you are used to reading about, MC's, Old Lady's, Prospects, Patch's, Cuts etc then you won't find it here. The story is told by Ginny in the present day, of her life with this gang which started on the day in 1975 when she was abducted by a friendly biker offering her a lift home.

Ginny was 15, living with her hippy mum and stepdad, who although were not unkind, were quite neglectful. When she realises that she has been adducted, she is fearful but not for long because she soon becomes part of this strange family of bikers.

There were quite a few reasons I didn't like this book:-
1. Ginny - She called herself a practising Christian but had no qualms about the violence surrounding her, she was ignorant and blind for a man who was horrid but she didn't care because he paid her attention and bought her gifts.
2. Grizz - Yuk, Was I supposed to like him? He is probably the worst love interest I have read lately. To me, he was a stalker pervert. What was so great about him? Beats me...
3. Grunt - (Another crap name) He was the one who was supposed to look out for her, he was close to her age and I assumed he would play a bigger role in the romance part of this book, sadly he didn't feature enough for my liking, but hey don't worry, that's what book 2 is for.
4. Mystery - I didn't encounter any mystery in this book. In the prologue (present day) we discover Ginny has a husband that is not Grizz. It's pretty obvious who it is all the way through the book, but he is constantly referred to as 'my husband' like we are stupid enough not to know who she's talking about. Also, there is a twist at the end but it didn't wow me unfortunately.
5. I didn't feel any romance, probably because I didn't like the main characters, but also there weren't many romantic scenes between the two and the sex was fade to black.

I thought the writing was good, but the storyline fell flat after what was a great prologue.
Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews791 followers
December 17, 2014
5 Completely Unsuspecting Stars

I have waited days to review this book and after many conversations with my friends I have no idea how to format this review, so here goes my best attempt. Normally I like to make images or use gifs, but I am going old school with this one. I don’t want to spoil anything or influence any opinions prior to reading this one.

Kit was abducted in 1975 at the age of 15. The story begins in the present time and she is being interviewed for a magazine, so the story is told through Kit’s POV looking back.

We learn what Gwinny/Kit’s life was like prior to being abducted. She was an honor roll student, even tutoring her peers. She was an only child and basically the parent in the household as her parents were absent.

So when Grizz the club’s president falls for her and she becomes his obsession it is understandable that she would latch on to that love and attention. This love becomes mutual and the book continues to show how things unfold for Kit.

I rate books based on how they make me feel. I have read a lot of books and sadly some have been forgotten. I will have friends ask me if I read it and even after learning the character’s names I can’t remember them. I can promise you one thing I don’t think I will ever forget reading this book and how it made me feel.

While reading this I was messaging one of my besties begging for spoilers. I was seriously jacked up not knowing what would happen. I started this late at night and was just going to read until I fell asleep, at 2:45 in the morning I finished.

If you asked me if I would have problems reading about a 15 year old being abducted and falling in love with an older man, I would have said absolutely that is disgusting. But after reading this and knowing the characters I can understand it for Grizz and Kit…see this book jacks you up!

As the end neared I was balling wanting one thing to happen, which is the complete opposite of how I felt at the beginning. Then the very end completely flips me leaving me dying for more.

I know this book isn’t for everyone and I completely respect that, but I have to give credit where it is due. This book is unforgettable and completely pulls you in, I am so glad my girl Jen said read this now. I highly recommend this book, the hype is real people.

Special thanks to Jen for pushing me in the right direction and Jahy for listening to me whine and beg…love you girls!
Profile Image for Kristin (KC).
265 reviews25.3k followers
November 29, 2014

Oh mannnnn ... I think I'm going to have to revisit this one at a later date. While I can see the allure and I get why readers are loving this right now, for some reason it's just not pulling me in, dammit! And I really wanted it to...

(With the exception of the prologue 'cause that was AWESOME.)

The subject matter of this book, although a bit difficult to digest at times, is not where the problem lies for me. I guess it boils down to execution -- I just didn't feel myself being convinced of the lifestyle and occurrences of the plot.

This story has a slight Captive in the Dark vibe, (if I were to compare) with the addition of motorcycle gangs and bits of some pretty grotesque violence.

Since I haven't finished the read, I'm still unclear whether or not the hero is meant to be portrayed as sexy, but I certainly wasn't buying his tee-shirt. That said, I don't have to like and/or admire the characters to enjoy a book, but the story has to justify the reason I read on.

I'm hoping to come back to this one soon, when I'm in a different state of mind. For now I think I'm in the mood for something else.

Hope you all enjoy!
Profile Image for Kelly (and the Book Boar).
2,674 reviews9,123 followers
December 5, 2016
Find all of my reviews at: http://52bookminimum.blogspot.com/

THIS. BOOK. Wow. I’m going to jump right in with some seriously harsh truth in order for you all to determine whether you want to read this or not. In case we haven’t yet met, here’s something you should know about me . . . .

There are A LOT of readers (mainly female) who claim they want a story that reminds them of . . . .

At the risk of offending a big pile of you, I’ve come to realize that 99.999999% of the time that statement means you’re looking for something like this . . . . .

Nine Minutes is NOT that story. It’s this one . . . .

Think I’m kidding? The book opens with the leading male walking in to the room where he’ll be receiving a lethal injection and the leading lady in the witness area to watch the whole thing go down. Yeah kids, this one ain’t pussyfootin’ around and don’t even think about a happily ever after – or a happily ever beginning or middle for that matter.

I’m not going to say a whole lot because the shock and awe factor are definitely what made it awesome. All I’m going to give you is that Nine Minutes is about a 15 year old girl who gets kidnapped by a member of the Satan’s Army motorcycle gang, is presented to the club President as a thank-you gift and follows years and years of their life together. It’s not for the faint of heart and the male lead is most definitely a super bad bad guy and he most definitely does not have a problem breaking nearly every moral code known to man and you might find yourself asking Jesus if it’s really okay for you to be enjoying something so dark and gritty so much, but if your Jesus is like mine he’ll be like “bitch move over and share some of that popcorn ‘cuz this mah fah is guuuuuuuuud” . . . . .

(^^^I’m well aware I’m going to Hell for that. I’ll save y’all good seats.)

I’m not going to say much more than that except this is a story that proves once again . . . .

And that ending??????

Seriously had no clue that was coming until it was barreling up my ass.

I would have NEVER read this if it weren’t for logging on to Goodreads on Saturday morning and seeing a private message from Shelby telling me it was free (as of 12/5/16 is still is – if you’re brave enough go get it HERE). The reason I wouldn’t have given it a second glance???? The cover . . . .

Let’s be real honest – lots of us totally judge a book by its cover and this one just screams “self-pubbed speshul snowflake that the author will troll you for reading wrong when you hate it.” I can’t promise you won’t get trolled if you read it wrong, but it will probably be by me, Shelby and Val instead of the author. And speaking of Val. WTF Val?!?!?!?! Why didn’t you recommend THIS to me when I was reading errrrrrry motorcycle book????? This is sooooooooooooooooo much more my idea of a good time than the hide the salami selections I spiraled out of control reading.

EVERY. SINGLE. MOTHER. EFFING. STAR. This is going down as Mitchell’s favorite book of the year and definitely in my Top 5.
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,107 followers
January 20, 2015


“A story about a man who has loved me from the very beginning, from the first glance. The man who always was and still is my soul mate. That’s the only love story now.”

Wow, now I can understand why all my friends loved it! This book is so different from all the biker books I have read! First of all I must say for an unkown reason I was afraid to start this book..I have had it on my kindle for so long and now that I couldn't find anything new to start I decided to read it!! And believe me I made the right choose!! I started yesterday and I didn't understand how quickly I read it!! It was so captivating and I couldn't put it down!!


From the first page you know exactly how the book is going to end but then you get to the last pages and realize there was a whole other story going on behind the scenes....and this is even more fantastic!!! So don't think to stop the book because you don't like what you think the end will be...keep reading! You will be surprised!! The story is about a girl (Ginny, 15 years old) who while waiting for a ride home was kidnapped by a biker. She was given as a present to Grizz, the leader of Satan's Army. While she spend time with him and his group she started to have real feelings for him....


Ginny is such a strong heroine! If I was her I don't know if I could stay calm if something like this happened to me! She was only 15..Grizz is a mystery for me..We don't know a lot things for him. But one is true he cares so much for Kit that he will do anything for her. Grunt is nice with Kit! He cares for her and they spend time together as friends..But he has feelings for her. I liked also Blue and Moe.
The story is so interesting and unique that you will see when you start it you will not stop reading!! In this book you will find twist,reveals,violence,secrets and love.The ending is one of the best parts of this book.It blew me away!! Wow I'm still thinking of it...It was brilliant!!Such an amazing story!!If you are looking for something unique with twists this is exactly what you need!!You will not find hot sex here but believe me you must read it because so many things happen that will hold your interest till the end...Can't wait for the second book!!
Profile Image for * Meli Mel *.
856 reviews676 followers
June 18, 2015

♥ ♥ ♥ 5 STARS ♥ ♥ ♥

This book...holy cow...this freaking book!!! My mind is freaking blown completely away by this story. It was raw, dark, and all kinds of disturbing! But damn was it good in a twisted way. What a unique story. The things that happened...my emotions were everywhere. I didn't know whether to like or hate some of the characters. Then the twist ending! OMG, that freaking ending!! I totally did not see that coming. I need the next book to come out soon. This is a story that I will not be forgetting for a LONG time. It may also be a book that not everyone can stomach, but I still highly recommend it.

It's been a few hours since I finished this book and I still can't seem to write a proper review for it. Full review to come... maybe... when I can think straight.

***Warning: Contains scenes of abuse, murder, and rape***
Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,883 reviews2,067 followers
November 8, 2014

5 “our minds have been blown” stars

‘I was no victim. Never had been. Never would be.’

J&G: One of our BEST reads this year!!! Imagine how gutted we were to find we’ve had this hidden gem sitting on our Kindles for a while! Thank you Beth Flynn! It’s been quite some time since we’ve felt compelled to pull an all-nighter on a work night but Nine Minutes wasn’t a book we could easily put down. Not even for a minute. It CONSUMED us. From the very first page and we mean from THE very first page this was a book that demanded our attention and who were we to deny it! Our mojo is back! This was one hell of a debut from this author.

‘Would he ever let me in? …I knew virtually nothing about him. Not his name, nothing about his past.’

The prologue was extremely powerful and set the tone and the mood for what was to come. There was a sense of foreboding, a haunting feeling, and a knot in the pit of our stomachs that never left us as we experienced so many emotions. One day later and we’re still stunned over the realness of the story, the talent of this author, not to mention the shocks and surprises throughout.

“Why me?”

There’s no doubt about it, this story was brutal, violent and gruesome. However, we never felt the violence was there as a means to merely shock the reader, it didn’t feel gratuitous. It was written in such a way as to provide the reader with a sense of realism, an insight into the dark world of this lawless brotherhood. And it did indeed feel disturbingly real. We were shocked, in shock and left shell shocked!

‘I kept forgetting that he didn’t get to be the leader of this gang by being soft. He was hard. He was cold-blooded. He was ruthless in his pursuit of what he wanted.’

The author tells Grizz and Ginny’s through Ginny’s eyes in such a way you feel as though you’re reading a person’s private diary, as though you’re living the moments with them firsthand and this, only adds to the emotion and horror you feel as events that unfold. We see through young Ginny’s eyes, from a young girl through to a young woman and her voice is resilient, strong, witty and loving. As her past unfolds our hearts broke. We hear it all. From the young giggles of infatuation through to the feelings of a young woman riddled with guilt over the deep seated love she feels for a man whose way of life abhors and frightens her. What she experiences is sometimes terrifying but she is one gutsy, sassy young lady and we adored her.

‘My love for him was causing me to hate myself.’

Grizz was a hard man. He’s the Prez of Satan’s Army MC Club exudes raw sexuality and can be charming when he wants to be, is a law unto himself. He’s tough and unforgiving yet where Ginny /Kit is concerned there is a tenderness to this man that had our hearts melting. How a man so feared and revered could be so overcome and obsessed by this young girl was incomprehensible and also oddly heart-melting.

“Does that surprise you, Kit? That I’m in love with you.”

Each character in Nine Minutes has a story to tell and each story was fascinating, heartbreaking as we came to know these rugged bikers and the bond that brought them together.

This MC book felt so different to others we’ve read. It had a suspenseful thriller aspect to it and the sex is fade to black. This author doesn’t gloss over dangerous biker culture Ginny finds herself a part of and we have to say the writing was stunning. We didn’t skip a single word!

We don’t want to go into a detailed review covering the book because you don’t want to hear that from us, you want to hear it from Ginny, you want to experience her life for yourself and far be it for us to ruin one moment of this story. Ginny’s recount of her life will leave you gasping!

‘I would see his brutality unleashed on many people over the coming years regardless of their sex, age or physical ability. It didn’t matter. I would see later that he never abused anyone for the sake of abuse. He didn’t enjoy it. It didn’t please him to hurt people. ‘Kit

Did we love this book? That’s a hard to use that word in conjunction with this story because it is so raw and gritty. It was an outstanding read. Compelling, powerful, haunting and it’s one we will be talking about for quite a while. WE ARE STILL REELING! We can’t recommend this book enough!See these faces? They’re the faces of two very happy, passionate readers experiencing a severe book hangover and what a fantastic feeling it is! This book is a clear example of the saying ‘never judge a book by its cover.’


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Profile Image for Didi.
865 reviews286 followers
December 5, 2014

This has got to be one of the BEST captive/captor books I've ever read! The premise and circumstances surrounding Gin's abduction reminded me of another book, Stolen by Lucy Christopher. But the heroines' reactions were worlds apart.
This was gritty, dark, emotional, suspenseful, horrifying and beautiful all at the same time--and I don't even like biker books. I never figured out Grizz's age, but the age difference between him and Gin was disturbing yet intriguing. Some people might be turned off at that, feeling like it bordered on child abuse or something more sinister. But for some reason I acknowledged that without being bothered by it.

I read this in one day, could NOT put it down for the life of me! It drew me in from the first sentence and had me reading addictively right till the end. I sympathized with Gin, understood all her reactions. Was this Stockholm Syndrome? Possibly. Was it a love story, albeit a somewhat disturbing one? Darkly so. I have so many questions, so many suspicions that waiting for the second book will be torture. I won't share my thoughts on those however, doing so would spoil everything. But let me say, this was a shocking and powerful book...absolutely loved it.

How do I feel about Grizz? It's a complicated emotion teetering between sympathy and hatred. He was so tender yet so ruthless. That reminds me of a term coined for behaviors so abhorrent yet so easily done by the most sane of individuals...The Banality of Evil. This was that exactly. The things he did were so depraved at times I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that this same man was so loving and giving. He was a dichotomy, an unexplained occurrence.

I'm also very glad this wasn't yet another story about being abducted in Mexico or another country usually colored with the same brush. This was perfection, the simplicity of it, the complexity of it was done beautifully. So many secondary characters were here that completely rounded out the book. Grunt...I liked him so much yet by the end felt lost. Blue...I want to know more about him. Moe...that broke my heart. Jan...I'll hold my tongue.
This book takes place over a number of years but you never feel confused, the writing was fantastic, the pacing incredible and the twists, I never saw coming. I can't express how much I loved this!! The ending was of course a big cliffhanger, but a multi-layered one. We're left wondering so many things, so many variables left unaccounted for...freaking adored this.

Some books resonate with you, leave you feeling conflicted yet enamored, this was one of those books. I know I keep saying this but, I LOVED IT, LOVED IT, LOVED IT. If you're into dark, gritty romance with a heavy dose of violence and complexity then this is for you. This isn't fluff, this isn't dreamy. But it is perfection in my eyes. Do I agree with what happened? Hell no. But this is fiction and when written well, even the most despicable of things can be overlooked in the name of reading.
Thank you Feifei, fantastic recommendation!!! <33 and thanks Marigold for the encore rec!

And thanks again, Michelle!!! Muah! <3
Profile Image for Karla.
987 reviews1,105 followers
November 28, 2014

We have a great Q & A with Beth Flynn over at Swept Away By Romance today, so if anyone is interested in checking it out, please stop by. Normally I wouldn't pimp the blog here, but I thought some readers would enjoy seeing what she had to say, and the Q & A is to long to add here. Plus, we are doing a giveaway, so if you haven't read the book, you could enter to win a copy, or if you have, you might still have a shot at a gift card! Thanks everyone!

5 Stars for this debut page-turner!

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First impression - 11/12

I’m not sure if I’m filled with hate, or choking on grief, pissed off or relieved! I’m honestly at a loss as to what I think about this story, so in a way my confusion is a tribute to the author’s brilliance.

I wouldn’t classify this as your typical MC romance; I’m not even sure what category I would put this in. It’s not really a romance, more like a twisted love story, albeit a very well written and mesmerizing twisted love story.

More thoughts to come...I need a night to process what I read.

Update - 11/17

After having a chance to absorb what I read and think about it, and believe me when I say this book scrambled my brain and it took me a while to sort it all out, I've decided to increase my rating to a full 5 stars.

Just a few more thoughts...

I'll start off by saying that the title of this book has more meaning that you could ever imagine and it still haunts me.

I really don't want to get into the plot itself, as the most intriguing element in this read is the way the story is laid out. The prologue is powerful and in essence it's the beginning of the end...maybe...and it lures the reader in, because there is no way you can walk away without wondering...what the hell brought them to this place? So you read on, and find that the author continues in this manner throughout the book.

While a lot of readers are categorizing this as an MC read, I think I'd relate this more to a mafia type story...the "Alligator Alley Mafia"! It’s also a fairly simply written book considering the complexity of the storyline, the brutal nature of some of the characters, and the world they've created for themselves and inhabit. I think the vague descriptions, and the withholding of key details at certain points, is part of the author's strategy to play with the reader's mind, and she plays a lot! Then further on in the book, in an almost blunt approach, she relays the full extent of what actually happened. and you find it's even more shocking than you could have imagined.

Grizz's world is black and white, it's his way or the highway, or in this case...the swamp...except for where Ginny is concerned, then it's gray. She is the exception, and his love for her rules his emotions, and that's where this story gets complicated, as the reader you become conflicted, and the love/hate relationship with the story begins

That's it, I have nothing else to add other than this book will be at the center of many debates and have readers theorizing on what they read, and speculating on what's to come. Everyone's opinion will be right, because this is a book that has very few definitive answers, so there really is no right or wrong, it's all in how it's perceived...at least for the moment!

So, I dare you to read the sample and not to continue on, because Beth Flynn shackles you to Nine Minutes holds you prisoner until the end, and even then her story doesn't let you go!
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,651 reviews4,582 followers
July 27, 2017
3.5 Stars

Overall Opinion: This was one of those that I had such high expectations that I was worried there was no way it would live up to them (partially because I waited until all 3 were out to start it). I was right to worry to an extent. I liked it. It was enjoyable in that it was such a different story. I just didn't love it. I'm afraid that I had set it on such a high pedestal in my mind that there was no way for it not to fall down some. I was a little impatient, so the beginning really dragged and it took me a while to get into it. I am going to read the next one, Out of Time, because I need to know what happens next!

Brief Summary of the Storyline: I'm going to keep this breif because I don't want to ruin it. This is Kit and Grizz's story. Kit is taken to Grizz as an initiation present from a newly patched-in member of his mc. Kit is given a new identity and becomes his captive. She spends years with Grizz and eventually falls in love with him.

POV: This was told in Kit's POV.

Overall Pace of Story: Ok. I felt like it dragged a little at the beginning, but once I got to half way it picked up. I never skimmed.

Instalove: No. The H had strong feelings for the h for a long time before the book, but the h takes a while to develop stronger feelings.

H rating: 3 stars. Grizz. He was a bad guy biker. I liked how he cared for he h so deeply, but he was also psychotic too 8/.

h rating: 3.5 stars. Kit. She was strong in the fact that she accepted her new reality and didn't do anything stupid. I thought that she had some weird mixed signals for the reader at times about where her feelings lied (but I'm guessing that it was to help set up the other books).

Sadness level: Low. I never teared up or needed any tissues.

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Low. Fade to black type scenes.

Descriptive sex: No

Safe sex: Birth control is mentioned. I don't remember any mention of past practices for the H.

OW/OM drama: Yes

Sex scene with OW or OM:Yes

Cheating: Yes

Separation: Not in the usual way.

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This had some closure but more of an ending that leads us to the next book. I wouldn't say it was a cliffhanger, but some shocking information was given and it makes me want to start he next one!

How I got it: It was part of my scribed subscription.

Safety: I'd say that this is probably Not Safe for most readers.
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