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Broken #2

Fall to Pieces

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He broke me with his lies.
He crushed me with his betrayal.
I know I need to leave his house, leave him, but things are complicated now.
We're about to be parents, and I can't do this on my own.
He swears he'll stand by me, but I have my doubts.
I'm terrified that his past won't stay in the past.
I fear more of the skeletons he desperately tries to hide will come crashing out of the closet and destroy me.
I know I won't survive him twice…

I screwed up.
Real bad this time.
She hates me and I don't blame her.
But hate me or not, she's not leaving me.
I'm keeping this girl – and the baby growing inside her.

Fall To Pieces is the second installment of the bestselling Broken series. Due to its explicit content, bad language, and graphic sexual content, Fall To Pieces is recommended for mature readers of seventeen years and above.

258 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 1, 2014

About the author

Chloe Walsh

66 books12.7k followers
Chloe Walsh is the bestselling author of The Boys of Tommen series, which exploded in popularity on TikTok, Goodreads, and Amazon. She has been writing and publishing New Adult and Adult contemporary romance for a decade. Her books have been translated into multiple languages. Animal lover, music addict, TV junkie, Chloe loves spending time with her family and is a passionate advocate for mental health awareness. Chloe lives in Cork, Ireland with her family.

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85 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 191 reviews
Profile Image for Terry-ann.
702 reviews
May 4, 2014
God this book made me laugh and bawl ma eyes out......the suspense between Kyle and Lee was a killer, just when I thought yes kiss and make up BAM some crap comes between them.
It was frustrating as hell too. I really felt for Kyle gosh I was crying with him mayn....

"You need to trust that I will never hurt you again, you need to have faith in us coz I can't keep going through this with you lee":- Kyle
God that line broke ma heart poor guy was bawling his eyes out.....for once I was like dammit Lee trust the guy. I really wanted to murder Rachel the bitch....

I loved the twist at the end and I love the happy ending for them both, jheeZe they went through ALOT!!!

Great read and I'm happy with the closure at the end...
Profile Image for Rose.
356 reviews33 followers
August 13, 2022
"It’s always been you , Lee, from the second I saw you in my kitchen that very first night. You fucking broke me that night, baby. You took the air right out of my lungs that night and I haven’t breathed since.”

The completion of Lee and Kyle's story. It was full of too much unnecessary angst, and many shock factors, that still fell flat to the whole story. I didn't enjoy the conclusion to their story. I wish she became more mature, finished her education, became successful on her own, but none of that happened.

"You burn me,” he whispered. “I close my eyes you ’re there. I open them you’re everywhere, surrounding me, possessing me. I scorch for you. I breathe for you. I’m drowning so deep in you, that I never want to come up for air.”

Rating 2 stars 🌟
Profile Image for Melluvsbooks.
1,389 reviews
October 28, 2021
Drama. Llama. 😩

This was a lot.

I wanted Lee to make Kyle grovel, but after a bit, I got really annoyed. I don't understand Lee's motivations most of time. Her choices don't make a lot of sense. 🤷🏼‍♀️

And Kyle? 👀 Poor guy. He's trying, but either he gets tripped up or he f*cks up... He makes some really perplexing and maddening choices as well. There's a scene were he once again chooses to deal with OW, rather than telling her to eff off and go after the h... and that's really where this book lost a star. His actions made no sense to me, and his reasoning in his head made me furious. He doesn't cheat on Lee, but his priorities are all askew.

The ending is a heartbreaker. 😭😭😭😭😭

Bottom Line? The back and forth and stupid decisions by the MCs really dragged this book down. I still enjoyed the ride with all the fun drama and b*tching to my book buddy... but at the end of the day, I would expect these idiots to have learned from their past issues.... and they haven't yet, and that's real frustrating. 3.5 stars.


- no cheating or sharing

- OW drama in spades. She's straight evil and she pops up every time Lee and Kyle seem to be pulling it together. I'd like to see her die a slow painful death.

- OM drama - the h keeps inexplicably running to the the H's sh*t stain brother... even though she's well aware of his role in their misery

- no dubcon

- death of important side character

- MC's are actively grieving the twin that was miscarried in the first book
61 reviews2 followers
May 3, 2014
Holy Smokes!!!!

Okay Chloe, I have exhausted all of my emotions in this book. and I can happily say that this book is on my top ten list for 2014. Beautifully written and the twists and turns,WOW brilliantly written.5 stars
Profile Image for cosy_reads.
158 reviews5 followers
October 16, 2014
I loved this series. It was full of non-stop drama but it was emotionally draining. I felt many emotions reading both books, I laughed, cried, got angry and frustrated.

I loved all the characters. Derek and Cam were great but I was so sad when they broke up. I cried when Cam died, it was so sad. I actually thought that Lee would talk Rachel out it but then she would end up killing herself. But she was hell-bent on getting Kyle back. I did not expect Cam to die and I actually thought that Lee was dead too.

I loved Kyle and Lee, when they were not fighting that is. They constantly argued, infact, they argued too much. They would break up, not talk for days or weeks and then got back together, have an argument in less than 5 minutes and break up again. This is how their relationship was in both books.

Overall, both books for me were 5 stars. Sometimes when I read a series the first book is always the best. But with this series the second was just as good as the first book.

Highly recommended. Just look at all the great reviews.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Corinne.
21 reviews2 followers
April 26, 2014
I loved this book, it made me laugh and cry and thank god for a happy ending!
Really sad about cam at the end but least she redeemed herself as she wasn't very nice to anyone in the whole book!
I can't wait for the next book I hope Derek has more luck and a happy ending in the next or maybe even his own book!
Love Kyles proposal and so glad they finally both got their acts together and talked. This book is a MUST READ and can't wait to find out what happens next.
Hopefully won't be too long til we get book 3 :D
Profile Image for ellie ♡︎.
199 reviews19 followers
May 12, 2024
wow ok so half this book i was irritated frustrated and angry at all the characters but that ending omfg i’m now so terrified for the next two books because i dont want them to go through any more pain 😭🥲❤️‍🩹
Profile Image for abbey willcox.
382 reviews22 followers
July 28, 2022
“I was a fat kid and he was my chocolate.”

😭😭 this book hurt so bad. God help me!!! Can someone check I’m still alive and made it through this book?! Omg it was brutal! 😭😭💔 probably the most ANGST I’ve ever read in a book…. I sobbed my heart out at times. Just HELL FUCKING NO YOU CRAZY BITCH!!! Urgh. I don’t think I’ve ever hated a character as much as I do in these books. I’m honestly so devastated I’m struggling to write this review. SOOO much happens in this book, I’m absolutely ruined. Please check trigger warnings for this book as the triggers are like fireworks popping off all over the place. It’s dark AF and it brings out raw fucking emotions. Never known a book like it!! It’s so savage throughout. It’s a never ending list of events one after the other. I can’t say anything without spoilers. Thank fuck I had @booksboysandnails listening to my heartbreak and ranting 😂😂 what a book!!! Got two more left in the series yet and I’m not sure how I feel about that, I don’t even feel like this is the end of the heartbreak. God help me!!
Profile Image for Rachel.
102 reviews1 follower
May 11, 2014
An emotional rollercoaster ride

The Broken Series was SO great! An absolute enjoyment to read! I feel very selfish in the fact I want MORE!! To be specific I want more Derick.... I'll even beg if I have to. Thank You Choke Walsh for writing this series, I just hope you'll want to give us more.
Profile Image for Ayse  Huseyin .
233 reviews9 followers
May 23, 2014
We'll this book is amazing! I cried laughed .. Probably at the same time which is not attractive! What a whirlwind!
Definitely will be reading any books this author writes!

Kyle Kyle Kyle ! Most of the book I didn't know if I wanted to punch or kiss him

Poor lee! Wow the things the poor girl got put through. Least she got her happy ever after

512 reviews
June 24, 2023
Kylo got a bit better, not much but better.
Lee still stupid. I’m sorry there’s no other adjective for her. I know she is 19 and that’s why she is so dumb, but hey I wish Chloe wrote about her a bit better.
Cam was like another character 70% of the book.
Rachel was just written so badly.
And I hated that most of this book was telling and not showing.
Profile Image for Nonieღserenity2bliss.
1,923 reviews361 followers
August 4, 2023
I did not enjoy this one as much as I did the first one. I cannot believe I ended up with this story after thoroughly enjoyed the first one.

Lee was pretty insufferable in this one. I'm quite surprised that I manage to read the whole thing with my sanity still intact.

Cam and Derek, though...💔💔💔
33 reviews
November 21, 2021

This author dragged the storyline in this book an din so doing had some very childish dialogue between Kyle and Lee, which in turned reduce the substance of the story.
Profile Image for Rebecca  Penelope.
49 reviews1 follower
March 30, 2024
I can’t read about these dipshits anymore (but I’m gonna cuz there’s two more books left)
April 11, 2024
This book was another roller coaster. Never thought the things that happend in this book would actually happen. But in the end, Lee and Kyle have their „happy end“, even though, because there are two more books, I think that there will definitely be more upsets to come!
I liked Lee and Kyle more than in the first book/I liked them better in the second half of the second book. Still, especially in the first half of this book, I was just annoyed by both of them. However, overall this was a pretty good book!!
Exited to read the next one ☝️
May 28, 2024
3.5 stars I had to take a long break from this book. All the back and forth was a bit much for me but the last 100 pages definitely had my attention. Probably won’t dive into the next one immediately 🙈 got to take a break from this rollercoaster series.
Profile Image for Kim Howlett.
826 reviews
May 15, 2014
The highly anticipated sequel to "the broken" series.
This book follows straight on where Break my fall (dont read unless you've read the previous book)
I loved this book just as much as the first.
All the secrets have come to ahead with Lee and Kyle and I was crossing my fingers for them to get there HEA.
But unfortunately they have along journey of twists and turns to get it in this 2nd book.
Unfortunately for Lee she has no choice but to move back in Kyles house whilst a she's pregnant and not talking to him. She also has to deal with "nut job Rachel"
I'm delighted yo hear there will be a third book in the series as I need more of Lee and Kyle.
Chloe Walsh's writing is brilliant and would recommend this series to any one.

Profile Image for Ivy Quiñones.
1 review2 followers
June 21, 2014
this book!!!!!!! this freaggin boook!!!!!!!!!!! omg!!!!!!!!! my feels!!!!!!!!!!!! i have so many feels for this book! first KYLE....he is like the cutest thing ever!!!!!! i was freaking squealing every time there was a scene of him and Hope!!!!!! he was cute before but then Hope came and he got like a trillion times cuter! and Lee freaggin hell Lee damm that woman was like getting on my nerves! i wanted to slap her so bad the fact that she was prego was the thing that saved her from my slap...and the fact that she is a fictional character....sad what happened to Cam i cried like a baby, seriously i shed like real freaggin tears! i would have like to see a few years later but i still loved the book. LOVED IT!!!!!!!!
Profile Image for Julie.
750 reviews155 followers
July 30, 2014
SWEET JESUS KYLE, I LOVE YOU & I loved this entire crew. Lee, bless her heart...so shy and sheltered. Cam, the wild one, best friends with Lee since they were younger, completely opposites. RACHEL, (aka. BITCH) oh how I despised her!! Worth the read if you ask me. NOW, that was my post for #1, I still feel the same way but love Kyle even more. I was starting to get so upset (well I did) at Lee in this one, verge of crying...and the ending, didn't see that coming which I love reads like that. If you ask me, I say this is worth reading.
892 reviews
May 3, 2014
Lee and Kyle went through some rough things in the first book. By the end of that book, Lee felt betrayed and destroyed. Lee is pregnant but feels so alone and lost. She has no choice but to live in the same house of the man that broke and tore her heart out. Kyle will do anything to get Lee to be his again and feels so lost inside without her. There are many more trials and tribulations that these two will need to face on their road to the future. Sadly enough, Rachel is still doing whatever she can to get rid of Lee and have Kyle back. Some people are so messed up and can't see reason that they just only see what they want.

This book and the first are really worth reading.
Profile Image for Danielle.
74 reviews
May 30, 2014
This was a great second edition to this series. I actually read the books back to back and I normally can't. Lee and Kyle's story is beautiful. There were some moments where I needed tissues and some parts where I couldn't stop laughing. I really hope that Chloe adds on to this series. I would love to read about the information that was found. And I love Derick. There was also editorial errors in this book as well. Part of chapters are repeated as well as words left out of sentences. To me, it didn't take away from the book so this one is also part of my 'favorites' and 'worth second read' shelves.
Profile Image for Natasha Davis.
126 reviews1 follower
May 30, 2014
So I finished and what a rollercoaster it was I really enjoyed this book and it had me staying up late in prefer to finish it.The book was written well and I was pulling for Kyle the whole way I don't want to give to much away but I laughed cried and about 80% in nearly dropped my kindle the only thing I didn't like was Kyle seemed really sensitive and for a alpha male crying at the drop of a hat put me off I wanted to hear more about Derek and hope he has a boom out next or even mike I wanted to know more about how he felt like I said don't want to ruin it overall great read
Profile Image for Kristi Sanders.
98 reviews5 followers
May 5, 2014
I love the story of Kyle and Lee. So many twists and turns and SURPRIZES in this one! I had a hard time putting it down. I only hope that the author is planning a 3rd book in this series because I felt like I was left with lots of questions, especially with the new information that Lee has learned.
May 15, 2014
Wow what a wonderful surprise this book was. The first one was great too but this one surpassed it by far. It made me laugh out loud, cry, get frustrated and happy all wrapped up into one. I definitely did not see some of the twists and turns coming. I literally could not put it down. I recommend this to anyone who has been looking for their next favorite read.
534 reviews4 followers
July 28, 2014
wow this book had me up until the wee hours of the morning . I just had to find out what happened to lee and kyle if Rachel was in fact going to win kyle back . This book has a lot of drama going on it makes you question which one of them two is going to screw up next. I can't wait for the next one in this series hope it comes out soon
Profile Image for Laura Sayles.
68 reviews6 followers
May 1, 2014
I enjoyed both books and so put out of sorts in the end of the second. I felt loads of emotions towards it, most books you read you see how it's going to pan out before you read it and I didn't in this one which is why I think enjoyed it as well as it being an easy flow read. :)
Profile Image for Zoe Louise .
11 reviews2 followers
May 19, 2014
This book was fab couldnt wait to c how kyle and lee got on touched a subject close to my heart and got to say chloe lee point of view and emotions were spot on shes a survivor cant wait for book 3 xx
Displaying 1 - 30 of 191 reviews

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