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تست مامان

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اینکه سعی کنید از میان صحبت‌های مشتری به واقعیت پی ببرید، مانند این است که بخواهید یک محوطۀ باستانی حساس را حفاری کنید. واقعیت جایی در آن پایین نهفته است، اما شکننده می‌باشد. با هر بیل زدن، به آن نزدیک‌تر می‌شوید. اما اگر ابزاری که از آن استفاده می‌کنید به‌قدر کافی دقیق و کارآمد نباشد، ممکن است آن را بشکنید و به میلیون‌ها تکۀ کوچک تبدیل کنید. من تیم‌های کاوشگر زیادی را می‌بینم که در حفاری‌هایشان از بولدوزر و دینامیت استفاده می‌کنند. بعضی از افراد هم مانند این کاوشگران هستند و به هر طریقی که شده می‌خواهند دیگران را مجبور کنند تا دربارۀ کارشان نظرات مثبتی بدهند. آن‌ها از سؤالات پیش‌پاافتاده‌ای مانند «به نظر شما این ایده خوب است؟» استفاده می‌کنند و با این سؤالات ارزش ایدۀ خود را پایین می‌آورند.

148 pages, Paperback

First published September 10, 2013

About the author

Rob Fitzpatrick

2 books188 followers
Rob is an entrepreneur of 12 years. He went through YCombinator (s07) with an attempt to figure out social advertising before Facebook managed to do so, which obviously didn’t work out so well. He has raised funding in the US and UK, built products used by customers like Sony and MTV, designed and Kickstarted a card game, cofounded the education agency Founder Centric, rebuilt a little sailboat, and has built and launched countless silly hobby and side projects which have (so far) managed to keep the wolf from the door. He’s a techie who (grudgingly) learned enterprise sales. He now specializes in the gathering of unbiased customer learning and taking an idea from nothing through to its first dozen or so paying customers.

Rob is the author of The Mom Test book about how to talk to customers and learn if your business is a good idea even when everyone is lying to you. Taught at top universities including Harvard, MIT, UCL, and many more.

Coauthor of Workshop Survival Guide about how to design and run effective, engaging, high-energy workshops.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,109 reviews
Profile Image for Michael Dubakov.
208 reviews143 followers
July 24, 2019
Outstanding book!

Main lessons learned:
1. Don't pitch your ideas to customers
2. Learn facts. Dig and ask more questions till you have exact facts and data
3. Don't mention your solution
4. Don't listen to opinions, collect facts and pain points instead
5. Compliments means nothing. Really nothing. Deflect them and dig deeper.
6. You can’t learn anything useful unless you’re willing to spend a few minutes shutting up
7. If you don’t know what happens next after a product or sales meeting, the meeting was pointless
8. Until you’ve got a working business model and a repeatable sales or marketing process, the founders need to be in the meetings themselves.
February 19, 2020
Either really good or dismally bad. Not sure which one.
Easy read. Some ideas that could sometimes be useful. Or not.

Trying to learn from customer conversations is like excavating a delicate archaeological site. The truth is down there somewhere, but it’s fragile. (c)
Profile Image for Anna Petruk.
811 reviews544 followers
January 7, 2019
This book is amazing!

I recommend it to everyone who builds products, talks to customers, works in startups or has the desire to sell any ideas/products they came up with or made.

Why I loved it:

- it's a how-to book that offers concrete methods and tools to solve problems on tour path to a new product with an audience;
- it is full of specific examples of good and bad approaches, and reasons why a certain approach is good or bad;
- it is easy to read, short and funny - a real delight to spend your time on, and simultaneously very useful.

Lots of valuable info compressed in there. Simply awesome.
Profile Image for Cat.
170 reviews
March 24, 2017
This book is about having conversations with potential customers to see if your business is a good idea. It is not written by a UX guy, but someone from tech startups who has learned through mistakes. In some places it's a bit beginner, but it's fun to read, not pretentious, and at times laugh out loud funny. It's a good reminder of the basics and packed full of example dialogues. I actually put down the book I was working on to read this one and devoured it in part of a day.

It starts with a good and bad sample conversation about a new product idea. Key takeaway: try to avoid talking about your business idea, but instead focus on their life, with specific examples from the past (not projections about the future).

Rules of thumb:
- People know what their problems are, but don't know how to fix them.
- Focus on user goals/motivations with questions like "why do you bother".
- Where possible, watch what people do rather than ask what their opinions are. When not possible, ask them to walk through the last time they did that thing.
- If they haven't looked for ways of solving a problem already, they aren't going to look for or buy yours.
- Give people an excuse to help you by asking "who else should I talk to" and "is there anything else I should have asked".

Be wary of bad data in the form of compliments, fluff, and ideas. Redirect compliments by getting specific. Anchor generic claims and hypotheticals in specific examples from the past. Dig beneath ideas and feature requests to find the motivation behind them.

Every time you talk to someone, you should be asking one question that has the potential to destroy your currently imagined business.

Start broad with questions and don't zoom in until you have a strong signal. This avoids wasting time figuring out the minutia of a trivial problem.

Prepare your top 3 questions for each type of person you're talking to - easier to make them unbiased and helps from getting stuck in trivial questions in the moment. Adjust questions as you learn more.

Quick and casual chats work better than long, formal meetings, especially early on. It reduces overhead setup time and means you can keep it short - sometimes 5-10 minutes to learn if a problem exists and is important.

Once you get to the stage of showing your product to customers, you can start asking for commitments. You're looking for commitments of time (participating in a trial or providing feedback on wireframes), reputation (intro to team, boss, public testimonials), and financial (pre-orders and deposits). The more they're giving up, the more seriously you can take what they're saying.

When finding conversations, take advantage of serendipity, find an excuse, or immerse yourself in their environment. Create "warm intros" by using friends of friends, industry advisors, universities, investors, and favours.

Frame meetings by: outlining your vision (trying to solve x problem), framing expectations (what stage you're at, not selling), showing weakness, putting them on a pedestal (showing how much they can help), and explicitly asking for help.

Keep having conversations until you stop hearing new stuff.

Startups need to be especially focused on one segment to filter out noise. If you aren't finding consistent problems and goals, you don't have a specific enough customer segment. Then start with people who seem most profitable, easy to reach, and personally rewarding.

Avoid customer learning being stuck in one person's head by prepping, reviewing, and taking good notes. Prepping - know what you hope to learn and keep the whole team involved in identifying those goals. Review key quotes and main takeaways with the team. Bring a second person along to take notes and jump in if they notice bias or a missed lead. Take notes that are lightweight to capture, but stored permanently - notes are only useful if you look at them again.
Profile Image for JJ Khodadadi.
451 reviews113 followers
April 6, 2022
یک کتاب جالب که با ارائه داستان گونه بهمون یاد میده که چطور برای استارت زدن یک استارتاپ سوال بپرسیم، مشکل رو پیدا کنیم و... اگه به فکر شروع یه کار جدید هستی مخصوصا حوزه استارتاپی اولین کتابی که باید بخونی و بصورت خیلی روان پله های اول رو بهت یاد میده همین کتاب هست
Profile Image for Simon Kozlov.
26 reviews69 followers
December 17, 2019
Несколько тредов назад я спросил что почитать программисту-интроверту о коммуникациях, и мне посоветовали https://www.amazon.com/Mom-Test-custo....
Так-то я спрашивал не для себя, но вот эту прочитал - и она великолепна, из разряда "какой же я был идиот" и "почему мне не рассказали этого раньше".

Эта книжка - о том, как у потенциальных пользователей/клиентов спрашивать мнения и фидбек, так чтобы понимать что они реально думают, а не мило тебе улыбаются и врут.

Название "Mom test" - это типа ты пришел к маме и спрашиваешь про свою идею приложения, хорошая она или нет. Мама конечно скажет, что хорошая, а сама начнет подсчитывать во что обойдется еще несколько лет которые ты будешь жить с ней. И вот книжка начинается с примера того, как спрашивать маму так, чтобы реально что-то узнать.

Оно в ретроспективе достаточно очевидно, но доходит не сразу - например, во время таких разговоров вообще не надо говорить про свою идею и как-то ее питчить. А надо спрашивать про жизнь и проблемы людей (которые предполагается приложением решать)
То есть, есть ли вообще у них такая проблема в голове, делали ли они что-то для ее решения, итд.

Всегда в конкретике, а не в общем. "Я иногда такое делаю" - малополезно, надо спросить "расскажи про последний раз", чтобы был конкретный пример.
Спрашивать людей их мнения про будущее - малополезно ("Обязательно бы такое купил"), надо спросить "расскажи когда в последний раз подобное покупал", чтобы было конкретно.

Когда тебе говорят, что идея классная - это 0 информации, надо скипать.

Отсутствие у человека проблемы, которую ты хочешь решать - это отличный результат, потому что важная информация полученная недорогим путем, итд итп. Меньше эго, больше интересоваться мнением других, не спорить, не убеждать, стараться понять.

Он дальше развивает эту мысль на sales process, когда ты сначала убеждаешься что проблема есть и есть бюджет, а потом уже питчишь свое решение.
И там тоже просто позитивный фидбек ничего не значит, значит некий коммитмент от кастомера, он бывает разный.

В общем, ураган. Еще она очень короткая, что строго плюс.
Ближе к концу в ней чуть-чуть воды, но это для меня не испортило впечатления никак.

К концу книжки я уже начал делать заметки, как на самом деле надо было начинать все мои пет-проекты включая Кружочки. Надо видимо и остальные книжки для задротов-программистов из треда почитать.

Всем техническим людям, которые хотят или думают делать стартап - обязательно к прочтению. Вот прям обязательно. Я вроде читал и Стива Бланка, и Эрика Риса, но вот так близко и конкретно как Mom Test - не было.
Что еще есть такое же обязательное к прочтению, про бизнес и его взаимодействие с внешним миром?

Profile Image for Mahdi Nasseri.
76 reviews26 followers
February 6, 2017
از حدود سال 90 با ورود مباحث کارآفرینی نوین به ایران، تحولات و تغییرات بزرگی در حوزه نوآوری در کسب و کارها اتفاق افتاده ولی این شتابزدگی باعث شده بسیاری از مباحث تکمیلی راه اندازی استارتاپ ها به درستی و کامل منتقل نشه و افراد زیادی با کسب یک دانش سطی از مباحث کارآفرینی خودشون را بی ��یا�� از یادگیری بیشتر بدونند.
یکی از این مباحث مهم، دانش مربوط به "یادگیری از مشتری" یا "توسعه مشتری" یا "ارزیابی مشتری" یا "گفتگو با مشتری" هست که با وجود رشد قابل توجه محتوای جهانی، به شدت دچار فقر و کمبود منابع دست اول در داخل ایران بودیم. "تست مامان" یکی از این کتاب های خوب بود که مدت ها پیش تعریفش رو شنیده بودم و بیصبرانه منتظر بدم نسخه انگلیسی یا فارسی اون رو داشته باشم. تا اینکه کتاب خود در یک فرایند استارتاپی با محوریت تیم پینگونیو ترجمه شده و به بازار ارائه شد.
سه فصل اول این کتاب به نوعی بخش درخشان اون هستند و در یک ادبیات ساده و روشن حجت رو برای تمام کسایی که می خوان یاد بگیرن چطور قبل از شروع کار روی استارتاپ، از مسیر رشد و مدل کسب و کارشون مطمئن بشن، تمام می کنه. بقیه فصل های کتاب گرچه بسیار مفید و دلچسب هستند ولی به درخشانی سه فصل اول نیستند.
این کتاب مملو از مثال های خوب و قابل درک از گفتگوهاست. نویسنده تجربه خوبی در این حوزه داره و تمام کتاب رو برمبنای تجربیات عملی خودش و نه مبانی علمی یا تئوری نوشته. برای همین فکر می کنم کارآفرینان تازه کار بهتر بتونن با این کتاب ارتباط برقرار کنند.
تنها ایراد وارد به این کتاب (که اون رو با مترجمینش هم درمیان گذاشتم) شکسته نویسی بیش از حد در ترجمه اونه. به نظرم چنین افراطی در شکسته نویسی برای مراجع مکتوب اصلا مناسب نیست و در طولانی مدت باعث سخیف تر و سطحی تر شدن ادبیات حوزه کارآفرینی در ایران می شه. گرچه برخلاف نظر مترجمین این شکسته نویسی حتی کار خوندن کتاب رو سخت تر هم کرده. اینکه شما بتونید تشخیص بدید "سوالای مهم" همون "سوالات مهم" هست برای چشمی که عادت به چنین ادبیاتی در کتاب نداره کاره سختیه.
از این ایراد آزاردهنده در ترجمه که بگذریم، محتوای کتاب چنان مفید و جذاب هستند که تونستم در عرض 3 روز لابه لای این همه مشغله رو بخونم.
Profile Image for Martin Brochhaus.
162 reviews170 followers
June 8, 2019
It’s nice.

Maybe the only downside is, even though it is a super short book, it is still extremely repetitive: 40% of the book is the exact same message:

“DON’T PITCH! Ask about THEIR lives, their problems, their current solutions/workarounds”.

However, given how easy it is to fall back into "pitch mode", maybe it is worth hammering that message into my brain.

We are about to launch a new product soon at my company and we do have an extremely narrowly segmented customer group, so I will sit down with this book on my lap and prepare myself for some customer meetings. This book came just at the right time.

And by the way: Without this book I would 100% guaranteed have performed every single mistake outlined in this book.

I loved the chapter about note taking at the end and adding context via little symbols and emojis.

If you are in charge of a product or company and you often interface with your customers and potential customers, this book is probably worth your time -- and it doesn't demand much of your time anyways!
Profile Image for Zornitsa Tomova.
27 reviews20 followers
November 28, 2017
It's the second time I read this one and once again, I loved every page of it. The book is an amazingly simple, down-to-earth guide on what it means to 'talk to your customers' before you go ahead and build that thing. It's one of those books that you can reread in a few hours every time you're thinking of starting a new project and you'll always find something new and useful. If you want to keep your sight on what's important in the mess of a product's initial research & creation, read this. It's awesome.
Profile Image for Abolfazl Fattahi.
61 reviews13 followers
October 23, 2017
اولین باری که کتاب تست مامان رو خوندم هنوز یادم هست، داغ داغ بعد از ترجمه اولیه بدون ویراش در قالب فایل های گوگل داک بود، اون زمان هیچ تصمیمی نداشتیم که کتاب رو به صورت فیزیکی چاپ کنیم، امروز که برای دومین بار این کتاب رو می خوندم خیلی لذت بردم چون نسخه فیزیکی رو دستم گرفته بودم و می خوندم و خوشحال بودم که با تمام دردسرهایی که برای چاپ این کتاب کشیدیم حداقل خودم حس خیلی خوبی داشتم موقع خوندن این کتاب، جالب بود که حس می کردم برای اولین بار هست که دارم این کتاب رو می خونم و خیلی از نکته های کتاب برام جدید به نظر می رسید، احتمالا این موضوع نسبت به همه کتاب هایی که تا حالا خوندم هم صادق هست.
راستش مهم ترین دلیلی که دوباره سمت خوندن این کتاب رفتم دیوونه بازی های جدیدی بود که مدت ها ذهنم رو درگیر خودشون کرده بود و می خواستم یک بار دیگه فرآیند اعتبارسنجی رو به صورت اصولی یاد بگیرم تا حداقل قبل از اینکه دیوونه بازی جدیدی رو شروع کنم، برم بیرون و با مخاطبین اونا صحبت کنم و ببینم اصلا باید من این کارها رو شروع کنم یا نه، دلیل دیگه اش هم این بود که تو پینگونیو تصمیم گرفتیم اتفاقات جدیدی رو رقم بزنیم برای همین به دلایلی که بعدا می فهمید مجبور بودم طور متفاوتی این بار کتاب رو بخونم، یه جورایی با یک نگاه جدید، همیشه یکی از آرزوهای مشترک من و آرش داشتن یک انتشارات بود که توش بتونیم راحت کارهای هیجان انگیزی بکنیم، به لطف خدا داریم به سمت دنیای شگفت انگیزی حرکت می کنیم که امیدوارم باعث خوشحالی و شادی خیلی ها بشیم.
کتاب تست مامان سال پیش مسیر یکی از پروژه هایی که به خاطر اشتباهات من به بی راهه رفته بود رو تغییر داد و یه جورایی جلوی یکی از بزرگ ترین شکست های زندگیم رو تا امروز گرفته و از این بابت از کتاب و نویسنده اش راب فیتزپاتریک تشکر می کنم، به نظر من کتاب خوب یعنی کتابی که مثل این کتاب تاثیرش رو بشه خیلی ملموس تو زندگی احساس کرد، اگر قصد دارید کسب و کاری راه اندازی کنید حتما و حتما و حتما از اعتبارسنجی ایده تون شروع کنید، باز هم تاکید می کنم، حتما از اعتبار سنجی ایده تون شروع کنید، این کتاب هم می تونه تو این مسیر خیلی بهتون کمک کنه، تو بلاگ پینگونیو در آینده بیشتر درباره این کتاب و اعتبارسنجی و … خواهم نوشت.
Profile Image for Ali Arabzadeh.
178 reviews61 followers
September 21, 2018
این کتاب به معنای واقعی کلمه یک کتاب عملی (پرکتیکال) است. یعنی همه‌ی اضافات نظری و مقدمات کلی از آن حذف شده است تا هر چیزی که در آن می‌خوانید به دردتان بخورد. ساختار محتوا و جمع‌بندی‌ها هم مناسب همین هدف است.
از یک جنبه‌ی دیگر این کتاب به درستی نمونه‌ی پیاده‌سازی روشی است که در شناخت مشتری معرفی می‌کند. یعنی محتوا را دقیقا برای مخاطبش (کارآفرینان جوان و کم‌تجربه) آماده و تدوین کرده است.
ترجمه هم به این فضا کمک کرده است. اگرچه من انتخاب زبان شکسته را نمی‌پسندم و معتقدم می‌شد با اندکی استادی در زبان فارسی متن پاکیزه و روانی تحویل خواننده داد، ولی به هرحال چیزی که حالا میبینیم هم بد و از حد به در شده نیست.
Profile Image for Ahmad.
107 reviews29 followers
June 27, 2018
کتاب خوبی بود و ذهنم رو در مورد نحوه شروع استارتاپ مرتب کرد. اما ترجمه‌اش متأسفانه پر از غلط‌های تایپی بود.
Profile Image for Zahra Dashti.
415 reviews114 followers
September 5, 2022
کتاب تست مامان، کتابی در مورد مدیریت بازاریابی و مشتری هست. کتاب با این واقعیت بامزه شروع کرده که اگر ایده استارتاپ‌تون رو برای مادرتون بگین صد در صد ازش تعریف می کنه که دلتون نشکنه! هرچند ممکنه بعدا دلتون یه جایی در آینده که استارتاپ‌تون شکست خورد بشکنه!
کتاب یک کتاب تکنیکی هست که بر پایه مثال و نمونه پیش رفته و همین امر باعث می شه مباحث برای آدم جا بیفته.
این کتاب ۱۶۰ صفحه ای که به قلم راب فیتزپاتریک نوشته شده، توسط تیم ترجمه ۸۵ نفره‌ی پینگونیو، ترجمه شده و اگرچه در رساندن مفهوم کاملا موفق بودن، اما این عزیزان گویا علی‌رغم اینکه زبان متن‌های غیرگفتگوی هر کتابی باید معیار باشه، کتاب رو سراسر محاوره ترجمه کردند که روی اعصاب بود. اما به هر حال در بیان منظور موفق بودند.
این کتاب ربط چندانی به من و شغل من نداشت، حداقل ربط مستقیم. من این کتاب رو که از کتابخونه شرکت برداشته بودم به عنوان وسیله‌ای برای خالی کردن ذهن از دغدغه‌های کاری می‌خوندم و یعنی با کمترین تلاش برای تمرکز و به خاطر سپاری، با این همه نکات جالبی در مورد روند مذاکره به من یاد داد که باعث می‌شد حس نکنم خوانش کتاب، حتی برای یکی مثل من، کار بی فایده‌ای هست.
Profile Image for Zahra Pakdel.
67 reviews26 followers
November 29, 2017
تست مامان!
چطور با مشتری ها صحبت کنیم و با وجود دروغ هایی که از همه می شنویم،بفهمیم که آیا ایده ی کسب و کارمون به درد می خوره یا نه؟
کتاب خوبیه برای اینکه یاد بگیرید تو حوزه استارتآپی خودتون چطور با مشتری ها برخورد کنید و اطلاعات مفیدی ازین گفتگوها بدست بیارید. کتاب رو یه تاجر معروف که فروختن توی خونش باشه ننوشته، بلکه نویسنده به قول خودش یه آدم فنی و درونگراست که چند تا استارتآپ رو به خاک سیاه نشونده تا این تجربیات رو بدست آورده! در نتیجه کتاب پر از تئوری و فرمولای پیچیده ی فروش نیست بلکه کاملا کاربردی با مثال های عینی جلو میره. متن هم صمیمی و سادست و آخر کتاب چند صفحه برگه تقلب براتون گذاشته که کتاب رو توی چند صفحه خلاصه کرده تا بعدها وقتی که خواستید عملی از کتاب استفاده کنید راحت باشید.اگر جوانی هستید که در اول کار هستید و هیچ تجربه و اطلاعی ازین که چطور با مشتری هاتون گفتگو کنید رو ندارید این کتاب میتونه شروع خوبی باشه براتون.
این کتاب رو سرویس ترجمه ی گروهی کتاب پینگونیو ترجمه کرده که با اجازه ی ناشرش نسخه الکترونیکی کتاب رو روی سایت خودشون هم گذاشتند و میتونید بهش دسترسی داشته باشید.
Profile Image for Saurav.
76 reviews4 followers
July 3, 2024
**NOTE 1:**

When talking to customers, follow the following:

- Talk about their life instead of your idea
- Ask about specifics in the past instead of generics or opinions about the future (For eg: What was the last time you used ipad for)
- Talk less and listen more

This is called the **Mom Test**

**Customer Interaction Insight :**

“People will lie to you if they think it’s what you want to hear.” -

“You're shooting blind until you understand their goals.”

“Some problems don’t actually matter” - Understand the implications of the issue

“Watching someone do a task will show you where the problems really are, not where the customer thinks they are”

“If the customers haven't looked for ways of solving the problem already, they're not going to look for your product/solution”

“While it’s rare for users to tell us exactly what they’ll pay to us, but they’ll often show us what it’s worth to them”

“People want to help you, but will rarely do so unless you give them an excuse to do so”

**NOTE 2:**

When talking to customers, follow the following:

- Don’t abdicate your creative vision and build your product by committee
- Deciding what to build is your job
- You aren’t allowed to tell the users what their problem is, and in return, users aren’t allowed to tell you what to build. They own the problem, you own the solution

**NOTE 3:**

- Compliments from Users/Customers is shiny, distracting, and entirely worthless data
- The best way to escape the misinformation of compliments is to avoid them completely by not mentioning your idea

**NOTE 4:**

**Types of Fluff given by Users:**

- Generic claims (“I usually”, "I always", "I never")
- Future-tense promises (“I would”, "I will")
- Hypothetical maybes ("I might", "I could")

When User uses any of these fluff, bring them to specifics in the past, bring out the last time they faced such problem

Fluff Inducing Questions are:, Data obtained from these questions are worthless:

- Do you ever…
- Would you ever…
- What do you usually…
- Do you think you…
- Might you..
- Could you see yourself…

To avoid Fluff, follow the following:

- Talk about what actually happened instead of what “usually” happens
- Get more specific
- If someone’s being flaky, put them to a decision. If they don’t care enough to try solving their problem already, they aren’t going to care about your solution
- Reject people’s generic claims, incidental complaints, and fluffy promises. Instead, anchor them toward the life they already lead and the actions they’re already taking

**NOTE 5:**

**Feature Requests : A Study →**

“ Ideas and feature requests should be understood, but not obeyed”

When you get a feature request, dig more to understand the motivations behind the request by using the following Qsns:

When User answers your questions, to dip deeper into their emotional signals, try the following:

- Tell me more about that
- That seems to really bug you — I bet there’s a story here
- What makes it so awful?
- Why haven’t you been able to fix this already?
- You seem pretty excited about that — it’s a big deal?
- Why so happy?
- Go on

- Why do you want that?
- What would that let you do?
- How are you coping without it?
- Do you think we should push back the launch add that feature, or is it something we could add later i.e. (Good to have or Must Have)
- How would that fit into your day?

**NOTE 6:**

Never pitch your idea

- If you go into pitch mode, you would eventually be saying this to the Users
- No no, I don’t think you get it...
- Yes, but it also does this
- If they say they really want to hear about what you’re working on, promise that you’ll tell them at the end of the meeting or loop them in for an early demo, and that you just want to talk a bit more about their stuff before biasing them with your idea
- The focus should always be to understand more from the User, their problem, their day to day, how they solve for it now
- Talk Less, Listen More

**Note 7:**

Type of Questions:

- Every time you talk to someone, you should be asking a question which has the potential to completely destroy your currently imagined business
- You should be terrified of at least one of the questions you’re asking in every conversation
- You’re searching for the truth, not trying to be right. And you want to do it as quickly and cheaply as possible
- The worst thing you can do is ignore the bad news while searching for some tiny grain of validation to celebrate
- Responses like, “Umm, I’m not so sure about that” or “that seems okay” are what you are looking for. These responses will help you uncover the truth, the real problems

**Note 8:**

Zoom out before going deep, Look at the Elephant:

- When you fall into a premature zoom, you can waste a ton of time figuring out the insignificant details of a trivial problem
- Even if you learn everything there is to know about that particular problem, you still haven’t got a business
- Understand if you have :
- Product Risk or
- Can I build it? Can I grow it? Will they keep using it?”
- Market Risk
- Do they want it? Will they pay? Are there enough of them?”
- If the customers gives you answer that if you can help me do that then I would definitely use ur product means its entirely Product Risk
- If you can build the product, then customers will definitely use it but can you build the product
- Customer Conversations will not help you much if you have Product Risk, it will only help if you have Market Risk

**Note 9:**

Always be ready with 3 Big Questions:

- You may not always have that dream customer conversation
- So, always be ready with your 3 big Questions
- You may meet your customer any time and you can use ur 3 qsns to have a unplanned conversation
- And, we would see that these short casual conversations give better insights that long formal meetings

**Note 10:**

Causal Chat over Formal meetings

- Short casual conversations give better insights than long formal meetings
- If it feels like they’re doing you a favour by talking to you, it’s probably too formal

**Note 11:**

Using Mom test in B2B Sales

- If you don’t know what happens next after a product or sales meeting, the meeting was pointless

**Note 12:**

**Currencies of conversation**

A compliment costs them nothing, so it’s worth nothing and carries no data

The major currencies are time, reputation risk, and cash

Time Commitment

- “Clear next meeting with known goals
- Sitting down to give feedback on wireframes
- Using a trial themselves for a non-trivial period

Reputation risk commitments :

- Intro to peers or team
- Intro to a decision maker (boss, spouse, lawyer)
- Giving a public testimonial or case study

Financial commitments are easier to imagine :

- Letter of intent
- Pre-order
- Deposit

**It’s not a real lead until you’ve given them a concrete chance to reject you**

**Note 13:**

How to reach your customer:

- The only thing people love talking about more than themselves is their problems
- By taking an interest in the problems and minutia of their day, you’re already being more interesting than 99% of the people they’ve ever met
- Literally the most unfair trick I know for rapid customer learning
- Want to figure out the problems HR professionals have? Organise an event called “HR professionals happy hour.
- People will assume you’re credible just because you happen to be the person who sent the invite emails or introduced the speaker.
- You'll have an easy time chatting to them about their problems
- You can find anyone you need if you ask for it a couple times

**Note 14:**

Cold Email to reach out to customer:

**Vision / Framing / Weakness / Pedestal / Ask**

**Example 1:**

“Hey Pete,

- I'm trying to make desk & office rental less of a pain for new businesses (vision).
- We're just starting out and don't have anything to sell, but want to make sure we're building something that actually helps (framing). ”
- “I've only ever come at it from the tenant's side and I'm having a hard time understanding how it all works from the landlord's perspective (weakness).
- You've been renting out desks for a while and could really help me cut through the fog (pedestal).
- Do you have time in the next couple weeks to meet up for a chat? (ask)”

**Example 2:**

- “Hey Scott, I run a startup trying to make advertising more playful and ultimately effective (vision).
- We're having a load of trouble figuring out how all the pieces of the industry fit together and where we can best fit into it (weakness).
- You know more about this industry than anyone and could really save us from a ton of mistakes (pedestal).
- We're funded and have a couple products out already, but this is in no way a sales meeting -- we're just moving into a new area and could really use some of your expertise (framing).
- Can you spare a bit of time in the next week to help point us in the right direction over a coffee? (ask)”

**Note 15:**

Making a so-so product for a bunch of audiences isn’t quite the same as making an incredible product for one

- Keep having customer conversations until you stop hearing new stuff
- If you aren’t finding consistent problems and goals basis your customer interactions, you don’t yet have a specific enough customer segment
- Some teams instead of having 20 conversations with their customers will have one conversation each with 20 different types of customers

**Note 16:**

The drilling down into ever more specific groups is called Customer Slicing,

**“If you don’t know where to go to find your customers, keep slicing your segment into smaller pieces until you do”**

how to identify this group:

Start with a broad segment and ask:

- Within this group, which type of this person would want it most?
- Would everyone within this group buy/use it, or only some of them?
- Why do they want it? (e.g. What is their problem or goal)
- Does everyone in the group have that motivation or only some of them?
- What additional motivations are there?
- Which other types of people have these motivations?”

Now, once a sub-group is identified, ask thses qsns to drill down further:

- What are these people already doing to achieve their goal or survive their problem?
- Where can we find our demographic groups?
- Where can we find people doing the above workaround behaviours?”

Once identified, start with based on who seems most:

1. Profitable
2. Easy to reach
3. Rewarding for us to build a business around

If you haven’t been able to figure out how to find your customer, it means you need keep slicing your customer segment for the correct customer

NOTE 17:

2 Awsm Questions to unearth Product Risks:

1. If this company/product fails, what is most likely to have killed it?
2. What would have to be true for this to be a huge success?

**NOTE 18:**

User Interview Process to follow:

- Major decision makers should make it to atleast few User Interviews
- Always go with a structured thought & atleast a skleton about what you think that person may talk about
- Be ready with your 3 big qsns
- Always do a post-interview reveiw on how you can improve
- Also, create notes of the same so that key insights doesn’t get decimated
- **If you don’t know what you’re trying to learn, you shouldn’t bother having the conversation**
Profile Image for Sergey Morovshik.
59 reviews13 followers
June 2, 2018
Как задать правильные вопросы и не обманывать себя ответами!!! Для бизнеса, стартапов и всем кто хочет знать правду и не терять время с деньгами!
Если говорят вам комплименты о классном проекте, это ложь...
Profile Image for Viktor Lototskyi.
149 reviews4 followers
March 24, 2021
A short, clear and very practical handbook on how to talk to customers and people in general.
It's when you need to cut through the niceness/bullshit and get things done.
It'll be useful for anyone who meets people on a regular basis, especially in the post-covid online era.

Profile Image for Algirdas Purkenas.
93 reviews18 followers
February 18, 2022
I won't write a review for this book. I am just gonna say that this book is worth re-reading and relistening again and again. And there aren't that many books which are worth doing so. So just please, don't do a start-up, before you spend 4 hours listening to this book. Golden nuggets.
Profile Image for Herve.
93 reviews229 followers
March 2, 2021
The “Mom Test” is an intelligent book for any student of Steve Blank and his “Customer Development” model: validating hypotheses to launch a startup by exploring the existence of customers and of a market, of course. But how do you concretely approach this delicate phase when you are not a specialist?

Author Rob Fitzpatrick says he has faced this situation multiple times and gives excellent advice including how to conduct initial interviews and learn relevant information from them. This is, I believe, the main and rather rare quality of this book. An absolute must-read when you feel helpless on the subject and even more if you do not think you need advice!

This is a small 122-page book that I really recommend reading. Here are some extracts that I hope will convince you

Every question we ask carries the very real possibility of biasing the person we’re talking to and rendering the whole exercise pointless. (Page 3)

And I add a strong statement from Steve Blank: Talking to customers is hard.

The measure of usefulness of an early customer conversation is whether it gives us concrete facts about our customers’ lives and world views. (Page 12)

The Mom Test:
1. Talk about their life instead of your idea
2. Ask about specifics in the past instead of generics or opinions about the future
3. Talk less and listen more. (Page 13)

Blank talks about “a day in the life of your customer”. You need to understand the actions and the interactions, who does, who decides, who pays.

Here is a list, according of the author, of good and bad questions:
“Do you think it’s a good idea?”
“Would you buy a product which did X?”
“How much would you pay for X?”
“What would your dream product do?”
“Why do you bother?”
“What are the implications of that?”
“Talk me through the last time that happened.”
“Talk me through your workflow.”
“What else have you tried?”
“Would you pay X for a product which did Y?”
“How are you dealing with it now?”
“Where does the money come from?”
“Who else should I talk to?”
“Is there anything else I should have asked?”
at page 15 and he lets you think about what is bad and good before giving his views.

What you should have in mind is given page 22: “They own the problem, you own the solution.” And this is so true as Henry Ford or Steve Jobs mentioned, customers do not know what they want!

So (page 49), when interviewing, “Start broad and don’t zoom in until you’ve found a strong signal, both with your whole business and with every conversation.”

How to begin?

In his original book on Customer Development, 4 Steps to the Epiphany, Steve Blank solves this by recommending 3 separate meetings:
the first about the customer and their problem;
the second about your solution;
and the third to sell a product.
By splitting the meetings, you avoid the premature zoom and biasing them with your ideas. In practice, however, I’ve found it both difficult and inefficient to set them up. The time cost of a 1-hour meeting is more like 4 hours once you factor in the calendar dance, commuting, and reviewing.

If the solution isn’t a 3-meeting series, then what is it? You may have noticed a trend throughout the conversation examples we’ve seen so far: keeping it casual. (Page 56)

Rule of thumb: Learning about a customer and their problems works better as a quick and casual chat than a long, formal meeting.


Then you need to deliver (page 62): “When you fail to push for advancement, you end up with zombie leads: potential customers (or investors) who keep taking meetings with you and saying nice things, but who never seem to cut a check.”

Rule of thumb: “Customers” who keep being friendly but aren’t ever going to buy are a particularly dangerous source of mixed signals.

Ideally you should find a champion as an early customer. Page 73: “Steve Blank calls them earlyvangelists (early evangelists). In the enterprise software world, they are the people who:
• Have the problem
• Know they have the problem
• Have the budget to solve the problem
• Have already cobbled together their own makeshift solution”

Of course to ask questions, you must organize conversations. This is what chapter 6 is about…

A short extract: “The framing format I like has 5 key elements.
1. You’re an entrepreneur trying to solve horrible problem X, usher in
wonderful vision Y, or fix stagnant industry Z. Don’t mention your idea.
2. Frame expectations by mentioning what stage you’re at and, if it’s true,
that you don’t have anything to sell.
3. Show weakness and give them a chance to help by mentioning your
specific problem that you’re looking for answers on. This will also
clarify that you’re not a time waster.
4. Put them on a pedestal by showing how much they, in particular, can
5. Ask for help.”

Rule of thumb: Keep having conversations until you stop hearing new stuff.

And then you will need to focus by doing customer segmentation and slicing. This is chapter 7.

Rule of thumb: Good customer segments are a who-where pair. If you don’t know where to go to find your customers, keep slicing your segment into smaller pieces until you do.


Avoid creating (or being) the bottleneck. To do that, the customer and learning has to be shared with the entire founding team, promptly and faithfully. That relies on good notes plus a bit of pre- and post-meeting work.

Everyone on the team who is making big decisions (including tech decisions) needs to go to at least some of the meetings.

The tech guys don’t need to go to most of the meetings, but you’ll all learn a ton from hearing customer reactions first-hand occasionally. You’ll also be able to help each other catch and fix your conversation mistakes and biases. (Page 99)

What is the number of people that should face customers? 2 is ideal, 1 is not enough to take notes and avoid bias, more is messy.


I still ask dumb questions all the time. You will too. Don’t beat yourself up over it. In fact, just yesterday I screwed up a particularly important meeting by slipping into pitch mode (this was yesterday at the time of writing… hopefully not again at the time of reading). (Page 112)

with a nice final quote : “Having a process is valuable, but don’t get stuck in it. Sometimes you can just pick up the phone and hack through the knot.” (Page 113)

PS: thanks to Laurent and Monica for advising me to read this little gem!
Profile Image for Nikolay.
14 reviews1 follower
February 11, 2021
Finally I've finished the whole book! 100 pages full with practical examples how to talk with customers and to really understand their pains without biasing them with your idea. It also will be very helpful for you if you just want to ask good questions and to receive the feedback which will really help you, not the one which will deceive you!
Profile Image for Aditya.
11 reviews8 followers
February 2, 2022
Read it if you want to learn getting real signals out of conversations, cutting through fluffy opinions and hypothetical answers

I finally understand why I was never confident about takeaways in user interviews or in conversation with friends about random ideas .

Most useful non fiction I have read after thinking fast and slow.
Profile Image for ntnl.
122 reviews17 followers
May 12, 2021
How to ask the right questions for the better and more useful answers? You're going to find the answer for that question in this book. It's The Mom Test.

They say you shouldn’t ask your mom whether your business is a good idea, because she loves you and will lie to you. This is technically true, but it misses the point. You shouldn’t ask anyone if your business is a good idea. It’s a bad question and everyone will lie to you at least a little. As a matter of fact, it’s not their responsibility to tell you the truth. It’s your responsibility to find it and it’s worth doing right.

Talking to customers is one of the foundational skills of both Customer Development and Lean Startup. We all know we’re supposed to do it, but nobody seems willing to admit that it’s easy to screw up and hard to do right. This book is going to show you how customer conversations go wrong and how you can do better.”

Bad customer conversations aren’t just useless. Worse, they convince you that you’re on the right path. They give you a false positive which causes you to over-invest your cash, your time, and your team.

Everyone likes approval – especially an entrepreneur who may be a bit anxious or insecure about his or her latest idea. But rather than looking for a pat on the back, says tech entrepreneur Rob Fitzpatrick, doggedly pursue the truth – even if it shatters your dream. You can save time, money and lots of grief by asking the right people the right questions and learning whether your concept will fly, or crash and burn. getAbstract agrees that entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart and recommends Fitzpatrick’s sage advice to all entrepreneurs and start-up founders. If you’re concerned about your feelings, you can always talk to your mom. ;)
Profile Image for Amanda Bento.
Author 6 books23 followers
February 16, 2022
Livro obrigatório pra todo mundo que trabalha com produtos digitais, depois de lê-lo você nunca mais vai olhar para as pesquisas e formulários do mesmo jeito. Cada capítulo é um tapa na cara que passa um ensinamento imporantíssimo: pare de forçar seu aplicativo ou site pras pessoas, não vai rolar enquanto voce não resolver um problema.
Profile Image for Erin.
3 reviews1 follower
December 17, 2021
This is such a weird premise. I get that there are valuable lessons in this book, although you can get great information on customer interviewing in other resources that don't also reinforce gross messages about who is and is not an entrepreneur and the intelligence of women.

I'm a mom. I love my kids. They want to start businesses. I am gentle about my feedback because they are young children but even now I don't lead them to believe that a business selling plastic army soldiers out of our driveway is going to be successful. And I coach them so that they understand why it's not a winning value proposition. When they are grown-ass people and want to launch startups, I'm going to be encouraging but I'm not going to fluff up egos with drivel; that's counterproductive to their success.

This book assumes that moms a) are not the sharpest crayons in the toolshed, b) would prefer to avoid an uncomfortable conversation and instead guide their budding entrepreneur to invest in something that's high-risk at best and obviously horrible at worst, and c) that moms are not entrepreneurs themselves who would certainly not fall into this nonsense. Frankly, this is part of a deluge of messages that women get that entrepreneurship is not for them. It's not like women/moms have a monopoly on protecting feelings, either--that's part of the book's message! If you do customer interviews poorly, most interviewees' answers are influenced by a normal, human desire to be kind to someone showing passion about something.

Mr. Fitzpatrick, do a new edition. The Mom Test might seem like a catchy name and a cute short-hand, but it's just *lazy* and I hope you can do better.
Profile Image for Salman Ladha.
74 reviews6 followers
December 25, 2021
A quick, overhyped read.

I was stoked when I first got my hands on this book because of how often it's found alongside other product management staples. What I enjoyed about this book is that it’s short, concise, and very practical with its advice. Unlike other books in this genre, it doesn’t speak to readers from a point of abstraction, but rather gives very tactical examples on how to approach discovery.

That being said, I’m glad it was a very short read as a lot of what was discussed in the book is foundational product knowledge: don’t pitch your product, spend more time listening than talking, a good meeting forwards the deal cycle, etc. Given those key takeaways, I’m a little surprised by how recommended this book is.

Sadly, it's a very reductive read for anyone who's spent any time in product.
Profile Image for Ahmad Abugosh.
Author 1 book25 followers
June 1, 2019
A nice short book no how to have better conversations with potential customers when you're building an idea. The main concept behind the book is that you shouldn't ask leading questions or questions that expose your ego (what do you think of my idea?). Instead, you should focus on asking questions in a way where they don't even know that you're building something, so your ego is not exposed. So for example, you could ask people "is x a problem for you", "how did you solve this problem in the past?", or "have you looked for other solutions that solved x". The reason being is that past behavior is a much better indicator of future behavior than asking about hypothetical ideal solutions.
December 23, 2018
The book is short and quite expensive, but each page of it is full of very, very useful examples and advise.
I wish I read this book before, and not had an experience of a failed startup, cause I asked wrong questions while doing user research.

I acquired each page slowly, processing and applying to life. I even gave three talks, incorporating the knowledge from this book before I have finished it. :)

The most useful book of 2018. And one of the most useful book for people doing products/startups in general.
Profile Image for Sashko Valyus.
206 reviews11 followers
April 14, 2020
Гід по інтерв'ю для ХХІ століття. Дуже коротко, дуже чітко дуже практично. Книга для тих хто розробляє свій стартап, працює в продажах, продає сервіси, або навіть хоче навчитися бути хорошим співбесідником. Я очікував від цієї книги банальні речі про проведення інтерв'ю, а виявилось тут трохи більше ніж це. Книга зачіпає роботу з клієнтами, особливо сейлз-мітинги що будуть обов'язково у пригоді усім хто з цим стикається
Дуже подобається формат коли розбираються кейси діалогів з детальними коментарями.
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