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The Outlaw King #2

Law of the Wolf

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PRESSED ON ALL SIDES by a seemingly omnipotent being called the Rhetor and chased by desperados, the protagonists of The Whirlwind in the Thorn Tree are led across the desert to confront their mysterious antagonist by the Outlaw King himself, the wizened gunslinger Normand Kaliburn.

When one of their own is captured and taken beyond the Wildlands to the heart of the Antargata K-Setra, our heroes will learn the true origins of Ed Brigham's fantasy world... and that incredible revelation will shatter everything they thought they knew about the secret world of Destin.

Inspired by the wainscot and portal classics he grew up with, S. A. Hunt's The Outlaw King series is a visionary epic that will dive into the metaphysical center of what it means to create...and what it means to destroy. Join our protagonists as they go from modern-day Earth to the sands of an exotic parallel world, where a climactic battle will take place on the shores of consciousness...and challenge the rules of the written word itself.

482 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 23, 2013

About the author

S.A. Hunt

21 books294 followers
Samara Abigail Hunt is the Georgia-born author of the Amazon Top 10 Horror Malus Domestica series, and the Outlaw King fantasy series, winner of Reddit.com's /r/Fantasy "Independent Novel of the Year" 2014 Stabby Award. She is also a "Mentor of Poetry, Prose, & Performance" with the National Creative Society.

​In 2005 she joined the Army and after an ill-advised stint in the military police (ACAB), she went back to school to be a transportation coordinator in order to deploy to Afghanistan.

Stationed in Camp Arena, Herat, Samara was promoted to Specialist and placed in a Lieutenant position in a joint Italian-Spanish command room, where she coordinated and recorded hundreds of convoys and outreach missions into far-flung parts of RC West, the western quadrant of the Afghanistan theater. She was awarded a Joint Services Achievement Medal for her efforts.

She currently lives in Petoskey, Michigan.

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Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 reviews
Profile Image for Cordell Falk.
Author 6 books2 followers
May 4, 2015
Author S.A. Hunt crushed a fantasy fastball to the moon with this one. Great pacing, great balance, beautiful description and good movement of characters around the universe - a universe with an almost Tolkien color and variety, but without the boredom of lineage and landscape descriptions that bog down many fantasy works.

Action is many notches higher than in book one and keeps the pace hammering forward. I did see the Earth-out-of-Place/Time angle coming ahead of time, but not the mechanism. The only shred of disappointment I had was that none of the characters with a background in fiction/fantasy/movies had a clue earlier in the tale (at least expected them to game plan and guess at it.)

Any fan of high fantasy or anyone who grew up to the magic of The NeverEnding Story will be nodding their heads by the climax reveal and surely head over to purchase Book Three.
Profile Image for Mike.
468 reviews118 followers
November 18, 2014
A hell of a page turner, and a great mix of SF and Fantasy. It basically just left me really, really wanting book 3; what else is there to say?
Profile Image for Sunshine Somerville.
Author 17 books110 followers
June 25, 2014
I don’t know if I liked this book or the first book better. Maybe I love them equally. Whereas the first introduces the characters and explores this new world they tumble into, this sequel hits the ground running as the story pushes forward. There’s hardly any recapping to remind you who is who or what was going on prior, so I recommend reading this soon after reading the first book (which I didn’t do but managed to keep up well enough, so it IS possible).

The plot here is a pretty basic journey structure – they have to get from point A to point B. Of course things go wrong. The plot thickens, so to speak. We see lots more of Destin’s world and meet more of its peoples. All during Ross's tiring, adventurous journey, we learn more and more about Destin’s history and his father’s “creation” of that history. Sawyer’s splitting storyline is equally fascinating and tense, and I really don’t know which of the two storylines I kept wanting to race back to because they both flowed so well.

The writing itself has the same great flavor as the first book, which was a great treat and a pleasure to read. The creativity packed into this world is fabulous, and even the craziest scenes are easy to picture.

By the end of this book, you definitely learn a backstory that is wonderfully complex and makes everything start to fit together between the worlds. (I won’t ruin anything, but it’s good.) I certainly encourage everyone to pester the author as much as possible to make him hurry up with the third book.
Profile Image for Monica.
8 reviews
January 6, 2014
I literally finished the book literally the day after it came out..and I really can't find the words to say how much I enjoyed it. I've read many books where I can sorta see the world the author has created, but with The Law of the Wolf, I was THERE. From the camp where Ross finds Memne ( love her character), to the battle at the waterfront, to Sawyers adventures...I was there. There's just so much richness in how the author describes Destin.
The Grievers could easily kick the Bene Gesserit's butt btw. I could vividly see Monica's little dydouc Roscoe too and her scene in the waterfront gave me chills.
I love Destin. I can't wait to see more! This and the previous book (http://www.amazon.com/Whirlwind-Thorn...) are wonderful!
Profile Image for James Christian.
4 reviews17 followers
June 30, 2014
I enjoyed the first book in the series despite a few sections that seemed a little less clean. This book cleans up all those little awkward scenes and provides a thrilling story from cover to cover. S.A. Hunt continues to paint a picture of a world of gunslingers hellbent on protecting their world. With the same brush he delves into another world across the desert that is even more complex and intriguing than I would have guessed from the first book. This book is packed full of great characters who all seem to make their marks and demand their place in the story. Mr. Hunt above all things, is a great storyteller.
2 reviews
August 11, 2016
Have you ever finished a book and been glad of it? I have, because some authors are just.. dull. That is NOT true of S.A. Hunt's stories; this guy really knows how to 'spin an exciting yarn', which is why I quickly grabbed the second book in this series and am eager for the next!
Profile Image for Bryan.
658 reviews7 followers
May 15, 2017
What a book! These truly deserve more readers, I mean, 146 ratings on here? Read these books people! This Hunt guy knows what he's doing.

The Outlaw King series, at its heart, is a story about creation. About creators, and the relationship they have with their creations, and therefore the relationship we ALL have with their creations. What is a story before it's a story? Where was Westeros before George thought it up? What was going on in Middle Earth before Tolkein put pen to paper? Nothing? A whole hell of a lot? Did these authors write these places into existence? Or maybe... maybe they simply wrote about a place that already existed. A place that will continue to exist long after some future publishing date. It's a trip to think about, and something that I'm sure many other readers of this genre are interested in. Hunt makes you think about these things in the best way, and yes, the Dark Tower influences are manifest. I am oh so eager to see where he takes it from here.

I also wanted to touch on some initial difficulties I had with the book which were purely personal. Having been around six months since I read the first book (I was trying hard not to catch up with Hunt here and have to wait for book four, but after that ending... well I'm reading book three very soon) I was forgetful of some key terms; people, places, things of that nature. See, Hunt doesn't spoon feed you reminders in the form of awkward, forced conversations between characters. He picks things up right where The Whirlwind in the Thorn Tree left off. And you know what? I respect him for it. Good on him. People don't talk in reminders. After some keyword searches back in the first book, my initial issues were left behind and I was right back in the swing of things. Hunt takes the groundwork he laid down in the first book and opens it WAY up. Give him a shot, you won't regret it.
Profile Image for Samuel Alexander.
Author 24 books24 followers
February 26, 2015
Nothing short of awesome. The second installment of 'the outlaw king' definitely lived up to my expectations. First thing to note is where as the first started of slow this book jumped right into the heat of battle. Action, and more action and swords, and escape tunnels and villains who can control dark beasts. The past coming back to bite you in the ass, friends reunited in battle and fields set ablaze. Whoa. Just too much excitement to handle. I liked it because you could feel the urgency of it all. I found it was written well enough that you couldn't quite tell if the heroes would survive. Fantasies are tragedies after all so the heroes can die. I found myself on the edge of my seat rooting for the survival of my favorite characters in just the beginning pages. The suspense was killing me, but I came out alive. And so did, some of the characters. Cant tell you who didn't though.

It was after the battle that I really started to enjoy this book. It was the character development. This tale lent itself to really digging into what makes all of the characters tick. Their emotional baggage their triumphs, strengths and weaknesses. I really got a feel for the characters in this particular novel. More though than in the first which is awesome. People usually shine, or show their true colors, in extreme circumstances and this book was definitely extreme.

The plot was particularly interesting in that there were two lines to follow in this particular book as one character gets separated from the pack. This served to keep me more on the edge of my seat. I wanted to get to the end of both plot lines that I just zoomed through knowing that separate plot lines are purely a device to slow down my reach to this particular goal. But I fell ploy to the scheme and made it to the end screaming Nooooo! Dammit now I must read the next book. I think I may be addicted to S.A. Hunt and his impeccable sense of humor at the most inopportune, or dare I say most opportune timing.

And the one character I was dying to see more of in the series just shines in this book, the madman, who I personally never questioned his sanity even in the last book. I honestly think the characters in this novel are insane to not notice his brilliance. Maybe the author shall rectify this in future novels. One can only hope (if writing things into existence works in the novel surely it can work for me too). But I found him, witty, brilliant, not quite as hilarious as Sawyer, my second fav character, but always managing to put things into perspective for someone supposedly insane. Seymour is definitely my favorite character.

The Deon seemed to want to shine in the last book, in this one he seems more a part of it, but still I could use more of him. He's my other first fav. If he met a kick ass warrior just like himself now that would just be too much badass for one book and I'm a sucker for non traditional love interests. Kind of like what goes on with one of the other mains Ross. (side note I might spell the names wrong but I remember them without having the book up beside me to cheat. So I really enjoyed this book.)

The flow was much better as well. The transition from one scene to the next, and then the next, filled you with just enough energy to want to propel through without feeling overly bombarded. And there are a lot of subtle hints that I have an idea brewing of how this world works. The definitions and explanations come in such a way that one doesn't feel they are sitting in a class being speeched. It's very organic as opposed to feeling like the author is just trying to get information in us.

The ending. Made perfectly logical sense. It just seemed like the logical place to go. And i'm definitely shooting for Noreen's cause in this novel. She's dead on point and I expect her to get her way in the next book.

All in all this book was a much better read for me because I got to feel the characters. If one of them died in the first part I might not have shed a tear. But the way they were delved into in this particular book I'm much more inclined to burn the pages of my book should any of these characters be eliminated from the series. And if walter, Seymour, or sawyer disappear I might just have to use my super ninja assassin skills and permanently remove the author from the face of this particular universe. This way he will no longer be able to do damage to characters I fall in love with. And I haven't been caught yet so success is very likely.

So in my opinion, character development, action, flow, and a bit of love interest combined in such a way that my interest level was piqued from page one until the end. If you like to be kept on the edge of your seat and drawn into a world that seems familiar feels familiar but isn't like anything you've known or read before, then this book is the book for you. My only one regret is that this novel was seriously lacking in coffee. And I have no idea how this managed to escape such an author but it is what it is.

Side Notes

For me the ending action scene of the first entire action sequence was a bit to hectic for me. Starting from in the tunnel. Thought it went on a bit too long in it's entirety too. I don't usually have problems with chaos, but every now and then I lost track of who was shooting who and who got punched by who and this persons father got shot or, it was just a bit much. But as stated above not enough to deter me. Just mildly annoying. There was a betrayal bit that I saw coming, so slightly disappointed that i preempted something that actually happened.

I"m secretly hoping by some miracle either walter or Seymour ends up being the hero and not ross. I mean I love him but those two are just awesome. And Walter's bit was handled very well. It came, it was revealed, and the story moved on. Just the way I like it. So much times when this thing i'm not mentioning happens in novels it becomes all about that. Whatever. I like that it was played out as it is what it is and life goes on, and so did the story.

I love that all the women in this story stepped up to the plate and kicked ass when they had too. Nothing I hate more than a woman in a war novel that cant do fucks. And the excerpts, again not a fan. But I will admit there was one that stood out amongst the rest. Where Seymour thought he was a glass on a table. I nearly choked up my diet sprite soda laughing at that. I actually read it twice. Just aboslutlyfuckingtastic that was.

Profile Image for Courtney Cantrell.
Author 24 books18 followers
January 11, 2020
A great second installment of the wild, magical, interdimensional western world of the Outlaw King. The complexity of Hunt's world-building continues to amaze as we go deeper into the Brigham fantasy world and deeper into the mystery of its origins. This series is exciting, intriguing, compelling, and I continue to recommend it highly!
Profile Image for Dawn W.
141 reviews
October 23, 2018
What happens when you mix Tolkien Fantasy with the Wild Wild West? The Outlaw King series by Samuel Hunt.

This series has me completely hooked!
Profile Image for Maik Batliner.
8 reviews
November 26, 2018
As a big The Dark Tower fan im impressed at the world building and fast paced action and detailed characters. I`m loving the series more and more.
Profile Image for Jen Sands.
30 reviews
April 21, 2024
This book took me WAY too long to finish. I just couldn’t engage. And there was so little actually happening that I don’t know how it got to be 480 pages.
Profile Image for Melinda.
602 reviews10 followers
June 2, 2014
Epic Fantastic

Sam Hunt should be famous, reaping the rewards of two bestsellers for The Whirlwind and the Thorn Tree, as well as this book, the second in the Outlaw King Series. These two books can easily match if not exceed best-selling authors in the genre including King, Abercrombie, and others.

Destin, the world that Hunt has built for these books is so fascinating and so credible at the same time, it is just a sheer pleasure to read. It is a completely different world than Earth, and yet at times there are small similarities. His worldbuilding techniques are masterclass as he shows us how the world works and the differences in the species of people, flora and fauna. I love the landscapes. With just a few of the right words, Hunt paints gorgeous pictures of the lands the characters travel through. He makes me want to physically see some of the places he describes, and I can imagine them in my head populated by the characters as if the novel were a movie. Very cinematic!

You must read the books in order, so if you haven't read Whirlwind, Read that first, or you won't get as much meaning out of this book. Law of the Wolf starts directly after Whirlwind ends, and we follow the intriguing characters through one battle after another. Don't start reading late at night unless you plan on staying up for many hours, because you will be glued to these pages, unable to stop reading until the book is done.

Many of the unanswered questions of book one are revealed in book two. Sawyer is a primary character in this book, and he really comes up to the challenge. Ross finds a new talent and reconnects with a friend. Noreen is out of control because of deep sadness, we see Sardis a bit more, and a lot more of Ardelia and her swordwives. kSet plays a big role in this book along with the wilders, the God Obelus and Lucas has come back from the dead to wreak havoc on Ain and the multiverse in cahoots with Sardis. The King, Normandy Kaliburn straps his six shooters back on and goes to war, alongside the Kingsman Walter. The group is on a quest to save the multiverse and Sawyer at the same time. Seymour, a former Kingsman, who people thought was crazy, has joined them. He actually may be extremely helpful as well as full time comic relief.

I have only one tiny complaint, the ending seemed a bit rushed. One minute I was reading and the next it was over. I like a bit of a softer landing, especially when I was so keyed up after what happened to Sawyer, and Ardelia, and then the fight with Ross. It wasn't a cliffhanger, it was simply a cliff. Now I have to calm down, as there is no book three to read yet.

Please Mr. Hunt, if there is anything I can do to make your next book come out faster just comment on this review, and I will do what it takes to help get the book to market and promote it.

Bottom Line: If you don't know who S.A. Hunt is, and you read fantasy, it's like you missed the Wheel of Time, or the Lord of the Rings. Hunt is the real deal. I accidentally happened upon his work, and I am so glad I did.
Profile Image for Jeff Beesler.
Author 21 books41 followers
April 4, 2014
Author Sam Hunt claims he's your usual madman, or so the title of his website would purport. He's really not, however. He's much more than usual. He's diabolical and not someone for the casual reader to take lightly. Ah, but I'm getting a little ahead of myself. This is, after all, a book review, not an author review.

Volume 2 of the Outlaw King, titled Law of the Wolf, picks up right where The Whirlwind in the Thorn tree leaves off. The gang is all back, Ross, Sawyer, Noreen, Normand, and they're in for even more of a bumpy ride than the previous book. An attack on Ostyn starts us off, and it isn't long before Sawyer is plucked from the group and set off on his own adventure. The mystery behind the world of Destin is unravelled in intricate layers. It's like peeling off an orange that you're desperately hungry for, yet want to cherish the juice and the pulp every time you sink your teeth into it.

This is why the author is diabolical. If his story gets inside your head, you may find yourself taking your sweet time in finishing the story, if only because you don't want the story to end. His words and imagination are a vice grip. A reader who prides themselves on speed-reading may come to slow down on this tale for all the right reasons. This book, this whole series, is not something to be rushed. Better to treat this author's fiction as a literary version of an all-you-can-eat banquet. Take your time to chew the "food", relish in the flavoring provided to you in this "serving", because you may find yourself hungering for Volume 3 when it hasn't even come out yet.

The only thing wrong with this book in my opinion is that the third one isn't out yet. So now I'm left waiting, and waiting, and waiting. But trust me when I say that I can be a patient man. I can wait as long as I have to, but volume 3 had better come out soon. I just want to crawl back into the world of Destin and stay there. This book and series has definitely, and rightfully, earned its place into my top three favorite series of all time.
Profile Image for Matthew Cox.
Author 170 books265 followers
July 24, 2014
When I finished reading The Law of the Wolf, I felt like Doc Brown from Back to the Future – wild hair, stunned expression, and face darkened everywhere but where goggles had covered. I blinked at my kindle in disbelief at the wild ride I’d just been on.

This story picks up where Whirlwind in the Thorn Tree leaves off, and follows Ross, Sawyer, Noreen, and an elaborate cast of characters on their continued mission to stop the enigmatic Silen from destroying reality. The narrative is told from shifting points of view interspersed with “excerpts” from the fictional novels that the main character’s father wrote.

Law of the Wolf will trigger fits of irrational rage when reality intrudes and forces you to put it down. SA Hunt’s world is vivid and imaginative, a masterful blend of the mundane and the fantastic, with a keen eye to tiny detail. Small nuances deepen immersion and leave you right next to the character as they’re hanging by two fingernails over a raging torrent, or withering away to a sentient piece of beef jerky in the winds of the Emerald Desert.

The only complaint I have concerns some of the story arcs are left to be resolved in part 3 (which isn’t really a complaint, that’s how series work). I’ll be gnawing on my knuckles waiting for the next part.
Profile Image for Natty.
731 reviews5 followers
March 5, 2014
Books like this are the reason I feel in love with reading in the first place. Holy shit what a ride this book was. Building on the already excellent foundation of the first the characters deepen becoming even more human and striking in their characters and motivations. Similarly the plot line becomes even more complex and intricate, rather than becoming burdensome this actually clarifies and strengthens the story. The whole is becoming clear but it is a masterwork of such scope and reach as to put shame to a Bosch mural. The level of talent and care that went into crafting this story are breathtaking and has no easy parallels in contemporary literature. It's like an onion, you can appreciate it on any one of it's many levels and yet if you can begin to appreciate the interlocking pieces as a whole it takes on a whole new depth. There is a level of philosophical contemplation present in the writing that is far beyond what many of us ever begin to approach in our own day to day lives and I can tell that this series is going to be one that I continue to read and enjoy many times over in the future and will constantly surprise and reveal more to me as I do so.
Profile Image for Ashe Armstrong.
Author 7 books43 followers
May 26, 2015
The first thing you need to know is that this book is it's better than you think it'll be. The second thing you need to know is that it's full of meta-fiction. And it's awesome. Hunt creates such a vivid, beautiful landscape that you cannot HELP but get sucked in. And it's filled with everything you could want. Sci-fi? Fantasy? Gunslingers? Sea monsters? New cultures and races? You'll find it and you'll love it. Ross is an easy narrator to follow and you really cheer for him. There are definite similarities to the Dark Tower but it's not pastiche or copying.

The second book picks up right where the first one ended (no spoilers) and then kicks things up another notch. Everything that happened in the first one steps up. The story and world start unfolding, and you get to see more of Destin, more of the characters, and see everyone begin their overarching character journeys. There's also some VERY interesting concepts towards the end that explain a lot about the world of Destin before it sets up for the next book.
3 reviews1 follower
March 29, 2014

Mr Hunt continues to flesh out the characters and the world of Destin... I am enjoying his own skyping concerning Ross and company. If you liked Jordan, P.J. Farmer, and Tolkien, you just might find a new and modern muse in S. A. Hunt.

A must-read for anyone who enjoys fantasy / fiction / sci-fi. Hunt's scientific set up is plausible, and works well in the story... the suspension of disbelief required to enjoy any fiction isn't strained by impossible pseudo science... with all the science fiction becoming reality in our lifetimes, the premises offered here can be accepted by any competent and /or imaginative reader.
37 reviews
March 13, 2015
I didn't write a review after initially reading this book because I was so obsessed with starting the next book, Ten Thousand Devils, that I didn't even slow down to write one.

I am here to report that this book builds on the momentum from Book One all while going into details about Gunslinger training rituals and general background lore of the series. Thanks to S. A. Hunt's writing, none of this feels slow or dragged out.

I really enjoyed Book 1: Whirlwind in the Thorn Tree a lot, but after finishing this book, I've become obsessed with this series. A fact that was only compounded by Book 3: Ten Thousand Devils.
Profile Image for Jeny Sparrs.
76 reviews1 follower
June 27, 2014
This is the second book in the Outlaw King Series and it does not disappoint. It picks up right where the first one left off and takes no time getting back into the action. I like that each characters story was explored deeper in this book and you find out a lot of history on them. As with the first one I couldn't put this book down and read through it very quickly. I was bummed about how open it was left though and the third book isn't written yet! Hurry! :)
7 reviews1 follower
July 25, 2014
Fantastic book! So many twists and turns. Clever writing. Clever storytelling. Compelling characters.

I'm not especially great at writing reviews, partly because I don't want to spoil any of the details for the next reader. But I highly recommend This series. I can't wait for the next book.
Profile Image for Nicko.
107 reviews2 followers
August 5, 2014
How is S. A. Hunt not a wildely popular author? I can honestly say that I can care less if Martin never finishes his series because of heart-attack-by-cheeseburger now. This series is a thousand times what Song could ever dream of being.

Hunt is simply amazing! I would consider doing house chores for him if it means finishing the third book faster.

Oh, and please give this man a movie deal!
Profile Image for Stephanie Embry.
Author 0 books5 followers
January 5, 2015
I just finished re-reading this book, and had to up my previous rating. This series really does deserve 5 stars.
No sophomore slump here. Hunt continues to deliver an exciting story, told from the POV of characters that I really care about.
Profile Image for Sarah Brunt.
82 reviews
June 22, 2016
Wow. It took more than a year for me to finish this book--my fault, I was out of practice physically reading (read: audiobooks). It was totally worth it in the end! Hunt does an incredible job of blending genres and I'm eager to dive into vol 3!
April 27, 2015
Expands on the first book with going deeper into the rabbit hole. Full of situations, that'll have you on the edge of your seat. The ideas set forth by S.A.Hunt in this series are not new, but used in such a way that it's unpredictable, compelling and just brilliant.
Profile Image for Beau.
172 reviews6 followers
September 15, 2015
Really liked this, but I feel like the plot got too complicated. The mystery is intriguing but is too "secretive" and obscure. Nonetheless, the writing is superb.
Profile Image for Jackie Mankus.
2 reviews1 follower
January 20, 2016

Even better than the first and right on to the third. HUGE fan of this series. It's a perfect blend of horror, fantasy, and western.
Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 reviews

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