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All Roads

Always Mine

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I had it all. An amazing boyfriend, a full-ride scholarship, and so close to achieving my NFL dream. The future was headed my way, like a perfect spiral, straight down the field.
Until I fumbled the ball.
Everything I cared about was ripped away, and now my life has turned into something I no longer recognize. When I’m forced to move back home, I find myself face-to-face with the reminder of my own self-destruction.
Wyatt Clayton.
He wants nothing to do with me and I don’t blame him. I irrevocably broke us, and he made it clear there's nothing I can do to change the past. But I've lost too much to add him to the pile, and I’ll do anything it takes to get him back.
I need him. He’s my rock, my true dream, my everything.
My Wyatt.

I thought I was done feeling pain like this.
When Paxton left--turning his back on me and everything we'd shared--I shattered. It took years to put the jagged edges of myself back together, but I managed to create something whole, if not imperfect.
Then he came back, and the shaky foundation I was standing on crumbled.
Now I’m adrift, drowning in the memories, while choking on his presence. He says he wants me back in his life--but my heart won't survive another break.
I have to resist him, and my long-buried emotions, but it's starting to feel impossible. How can I stay strong when he’s the same boy I fell in love with.
My Paxton.

280 pages, Kindle Edition

Published December 5, 2023

About the author

T. Ashleigh

14 books528 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 74 reviews
Profile Image for Renae Reads.
593 reviews554 followers
December 8, 2023
Wyatt and Paxton are so perfect for one another. Always Mine is such a sweet, low-angst second chance romance that allows time for these two to reconnect and find each other again. Due to a heartbreaking separation that left both Wyatt and Paxton so bereft with pain and suffering these two finally have a second chance to reignite their feelings for one another.

I loved how gracefully this process was handled and how sweet these two are for one another. They both love each other dearly and I love how they can forgive and reach a new understanding in such a heartwarming way. Overall such a wonderful romance that I could not get enough of.

** I reviewed a complimentary copy of this story.***
December 4, 2023
T Ashleigh is one of my favourite authors. I love how she writes such a variety of tropes and plots. Feel like every book is completely different. This book was a second chance, incredibly slow burn romance. Don’t go into this one expecting a ton of sexy time. However, if you want a wonderful character-driven story where you feel for them and watch them slowly restart their relationship again through talking and spending time together and not just sexual chemistry then this is 100% the book for you!

Paxton oh Paxton. He made some tough choices and watching him dealing with the guilt and regret from making those choices was really hard. I totally understood where he was coming from so I really felt for him. I couldn’t imagine how Wyatt felt for their three years apart. Devastated and not knowing why and being pulled in different directions. I loved that he didn’t think about what his sister and best friend thought and followed his heart! Loved these southern boys!!

Honestly, my heart broke for both of them multiple times throughout this story but seeing their love grow again and their HEA was wonderful! Fun shoutout to their hilarious families. Loved them so much Whether you’ve read books by this author before or not if you love small town romances I absolutely recommend this book! I can’t wait to see what T Ashleigh comes out with next!
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,366 reviews554 followers
December 7, 2023
⭐︎ 4.5 Stars Rounded Up ⭐︎

I really, really loved this. Paxton and Wyatt drew me in right away and I absolutely loved the angst and tension in this second chance romance. It was so quick and easy a read. The chemistry was off the charts good.

Especially once Wyatt let up a little and started to let Paxton in a little bit again, and they got close to each other incidentally, and the sexual tension could be cut with a knife.

These two were just...meant to be. That first and only type of love. I'm not usually one for first love type of romance, a least where they end up together, because 9/10 first loves just...don't truly work out in the grand scheme of things. Of life.

But Paxton and Wyatt are just that 1/10 first love pairing.

They've known each other their whole lives, literally. As their mothers were and are best friends, and had them 4 months apart from each other, they just naturally fell into a best friendship as kids, and into more as they got older.

Sometimes in middle school, maybe 7th grade or so, Paxton kisses Wyatt and asks him to be his boyfriend, and that's that.

At least for the next 7 years or so. But when they're 18, Paxton is going to leave to another state for football. Apart from Wyatt, Paxton loves football so much that he wants to get into the NFL one day.

But Paxton and Wyatt are forever, right?

Well....they should have been. But Paxton gets scared and breaks up with Wyatt seemingly out of nowhere, shattering Wyatt's heart - and his own - in the process.

Paxton, as a young person would do, so it makes sense to me that he does this, fears that long distance would destroy them, and that it would just make them miserable, and resentment would fester, and he freaks out because of that fear so much, he just throws it all away the day before he's supposed to leave for college.

Three years later - and absolutely zero contact between the two - and both are so clearly not over each other.

Wyatt is in a limbo with a friend of theirs from childhood, Cooper, but he can't really go there with Cooper, as sweet and perfect seeming Cooper is. Because Cooper just...isn't Paxton. As angry as Wyatt is at Paxton and doesn't think he can ever forgive him, Paxton still has his heart.

It's just...meant to be Wyatt and Paxton and that's that.

Which is made all the more apparent when, after a season ending injury on the field, Paxton has to come home to their small southern town to recuperate from his injury. (Also I'm glad at the end that the story clarified that Paxton was allowed to be away from college for months on end, because I was like...even if he's not doing football, he has to still go to class, surely? Glad that confusion was cleared up)

To say that Wyatt doesn't take seeing Paxton well at first would be an understatement. There's hurt and anger and resentment, rightfully, and Paxton needs to work to get the man he loves back.

My only real gripe and the reason for my .5 off, is that we didn't get to see enough of them as them, together and in love. It takes so long for Wyatt to even start to let his guard down - understandably - and start to let Paxton in again, that by the time they're in a good place, we barely get to see them happy together.

Also, there's only one sex scene between them. Which was SO good and I loved it, but because it was so good, I wanted more. This story needed to be longer.

The ending wasn't exactly rushed like this author has done in the past, but it definitely could have been longer. Another 50 or so pages, just to see them really settle into being together.

I so wanted, a few times, for them tear each other's clothes off in a moment of passion, but nahh, they had to be all healthy about it and wait until Wyatt was ready. Wahhhh whatever, I wanted them go at it like bunnies!

So while I absolutely adored this, we just didn't quite get enough of this two for me to be 100% satisfied. Also, I would have liked the bonus chapter - after the epilogue - to actually include the proposal instead of just mention it. Like why do authors do this? Why would this author think I wanted to see the football more than these two together and happy? Like what? What is that? Even in the epilogue, which was good, didn't give us a full on sex scene, it cut off as they were getting into it. I'm just wanted more. I'm greedy.

I'm excited for more in this series, to get Cooper's love story, to get Paxton's brother's, maybe more. But I just loved these two that I'm bummed we're not getting more. So I just needed more to feel like their story was complete, that we got all we could from their story, that's all.

But still, this was wonderful, and I can't wait for more.

Onto the next! 😘
Profile Image for Dani.
974 reviews115 followers
June 13, 2024
Really enjoyed this second chance story. I especially liked how Paxton really had to work to gain Wyatt's forgiveness for how he left/broke them up - usually that only lasts for a few chapters but here it's the majority of the book so it genuinely felt earned and hard won when the reconciliation happened.

My biggest complaint is that although I loved the pacing of the book, I actually wanted to see more of them once they're actually back together! That part of the book felt too quick and I kind of felt a little cheated that I suffered along with Wyatt figuring out how to forgive, but then I didn't get to really see the outcome of that, bar a couple of chapters and an epilogue!

I'm very intrigued for Cooper and Bryan to get books though - For the longest time I did kind of feel like Bryan was angry at Paxton because him leaving meant that Coop got close to Wyatt, and Bryan had a crush on Coop! But I don't think that's the case, even though I would love to see a brother's best friend story!
Profile Image for Themiss Pink.
15 reviews
February 8, 2024
The book had the potential but it fell short
I’m a sucker for a second chance romance, and I was hooked from the beginning specialy knowing how Paxton and Wyatt know each other since they were born. even the reason of the break up kind of make sense considering their age.

So what was wrong with the book

- first of all, the story started in great pace then its become very slow but suddenly everything start moving fast like I have been through 50% of the book and they weren’t back together or even kissed, suddenly around 70% they kissed & the next day they went out on a date, everything just happened fast even the epilogue felt so rushed like couldn’t she write more about their life after 4 years. Who cares about the freaking match detailes, We didn’t even know which team Paxton is playing for after graduation, I want to see how is there life dynamic. we got Nothing significant other than the fact that Paxton is planing to propose to Wyatt after the match.

- There were just so many characters, I lost count and start to have headache, there were some unnecessary characters like the nana and her gang. I don’t mind to many charecters if the book was longer, but with under 300 pages it felt to much.

- the book should had at least 300 pages, I feel there should have been much more to the story but it felt rushed

Copper and Waytt relationship was confusing as hell. I thought copper and Waytt had at least kissed from the way Waytt kept talking about him even through his inner monologue. But somone under the comments informed me that she have asked the writer who confirmed that they were only platonic. I re-edit my review after that, but I believe the writer should been more clear I mean reading all this how can I just think they were only friends without anything ever happening

- "Well, I don't know what Cooper is to me,_ exactly. He's not quite my boyfriend, but calling him 'just a friend' seems insulting after all he's done for me."

- “He hasn't asked me though, which means he either doesn't care or he's pretending like he doesn't. Either way, I still feel bad. We may not officially be together, but Cooper has done so much for me over the last three years."

- “And two, is he really just your friend?"I hate this conversation. I've gone over this before with her, and everyone else, and _my_ answer is always the same. “He's Cooper.."

So yeah it's no surprising that I thought Copper and waytt had something sexually even briefly. If my friend took a really good care of me while I was sick, I won't get confused and say "I don't know if I should call her a mother or a friend".
Profile Image for ~David~.
72 reviews2 followers
December 13, 2023
This book started very slow for me. 1/3 of the way through I decided to give it until 50% to decide whether or not to dnf. Ultimately, I didn't dnf it but it was close.

The second half of the book was a lot better than the first half, but I never truly connected with the story or the characters. The book had good dialogue and prose (enough so that I'll try something else from this author) but nothing else clicked for me.
Profile Image for Crisana.
705 reviews34 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
December 6, 2023
DNF. Could not connect with the characters. Too much meddling family. Too much drama. But people seem to love it so it's probably just me.
Profile Image for Jacqueleen the Reading Queen♡.
1,349 reviews89 followers
December 6, 2023
"I wish I could go back in time and warn myself not to fall in love with Paxton Prescott. It'd save me so much trouble and pain."

Always Mine is an emotional second chance, friends to lovers romance. Paxton and Wyatt have known each other forever. And by forever, I mean literally since birth. They've always been a pair. Where one goes, the other follows. In fact, there isn't a single childhood memory either of them have that doesn't involve the other. Paxton doesn't exactly know the moment his feelings for his best friend turned into more. He'd always loved Wyatt, but now he just loved him a different way too. And Wyatt loved him just as fiercely in return. So you can imagine how devastating it must have been for it to all fall apart in one heartbreaking teenage moment.

My heart hurt for both boys, but to be honest, it mostly hurt for Wyatt. Neither of them took the breakup well, but it was Wyatt who had to stay behind in their hometown surrounded by all their memories, while Paxton got to leave to the other side of the country. I can't imagine having someone by my side my entire life and then one day just *poof* they're gone. Wyatt had to learn to live without his person. His everything. Because not only was Pax Wyatts boyfriend, but he was also his best friend. It's understandable that he'd fall apart, but I'm sure he didn't think his sadness would cling to him as long as it did.

Pax is more of an out of sight, out of mind person. He's coped by shoving all his feelings into the back of his mind and pretending they don't exist. But all those feelings come right back to the forefront when after 3 years away he comes face to face with the boy he left behind. The one person who means more to him than anyone else in the world. Wyatt. The boy he loves is now a young man and that man makes it obvious that he wants absolutely nothing to do with him.

"How can we get closure when our story clearly isn't over yet?"

I did root for them. I liked that Wyatt didn't just fall back into Pax's arms immediately. He made Pax work for it a bit. However, I was sort of surprised how quickly he forgave him after they started spending time together as "friends". With how hurt and angry Wyatt was, I figured it would take him much longer to trust Pax enough to go there. Then again, he loved him. That was something that never changed, even when they were apart. And now that they are back together, I don't think that will ever change for the rest of their lives. Paxton was right. They were inevitable.
Profile Image for Molly Otto.
962 reviews22 followers
December 5, 2023
Well, T. Ashleigh has shown us again why she does second chance romance with the best of them. Paxton & Wyatt have loved each other their whole dang lives, and when one stupid night of self-doubt tears them apart for three long years, it's no surprise it will be a rough ride to redemption.
The side characters are what makes this small town novel a tier above others showing a meddling town will do whatever is necessary for love. The support system of these men is so full stop you hope they too get their hea, they all deserve it as much as Paxton & Wyatt.
When giving this second chance Paxton shows Wyatt he has grown from the scared teen to a man who will stick up for what he loves, he will fight and they can get through anything as long as their together. It is not a quick fix. Thankfully, it takes time and perseverance to show how much the past will not repeat itself.
It is truly an amazing heartfelt read, and I can't wait to see what is brought next to us from this small town.
Profile Image for Katie R McGowan.
57 reviews2 followers
December 11, 2023
i really liked this book but i do have some critiques
1. wyatt forgave paxton way too easily. tbh if it was me i would never forgive him but wyatt folded so quick
2. we didn’t get any of them being together till like 75% thru the book. i need more
3. i wanted more flashbacks of them together as kids
overall i think the book should have been longer. i would have read 800 pages just so i could know everything single thing ab them and enjoy their relationship. i loved these characters so much and i wish we also got more of them getting thru long distance and the struggles of that as well.
Profile Image for Chloe Tikiri.
301 reviews2 followers
February 28, 2024
The first 50% are super long 😫. I'm all for a slowburn but it felt totally unnecessary. It's a lot of moments with families and that was boring ..

Also, I'm waiting I don't know how many pages for the first kiss only to have a scene stopped like that ? No way. It pissed me off.

I enjoyed their moments together after, but I was already too disappointed to really enjoy the end of my reading. Too bad... 😔
Profile Image for Christina Sturgill.
798 reviews47 followers
December 6, 2023
4 / 5 Stars
1.5 / 5 Steam

Second Chance Romance
Slow Burn

This book is truly a journey of reconnection and healing from past pain. It follows Wyatt and Paxton. It's a sweet story about two men getting their second chance at love. It's more about the emotion and the reconnection between the two MMC's. My heart hurt for Wyatt so much. Paxton leaves him in their small town to go away to college but a few years later an accident causes Paxton to return. It's a very emotion read, the two of them healing and finding their way back to each other. Surprisingly low angst given the situation.
Go into this expecting it to be more about the characters and their connection. There is low steam and not a lot of outside interference. It's a piece truly centered around the characters and their romance.

Profile Image for Mandee.
349 reviews1 follower
December 3, 2023
Beautifully done! Always Mine is a slow burn, small town, second chance romance. Paxton and Wyatt ended things three years prior, and then Pax left to play football on the other side of the country. After an injury brought him back home, two broken boys were forced to face their past, and whether or not they could mend what they once had.
Profile Image for VikkiE.
129 reviews7 followers
December 11, 2023
Another wonderful read for T. Ashleigh!
Pax and Wyatt are adorable for this second chance romance. The way that Pax fought to get the love of his life back melted my heart. They are from a small town where everyone is rooting for them because of their close bond growing up. It's just such a great read.
This is a low angst and a perfect palette cleanser. There is emotion and love but it's light.
I've read a number of T. Ashleighs books and they are amazing comfort reads that I love returning to.
Profile Image for Katja.
449 reviews
December 7, 2023
Review will come a bit later.

An ARC was provided in exhange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Shelly  Doebler.
152 reviews
March 7, 2024
Ok so this was not it for me. I had so many issues with the plot holes and how they just wouldn’t address certain things, many truly important things. Like Paxton just went home to Georgia in the middle of the freaking school year and they literally never addressed it? Did he just stop going to college when his shoulder got injured?

Also, the not so subtle misogyny and toxic masculinity was frustrating. For example, Wyatt can’t be called beautiful cause it’s not manly enough or calling Hunter whipped for showing his love Ember, pretty gross. Paxton losing his man card at one point because Ember sticks up for her brother and warns Pax not to hurt him? Or many of the women being referred to as too much, over the top, or even insane? Awful.

Then, they never actually fully discussed what went wrong before Pax left, why he left, or what they’re going to do to fix what was broken? That was incredibly frustrating. Just all of a sudden Wyatt is cool with spending time with Paxton after one conversation where Pax never actually says why he broke up with Wyatt and Wyatt just automatically starts to trusts him?! Like what?!? Oh and then they just kiss but never have a discussion about it?! What is happening!? Also, they keep talking about Paxton fighting to get Wyatt back, and showing him you care and still love him but literally never show that? They just start seeing each other more around town and get thrown together by their families and that’s supposed to depict Paxton fighting? I just don’t get it!

Finally, in the end he just goes back to school and they do long distance with no plan of how they’re going to make it work or what they’re going to do if Paxton makes it to the NFL? One of the only things we know about Wyatt is that he wanted to stay in Georgia… and they had literally zero conversations about what kind of future they want or what compromises they will make, we just assume they’re going to make it work. Damn. I really wanted to like this one but it was just pretty disappointing.
Profile Image for Monique.
429 reviews3 followers
May 1, 2024
Always Mine is a second chance emotional romance that follows Paxton and Wyatt. They were each other everything but ended, not in the best way, when Paxton was going to college. It was emotional reading through both of their experiences, especially Wyatt’s. Wyatt was devastated and left in the small town with all of the memories that they shared since youth and even though Paxton was off in college, Wyatt was always in his thoughts. An accident brings Paxton back to his hometown and back to Wyatt and everything he meant to him and the destruction his decision, when he was younger, caused. The story is about healing and growth and fighting for the people who are important to you. This is a low spice story however, there’s so many emotions and years of hurt to go through before they get their happy ever after that I didn’t even notice. The family and whole town were so supportive and I am very happy because they had enough hurt/comfort between them that any outside interference would have felt like overkill.

I absolutely adored this story and can’t wait to read the next in this series.
Profile Image for Michelle.
64 reviews4 followers
December 7, 2023

"Christ, Wyatt, you were—are—perfect. Our friendship, our relationship, what we had… it was everything to me. I just lost sight of it."

Let me first say if you are fan of @t.ashleighauthor...you will absolutely love Always Mine...she has the ability to pull you into her story and pull for both MCs..she is so amazing at writing second chances and friends to lovers..and she mixed it up and put it on a plate so beautifully with Wyatt and Paxton...when you have a MC, who looks back and regrets everything he did without being told..yeah those are my favorite..even though he thinks that the other MC is happy and trying and thinking he himself is happy..until someone does open his eyes that he truly hasn't been happy..just going on with life..Paxton may have messed things over with his life long friend.. the one he seen himself marrying...the person who was his home..and when he first gets back to Hixley he wants to hide..but he gets it in his head after seeing and getting a taste of being around Wyatt that he is gonna fight to have Wyatt in his life in some form..

Wyatt...my heart broke for him..after 3 years..he still is still broken.and living the best he knows how with the help of his family and friends...he is angry and I totally understand every feeling he has...and I love that Paxton gets that too and doesn't force himself onto Wyatt..though they are pushed together at times by their families..because they know that Wyatt and Paxton's love it inevitable and it has the stock of being the forever kind..

@t.ashleighauthor thank you so much for the honor of reading the ARC of Wyatt and Paxton's story...you just slay me each and every freaking time with your talent of telling a story..
Profile Image for EmeArsh.
335 reviews19 followers
April 18, 2024
So when i started this it was slow, i pushed through, i waited and waited for the main couple because that was going to be interesting. The meddling grandmothers and mothers and sisters and aunts and even fathers became too much but I persevered because the main couple. It was good in the beginning, Wyatt showed anger and pain and hurt, he acted like he should have and i wanted even more of that, but then what happened? How did Paxton win him over? What were the grand gestures he showed? How did the issue get resolved? Did they talk? Discus what happened? What was going to be different? Or was Wyatt a complete idiot and left himself completely open to being hurt again by an amateur idiot who did not have any respect for that relation? I mean he effed off and had his life, had he not been injured would he have even realised what he did was wrong? Don’t think so. He was all ok with it, he cut off relations, never talked much to the people behind, never once went to visit and never once thought he had messed up that bad and was dying to fix it. I would have wanted Wyatt to not only show him disdain but true indifference eventually, i would have wanted him to learn the fact the he was much better without him and get over him eventually instead of the useless banter they engaged in. (Was that supposed to help in such serious issue? ) Wyatt though, just folded. I understand the pull of heart but what of the future, what of his fear of getting hurt?
It was so stupid. by 80 percent, i skimmed so much, even the main scenes between the couple and I just wish Cooper all the best.
Also the dialogues are not the best.
Profile Image for Michelle.
513 reviews9 followers
December 10, 2023
Wyatt and Paxton have been together since they were children. Paxton is going away to college to play football and decides to break things off with Wyatt before he leaves. This shatters Wyatt's whole world and it takes 3 years and help from his family and best friend Cooper to put the pieces back together. Things are going good but then Paxton shows up after having an injury playing football and turns his world upside down again. With some help from meddling families and holiday events in their small town Wyatt and Paxton start to make their way back to one another. Just a couple things that bugged me. We never learn why Bryan, Paxton's brother, is so angry with him. I also didn't like the way that Cooper is treated. Hopefully T. Ashleigh can write him a book of him finding his own hea!

"We are inevitable. We always have been, I just knocked us off track for a while. Not anymore, though. I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life. He is it for me. He’s the forever I’ve always known he was". 🥹❤️
"I’ll never understand how people can abandon their own children because of the gender of the person they like. It’s like saying, I’ll disown you if you date a mechanic instead of a doctor.... I can’t make sense of it. We don’t choose to love like we do. I can say from experience that loving him was never even a question. He was always my truth even when I didn't know it." ❤️🥰

I am leaving my honest review for a complimentary copy of this book via the author.
Author 5 books44 followers
December 17, 2023
ALWAYS MINE is the first book in the All Roads series.

Paxton walked away from his best friend and the love of his life when he went away to college. At the time he thought he was doing the right thing for both of them but soon realized he was completely wrong. Paxton was so close to making his NFL dreams come true but an injury takes him out of the game. His mom shows up at this apartment ready to take him back to his small town so he can heal. Paxton knows he'll see Wyatt and he has to make amends for walking away but will Wyatt make it easy on him?

Wyatt's life was turned upside down when Paxton walked away. He thought they were in the relationship for the long haul but Paxton decided for the the both of them that they were done. Wyatt has never recovered and being from a small town everyone has witnessed his heart break. And now that Paxton is back everyone is looking to Wyatt to see the reaction he has to Paxton's return. Paxton is trying to get back to some sort of friendship between them but has too much happened for them to just be friends? Can Wyatt let him back in?

I was so invested in Wyatt and Paxton. I love that Wyatt made Paxton work to be let back into his life. Paxton made a huge mistake by leaving Wyatt and Wyatt's heart was broken but so was Paxton. It was beautifully written and Paxton wasn't instantly or easily forgiven. I couldn't get enough of this little town.

I was given a free copy of this book.
Profile Image for Sabrina.
1,098 reviews100 followers
January 4, 2024
When Paxton injures himself during his college football game, his mom convinces him to come home. The one place he has avoided the last three years. Because three years ago, he made the biggest mistake of his life, and he has no idea if it is something he could ever fix. He broke the heart of the one and only person he ever loved. He has a lot to make up for, but the moment he is back to face everything he knows that he has to fight to earn Wyatt back. Because this time, he isn’t letting him go. Wyatt shattered when Paxton broke his heart three years ago. They were inseparable as kids and they started dating in middle school the moment they realized that the feelings they had for one another was beyond best friends. You could not find two people who were meant to be together. Soul mates in every way, they were one another’s match. And even after three years, Wyatt still isn’t happy and is still trying to pull himself together. But seeing Paxton come home is both the worst and best thing to ever happen. Can he actually forgive him? And is it finally for closure or to restart something that could shatter him all over again? Ugh, these two!! They broke my heart. You could see just how perfect they are for one another and that they deserve to be together and happy. Their road to a second chance isn’t an easy one. There is a lot to unpack and figure out after being apart, but I adored these two and their story. Just so good. I can’t wait to see more from this series!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Avery.
324 reviews9 followers
December 5, 2023
Paxton and Wyatt had been together forever. Best friends since they were little and growing into more as they hit adolescence. Wyatt always dreamed of staying close to home, and Paxton never envisioned being far from him. But a full scholarship offer pulls him to the other side of the country and leads him to making the biggest mistake of his life.

After four years and an injury that benched Paxton for the rest of the year, he comes home, home where Wyatt still is. Wyatt who was broken beyond repair after Paxton left and who is not ready to see him yet or ever again.

What an amazing second-chance-romance by T. Ashleigh! The entire book I spend rooting for them to move away from their past because you can see what they had, what they could have again. Paxton has a lot of hurt he needs to undo but he’s there and showing up, trying to make it right again. In the end the inevitable happened and they had to give into each other. The way these two belong together made this such a good read. No way I was putting this book down until I finished it.

“It’s everything I’ve always wanted, and he’s giving himself to me again. Only me. Only mine. Always only mine.”

Besides the heartwarming story of Paxton and Wyatt I did feel for Cooper, he was such a perfect side character. He picked up all Wyatt’s pieces when Wyatt couldn't do it himself only to find his love unrequited. He needs his own story and an epic HEA for all he went through! Please tell me we're getting his book next.

I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Laura Lou.
146 reviews8 followers
December 4, 2023
Always Mine by T. Ashleigh is a small town, second chance MM romance story about Wyatt and Paxton.

Wyatt and Paxton have been friends forever. Their mothers were the best of friends and their families grew up together in a small town. Wyatt and Paxton were so incredibly close and they experienced all their firsts with each other. Their friendship transitioned into a relationship when they were young. They were inseparable and so in love. But when Paxton has to leave for college to play football, he makes a decision that changes everything.

Wyatt was completely devastated when Paxton left him. My heart broke for Wyatt, and I was so thankful he had his friend Cooper to help him through all his pain. After three years apart, Paxton is forced to return home where he finally feels complete when he sees his Wyatt. Unfortunately for Paxton, Wyatt wants nothing to do with him and no one can blame him. Paxton definitely has guilt and regrets his decision from three years ago, but he will do whatever it takes to get Wyatt back in his life.

Always Mine was definitely a slow burn romance and such an emotional read. I really enjoyed Wyatt and Paxton's second chance love story, and I hope you will too. I can't wait to see which character's story we get next.

I received an advanced copy of this book, and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Tracy~Bayou Book Junkie.
1,566 reviews47 followers
December 12, 2023
4.5 Stars

I absolutely loved this story. Once I started reading I couldn’t put this book down. I loved both Wyatt and Paxton and my heart broke for both of them. The love they felt for one another, even after three years of having no contact, was there in every interaction they had. They pined for one another and you could feel the desire, want, and need for one another on each and every page.

Once they finally reconnected, they had amazing chemistry. I loved that they slowly fell back into their previous relationship. It took time and hard work to get them back to a stable place.

I absolutely adored their families and friends. This is a really small town, and it was so refreshing that everyone was accepting of Wyatt and Paxton. Them being bi/gay was never an issue and there was no homophobia present. This was a breath of fresh air.

This was an emotional read and I absolutely adored it. It’s well-written and flowed well and, while I was left satisfied, I was also left wanting more, in a good way. I’m hoping this isn’t the last we’ll see of this town or these characters. Definitely a recommendable read!

* Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. *
Profile Image for Angela I..
207 reviews37 followers
December 12, 2023
🏈 Best Friends to Enemies to Lovers
💙 Small Town
🏈 Second Chance

Always Mine is book 1 in the All Roads series.
We meet Paxton and Wyatt, who have known each other since they were born, and spent their first 18 years attached to the hip.

The book starts 3 years after they broke up at 18, while Paxton is in California playing football in college, and Wyatt is still in their small hometown.
They haven't talked to each other since they broke up, and when Paxton gets injured and goes back home for a few months, they are bound to see each other again for the first time in 3 years…

While this book was sweet and I liked the characters, I feel like something was missing for me. I would have loved to see how they went from friends to lovers when they were younger, feel the build up, and know them more as lovers.
I needed to see them more in love prior to the break up, because when they talk about the past, it seems that their relationship was perfect and I would have loved to witness it a bit more.

I wonder who book 2 will be about, but I might have an idea… We’ll see….


I received a free copy of this book via Chaotic Creatives and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Vic.
895 reviews33 followers
December 4, 2023
💝🏈 𝙰𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚋𝚢 @t.ashleighauthor

🇦​​🇷​​🇨​ ​🇷​​🇪​​🇻​​🇮​​🇪​​🇼

ℝ𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘- 4.5/5 ⭐️
𝕊𝕡𝕚𝕔𝕖- .5/5 🌶️

Oh the love and heartbreak between Pax and Wyatt. This was definitely an emotional read.

Pax and Wyatt have been best friends from birth and on. Things began to progress between them into something more until Pax absolutely obliterates Wyatts heart when he leaves for college thousands miles away, oh and breaks up with him the day before he leaves.

Pax finds himself back hometown after an injury. They try to avoid each other but of course it never happens.

I was so happy when they got their second chance and found their love again. These two are the definition of soulmates and meant to be.

𝕋𝕣𝕠𝕡𝕖𝕤 / 𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝔼𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥
💝Small Town
🏈Second Chance
💝First Love
🏈Forced Proximity
💝Childhood Sweethearts

#AlwaysMine #TAshleigh #MMRomance #SmallTownRomance #SecondChanceRomance #Angsty #College #FirstLove #ForceProximity #ChildhoodSweethearts #FootballRomance #ChaoticCreatives #smutbooks #arcreaders #spicyromance #smutlovers #igreads #romancebooks #spicyromancebooks #ReadNow #momswhoread
Profile Image for Heather Duff.
1,329 reviews26 followers
December 9, 2023
Blog | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

Oh wow, this was a beautiful and emotional story. It’s my favourite kind of story, childhood best friends and lovers in a small town, with plenty of hurt/comfort.

You’ll fall for both men, they are likeable - kind and compassionate. Paxton may have broken Wyatt’s heart, but he broke his own too. He was young and made a mistake, one that has left them both adrift. It won’t be easy but he has a chance to fix it and get the man he loves back.

This was so well written - the emotional layers, the pacing, the heartfelt connection. There were a number of moments that had me in tears, but they were always balanced with moments that soothed my soul. Their journey was something special.

Loving someone isn’t all happy moments, what matters is working through the hard moments together. Learning from your mistakes. And these two come out stronger in the end.
824 reviews20 followers
December 13, 2023
2nd Chance Romance

Always Mine is a sweet, low-angst second chance romance that focuses on the reconnection between Paxton and Wyatt after a heartbreaking separation 3 years earlier. The separation left both of them deeply sad and hurting, but we see more of how much it really broke Wyatt and his struggles to move past things. Circumstances bring Pax back to town and they ever so slowly reconnect in a very touching way. I absolutely loved the full cast of characters in this book supporting the both of them. Their parents, siblings, friends, they were all fabulous! And I also really liked Pax and Wyatt, separately and together. I just wished we had more time in the book with them together, or got some more glimpses of their love before they broke up, I think it would have strengthened their connection more for me. My heart hurt for poor Cooper and I hope he gets his HEA in a future book, he was such a sweetheart! Overall, this was 3.5 stars for me due the wonderful main and supporting characters, and I'm looking forward to more in the series about some of the guys we met in this book!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 74 reviews

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