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Never Dead

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A series of grave robberies in the 1920s go unsolved until reporter Michael Jacobs follows a new thread. His investigation leads him to a small town in the suburbs of Chicago named Elk Hills. While there, he finds out more haunting information than the police ever discovered. But with each interview bringing him closer to the truth, he finds himself becoming a part of the story he was looking to write.

At the same time, wealthy businessman Edmund Creighton organizes a group of equally wealthy families and individuals in the Chicago area to finance illegal experiments in the basement of his mansion. These experiments require the presence of recently dead bodies which the members of the secret society are more than happy to acquire.

But by the time these dark secrets are uncovered, it may be too late for Michael, or the truth, to make any difference.

340 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 8, 2023

About the author

Joe Scipione

27 books66 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 44 reviews
Profile Image for LIsa Noell "Rocking the Chutzpah!  .
701 reviews441 followers
December 16, 2023
My thanks to Wicked House Publishing, Joe Scipione and Netgalley.
This was not at all what I was expecting. I thought it would be mostly about grave robbers. This was not so. I came for the grave robbing but stayed for the story.
I am 60 years old, and I would love to rob a grave! I know! What the hell kinda freak am i? It just sounds like fun! Yes, I do understand how funked up that is. Still? Come and knock on my door and say "hey, Lisa. Want to dig up a body? I'm old enough now that jail time doesn't scare me, so yeah I'd do it!
This story had very little to do with grave robbing, but holy shit was it one messed up story.
Personally, I was appalled! But gosh darn it, I truly appreciated the story! Honestly? Shorten this a bit and go deep into a National Forest somewhere and tell this to a bunch of backwoods campers over a fire? Pure fooking gold!
3 1/2 stars. Rounded up to 4.
I want to read a bit more from this author.
Profile Image for Megan Rose.
122 reviews9 followers
January 17, 2024
What a story! Beginning in the 1920s to the present day, Never Dead is an interesting horror/sci-fi novel that blends Mary Shelley's Frankenstein with Lovecraftian lore. At the beginning, I wasn't sure, but I'm glad I continued as it was an intriguing, suspenseful story with a diverse cast of characters (some are cliche, I'll admit) and a gothic landscape of a 1920s home with secrets the world never knew.

Overall, Never Dead was an enjoyable read that I recommend to any horror or sci-fi fans.

Thank you, NetGalley and Wicked House Publishing for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Netanella.
4,466 reviews12 followers
January 15, 2024
I was not familiar with Joe Scipione's writing prior to this book, so this is a new-to-me author that I was gratefully able to experience thanks to Netgalley, Wicked House Publishing, and of course the author.

"Never Dead" is a 1920's graverobbing thriller, about a super-rich real estate mogul who wants to cheat death, and the investigative reporter from the big Chicago newspaper who's hot on his case. There are lots of small, personal details that seem to bring the story to life and lend credence to the prohibition era backdrop. This half of the book was probably my favorite part. There was also a riveting scene towards the end, which shall remain unmentioned to avoid spoilers, that really struck my fancy. Overall I thought this was a great read that captured my attention and kept me glued to the book. In some places the story dragged, and I wished the author had chopped about 50 pages or so.

A good read. Kudos!
Profile Image for Steve Stred.
Author 84 books644 followers
December 14, 2023
Thanks to Joe for sending me a digital copy of this one!

I’ve said it before – and I’ll always find it strange – but very frequently in my book reading world, I end up finishing one book and shortly after, another one has similar themes. It is always random, as its usually the books I’m reading for review purposes, but in this case, I’d finished reading Tim McGregor’s wonderful ‘Eynhallow’ which involved Victor Frankenstein, and a few short books later, I jump into Joe’s latest, which involves someone stealing bodies from graveyards so that scientists can reanimate them. Love it!

What I liked: Set in the 1920’s the story hops back and forth between Clyde, an assistant to a wealthy man, and Michael, an eager newspaper reporter. Clyde has been helping dig up bodies, but for what reason, he’s unsure. That is until he’s shown that the wealthy are working with scientists to bring those dead back to life.

Meanwhile, Michael is eager to report on something different than the usual gang related stuff plaguing the city. So, heading to the suburbs, he reconnects with an old friend, who works for the police there, and learns of these grave diggings.

Scipione keeps those storylines separate for a bit before they merge and Clyde and Michael form an unlikely duo looking to get to the bottom of things. It made for a fun pairing, and seeing the dark secrets that kept getting revealed made for an entertaining read.

It all comes to a head at the end, with the last quarter working so very well to keep us guessing, but to also have the readers remain fully entrenched in how things come to a end.

What I didn’t like: I felt like initially, we are shown the ‘reveal’ of why the bodies are being dug up really quickly. I think it would’ve been fun to have that teased out a bit more.

And, I did find at first, I kept thinking the Michael parts were almost modern day, as the writing felt different than the Clyde aspects.

Why you should read this: Joe is always creating fun horror for readers and ‘Never Dead’ is no exception. This one hums along, gives us some fantastic scenes, and you’ll be all the better for having met Michael and Clyde.
Profile Image for Lexxi.
236 reviews
December 3, 2023
As I do with most (all) of Wicked House Publishing, I requested the book without reading the description. I loved the author's Mr. Nightmare series and was excited to read more by him. The book did not disappoint.

It starts with one of our main characters, Clyde, digging ... at night, in the rain ... in a cemetery ... to then steal a body with his employer, Mr. Creighton. Talk about a chapter to start a book! Especially since I hadn't read the blurb about the book, I had no idea what to expect, but chapter 1 grave robbing was not it.

The story alternates between Clyde/Creighton chapters and a newspaper writer, Michael Jacobs. Jacobs lives/writes in Chicago - the newspapers can't write any mob stories because there's so much corruption that the Powers That Be squash the stories. As a result, he decides to investigate these grave robbing rumors in the suburbs. The author does a very good job of jumping between the two POVs. The chapters often ended where I wanted more of that character's story, but it wasn't done in a heavy handed way (e.g. "and Clyde couldn't believe what happened next!" end of chapter -- that type of cliffhanger gets old after a few times. The author did not do that. I wanted more but didn't feel like I was being needlessly teased)

We find out that Creighton belongs to a secret society doing experiments on the dead bodies. The story reminded me a bit of season 1 of the Frankenstein Chronicles show. The science/logic was a bit questionable, but I believed when the author said there's a realm of Nightmare creatures who feed on people's nightmares, so I can't really complain about questionable science :) I had to suspend some disbelief and kept raising my eyebrows, but it wasn't awful.

Overall, this was a very unique story with an interesting take on the "let's dig up dead bodies for creepy experiments" plot.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for this advance review copy.
Profile Image for The Bibliophile Doctor.
738 reviews252 followers
February 14, 2024
" It's amazing what time, confinement and extended period of time can do to a relationship between two humans."

Thank you Netgalley and wicked house publishing for ARC in exchange of an honest review.

Never dead did not work for me because of my doctor brains would not let me allow accept the flawed plot in the story. It just didn't make sense. The device, the brain work, the electric signal. Nope. But even then I was adamant to see where the story goes. I really wasn't interested in first 30-40 % and then twist came I was intrigued. But first 60% of book just felt dry to my liking and then it got little better. But yet it left me with many unanswered questions.

The turn towards the end, I did not see that coming. I actually was invested into the whole idea again. In the end thought, I honestly felt it was just okay.

The whole idea felt absurd to me especially when I read the whole book. Maybe it's just how my brain works that I couldn't really like it because lot many people have given it 5 stars. This book just wasn't for me.

Rating -2.5 stars
Profile Image for Karen Mazzaferri.
166 reviews5 followers
December 8, 2023
Happy release day
Never Dead is a good Frankenstein story coming from a perspective of playing God. We have a reporter, groundskeeper (a very likable character) a greedy rich guy and an evil sociopathic doctor.
Michael Jacob’s goes to a small community outside of Chicago to investigate some grave robbings. Coming from the big city he is tired of the politics fake reporting on the mob bosses of Chicago. He’s looking forward to a good story elsewhere. What he finds is more than he bargained for. A secret society of rich people who want to live forever.
Years later, in current time, the story comes around to another reporter heading to the same town to investigate Jacob’s disappearance nearly 100 years ago.
Worth the read. I hope the grammatical errors are taken care of. Although it was a good ending, I did want more

I want to thank #netgalley and #wickedhouse publishing for my ARC
Profile Image for Horror Bookworm Reviews.
488 reviews169 followers
January 22, 2024
A Horror Bookworm Recommendation
The City by S.C. Mendes

Detective Max Elliot has been specifically requested to help on a mysterious homicide case. One that resembles a gruesome unsolved crime from six months earlier. Although a loose cannon, Elliot just happens to be the best investigator in San Francisco. Unfortunately, Max is personally linked by the cold case and the tragedy surrounding his daughter. Will this investigation finally bring peace and justice to his life or will it be his final case?

S.C. Mendes’ The City, is a puzzle solving narrative where inner demons are explored among an underground city of non-human creatures and skin puppets. Inside this unearthly metropolis lies a place where you can find anything within a world of sinister taboo lifestyles. Mendes brings his writing style to a multi-layered story that flips the world of reality on its head. His ominous creativity carves up flesh and bone within an unforgettable evil environment of pleasure and pain. With the purchase of this book, you have been allowed entrance to Mendes’ dark environment.

I love this original creation of a horror-noir novel. It successfully creates a nitty-gritty ambiance within an unsettling true-crime element. The author is able to capture monstrosities and bizarreness to a new level. Believe me fellow bookworms, there’s plenty of skin crawling moments to satisfy the most morbid reader.

The City is one heck of a mind trip. And by that I mean the extra-dimensional characters were a creepy representation of an unearthly order. Wait till you see the “demons to some, angels to others” aspect that Mendes has assembled. Ya know, mysteries were destined to remain hidden. A Horror Bookworm Recommendation.
Profile Image for S.R..
Author 2 books29 followers
January 12, 2024
Michael Jacobs is a reporter in the 1920's, following the threads of an investigation into a series of grave robberies. But if he's not careful, he may soon be counted among the dead himself. Part detective story, part horror, and even a tiny bit science fiction, this novel is full of thrills and chills. It's very atmospheric, you find yourself right between our two main characters are they continue on a collision course with one another. Ultimately, this is a rather unique riff on the Frankenstein story and I loved it!

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC. I am leaving this review voluntarily and all views expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Alison Faichney.
217 reviews4 followers
December 10, 2023
Solid read! I’ve just begun requesting most of Wicked House’s books at this point because they never seem to let me down.

This was no different. The mid 1920s setting with the grave robbing and reanimates was absolutely a creepy one.

I did find the last 1/3 of the book to be a bit hurried. I still had some unfinished questions that I would have loved to have had answered. Despite that I enjoyed the story and look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

I received an advance review copy for free from NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
98 reviews3 followers
May 12, 2024
Thank you for the ARC (audiobook). The audiobook took me about a chapter to really get into, but after that it really took off. (That could just be me and my weirdness with audiobooks narrators)
I hadn’t read the physical book, but it’s in my list of signed copies to acquire. I don’t know what to say without giving the story away, which 8 don’t want to do. Let’s see, there are elements of privileges of the rich, amazing science, and an homage (IMO) to a great female horror author.
I really, really feel bad for the journalist and really dislike the rich guy. Until the end. 🙂 It’s always the ending!
Ugg…this is a terrible review. It’s why I’m not an author. This book is great! Go read it! If not, you’re missing out on a fantastic read.
4 reviews
December 9, 2023
Couldn't put it down

Loved every minute of this book. Grave robbing, medical experiments, big secret
s and so much more. The characters are well written and the entire vibe is dark and creepy and leaves you constantly needing to know what happens next. This was my first book by this author but it definitely won't be my last.
Profile Image for Brad Ricks.
Author 2 books3 followers
January 22, 2024
Enjoyed the book. Joe does a great job of putting the reader into the mind of each character. He keeps the narrative flowing and immersive the entire time. Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Milt Theo.
1,055 reviews76 followers
December 4, 2023
4.5 stars rounded to 5. Although Joe Scipione is not a new author to me, and I've enjoyed everything I've read of his, I think this is his richest book yet: it unfolds as an excellent meditation on monstrousness, callousness, and the threat of scientific arrogance, on so many levels at once! The writing feels calm and balanced, without overdoing the plot twists and ending with a story contrived and tiresome. On the contrary, Scipione takes care to avoid showing his hand before the right time. In fact, timing in this novel seems to me to be everything: from the opening scene (grave robbing) to the middle scenes that rely heavily on dialogue (among the members of a secret society with a sinister, if a bit implausible, scientific project), the story touches on so many issues and throws so many curveballs at the reader till the big reveal, you can only stnad back and admire the author's storytelling skills. My single complaint would be the lack of a stronger atmosphere of 1920s Chicago; too much is taken for granted and built upon, losing somewhat the feeling for setting. Other than that (and that's an insignificant issue, when one takes the book's intricate plot into account), Scipione's novel is genuine entertainment for all horror fans!
Profile Image for Erika  Bain.
114 reviews1 follower
January 2, 2024
Wow! What another great, unique story from Joe Scipione. He's truly mastered the cadence of storytelling.

In this "Great Gatsby meets Frankenstein," Never Dead hits the nail on the head.

It's the 20s, and Clyde has worked for extremely rich Edmund Creighton and will do what he asks, no matter the task. It isn't until he's asked to dig up a grave that he starts questioning his employer.

Michael is a hard-hitting reporter. Tired of writing on eggshells, while the police dictate what to report, he needs to venture out of the corrupt city of Chicago and write about something true. Coming to Elk Hills was supposed to be the breath of fresh air he needed until....it wasn't.
Profile Image for Lisa Davidson.
859 reviews21 followers
January 11, 2024
Many thanks to Wicked House Publishing, Joe Scipione and Netgalley.
I thought this little horror novel was going to be one thing but it turned out to be something completely different. It starts out with graverobbing, and a reporter who tries to find out who is stealing corpses. We also know that some wealthy, influential men are taking advantage of an assistant to help with their experiments where they are reanimating corpses. Then it gets even crazier.
I could tell from the language that the story started several years ago, but it was funny to think of these bad guys staying committed for so many decades. I will be looking for more by this author.
Profile Image for Ali  O.
226 reviews9 followers
April 21, 2024
This was an interesting book! It was a fun and creepy twist on a Frankenstein tale with grave robbing and business men!! The story mostly kept me sucked in, but some parts in the middle were a bit slower. I think the author did a good job writing this story!
Thank you to Joe Scipione for a copy of the audio version of this book!
Profile Image for Svea Neitzke.
61 reviews1 follower
January 10, 2024
Never Dead by Joe Scipone is a highly entertaining adventure! It's a great mashup of noir and Frankenstein-type horror. It's set in 1920s Chicago and surrounding areas. It starts out with grave robbing, but we learn soon it's not for typical reasons. This book is told by many POVs, which is done very well. When I thought the plot was going in one direction, it turns in another halfway through. I love how unexpected that was! This book has tons of moving parts and everything pulls together tightly. Overall, it is unique and a fun read.
February 10, 2024
Original plot, well done

At one point I thought this was going to be derivative of Frankenstein, but I was quite wrong. This story, though it gave a nod to the mad Dr. Frankenstein and his creation, forged its own creepy path. The more I read, the more I couldn't put it down. Never Dead evokes dread and horror right from the gut. I really enjoyed the ride, and it left me a bit unsettled.
Profile Image for Angie ~aka Reading Machine~.
3,635 reviews134 followers
December 28, 2023
A simple story about grave robberies in a small town shouldn't be dangerous right? Michael "Mike" Jacobs believes there's more to the grave robberies that have been reported. He knows that Edmund Creighton is a dangerous man. Mike tries to follow the story to the end by any means necessary. Flash forward about 100 years, the world has changed and technology is king. Can The Elk Hills Research Society is ready to face the world. Can Mike get justice for himself? What will Creighton do? Find out in Never Dead.

I received this ARC from Wicked House Publishing via Netgalley for an honest review.
Profile Image for Joan Smith.
620 reviews18 followers
June 26, 2024
Thank you, Joe Scipione

This was different then what I was thinking. I thought at first it would be similar to the modern day Prometheus or grave robbing. This pays homage sorta to the Re-Animator movies of the 1980s. I enjoyed the book and look forward to reading more from the author
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
21 reviews
December 7, 2023
This book is awesome from beginning to end. This book doesn't quit its amazing!!! Anyone who loves a good who done it story, with a character with a Dr. Frankenstein complex will need to read this book immediately!  A scary story done right!!! Loved it so much!!!
Profile Image for Janel.
103 reviews15 followers
December 14, 2023
I requested this book from NetGalley and Wicked House Publishing and jumped in blindly. I was not disappointed. The first chapter with late night grave robbing pulled me right in, and the book never let go. This is like a modern day Dr. Frankenstein with attempting to reanimate corpses, secret societies, and a reporter caught in the mix. It’s a frightening novel without the usual horror ingredients. No ghosts, no demons, no haunting…but still gives you a deep sense of dread. A fear of death. Very well done, Mr. Scipione!
Profile Image for Victoria.
394 reviews11 followers
January 10, 2024
This was a great story! The characters are well written and interesting. I would recommend this! Special Thank You to Joe Scipione, Wicked House Publishing and NetGalley for allowing me to read a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.
18 reviews
April 24, 2024
This is my first time reading this author. I found the book rather enjoyable. My rating is actually 4.5 stars. I found the ending as rather abrupt and wished it would have lasted longer. I look forward to reading more from Mr. Scipione.
Profile Image for Simon Gosden.
779 reviews9 followers
January 4, 2024
Grave robbers, mad scientists, prohibition Chicago, bent coppers and an investigative journalist are perfectly matched in this gothic mystery thriller.
Profile Image for Axl Malton.
Author 7 books44 followers
May 23, 2024
Loved this book from Joe Scipione. An intriguing and unique story. A non-stop sci-fi horror that's excellently written.
Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Michelle.
Author 3 books3 followers
April 4, 2024
a heck of a story

The first part of the book reminds me of noir mysteries where the writing is simple, the tone is ominous, and the story moves along quickly and the focus is on the action. The main characters are psychologically filled out and we get their motivations. After a certain point I found myself getting caught up in logistical plot holes, such as how could that many people do (something) and it doesn’t raise alarms? Also raises questions about medical interventions and technology for evil vs good.
Profile Image for Ziggy Nixon.
911 reviews27 followers
February 26, 2024
DNF at 60% / 200+ pages. This is my third day of TRYING to make my way through Joe Scipione's "Never Dead" and I just can't go on.

First and foremost, I've found the book to be incredibly dull and choppy. It reads like a pre-War news broadcast, which I guess is appropriate for the era ("He wanted to stand up! He stood."). The text is often unnecessarily repetitive, for example when Creighton has his outraged thoughts about Clyde or when Michael is bemoaning the state of honest journalism under the pseudo-rule of the mob in Chicago during Prohibition … or really anything. None of the characters show much depth to be honest and the back and forth structure only seemed to highlight the dearth of interesting players. When the childlike and stuttering reanimates provide more insight than anyone else into a part of the story with actual depth, well, it's not a good sign.

I will say though that because of this book, I've learned some new historical facts, such as:
1) When did embalming become popular in the US?
Embalming became more common in the United States during the American Civil War, when servicemen often died far from home.

2) What happens during embalming?
In the modern procedure of embalming, the blood is drained from one of the veins and replaced by a fluid, usually based on Formalin (a solution of formaldehyde in water), injected into one of the main arteries. Cavity fluid is removed with a long hollow needle called a trocar and replaced with preservative.

3) How fast do people decompose (see 4-month 'old' reanimate)?
Although the process of decomposition starts within minutes of death, there are a number of variables, including the ambient temperature, soil acidity and coffin materials, which can affect how long it takes a body to skeletonize. However, on average, a body buried within a typical coffin usually starts to break down within a year, but takes up to a decade to fully decompose, leaving only the skeleton.

In other words, you're not going to get blood pumping in a reanimate because there is no blood. Organs, if left in the body, are no longer supported as they are in a live body. And no, if you're not digging up a "fresh" body, you would not be able to have it roaming around the house later tidying up no matter how far in Mary Shelley's imagination you wanted to dig. So some minor research might have at least made the beginning of this book ever-so-slightly more plausible. As it was, it just grew ever more silly and listless.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 44 reviews

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