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Mortal Tether

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Perfect for fans of THE LAST OF US and STRANGER THINGS. (Ages 13 - Adult)

I’m hiding in my parents’ attic with the kid from across the street. But we can’t stay locked in here forever…

An alien virus twisted all adults on Earth over age 20 into monsters called geists. Instead of finding weapons to protect ourselves, the two of us get saddled with an orphaned baby we find in the backseat of a wrecked minivan. We know squat about babies. We’re just kids! But we can’t leave her here to die, and there are no adults left to take care of her.

A turf war ignites as teenage survivors battle over shelter and resources while infrastructure crumbles and kids are hunted by the monsters our parents became. Getting involved would be boss-level stupid, but when the infant’s cries betray our hiding place, we're forced to choose a side and level up our survival skills STAT.

We soon discover the people we run to for help… are the deadliest monsters of all.

MORTAL TETHER is a totally unputdownable sci-fi thriller that won TOP PICK 2024 from The Reader Ready Awards. This book was originally written as a standalone and has a satisfying ending (no cliffhanger!); however, due to the popular reception it has received from readers, a sequel is now being crafted to expand the world.

Core themes include finding your courage, friendship, tribalism, the power of the human spirit, and the fight for innocence in a brutal world.

288 pages, Kindle Edition

Published October 1, 2023

About the author

Candice Jarrett

1 book44 followers
Candice Jarrett is an award-winning songwriter who performed on stages and television shows around the world. But that was only the beginning. As the depth of her experiences grew, Candice’s writing expanded to not only include songs but novels as well.

In 2017, Candice and her husband moved into an RV full-time. In their house-on-wheels, they sought out adventure by traveling the U.S. coast to coast. During this period, Candice focused all her creative energy on writing a book. Her first novel was penned by campfires in the middle of the desert, in folding chairs overlooking ocean cliffs, under the streetlights of parking lots, in roaring truck stops, and all the highways in between. Candice has now written two novels. Her debut novel “Mortal Tether” was released in Fall 2023.

Candice adores looking for seashells with her dreamboat husband at the beach, eavesdropping on the conversations of songbirds, swimming with sea-turtles, Scrabble, and mint chocolate chip ice cream. She lives in a motorhome with her husband (and adorable puppy Appa) and goes where the road and her heart takes her.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 48 reviews
Profile Image for Journey with Rosie.
185 reviews3 followers
December 30, 2023
Great YA Dystopian read. The action started right away which pulled me into the story. I never felt the story dragging, I was invested from start to finish.

The FMC was annoying at times, but this didn't impact my rating. She was a 13 year old girl, 13 year old's can be annoying! It really felt like I was reading from the POV of a teenager, and not an adult trying to sound like a teenager. I loved the MMC, he was flawed in some ways, but is a really endearing character. Their little romance was adorable and age appropriate, I felt little butterflies in my tummy as I read it!

Things got way more intense than I imagined they would for a YA/Middle grade book, but it never felt so over the top that I wouldn't recommend this to a younger person. I thought Jarrett towed the line between gruesome and age appropriate very well.

There were some grammar/editing errors, but I only found 2 or 3 and they didn't take me out of the story at all. For the most part, it was edited very well, felt no different from a trad published book. I mean, I've seen errors in trad published books, too... so there's that.

There were a few things that took my rating down from a 5 star.

Firstly, the FMC is Puerto Rican, which I loved as a Puerto Rican myself. However, the Spanglish didn't work for me. It didn't feel natural, it felt a bit like Dora trying to teach people Spanish words.

There were some actions taken by certain characters that made no sense to me. Jarrett explained their motivations in the epilogue, but even with the explanation it didn't quite line up to me. The epilogue is the main reason I brought my rating down, it felt a bit too much like telling rather than showing. A lot of loose ends were tied up, and I wished that instead of an epilogue we got 30 pages more to tie things up without rushing.

Apart from the epilogue, I really enjoyed this book. It was an easy and fun read, perfect for a young adult or even middle grade reader.
Profile Image for Sofia Morales.
Author 1 book
October 8, 2023
A No Spoiler Review - Reading Candice Jarrett's prose after my last read was a breath of fresh air. She keeps it simple while allowing for flourishes of beauty and heart in the otherwise desolate Apocalyptic world. She paints pictures in vibrant colors that you can see and juxtaposes them with grays and darkness. Her heroine is fierce, full of spit and spite, and also fragile and fearful. You can understand why the MC's brother calls her "jodona".

The author weaves her tale in dualities, as her heroine says, "People are complicated". She swims through the grayscale in all her characters driving home a solid message about empathy and prudence in a world where people are just trying to survive. It is hard to know who people really are.

As to whether I would want to live in this world? HECK NO! You did see the dystopian tag, right? It is 100% end of days and Candice doesn't shy away from it. Expect some heart-pounding moments. Though with that come some highs as well. At one point I physically pumped my fist for the MC!

All in all a solid story with a more than adept writer. I look forward to reading more from Candice Jarrett!
Profile Image for Chase Gamwell.
Author 1 book5 followers
October 17, 2023
I received an advanced review copy for free and am leaving this review voluntarily.

Mortal Tether is one of those books with a fairly simple premise on its face that sticks in your brain once you start reading. I finished it on Friday and I'm still thinking about it...

The book follows thirteen-year-old Amaia through a zombie apocalypse where only children have survived. And if that isn't terrifying enough, Candice gives the freshest take on zombies that I've seen in a long time (runners have nothing on Mortal Tether's Geists).

Bottom line: Mortal Tether is a fantastic YA sci-fi dystopian novel with prose that's easy to read and a world that draws you in. When I finally finished, I found myself wanting more. I'd definitely suggest giving this a read and crossing your fingers that Candice decides to do more in this universe!
Profile Image for D. Dalton.
Author 13 books40 followers
September 23, 2023
Note: this reviewer received an advance reader copy.

Mortal Tether is a fun coming-of-age story. Amaia, our protagonist, is allowed to have flaws such as teenage impulsiveness, so she has room to learn and grow within the story while being a likeable character.

Her goal is to reunite with her brother in the middle of a crisis that has turned adults into monsters who now hunt their children, but she’s sidetracked by having to care for an infant with the cute boy from across the street. The author’s spin on the monsters makes them unique and original.

There are consequences for her choices, which leads them to lessons to learn. Amaia is a strong character, but allowed to show her fears and overcome them, along with helping her friends (and crush) to do the same.

There is also an underlying theme about how adults can be manipulated and lied to on a mass scale by the media.

I would recommend this book for middle school and YA fiction readers.
Profile Image for Elizabeth Hutchison Bernard.
Author 4 books299 followers
October 30, 2023
I honestly can’t say enough great things about this book! MORTAL TETHER is an action-adventure sci-fi thriller with a carefully constructed plot and flesh-and-blood characters that you will truly care about. I am so impressed with the scope and depth of the underlying themes, thought-provoking for their relevance to the current state of our world and our relationships with each other, which make this novel not only an entertaining read, but an important one. The fragility of life, the insidious way that power corrupts, the dangers of information control and “group think,” the unbreakable ties of family and friendship, and the potential of the human spirit to overcome seemingly impossible odds —-these are some of the major takeaways from this fast-moving story. I should mention as well that the author’s writing is exceptional and worthy of any genre. I am going to recommend this book to every YA fiction reader I know. Planning on several copies as holiday gifts! Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Sarah crouch .
30 reviews1 follower
October 25, 2023
Jarrett creates a captivating story that sucks you in from the first page. I found myself reading chapter after chapter desperate to know what happened next.

Mortal Tether is a thrilling yet charming story that sticks to the heart of the YA genre.

I can’t wait to add a physical copy to my collection.

This truly is a gripping piece peppered with literary allusions and vivid figurative language. Her descriptions made you feel like you were watching a movie.

I appreciated that the author did not shy away from complex emotional conversations as the main characters explore their new reality. .

I loved this book and will definitely recommend to my family, friends, and followers.
Profile Image for Alanna Grace.
Author 2 books274 followers
July 22, 2024
Mortal Tether
This book really took me by surprise, in the best way. I am not usually a reader of zombies, apocalypses, or sci-fi. But when I see an indie author working it, I’m going to try it. I’m so glad I did. The story moved at an excellent pace, and I was desperate to know if these children were going to be okay. This is a young adult book, and I’m certain this story would intrigue even the most reluctant of young readers.

Review Post:
Profile Image for Βίκυ Χ..
66 reviews3 followers
October 16, 2023
Lovers of good books, do not miss out on diving into this masterpiece!
"Don't look!", this compelling novel begins! Yet, not only do we look, but we cannot stop looking until we lay eyes on its final words. I will not say much in fear of depriving you of the immense satisfaction of an unforgettable ride on a roller-coaster of feelings erupting from every line. Just grab the opportunity to witness alongside Amaia all the phases of humanity in fast-forward motion as children struggle to survive, "fight and live on and find a way to be happy again"!
"If you truly love someone, you will fight for them," we read. If you truly love a good page-turner, full of twists and turns, you need to read this breathtaking book right away!!
Profile Image for Patricia.
1,702 reviews45 followers
November 27, 2023
The day started off like any other day for Amaia, school and home, fighting with her older brother over the tv but it didn't go the way for long . After watching a weird newscast and seeing Carlo's girlfriend hurt and babbling, things go from bad to worse . After being in the attic for the night Amaia is rescued by her neighbor Liam. Together they try and figure out what is going on. All the parents have just disappeared and come out at night as gross zombie who just want to eat . The only thing that saves them is light when the geists basically blow up and float until sundown. When you feel all alone you find two different groups of kids who are trying to survive but which group do you trust and will the world ever be the same again. What would you do if you knew you would only survive until you turn twenty . Would you save the world or save the one person you love the most your family.
Amaia is a young girl at the age of thirteen, she is thrust into a world where there is no adults and she has to survive anyway she can. At first she comes out as a very naive young girl who has not had a family and a brother who she fought with on a daily business. But as she comes to terms with what happened she really grows and man that girl can fight. She is one stubborn girl who will do anything to find her brother and try and find someplace where her, Liam and baby Sara can feel safe with or without her brother . Liam is the sweet neighbor boy who rescues Amaia, he is such a sweet boy who is nervous and wants to figure out what is going on and wants to stay safe. When push comes to shove though he will stand up for Amaia and keep her safe. We also meet two different groups that want to stay safe. One group is run like a military camp keeping every one working and scavenging for things . The other group was more cordial and fun loving . Each group had its good points and its bad points . These characters are so likable and you want to keep them all safe through out the story.
This is a ya book that really kept me interested, the new take on zombies is very different. There is no way to actually kill them and they will never go away. I had fun reading and really got a Lord of the Flies vibe to it. and throw in a bit of survivor you have a good read . This book is geared for kids from 13 and up but you could read it also. The story moves pretty well and you want to cheer for the kids and also want to keep them safe. Check it out for your tween if you want them to read a fun zombie book without a lot of gore. It would make a great Christmas gift for your young reader.

Profile Image for K.R. Hansen.
Author 1 book24 followers
February 17, 2024
Woah! I cant say how much I loved this book, but I will fo my best to express myself fully.

Mortal Tether had me from page one. I hit a slow spot in the book I was currently reading, and thought…OK…Ill start Mortal Tether. I will read the first chapter, and set it aside. Then finish my current read, and return here. Well, I couldnt put it down! Chapter one left me breathless! So I moved on to chapter two…then three…and next thing I knew, I had to finish Mortal Tether, first.

The pace is tight and fast. Each chapter starts with a hook and ends with a bang that keept me turning pages. Every character is well developed and unique, clear down to ones that you only meet or see briefly. The book is YA, but the characters are dealing with big, adult themes and they handle it with the kind of messiness you would expect in a post apocalyptic setting, which is to say, it was throughly delightful! Emotions run deep, just the way I like it. I became instantly invested in Amaia. I felt her pain as she struggled with loss, I rooted and cheered as she found her strength. She was my favorite, but all of them felt so very real to me.

its clear the author spent great time and effort crafting this story, the edits are impeccable, something that I find is often lacking in many self published books, but I am always on the hunt for. The storytelling is superb, not just the clean grammatical stuff. The author can write very, very well and I could envision each scene in my mind, movie clear. When I wasnt reading, I was thinking about the story, and what was going to happen next, I was so vested in every little thing. Without dropping any kind of spoiler, I just have to say the idea behind the giests is unique and I loved how it wasnt…typical…of zombies. Kudos to Jarrett for reaching for creativity and freshness.

Candace Jarrett has just made a new super fan. Ill read anything she outs out, after seeing this story. i cannot wait for book two, I need more! I highly recommend this novel. Even if you think YA isnt your cuppa, you wont be disappointed. Its that rich, that gripping. You will forget the characters are just children. I loved it. So so much.
Profile Image for Abby.
276 reviews4 followers
November 21, 2023
"A mortal tether is what binds us to this world. It's all the beautiful things in our life that make it worth living."

Mortal Tether reminded me a lot of Michael Grant's Gone series mixed the Ghosts from Marie Lu's Skyhunter.
The story is quickly paced, focusing on Amaia and Liam as they struggle to survive in a world where all adults have been turned into zombie creatures. There was rarely a dull moment, plus a handful of plot twists to keep me guessing until the very end. My only complaint plotwise would be that the ending felt a bit rushed and left on a note of uncertainty, despite this being what I believe to be a standalone novel. I still liked the ending, it just felt awfully convenient how it concluded. Still, I'm satisfied with it.
Surprisingly, the highlight for me in this story was the characters. First of all, I just want to mention how much I loved Amaia and Liam's relationship and how it didn't dissolve automatically into romantic feelings. It's implied that Liam has strong feelings for Amaia, but she still sees him as her best friend. Good platonic relationships are hard to find in literature, but this book did a great job. I also thought the characters were portrayed very realistically. Yes, they could be overdramatic or a bit crazy at times, but I kept reminding myself that all of them were children in an extremely stressful environment. Of course, they're going to react in certain ways.
Mortal Tether is a great new dystopian survival story that fans of Gone and The 100 will really enjoy.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the free e-ARC!
"I want her to grow up knowing that a person can be both sweet and tough, fragile and strong... and just because a girl's in distress doesn't mean she's a damsel in distress. It's ok to need help."
Profile Image for Angie Andro.
48 reviews1 follower
May 10, 2024
"Mortal Tether" by Candice Jerrett is an engaging addition to the young adult genre, particularly for fans of zombie apocalypse narratives. This novel earns a solid four stars for its compelling blend of survival drama and youthful resilience, making it not only a thrilling read but also an inspiring one.

Set against the backdrop of a world ravaged by zombies, the story stands out by focusing on a group of young protagonists who navigate the challenges of their harsh new reality. What makes this narrative unique is how these characters retain their youthful spirit amidst catastrophe. Despite the destruction and chaos surrounding them, they exhibit playfulness, curiosity, and a capacity for joy that is both heartwarming and poignant.

The journey of these kids as they come together to build a sanctuary is beautifully rendered. Jerrett excels in portraying their transition from solitary survivors to a unified group that constructs not just a physical safe haven but a community of support and care for one another. This aspect of the story highlights themes of cooperation, resilience, and the importance of friendship, making it especially suitable and motivational for teen readers.

"Mortal Tether" is more than just a tale of survival; it is a testament to the indomitable spirit of youth and the power of camaraderie. The characters are well-developed, each bringing their own strengths and vulnerabilities to the group, enriching the narrative and driving the plot forward. Their interactions provide not only moments of tension and excitement but also opportunities for growth and reflection.

I would recommend "Mortal Tether" to anyone who enjoys young adult fiction, particularly those drawn to stories of survival and adventure. It’s an excellent choice for teens looking for heroes their age who are not only surviving but thriving in a world that has turned upside down. Candice Jerrett has crafted a tale that is both entertaining and uplifting, sure to resonate with a wide audience.
Profile Image for Krystal.
Author 28 books19 followers
November 6, 2023
I was recently given the opportunity to read an advanced copy of “Mortal Tether” by Candice Jarrett. It’s a young adult dystopian story that is kinda a zombie book, but not really.

It’s about a 14 year old girl alone at the start of a plague that turns anyone over 20 into mindless killing machines. The catch is, they turn to dust in bright light and are repulsed by lower levels of light. Pretty interesting concept and that drew me right in, immediately.

While there are already a few spoilers here, I am going to do my best to not spoil much else. Because, for me, the wonder if what might happen next kept me turning the pages. Our main character, Amaia, sometimes seems overly naive but then other times, incredibly ballsy for a girl her age.

I really enjoyed the concept of this story and the originality in the whole “zombie apocalypse” genre. Jarrett proves that you can take a tired concept and turn it into something new and unusual if you try hard enough.

My only complaint was that the ending was a little odd for me. I am happy that it was wrapped up nicely but it also didn’t entirely leave the future to my imagination. If we were going to get that much more time skips, I would have almost rather the book be longer.

I would also tell other readers that with the MC being 14, it is geared a little more to the younger readers. While many of us adults really like the YA genre, this one is written more for a younger audience, so keep that in mind when picking this one up.

All in all, an exciting read that will keep you turning the page long into the night!
Profile Image for 嘉.
36 reviews
November 19, 2023
This book was a little difficult for me to get through. While the synopses intrigued me a bit, the book itself did not live up to my expections.
(1) I didn't really like any of the characters in the book. Amaia was a little bratty, the other characters at the school weren't much better, Liam.....was also not the most mature character. In my opinion, there was very little character development in the story despite the synopsis calling it "coming-of-age." Even though Amaia has her hammer, she barely hit anything throughout the book, and based on her personality, I also don't really understand why she was the leader of her group by the end of the story.
(2) The characters' actions are way too questionable for me, like the feeling you get when characters in a horror movie insist on heading towards the strange noises when they should absolutely be escaping from ghosts. Some of these include the way-too-fast development of Amaia and Liam's relationship as well as their randomly picking up a baby when there are zombies to worry about.
(3) Babies are Chekhov's guns -- and this gun did not go off. Besides Amaia's pining for a family (wanting a husband and children before even being able to legally get a driver's license?), the presence of a baby does nothing for the story besides allowing the constant mention of baby formula and other products.
(4) Finally, I was not a fan of the writing in general. The writing style is too repetitive for my liking. 95% of the sentences use the simple-past (tense and aspect).
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ginger Reads.
124 reviews23 followers
October 15, 2023
I received a free ARC copy of this book, and I'm so happy I did because it is fantastic!

This book is a young adult, post-apocalyptic, dystopian, scifi thriller.
Amaia is a thirteen year old girl with an ordinary, albeit sheltered life. She has two parents that love her, and an older brother Carlitos. And then the ashes came.

The ashes rained down from the sky, sending the world into chaos. The adults were gone, flesh eating monsters left in their place, and Carlitos never made it home. Amaia is sure her brother is still alive out there somewhere, and she is determine to find him. She is found hiding by the neighbor boy Liam, and together they set out to look for Carlitos. But instead of finding her bother, they find a baby and two factions of older teenagers, seemingly at war with each other. Amaia, Liam, and baby Sara find themselves stuck in a world where they don't know who to trust and they only people they can rely on is each other.

Everything about this book is fantastic. The pacing was fast and exciting, the story took place over the course of a week. There was a balance of protagonist and antagonist characters, and it was written so well that I actually felt anger building in my belly a few times at certain characters and their selfish stupidity. The end of the book includes a list of discussion questions that teachers could use in classrooms to teach the themes of this book. Absolutely job well done to this author, I will be reading the next one.
19 reviews1 follower
August 26, 2024
Candice Jarrett, “Mortal Tether” a book review

My favorite read of the year. Must read for thriller, and dystopian fans.

Jarrett has written a fantastic YA apocalyptic thriller with a wonderful concise story line. Compelling, and action oriented, I couldn’t stop saying just one more chapter. I sat down to read and absolutely had to finish it today. I really felt like the characters were developing as we would in a similar situation. I remember being a teenager in a bad situation with my sisters and fiercely protecting them, you easily relate to Amaia as she realizes what the world has become with this virus overtaking the adults aka geists 20 year olds and above. Author mentions that this won’t be a stand alone and I can’t wait to see what happens next. Easily my favorite read of the year thus far! The physical print is absolutely gorgeous and high quality that all book dragons should have in their collection. Aesthetically pleasing while reading and the cover has center piece focal point for the shelves I’ll be putting up. #giveawayreview
Profile Image for Loreley.
52 reviews3 followers
November 7, 2023
I got a free arc from Netgalley but of course the review will be my honest opinion.

Mortal Tether is about Amaia and Liam, two teenagers that try to survive an apocalypse where humans turn into zombies at the age of 20. Once they are exposed to too much light they explode to dust, just to form into zombies again when the light goes away.

I loved 95% of the book with my heart. The writing style was easy and accessible. I loved the story overall but the ending felt slightly rushed and in my opinion it could've been a bit longer because of that. It kind of bothered me personally and that's why I only gave it 4 instead of 5 stars. Other than that it was refreshing to see a teenager's POV in an apocalypse.

I recommend this to anyone that wants to dip their toes into apocalypse type of books and to an older teenage and young adult audience.

There's a high chance of me buying this book in physical form.
Profile Image for Donna (BookDragonGirl).
1,201 reviews10 followers
December 8, 2023
Definitely one of my favorite reads of 2023!!


What a FANTASTIC debut novel from Jarrett!! The two main characters, Liam & Amaia, are 14 and they rescue a baby. All the survivors are teenagers. So you have to think of the mindset of these kids, and Jarrett does an AMAZING job with that!! It made it more realistic that teenagers would act/react differently than adults.

I refuse to give too much away, because it will ruin ‘the edge of your seat’ response as you read it, RIGHT FROM THE START!! Everything is so well written, fantastic characters, world building (even a map at the beginning that I referred to), and the plot flowed really well!! It is definitely the kind of book you want to see a movie of!!

I highly recommend this to everyone who enjoys apocalyptic/dystopian thriller stories!! Warning though, you won’t want to put it down!!
24 reviews2 followers
July 10, 2024
Mortal Tether is the fastest-paced book I have read in many years. It was an absolute thrill ride from start to finish. At first, I was burning through it, later, I made the conscious decision to pace myself and ration it, because it's that good. It is a post-apocalyptic tale as experienced by young people, who, in a matter of months, lose every adult on the planet. Virtually overnight, they must learn to adapt in a world of geists - zombie-like creatures who become clouds of ash in full light, and solidify in the darkness. Reminiscent of Lord of the Flies, it follows the chaos that ensues when kids are suddenly left to fend for themselves. It is a story of survival, adaptability, found family, and most importantly - 'mortal tether' - those things which keep us wanting to live another day. Cannot wait for the sequel!!!
Profile Image for Martina Okuribi.
36 reviews3 followers
October 27, 2023
I have received this book as an ARC. My opinion is honest and unbiased.

I am not joking when I say that I couldn't put this book down and I had to read it all straight away. This is just incredible.
In my eyes this book has elements of Lord of the flies (there's even an easter egg!), Stranger things, and the Goonies with a dash of The last of us mixed in. The children (that are protagonists of the story) are not taken seriously by the adults, however at the end of the day they are so much more than the adults gave them credit for.
The vibe also reminds me of the tabletop role play game Tales from the Loop.
I really hope that the story of Amaia, Liam, Sara and everyone else will continue, and I will for sure be there to read about it. Read this, you will not regret it.
Author 1 book11 followers
November 5, 2023
The author wrote beautifully and was wonderfully descriptive, but you have to go into this knowing it's about 13 year olds. They were written appropriately for being their age, but it was often difficult to read through the immaturity. I personally thought that this could have been done just as well if these kids were in their late teens although that would have had implications on the book as a whole as well as the ending. The other did a great job of creating factions of groups that were all both good in some ways and troubling in others. What personally felt like the beginning of the story took up about half of the book, but besides that this was a great read about figuring out where you stand in a world thrown to chaos.
Profile Image for Athene Z. Adam.
Author 2 books9 followers
December 24, 2023
In Mortal Tether, children must survive in a world where adults become monsters who hunt them in the dark. The book starts off strong, capturing the first few horrifying nights after the plague hits. The main character is no-nonsense, and is written as an entertaining, typical 13-year-old perspective. Her companion's personality is particularly likeable, softer and humbler than what would initially be expected when first described. The novel's pacing slows very slightly in the middle, which is reasonably expected while new territory is being explored, and the epilogue seems smooth given all the issues that arise in the storyline. Overall this thrilling book has an ominous tone that will leave readers thinking about the story after it has ended.
Profile Image for Destiny.
61 reviews
March 23, 2024
Excellent dystopian book. A great mash up of books like The Colored Rain and Lord of the Flies… the FMC is a 13 year old girl and written incredibly well. The monsters are incredibly original and very intriguing.

This is a fast and easy read. I was finding myself in a reading slump and decided I just wanted to read some of my shorter books… this is the first one I grabbed and WOW, I am glad I did. I didn’t want to put it down and do life, (of course I did or how else can I buy more books?)… from the first chapter to the last you are immersed in this story.

Excellent imagery through the entirety of the book, so be aware there is a little bit of graphic detail that could be off putting to readers. But I would definitely recommend this for YA - adult readers.
Profile Image for C. Britt.
Author 3 books17 followers
October 15, 2023
I received a copy for an ARC review.

If you like YA sci-fi, zombie-like monsters, and post-apocalyptic stories, this is a book for you!

All the children in the world are forced to grow up overnight when the unexpected plague takes the lives of every adult on Earth. Amaia, the female lead, is a teenager who is pushed to her limits and forced to find her own strengths in order to survive this new world.

The characters and dialogue are engaging in this vivid story. The monsters and the plague that led to them in the first place are fascinating. This is a great story filled with a unique set of challenges for the characters. It’s definitely worth adding to your reading list!
22 reviews
November 21, 2023
This books reads like a tv show!

The characters are really compelling, and don’t really do the normal apocalypse stuff that is suspected, but act like someone who knows the genre. It was really interesting to see these two teens start to see each other as friends and eventually as family, because of everything that happened to them.

It’s also interesting to see some other aspects of post apocalyptic settlements that you don’t normally see. This is specifically directed at Unity, and how that whole place works.

The books feels really dynamic, and the flow is great. I might actually buy this.
Profile Image for Andy.
995 reviews9 followers
November 28, 2023
I appreciate what Candice Jarrett is doing with this novel. It's exciting and thrilling, and kinda weird, to be honest. It's a really curious take on the undead trope and I liked that aspect of it. My biggest issue with the novel was I just thought the pacing was too slow and that the action could have been a bit more exciting. I wonder also if a lot of the plot could've been resolved sooner in the book. There seemed to be quite a bit of retelling and telling in new ways the same thing happening. It's all good, but could've used a bit more editing. I know there are YA readers who will eat this book up and I'm here for that!
Profile Image for Julia Heart.
Author 1 book20 followers
November 1, 2023
I loved this book!

I don’t often read books in this genre, because I’m weary they may trigger me. This book was so intriguing I pushed through the handful of intense moments and was happy I did! The delicate precision at which the story is told brilliantly sucks you into and never lets you go. The world building and character development are exceptional and the plot and story line keep you enthralled through the very last page. This book is a must read! I can’t wait to read the next book she puts out!
Profile Image for Jasmine Sierra.
36 reviews
November 6, 2023
I received an eARC from Candice Jarrett via NetGalley.
Mortal Tether follows the impulsive but sweet 13-year-old Amaia on her apocalyptic coming-of-age journey. Jarrett has created a really unique and fresh spin in the zombie and dystopian genres. Themes of found family, gang-like rivalry and perseverance bring this story together solidly. While Amaia is religious, I appreciated that this did not feel preachy in any way While this is YA, I think this could definitely be appropriate for readers teetering between young readers and YA. If you liked Day Break, you will LOVE this book.
Profile Image for Carry Tran.
57 reviews
November 28, 2023
3.5 rounded up. I received a free copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. First off, readers should realize that the main characters are 13, so they do act that way. There’s no adults so it’s just kids trying to survive a dystopian world. I did enjoy the story, but it did seem to abruptly end. It was a nice, quick read but I think it is really suited for younger readers, probably those that are 13/14/15 ish. Overall, I did enjoy it but thought that there should have been more to the story!
Profile Image for Paul Ray.
19 reviews
March 30, 2024
Amaia was definitely a jodóna! She was fiesty, firey, panicked and annoying at times....something you'd expect from a teen at the beginning of the end of the world!

This was a fun quick read as we see what kids left to their own survival act just like us. Making the same mistakes, learning the same lessons and dealing with the real monsters of the world.

As an adult, you could see some of the characters coming and screamed and hoped she would see what you see. A lot of heart mixed with a white knuckled climax.

Can't wait to see what comes next from Candice Jarrett!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 48 reviews

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