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A Little Unstable

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It's not always butterflies and love at first sight...

It's been two years since Mila Lindley moved into the apartment next to Tristan Li's house. It's been a year since he moved out, and they both thought they'd be able to breathe again—Tristan, because he was finally free of the hometown he felt suffocated him, and Mila, because she was finally free of Tristan.

Or so she thought...until now.

Walking into her first college course and accidentally sitting down next to him was bad enough. Finding out they'd be lab partners for the semester was a nightmare. Managing not to kill each other over the next four months was going to be impossible.

Ultimately, the two realize what they're really fighting is their electric, but sometimes toxic, attraction. But what will happen if they finally give in? Will they live happily ever after, or will the damage they've already done, the words left unsaid, and the secrets they've kept from each other eventually destroy them?

Told through dual point-of-view over two different timelines, Tristan and Mila's tumultuous story is an emotional rollercoaster showing us what can happen—both good and bad—when we bare our souls to another person and how love might look and feel differently when our pasts have left us just a little unstable.

A Little Unstable is an NA contemporary romance with content that may be inappropriate and/or triggering to certain readers. This includes sexual content, profanity, drug and alcohol use, suicidal ideation, bullying, toxic behavior in a relationship, exploring sexual identity, and mentions of (off page) both abortion and death of a loved one.

Kindle Edition

Published April 11, 2023

About the author

Elle Mitchell

9 books315 followers
Elle Mitchell is an avid reader, daydreamer, devourer of knowledge, and author of new adult contemporary romance. Her books are both plot and spice and center around flawed, relatable characters dealing with real-life issues and struggles which may be triggering to some readers. They’re messy—like real life—and emotional. She can’t promise that all of her books will depict what a healthy relationship should look like at every turn. She rejects purity themes. The best she can do is promise an eventual HEA when it’s all said and done.

When she isn’t existing inside her own head and conversing with figments of her imagination, she enjoys spending time with her husband and children, traveling, hiking, and finding joy in the ordinary.

IG: @ellemitchellbooks

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 121 reviews
March 16, 2023
“You’re the only person I want. Don’t forget it. Even on the bad days. Okay?”

Genre: Romance
Actual Rating: 4 stars
Spicy Meter: 3 fire emojis

“A Little Unstable” follows Mila Lindley and Tristan Li, two ex-lovers forced to work together years after not being in each other’s lives. Mila was the new girl in town, and Tristan the first person she met, but after instantly connecting they end up parting ways. Years later, they’re paired as lab partners in college. Will they find a way to over look their past and work together to pass the class, or will they, perhaps, do more than just work together?

Told in two points of view and through two different points in time, this novel was really captivating. Even though it was on the longer side, it really kept you on your toes, wondering what could go wrong at any moment, at any timeline. Sometimes the spicy parts got a bit awkward and technical, but overall I loved Tristan’s and Mila’s connection, both in public and in private.

I would absolutely recommend this novel to any romance readers that like second chance romances and aren’t too afraid of things getting steamy.

ARC provided by Book Sirens and Elle Mitchell in exchange for an honest review.

Publication Date: April 11, 2023
Profile Image for Courtney.
122 reviews4 followers
March 12, 2023
Wow! This book had me all up in my emotions. I laughed, teared up, got mad.. I thoroughly enjoyed Tristan and Milas journey. They are an example of 2 darknesses colliding into something beautiful. They were a bit toxic at times but their love pushed them forward. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Sidney Teninty.
19 reviews2 followers
March 14, 2023
hi friends! i was privileged to be a arc reader on elle mitchell’s 4th book a little unstable.

“ i just wanted Tristan more. Deep at the core of my being, I wanted him. if there wasn’t something wrong with me…”

book release day: 4/11

~ NA College Romance

content and trigger warnings

~ sexual content
~ profanity
~ suicidal ideation
~ bullying

i loved this book it’s really good and i read it in 2 days. once i started i just couldn’t put it down it’s a romance book that’s not 100% focused on the the couple it includes some childhood trama and absent parents it’s SO GOOD.

@ellemitchellbooks on instagram
Profile Image for Cal D.
685 reviews
February 21, 2023
Releasing April 11, 2023

This one surprised me - this author was unknown to me and I had only a book title and short description to go off of. And I absolutely loved it! I couldn’t put this book down.

This is not a cute romance book; it’s raw and kind of messed up with unstable characters (hence the title) that don’t really know what a healthy, loving relationship looks and feels like. It’s all about wanting something (or someone) that’s bad for you and deciding whether it’s worth it.

Mila is sad, lonely, and dealing with an absentee mother who never wanted to be a mother.

Tristan is an outcast, abrasive, possessive, and explosively angry.

Together they are 🔥. They burn hot - in the bedroom (this was spicy!) and in their hatred of one another. There is a lot of baggage to unpack with these two and the author toggles between “then” and “now” to give you the full picture. I normally don’t like the “then” / “now” writing, but this was done wonderfully.
Profile Image for Danni Neeld.
80 reviews7 followers
April 11, 2023
This book follows the story of Tristan and Mila. It’s a friends-enemies-lover story. It is beautifully written from both of the main characters POV while bouncing back and forth between the then and the now. It is a toxic relationship (from an outside perspective) that proves that no two people love or need to be loved the same way. It’s about 2 people struggling to find a place to belong in the world. Can’t their toxic traits stand the test of time and the hate from their friends? Coming soon! 😍
June 14, 2024
Dnf at 30%

Tristan and Mila met when she was 17 and he was 3 or 4 years older than her. They were attracted to each other. Something happened and they got separated.

During separation she had a boyfriend and he hooked up with other women [ 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘰𝘬𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦 ]

But now when they meet again, they still like each other but he continues to sleep with other women so A BIG NO FOR ME!
Profile Image for readswithren.
26 reviews4 followers
March 24, 2023
This is the first book I’ve read by this author and definitely not my last. This is not your typical romance novel. It’s not cute or feel good, but it’s raw and beautiful with a HEA. I was hooked from the beginning and read this book in one sitting.

This story follows Mila Lindley and Tristan Li. Tristan and Mila meet while in high school. They instantly connect and become more than friends, but their relationship becomes extremely toxic and unstable, forcing them to eventually go their own ways. After years of not speaking to each other, Mila walks into her first college class and not only accidentally sits down next to Tristan, but also finds out they have to be lab partners for the semester. Their forced proximity forces them to face their past and all of the misunderstandings that led them to where they are now.

I loved Tristan and Mila’s story. Mila is sad and lonely with mommy/daddy issues. Tristan is angry, possessive, and struggling with his mental health. Both have a warped view on what love is and should be. Their story is the perfect representation of “hurt people, hurt people.” It’s a beautiful story about finding healing from past trauma and hurt. It’s about reconciliation. It’s told in dual POV and goes between past and present (which, by the way, Elle does perfectly!) I was a little disappointed with how things were resolved in the end. Some things came to light towards the end of the book that I feel like should’ve been addressed more and it kind of felt rushed. This read was a rollercoaster and Tristan and Mila’s relationship was definitely “a little unstable”😉 at first. But honestly, I’m just happy that they got a HEA.

I really enjoyed this book and rated it 4.5/5 stars. If you like friends to lovers to enemies to lovers, morally grey characters, and second chance romance with a little bit of spice, this is a MUST read.

Please check trigger warnings. ♡

Thank to Elle Mitchell for the ARC to read and review! 🖤
Profile Image for Autum  Reimer.
45 reviews6 followers
May 2, 2023
This book took me for a ride! At first I was having a hard time with the dual POVs and the dual timelines however about 1/4 the way through I was able to get past it and it really helped with the story and character development!

I really liked both the main characters Mila and Tristan! Mila is very much the odd ball with tons of baggage that just wants to fit in and then there's Tristan who has tons of emotional baggage and doesn't care about fitting in at all.

The roller coaster these two went through for years was insane! They met the day she moved to a small town and hit it off immediately. Very much a love-hate relationship. They really did love to hate each other.

I don't want to say too much without spoiling but absolutely loved this book! The perfect amount of spice, love, hate, conflict and just everything!
Profile Image for Deb Our Nerdiest Thing.
231 reviews12 followers
March 14, 2023
Elle Mitchell blows me away again with her eloquent and emotionally expressive writing. Mila and Tristan meet in high school where both of their family lives are in constant flux. Lovers turn into enemies until Mila get assigned as Tristan's lab partner in college. With a dual POV from high school to college, the author writes a beautiful love story that is worth reading again and again!
Profile Image for Rebecca Hill.
461 reviews7 followers
April 8, 2023
A Little Unstable features Mila Lindley and Tristan Li. Our main characters meet when Mila and her mother move into her mother's boyfriend's apartment, right next door to Tristan. Tristan finds Mila at his spot on the beach cursing and throwing rocks in the water. He seems instantly intrigued by her and they end up spending a fun evening together at the carnival.

The book proceeds to flip back and forth from today, where Mila and Tristan are in college, back to two years prior when they were in high school. It is clear that something happened between their fun and easy evening and now, but we don't know what. As the story progresses we learn more about both Mila and Tristan and what transpired between them.

Their story was an emotional rollercoaster. Both Tristan and Mila clearly endured a lot and likely suffered from some possibly undiagnosed mental illness. From this reader's perspective, they were lovably flawed. I hoped for the best for them and yet wasn't sure whether I wanted them to get together or stay apart. They both had voids which needed filling but it was unclear whether that void could, or should, be filled by the other.

I devoured this book in a day. I found myself highly invested in their story and my heart ached for them and the pain they experienced. At times I could relate to their struggles and that scared me. I also found it reassuring and comforting that two troubled and broken individuals found ways to see the best in each other. It is encouraging to think that no matter what someone has gone through, or how broken they feel, there is someone out there who will love them and appreciate them despite their own perceived flaws.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Allie.onlybooks.
35 reviews1 follower
September 22, 2023
devoured this book

I loved this book. The characters are not perfect and a bit messy, making mistakes but growing up and living with mental health issues is real and a struggle. This book just kind of nailed that. I couldn’t put it down read it in one day so I would recommend!
Profile Image for Nidhi Vyas.
24 reviews
September 25, 2023
I just finished reading this beautiful mess of a story.

It was literally friends to lovers to enemies to tolerating each other to realizing they can't live without each other and after a lot of fuck ups, dealing with childhood traumas and adulting in life as they grow up Mila and Tristan finally get their happily ever after. Soooooo

If you love drama , this is a story for you .

If you love romance , this is a story for you.

If you love morally gray characters finding colors of life together, this is definitely a book for you.

As a reader , the dual POV was little confusing in the beginning but by the end of the story I was so glad I got to now both sides of the story and was not disappointed at all.

I was very happy to be an ARC reader for this book, I received an advanced review copy for free,and I'm leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Cor_Rol.
32 reviews
July 21, 2023
I think I may be in love with Mila & Tristan’s characters! I absolutely LOVED this book!! It was a completely perfect combination of lovey-dovey, humor, and ups and downs. I love a good book that can go back and forth between two (or more) time periods in the characters’ lives, and that has chapters told in the voices of all the main characters. This is the first book I’ve read by Elle Mitchell (I was lucky enough to get an ARC copy) and now after reading this one, I want to devour anything else she’s written or writes in the future! If you’re a lover of romances, friends-to enemies-to lovers tropes, and characters that are just a tad morally grey, this is the book for you. Read it when it’s officially out!!
Profile Image for Sarah Jacobs.
4 reviews
March 17, 2023
This book was EXACTLY what I wanted it to be after reading the blurb. The dynamic between Mila and Tristan is incredibly real; I enjoyed how their relationship and the path that got them there wasn't whitewashed in any capacity. The dual timeline writing is very well done for a style that is sometimes hit and miss and I can't like a character more than Tristan Li. Yes he has glaring flaws but he made me laugh (literally) multiple times and at points you feel his struggle personally, or at least I did. Couldn't put it down and read it in one sitting.
Profile Image for ♡Shelthebookaddict♡ Shelbie.
71 reviews23 followers
July 27, 2023
I love this book so much!! It was so beautifully written. I love books with a good flowing then and now story. Tristian and Mila are one of my favorite book couples now. Can't wait to buy the physical copy!

Highly recommend!!
Profile Image for Jas_iminesbookshelf.
47 reviews1 follower
February 15, 2023
Very well written book and all the characters have such different personalities and they’re all written beautifully! Loved it so much I couldn’t put it down till I was finished!
Profile Image for Kelly | theliterarydruid.
216 reviews5 followers
April 15, 2023
“𝙎𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙥𝙚𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙙 𝙙𝙞𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙡𝙮.”

Whew, this book! It was such a rollercoaster and I loved it so much. This love story is not for the faint of heart- it’s ugly and beautiful and raw and real, and my heart broke for them at times only to be mended by how much Tristan and Mila loved each other.

In A Little Unstable, you’ll find:
•friends to enemies to lovers (and back again?! It’s a rollercoaster, you’ve been warned 🤣)
•walking red flags 🚩
•coming of age
•college romance
•mental health rep

The mental health rep in this story is very well done. I think it was such a raw example of some of the messier sides of mental illness, the things people don’t always want to talk about. We see both of our characters struggling with their own inner demons and learning that they are still deserving of love and acceptance, and each other.

“𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙘𝙖𝙩 𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙚? 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩’𝙨 𝙨𝙤 𝙛𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙪𝙩𝙚, 𝙈𝙞𝙡𝙖.”
𝙔𝙤𝙪’𝙧𝙚 𝙖 𝙛𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢.

I really loved this book. It’s very easy to read even while handling very serious subject matter. The pacing was great, and I loved the timeline switching back and forth between high school and college.

Sexual content, profanity, suicidal ideation, bullying, toxic behavior in a relationship
48 reviews6 followers
April 19, 2023
I- this book took me by surprise.

I don’t know what I really expected, but it wasn’t what I imagined in the very best way.

It’s a dual POV between the FMC Mila, and the MMC Tristan (🤩). Throughout the entire book you can see just how toxic their relationship with each other is as the timeline flips between the past and the present.

Throughout this book I realized just how much I love toxic characters and the dynamic they share with each other until they both fully give into one another. There were moments when my jaw dropped from the comments they would spit at each other and there were moments my heart would break for each of the characters when something would happen.

My jaw was ABSOLUTELY on the floor when a HUGE secret is revealed towards the end of the book. I do however think that their relationship would have faltered and broken if said secret had never been revealed.

Elle Mitchell, thank you for writing a storyline like this. I feel as if there are a lot of relationships that go like Mila & Tristan’s that end up with an entirely different outcome. This storyline might just be the epitome of timing and how some things just can’t work unless the timing is right.

Spice Rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Overall Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Profile Image for Sam.
168 reviews24 followers
April 19, 2023
I absolutely adored this book from page 1. So relatable. Perhaps at times too relatable. We don’t see enough of this type of relationship. Toxic, trauma bond-esque young love. Mental health issues in high school and beyond. Such a beautifully written book.

There was first love and heartbreak. Surprises and tears. A small twist I should’ve seen coming that was such a pivotal addition to the story. There was pain and healing. The last chapter had me all up in my feels!

CW: Mildly graphic sexual content. Brief mentions of attempted SA, ab0rti0n, death of a parent, and death of an animal. Always check for your own triggers.
356 reviews4 followers
July 14, 2023
This book was an emotional and enthralling read. At first glance, it seemed like it was going to be a simple story of teen love, but it was so much more.

The story takes place two years after Mila and Tristan first met when Mila moved into an apartment next to Tristan’s house, and a year after Tristan moved out to go to college. They each felt they could finally breathe after the whirlwind of their friendship, but fate had other plans when Mila walks into her first college class and accidentally sits next to Tristan.

I enjoyed the bit of suspense in the story brought on from the dual point of view over two different timelines. In the past, the instant connection between Mila and Tristan was so wonderful that I wondered, “what the heck happened?” Because in the present they were enemies.

As the story unfolded, it was heart wrenching to read how Mila and Tristan’s romance was tainted not necessarily by the pressures of high school, although that did play a role in it, but because of the chaos they each fought in their minds, and their inherent sense of loneliness.. This led to an attraction that at times could be toxic, but without a doubt, full of chemistry. What was toxic to the outside world was only a part of how Mila and Tristan truly loved each other.

I enjoyed the angst of the second chance romance. Mila and Tristan really made a mess of things, but I loved how Tristan wrangled his demons to be better and have Mila at his side. And, of course, with all that angst, came some spicy goodness.
Profile Image for Emma Ivison.
56 reviews
April 25, 2023
have never related to a book more in my life. I really have no words to explain the roller coaster of emotions I went through while reading this book. Some parts in the book were a little hard to stomach for myself. The quote at the beginning of the book is so beautiful.

One of my new favourite books. I highly recommend 5/5
122 reviews4 followers
April 13, 2023
This book was such a roller coaster. The relation between Tristan and Mila is toxic. Both characters are dealing with their own darkness. They help and find each other but also make everything even more worse. Slowly their relation is beginning to turn into something more and healthy.
The story is told through the pov of Mila and Tristan. You dive in the minds of Mila and Tristan and how they see the world and their own stories.
Check the triggers before you read this story beautiful intoxicating story.

I really love this book, it was long but I couldn't but it down.
Profile Image for Kylee.
109 reviews8 followers
April 6, 2023
♡Book Review ♡
📖 A Little Unstable By Elle Michael 📖
Rating ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Spice 🌶🌶.5

My thoughts~ HOLY... this was a Rollercoaster I was feeling so many things one second I'm happy the next I'm angry, sad, disappointed then I'm laughing, I honestly could not say I knew what was going to happen next. The book is heavy to say the least and deals with some heavy topics but that said, the book kept my attention immediately, I read it in one sitting, I loved the writing style of the different timelines (then,now, ect) the pace of the story, the backstory for both of them. I liked history in the past and chemistry between them in the present. Overall would definitely recommend giving it a read.
Profile Image for Kimmy.
59 reviews
March 15, 2023
Mila is the new girl in this small town. Tristian is the first person she meets. They have a instant connection. However, soon this bond is broken. Years later, they are paired together as lab partners in college and forced to work together. This may just be their second chance!

From their first time meeting on the beach I was rooting for Mila and Tristian. I wanted them to find friendship and love in each other. I was not expecting all the twists that came along with this story. Mila and Tristian both have their flaws, I think this made me love them even more. I absolutely loved their dynamic together. I could not put this down.
Add it to your TBR and get ready for the release on 4/11.
Profile Image for Britney Chavez.
491 reviews11 followers
March 11, 2023
What a wild ride this one was!

This was a first read for me by this author but I truly enjoyed reading it! It was very well written and a little different, and I liked that. It is always nice to read different styles of writing.

Tristan and Mila’s whole relationship is such a wild ride that might leave your head a little crazy, but don’t let that fill you. It is full of information from the past and present. It took me a little bit to get into the the now and then timelines from the dual POV but I got it and really appreciate it. It helped tell and build the story.
To get the past and now from both of them and how crazy their relationship/friendship, or non friendship lol.

Both Tristan and Mila were twisted and messed up in their own ways. Mila just wanted to feel loved and wanted someone to see her since her mom doesn’t seem to care. And Tristan well I don’t know what he really wanted lol. I think he just was messed up and found something in Mila that he could feel something with.

Their story is not your typical love story but they still get their HEA!
9/10 recommendation‼️
4 reviews
March 2, 2023
* Young Adult
* Romance
* Contemporary Fiction

* Love and Romance
* High School and College Experience
* Toxic Relationships and Growth
* Friendship and Renewal
* Self-discovery and Personal Growth
* Jealousy and Possessiveness
* Loneliness and Isolation
* Identity and Belonging
* Misunderstandings and Second Chances

* Family Conflict
* Abusive or toxic relationships
* Jealousy and possessiveness in romantic relationships
* Mental health issues, such as bipolar disorder
* Isolation, loneliness, and feelings of not belonging
* Misunderstandings and miscommunications leading to conflict
* Sexual Content
* Drug and Alcohol use
* Violence

A Little Unstable revolves around the evolving relationship between two central characters, Tristan and Mila. The story takes place during their high school and college years, and is told through both of their points of view. It’s a journey through the past and present of the two characters as they live through their trauma, hurt each other, and eventually heal each other. The story is full of ups and downs, but has a happy ending!

The romance in the story is a central theme that explores the ups and downs of a young love. The relationship between Tristan and Mila starts off toxic but develops into a deeper connection after they both grow and change. While they seem “a little unstable” to outsiders, the couple certainly do have a method to their madness. The author uses both characters' perspectives to give insight into their thoughts and feelings, making their connection feel genuine and realistic. The romance is a passionate one that burns brighter because of the dual point of view across time.

Memorable Quote:
“The world isn't entitled to every part of us. You don't owe an explanation for everything you do.”
Profile Image for Pat.
1,059 reviews36 followers
March 18, 2023
Talk about intense and unstable relationship! Time shifts between the past and future time makes sense as well as duel point of view. Their relationship has a lot of extreme lows as well as toxicity. But when dealing with one being bipolar how can it not be, especially when not always medication compliant. As someone dealing with bipolar myself and with others I saw with total clarity that struck a familiarity with me. I couldn’t put down. This is the first book I’ve read by the author and can’t wait to read more. *I was fortunate to received an advanced reader copy via BookSirens and am voluntarily giving my honest review.
Profile Image for Baron.
136 reviews21 followers
June 30, 2024
I wasn’t ready for it to end 😭 I’m officially obsessed with the specific brand of emotional damage Elle Mitchell is serving!!
Profile Image for Aly Rodgers.
2 reviews1 follower
February 20, 2023
I was fortunate enough to revive an ARC of A Little Unstable. I jumped right in, not knowing 100% what to expect, but it didn’t take long before I was reading it every spare moment I had!

One of the things I loved the most about this book is how REAL it is. How relatable the characters and their emotions are. There weren’t any over the top glorifications or embellishments to turn these gorgeous characters into anything other than what they are- real people who are a little broken and trying to navigate loving and accepting love in return.

The spice was just enough, great for somebody who is newer to the spice scene, but enough that seasoned spicy readers can appreciate. This was another area that I sincerely appreciated being REAL. You see a lot of unrealistic sexual situations in books, and that’s so much fun, but it’s so nice to read a scene and go “wow, that’s so relatable, I’ve been there before, I’ve felt that.”

This was one of those reads that had me laughing, a little misty eyed, and ultimately head over heels for these characters.

I loved the dual POV and also the past/present format. It was done so well (which is a massive compliment to the author because it isn’t always always done so well, is it?)!

This was an easy 5 star review for me. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of this read!

Thank you again for allowing me to read this as an ARC. It was an absolute pleasure!

**To clarify: I did receive an advanced review copy of this book for free. I am leaving this review voluntarily.**
Displaying 1 - 30 of 121 reviews

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