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Forever #1

My Savior Forever

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New Edition, New Cover and revamped story!

‘With all my heart,
With every inch of my Soul,
With every breath I take,
I promise to love you forever’

Cassie can’t remember being loved, being wanted. At a young age she was placed in Foster care that moved her around from one place to the other. Finally being freed at 18, she was left with no money and nowhere to go until she finds a small town in Kansas where she can start over.

Little did she know her life was going to be uprooted again when she is kidnapped and brutally raped.

Jesse is considered HOT in most women’s eyes, but has little time for Romance. While searching for his Mother’s killers, he witnesses a young girl being kidnapped. He now faces decisions that he must make quickly.

Will Jesse rescue Cassie? Will Cassie ever find the happiness she longs for?

*Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.

287 pages, Paperback

First published June 27, 2013

About the author

Vicki Green

55 books1,008 followers
Best selling Author of Romance, Romance Suspense, and Romantic Comedy, Vicki Green lives in Kansas with her husband and two boys as well as their three dogs that rule their house. She loves spending time with her family and furbabies.

Look for more Romance books in the future.

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129 (11%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 174 reviews
Profile Image for ✿kawehi.reviews.
1,453 reviews420 followers
June 29, 2013
I'm sorry to say this but "My Savior Forever" ended up on my DNF pile. ;(

I tried!! I swear I tried to like it!! But it was super slow and super cheesy. Not to mention, the writing was horrible! Especially in the beginning!

The characters seemed like a pair of teenaged love sick puppies (FYI: characters are in their twenties). They fell in love so freaking fast and were always crying constantly over each other whether they were sad or happy.

They even had sex like 60 pages in which is unrealistic considering the trauma that the female lead endured in the beginning. I get that in every case, victims tend to differ in how they react to situations like that BUT ....for a girl who was raped and beaten by two men and had horrible nightmares because of them she sure coped with it fast and settled into a comfy you and me equals forever type of relationship with the male lead pretty quick don't you think?

Pfft. Such a disappointment. This story had potential. :(
Profile Image for Yessenia.
413 reviews14 followers
July 29, 2013

I'm sorry to say this, but this story has no sense at all, AT ALL.

Lalety, It seems books that dare to try rape as theme, fail really bad.
Why is that? Because the story is absurd.

1. Girl is raped.
2. A guy somehow saves her.
3. Inmediatly Girl has the hots for her savior.
4. It doesn't take a while before they're going at it like rabbits.

Seriously? We're talking about rape not some funny thing.

Profile Image for Christina Trischetti .
7 reviews27 followers
June 10, 2013
This book was definitely not made for everyone but that does not mean the story was not well written or overall good story. Definitely deserves a five star rating. Expect to go on an emotional roller coaster. It will break your heart then make you smile.
Profile Image for Larissa.
403 reviews2 followers
December 26, 2017
My Saviour forever is the story of orphan Cassie trying to stand on her 2 feet after leaving foster care. She just got a waitressing job and became friends with the café owner who lets her live in the tiny apartment above the restaurant. All seems well until she gets kidnapped and brutally raped by 2 guys who keep her tied to a bed (random) until one night a (very hot) guy called Jesse comes and saves her - no…he is not a police officer or anything….just a random hot guy who happens to be after the same guys because they killed his mom. He takes her to a safe house (random) his family owns and promises to take care of her and keeps her safe until (random) the can arrest the guys who kidnaped her.

She lives with him in the house (no police involved)…meets his dad and sister (who after 5 minutes is calling her sister as well... no no!)…and they fall in love 1 day after he saves her from the brutal attack (no way…absolutely crazy).

From the book description I though this story had so much potential but I was very disappointed by the amount of ridiculous coincidences and absurd relationships. I mean COME ON??? She bares no proper trauma from what happens to her...and when you read what she goes through you will think the same thing...it just seems too absurd!!!! He saves her from horrible brutalities and when they arrive at his house she is commenting on how beautiful the house is...WTF??? There is no police involved and one day they randomly are woken up by one of the rapists in their room (really???). I have no problem with insta love as long as is well supported and this book is just one ridiculous and random event after the other….

what was that photo: Dean: What The Hell? tumblr_lzy4g0vHVA1qc2kyz.gif

I really wanted to love it, the charactes are really sweet and I do not regret reading it at all but the plot, which does has a lot of potential, could have been explored a lot better. The characters should have been given time to grow and heal.
Profile Image for Kelli Killion.
Author 1 book18 followers
July 1, 2013
Save your money! Storytelling at its worst... There is potential here for a heart wrenching, traumatic story, but the way it's introduced is horrid. From the first paragraph, I was cringing. There were obviously no beta readers, nor was there a decent editor. This is one of the huge downfalls in self-publishing these days. I hate posting negative reviews, but this one needs some major work before I'd even spend $.99 on it.

And, if you don't want to take my word for it, at least read the sample before buying.
Profile Image for Corie.
25 reviews
July 6, 2013
There are slight spoilers in this review.

This book took more effort for me to read than I expected. Not because of the rape scenes, but because of Cassie's behavior afterwards. I could not figure out why she was acting the way she was around Jesse, kissing him and being ok with him touching her. I expected anger, depression, fear, guilt, and anything close to what is so standard in this type of situation. I kept getting mad and frustrated with Cassie and Jesse, so I'd stop reading and go do something, then come back and read a little more before I was irritated again. It took me until 35% into the book to figure out what was wrong. The writing wasn't wrong, it's well written which is why I kept going back to it. Cassie wasn't wrong, and the story isn't wrong, either; I was wrong. I was looking at the situation from my life, not Cassie's. The whole book changed for me at that point.

Cassie had been in foster care since her parents died when she was 7. She was moved from home to home after running away from each. She was abused and mistreated, though we don't get a lot on that. I think that is why it took me so long to fully appreciate Cassie didn't feel she deserved to be treated with caring and compassion; she took care of herself because nobody else did. Even when a character says or thinks such things in a book, they don't always portray the feeling in their actions. I think with Cassie, we get a more realistic portrayal of somebody who feels that way.

When Jesse said he had been waiting for Mick and Willie to leave so he could come in and get her away from them, I was so mad. And then Cassie kept thanking him for saving her. Once I understood why she wasn't bothered by that, it didn't bother me either. She was drawn to him, and at first I thought it was some hero/savior worship thing going on. But Cassie was drawn to him for him. I like bad boys with attitude and tattoos, who will fight for what is theirs, no matter what. With Jesse, we get the fight, but we get it in someone who is the perfect balance for Cassie. He takes care of her, pampers and spoils her, and makes her feel the love she has been missing for too long.

I was lucky enough to win a copy of this book in a giveaway, and I am so glad I did. I will read more from this author, and tell anybody who can look beyond the surface, to read this book.
Profile Image for Tammy.
173 reviews6 followers
June 10, 2013
I loved that this book wasn't just the typical romance book. It really had some "gritty" moments. It drew me in from the beginning and I was hooked. I started it and finished it in the same day.

Jesse was the perfect guy. He was sweet, kind, caring and rich. Cassie had a rough upbringing and went through a traumatic experience. I expected her to be a little more distrustful. Instead she was very understanding, trusting and compliant. That frustrated me since I really just wanted her to slap Sabrina!!!

Overall, I really liked this book and can't wait to read Allie's story. :)
Profile Image for Philomena Callan Cheekypee.
3,929 reviews414 followers
April 14, 2014
This book is not for everyone. The books starts off being dark but then turns into a lovely love story. I found in parts I was saying REALLY!!! what's going on here..... I still enjoyed reading this & read it in one day:)
How can u not love a rich sexy man & a gorgeous female:)
However saying that I really enjoyed this story & had to message author as soon as I finished to see when the next story was out.

Received from author in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Patricia .
317 reviews51 followers
June 20, 2013
I was provided an ARC in exchange for an honest review. This debut book by Vicki Green provides an emotional roller coaster with some unexpected twists along the way.

**NOTE** The reader should heed the author’s warning about the graphic nature of the rape scene.

Readers Review: I liked this book. While the graphic nature of the rape was necessary to provide the reader insight into the terror that Cassie was experiencing, it was too drawn out for me. There were many moments where the chemistry between Jesse and Cassie was good and others where I was not feeling it. I often felt disconnected from Cassie because the story told us one thing but the actions and behaviors were contradictory. Overall, it was a good book and I would recommend it for Young Adults.

**SPOILER ALERT** Comments & Excerpts below

While the author provides a small glimpse into Cassie’s life in the prologue, this story starts out dark and leaves the reader grasping for straws. We are introduced to Jesse who is tender and careful with Cassie as he works to free her from captivity.

“Shhhh, I am not going to hurt you. I am here to help you. I am going to untie your hands now, ok?”

Cassie is immediately drawn to Jesse once they have escaped and Cassie is recovering in the hospital.

“I haven’t laughed in a long time, that part feels good. My name is Cassie Morelli. It’s nice to finally meet my Savior.” He laughs. “Well I don’t know about that.”

“No, seriously, you are my savior. I can’t thank you enough for getting me out of there. I know they
were going to kill me when they were done with me,” I say remembering their words of hatred.

With the kidnappers on the run, Jesse fears for Cassie’s safety and takes her to his “Safe House” where he cares for her while she recovers. This does not prove to be easy for Jesse, but he is so gentle with Cassie, it is hard not to fall in love with him.

“Cassie, Cassie wake up! You’re having a bad dream. Wake up!”
I open my eyes and look into Jesse’s concerned ones. I am breathing heavy and am trying to focus on him. I sit up quickly, throw my arms around his neck and bury my face into his shoulder. I begin to cry uncontrollably.

“Shhh, shhhh it’s ok honey. Its ok, I’ve got you now. I’ve got you,” he whispers in my ear as he wraps his arms around me and rubs my back.

With only time on their hands in the Safe House, Cassie and Jesse have no choice but to learn more about each other and their relationship begins to unfold. Cassie’s innocence and fragile state and Jesse’s need to protect her produce a unique chemistry.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jessica's Book Review.
601 reviews369 followers
November 1, 2013
Okay, I wanted to like this book. I truly did. Judging by the synopsis it sounded like a book that I would love and couldn’t wait to start reading it.

My Savior Forever is really a simple book. I was hoping it would be more. It’s about Cassie, who is now a young adult with no family whatsoever and no friends. She was raised in foster homes after her parents were killed when she was seven. Now she works in a diner and lives in the apartment above the diner. First…. The ONLY entrance to her apartment is through a fire escape in the back alley. I smell disaster written all over that.

Okay, anyway… she kids kidnapped. Of course! Two men brutally rape her. I will admit the rape scenes were hard to read and detailed. Of course I do not like reading about rape but it was well written and pulled at my emotions. A hot guy comes to her rescue and saves her before she is killed by these men and he takes her away and protects her….. Yeah right!

My thoughts on the characters: Let’s start with Cassie. She is so annoying. I don’t want to be mean but she is. As I was reading in her point of view I felt like she was a young teenager not an adult. She is very naive and immature. Jesse, he was okay. I like that he felt the need to protect Cassie and would do anything for her. It was sweet and sexy but I never could get really into him. He was okay, nothing amazing but not annoying either.

What made the book the hardest to get past was Cassie’s feelings for Jesse. Cassie has been raped repeatedly by two men but when she sees Jesse she pretty much falls in love with him. She notices how handsome he is and carrying he is. He wants to take her away on his private jet to his home and make sure she is okay and she goes! Like the DAY she is found she agrees to go away with this guy she JUST MET on a plane!?!? I do not understand this AT ALL! I could never get past this and it ruined the entire book for me.

My Savior Forever had some good qualities. Jesse was decent, I didn’t notice very many errors but the story was not for me at all and Cassie was annoying as heck.

I give My Savior Forever (Forever #1) 2 Stars


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Author 3 books91 followers
October 1, 2013
I've read mixed reviews of this book and I have to say I really liked it!

I enjoyed both characters, Jesse's sister Allie, the love, protection and more in this short book!

Cassie has never truly been in a loving home. Ever since her parents died when she was 7 she has had a horrible life. When she turned 18 she was able to leave and make a fresh new start. Her new boss now becomes basically her family and supports her etc. Then all of a sudden while she is having a wonderful happy moment, she gets kidnapped, brutally raped and then saved by her SAVIOR FOREVER. Jesse finds her, takes her home and helps protect and more for her. She is falling hard for this sexy, sweet, caring, gentle man, but isn't it too soon?

Jesse sees Cassie being captured and shoved into the house of the 2 men. He then rescues her and wants to protect her and takes her to their safe house. He is captivated by her and becomes quite in love with her.. but will she love him back?

I enjoyed their banter, friendship, protection, support and love shared between these 2 wonderful people. I loved that Jesse's sister, Allie was a hoot and made a friend with Cassie. They both got a sister they never had. Was wonderful.
There was however some brutal, sad, horrific things happening, twist, lie of omission and some.

However, this book was wonderful to see Cassie and Jesse come together and find their one. But can it last or can an ex get in the way or will she get captured and hurt again by the ones Jesse saves her from?

You will need to read the book to find out. I am now very eagerly awaiting to read the next book and see what happens between Shane and Allie!

* received a copy of this book in exchange for honest review/ being on book tour for Together Forever*
Profile Image for Novel Grounds.
1,519 reviews75 followers
August 14, 2013
Despite the lower star rating, I did enjoy this book overall, so don’t be deterred from it.

The book follows Cassie, a girl who is finding her way post-foster care. She is starting to get her life together and find her way in the harsh world when she is kidnapped by two very horrible men. She is raped and beat by these men until her knight in shining armor comes to her rescue: Jesse.He is not police, but he has been hunting these men for reasons of his own and saved her as soon as he had the chance.

The story from here progresses through their relationship and him keeping her safe while he has other men hunting these guys down. They have an instant attraction and fall in love, she is also welcomed greatly by his younger sister. The relationships did progress rather quickly for my taste, and some parts of the situations I didn’t agree with the characters responses, but it was still a good read.

The characters were interesting in their own, and the storyline had lots of potential. I will admit it did keep attention and I don’t regret reading it in a slightest. I felt it could have used some more turmoil in Cassie working through what happened to her, and I felt how the situation was dealt with in the first place was odd, but thats the point of a book, to stray from the expected.

I think with some more character development added in Cassie’s aspect and some added attention to her really facing what happened to her this book could be great, but even so, I enjoyed reading it. It was very well written and was easy to follow. It had quite the roller coaster and some really great emotional scenes that were written to perfection. Overall I say give it a shot.
September 25, 2013

“My favorite books are Romance Novels. Oh, I would love to meet a handsome man who sweeps me off my feet and who will take care of me and love me. I sigh. A girl has to have her dreams, right?”

At the beginning of the book we will get to know Cassie, her parents were killed in a car accident when she was seven, then she went to many foster homes where she is physically and mentally abused. Then after that BOOM! her life is bombarded with more misfortunes .
Then we meet Jesse, a handsome, YUMMY man, who is seeking justice for the death of his mother. Then this two will cross path, Jesse would be the one to save Cassie. When I say save,I mean, Save Cassie in every possible way that Jesse can. He will be her Protector, lover, and Savior. I hope every raped victim will have a Jesse in their life :D

This is a fast-paced romance, it's is too descriptive ( sigh!) as what I have noticed the author didn't dwell too much on the negativity of being raped or what a raped victim feels like after being raped, the author bombarded the readers with positivity. If you love books with HEA, then read this :)
Profile Image for Jennifer.
323 reviews207 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
August 5, 2013
An ARC was kindly provided by the Author for an honest review.

I was only able to get through Chapter 6 in this book, so it would be unfair to rate it. Due to the subject matter, I felt it would be a disservice to anyone in the same situation to continue reading this.

This is a book about a young woman who is kidnapped and brutally raped, rescued by young man and instantly falls in love with him. From my understanding he knew she was in the house being raped but was waiting outside until they left so he could rescue her?! I'm not sure why he didn't call the cops.

The whole premise was very strange and I could not imagine any woman wanting to get near a male after what she was put through. It would have been more realistic if she dealt with all these emotions after the brutal attack, but instead she's getting swoony over the boy who rescued her.

I would still consider adding new books by Vicki Green to my tbr but this was not my cup or tea.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Fiona (Titch) Hunt.
514 reviews85 followers
December 4, 2013
I was given this book in exchange for an honest review. Well I can honestly say I have never read a book like this. Last time I stayed up til 1.30am was quite a while ago (and no it wasn't because of a book, it was a programme I was watching lol).

Vicki Green pulled out all the stops in this book. I will admit the 1st 2 chapters wasn't nice, I managed to get past that and once I got into the story, I LOVED every bit. Jesse and Cassie were amazing characters and the way they came together all because of what had happened to them both. The love story in it made me laugh at times. They both cared for each other, but took nothing for granted. I liked Jesse's sister Allie and his step dad was sometimes obnoxious, but understanding in the end.

I highly recommend Vicki Green's book as long as you can get past the 1st 2 chapters (you can skip to Chapter 3 instead).
Profile Image for Stefanie.
265 reviews11 followers
June 10, 2013
I was hesitant as I began to read this book but only because I was not sure I would like the way it began but it took such a quick turn that I quickly became engrossed in Cassie's story. This book will not be for everyone but i suggest you give it a chanc because I think you will love it. I understood the rough life and always waiting for the other shoe to drop. You are quickly given tiny glimpses into who the charaters are and it makes you really want to know more. It was easy to get lost in the book and in places I wished I was as lucky as Cassie turned out to be. It was a great book and I quickly devoured it and was lwft wanting more. I absolutely can not wait to read more about Cassie, Jessie, and Allie.
Profile Image for ReadAlongWithSue ★⋆. ࿐࿔.
2,838 reviews402 followers
September 12, 2014
Oh what a read! I've been promising to read this book, I so wish I had got around to it sooner. I just wanted book 2 to be ready so that I could read that one also and put both reviews up together.

Vicki has a lovely way of writing that brings the characters to life and live alongside you. You can actually befriend them, which is nice. I felt they were in my living room by the time I finished, and sorry if that sounds over the top!

Great heart felt read. At the first it seems a bit daunting, but stick with it, it just gets better and better.
Profile Image for CasPerfitz~SLiTsReaD.
649 reviews41 followers
June 29, 2013
It's been warned about the graphic rape and abuse, but if you read about it just when you just started reading, you're still in for a shock... Then I get confused... He knows they got her, was keeping a watch on them, and yet he never called the police to help her? I'm confused... There are so many questionable aspects on this story... That saying, the story wasn't so dark after, more like a fairy tale....
Profile Image for Natrina Felan.
214 reviews4 followers
February 6, 2017
Not gonna lie. I didn't finish this book. I got to chapter 14 and just couldn't do it any longer. It just made absolutely NO sense. First you get kidnapped and raped. Then the guy that saves you whisks you off to a safe house and you immediately start calling him baby and fall in love with him. I felt like it was the rough draft of what you WANTED the story to be like and you were like "eh that'll do. I'm done with this." PUBLISH. The writing was awful and the girl annoyed the hell outta me.
Profile Image for Sue.
1,934 reviews22 followers
April 4, 2014
I read this book last year but wasn't doing reviews back then...so after buying another book from this author I figured I better get it done!
First of all, I do not shy away from graphic violence or sex in books or film, and though Cassie's rape was very disturbing to read, in hindsight it was necessary to the plot, so we get an idea at how horrible these men who took her really were! (I understand that the author was forced to revise this book to edit the offending rape scene...too bad because it was a compromise of her creative vision). Jesse has been watching because he is searching for his own mother's killers and waits until what he feels is the right time (and safest) to swoop in and save Cassie from these disgusting men. Parts of this book will make you cringe, but it is also a very sweet love story filled with healing and hope for a better future. Our heroine is a tough girl, having survived mistreatment in the foster care system (that is supposed to nurture and protect, but does anything BUT) and lives her life knowing she is the only one that she can rely on...until she meets Jesse.
Some criticism has been made of the fact that Cassie is so quickly pulled into a relationship with Jesse after being so horribly abused, and the truth is that so many victims of sexual and emotional abuse actually have such low self-esteem and opinions of their own worth, that any act of kindness might be enough to throw them into the arms of someone without time to heal. It seems unbelievable, but I get that Cassie is not used to be treated so kindly and she is after all, a young woman who still has the ability to recognize a kind and very good looking young man...so I just went with it and took the story for what it was. A love story of beauty born from ugly...a light that is found from a dark place...and healing inside and out to accept that you deserve love and tenderness.
I could feel as I was reading that this author put her soul into writing this book and it was probably as painful for her to write much of it, as it was for us to read it...but I am always hopeful when we get an HEA from absolute horrible beginnings.

**** 4.5 **** "trust and surrender to hope" stars =)
Profile Image for Dawn Smith.
188 reviews16 followers
September 10, 2013
My Savior Forever is not your cliched romantic story where the world is peachy, the characters experience a little drama, fall in love and then live happily ever after. This is a tough, gritty and graphic book that will break your heart but then turns around and puts it back together again. It makes you believe in the power of overcoming tragedy, forgiveness and finding true love. I fell in love with this book and its main characters, Jesse and Cassie.
Cassie is a young girl who has been shuffled through the foster care system. At the age of 18 she takes control of her fate and moves to a small Kansas town where she falls victim to a brutal crime. Jesse is trying to avenge the past by hunting the men who murdered his mother. The pair meet when Jesse becomes an inadvertant witness to Cassie's kidnapping and then her savior, rescuing her from her brutal captors. Jesse and Cassie are broken individuals who have seen the dark, harsh side of humanity. Together they help each other to heal and discover that each is what the other needs. And they find that love really does conquer all.
Vicki Green took on a subject that is very difficult to read about and made us become very vested in her charcters.
Cassie is sweet, smart and brave beyond words while Jesse is her handsome knight in shining armor. We know from the beginning of the book that they are perfect for each other and can't wait for them to realize it. The plot is dark, dramatic and painful but then there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I loved the author's writing style. She has given us rich, dimensional characters and plot. She is a skillful wordsmith who plays with your emotions. I loved this book and would highly recommend it. 5 out of 5 stars.
Profile Image for Jasmine Cardi.
55 reviews5 followers
December 12, 2013
Where to start with this one? Right from the very beginning, before you even start this book there is a note that there is a graphic rape scene. I was a little worried on what to expect and appreciated the forewarning. I normally HATE books or movies in where a woman is raped. Remember the movie, the Brave One, with Jodi Foster? Yes, she gets raped, and gets her revenge but I can never rewatch that movie. And they messed with her dog! You know how I feel about my dogs! It just makes me so angry! OK, back to business. Cassie has had a hard life. She has no family, been in numerous foster homes and just has never had any luck. Despite all of this, she is a kind and grateful girl. Then she is kidnapped, raped-this poor girl! Your heart will just break for her. As the title suggests, there is a savior, Jessie. Jessie is just the best! For a girl who goes through so much she handles things really well. She doesn't do the "why me" or "I'm the victim." She is a strong woman who doesn't realize her strength. Jessie is literally a savior. LITERALLY. I feel like not only does he save her from the horrible situation she is in, he saves all of her-heart, mind, body and soul. Some people may not like it when a man takes care of the woman 150% but in this situation it is nice that for once in her life someone is actually taking care of her and showing her love. Maybe because of all of the other books I have read I kept waiting for more bad things. I think I'm scarred from Tony Rawlings and I have a hard time enjoying the happy parts in fear of what is to come. I won't give the story away. You will have to find out for yourself what happens. I recommend this book. Be prepared to be angry, happy and swoon. Jessie is definitely a book boyfriend-no questions asked!
Profile Image for Heidi.
200 reviews12 followers
August 5, 2013
Cassie has been shuffled from foster home to foster home after her parents killed are when she is only 7, only to have her experience from home to home be worse than the previous one with abuse and neglect. When she turns 18 she basically kicked out of the system and then left to fend for herself with finding a place to live and finding a job to support herself. Cassie stumbles across a small diner that is looking for help and quickly goes inside to talk to the owner about the job, even though she doesn't have any experience as a waitress. The owner hires her and then also offers her a place to stay. As Cassie becomes settled into her new life and starting to trust people, she is kidnapped one night while walking to the store and then repeatedly raped her two kidnappers. While they are out of the house Cassie is being held in, along comes Jesse to save her. He rescues her from the house and proceeds to take her to somewhere safe and away from her kidnappers. They quickly fall in love and we follow their story on whether or not they will be together in the end.

Yes, it was difficult reading the rape scene because I didn't want it to happen to such an innocent person, but I think I can understand why the author wrote it. Yes, Cassie and Jesse's attraction to each other seemed to happen rather quickly, but looking at it from Cassie's POV I think I can understand how that could happen so quickly too.

I am definitely looking forward to the next book!
Profile Image for Kelly Mccurdy.
880 reviews33 followers
January 17, 2014
This book is a quick read. I couldn't put it down once I started it! It follows Cassie, a girl that has always gotten the short end of the stick. She was a foster kid in the system after her parents were killed by a drunk driver. Once she turned 18 she left and was forced into the world without knowing what she was doing. She found a job at a cafe' and the owner had an apartment that was above the cafe' that Cassie could live in. She started to feel better. Then one night she wakes up in a mysterious place that she has never seen, with men that doesn't know. One drunken night after the deeds have been done, the men leave Cassie by herself in the cold room without clothes or blankets. A man comes to her rescue and takes her from the evil place that she was being held. She suddenly feels safe with this man named Jesse, she puts her trust in Jesse, knowing that he saved her, he would do anything to protect her.

I gave this book 4 stars because the beginning was a little hard to read. I am not going to give any spoilers about the book. But, once you get past the first couple chapters, you will love this book. The lengths that a man will go to, to protect the ones that he loves. Vicki writes like she is a character in the book. It is very first person. You are in Cassie's head and you can hear every thought that she is thinking. You even get that scared feeling or the happy feelings that she is feeling.

I have found another author that I just have to read!!
Profile Image for Lisa Karafa.
81 reviews67 followers
October 6, 2013
My Savior Forever resembles a dark fairy tale. The female lead comes from an underprivileged background and the male lead is wealthy beyond care. They come together after a violent attack and the male takes on the role of savior and protector.

Cassie – Fresh out of the foster care system, She is released into a big world with no safety net and no occupational training. She has an upbeat personality even though a dark cloud seems to shadow her. I liken her to a Weeble, she wobbles but never falls down. (If you don’t know what a weeble is please check out this link) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weeble

Jesse – Strong willed and determined to see a wrong righted, he is in the right place at the right time to rescue Cassie from a fate that could have caused her demise.

Alexa – aka Allie, is Jesse’s step-sister. She is fun loving, but a bit repressed by her overbearing father.

The storyline leaves lots of potential for the future books in the series. With questions left unanswered behind the death of Jesse’s mother, a prequel is also a definite possibility.

The dialog in the book goes from formal in some spots for the age range of the characters to more realistic in others. Being as this is Vicki’s first novel, that should even out in future works with proper beta readers providing input.
Profile Image for Nicole.
Author 53 books35 followers
October 24, 2013
While some of the content in this book shouldn't be read for those under 18, this was a good book about loss and of found love. Vicki Green does an amazing job and showing the relationship dynamics not only between Jesse and Cassie but also Allie and Thomas as well as the other characters that she mentions.

Cassie has had a hard life and it's only getting harder. When she's kidnapped, she's not sure she's even going to make it through this ordeal. But, much to her surprise she is saved by the most gorgeous man that she's ever laid eyes on. Instantly her heart goes out to him for saving her and all the little things that he does for her after that make her fall in love with him.

Jesse is the kind of man who won't tell much about his past but he would take care of someone he cares about no matter what the cost. When he saves Cassie, he vows that he'll always be there to take care of her and spoil her. And that he does. (If only more men were like this right?)

Jesse and Cassie don't have it perfect after that. They have to go through several setbacks but they deal with them together and come out stronger for it. In the end Cassie and Jesse get their happily ever after with the promise of more.

Profile Image for Beth.
765 reviews136 followers
March 5, 2015
3.75 Right Place, Right Time Stars
3.75 You Moved Where? Stars

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Sometimes you are just at the right place at the right time. It is luck or destiny? I wouldn’t know I am usually more of the “day late and dollar short” type of gal. Good thing that Jesse is of the right time, right place variety.

Cassie is definitely in the wrong place, wrong time. She is kidnapped. Tied up. Raped. Not good stuff.

I don’t think I can handle much more.

Jesse has been chasing his own demons for a while now. Once he rescues Cassie, he feels responsible for her. As she heals, his affection for her grows.

I’ll always be there when you need saving, baby.

Cassie and Jesse try to start a life together, but there are those who don’t want them together. Jesse is rich guy with rich family and friends. Cassie is a poor waitress with only a rag-tag family pieced together. Can their tumultuous beginning translate into a happily ever after?

Fate led me to you…

I thought this one was sweet and improbable. Don’t expect a dark kidnap story. This is a second chance story that will have you rooting for Jesse and Cassie.

21 reviews1 follower
July 19, 2013
This book is a lot different than some romance you will read. The first couple of chapters are dark but keep reading you'll enjoy the story. The dark chapters are needed to really set up the plot for the rest of the book.

Cassie is a sweet, lovable, maybe a little naïve girl whose world turns upside down in a quick minute. She's had a rough life and things are really getting bad now. Jesse is the naturally hot guy whose life hasn't been all that easy either. Yes he comes from money but what he went through to get it was horrible. He shows up in Cassie's life at just the right time to save her.

He saves her from the tragedy she is currently facing and then he continues to save her from her past. In turn, she saves him from the heartache of his past. The future looks bright and happy for these two.

I think the author did an amazing job setting up the characters because you feel as if you know them. You want them to be safe and happy and you feel everything they feel when they aren't. I laughed, I cried, I cringed on the edge of my seat. I can't wait to read Vicki's next book in this series.
Profile Image for Tracey.
240 reviews
February 8, 2014
In the beginning of My Savior Forever, it was a little difficult to get through with the abuse that Cassie endured by her captors. But once you get through that we do not experience that abuse of Cassie any longer. She is rescued by an amazing man named Jesse who she refers to as her Savior. He is after the men who had kidnapped Cassie and tortured her for different reasons in the beginning. But he continues his undercover work to reveal their crimes and to have them pay for the torture they had inflicted on many before Cassie.

Cassie and Jesse develop feelings for each other as Cassie heals from her injuries. She goes with Jesse to a safe house to start her recovery. There she meets Jesse's sister Allie and they become quick friends (like sisters). Cassie starts to have people who truly care about what happens to her and love her.

Once Cassie feels better Jesse and Cassie act upon their feelings for each other. You must read this book to find out what happens to Cassie's captors and if Jesse and Cassie can have an HEA. The next book to read in the series is Together Forever.

I recommend this book to read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 174 reviews

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