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"These are real people with real problems. This is real life, and it's real f*cked up."

Turner Campbell is an asshole.
I f*cking hate him.
But I can't get enough either.
He sings like an angel and f*cks like a devil.
If I could, I'd run away and never look back because to tell you the truth, I think this man might be the death of me.

& & &

Naomi Knox is a bitch.
I can't f*cking stand her.
But I can't stop thinking about her either.
She looks like an angel and plays like a devil.
If I could, I'd f*ck her good and forget all about her, but to tell you the truth, I think this woman might be my last saving grace.

286 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 9, 2013

About the author

C.M. Stunich

147 books13.4k followers
C.M. Stunich is a self-admitted bibliophile with a love for exotic teas and a whole host of characters who live full time inside the strange, swirling vortex of her thoughts. Some folks might call this crazy, but Caitlin Morgan doesn't mind - especially considering she has to write biographies in the third person. Oh, and half the host of characters in her head are searing hot bad boys with dirty mouths and skillful hands (among other things). If being crazy means hanging out with them everyday, C.M. has decided to have herself committed.

She hates tapioca pudding, loves to binge on cheesy horror movies, and is a slave to many cats. When she's not vacuuming fur off of her couch, C.M. can be found with her nose buried in a book or her eyes glued to a computer screen. She's the author of over thirty novels - romance, new adult, fantasy, and young adult included. Please, come and join her inside her crazy. There's a heck of a lot to do there.

Oh, and Caitlin loves to chat (incessantly), so feel free to e-mail her, send her a Facebook message, or put up smoke signals. She's already looking forward to it.

Stalk me, please!

I'm also on Goodreads, Spotify, Google +, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 969 reviews
Profile Image for Lucia.
737 reviews907 followers
July 28, 2013
Wow, what a ride! Real Ugly is hardcore story about rockstars, not some romantic fairytale and I enjoyed it immensely.

My Naomi and Turner:

Turner is a lead singer in rock group called Indecency. He definitely lives up to the rockstar status with all those groupies, alcohol and drugs he consumes. But his voice is captivating, unforgettable and star-worthy. Yeah, he is not the most honourable man but he was very interesting and fun character.

Naomi is rebel. A lead guitarist in rock band Amatory Riot, drinking, using drugs, freely enjoying her life. She is one hot and fierce chick but inside she is quite vulnerable. Also, she is hiding this two huge secrets. What happens when they are revealed?

Together on a tour, Turner and Naomi cannot stand each other. There is so much hate and anger between them but even more sexual attraction. Is it too late for the two of them to forget all those hard feelings and finally get on together?

When I saw cover and read the blurb of this book for the first time, I was instantly interested and I knew I would read it as soon as it was out. This story screams of rebelliousness and excitement and I simply had to read it!

Real Ugly is story full of angst, secrets, drugs, hot sexual tension, great rock music and hateful feelings. Nothing is peachy in this story, on contrary, both main characters are extremely flawed and a little bit psycho. Their lifestyle is messy and their past used to be even messier. But I was never disgusted with them, only very intrigued and fascinated by their story.
"See, that's the fucking problem with keeping secrets. Once you've got a few, you get so addicted that you even start keeping them from yourself."

Secrets are revealed one after another and to be honest I was shocked couple of times and definitely did not see many things coming. And I love it when author is able to surprise me and keep me on my toes through out the whole book. And author left the biggest shocking moment for the end of the book so beware of the cliffhanger! Fortunatelly there should be second book soon and I cannot wait to read it.

*Copy provided by author as an exchange for honest review*

MORE REVIEWS ON MY BLOG Reading Is My Breathing
Profile Image for Lorimar.
34 reviews13 followers
August 17, 2013
Oh come on!

I have all this respect for people that read and then I see this book has ratings with 5 stars and I just want to slit my throat with a rusty spoon.

Let's just start by the syntax and the grammar of this book, even as a person whose first language isn't English I felt like getting a red pen and just crucifying this book.

Plot, you ask? I'm glad you mention plot because there was none. Just two self destructive people that claim to hate each other. They do drugs. Complain to much about being famous. Have random sex. Masturbate in public. And seriously sing some fucking awful songs. Don't believe me? Check out these lyrics, which the author was so very fucking kind to add every other page or so.

"What the hell did you do to leave me broken, barren and bleeding? What gave you the fucking right?"

"Forget me forever. I've destroyed you one too many fucking times."

"Torn and trembling, take me in your arms, but know that it'll be the last time. The last. The last. The last FUCKING time!"

At this point I wonder if the only thing the author knows about lyrics and poetry is alliteration.

"You're body's soft enough to break and your pussy's hot enough to melt. (I copied this amazing piece letter by letter exactly as it is in the book.)

Please, just someone send this author to second grade so she can learn the difference between your and you're.

Anyway, want to save yourself the agony of reading this? Here's the summary and I swear I deserve a Literary Nobel prize for even making it into something somewhat coherent.

Naomi: I hate Turner. I have so many secrets. Life sucks.

Turner: Who is this bitch? Oh, look I have her name tattooed on my back. Am I retarded?

Naomi: I was pregnant with your child. *anguish anguish anguish*

Turner: I want a family, where is my kid?

Naomi: Oh, my secret is out, I had an abortion. *anguish anguish anguish*

Turner: Bitch, you killed my child!

Naomi: Let's play around each other, do drugs and fuck on the nasty floor of an empty venue's bathroom with tampons flying around and pee on our backs.

Turner: Are you a murderer?

Naomi: Oh, no. My other secret is out.

Turner: Naomi's been kidnapped, oh, my feels.

Profile Image for Christy.
4,233 reviews35.1k followers
June 12, 2013
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The title to this book is pretty fitting. This isn’t a sweet, romantic story. This is a hardcore rocker’s story. It’s intense, it’s gritty, and it’s ugly. It’s also highly entertaining!
Real Ugly. That’s life. Fucking hideous and hateful and bloody. I wish I could see it otherwise.

Naomi Isabelle Knox. Lead guitarist from Armory Riot. Twenty-three years old. Hot as hell. Mean as sin.

Naomi is a rockstar and a bad ass. She is on tour and so is Turner Campbell. Turner is a man from her past, but he doesn’t remember how he knows her. Naomi has secrets. More than one. But one involves Turner.

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Maybe its the fact that Naomi doesn’t seem interested in him, but Turner can’t stop thinking about her. He could pretty much have any girl he wants, but he wants Naomi. She is a bitch to him, gives him attitude, but I think that just makes her more endearing to him. I love her response when he asks her out...
“Give me one good reason I should go out for drinks at two in the fucking morning with some asswad who cares more about his eyeliner than he does about the women he sleeps with?”

Skeletons start coming out of Naomi’s past from all around...
Most secrets are never left buried.

But no one understands why she’s done the things she’s done.

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Naomi and Turner are freakin’ hot together! And what about that bathroom scene? It probably should have grossed me out but it was sexy as hell! Turner wants Naomi, Naomi has the ultimate love/hate relationship with Turner...

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Then theres that ending... All I have to say is W.T.F... Seriously. Talk about a crazy cliffhanger! I mean, not only does something CRAZY happen at the end, I still have some questions I need answers to! I just REALLY hope we don’t have to wait too long for the sequel. I love CM Stunich books. They aren’t light, fluffy, or sugar coated. They are raw and often intense. I am SOOOOO ready for the second book!

**ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.**
Profile Image for ☆ Sammy ☆彡.
273 reviews
July 29, 2016
5 Stars full of Sex, Drugs, & Rock N Roll

Real Ugly is the story about secrets and how those secrets, no matter how hard you try to bury them, can still come back to haunt you. Honestly, I have been sitting her and trying to figure out a way to summarize this story but the plot and history between the characters is so complex that nothing I have written so far has made any sense. So here is my attempt at simplifying the situation:

Naomi Knox
✪ Lead guitarist for the band Amatory Riot.
✪ Has two very BIG secrets that she has been trying to hide.
✪ One secret involves her history with Turner Campbell, who is the lead singer of the band that is headlining the tour that Amatory Riot is playing on.
✪ Her history with Turner has caused Naomi to be bitter, angry, and makes her believe that she is broken.
✪ Despite her anger and hatred of Turner, his passion for music and endless pursuit of her makes it hard for Naomi to stay away from him.
✪ Her other secret involves something that she did that could not only ruin her life but her career as well.

”Naomi Isabelle Knox. Lead guitarist from Armory Riot. Twenty-three years old. Hot as hell. Mean as sin.”

Turner Campbell

✪ Lead singer for the band Indecency. The band headlining the tour that Amatory Riot is playing on.
✪ A great description of Turner from Naomi’s POV: ”I had no idea how easy it could be to hate someone. What a fucking entitled asshole. He thinks because he dropped a couple hundred thousand albums that he owns the world?”
✪ He is a manwhore, drug addict, and alcoholic.
✪ Despite Naomi’s cold & hateful attitude, Turner is drawn to her and determined to win not only her respect but her heart as well.

”He practically fucks them with his voice, splits their souls in half and enslaves him. I hate him, yes, but I cannot, cannot deny that.”

Unfortunately for Naomi, someone seems to know both of her major secrets and is sending her creepy and threatening messages. Naomi must figure out who is sending her these messages before her secrets are exposed.

My Thoughts
I absolutely loved this crazy, gritty, & intense book! I think one of my favorite aspects of this story was how the author, C.M. Stunich, described when the characters were on stage. I felt like I was on stage with them, experiencing the intensity and passion of the music being played and the energy flowing from the fans watching the show.

I also found both Naomi and Turner’s characters really refreshing. Both are supremely FLAWED and they don’t pretend to be perfect. The chemistry and the sexual tension between the two of them are electric!

The plot of the story was convoluted and full of twists. Every time I thought I knew what was going on, something would happen that would throw all my theories out the window.

There is a real ugly cliffhanger at the end of this book so be thankful that Get Bent (Hard Rock Roots #2) is already available! I would have gone crazy if I would’ve had to wait to read the second book =)

Overall, if you think that you can handle a book with drug use, sex, and imperfect rockstars, than I would definitely recommend this series to you!
Profile Image for Jenny Levine.
99 reviews735 followers
June 15, 2013
“Faceless faces and barren voices can't pull me out because I'm in too deep, and my love is killing me. If I don't turn a key on my past, oh, my fucking past, then I'll never make it out alive.”

Lead guitarist for Amatory Riot.
Hot as hell.
Mean as sin.
Looks like an angel and plays like a devil.

That's Naomi Isabelle Knox and Turner Campbell HATES HER.

Frontman of Indecency.
Certified MANWHORE.
Sings like an angel and fvcks like a devil.

That's Turner Campbell and Naomi Knox HATES HIM.

She's sick of him but she can't get enough of him.

He can't stand her but he can't stop thinking about her either.

Can't stand each others guts.
But, still can't get enough of each other.

Two tortured souls.

Secrets that will open up wounds in their pasts.

Their pasts that will connect them...



True to its title, that ending was REAL UGLY!!!!

No, not that kind of ugly you're thinking,

In other words:


This is me after reading the book:

Seriously, C.M. Stunich,

Are you really ending it that way and let us wait for exactly how long?

But oh well, there's nothing I can do about it, right?

Overall, this book was...


I freakin' LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS BOOK! The angst, drama, the sexual chemistry (HOTNESS OVERLOAD!!!), their attitudes (especially Naomi's, love her fierceness). This book is full of passion, heat, and intensity.

I can't really go over the story/the details of this book because I don't want to spoil it to you guys. Just....


GAHD. I just have so many questions.
I need answers...NOW!!!

But my most important question is, WHEN WILL THE 2ND BOOK BE RELEASED???

AAHHHHH!!! I don't have much to say...

“Your past is your foundation, and if it's crumbling, then you've got nothing left to build on.”

“To start over, you have
to create something new, somewhere strong
and stable and sturdy or the whole thing will
come crumbling down...”

Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,351 followers
April 26, 2014
4.25 Stars


I have only read Losing Me, Finding You by this author and to be honest, I thought it was a lame story and her bikers were weak, lacked grit and if I remember correctly my review was pretty ugly. Well, C.M. Stunich COMPLETELY NAILED the rock star vibe, the bad boy/manwhore character and each and every scene that took place on the stage. I wonder if she is in a rock band? The scenes where Naomi and Turner share the stage together… were EXPLOSIVE and completely captivating.

This author more than delivered the gritty for this story. I did however find that some of the secrets to be a bit much. This story could have just been two rock stars getting together and that would have been more than enough for me. The chemistry between Naomi and Turner was off the charts that I found the police, crazy foster siblings, leaked videos, murder etc. not needed.

The story is told in alternating pov (which I loved) and truthfully her male pov writing was truly believable and well done.

As for the love story aspect of the story it went something like this…

”I pull my phone out of my pocket, snap an Instagram shot of my face and post it every-fucking where. Status: Late night out, bitches. Enjoy. I reach into my pants, snap another shot and post that too.”

”Turner Campbell may not be the sole reason that I have trust issues, but he sure as shit didn’t help. He could’ve cured me, I think, but instead, he dragged me backwards and left me in this state, Angry. Distrusting. Determined.”

They meet up…

”What is with this chick and who the hell does she think she is? Why doesn’t she worship me like everybody else?”

”I slapped him in the face, so he’s into me now. I think he just wants his balls back.”

They explode on and off the stage…

”Turner and I will never, ever happen. I’d rather die first.”

”You hate me. I get it. I can wait.”

Overall, if you like a gritty rock star book with a tough heroine and a believable bad boy definitely give this story a go and be warned, this ends with a cliffhanger.

Profile Image for Michelle [Helen Geek].
1,772 reviews413 followers
July 20, 2013
06/21/2013 --
Overall Rating = 2.5 Stars
Book Cover / Book Blurb = 5 / 5 = 5 Stars
Writer’s Voice = 2 Stars
Character Development = 3 Stars
Story Appreciation = 2 Stars
Worth the Chili = 1 Stars [$3.99 on Amazon]

Okay, don't you think this cover is fab? It looks a little British Punk - yes? Read the blurb. Doesn't it sound amazing? Well... I thought so. However, this book really just was a story that went on way too long. The whole thing could have been told in a short or novella - maybe 75 pages. I just got tired of reading the over and over and over ... yuck!

I really didn't like this one -- here's why:
1 -- The crux of the story is about a relationship that one person doesn't remember and the other remembers too well. The result of their momentary alliance is the topic for the remainder of the book. Just angst over the top magnified by a power of 1000. Just too, too much.

2 -- Both of the MC's were over the top angsty. You didn't have anything to warm up to. At several points I almost stopped reading. I kept thinking, there is really nothing too this one. Or, here we go again. I think the author had a good concept, but she didn't take the time to pull this one together. We see this so many times with authors trying to hurry stuff out there so they stay top of mind. My opinion, people stop paying attention when the book isn't worth the time or cost. Think how long people wait for the new Kresley Cole or others. Know?

3 -- Some really bad behaviors are portrayed as normal. Really? In whose world?

4 -- Content didn't warrant the price paid. I won't be suckered by this author again. I'll wait to see what others say first. Others I trust.

This book really could have been good. It had all the right elements. A case of execution. The author just couldn't pull it off. We know she can do it. We've read the evidence to this defense.

You may like this one, but don't be suckered by the cover or the blurb. Talk to people you trust who've tried this then decide.

I was not Happy Reading this one!
June 17, 2013
4.5 Stars

Real Ugly. That’s life. Fucking hideous and hateful and bloody. I wish I could see it otherwise. ~ Naomi

Holy fucking shit. Well, you know a book is good when I start a review by swearing my mother fucking ass off. Don't be shocked when the rest of my review is more cursing vomit.

What the fuck did I just read?

This was very different from any other rock star books I’ve read. It seemed more angsty and more dirty than normal. It’s far from pretty, or predictable. I’m not going to lie to you, but the title of this book really fits the story. It isn’t a pretty story, so far from it actually. This story, with its flawed characters and take-no-shit attitude created a very Ugly world full of angst, anger and raw vulnerability. I’m going to warn you right now, this book pissed me off, like a lot. No worries though, you’ll love every minute of it.

All this time hating Turner, wishing him ill, wanting him dead, has built up into this angry sexual fervor that begs me to ride him until my heart explodes from my chest and my fingers draw blood from his back.

The H/h in this book are prime examples of people walking the thin line between love and hate. They hate each other so much that I don’t think they could ever love anyone else but each other. Does that make sense? I know it’s confusing, but trust me, when you read this, you’ll understand.

What is with this chick and who the hell does she think she is? Why doesn’t she worship me like everybody else?

I don’t even know where to begin describing Naomi and Turner’s volatile relationship. A few words come to mind: Explosive, unstable, unpredictable, and hot-tempered. They are crazy fucked up.

I have to remember that he’s not just a devil, but The Devil.

No matter how angelic Turner is on stage, Naomi knows better. She and Turner have a past, but Turner doesn’t remember it. That is what pisses Naomi the most. He saved her, was there for her when she most needed it, but Turner is an asshole. In her mind, she was just one of his many nameless conquests.

Something about her just pisses me off at the same time it gets me off.

Turner is an asshole, plain and simple. I fucking hated him, but fucking loved him at the same time. Everytime Naomi stuck up for herself and knocked him down a peg, were joyous moments for me.

Turner cannot get Naomi off his mind. As the lead singer of Indecency, he’s had his share of women, still does actually. No woman has ever imbedded herself into his skin like she has. Unfortunately, she’s hard to avoid since her band is touring with his. There’s something vaguely familiar about her, but with his intermittent drug highs, he could be just hallucinating. Whatever the case may be, her supposed hatred and anger towards him just fuels his want for her. Naomi knows when Turner wants something, he’ll stop at nothing to get it.

Fuck the past. The present’s all that matters anyway, right?

So many things happened in the book. Along with fighting her feelings for Turner, there’s something, or someone, in Naomi’s past that is haunting her. Like I mentioned earlier, this story is NOT predictable. This story is far from the cookie-cutter rock star love stories out there. C.M. Stunich is so talented. I love her stories. They’re so full damaged characters that they always make for such interesting stories. This was no exception. However, before you decide to pick this up, I warn you now, this does end in a massive cliffhanger. Luckily, we don’t have to wait to long for the sequel. Can’t wait.

Thank you C.M. Stunich for providing me this ARC
Profile Image for It's just me Shelly B.
252 reviews299 followers
March 21, 2014
This book hit the SPOT!!!!

It's was just the kind of raunchy gritty story I was in the MOOD for!!

Basically here's the gist....

Uber sexy egotistical rockstar, Turner, meets feisty gorgeous takes no shit diva who's also a rockstar, Naomi. He normally has women fall at his feet begging for his attention and with Naomi that is just not the case.

She hates the bastard...well kinda a little....I mean she wants to hate him. She's a bitch to him but that attitude will not sway our tatted up bad boy...OH quite the opposite you know how the old saying goes, "you always want what you cant have!" Does he get her......I don't know have to read and find out!!!!!

Then there's secrets, secrets, and MORE secrets!!!!!!! My head was beginning to spin with all the "secrets" but that's ok because Turner and Naomi's interactions made up for all of that to me. They are like two sticks of dynamite when they are together!!!! I loved it!!

This book is gritty and raunchy it's not your typical love story but I'm not a big fan of typical so it worked for me:)

If you have an issue with drug use, foul language, cliffhangers(although the series is complete so not a big deal), gritty sex this might not be the book for you...on the other hand if you like that little recipe above give it a try!!!!!!!

Profile Image for Kirsten.
382 reviews172 followers
March 18, 2015
3-3.5 stars

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Naomi Knox. Lead guitarist for Amatory Riot and a girl with a past. A pretty troubled past at that. One that is kept buried deep, otherwise she may lose her freedom. Being on tour with Indecency, is keeping her on a razors edge. The lead singer, Turner Campbell, is also a part of her troubled and broken history. Too bad he doesn't know who she is or what he means to her.

When Turner bumps into Naomi during their tour, he is immediately intrigued by the foul-mouthed chick that is immune to his charm. She is keeping herself at arms length from him, and he doesn't understand why. He's not sure exactly what she is hiding, but he knows he wants her. He's Turner fucking Campbell, and he always gets what he wants.

Ah, and fuck, she tastes like dirty candy and blood and sweat and ash. Best damn shit I ever tasted. Period.

This tour is slowly breaking Naomi. Not only will Turner not give up on his quest to get to know her, but the secrets that she has hidden are coming back to haunt her. Literally.

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I really feel that if I would have read this prior to reading so many books, or even if I was younger, I would have liked it more than I did. Don't get me wrong, this story totally hooked me from the beginning, it just lacked a couple of things that make certain reads stand out and enjoy more.

As a fan of rockstar themed romances, I was into the storyline and the gritty content/dialogue. This was the epitome of sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll. So even though some scenes left me cringing, I still liked the vulgar and crass behavior of all these rockstars climbing their way to the top.

Even though I was sucked into this, after a while things started to get annoying between the MC's. Personality-wise, I went from liking their characters to getting frustrated or annoyed with them, then back to liking them again. Although it was understandable, Naomi's feelings for Turner, yet pushing him away got a little old. And Turner's extreme arrogance and quick feelings for Naomi, made my head spin. I mostly lacked an emotional connection to either one.

This was definitely a page turner. Getting small pieces of Naomi's past, and things coming out at a decent pace, made the story very interesting and intriguing. It ended with a bang, a really big cliffhanger, so I was relieved I wouldn't have to wait long to get some answers, as the next book has been out for a while. However, when all was said and done, I was exhausted. As much as I wanted to see what happened, I felt like I needed a break from this story. I will definitely continue to read this series and find out what happens to Turner, Naomi, and other band mates, just not right away.

There are currently seven books that are out in the Hard Rock Roots series, and it looks as if there will be two more to come. I will see how the next book goes, to know how far I will go with it. Nine books is a big commitment for someone like me who has major Book ADD. But I'm also a big story whore, and will probably see this out til the bitter end. Only time will tell.

Profile Image for ✝✝ Ⓓaisy ❣ ✝✝ .
493 reviews276 followers
April 7, 2014
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Real Ugly is really ugly love story between a rock goddess, Turner Campbell and guitarist, Naomi Knox. Their sexual attraction is off the charts made me wanna jump in shout at them!

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What to expect from this book:


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It is messy, gritty, nerve-racking and I loved it! Their secrets and the flow of writing just keep me going!
Am kinda lucky as the Book 2 is out....so you know what is my read!

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Happy reading

D xo
Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,117 followers
April 11, 2014
C.M. Stunich delivers a dark and gritty rocker series called "Hard Rock Roots." The first book; "Real Ugly," is definitely all about: Sex, Drugs, and Rock N Roll! This series is not for the faint of heart, and I will be honest and say that it would not be something that everyone would enjoy. One of the hardest parts for me during my read was the drug use that went on with the main characters. I decided to get into the spirit of the theme though, and over look that..mainly because this is a story about hardcore rock bands. These rockers are not country and western singers, they are Rockers, and this story makes no apologies for them being BAD ASS to the BONE!!! Once I accepted that fact, then I was ok, and I became absorbed into the story that was being told! I did give this a rating of 3.5 stars, and I have a feeling that once the series progresses, I will be upping my ratings.

In "Real Ugly," we meet two rock bands who are on tour. Amatory Riot, is one of the groups. Naomi Knox is the lead guitarist and the leading lady in this first book. Next up is Turner Campbell, and he is the lead singer in the other band called: Indecency. He is one of these rockers who have women falling at his feet, and willing to do ANYTHING for him. Believe me, he takes advantage of that, and personally I thought he was the worlds biggest arse through most of this book.
Not only do we get a huge taste of what it is like to travel with Rock Stars on tour, but we become engrossed in the secrets that surround Naomi Knox. She has many of them, and it turns out that there is a big one that includes the Rock God himself; Turner Campbell.

This was not a love at first sight type of book. Turner and Naomi HATE each other. Underneath the hatred though, lies a smoldering passion that threatens to explode if and when these two let it. Of course, once Turner has Naomi on his radar, he will stop at nothing to get her. Seeing as she has no desire to even be close to him; this just makes him push even harder. It is actually quite amusing to watch him have to work hard at trying to get a woman, rather than have them just drop their panties for him. When Naomi and Turner do hook up, all I can say is KABOOM! The passion that ignites between them is sizzling hot, and there are a few scenes that are burned into my brain for all time!

If you are a reader who loves a good Rock Star book, then this is most definitely for you. There is major drama though, and a mystery that develops too. The only problem is that most of the questions that arise, do not get answered in this book. There is a major cliffy at the end; but I am pleased to say that the next book has been out for awhile now, and believe me you will want to go right ahead and grab Book #2! I felt like I was cheating, because I know quite a few of my GR friends got stuck with that cliffy when the next book wasn't out yet...GAH! That would be awful!
So, if Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll are your passion; then this is the series that you will want to read! C.M. Stunich has some wicked writing skills and I just know that as this series continues, it will just keep getting better and better.
Profile Image for Johanna.
212 reviews48 followers
August 5, 2013
*~*4 Nitty, Gritty, Dysfunctional Stars*~*
“This baby let's me take my low E string from an E Note to a D and back in a flash without having to retune. It can cry like a baby and scream like a devil; it's got angel wings and horns both,and it'll kiss you at the same time it fucks you. Not many dudes can top that,right?”

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Real Ugly is NOT your traditional Rock Star book. Noooooooooo, its so much more. This book is probably the closest depiction of how rock stars truly behave. I loved the fact that the author was't afraid to push the envelope with Drugs, Sex, & Rock & Roll. The author even managed to throw in some loopholes for us. Keeping us guessing and entertained with the possibilities of "WHAT DA F*CK" is going on.

You have the beautiful talented Naomi Knox
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But Naomi, has many dark secrets that inhabit here to move forward in her life. She's rude, crude, and a HARD ASS CHICK. Naomi doesnt care what people think of her. All she cares about is making her music and Turner Campbell. But things are always what she least expects.

HOT ASS Turner Campbell
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Now he is the EPITOME of the traditional Rock star junkie. Turner is a womanizing, drug using, cocky bastard that believes his SHIT don't stink. But he is so talented that everyone seems to worship the ground he walks on except Naomi and that's when things become interesting. So when these two try to join forces it is a DISASTER. But its so damn entertaining. FYI: This book has a major cliffhanger. Make sure you have book 2 on standby.

Fantastic Buddy read w/my homegirl Sally!!
Profile Image for Mariℓina.
624 reviews202 followers
August 11, 2013
4,5 Stars
I seem to say it a lot when it comes to this book..
Yeah i wasn't sure in the beginning but then it turned out so good..

I was expecting something else that is the truth. But what i got was satisfying enough..
I wasn't ready for the suspence aspect in the story but it melt and worked pretty good with the rest characteristics..
Music, sex, drugs, crudeness and the raw environment around every dialogue, every act and every memory..

Naomi and Turner are a match made in heaven or hell!
They are both extremely cocky on stage but off stage they are sentimental and over dramatic..
Everytime they are together it's HOT HOT HOT HOT!
They can burn down a whole city..

But the crazyness they both carry is most definitely leading them to something like that..

They love each other, they hate each other.. They can't take their hands and eyes or thoughts away and they are horny all the time..
That's why the sex scences were unbelievably good, raw and hatefull..

But what i liked the most about this book was that every character had a backstory... Most of them are too vague but maybe in the next two books we will find out more about them..
For example America and Ronnie, both share an awfull past.. We know he lost the love of his life and now is wasting his life with drugs and women, and she lost someone probably a fiancée and got involved with the music industry.
Even Hayden has a story.. Scarier thought and complicated..
Also i loved Naomi and Turner's past.. I think there is more there to find out..

Finally what a cliffhanger!
It went out with a Boom!! Literally!

I wouldn't wanna be Turner, Dax or Katie that moment..
I can't wait for the next book!!

- Seriously? Who forgets his tattoos? He had the name on his back for 6 years and he didn't remember??
- The first time they were on stage together! woooooo
- When he got jealous of Josh! Mind-blowing!!
- I want to find out more of their past..
- A crime suspence mystery? What are the odds!!!
- Ronnie is a great friend..
- I wanted Blair and Naomi to become good friends.. But that girl doesn't let anyone in..
- Hayden's story?? I think it has something to do with the end!!!
- Dax is a good guy..
- Eric?? Is a mystery.. One moment i think it's him the next i think he has nothing to do with it..
- The toilet sex!! Wow..
- I loved how he confessed that he is in love with her..
Profile Image for Chelcie Dacon.
307 reviews10 followers
July 18, 2013
5 million "REAL UGLY bleeding broken buried beneath" stars

So I can't stop thinking about this book. So here i go writing a review on my ipad. Thats how wrapped up i am in this story

I want to jump into this story and become apart of it. This book is the real shit. It's not some lovey dovey swoony fucking shit. It's hardcore, in your face, REAL UGLY love story. It doesn't make you want to hug a kitten. It's no unicorns and rainbows. It crabs a hold of you by the fucking hair, drags you threw the dirt and leaves you there to die.

Real Ugly. Thats life. Fucking hideous and hateful and bloddy i wish i could see it otherwise"

So there's this women, Naomi, she is a badass guitar player. if I was into chicks, it'd be kind of hot >. She is broken, shattered, strong, has 2 secrets hat could end her. She is fucking downright the baddest bitch.

" Is it wrong to hate someone so much it hurts?"

Then there's Turner Campbell. Ok what a fucking perk. I want to hate him so bad. The things he says and does just makes me want to scream. But hot damn is he fucking hot. I mean on fire hot, melt your panties, drool dripping down your face hot. I Mean the tattoos he has is like omg wow just wow.

" I was born with this horrible affliction that leaves me attracted to men Why haven't they invented a cure for that shit yet? Check the facts its the worlds deadliest disease i kid you not."

I want to shake her and hug her and scream at her and fuck her, all at he same time

The shit the goes down in this book is insane. The music, the steam, the fighting, the everything. It just so raw and real.

let's be honest, most secrets are better left buried

sleeping equals dreaming, and right now, I've got nightmares in spades

This review needs access to a computer. Tomorrow it shall go down .
Profile Image for Kirsty.
386 reviews74 followers
June 11, 2013
Holy cliffhanger. That was MEAN. Thank god CM Stunich gets her sequels out quick smart because I would be going kerrrazy having to wait for this one. What an ending!

I don't know what I can say about this book to sum it up in the way that it deserves but I'll give it a whirl..

There's a couple of rock stars, some hot and sizzling sexual chemistry, a love/hate relationship and a bunch of band mates all with, what seems to be, a crazy story to tell. The main characters Turner and Naomi are so unlike anything I've ever read.. in the beginning the both of them were just so unlikeable. "My name is Naomi Knox.. and I'm not afraid of you, Turner Campbell, so fuck off." Yep, they most definitely hated each other but good GOD they had it bad for each other all the same.
I have to give credit to Naomi here, she was a little more likeable.. but only slightly. This was a story of tortured souls, but well.. what isn't these days? Naomi has some shockers of secrets she's hiding. Two in particular that have haunted her every day for the last 6 years. Turner is a huge part of one of those, only he just doesn't know it yet.
"He practically fucks them with his voice, splits their souls in half and enslaves him. I hate him, yes, but I cannot, cannot, cannot deny that."

As I said, Turner, he was.. well, less than attractive to start. He is the epitome of rock star. He is in to drinking in a big way, has a different girl in his bed every night, takes an endless amount of drugs and is just, in general, a douchebag. That's all okay though.. he earned my love in the end.
"I want to shake her and hug her and scream at her and fuck her, all at the same time."

There is so much that goes on in this story that I can't even begin to mention it all. Turner and Naomi are both in bands, different bands, that are on tour together. The whole book follows their tour and the love/hate relationship that they are sharing. As well as that, Naomi slowly reveals the secrets that have been haunting her, which is just whole other drama in itself. There is not one single dull moment in this book and I was glued to it from start to finish.
"You're a cocky, arrogant, self-serving, smug, selfish piece of shit."

As you can see I could have, and nearly did, highlight the whole book. I just can't deny what an incredible way with words the author has. There are so many lines that just stick with me and make me think.

As I said, this book has a bit of a cliffhanger from hell but that's okay.. I didn't know it going in and therefore I didn't dread it when I was getting to the end of my read. I know a lot of readers prefer to know though. I just hope the wait isn't too long...
♪ "When I walk, I stumble.
When I run, I fall.
'Cause it's the same mistake that will fool us all.
I fell in love.
I... I fell in love.
I. Fell. In. LOVE!" ♪
Profile Image for Brandi.
656 reviews1,467 followers
July 18, 2013
4.5 Stars!
Life is real, and it's ugly, and it hurts.

"Naomi Isabelle Knox. Lead guitarist for Amatory Riot. Twenty-three years old. Hot as hell. Mean as Sin."

"He practically fucks them with his voice, splits their souls in half and enslaves them. I hate him, yes, but I cannot, cannot, cannot deny that."

I don't even know where to start, this was an emotionally intense read - angry, ulgy, and full of sexual tension. Naomi and Turner have this strong push/pull connection that kept my head spinning.

All this time hating Turner, wishing him ill, wanting him dead, has built up into this angry sexual fervor that begs me to ride him until my heart explodes from my chest and my fingers draw blood from his back.

Naomi and I, we kiss hard and rough, like we're not just trying to make out, but like we're trying to hurt each other, too.

Naomi is holding a grudge against the womanizing, arrogant lead singer of Indecency - she hates Turner Campbell and she has a few dark secrets someone is threatening to expose. But Turner doesn't like not getting his way, and is persistent in his chase of the tortured guitarist. Naomi and Turner struggle with their feelings for each other, torn between this raw, animalistic want and overwhelming hate. Can Naomi continue to resist her first love and avoid her darkest secrets coming to light?


The ending is a cliffhanger and a big one... but I believe the next book will be out soon, I know I can't wait to get my hands on it.
Profile Image for Iva.
634 reviews99 followers
June 14, 2013
I managed to read about 15% and see if it got any better, but I had to DNF the sh*t out of it. I really can't understand all the 5 and 4 stars. What is here to like???

First chapter and all the girl talking about is how everyone is having drugs, is drunk or vomitting their guts all over the bus or wherever they are on some tour. She's calling the man-whore(supossed hero) an angel on a stage. Then a page later she sees him fuck her band-mate both of them drunk like a dog on tequila. And it was not the first time she found him in the act. The guy took her virginity and he doesn't remember her, and for some other reason too - she hates him, but still calls him "a fucking angel" when he sings. Such a surprise!*note the sarcasm*

The girl is all-around the worst herroine I have ever read about. A complete antihero - all of them actually. She smokes, she a 'man-hater'... Ok, correction, she dislikes everything around her. Acts like everyone is stupid and she's the only one remotely serious about the music there, not like all of the rest, wasting around. Yeah, maybe that's a little true. But I blame the author here. What is the point of this 'sex, drugs and rock'n'roll' thing?? It's disgusting! I know it was, and maybe even now still, a reality. But I had the impression that she wrote it like it was somehow "cool". Wasting a talent rolling in alchohol all day whey you have so much to make a successful career. And most of all good music. Rebeling to society and rules can be cool. This. Is not.

We did get used to characters with tortured and horrible pasts. And even seen some antiheros, but this setting was just plain wrong.

And the main characters - Naomi and Truner. Aside from the flaws I already mentioned, their relationship doesn't make sense to me. I got to the part when the guy starts to get inrigued with her. Apperently, the guy needed someone acting like a frigid bitch to him to get his attention. SUCH a good start of a romance. Spare me, please. I don't know how it goes later and I don't want to find out. Nothing can justify all the mess of this book. And I'm not saying things should be all fluffy, flowers and shit - no. I hate cheesy romance and love intense stories. This was jsut a wrong way to make a romance. In my opinion of course.

I don't know if I make sense or I'm just spilling crap here, but I felt like this. Or I'm just somehow allergic to this author because I also really didn't like her Lossing Me, Finding You.

Good luck to C.M. Stunich, but my journey with her books obviously ends here.
Profile Image for Sally.
465 reviews2 followers
August 1, 2013
Buddy read with my girl Johanna,

Holy Hell this book was so good! Real Ugly (Hard Rock Roots #1) by C.M. Stunich delivers one hell of a punch & I LOVED it! This book is a reminder of how thin the line is between love & hate. There was nothing sweet warm or fuzzy about this book. It was all sex, drugs and rock & roll. Throw in two totally fucked up main characters with a bunch of messed up secrets & a psychopath on the loose and I was reading like a fiend! I pulled this excerpt from the book because I feel it explains it perfectly.
“There’s a lot more to this story than first meets the eye, that is for fucking sure. There are secrets wrapped in secrets buried under secrets; I can smell ‘em from here.”
Yes this book has a huge cliffhanger, but thank God the second book Get Bent (Hard Rock Roots #2) is already out. The author acknowledges the cliffhanger at the end of this book and promises her readers answers so I am not hyperventilating right now. I am so eager to start book 2 to see what the hell is going to happen next. I didn’t even realize how long it’s been since I read a “rocker” book so it was a nice change of pace for me 4.5 stars. Curious to see what my buddy Johanna thinks when she is done.
Naomi Knox

Turner Campbell
Profile Image for Kim Bailey.
Author 6 books610 followers
November 27, 2015
Bloody f*cking hell!

So raw & gritty - I feel dirty after reading this book ... but I like it!
I do not like the cliff-hanger ending. This is why I wait until the next book is about to be released - if I don't find out what happens (very soon) I may seriously lose it.

Love Naomi, love Turner, love Naomi&Turner together ... the drama between them is wicked - I just wish there was a slightly better explanation for the love in their relationship besides a one night stand & bringing them together - I need more depth than that.

Can't wait for a conclusion to this story.
Profile Image for JewelsyGoolsy.
589 reviews100 followers
January 31, 2017
DNF @59%
Geeze, I dunno what to say about this book without coming across super negative. I guess I won't elaborate too much because most of the stuff I'd say would give away too many spoilers so I'm just gonna sum it up by blaming the 2 star rating on my personal taste and preference. I'm sure that fans of Katrina Hale's Sins & Needles may enjoy this as I kinda got the same flow and vibe from both books so please don't let my brief, unhelpful review discourage you.
Profile Image for Radd Reader.
954 reviews549 followers
April 3, 2019
”To love something or someone, you have to be willing to give up everything else you care about to make things right for them, even if the decision is hard or it sucks or it makes you so miserable you want to tear your teeth out of your fucking skull.”

Turner (28) Naomi (23). Dual POV. Ends with a cliffhanger.

Turner: he’s the lead singer of the rock band Indecency and feels he’s entitled to have his every need and whim met without explanation. He’s cocky and arrogant. He’s had sex with over 100 girls 😳 (but of course that count is low because he stopped counting long ago). One thing about Turner...he is honest. You may not like what he says, but he doesn’t sugar coat things nor does he keep secrets.
”Fuck, this is exactly why I hate secrets. Just when you think everything is peachy fucking keen, some shit has to get stirred up to ruin the day.”

First impression of Turner: typical rocker. A drugged up manwhore. Not impressed.

Naomi: she's the lead guitarist for Amatory Riot. She's a foster kid with no family. She started playing guitar when she was thirteen. When she's not writing music, she is drawing. She's got some big secrets in her past and one of them involves Turner.

First impression of Naomi: she’s a bad ass chick. Don’t mess with her and respect her music.

The Story
Plot: Life on the road with rockers who have a past and a heroine who has some big secrets that impact the present.

There is nothing light and fluffy about this rock star romance. It’s hard core and raw and filled with lots of sex, drugs and histrionics with band members. Intermixed with all the band drama is Naomi’s secrets. She has a past with Turner (which he can’t remember because he was high) and she has a big secret involving her foster family.

The Turner/Naomi romance is filled with tons of sexual tension and lots of fights between them (Naomi also got physical and hit or elbowed Turner a few times). There’s nothing sweet about these two and they definitely get down and dirty. The angst and hatred was non stop and after awhile I started to get fed up. As Turner poured his heart out I thought.....finally, I’ll get a break from their animosity. But nope, angst, angst and more angst.

As much as I disliked Turner in the beginning of the book, by the end I was somewhat a fan of his. I felt he turned a corner when he realized he loved Naomi (around the 70% mark). On the flip side, I started out really liking Naomi with her “taken no prisoners” attitude. But by the end of the book I was frustrated with her and her constant hard exterior. She never let her walls down and I just wanted her to at least soften one time and show Turner some true affection. However, that was not to be in this book. Sigh 😔

Naomi’s secrets bring an element of suspense to the story. Clearly someone doesn’t want her secrets to stay hidden.

This book will definitely not be for everyone. It features the rough side of rock n roll and is an intense read. There are things that made me cringe and the ease with which they use drugs is probably true to the lifestyle, but not something I typically read about in my romance novels.

The story moved along well and the suspense helped me stay engaged. The secrets were uncovered in bits and pieces along the way so I didn’t have to wait until the end to get all the details, which was appreciated.

This was a “Pick It For Me” read, so not my typical type of book. Even though it took me outside my comfort zone a bit, the story was entertaining and I’m glad I took this little journey with Turner and Naomi.

This wasn’t exactly my cup of tea, but I’m not going to fault the author for that. It was a solid story with realistic characters and a bit of suspense. Knocking a star off for the overwhelming angst.

H likable? Not in the beginning. He grew on me as his attitude began to change later in the book
h likable? I liked her strength in the beginning, but she started to irritate me when she just wouldn’t cut Turner any slack.
h virgin? No
First time they sleep together: 66%
OW/OM drama? Once Turner decided Naomi was it for him, there were no other women. Seeing as Naomi never did reach that same decision she had some make out sessions with other band members.
H/h cheat? I would say no seeing as they were not in a relationship in this book anyway.
Steamy? Yes, it had its moments
Did I skip pages? A little bit. I got tired of the repetitive angst.
How the book made me feel: There is nothing light and upbeat about this book. It’s heavy and incredibly contentious.
Big secrets? Yes. Naomi has some big secrets. At 38%, she tells Turner a secret that involves him. At 53%, the reader learns Naomi’s secrets. At 75%, Naomi tells Turner her secrets.
Did I cry? No
Cliffhanger? Yes
Recommend? If a raw, gritty, angsty read with a cliffhanger is your thing, then this book is for you.

“I don't respect you, and honestly, I think you're one of the most despicable creatures to ever grace this earth.”

“You brought me to my knees without knowing you were doing it, not even caring.”

“Naomi and I, we kiss hard and rough, like we're not just trying to make out, but like we're trying to hurt each other, too.”

“Your past is your foundation, and if it's crumbling, then you've got nothing left to build on.”

“To start over, you have to create something new, somewhere strong and stable and sturdy or the whole thing will come crumbling down.”

“I was thinking,” .......
“That you might be, like, my saving grace or something.”

“Life is real, and it's ugly, and it hurts. I've only ever loved three things in my life, and none of them worked out for me.”
Profile Image for Silkeeeeeereads.
1,432 reviews95 followers
June 13, 2013

What to write without pissing someone off. Okay, well, I think I would put this more in the vacinity of FM Depressive Thriller. It's just not that damn dark, in the way that most of us think of as a Dark Erotic Thriller Suspense thingy. Don't get me wrong, it's depressing because the characters, all of them, have fucked up minds and realities. There's just not a lot of eroticism, no uhm screwed up sex or forced anything or kinky shit. So, not enough SEX for my taste. Should I cap that? FOR MY TASTE!! NOTE: After getting chewed out by one of my "friends" for a slight character name mistake, I'm trying to cover my stupid ass here. I decreased the half star because I detest cliffhangers. MHO HERE. LET ME HAVE IT, PLEASE! TO ME, cliffhangers make me angry, they wreak of greed, ruin a good story - HOLD ON DAMMIT - because you read a story, you have to wait awhile and loose half of what you read (at least) and pick up at a later date IF YOU FUCKING REMEMBER TO.

YES, there are A LOT of editing/proofing errors. They bother some people so I'm mentioning it.

I can think of maybe two or three of my friends who might enjoy this but not a big 'ole Five Star. It's just sort of like reading a, "poor me, I'm so fucked up," thing/ It will bore you after a while. I think the cliffhanger is probably what got most readers. I hate them, as I mentioned earlier, but that, IN MY OPINION, is what brought everyone's blood pressure up to rant about how good it is. They're left hanging so that inspired a reaction.


Lastly, and this should tell you, will I buy the next book in the series. NOPE. Enough said.

DAMN, I need to stop making errors and get sleep.
351 reviews13 followers
June 20, 2013
WHAT THE HELL KIND OF ENDING WAS THAT. YOU CAN'T … YOU JUST CAN'T STUNICH! DON'T APOLOGISE! JUST TELL ME WHAT HAPPENS NEXT… GRRRRRRRRR.. seriously I am in turmoil right now, emotions flying all over the place, all over getting an ending like that. Seriously. My heart LITERALLY bottomed out, and never gets a reprieve because YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENS.

I can not wait for the next book.. seriously the next book better come out next month or I may cry of emotional stress. That ending is one of the worst cliffhangers I have ever read.. sinister and promising to ruin our hearts.

What a crazy turn of events, did not see that ending coming even from a mile away.

I would write a review, but I need to get over this stress first.
Profile Image for Kenya Wright.
Author 105 books2,457 followers
June 15, 2013
Who am I to bitch about Cliffhangers? I have one in my book that triggered death threats.....however.....


Why? Why such a steep ass cliffhanger!?

Dear God. . .ease us into it....

Regardless, this book was a drug inserted into the bloodstream with no time for preparation.

The author didn't sugercoat the rocker lifestyle and for that I loved it even more!

I'm highly anticipating the sequel!!!!

Profile Image for Howard.
1,665 reviews100 followers
June 22, 2020
3 Stars for Real Ugly (Hard Rock Roots #1) Ebook by C.M. Stunich I think I was expecting a different kind of story. The book is ok but I don’t think I’ll read the next one in the series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 969 reviews

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