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Hades' Carnival #3

Pride of the Lion

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"Once upon a time, a writer woke up in the middle of her own book "

"Hades Carnival, Book 3"

Araminta Davenport has arrived. After giving up her librarian job to be a full-time writer, all those lonely nights alone with her cat and her keyboard have paid off. She s been invited to participate in one of the biggest reader appreciation weekends as a professional author.

She can t imagine her life getting any more exciting than that until she accidentally releases a sexy, shapeshifting, immortal warrior from a five-thousand-year-old curse.

Finally free of his carousel prison, lion shifter Leander is determined not to let Hades lure him to the dark side in a quest for world domination. Nor will he give the delectable Araminta up to the clutches of the dark one. If they can survive twenty-four hours and somehow resist losing themselves completely in the sexual haze threatening to swallow them up the curse will be permanently broken.

But the clock is ticking, the heat is rising and only the ultimate sacrifice will save them both.

Warning: This book contains one shy writer who s learning how to cut loose, and a warrior who s been cut loose and he s ready to roar. Stir in enough hot sex to make Hell itself seem like the Arctic, and you have a recipe for one wild ride.

297 pages, ebook

First published July 1, 2013

About the author

N.J. Walters

147 books1,260 followers
Once upon a time N.J. had the idea that she would like to quit her job at the bookstore, sell everything she owned, leave her hometown, and write romance novels in a place where no one knew her. And she did. Two years later, she went back to the bookstore and her hometown and settled in for another seven years.

One day she gave notice at her job on a Friday morning. On Sunday afternoon, she received a tentative acceptance for her first erotic romance novel and life would never be the same.

N.J. Walters is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who has always been a voracious reader, and now she spends her days writing novels of her own. Vampires, werewolves, dragons, time-travelers, seductive handymen, and next-door neighbors with smoldering good looks—all vie for her attention. It’s a tough life, but someone’s got to live it.

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Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews
Profile Image for Tina.
285 reviews37 followers
July 28, 2013
5 Stars!

Loved. Loved. LOVED ITTTTT!!!!!
Just letting you know right now, if you haven't completely loved the series so far, you should be wary of my review as I'm a bit biased since I've loved the series from the very beginning. Nonetheless, I hope you will still at least read my review!

Once again, in the plot's most basic form, it follows the same format as the previous two books. However, there are a few new elements to the story (aside from new characters) that make the book definitely worth reading. Before I get into said new elements, let me talk about the characters first...

Araminta. Oh boy do I love her.
TSTL (Too Stupid To Live) - a heroine in a novel who takes the time to make love to a total stranger even though the devil himself could come through the door at any moment
YES, a fictional character who not only realizes this ridiculousness in books, but also has a word for it. Admittedly she gets a tiny bit caught up in it, but I'm letting her off the hook for coming up with this amazing word that I will now use when reviewing books. As for her personality, she's similar to the previous ladies (Aimee & Kellsie) in that even though she started off in huge denial about the drop dead sexy immortal being real, she still cares deeply for him and will stubbornly ignore said immortal's orders if it makes her a damsel in distress. Other than that, Araminta is her own unique 5'4 curvy brunette self.

Oh. And Leander.
I couldn't help but think of Chris Hemsworth<3 Even though Chris doesn't fit the description completely (Leander has brown eyes, slightly slanted eyes, basically more of a resemblance to a lion), but I always thinks of Mr. Tall, Blonde, and Handsome if the man is over 6 ft tall and has long blonde hair (or in this case, has some blonde in it). I like Leander a tiny bit more than I already love Roric and Marko in that he fully embraced his woman in the beginning better than the two (especially better than Roric smh). Leander is not only fights hard, but loves hard. It was lovely seeing Leander not being afraid to admit and show his love for Araminta!

Speaking of showing love...there was a lot of sex. Or at least a lot more than the usual wet dreams and victory sex you got from book 1 and 2. I'm assuming there was a bit more sex in this one because Leander wasn't afraid to embrace his desire for Araminta and she wasn't as dead set against doing it like Kellsie and Aimee were, though was trying (yay for effort?).

Another new element to the story was that we saw a little more POV from The Lady of the Beasts. I won't say what happened with her, but it was definitely interesting to see where she is now. There are a lot more different elements I'd like to mention, but I don't want to give too much away. Just take my word for it that there are some new twists in this part of the series!

Overall, I couldn't be happier with book 3! Like the others, I do wish it was longer. Sadly, there's only so much you can write in the span of roughly 2 days (Day 1 leading to freeing the immortal and Day 2 breaking the curse). I highly recommend those who've read the previous series to continue reading and immediately start this book! Whether you like or hate the series, I personally think it's worth the read since there are some new turns in this plot! If you're completely new to the series, I have 2 words for you: READ. IT. If you love fantasy/mythological romance novels with sexy dominant males and frustrating stubborn (but in a good way) female leads, you will definitely love this series.

That being said, I absolutely can't wait for book 4 with Arand the wolf!<3 I've been waiting for the wolf since Night of the Tiger and now it's finally coming! October can't come fast enough.

Profile Image for Carrie (Book Fairy) Fort .
758 reviews172 followers
March 13, 2014
Favorite Lines “But I have no horses. We drove in your car. Are you sure you are okay? Did you hit your head?”

“Why does the sun rise in the east? Why do the birds sing?” He placed his hand over his heart. “These things just are.” He took another step toward her. “You are in my heart, Araminta Davidson, and there is no removing you from it.”

“Love her and do not let her go. The woman in your arms is a miracle. She gave her life for you.”

“An immortal booty call.”

“These are happy tears.” She sniffed and tried to stop, but another tear rolled down her face.
“I do not fully understand you, but I will.” It was a vow and a promise and she took it as such.
“I don’t know where this is going or what will happen, but I’m in this with you.”
“Forever,” he told her.
“Forever,” she agreed.”

Whew! Yep I want Leander to "My Immortal Booty Call"
N.J. Walters is such an amazing writer! She gives everything needed for a book! This series does that and more. I love who these mates aren't "perfect", how strong they are, and how much these warriors love them! Leander is such a fierce warrior! He's just yummy!
Hades is a pig! He think these women are weak well HA they sure showed him! Mordeci is breaking my heart too! I'm hoping he has some plan, I refuse to believe he has gone dark!
This one had some extra stuff in it that I loved! I wanted to know more about the Lady and got that wish granted in this book. It's just an amazing series! Araminta is fabulous, she welcomes the fierceness of the Lion with open arms!

Profile Image for Ruth Robert.
7 reviews4 followers
August 18, 2018
Love the author and the book, my best read this month.
He briefly closed his eyes and nodded. When he looked back at her, his eyes were gleaming. “Make no mistake. You belong to me. To us.” He held up his hand and it morphed into the powerful paw of a predator before her very eyes. “There is nothing either of us would not dno ñto protect you.”
Wow. That was a lot for a girl to take in. But one question remained. “Why?”
He shook his head and canted it to one side as he studied her. “Why does the sun rise in the east? Why do the birds sing?” He placed his hand over his heart. “These things just are.” He took another step toward her. “You are in my heart, Araminta Davidson, and there is no removing you from it.”The bear paused. “Love her and do not let her go. The woman in your arms is a miracle. She gave her life for you.”Leander lowered his head and scowled at her. “You died for me.” He thumped his chest hard. “For me.”
In spite of the fact she wasn’t really afraid of him, her heart sped up. Okay, maybe she was the teeniest bit afraid. She’d never seen him quite this angry.
“Promise me.” He gripped her shoulders and yanked her close to him. “Promise me you’ll never do anything like that again.”
He was so upset and she wanted to soothe him, really she did, but she couldn’t lie to him. She carefully shook her head. “I can’t.”
Oh boy, if she’d thought he was angry before, she was wrong. She instinctively tried to pull away from him as his face morphed into that of the lion, complete with gigantic fangs. He shook himself and the lion retreated, but she knew the creature was very close to the surface.She was under no illusions. Leander was an immortal warrior, a guardian of an ancient goddess.
He’d obviously have to go back to work. That wasn’t exactly the kind of job you retired from.
And where would that leave her? Immortal and alone. She’d really become the crazy cat lady if she wasn’t careful. Maybe they could see each other occasionally.
An immortal booty call. Not exactly what she’d hoped for her life, but it was better than the alternatives life without Leander.
On the other hand, she’d have plenty of time to read all the books she wanted, to learn everything she’d ever wanted to learn. She could go back to school anytime she wanted. Provided she could come up with the cash. Finances could be another problem.
"You are my gift from the goddess, Araminta. A prize for all my years of confinement and loneliness, for my years of service.”
Profile Image for Pet.
3,459 reviews8 followers
February 8, 2018
I'm finding this series incredibly delightful, it's fresh and different and an exciting read.
My only nit with it would be the instant sex. I'm by no means a prude, but I honestly think that level of trust given the stressful situation needed a leeetle bit more time before doing the nasty. However, it's still great fun to read and by the end of the book I'm fully on board with the characters being perfect for each other.
248 reviews2 followers
June 15, 2019

The third book in the series was much better than the second. Still there was a lot of , I'm drugged I'm dreaming I'm hallucinating the first half of the book. The story line is written better.
Profile Image for Nickcole.
971 reviews67 followers
December 19, 2013
Stars: 4

Overall: I just want to start out by saying that I LOVE THIS SERIES and I'm so glad that i didn't let the Hades idea throw me off. The story has a perfect mix of sex, romance, horror and spiritual connection. So our story started out with Araminta on her way to a big book convention and she meets the bitchy/"nice" Luna so is an ultra star writer in her own right. The book does start a little slow, but once Araminta leaves the party and wanders into a room where they are getting ready to sell old carnival stuff the real story begins. Leander is a possessive and true alpha male. The only thing that threw me off about his character is he felt that danger was around every corner and at times i was slapping my kindle to my going "geez, really". Onto Hades, you would think by the 6th warrior that Hades would have a better game plan and be a little bit smarter, but No. The man kept making the same kind of deals, when he should of just dealt with things himself. The sex in the book WAS AMAZING and i think i read and reread a few parts over and over because i couldn't get enough. I also really liked the after all the battle and drama the warriors connected with each other.

Characters: Araminta & Leander

Page Turner: OH YES!

Series Cont: YES!!

Profile Image for Dina.
1,324 reviews1,315 followers
April 11, 2016
The basic storyline was the same as the one from the previous books, but there were enough differences to make it stand on its own. There were also hints of better things to come in the next book:

Hope springs eternal.
Profile Image for MK.
275 reviews21 followers
September 14, 2013
This is the least I like of this series. At first I'm excited and curious about Araminta and Leander's adventure, but later on my excitement waned and instead replaced by irritation to the heroine. Things will be good if Araminta didn't assume many things and make bad decisions. The climatic part is somehow convenient for the couple, and becomes anticlimatic and a touch over dramatic. Araminta supposed to have the edge because she mostly knows what happened to the warriors, the 24-hour hunt, etc. but she didn't use it. Anyway, I hope Arand's story will be better than this.
Profile Image for Bethany Lovell.
Author 4 books41 followers
January 15, 2014
Another good book in this series... things are not quite what they seem (I think) and loyalties are about to change (I think)... one more animal to free... can't wait for the wolf's story, as I love me some wolfie-boys! yum :)
Profile Image for Brenda.
83 reviews
July 9, 2015
I like the story line for this series. But I thought this one was kind of predictable. There didn't seem to be any plot twists or surprises. It is still a good story just not what I was expecting.
I'm hoping the wolf story has a little more surprises in it.
Profile Image for Natalie Wipf.
57 reviews4 followers
January 24, 2014
I really like this series. They are quick reads but that's ok bcse they are packed with detail. Not recommended as a stand alone book. You need to read them in order.
1,742 reviews33 followers
March 13, 2015
I love this one. The big lion gets freed and doesn't fight his fate. You know, his mate. She's freed him and she is the one for him.
Profile Image for Greta Riordan.
620 reviews38 followers
September 3, 2016
I loved this book. This time the Lady takes an active role in saving her Warrior. And Hades tries a different approach to getting them to choose sides. All in all a good book.
Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews

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