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Profile Image for Olivia-Savannah.
959 reviews556 followers
May 4, 2020
I really enjoyed this.

It surprised me how much the beginning of the story had echoes quite similar to that of Beauty and the Beast.

As told to me many a time, the Grimms version of Rapunzel is a lot darker and grimmer than the Disney version and tale I was told growing up. But I liked its morbidity. I feel like Rapunzel's 'magic' moment was a bit too random and happily ever after though. Especially as there is not a lick of magic in the rest of the story before now.

Unless you count super long hair that people can climb as magical, of course. Which is highly likely.
Profile Image for Carlos De Eguiluz.
226 reviews193 followers
December 7, 2016
¿La historia? Cool.
¿El climax? Sádico as fuck para terminar bien.
¿Mi opinión? Asombroso.
Profile Image for Arman.
333 reviews289 followers
September 20, 2024
قصه‌های برادران گریم
قصه دوازدهم

قصه راپونزل نیاز به هیچ توضیحی ندارد، یکی از بهترین و آیکونیک‌ترین قصه‌های برادران گریم.
همه چیز برای یک قصه عالی را در خود دارد. اگرچه خوردن میوه ممنوعه و ادای قولی که به یک جن یا جادوگر می‌دهید و تبعید به سرزمین آن جادوگر، عناصری تکراری هستند، اما خود کاراکتر راپونزل و برجی که در آن گیر می‌افتد، موقعیت یکه‌ و جالبی هستش.

یک چیزی که هم که تازه به ذهنم رسید، این است که می‌توان برج توی قصه را نمادی قضیبی در نظر گرفت و بقیه ماجرا
Profile Image for Sara Bakhshi.
1,431 reviews384 followers
September 16, 2024
طبق اون ساختارشناسی پراپ این داستان همه چیز رو داشت.
ابتدای داستان میاد وضعیت اولیه رو میگه و اینکه یه خانواده بودن که بچه میخواستن و ویلن رو معرفی می‌کنه. بعدش وایولیشن و خطای رفتاری رخ میده و شخص دزدی می‌کنه.
حالا وقت انتقامه، جادوگر میاد سرنوشت رو عوض می‌کنه.
قهرمانمون ایزوله میشه و بعدش ناجی(؟ به نظرم قهرمان این داستان راپونزله و شاهزاده ناجی حساب میشه) داستان ظاهر میشه.
بعد ارتباط اینا رو گسترش میده و بعد وقت شکست خوردن قهرمان داستانمونه.
(آها شاید با این ورژن راپونزل اونقدر آشنا نباشیم، اینجا شاهزاده ای که برا نجات راپونزل می‌ره خودش رو از برج میندازه پایین و کور میشه.)
و درنهایت رستگاری داستان رو داریم که شاهزاده دوباره صدای راپونزل رو می‌شنوه و اشک راپونزل چشماش رو شفا میده.

حالا اون قسمت از دست دادن بینایی برام جالب بود چون یه جورایی اشاره داره به اینکه عشق کور می‌کنه.
Profile Image for Mela.
1,772 reviews236 followers
August 20, 2020
To me, the story was about craving what you shouldn't desire, how big consequences can be to satisfy it, that some people would do everything for such craving. The second part was about trying to protect someone from a 'corrupt world', at the cost of freedom.

I am starting to look at Grimms' fairy tale as a structure consisting of two types. One is the message for people (adults), full of harshness, metaphors, etc. and then (nearing to the end and a happy ending) it is as a tale for children.

[This time I have been listening Hans Hafen from LibriVox, but it was very hard for me. I think it was a matter of his strong accent.]
Profile Image for Miniikaty .
655 reviews132 followers
September 11, 2019
Reseña completa:

Con una edición preciosa y muy cuidada, en tapa dura y con ilustraciones a todo color Edelvives ha publicado el cuento clásico de Rapunzel de los hermanos Grimm.

Nos cuenta la historia que en mayor o menor medida conocemos todos, la de una joven de cabellos rubios infinitos que está atrapada por una bruja en lo alto de una torre perdida en la espesura del bosque.

Es uno de mis cuentos preferidos, incluso la película de Disney "Enredados" es de mis favoritas, así que tenía muchas ganas de leer el libro y ver si se diferenciaba mucho de lo que yo ya conocía. Y sí que hay pequeños detalles que desconocía y me ha encantado descubrir.
Profile Image for Tisha.
377 reviews1,046 followers
July 8, 2018
Not so sweet as the Disney one!
Profile Image for M.M. Strawberry Library & Reviews.
4,318 reviews368 followers
January 10, 2022
Like with many other fairy tales, some weird things happen here but heck that's pretty standard for fairy tales.

One thing I do have to ponder as an adult is that I imagine a tower didn't have much access to any water unless Rapunzel was able to collect rainwater and what have you, and with all her hair, that would end up one really nasty, grody mess especially if it was being used as a ladder.

At least in the movie Tangled, Rapunzel's hair was literally magical so it'd explain how it stayed so silky smooth and seemed to never be tangled in anything.
Profile Image for Bryan L.
734 reviews118 followers
September 8, 2021
Cuento Perfecto para dormir, ¿por qué? Le leí dos paginas a mí mamá y de una se durmió jajajajaa

Pero hablando en serio, la historia de Rapunzel que ya conocemos pero en una edición hermosa de Edelvives y con ilustraciones en cada página. Es una belleza completa 🖤
Profile Image for Allen McLean.
Author 21 books17 followers
February 7, 2023
Towering over, \\ took away what one loves most, \\ removed from the world.
#HAIKUPRAJNA - Rapunzel [Book Review / Analysis / Summary / Essay]


Hello readers,

I have begun a fairy tale themed series, and I am starting it off with a review of Rapunzel by the Brothers Grimm.

This fairy tale is set around the tower of Gothel, an enchantress. Gothel had taken the daughter of the parents who were stealing from her rampion garden. Rapunzel was then kept away from the rest of the world. She was kept hostage until she fell in love with a prince, who overheard Gothel's request, "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down thy hair."

What stuck out to me was Gothel's desire to keep her being in direct conflict with the parents' and the prince's desire to have her.

The original fairy tale stories' gruesomeness is great at being dramatic in a dark way, with characters flinging themselves towards death or despondency over their misfortune. 'Rapunzel' succeeded in this by moving to a happy ending that is juxtaposed to highlight both the drama and the resolution. This is explored further through the symbolism of Rapunzel being separated from the world as a way to prevent the desire that afflicted the rest of the cast. In a theatrical manner, the Prince's desire to see her led to Rapunzel's awareness of the outside world and her desire to leave.

When Rapunzel revealed that she was using the method that Gothel was using to visit Rapunzel to also bring up the Prince, Dame Gothel decided to take Rapunzel's hair away and she cast Rapunzel away.

Gothel then displayed her ability to use the hair against Rapunzel to lure the Prince up the tower. Gothel's gloating over taking away both of their desired objects was genius in its display of the duality in using the love that others provide for one's own purposes.

It also displayed--via the Prince--how that can leave one lost and wandering in blindness. His reaction set the tone for Gothel as a villain who would have instead reacted by taking from anyone that had just wronged her.

Every character acted upon what they desired. Readers are thus left with an important idea to contemplate. Dame Gothel was wronged in the same manner as the others. However, the other characters reacted without malice when they were wronged. Nobody else was afraid to suffer the consequences of their acts of freely given love, regardless of the source being one's own or another's.

Gothel could have helped the parents, I feel. She could have wedded her adopted (stolen) daughter and been related to royalty. Instead, she removed herself from the equation.

The shared suffering further cemented the love between Rapunzel and the Prince. The greatest symbolic lesson I found from this story was how that was shown to even heal their wounds; a good, short bedtime story.

Thank you for reading.

Please share your thoughts in a comment.

Allen W. McLean


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Profile Image for Vaishali.
1,120 reviews295 followers
February 6, 2017
The original Grimm Brothers tale is very, very sad... although it does end happily ever after. The evil woman chops off Rapunzel's hair, who's pregnant with twins. The prince is blind, but regains sight when he somehow finds Rapunzel and kids living in poverty in the woods... Her tears nourish his vision. An absolutely beautiful, well~written tale. FYI: she's named "Rapunzel" after the rampion plant, which may have been used in medieval times for mouth/throat afflictions.
Profile Image for Fred.
554 reviews41 followers
May 17, 2017
This was a pretty shocking version! Poor Rapunzel! The ending was a little bit...well...fairytale! But all in all an entertaining and interesting story!
Profile Image for Книжни Криле.
3,194 reviews181 followers
December 4, 2020
Любимата история за дългокосата Рапунцел идва в нова премяна от изд. „Лабиринт”. Класическата приказка на Якоб и Вилхелм Грим оживява по нов, зашеметяващ начин - с прелестните илюстрации на художничката Франческа дел’Орто. Да, можем да прочетем приказката за затворничката от кулата под какви ли не форми и вид, но точно тази версия на „Рапунцел” е не просто чудесна картинна книга за деца, тя е и уникално удоволствие за ценители на илюстрацията. Прочетете ревюто на "Книжни Криле":
Profile Image for Lör K..
Author 3 books94 followers
July 25, 2017
Who doesn't know the stunning story of Rapunzel, the girl with the long hair, kept captured by a witch in a tall, tall tower? A childhood classic for many people of my generation, older generations, and even generations to come.

However, in the countless retellings of this classic story, so many beautiful details are missed out. Visiting the original story text was a short but stunning adventure for me. I got to receive nostalgia, whilst also discovering a brand new story.

A tale as old as time, and a beautiful one at that, the original story of Rapunzel almost brought tears to my eyes. A simply beautiful story, and an original story that people should definitely check out.
Profile Image for Ken.
2,388 reviews1,361 followers
July 22, 2018
An enjoyable fairy tale that most people would be familiar with.
Profile Image for Amy.
102 reviews9 followers
February 8, 2017
As terrible as it sounds, what I loved most about reading this was seeing the parallel's between The Grimm's original tale, and the novelisation version of Rapunzel 'Cress' by Marissa Meyer! There were so many similarities between the two that I never knew about (only previously seeing the Disney movie Tanged) so reading this was really enjoyable for that element!
7 reviews1 follower
March 4, 2018
I would recommend Rapunzel to people who love reading fairy tales, or to older kids because of what is written even though this is a classic short story. The story is written well; however, the dialogue is written to sound like the story takes place during the medieval times. That, however, does not mess with the rest of the story. The rest of the story has enough action and romance that would make it enjoyable for any age.

The characters are also written well, and are relatable to the reader. I think that readers can use their past experiences to connect to a character. There were also messages scattered throughout the story, and I learned a few of those messages while reading and annotating the story. Those hidden messages helped make the characters and the entire enjoyable.

Overall, the story was a good story to read. The story was able to add enough emotion to the story, which made it fun to read. The story also had enough imagery, which was able to paint a picture in the reader’s head. Rapunzel is a story that is told by generations and should be a story that should still be told by generations to come.
Profile Image for Barbara.
14.1k reviews300 followers
April 8, 2017
Originally published in Germany, this retelling of the beloved fairy tale collected by the Grimm brothers is accompanied by illustrations that are softly painted and have a delicate quality to them, almost seeming misty in some places. Readers who are familiar with the story will enjoy hearing it told again or reading it for themselves as this version is faithful to the original account although it leaves out some of the more unsavory details. When a couple who have longed desperately for a child realize that they are in luck, the future mother craves the rapunzel in the garden belonging to an enchantress. The father is caught stealing the leaves, and promises to give his child in return for the leaves he has taken. Rapunzel, the child, thus ends up being placed in a tower and having only the witch as her companion. That is, until a prince happens by as she is releasing her braided hair as a rope for the witch to climb. Naturally, he is curious, and things go from there. I've always loved this fairy tale, no matter what form it takes.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 251 reviews

