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A high-stakes online game of dares turns deadly

When Vee is picked to be a player in NERVE, an anonymous game of dares broadcast live online, she discovers that the game knows her. They tempt her with prizes taken from her ThisIsMe page and team her up with the perfect boy, sizzling-hot Ian. At first it's exhilarating--Vee and Ian's fans cheer them on to riskier dares with higher stakes. But the game takes a twisted turn when they're directed to a secret location with five other players for the Grand Prize round. Suddenly they're playing all or nothing, with their lives on the line. Just how far will Vee go before she loses NERVE?

Debut author Jeanne Ryan delivers an un-putdownable suspense thriller.

304 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 13, 2012

About the author

Jeanne Ryan

3 books483 followers
I’ve lived all over the world, raised in a family with eleven brothers and sisters. I spent my early childhood in Hawaii and the rest of my growing-up years trying to figure out a way to get back there, with stops in South Korea, Michigan and Germany along the way. Before writing fiction, I tried my hand at many things, including war game simulation and youth development research. But I decided it was much more fun to work on stories than statistics.

These days, I still love Hawaii, but have found my home under the moody skies of the Pacific Northwest.

Note, I post news on Twitter @Jeanne_Ryan and on my FB page: www.facebook.com/JeanneRyanAuthor

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,705 reviews
Profile Image for Angela.
880 reviews1,506 followers
November 9, 2023
I read Nerve for two reason and two reasons only: The cover, because it's oddly beautiful, and because it's becoming a movie with Emma Roberts and Dave Franco. I really like them both so I wanted to pick this up before September when it's set to be release. That being said I don't know if it was worth it. Nerve ggot on my last one. It was so freaking boring! This book is about a live action truth or dare game (without the truth part), where teens can sign up and the more "extreme" the dares the better the prizes.

**warning if you just saw the trailer for this movie. And think "ehhhhh this doesn't look so bad", you're wrong. NOTHING that happens in the trailer happens in this book. Not a single thing... You've been warned.**

First off I had absolutely no connection to either one of our leads. Vee is one of the most annoying female protagonists I've ever encountered. She's not only annoying, she's also both childish and whiny. There wasn't anything she couldn't find a reason to complain about. She drags on and complains about her home life, school life, friends, boys, and mostly the game SHE SIGNED UP FOR! I also struggled connecting with her because of her reason for signing up for the game was so slack, a freaking boy. Like come on?!? Seriously? Then she gets into the game and is the biggest baby ever about it. The preliminary dares are so easy that I found it very hard to believe anyone would be so torn up about it. Like one of them, she has to walk into a coffee shop, convince a guy to buy her coffee, close her eyes, and sing 99 bottles, and then she cries. Why? Why are you crying?! I just don't understand. She cries most of the dares and a lot of them are just simple things like that. I also found the prizes she requested and that the game would give dumb and unbelievable. Plus her constant act of screaming at the cameras ``someone call 911" drove me insane. When the Nerve screen says "time to shut it Vee" I about died laughing, because it was exactly how I felt too.

Oh, and the other thing she kept doing that worked me was when she would ask "omg how does this game know so much about me? Did they ask all my friends or something?" no hooker, they looked it up on your stupid facebook site thingy!!! How dumb can you be? You post your whole life on it. How did you not know? On top of all this Vee is constantly in the state of being grounded and all her "friends" think it's because of her grades, but her best friend knows it's for something else... When we find out why all I could think is "why the F would your parents ground you for this!!! What terrible parenting!". There's a million other ways to handle a situation like this and grounding isn't one of them. Ugh.

Now on to Ian. He turns out to be Vee's live rounds partner. Ian is supposed to be this mysterious-edgy-dreamy-good bad boy, and I just didn't buy into it. Plus his "bad" background story is never fully answered. That lack of Ian information made me laugh at the thought of these two being romantic interest. They're romance wasn't at all convincing. It's kind of hard to explain, but it's just not believable. When they would be all cutesy with one another I just didn't fall for it. It's kind of like they were both there so why not just make them be together. No real reason for it, just because. I would have been happier if they were just teammates and weren't thrown into being something more. As far as side characters, well they were awful. I never in a thousand years would think that teens would be this nasty and vile to each other. Maybe one, but several, nah. I hated how her "friends" were also so conveniently thrown into the mix. Why not Ian's friends? Why not any of the other players? I was also a bit sad when there wasn't a single side character I could even kind of like. I live for side characters and it's clear they can make or break and story, these broke it.

Nerve's plot promised us a fast paced, action packed book for fans of The Hunger Games... Really tired of books not like The Hunger Games being compared to the The Hunger Games. When Nerve started with an action packed cliff hanging prologue I was really excited to get answers for what the heck was happening... Gonna warn you after you're done with the book it'll hit you that the prologue was pointless and is never answered (or did I miss something when I dozed off for a few minutes?). After the odd boring start to the book I had hopes that things would pick up, but once the dares started and we see what they are I lost all faith. The dares are one boring event after another. I was hoping things would get crazy and would be more off the wall events like Lauren Oliver's Panic, but nope.

At one point when one of the dares actually starts getting insane, and there starts to be a lot of build up, and the suspense is finally happening... it just drops off and the payoff is just this messy sloppy thrown together ending. And God is this ending so unsatisfying.

I didn't have high expectations going into Nerve, but I was still hoping to get something... turns out I just gave it a bunch of time and got nothing in return.
Profile Image for Alejandro.
1,194 reviews3,698 followers
September 20, 2016
Not as good as its movie adaptation.


I went to the cinema theater and watch the Nerve movie, due Emma Roberts (which I love) was starring. I enjoyed a lot the film, and it was until the final credits I found out that the movie was based on a novel.

So, I went to check for it, that luckily (I supposed due the movie’s premiere) I found the book in a local bookstore and even with a tie-in cover.

The story is about an underground game called Nerve where people join it as “watchers” or “players”, in a “dare game” where the administrators defined dares to the players in change of money or valuable prizes, and the watchers are following the dares filming with their phones if the players were able to success in their dares or not.

However, soon enough the players notice that Nerve know A LOT about them, since not only they set kind of dares involving emotional stress due players’ pasts but also Nerve know exactly what kind of prizes to offer to make irresistible the temptation of accepting the dares.

Vee is the main character, she is a high schooler, usually shy and living in the shadow of her best friend, Sidney, that she is one of the most popular girls in the school. A mixture of events put Vee (that it’s amusing “not knowing” her real name in the book until almost finishing it, when in the movie is the first thing that you clearly get to know, so it wasn’t any surprise to me) to inscribe to the online game and starting some “easy” dares having as back-up to her other best friend, Tommy, but soon enough the Nerve administrators will put her as “couple” of Ian, another player, doing double dares from then on. The dares get to increase the prizes but also the complexity of the dares even put them in physical risk.


I’ll be honest and telling you that I liked far better the movie adaptation, since its rythmn is better, the dares get to be more exciting, the chemistry between Vee and Ian is more intense, and the challenge against the Nerve people is more dangerous.

However, I like some stuff that it was done in the original book that the movie didn’t, like instead of only offering money (as Charlie’s grandpa said, the money is so common that they print it everyday) but they tempt the players with stuff that Nerve knows that the players are “dying” to have (and maybe they will!). Obviously money can help you to get what you want, but if somebody knows you well, they can tempt you with material things that they aren’t just a matter of money, since they may be so exclusive or impossible to get, that even money couldn’t guarantee you to make you able to get them. Also, even it’s stuff that you could buy with money, it’s not the same effect in your brain, to be offered with money than the precise material prize that you always wanting to have.

In both versions (movie and book) Nerve organization behind the game seems to be ruthless people willing to do anything to keep the game on and not worrying to cause damage to anyone, however, while in the movie, you clearly watch the results of that, in the book you wonder how dangerous and/or powerful they really are, that along with a “third act” where you have to deal with a big bunch of characters that you are introduced until then, and therefore, you don’t care about them, all the good reading experience in the first two parts of the book is kinda get down in that third part.

So, I’d wish to give to the book a higher rate, but I think that 3 stars is fair enough, still on the safe side of a positive experience, but certainly it could manage way better the final lap of the novel.

Profile Image for rachel, x.
1,791 reviews932 followers
June 27, 2022
I have literally nothing to say about this other than the movie is better. Much better. I know that it’s part of the sacred book community rite of passage to always vehemently reject that sort of statement... but it’s true.

This book had some of the most underdeveloped characters I have ever read about. Vee was an unpleasant protagonist. She had no spark. I could not connect with her. I found her decisions incredibly irritating. I understand that she has a shy and timid personality... so I guess it genuinely was a realistic response? However, I just could not understand her motivations or get inside her head.

On top of that, Ian had absolutely no personality. We know almost literally nothing about him, so their romance did nothing for me in return. In fact, I was highly sceptical of their entire relationship. Sydney, Matthew, and Tommy were also, similarly, bland as boiled rice. I didn’t understand any of their relationships with Vee. Sydney and Vee’s friendship was handled poorly, especially when the movie did such a brilliant job, and Tommy came across as the typical jaded ‘friend-zoned' nerd. I couldn’t stand him.

Despite all of that, it was the plotline that ruined Nerve for me. I assumed this book was going to be a thriller. While it desperately tried to be, especially in the second half, it fell flat. I didn’t like how the game, NERVE, was portrayed. It didn’t feel like a legitimate threat at all! There was no sense of urgency surrounding the dares. They weren’t even dangerous, just mildly embarrassing. The final scene tried to up the stakes but it felt… I don’t know, weird. It was so random, I could not fathom why anyone was participating. The ending was the icing on the cake. It was awful.


• The writing was too simplistic for my taste.
• The dialogue was stilted and awkward.
• Characters were all cliches & cardboard cut-outs.
• I didn’t understand the role of Watchers.
• The topic of suicide was handled poorly.
• This book is pitched for fans of The Hunger Games and I could not tell you a single feature these books have in common.

Overall? I didn't enjoy a single aspect of this book. The characters were so bland I couldn't muster the energy to remember their names. The romance was underdeveloped and the plotline was weak. The dares were cringe-worthy, rather than thrilling. I got no sense of urgency or suspense. It was boring and poorly written. I don’t think I’d bother with anything else this author has written.

I definitely recommend the movie over this book. None of the dares at the same and the characterisation in the movie is done so well. Ian is an amazing character and Emma Roberts acting is on point.

Trigger warnings for .

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Profile Image for Dannii Elle.
2,146 reviews1,736 followers
May 12, 2017
Well, this was one crazy, intense journey from start to finish!

Why is it always so much harder to write a review for a book you absolutely adored? Without waffling or being an over-excited mess, I'll just write the basics. The writing was stellar! The plot was intense! The characters were relatable! The pacing is so fast that I felt like I didn't exhale for the entirety of the book! And if my overabundance of exclamation points don't convince you to read this, I don't know what will!
Profile Image for Kelly (and the Book Boar).
2,674 reviews9,123 followers
January 14, 2016
Find all of my reviews at: http://52bookminimum.blogspot.com/

2.5 Stars

First things first:

“For fans of The Hunger Games”

Palm Springs commercial photography

Uh. No. More like for fans of . . . .

Palm Springs commercial photography

Nerve is an online game where participants are challenged to dares that become increasingly difficult the further the contestants make it. Vee decides she’s had enough of being the girl behind the curtains and decides to submit an online video entry to Nerve. The dare she chooses? To go to a coffee shop and dump a bottle of water over her head while shouting “cold water makes me hot.” What Vee forgot to calculate for was the white shirt she was wearing which resulted in her video becoming an immediate fan fave . . .

Palm Springs commercial photography

Vee was planning on her Nerve experience being a one and done right-of-passage type thing, but when Nerve offers her a chance to win some fabulous prizes it’s an offer too good to refuse . . .

Palm Springs commercial photography

Bitches do love them some shoes.

The more dares she completes, the better the prizes. Just how far will Vee go to make her dreams come true . . . .

Palm Springs commercial photography

And will she be able to stop playing before it becomes deadly?

This wasn’t too bad. I mean it wasn’t great, but it wasn’t a carbon copy of the trillion other YA books out there and presented something fresh. Well, almost fresh. There was still this little issue to contend with . . .

Palm Springs commercial photography

I know when I just meet some dude and get paired up to do dares like “pretend you’re a prostitute” in a bad neighborhood I am ONLY going to be thinking how I’d like to cram my tongue down that rando’s throat. That’s probably just me, though. Anyway, definitely not the worst thing I’ve ever read and has the possibility of making a decent transition to the big screen . . .

Palm Springs commercial photography

Kay is my only friend who has read this and she had about the same reaction as me, but read her review and spread the love . . . or “likes” – tomato/tomahto.
Profile Image for Matthew.
1,221 reviews9,742 followers
January 17, 2018
Entertaining, but sooooooooo cheesy!

I would put this in its own genre of “Young Adult Fan Fiction”. It reminded of when I was in middle school or high school and I would write stories in my head about how I was badass even though in real life I was awkward and nerdy. I was always too afraid to go too far with the content because that would just be crazy. I mean I would be fighting bad guys with guns, but no one can really get shot right? I mean I was just a teenager, things wouldn’t get that dark, right? Also, can I cuss?? (Oh, maybe I will throw in a shit or two . . . . maybe just the F word once during the big climatic scene!) No matter what, though, imaginary me was going to come out of his shell, kick some bad guy in the nuts, save the day, and get the girl! I don’t care if it makes any sense, it is GONNA BE AWESOME!!!

So, cheesy, right? But not bad – I was entertained. I think many others will be entertained, but if you are looking for a deep story that makes a lot of sense and features fine literary writing, this is not it. I want to stress that I am not bashing the author or the book – it was good for a few hours of getting away and remembering being an imaginary bad ass teenager!

Nerve book signing coming soon to your local deli!

Profile Image for Isa Cantos (Crónicas de una Merodeadora).
1,009 reviews42.3k followers
August 10, 2016
Nerve me dejó un poco traumatizada y con una rayada mental nivel épico. Dicho eso, este libro nos cuenta la historia de Vee, una chica que siempre ha estado un poco tras bambalinas y no toma muchos riesgos. Eventualmente, uno de sus amigos la anima a participar en un reto de Nerve, una aplicación/programa que les pide a los jugadores a cumplir una serie de desafíos a cambio de participar en las rondas nacionales, de ganar premios y dinero.

A partir del momento en que Vee empieza a participar, su vida nunca será la misma pues se verá arrastrada a cumplir cada vez un reto más. Traspasará sus límites, hará cosas que nunca habría pensado posibles, se volverá un poco adicta a la adrenalina de cumplir los desafíos y de no saber cuál será el siguiente reto. Además, conocerá a Ian, un chico aparentemente perfecto, pero en el que no sabe si confiar o no.

¿Qué es lo que me gustó muchísimo de este libro? Que no fue para nada lo que esperaba. Cre��a que iba a ser algo con retos súper sencillos y una trama más bien superficial. Sin embargo, el concepto de Nerve y de todos los desafíos que se entrelazan unos con otros es bastante abrumador, pesado y atemorizante. En Nerve vemos cómo este juego no solamente condiciona a los participantes, sino que los manipula tanto física como mentalmente. Vemos cómo Nerve los engancha, los satisface por un momento y luego empieza a debilitarlos y destruirlos.

Un punto a favor de Nerve es que, si lo piensas detenidamente, es algo que fácilmente podría estar sucediendo, que no es una distopía de un mundo posapocalíptico, sino que es algo actual. En Nerve vemos reflejados los alcances de la tecnología, de lo oscuro que puede llegar a ser el internet, el anonimato y las ansias de fama y dinero. Nerve es un juego peligroso que saca lo peor de algunas personas.

Esta novela de Jeanne Ryan no decepciona, alcanza todas las expectativas e incluso las supera. Nos deja a los lectores con el corazón en el puño durante el desenlace y... ¡vaya final! Los últimos capítulos son demasiado intensos. En general, Nerve es un libro que no puedes parar de leer. Al igual que los jugadores, te enganchas tantísimo al juego y a sus retos que necesitas saber si los van a superar y si van a pasar a la siguiente ronda.

Lo único que le reprocho al libro es el romance. No hacía falta y no fue muy creíble, en mi opinión. Autores, dejen de meter romance porque sí a las historias de acción. A veces le quitan más a su libro de lo que realmente aportan.
Profile Image for Becca & The Books.
333 reviews8,179 followers
November 26, 2021
I picked this one up because I was interested in the movie, and a book about an online game of dares with crazy high stakes and spectacular prizes sounded like a fun time, I can't lie.

Sadly, Nerve disappointed me. Literally the only thing I expected from it was that it would be exciting, with tension building as the dares progressed. But the dares in here... are not high stakes? A couple of them would be mildly embarrassing most were just sleazy and the final one was just a group of people screaming for 40 pages.
I still can't figure out why so many of these dares surrounded nudity or sex. One I could overlook and be like "fair enough" but 3 of the 5 dares in this book are sleazy as hell, especially when we consider that the main character is 17 and is being put in positions where she can be sexualised by men of undisclosed ages. All of which would be totally fine if the book was trying to make a point about sexualising underage girls but it's literally just for entertainment purposes and to make the dares "high stakes" which once again... they were not. The prizes weren't all that great either.

I'll try the movie.
Profile Image for Heather.
316 reviews293 followers
March 17, 2017
1 star
In a Word: Ridiculous (or perhaps not quite ridiculous enough?)

Well, that was rough

I went from “oh ok, this is cool”
to “hm, ok this is dumb”
to “What the f*ckity f*ck was that?!?!

The Story


Oooooo …. Chills right?
…... meh

Vee is a shy logical girl who lives life behind the scenes. NERVE is an online phenomenon where players log on and complete dares for money and prizes. By all definitions, Vee is a "watcher" and not a "player" in the world of NERVE. But after seeing the guy she likes kiss someone else, Vee decides that she is through being backstage in her own life and decides to take a risk and play. The game brings her together with “hot” Ian (who I really don’t remember anything about except that he was hot) who helps her break out of her shell and compete. Suddenly (and boy do I mean suddenly because I swear this book went from 0 to WTF in NO TIME) they find themselves in a competition for their lives (no seriously, I made that sound WAY more interesting than it actually was).

What I did like

I really like the concept of this story. We live so much of our lives constantly connected to the internet these days that this futuristic concept seems (at first) very believable. I could absolutely see an online game like this popping up in reality.

I also enjoyed the beginning of this story. Vee was an interesting character and I was excited to watch her step outside of her comfort zone in some wild, awkward, and embarrassing ways.

What I did not like

The first few dares were very fun to read about. Embarrassing dares that would be enjoyable for the watchers of the games. Unfortunately, the dares quickly become personal and greatly detached from what I as a watcher would even give two f*cks about seeing. Yeah, it sucks for the players, but who cares?

As the dares increased in difficulty, I had a really hard time connecting with the story. I wanted either more super embarrassing dares and a really nice coming of age story to go along with it ….. Or I wanted wild, freeing, high adrenalin craziness. What I got was boring and farfetched slow moving situations.

The climax of the book was INSANE (and not in a good way). I seriously found myself rewriting this book in my head to make sense (I do that sometimes when I'm not willing to accept defeat and dnf a book). Really and truly … it was boring. It sort of read like watching paint dry tbh.

I didn’t give a f*ck about any of the characters. Which is why I have failed to mention the varying cast of cliché characters that appear in this book … Because seriously ... They are all pretty much not worth mentioning.

In Conclusion

This book was nothing to write home about. It was boring, farfetched, ridiculous, weird and plain. This “high octane” story was, sadly, anything but exciting.

If you want to read a decent book with a similar premise, I would suggest Panic by Lauren Oliver. Very similar but in my opinion, a better application of the underlying concept.
Profile Image for kate.
1,457 reviews976 followers
August 14, 2016
3.75* I think I'm definitely in the minority for this opinion, but I actually really enjoyed this book. :') I'm not sure whether it was because I went into it with pretty low expectations (due to it's fairly low average star rating on Goodreads) but I liked it a lot more than I expected too! It was super fast paced and I ended up devouring it in one sitting. Despite it being pretty ridiculous in many ways, I found the plot to be extremely gripping and overall a really entertaining read! I will say that the ending was inconclusive and therefore pretty frustrating and the prologue seemed to have next to no explanation or connection to the rest of the book but nonetheless, I ended up thoroughly enjoying reading this... I'm intrigued to see what the movie will be like!
Profile Image for Lexie.
224 reviews198 followers
August 14, 2016
Reviewed at The Honest Bookclub.

Alright, here's the deal: if a book is going to feature nothing but senseless characters, there needs to be:
- some sort of development
- an acknowledgment that they're behaving like idiots
- ... you know, sense.
The only alternative, really, is adopting a nihilist senselessness-is-all-there-is approach. But given how heavily this book relied on material possessions, fame, voyeurism, looks, boys, looks, boys, and looks... it's hard to say it was going for a nihilist approach.

What's left, then? A senseless book about a cast of senseless characters making senseless decisions throughout. Behold: Nerve.

It's exactly what it says on the cover: an online-based game of life and death that you choose to play for five minutes of fame, spa makeovers and really fancy shoes.

And not to be misunderstood - this is a magnificent concept. Partly because there's a part of your brain that desperately wishes something akin to Nerve was real (if you're a demented Gryffindor, at least), even knowing full-well that you wouldn't actually participate. And partly it's because Nerve augments virtual reality and brings it into our world the same way we've seen other games do recently (*cough*), so it's both prophetic and relevant, and also - if we're being honest - just so exciting.

What, then, seems to be the problem? Swap in other characters instead of the ones in this book and we've got ourselves a fully enjoyable experience. Because Nerve is told through the eyes of Vee. And however you try to spin it (believe me, I've spun so much I got dizzy), Vee is problematic.

She is problematic because she is talked into Nerve by a boy, perseveres because of another boy, and then sticks around for another boy - all the while making sure to point out that if it wasn't for [boy], she'd never have made it this far. (That, Vee, would have been what we call a good thing.)
She is problematic because resents her friends for her own lack of sound judgment.
She is problematic because she's one jeepers! away from a Scooby Doo level of eloquence, but then breezes through sexually explicit dare after sexually explicit dare.

And most of all - she is problematic because she thinks introversion is a character flaw that must be rectified at all costs. Which, incidentally, is the very premise of Nerve as a novel.

I've raged and raged against the trope that being shy is a defect of character and that not being the center of attention means you're doing something wrong. But in the interest of once-more-with-feeling: giving us a costume and make-up designer who is secretly a bitter failed actress, and then thrusting her into the spotlight to show the actual actors up is a fundamentally inaccurate, insensitive and ignorant way of, as John Green puts it, imagining others complexly.

Piling up living-tropes-in-character-form as all the side characters doesn't help, either.

And now that I've thoroughly picked the book apart, a one-eighty: despite the inane characters and despite the enormous suspension of disbelief that the plot requires, for me Nerve was a ridiculously entertaining experience. And for putting me in the position of easily the most irritating stratum in the book - the Watchers - and making me enjoy the experience and genuinely wonder what happens next - the book does, after all, earn a tentative pass.

(The movie, however, looks amazing. But I'm by no means a movie aficionado, so I have low standards and nothing to compare it to. Keep this in mind at all times and you will never get horribly lost on my account.)
Profile Image for lucie.
528 reviews761 followers
October 28, 2016
What can happen in one night?
How far would you go to get what you want the most?

Nerve was fun, suspensefull and addictive read. The dares were simple and stupid and I enjoyed them - but only at the beginning. After promising start, the moment they got into final round, Vee’s complaining, her conspiracy theories ruined the fun for good and things escalated little too quickly. No fun, too much drama, boring.

Vee - I understand why she signed up for the game and I liked to watch how she became more confident thanks these dares. But her overthinking was annoying and sometimes I didn’t understand why she acted the way she did (why she cried in the coffee shop while she was singing?).

Ian - He was pretty unrealistic character but hey, it’s YA book, right? I could expect that. I didn’t mind the insta love between him and Vee but I really hoped that part of his dare is to make Vee fall in love with him. Maybe next time.

What I don’t get is, how the prologue fits into the story? I mean, it takes time obviously after Nerve when Vee is haunted by one of her Watchers. But the book ends with cute running session with Ian and taking photos with/of their fans. Quite bit difference, don’t you think?

Overall, it’s fast paced read, some things I enjoyed, some of them not. It is not one of my favorite books but I think I will re-read it some day.

If you want to read it just because you liked the movie. Don’t. It’s not the same story.
If you like Hunger Games and you want to read something similar. Don’t. It’s not even close the Hunger Games.



You don’t have to worry you will be spoilered by movie before you read the book because they are two different stories. The only thing that the movie and this book have in common is the idea of truth and dare game. And Vee’s name.

I wanted to watch Nerve (long time before I have known there is a book) for one simple reason: Dave Franco. OMG, I-love-him! The character he plays in the movie is totally my dream boyfriend.



Cute, cute, cute!
Profile Image for Maria Espadinha.
1,084 reviews453 followers
January 24, 2020
Os Escravos dos Media

Se porventura algum dia nos passar pela cabeça participar num desses reality shows tipo "Big Brother" ou outros afins, abdicamos automaticamente do comando das nossas vidas. Adormecemos para acordar não como insectos Kafkianos, mas como marionetes destinadas ao puro entretenimento mediático.
Melhor ou pior, dependerá da perspectiva de análise.😉

Nerve é uma leitura compulsiva, daquelas de ranger os dentes , onde somos envolvidos numa série de desafios que começam por ser insignificantes , mas sucedem num crescendo que rapidamente os eleva a expoentes extremos e perigosos!

Um alerta para uma tentadora forma de alienação de jovens que decorre na nossa era.
Já entrámos no século XXI e é chocante constatar que a escravatura ainda se insinua por aí. Contudo, encontra-se eximiamente camuflada!

Ah! E anda por aí um filme :
Profile Image for Kaya Dimitrova.
330 reviews73 followers
February 18, 2017
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“Игра на нерви” със сигурност не беше от най-силните антиутопични романи, които съм чела, но пък бе достатъчно непредсказуем, напрегнат и плашещ, за да спечели интереса ми. Книгата илюстрираше свят, в който една игра, зад чийто екран се крият анонимни лица, е способна да диктува следващите действията на своите играчи, задавайки им безумни предизвикателства, често рискови за техния живот. И всичко това срещу изкусителни награди, по които всеки един от тях, тайно или явно, копнее. До къде са готови да стигнат участници за още материални облаги е еднакво любопитен въпрос като този до къде е готова да стигне играта при изпитването на техните граници и емоционалност и при навлизането в техните лични и драматични истории.
Profile Image for Chelsea (chelseadolling reads).
1,519 reviews20.3k followers
August 4, 2016
There were parts of this that I really liked, and parts of it that I thought were really dumb. I definitely have higher hopes for the movie though because it seems like the movie is going to have much cooler tasks for the players..... which doesn't really have anything to do with my book review, but there it is. Ha
Profile Image for Inge.
317 reviews938 followers
February 9, 2017
2.5 stars

When I read Nerve in 2013, I ended up really liking it – in fact, I even gave it four stars and added it to my “all-time favourites” list. So now that I’ve finally seen the movie (which was quite good, by the way), I thought it would be the perfect time to do a re-read.

Re-reads come with risks. They can be really fun, but they can also turn some of your favourites into… not-so-favourites. And sadly, this is also the case with Nerve. While the premise still sounds really exciting, the execution somehow falls as flat as a pancake. I had the same problem with Panic, of a similar premise which I ended up hating.

When I look at my review from four years ago, it seems I noticed a lot of the same things that nagged me this time around, yet somehow it didn’t bother me as much back then. Perhaps I’ve become used to higher standards now that I’ve read a gazillion books and the world of YA is really upping its game? It was still a very easy and fun read, and you still want to turn the pages as fast as you can to see how the story ends. But the main character still had the personality of a paper bag and the excitement of the dares just seems to fall flat on paper, not to mention the insta-love was so high and so fast that I needed a seatbelt to keep up with it.

But hey, I have a new movie that I like, so there’s that.


Review from 2013:


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That was quite the ride! Nerve was thrilling, exhilarating and kept me reading for hours, not wanting to put the book down. You just had to know what was coming, what the next dare was going to be, how everyone was going to react. It was exciting up until the very end.

Have you got the guts to play NERVE?

NERVE is a new game. Millions of people around the world watch videos of other people performing dares, each one more challenging than the next. So when the dares get really crazy, why on earth would you play? Because of the prizes. The people at NERVE know exactly what your heart’s deepest desires are and with each dare you complete, you get that pair of shoes you’ve been ogling for ages, or a brand new cell phone. Hell, you could even get a scholarship to that university you’ve been dying to go to. So what have you got to lose?

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Your self-respect, that’s what. The main character, Vee, starts playing NERVE because she’s got the hots for some moronic guy who’s openly picturing her with bikinis and lingerie on. This is mistake number one. Mistake number two is continuing the idiotic dares for the free stuff. Oh, and for her super-hot NERVE partner, Ian, who immediately falls in love with her, of course. Completely out of nowhere ‘cause they’ve only known each other for a couple hours, not to mention the fact that Vee is selfish and stupid. But there must be something about her that I didn’t see because there’s a second love interest. Hooray! Another thing that kinda bugged me was how juvenile NERVE sometimes sounded. Like it was run by pesky teenagers with smart-ass comments.

But hey, don’t let any of that distract you from an otherwise very fascinating storyline. The concept is brilliant and it could very well happen in our world, but I hope not since NERVE is corrupt. I like that you can’t trust anybody, that no-one is perfect. The virtual thing is always a bonus for me. And that ending. It’s not over. A sequel would be nice. Right now would be nice.
Profile Image for Giselle.
990 reviews6,648 followers
September 23, 2012
When the synopsis for Jeanne Ryan's Nerve was first brought to light, it instantly became a novel I had very high hopes for. Talk of high stakes dares broadcasted online by a game that seems to personally know its players - this screams intensity, excitement, and a heck of a lot of entertainment. While it does deliver on the entertainment front, it leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to its promise of exhilarating suspense.

Does it turn deadly? Sure. But this doesn't happen until near the end, saving it all for the climax. What was I expecting? More blood, that's for sure; more danger, more horrifying situations, more serious consequences. Definitely something a lot more sinister than singing in a cafe, or asking people for condoms. When dare after dare ended up being as trivial as the last, I resigned myself to the fact that this simply was not going to be as suspenseful as I had previously imagined. Nonetheless, I can't say I didn't secretly take pleasure from the antics the characters were put through. It was entertaining, just not exactly thrilling. Once we get to the finale and things start to get darker, I finally got a glimpse of what I had hoped this whole novel would be: The stakes are sky high, and the level of anxiety rises tremendously. It also brings about a lot of new questions regarding the integrity of this whole game. This "anonymous" organization does have quite an ominous vibe, I just wish it was introduced much sooner.

Like your usual action film, Nerve is highly plot-driven and suffers from a lack in characterization as well as true depth. While I can't say I particularly cared for our main characters in any strong sense, I can't even begin to distinguish the numerous supporting roles that all seem to blend together; like a big cast of extras. The absence of character development combined with insta-love also causes the romance to feel a bit stale. Aside from the characters, the plot itself doesn't have very much substance when you look under the surface either. History of past games would have given the idea more credibility, and how the games are actually constructed without raising very obvious red flags for the parents or better yet, the law, would have helped mend some very questionable logical flaws that arise when you put some thought into it.

There is a hidden message inside this novel that I found quite thought provoking, on how consumerism has such control over us. We easily succumb to material things and the promise of money. I was surprised by the amount of truth there was in the plot. We're in a culture where consumerism can turn around and destroy us, turning us into unthinking automatons. How far would YOU go to get what you want the most, especially when it's being dangled right in front of you?

Where this book failed to engage me at first, it made up for a lot of it during the last part. When it all comes to an end we're left with intriguing hints on where it will go from here; not to mention a gazillion questions regarding this mysterious entity called Nerve. It's a fun novel, and great if you're looking for a fast paced read with tons of mystery and action.

An advance copy was provided by the publisher for review.

For more of my reviews, visit my blog at Xpresso Reads
Profile Image for Kyoko SWords.
198 reviews1,507 followers
August 22, 2016
Este libro es un mehhh... muy largo y vacío.
O sea, no es que me aburriese. De hecho se lee tan rápido que me leí el 70% en una sentada. El problema fue retomar el 30% que me faltaba... Porque el hecho de que se lea fácil no quiere decir que sea interesante o adictivo. Es un libro que trata de mantenerte en suspenso, pero sus personajes son tan flojos que te da exactamente igual si se mueren, viven, lloran, ríen, etc.
Vee es otro personaje que pasa sin pena ni gloria porque pareciese que un M&M tuviese más cerebro que ella. Sus motivaciones, personalmente, me daban era grima.
El final es otro mehhh. No deja nada. Es decir, que me quedo exactamente igual a como estaba antes de leerlo. El mensaje puede ser interesante, pero el contenido no le da peso.
De hecho creo que tiene más potencial audiovisual que escrito, así que veré la película esperando que se ponga mejor el asunto.
Una entrelectura que siento, una vez más, ha subestimado mi cerebro.
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,682 reviews213 followers
January 15, 2019
Nerve is one of those books... that should've just been a movie. I liked the movie WAY better than this book and I'm pretty sure I took a nap during it.

Now I have no idea if it was the character, because she reminded me of that horrible four horsemen series, or if it was just her. Vee was just meh in my eyes. Yeah, I liked her a little bit here or there.. but other than that, she wasn't really memorable to me. She definitely frustrated me to no end when dealing with certain decisions. I'm sure she had a bit more annoying qualities to her but let's just go with - I didn't like her.

Other than that, the book was just plain boring. I'm so glad I got the audio from my overdrive. I'm also super happy that it was so freaking short. Thankfully, the stupid relationships and pointless friendships went by in a blur. I didn't waste a second thinking about them and I probably never will.

If I ever want to re-read this, I will watch the movie.
Profile Image for Jason.
148 reviews98 followers
April 11, 2018
• ● ■ 3/5 STARS ■ ● •

Genre: Science Fiction(?) > Thriller,Mystery ,YA
WOW: The game setting of NERVE.
EW: The last 100 pages..
POV: 1st-person, female
Love: Yes. Don't really ship it. But also don't rip it. I just don't care.

A high-stakes online game of dares turns deadly

When Vee is picked to be a player in NERVE, an anonymous game of dares broadcast live online, she discovers that the game knows her. They tempt her with prizes taken from her ThisIsMe (it's like facebook and instagram in one) page and team her up with the perfect boy, sizzling-hot Ian. At first it's exhilarating--Vee and Ian's fans cheer them on to riskier dares with higher stakes. But the game takes a twisted turn when they're directed to a secret location with five other players for the Grand Prize round. Suddenly they're playing all or nothing, with their lives on the line. Just how far will Vee go before she loses NERVE?


This book was pretty good. I really loved the first part of the book. Everything was going on a good tempo. I think 75% of the book was amazing. Like a 5 star book. BUT THEN THE LAST PART HIT.
I just really didn't liked the ending. It was to fast, i didn't knew what was happening, and i don't have the feeling that this shouldn't had been a stand-alone.

The plot it self was pretty cool. When i started reading, i was already thinking that this was going to be my new fave stand-alone. But it isn't. Not because it's bad. Because i don't have the feeling that i read a stand-alone. I need more. Because things are not done yet, some Characters have still thing to do. And we don't see that. AND IT SUCKS.

The is alot of action, and we keep going. AND GOING. The action starts really fast. And the plot keeps moving, and you really wanne know what happens nexts. And what the nexst dare is.
I say go read it. The movie is comming out really soon! And if you ask me, it looks better then book. And the book is good! SOOO YASSSSSSS.


how more i think about the ending, how more i seem to hate it. So i rated it down from 4 stars to 3,8
♥The Characters:

I love Vee (except in the end.). She is so funny and real. Vee has awesome sense of humor. She also talks about things teenagers talk about. Things like shoes and tv-shows like True blood. Vee is also very smart, she just forgets that sometimes. Making her self do stupid things. I do not know exactly what Vee for girl is. Is she a shy / scared girl? Or very tough. Or super smart. I really do not know. And therefore I would like more. I think there can be told much more, and can get much more information about the character's.

I didn't trusted in the first place. I also didn't liked him or anything. I mean, i didn't hated him. I just did not knew what to think of him. And that feeling is still here.

I hate this guy. Never liked him. Tommy is like that sneaky jelous guy, who doesn't says anything. But is planning your death in his head.


This girl guys, this girl i liked. We don't know much about her. But i liked her alot. And really didn't liked the fact that we don't get more of her.

Oh damn, i hate her. I hate her so much. If she was real, oh damn..
This girl was anyoing. And mean. Like real mean. She has no heart and is a ass. I hate her. :)

In General:
characters were not bad. But we simply know too little about them. And I think that thats just sad.
✧Beste Quotes:

“we've learned an interesting rule about fame. Those who seem desperate for it are the people that others least want to see.”

▼Best moments:

(Ian :''What is it worth to you?''
Vee: a Pair of killer shoes, bozo. "What're you getting at?')

(Vee: Geez, why don't i tell him what brand of tampons i use while i'm at it?)

(Vee: Turning my hot face away from the door, i raise my middle fingers to the dark room.)

✗Little notes:
- I love the game part. I WOULD LOVE TO SEE MORE. DAMN IT.
- The ending is just to fast. That is the thing what makes this book 3,8 stars.
- Also, My expectations were really high, thats because i saw the trailer of the film.
- Just give this book a try. this is btw a Debut novel.
•Troye Sivan - Youth
• Halsey - Drive
•Phoebe Ryan - Dollar Bill ft. Kid Ink

Profile Image for Cristina.
81 reviews5 followers
July 11, 2012
OMG OMG OMG! Nerve is seriously such an amazing book. I could not put it down, literally! I stayed up until 4 am reading because I just had to finish it. I kept telling myself "just one more chapter!" , before I knew it I was at the last page with my jaw hanging open. Needless to say, I showed up at work at 6 am, a total zombie, but it was sooo worth it! And if I had it all to do over again, I'd do it!

I absolutely am head over heels for this book! The story was so amazing! In some ways it reminded me of Hunger Games ( freaking amazing!!!) but yet, it's definitely it's own book. I loved how the author combined social networking site's (think facebook!) where we tell everyone every last thing about us, from what we are eating, drinking, watching, reading and so much more! I can only imagine if a game of real life Dare's was created from my facebook posts, and broadcast live for the world to see. I am pretty certain it would involve me actually eating glitter!

The Dare's started off low stakes, and got pretty intense! I was flipping through the pages as fast as possible to see if Vee would jump through their hoops, or walk away from the game and all the incredible swag. I really felt for Vee as a character. I could see exactly WHY she wanted the prizes so desperately, and why she kept jumping through all the hoops the Nerve creators threw at her. And then there's the her in game partner, the smoking hot Ian. I seriously liked this guy! He wasn't just the cute, mysterious guy. Even though his character seems totally shady, I was rooting for him the entire time! And Vee's best guy friend that may like her as more than just a friend? Well, you'll just have to read the book to see what happens!

The pacing to this book was wonderful! It kept my attention from the beginning and the story moved along at a great pace that held my interest until the very last page. I loved the plot, the characters, and everything about this book. It was perfection and I loved every last bit of it!
Profile Image for Meli.
664 reviews455 followers
June 27, 2016
Son 3,5
Me gustó mucho, es adictivo y el concepto del juego genial, re retorcido y la mejor parte es que a pesar de sus horrores nos hace plantearnos si no participaríamos (yo no sé, eh!).
Pero para mí gusto la calidad decae en el final, estuvo bien, pero por como venía la historia esperaba más.
Quiero ver la peli, aunque es muy obvio que es una de esas 100% infieles. De hecho NADA de lo que sale en el trailer pasa en el libro. Sin embargo, parece estar buena.
Profile Image for Aditi.
920 reviews1,450 followers
April 6, 2016
“Make your ego porous. Will is of little importance, complaining is nothing, fame is nothing. Openness, patience, receptivity, solitude is everything.”

----Rainer Maria Rilke

Jeanne Ryan, an American author, has penned a thrilling debut YA book, Nerve which spins the story of a young teenage girl who is selected to play a set of dares, that will be broadcasted live online in front of the whole nation, along with a hot guy, but soon the game makers throw more daring and life-threatening challenges in front of the players. This is that girl's story of how without losing her Nerve she fights against the odds.


A high-stakes online game of dares turns deadly

When Vee is picked to be a player in NERVE, an anonymous game of dares broadcast live online, she discovers that the game knows her. They tempt her with prizes taken from her ThisIsMe page and team her up with the perfect boy, sizzling-hot Ian. At first it's exhilarating--Vee and Ian's fans cheer them on to riskier dares with higher stakes. But the game takes a twisted turn when they're directed to a secret location with five other players for the Grand Prize round. Suddenly they're playing all or nothing, with their lives on the line. Just how far will Vee go before she loses NERVE?

Nerve is a set of daring games or rather say challenges which are broadcasted live online and the viewers called "Watchers" pay huge bucks to watch them or record them. Vee, a not so popular teenager, takes up a chance to perform a daring audition for the games and surprisngly her daring video lands her straight to the finale, alongside her partner, Ian, a hot and sexy guy. Vee's ThisIsMe profile page is filled with her favorite stuffs that she want to possess in her life, mostly material things. And the game makers lure her with an equivalent prize that is inspired from her profile of ThisIsMe. Things get bloody and deadly when she and Ian has to face the five other players in a secret daring set of games to win the grandest prize of their life.

Well well well, if it was not for The Hunger Games kind of set up or theme, then I would not have read this book. And the similarity between the two books is spot on. The author's writing style is strong and good. The story building is no t that convincing as the story lacks from depth. In the beginning, the narrative is not that engaging enough to keep the readers glued, but near the end, the story takes a different turn and makes it one hell of an exciting ride. The pacing is medium as Vee's journey moves forwards with not much twists or turns.

The characters are well-developed. The main character, Vee, is strong, brave, sharp and very contemplative, also her self-centered demeanor did put me off for a while, as her character evolves pretty nicely. The character of Ian could have been much better as I felt him very unpleasant. The romance part also did not feel much real or passionate enough to make the readers heart feel for them. The supporting cast is also well-crafted.

The actions shift from being adrenaline rushing to bloody near the end, and it definitely kept me on my edges. Those scenes are written eloquently and strikingly and I could easily picture myself in the shoes of Vee. Overall, this is an engrossing read yet it could have been much better. If you love mind-wrecking challenges or rather say The Hunger Games, then you should read this book for sure

Verdict: Another intriguing as well as promising YA dystopia.

Courtesy: Thanks to the author, Jeanne Ryan's publicist for giving me an opportunity to read and review this book.
Profile Image for isidora crni biser.
164 reviews67 followers
September 4, 2016


Petlja - praktično igra Istina ili izazov, bez onog dela s istinom.Svaki izazov te mami nagradama o kojima sanjaš.Koliko daleko si spreman da ideš za njih?
Knjigu sam uzela da pročitam jer mi se svideo trejler za film i izbor glumaca.Prvih osamdesetak strana mi je bilo nekako zbrzano,konfuzno, čak i dosadnjikavo,sa bezveze izazovima.Nakon toga kreće dobra akcija i dobra radnja.

"Suočila si se sa besnom gomilom devica,pretvarala se da si kurva,pobegla od policajca i razbesnela najbolju prijateljicu.I sad se brineš da li ćeš stići kući na vreme?"
"Moja mama je strašnija od svih njih."

U početku sve izgleda kao bezazlena igra,koja se polako pretvara u igru preživaljavanja.Petlja se uvukla u svaku poru njihovog života i svaku slabost upotrebljavaju protiv igrača.

"Gledam u svoje suigrače,primećujući da je PETLJA htela da se pokrije što šire u smislu etničke pripadnosti,seksualne orjentacije,tipa građe,i ko zna kojih još kategorija.Sve je dizajnirano da privuče što širu demografsku grupu."

Venera/Vi - sjajan,sjajan lik,odlično odrađen.Zgotivila sam je od početka,ženska otkida.
Vi je uvek iza scene,uvek u senci drugih,nikada glavna zvezda.Kad je izaberu za finalistu Petlje,konačno dolazi njenih pet minuta.Petlja je jako dobro poznaje i nudi izazove i nagrade kojima ne može da odoli.Kako se igra udaljava,dolazi u sukob sa prijateljima,roditeljima, samom sobom.Ali i pored svih sukoba i ranjivosti,ostaje snažna,hrabra,duhovita i snalažljiva.


"Umesto da se vratim u školu kao idiot koji se svađao s najboljom prijateljicom pred kamerama,biću neko koje rizikovao sve da bi osvojio nešto veliko.Ja sam neko ko ima stav.Koga gledaju hiljade ljudi.I još više će ako uradim naredne izazove.Ovo veče mi je pokazalo kako da razmišljam šire.Ili bar drugačije."

Za partnera dobija savršenog Ijana.Ijan mi je od početka do kraja knjige ostao enigma,jer nikakve informacije o njemu autorka nije podelila sa nama.Ali nikakve.Iz izazova samo skontaš da želi da pobegne iz grada,što dalje.
Veoma je zaštitnički nastrojen prema Vi,brzo su kliknuli,brzo postali par.

Kad nam se usne sretnu koža kao da mi zatreperi od elektriciteta.usne su mu sočne kao što i izgledaju.Mogla bih da se udavim u ovom tipu.Te to i učinim.Sav osećaj za vreme se izgubi kad se stisnemo jedno uz drugo. PETLJA je jednu dobru stvar uradila - sad smo tim.


Poslednji,opasan izazov...otkrijte sami tako što ćete pročitati knjigu, vredi pročitati,preporuka.
A kraj???? Miriše na nastavak!

"Nikad se neću umoriti da te gledam,
i ne mogu da dočekam da opet zaigraš."

Džin Rajan
PETLJA ➜ goo.gl/vqbuOi
Izdavač Urban reads
Draganina recenzija za knjigu "Petlja" ➜ http://crnibiser87.blogspot.rs/2016/0...
Profile Image for Carrie.
3,440 reviews1,636 followers
July 25, 2016
Vee is used to being the one behind the scenes, she does the costumes for her school production and really wants to go into fashion. But when she feels a bit slighted from her friends she decides to do one of the easier dares from the online game NERVE never expecting it to get any views or be picked for further competition.

With the enticement of bigger and better prizes on the line though Vee finds herself unable to walk away when she's picked to continue on in the competition. Getting paired up with the hunky Ian is definitely not a bad deal for Vee either. But just how far will the pair be willing to go before they lose their nerve as the stakes get raised in the game?

Nerve is one of those books that while the synopsis sounded interesting I just hadn't made the time to pick it up. Now that the movie previews have come out I knew that I needed to give this one a chance since it looks like the movie will be a good one.

Taking place in what seems like not too far into the future as the technology is a bit more than what we have yet but getting pretty close this seems to be something that may come up in our reality obsessed society. Some of the book too seems to serve as a reminder of just how much can be found out about someone from just social media and online presence.

A pretty fast paced and intense story all the way throughout. The only thing really for me to not rate this one a bit higher was I wasn't completely sold on the ending dares. Looks like the movie is changing the action a bit so now after reading the story I'm looking forward to seeing this one played out on the big screen.

For more reviews please visit https://carriesbookreviews.wordpress....

Profile Image for Jelena.
122 reviews16 followers
February 3, 2017
Pa opet moram da naglasim da knjiga baš nema veze sa filmom.
Osim toga, cela priča je u akciji, sve se odvija jakooo jako brzo. Nema nepotrebnih opisa, ali možda malo nedostaje i onih "neophodnih". Ne bavi se mnogo likovima, mislim samim karakterom likova, eventualno malo upoznamo Vi jer je knjiga iz njene perspektive, ali ostali, baš ništa. Ja sam se lako poistovetila sa Vi jer nisam nešto mnogo odvažna, tako da sam razumela kako njene razloge za ulazak u igru, tako i reakcije tokom izazova, ali razumem da će nekim smelijim čitaocima verovatno ona ići na živce zbog tolikih nedoumica i nesigurnosti. Mnogo iznenađenja u celoj knjizi. Mislim da će se svideti svakome ko voli akciju :)
Profile Image for Beth.
879 reviews611 followers
November 8, 2017
So at the start of the year I made a problem to myself, if I don't like a book within the first few chapters I'm not going to force myself to carry on reading.

I got onto chapter 3/4, I just don't like it. I don't like the writing, I don't feel anything towards the characters.

I may try and read this in the future but it's not something I'm going to dry for a while.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,705 reviews

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