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Hotter In Texas #2

Blame It On Texas

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Zoe Adams has always been content with her quiet nights at home, watching TV alone-until her life turns into a real-life episode of Unsolved Mystery Hunters. The story of a kidnapped girl triggers unexplained memories, and Zoe is dead-set on figuring out why. Her search leads her to one of the Lone Star State's richest families-and to sexy PI Tyler Lopez.

Tyler has sworn off women, especially redheads with killer curves who poke their noses into his clients' private lives. Still, he can't deny the attraction any more than he can deny that some of Zoe's crazy story makes sense. But when she becomes a hit man's target, this cold case starts heating up. Suddenly, Tyler will do anything to protect Zoe-even risk his heart.

309 pages

First published August 28, 2012

About the author

Christie Craig

32 books927 followers
Pseudonym for C. C. Hunter.

Photojournalist, Author and Speaker

Christie Craig, an Alabama native, is an award-winning, multi-published writer, multi-published photo journalist, motivational speaker, and writing teacher.. Her non-fiction articles and photography have appeared in almost three thousand national magazines. A Golden Heart finalist, and a finalist in more than fifty RWA-sponsored contests, she has gained a well-deserved reputation for writing romance fiction that has both witty humor and a suspenseful, sexy tone. Published by Silhouette in the 90s, she recently broke back into fiction in a big way, making four book sales in one day. Her seventh humorous single title romance novel, published by Dorchester, will hit the stands in June 2010. Her non-fiction book, co-authored by Faye Hughes, released September 08, is The Everything Guide To Writing A Romance Novel and their second non-fiction book, a humorous self-help relationship book, Wild, Wicked and Wanton: 101 Ways to Love Like You Are in a Romance Novel is scheduled to be released December 2010. Craig’s latest writing adventure is the sale of a young adult paranormal romance series, Shadow Falls Camp, that will be published by St. Martins Press in the near future.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 117 reviews
Profile Image for ~ Becs ~.
708 reviews2,154 followers
August 5, 2012
Book 2 in the Hotter in Texas series and I was very much looking forward to this, having really enjoyed book 1.

So it’s the turn of Tyler Lopez, an ex-cop-ex-con-turned-PI, partner to Dallas (hero of book 1) and Austin and the quietest of the 3 PI’s. He’s been hurt before when his ex-wife left him when he was wrongly convicted of murder and her betrayal means Tyler is slow to trust women and doesn’t want much more from them than casual sex.

His heroine is Zoe Adams who, after watching a documentary, realises the people who raised her were not her biological parents and she is the heir to a very rich family and comes to Texas to investigate but she is being warned off with malicious phone calls. Tyler agrees to help her and a relationship blossoms between them. Zoe has also been hurt and is as reluctant as Tyler to give her heart.

So, this is more romantic mystery than suspense – the story isn’t very suspenseful. There’s a whole lot going on, a large array of secondary characters and lots of comedy moments. There’s a beautiful secondary romance between single parents Rick, a cop, and Ellen, Nikki’s best friend who was stabbed back in book 1. In fact their romance is so heartfelt it very nearly eclipses the primary romance between Tyler and Zoe.

There’s alternating POV’s and a lot of inner monologue from the main characters deliberating whether or not to embark on a sexual relationship and I felt that this affected the pace of the novel and it never really seemed to hit its stride. Sadly, I didn’t enjoy this one anywhere near as much as the first book.

So it’s a light hearted contemporary romantic mystery

2.5 – 3 stars

With thanks to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for a review copy of this book.
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,198 reviews1,931 followers
August 19, 2014
I enjoyed this book much more than the first, mainly because the secondary romance was so very much better. The primary romance was nearly as strong as the first, though not entirely there. Zoe is maybe a little too perfect, too nice to buy into fully. And Tyler is a bit too emotionally constipated from his betrayal by Lisa.

Oh, and the whole IQ discussion was just . . . wrong. The author really should have done some research because IQs above 150 are exceedingly rare and notoriously hard to measure. Having both protagonists at 180 or so bends credibility significantly—particularly when neither actually show any signs of intelligence above normal through the course of the story. Anything above about 150 is pure extrapolation and can't actually be obtained through a test where you can "deliberately miss some questions" to lower your score (as Zoe supposedly did). So yeah, extraneous, had no real bearing on the story, and wasn't supported at all internally equals misstep to me.

Anyway, pet peeve territory there, so I'm not actually dinging the book for it.

The story worked well enough and I liked the mystery. The pacing of the actiony bits was pretty good, too. So in all, an enjoyable tale, well told. Nothing terribly outstanding, though, so a solid (and enjoyable) three stars.

A note about Steamy: On the low side. There was one actual full-on explicit scene and a few teases that faded to black pretty quick. The one was pretty lengthy, but it also fit the story and emotional development of the relationship well, so not intrusively so.
Profile Image for Jacqueline J.
3,534 reviews347 followers
January 17, 2013
Another light hearted read by Christie Craig. Second in a series about 3 guys who run a PI office. The story was not out of the realms of possibility and the solving of it made sense. No great angst or tension just a couple of sweet romances wrapped around a mystery which thank goodness had nothing to do with drug runners or serial killers (over used in romantic suspense, IMO). In fact I really cared more for the secondary hero Rick and his quest to get custody of his son than I did for the main hero/heroine. I'll definitely keep going with this series. I find CC's books refreshing.
Profile Image for Susan.
4,627 reviews114 followers
January 8, 2014
I loved this book. It's a great blend of humor, heat and mystery. We have Zoe, who has taken a one month leave of absence from her teaching job to investigate questions she has about her past. Then there's Tyler, ex-cop ex-con turned PI who finds her poking around his desk looking at his files. He's not sure he believes her story, but when someone starts taking shots at her he starts thinking she's not so nuts after all.

I loved Zoe as a heroine. She's really smart, she's independent, and she's determined to get to the bottom of the mystery of her memories. She's also pretty emotional and gets caught up in some things she isn't quite sure how to deal with. Her first meeting with Tyler is pretty funny. She's poking around in his office when he gets back from playing a clown at his niece's birthday party. Problem is, she's terrified of clowns. She flees, and the next time she sees him is at the diner where she works, where she accidentally dumps a tray full of food on him. Once they've both recovered from that, they finally get down to the business of discussing why she's there. I really liked the way that Zoe stuck to her story, even though she could see that Tyler was skeptical. Zoe also has to deal with her attraction to him. She's only there for a short time, plus he's made it clear he doesn't do commitment. Her brain tells her to resist, but her heart and body have other ideas. It's a little frustrating when she seems to blow hot and cold around him, but when she makes a decision she runs with it. The strip Scrabble game was hilarious. Zoe has a terrific way of being able to see the real Tyler. Her defense of him when they were at the police station was something that he really didn't expect. She falls in love with him but doesn't believe that he returns the feeling.

Tyler is a really interesting hero. He and his friends Dallas and Austin run their own PI firm. They are also actively trying to find out who framed them for a murder that sent them to prison until they were exonerated. Between that and the fact that his girlfriend bailed on him at the same time, Tyler hasn't been the most cheerful of people lately. He took the time to help out at his niece's birthday party because his family is important to him, but it doesn't help his mood any. Finding Zoe in his office gives a boost to his day because of the instant attraction he felt to her. I loved the way he couldn't get her off his mind until he figured out who she was. His skepticism about her story didn't last long once he found out about the attacks and got more information from her. I loved the protectiveness that kicked in right away. Tyler has decided that a committed relationship isn't in his future because of the issues of his past. Tyler is quite a hunk, but he is also something of a geek though he doesn't flaunt his smarts. He uses logic to make his decisions until he starts being around Zoe. Something about her has totally derailed his ability to be logical. He can be really awkward around her when he's trying to make moves on her, or when he tries to apologize for something, but his ability to cheer her up is sweet. I loved the scene where she is trying to protect her cat from Dallas's dog and Tyler gets a real eyeful. His honesty about his actions and reactions goes a long way toward cementing Zoe's feelings about him. When Tyler finally admits his feelings to himself it scares him because he's lost so much before. I loved what he finally did about it.

The developing relationship between them is really well done. Neither one feels that a relationship is what they want. Zoe isn't staying in Texas, plus she was burned in a previous relationship. She doesn't really trust herself or her judgment. Tyler doesn't believe that love is in the cards for him either. He sees all the ways that love can go bad and figures that staying away from the emotional risk will protect him. Both of them have to learn how to trust their hearts.

The mystery regarding Zoe's identity is pretty good. With the unsolved mysteries show giving her a lot to think about regarding some of her memories and nightmares, she takes things into her own hands to get some answers. I loved the way that she remained certain of her beliefs. I liked how the guys worked together, using their individual strengths, to get the answers she needed. There were a lot of pieces to the puzzle and I really enjoyed seeing Tyler put them all together. I liked seeing Zoe's faith in her parents restored at the end of the book.

There's a great secondary romance between Rick and Ellen. Rick is a cop who suddenly gets custody of his son and is desperate for help with what to do. Ellen is a single mother whose ex is an emotionally abusive scumbag. They are attracted to each other but have major issues dealing with their exes and children. I loved Rick's vulnerability when it came to being a father and Ellen's desire to see that he can do it. Their relationship is almost as tricky as that of Tyler and Zoe. I really enjoyed his actions at the end.

As the second book in the series, the characters from the first book Don't Mess With Texas were also present. I am really looking forward to reading Austin's story and getting the resolution of the guys' false imprisonment.
Profile Image for Jess.
1,051 reviews155 followers
August 29, 2012
Review posted: Happily Ever After - Reads

Zoe is in Texas looking for answers. She’s recently come to believe that she was raised by people who aren’t her real parents after being kidnapped at a young age and not remembering any of the details surrounding it. After getting a few leads, she heads to Texas to try and figure out if everything she believed growing up was a lie and what her real past is. She comes across Tyler Lopez, a private investigator with Only in Texas, he catches her snooping in their offices, but once he hears her out, he takes the case. In part because he’s attracted to her, but also Zoe starts getting threats that are escalating. Tyler takes the case and helps protect her from the man who wants her dead.

I liked the story to start. A lot of different threads were set up. Tyler and Zoe’s relationship, Tyler and his sister who’s in an abusive relationship, Zoe’s kidnapping case, Only in Texas’s new receptionist, Ellen and her own dealings with her ex and her new relationship with Rick, a man who became a full time dad to his young son that was dropped off at his door. These are just a few of the many storylines that get page time. Early on, the setups for everything were interesting and I got caught up in where all the different pieces were going to go. The problem was, there were so many different storylines, nothing really got explored in depth. As the story went on, scenes and points of view switched so fast, I would just get into one scene and it would cut away quickly elsewhere. It was hard to connect to any one character with so many things going on.

If one storyline stood out, it was Zoe and Tyler, their relationship and the case surrounding the kidnapping. Their romance is slow building, very slow. I wasn’t sure if they were even going to have sex on page before the book ended. They do have some fun moments when they first meet, they find themselves in awkward positions, Zoe spilling food on Tyler, Zoe trying to break up a cat and dog fight, naked that Tyler is more than happy to watch happen and a sexy night of strip Scrabble. Cute moments that helped build their relationship, but the one thing being held over their heads was Zoe always planned to move back home to Alabama. This point kept getting brought up by each of them as a way to not let themselves feel too much.

Tyler as a hero was enjoyable. He’s had a tough past to overcome, having done time for a crime he didn’t commit. He has a large, crazy family, his sister is in an abusive relationship and he takes his fists to her husband more than once. He has a lot going on in his life and doesn’t open himself up to love, having been burned in the past by a woman he loved completely. He’s playful and sexy with Zoe and there’s really nothing I can point to about their relationship to say why it didn’t really work for me, other than I just never felt a strong connection. The book and their HEA ends very abruptly and I needed more from them beyond just a big declaration of love from them both, right before The End.

A prominent side story is that of Rick and Ellen, both single parents dealing with ex’s who are making their lives miserable. This storyline really needed to be its own book. There was so much between these two, their pasts and their kids to be explored, and I found them both to be interesting characters. Their story got short changed in the supporting role with much of their relationship happening off page and because of that, I didn’t buy in.

This was a story that started out fun, but there was too much going on, too many things getting crammed into the story. I liked the characters that were present, Dallas and Nikki (Only In Texas) have some page time, as well as Tony and LeAnn, even with likable characters, I wasn’t able to connect with their stories. This was overall disappointing for me.
Profile Image for Jo.
957 reviews229 followers
November 18, 2015
I love Christie Craig's books. They always make me laugh out loud. This book was not an exception, the humor was very funny, the romance was great and the storyline very interesting and well written.

Another winner.
Profile Image for Katy Budget Books.
454 reviews18 followers
May 18, 2012
Any book of Christie's will have you simultaneously giggling and fanning yourself! Her characters aren't only hot...they're touching, quirky, and just darn funny.
Profile Image for Debbie.
219 reviews6 followers
January 23, 2018

This is book 2 in the series that centers around the Only in Texas Detective Agency: Tyler's story. Tyler is what you would describe as handsome but somewhat nerdy, and he hasn't had much luck in the romance department. I really liked his character. He was charmingly sweet without being sappy, and he was insecure enough to make you want to root for him.

Zoe waltzes into Only in Texas after seeing what she believes is her own childhood photograph on an unsolved murder mystery show. She enlists the help of Tyler and the other guys (Dallas and Austin) to help her uncover the truth about her identity, and things get more complicated when someone starts threatening Zoe by making anonymous phone calls and doing a drive-by shooting.

While I enjoyed watching the relationship grow between Tyler and Zoe, I think I liked the first book in the series (Dallas and Nikki's story) a bit better. I missed the laugh-out-loud moments from the first book. While Zoe had her moments, she got a bit irritating to me. I didn't really buy into the "insta-love" between the hero and heroine, and I actually found myself enjoying the secondary story between Ellen and Rick more than the main characters. I would describe the heat level as fairly mild.

I'll continue on to book 3 (Austin's story) because I do like the relationship between all of the characters, and I want to see how the series wraps up. I hope that there is more humor again in the third book.
3 1/2 stars
Profile Image for Sandra.
3,123 reviews12 followers
March 8, 2019
2.5 star. Fairly mediocre romance. I wont call it romantic suspense because despite the blurb tthere is very little suspense to it. And the whole mystery of Caroline/ Zoe is dealt with by a letter she gets from her dead mother at the end. Romance was bland but i think that probably has more to do with me than the book. I would have loved it 20 yrs ago. I have just read so much romance that i was kinda bored and the subplot wasnt interesting enough to make up for it.
Profile Image for Vilia.
334 reviews18 followers
February 2, 2014
Review from Backchatting Books

In the second Hotter in Texas novel we have Zoe Adams who thinks she might have been kidnapped as a child when she saw a tv show featuring a girl who looked an awful lot like she did when she was young. Our plucky primary school teacher moved to Texas temporarily to find out the truth. Tyler Lopez agrees to help her out even though she doesn’t have much cash and he has his own problems.

Zoe has suffered from recurring scary dreams where she is stuffed in a cupboard. She has no problems with lifts or other confined spaces though suggesting that something traumatic happened in her past. Zoe thought she was raised by two loving parents but when she sees a photo of a girl who was kidnapped years ago, she thinks that the girl might be her. There are a few problems with this theory as the little girl’s body was identified by the family and Zoe has a birth certificate of all things. Clearly she needs the help of a professional and Tyler is willing to help out once he sees her round backside scrambling out from under a desk in his office.

Everyone who knows Tyler is afraid that he is still hurting from his ex’s betrayal. He was once a cop who was wrongly convicted of a crime he didn’t commit. Unfortunately just about everyone turned on him and his two mates. Ever since he was exonerated, he made sure he only had short term, no strings relationships because he doesn’t want to be betrayed again. If that wasn’t enough, he is afraid that he will somehow turn into his old man who used to abuse his mother. He is protective of his family but I thought he was a little short sighted at times. For example, when he finds out that his sister is being slapped around by her partner, he breaks the guy’s nose. Matching violence with violence in this respect could only ever be a short term solution and I expected an ex-cop to know better. He also likes making lists…lots of lists about everything and anything. Suffice to say, he has a bit of baggage to deal with.

The novel is high on humour especially when it comes to a romance between the leads. I really enjoyed the secondary romance between the new receptionist Ellen and a bitter part time PI, Rick. Their romance was far more poignant and kept grabbing my attention. To be honest, there was a bit too much happening and the novel felt thin because there were so many sub-plots – Tyler’s sister having problems, Ellen and Rick’s romance, the team’s plan to take down a bad guy and Zoe’s dramas. Favourites from the last book do show up but it felt like they were just going through the moments.

This is an enjoyable book but it would have been even more enjoyable if the multiple plot lines had been reduced. Ellen and Rick’s story was really great and deserved a book of their own rather than being squeezed into a tale of another couple.
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews859 followers
August 28, 2012
DiDi's review posted on Guilty Pleasures

Whenever I want to escape with a romance that is full of laughter, suspense, family, friends and heroes/heroines who have heart, I look for a Christie Craig book. Blame It On Texas, Ms. Craig’s latest installment in her Hotter In Texas series does not disappoint!

The sexiest PI’s in Texas are back with Tyler’s story. Tyler has to be one of the SWEETEST and SEXIEST heroes I have read this summer. On top of being a fun loving family man, he is loyal to his friends, that being said he has sworn off relationships because his fiancee left him when he was falsely accused and sentenced for a crime he did not commit.

Zoe had a happy childhood with two loving parents, the only unhappiness she had was when she had flashbacks of being locked in a closet and vague memories of another house. Zoe’s parents are both deceased when she watches a cold case type show on TV. This show brings back more glimpses of a past that Zoe is not sure of. Zoe decides to pack up her one eyed, cat Lucky and head to Texas to see what she can find out.

Tyler and Zoe have a hilarious first unexpected meeting at the Only In Texas PI Office and there is instant chemistry. Once Tyler finds out about Zoe’s story he decides to help her investigate. This leads to food spills, nosy sisters, teasing friends, a game of strip scrabble and a cold case investigation with unexpected twists and turns, but most of all a temporary relationship between Tyler and Zoe that is fun, spicy and almost ends in heartbreak for both of them.

There is a secondary romance between Ellen (she was stabbed in book 1) and police officer Rick, that is sweet and heartwarming. I am in love with Rick and Ellen and would love to read more about how their relationship progresses.

I loved seeing all the characters from book one and can’t wait to read Austin’s story, book three, Texas Hold ‘Em.

Blame It On Texas is a book with romance, laughter, and suspense as big as TEXAS!.
If you are looking for a book that will have you laughing, crying and sighing with a smile at the end, pick up Blame It On Texas. (This may be book two, but it can be read as a stand alone without being lost).
Profile Image for Samantha.
986 reviews2 followers
August 5, 2012
Christie Craig knows how to craft a delightfully humorous and intriguing tale. Blame It on Texas is full of fun, wit and charm.

Zoe Adams finds herself in Texas over the summer trying to solve a mystery from her childhood. Trying to search for the truth from one of the wealthiest families in Texas is proving to be difficult but Zoe is determine not to give up. How hard can it be to play amateur sleuth?

Tyler Lopez finds the sexy red-head who is snooping around town to be sexy and alluring. Sure, when she explains her story and why she believes she is connected to this family, he thinks she is nutty. But once she enlists his help, he realizes no matter how crazy she seems, he can’t resist a good puzzle and a sexy woman.

High Praises for Ms. Craig! This is the second book that I’ve read by her and it will not be the last. I couldn’t stop laughing the entire time. The humor in this story does not fall short and is not forced. It just flows from scene to scene and from each character. There is a scene where Bud (OMG, Bud is the dog from Don’t Mess with Texas and if you read that book, you know Bud have issues) and Zoe’s cat that is hilarious! The plot is well thought out and the characters show strength and growth by the end.

There is a secondary romance between Ellen (Nikki’s friend) and Rick that warmed my heart. For a brief moment, I became slightly more interested in their story. Rick has a lot going on in this book and he struggles with doing the right thing. Ellen is trying to heal from the shooting and raising her daughter by herself.

So why did I deduct a star if this is so good? There’s an array of characters that pop up too frequently. I love reacquainting myself with former characters from previous books but I don’t want them to dominate a scene and sometimes Dallas and the gang took over. Also, the point of view switched too frequently that I became a bit confused. Just like the first book, the first half of Blame It on Texas focuses on Zoe and Tyler fighting their attraction while the suspense is pushed back a bit.

Overall, a down right funny and cute contemporary read. I do recommend reading the first book if you want to know about the characters.
Profile Image for Jo-Anne.
1,696 reviews34 followers
April 24, 2020
As usual, we get lots of humour and romance with a little suspense thrown in Christie's book. When Zoe Adams came to believe that she had been involved in a kidnapping as a child and the people she believed were her parents, were not, she went to Texas to find out the truth. There she met PI Tyler Lopez, one of the owners of the Only In Texas investigation agency. All of the characters were well-developed, but I really liked the quirky hero and strong female heroine. Christie Craig's writing is so entertaining I was constantly laughing out loud. She did a great job with this book and I look forward to the next. I do not, however, like the cover. Not only would it not catch my attention, but the woman looked nothing like the heroine. Zoe was called Red all the time because of her long, red hair. But the cover model has medium length brown hair.

This book had a secondary romance with Rick, a cop who is doing undercover work for the PI's, and Ellen, who was working in the PI office. She was a single mother who didn't trust men. Rick was a dad but didn't have custody of his son. He's trying desperately to get him from his mother who he feels is an unfit parent. Since he had never really been a parent before he had no idea what he to do when he got his son. Since Ellen had a young daughter, he asked for her parenting advice. He also wanted to date her but she wasn't having any part of it. It was nice to see the attraction and how that turned out.

If you like romantic comedies, you can't go wrong with this book.
Profile Image for Mary  BookHounds .
1,303 reviews1,966 followers
September 18, 2012

Since Zoe Adams adores her Unsolved Mystery Hunter television show, she can't believe the current installment triggers some undeniable parallels in her own life. When she discovered that she is adopted and she is the heir to a fortune in Texas. She enlists the help of hunky Tyler Lopez, former policeman and now a private investigator. After a series of disturbing and threatening phone calls, Tyler helps her uncover the truth behind her biological family. Of course, he doesn't believe her at first and wants nothing to do with women at this point in life, but can't help be drawn to her. SWOON!

Told in alternating voices of both Zoe and Tyler is the perfect way to unfold this romantic tale. There are so many wonderful quips filled with humor that really made me laugh. As Tyler and Zoe get closer to the truth, the more they find themselves in danger. There is just enough suspense and mystery to balance out the humor that keeps the story quite fast paced.

Even though this is the second book in the series, I think it can easily stand alone. Nikki (Zoe's BFF) and Dallas from the first book are present, so there is some continuity of characters. Also, there is a bit of a second plot going on with Rick and Ellen that also started in Blame It On Texas, which was really pleasant. If you enjoy Jill Shalvis and her Lucky Harbor series, you will love this series as well!
945 reviews35 followers
October 8, 2012
(Oct) Vascillating between a 4* and 4.5* - I really loved this book, but it fell apart for me a bit at the end. I fell in love w/CC when I read Divorced Desperate and Delicious - it remains one of my favorite contemporary romances. The next two Divorced books were just ok, but I did love Shut Up and Kiss Me, as well as he first Texas book (Only In Texas, which was first published as Don't Mess With Texas - why? Publisher switch I think). This book was a lot of fun - hunky guys, two different romances going at once, moderate steam (I think she used to be steamier?), humor, etc. As I said, though, the ending somewhat felt rushed, not that well explained, and a bit anticlimactic. Looking forward to the last in the series - but seriously?! They can publish an excerpt of the next book in this one - which was published in August 2012 - but it won't be out until December 2013? I've never understood that!
Profile Image for Lori.
637 reviews58 followers
July 16, 2012
I really struggled with how to rate this one. So I'm going to say that 3.5 stars is what I would give it if I could...

Blame it on Texas started off awesome... so many laugh out loud moments, the chemistry between Zoe and Tyler was sizzling, and the story itself was flowing nicely... and then it just kind of fizzled out for me. I'm not a big fan of so many POV's and in the case of this book it really didn't bother me other than it seemed to jump around too much to the point where one POV would leave off and by the time I got back to that person's POV I had forgotten what happened.

I really wanted to love this book... because I really enjoyed the characters and especially enjoyed all of the LOL moments.
Profile Image for Lydia.
491 reviews58 followers
March 25, 2014
“Seeing my parents’ dysfunctional relationship left me feeling impaired, but I moved past it.Then between the force accusing me of being a corrupt cop and Lisa walking out… I put up barriers. It seemed logical that if I didn’t want to feel that way, all I had to do was not let people get close. You managed to break through those barriers. And now I love you. You know all my flaws. You get along with my crazy family. Both my real family and the friends. You make me laugh and… And I love your cat, too.” - Tyler Lopez

Talk about he-geek finds she-geek in this amazing book that follows the story of three PI partners and best friends, in Christie Craig's hotter than hell Texan romance series!

Tyler Lopez, the geeky one of the PI trio, knows all too well how foolish it is to trust your heart and not your mind. True love is rare, and with his screwed up genes, statistics show he's not someone who can find - let alone keep - it. Betrayed by both the force and the woman he thought was his other half, he knows better than to let his heart be involved again. But, protecting Zoe Adams has him second-guessing his decision to keep his heart out of the bedroom. Because being around the redhead who claims is the dead Bradford heiress, makes him want to seek second chances at forever. Zoe always thought there was something off with her. She was so different than her parents, both in looks and other aspects, it was hard to fit in. Not to mention her nightmares - that always felt more like memories. Now she thinks she might have finally found out why - and who she really is. But her search of her true identity puts her in danger - and she's been lied to a lot to easily trust the hot bookworm who took it upon himself to keep her safe.

What's not to love about a guy who's got both the looks and the brains? Man, I love me some geeky ex-cop PI - in other words, helloooo there, Tyler~

If for some unknown reason I didn't predict he was gonna be my favorite of the trio, then shame on me! I take full responsibility for being blindsided and not seeing it sooner. The guy was smart as shit, had manners, was funny and witty, knew how to respect a woman - or make her lose her clothes, and fast - and had a body to die for - and effing hell, when he opened his sweet mouth and spat out Spanish words, I swear I creamed my panties! Not to mention, I enjoyed reading his thoughts. Yes, he was making one mistake after the other when it came to Zoe, but damn, I can't say I didn't get the reason why. I'm a "mind knows better than heart" gal, too, after all. So where can I find me some of that? Preferably, with the same kind of whacko family and circle of friends, please!

Zoe was pretty cool, too. I loved how she defended him to his ex-colleagues, and how she could spar with him on equal mental ground. And she was no drama queen, so bonus points for the girl! Also, Strip Scrabble? Hell, I might just try that game myself one day. Certainly sounds better than strip poker or strip pool!

This book was so much better than the first one. Not only because of the couples that got together, but also because of the story development. Considering DeLuna, the main villain that the guys are trying to take down, there's not much here to read, but Blame It on Texas serves as an excellent filler for the big finale that will come in the final book. It provides Tyler with his own leading lady, FINALLY answers the big "what if" question mark on Rick and Ellen's relationship, and shows exactly WHY the guys have to end DeLuna's "career" as soon as possible. The way everyone treats them, how they whisper behind their backs, how they pretend to be sorry for not supporting them earlier, or how they plain tell them they still consider them guilty and don't trust them, shows the reason this chase, despite Tyler and Dallas settling down, has to go on till the very end. They need to get their lives back fully, need to clear their names and stand proudly straight without anyone else judging them, and to do that, DeLuna has to go down - well, you won't find a protester in me, that's for sure. It was also much more intense than Dallas's story - there we knew Nikki was innocent, we just needed to find out who was the real murderer. But here, Zoe's identity - and the reasons behind all this mess - do not get clear until the book is almost over. There seems to be no obvious clue to hold on to, and that takes the suspense to a whole new level.

The only thing that bugged me was the way everyone treated Rick. Even when he sounded and acted like a dick at the first book and the beginning of the second, the guy didn't deserve to be badmouthed like that. Hell, they didn't even believe he had a son, and they had Ellen thinking he said it to get in her pants! And this was all on the ladies, they did all the damage here! My heart broke every time LeAnn or Nikki opened their mouth and tainted his reputation without fully knowing what they were talking about. Alright, LeAnn had her reasons for not liking him. But Nikki? Heck no! Woman, you can't just prance around in the first book, claiming to never be one to make false assumptions just because someone said so - and let's not forget that it was because of such assumptions that you almost did time! - and then instantly jump to conclusions the minute you're safe and secured as Dallas's significant other. Nuh-huh, no way, it won't do... Thank heavens for small favors - particularly ones concerning Ellen's brains that managed to kick in before she lost that keeper of a hunk!

Can't wait to see DeLuna dead - or behind bars, though death would still not be enough for that piece of... work. And considering Austin is the real playboy of the group, I think I'm gonna enjoy it a little too much when he messes up with his own lady!

“I’m in love with you, by the way. And it’s not because of Ricky. I mean, I love that you helped me, but… it’s you. Everything about you. The way you approach life. I want you in my life.” - Rick Clark

Find this and other reviews at: http://cupcakesandpopcorn.wordpress.com/
Profile Image for Loes M..
186 reviews23 followers
May 13, 2018
It’s a very emotional book for Zoe, she is going through a lot from suspecting her parents aren’t her actual parents, to finding out the entire truth. Tyler is there for her through it all. He accepts her story quite quickly and enlists the help of his friends and family to find out the truth for Zoe. He is very supportive of her, even in the beginning when he doesn’t really believe her yet. But he has his own fears holding him back: he used to be a cop who got framed for murder and spent some time in jail. Zoe doesn’t care about that, however, which allows him to come to terms with his past as well.

I liked the relationship between Zoe and Tyler. They start out not fully trusting each other and slowly, with everything they go through together, they learn to trust each other. They develop a friendship, which leads to feelings, sex, and a true partnership. Both have difficulties in their past, but they accept each other completely. That acceptance then allows them to accept their own past and gets them ready to step into the future, together.

More on: https://owlishbooks.com/2018/04/01/bl...
Profile Image for Agnieszka.
519 reviews
August 26, 2020
I liked this one even more than the first in series. This was more of what I'm used from this author: witty style with many LOL moments, hot romance, interesting suspense/mystery, great chemistry between the main characters, so cute animals (I even could become a cat lover if I had a Lucky myself) and for a change not so many typos. A nice surprise was this time we got two couples on their way to romance and some tough topics that were a real part of the plot (not just kind of tacked on).
There were some plot some issues I wasn't very happy about which is the reason this book didn't make the 5 stars but still goes on my re-read list (with books I pick when I need something to laugh or wind down).
674 reviews3 followers
September 2, 2018

I really enjoyed this story. I absolutely love Christie Craig's books! In this one we got two very sexy and romantic love stories .... A really compelling mystery with lots of smaller secondary very interesting suspenseful events..... There was lots of action that kept you guessing and engrossed. Plus there was so much witty banter and humor that just when things got tense you couldn't help but laugh or smile 😃.... I don't know how she manages to weave all these elements together so cleverly in a story but she does and the result is always a great very entertaining book!!!!!
Profile Image for Jamie.
859 reviews29 followers
January 5, 2016
Christie Craig has a great talent for writing a sizzling romance with just enough humor thrown in to keep a reader coming back for more. Second in the Hotter in Texas series, Blame it on Texas was just as captivating a boom as the first, only better because we got to see more of the hunky men of Only in Texas Investigations.

Zoe Adams is afraid her whole life has been a lie. She has traveled to Miller, Texas from her hometown in Alabama to hopefully find answers to questions she never dreamed she'd be asking. After catching a snippet of an unsolved crimes tv show, Zoe was shocked to see her own childhood face peering at her from the screen. The girl on tv was said to have been kidnapped from her rich family then her dead body was located shortly after. She doesn't know what to think, but after finding her birth certificate and noting that she was born in Texas, she knows she needs answers about the brief flashes of memory she keeps having. She doesn't have any family left. Her father died when she was a child, and her mother just recently passed away. Packing up herself and her cat, Lucky, she finds a job as a waitress to pay bills until she finds out what she needs to know. When she starts getting threatening calls, she thinks it may be time to give up until she's led to the PI firm employed by the family she thinks might be hers. She never expected to fall into lust with one of the partners, though. Tyler Lopez works hard as a PI, helping people seek justice when the justice system lets them down. He knows well enough that that happens because it happened to him and his two partners. They were good, solid cops accused of a crime they didn't commit, and almost everyone they thought they knew, turned their backs on them.he felt that betrayal deep, especially when his fiancé didn't stick by his side. He's helping the Bradfords, the family who lost the little girl, with security, and when he gets a tip that a sexy redhead has been snooping around, it peeks his interest. He really wants answers when he catches a sexy redhead snooping through his files in his office. When he finally catches up with Zoe, he wants her immediately, but he didn't have good role models from his parents and after his ex-fiancé's betrayal, he cant logically see a good ending. More importantly, he has to get to the bottom of what she wants. At first, Tyler is sure Zoe is delusional when she lets him in on her story, but after someone takes potshots at her and her threatening calls continue, he sees where her story could be plausible. Enlisting the help of a cop friend working part-time security for the Bradfords, Tyler and his partners begin to unravel a twenty-two year old mystery. Meanwhile, Tyler has some family issues that need immediate attention. His twin sister is having problems with the second bad marriage she's made. Tyler hates to see her struggle when they had similar difficulties in their childhood, but he cant make her do the right thing. On top of that, his feelings for Zoe are growing by the second and all he can focus on is, she'll be leaving soon. Zoe is overwhelmed and hurt, not knowing what her parents were thinking or why they did what they did, as it is almost entirely fact that she is indeed the little girl Bradford that was kidnapped and killed. Another question is, seeing as she is very much breathing, who was the small child they identified as her body? More and more questions keep piling up for Tyler and Zoe, but answers are slow in coming. What they are aware of is that they mean something to each other and plan to make good memories for as long as they have. Will Tyler be able to solve this cold case before Zoe is seriously hurt or killed when the Bradford patriarch finds out about her? Can Tyler and Zoe both look past their failed relationships in the past in order to make a happy future for both of them or are statistics correct, and they are doomed for failure?

This was a great read, fast, but wonderful and entertaining. I love to laugh and reading a romance filled with it was doubly awesome. Zoe was so strong, and considering what she went through, held herself together a lot longer than I would have been able to do. Tyler, oh Tyler. I loved him. He is by far one of the best book boyfriends I've had the pleasure to read. He was a double whammy in that he was incredibly sexy, but an honest to goodness genius on top of it. He did know he was good looking but bot in the annoying arrogant way, which is a draw, and his intelligence wasn't displayed by him looking down his nose at other people. He actually tried to hide it and was embarrassed by the facts he could rattle off quickly. I found that utterly endearing, and so wickedly hot. Lol. I also enjoyed the side romance of Ellen and Rick. I liked Ellen a lot from first book, and was hoping she got her happy ever after. I only found it supremely annoying that Nikki and LeAnn were so quick to badmouth him. I mean, I understand standing up for a friend and warning her to be cautious, but at times, they felt downright catty about it, when they really didn't know him at all. I wish we had an epilogue. It kills me that I don't, but I'm hoping to be appeased by the wonderific ending brought to us in the last book, Texas Hold 'Em. If you haven't read Ms. Craig's work, p,ease pick up one of her books. You wont regret it! <3
756 reviews8 followers
June 7, 2017
Wonderful book, couldn't put it down!!
1,153 reviews16 followers
May 7, 2015
I actually like this better than the first book. I thought it was an entertaining story. I didn't get annoyed with the characters but I'm also not in love with them. They are in the middle of alright and pleasant. I thought that the story had a nice balance. I actually like the many characters. I feel like I know Zoe and Tyler enough. I think there it hits just the right amount of balance in that I know them enough and not too much nor too less. I think this is why I like the multiple story arcs, I wasn't supplanted with too much useless information about Zoe and Tyler because some pages were dedicated to others.

One thing I didn't like was Sam's relationship. However, she wasn't a driving force in the story so it didn't really matter much. I just thought she was irresponsible. It did highlight the love is blind characteristic that Tyler is rebelling against.

One thing I did like about the multiple characters is Rick and Ellen. I like the ending of their story, which is just a casual drop of the L word. It felt very easygoing and it fit them. They just knew and there wasn't a whole drama surrounding it. I actually prefer their story despite it being short. I thought the kids were adorable and there is a lot to be explored there. However, the story did wrap up nicely.

I don't have much opinion on Zoe and Tyler. They are just alright with me. As I said, they are in between bland alright and pleasant.

The story revolves around Zoe and Tyler's investigation on Caroline Bradford. She was kidnapped and found dead. When a True Crimes show highlighted the dark family history, it jogged Zoe's buried memories. She came to Texas to find answers since the story resonated with her suppressed early childhood memories.

She met Tyler on a recommendation. She was hesitant but went through with it. She got spooked and ran off when Tyler came in wearing a clown mask and having bloody knuckles. He just hit his brother in law for hitting his sister. Tyler was able to recall her and he went to the diner.

She told him about her theory, which he initially dismissed. When her theory actually started to make sense due to new found evidence, he took the job. The fact that someone is actively trying to make her leave town also lent credibility to her far off theory.

She started to live in the office since her apartment was dangerous. They had a sexual attraction that they try to resist. Zoe didn't want to get involved for a very temporary fling. Meanwhile, Tyler respected her decision. When they couldn't resist it any longer, they slept together. Zoe was devastated since she fell in love with him and Tyler was reluctant to get close to her because of his past. He fell for a woman who didn't trust him. He ended up having his heart broken since he put in a lot of effort into making it work. Disillusioned by relationships, he vowed to not make the same mistakes.

Anyways, Bradford finally came to see Zoe. She was reputed as a gold digger and when he actually saw that she resembled his daughter in law, he decided to give her a chance. A family dinner was arranged and it went awry. Zoe was faced with a cold family and she promptly left.

Anyways, the bodyguard ended up committing suicide. Zoe went back to Alabama. Tyler was left by a woman again.

Rick got evidence of Ellen's scummy baby-daddy. He was able to give her ammunition against the threats the father was making. She told him she loved him.

Tyler went to Zoe and was greeted with her pink pajamas. They ended up together.

The story behind her past was that the father who raised her was the kidnapper's cousin. They planned a kidnapping and a ransom. However, they thought the child saw one of the kidnappers and the cousin just wanted to kill her so they couldn't be identified. The bodyguard was hesitant while the cop was gung ho about the plan. The father dropped in and a fight ensued. He killed his cousin by accident. He wanted to return the child but the bodyguard didn't want the crime being traced back to him. The father ended up stealing a kid's corpse a proof that Caroline was dead. The father intended to return Caroline after everything died down. However, her parents died days after her disappearance. When the mother tried to return her, the aunt was so cold and uncaring that she thought Caroline would be better with them. They raised her as Zoe and planned to tell her on her eighteenth birthday. When the father died, the mother got scared at the prospect of losing her too. She thought it was too great a betrayal and didn't want to risk it. She left the confession with her friend to be given at her death. However, the friend had alzheimer's and it wasn't until the friend's daughter stumbled upon the box did Zoe have the entire story.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rowena.
694 reviews30 followers
November 1, 2013
I read and enjoyed the first book in this series enough that I wanted to read the second book. When it came up on NetGalley, I had a smile on my face because ever since I finished Dallas’ book, I wanted to read Tyler’s book. Tyler was the smart one, the bookish partner that made lists of questions for every case they took on. Tyler was the sexy Mexican guy that I wanted to know more about and I was super glad to finally get his book.

And I’m glad that I read it.

This book was cute and fun and I enjoyed reading it. I enjoyed seeing Dallas and Nikki again and Tony and LeAnn, Ellen and Austin and Rick and just, well, everyone. They’ve got that huge, chaotic dysfunctional family thing going and it totally works for them. I ate every scene with everyone in it up, it was great.

Tyler meets his heroine when she’s in his office, peeking through the files on his desk. Her name is Zoe Adams and she’s from Alabama. She’s in town to find out if she’s the long lost grand daughter of some rich dude in Texas who was kidnapped when she was a little girl. She was watching one of those unsolved mystery shows on television and came across the story of Caroline Bradford from Texas. Caroline’s story triggers memories that Zoe can’t understand but remembers anyway so she takes herself to Texas to get some answers. When Zoe first approached Tyler about her story, he thinks she’s crazy but when unexplainable things start to happen to Zoe while she’s in Texas, he starts to think that maybe her story has some truth to it.

The attraction is there between both Tyler and Zoe but they’re not going to act on it (ha!) because Zoe is going back to Alabama and Tyler doesn’t do relationships. Zoe doesn’t want to be Tyler’s bangable toy girl and Tyler isn’t into long term commitments. But they hook up anyway. The more time they spend with each other, the more the feelings start to grow between the two of them.

The romance between Tyler and Zoe was cute and sweet because they knew that they wanted each other and they knew that the other wanted them but they wanted to avoid the awkwardness of “after” the lust fades away so they tried to keep it professional. Ha! Like that was going to happen. But as cute and sweet as their romance was, the romance that I was most drawn to while reading this book was the romance between Rick and Ellen.

Now, I’m not sure if it was because I love kids and I liked seeing Rick trying to be a good father to his son. Seeing him try to make things right for him and give the kind of home that Ricky deserved endeared Rick to me and I loved the heck out of him. I liked seeing Ellen come out of hiding from her ex and really get into being with Rick. When she finally gave him a shot at a relationship, I squeed for joy. I really enjoyed their page time and was happy when things worked out for them. I really enjoyed the way that they came together.

Tyler was everything I knew he was going to be. That strong, protective man who would move heaven and earth for those that he loved. He would hurt anyone who tried to hurt the people in his life and I ate all of that up. I loved the way that he was with his sisters and the way that he was with his niece Anna but most of all, I loved the way that he was with Zoe. The solid way that he was always there for her and the way that he made sure she was protected at all costs made me all swoony for him.

Zoe was a good heroine. She was a straightforward woman who had a mission to accomplish so that she could move on with her life. She had a lot of questions and she went after the answers with courage and I liked that about her. The back and forth way that she was with Tyler, telling him one thing (no!) and then confusing him by her actions (yes!) was something that I could have done without but it kept her from being that cookie cutter heroine that romance novel heroines are thought to be. I think my favorite part about Zoe though was how earnest she was in Tyler’s defense when they went to the police station. I wanted to hug her when she walked out of there with Tyler. It was great.
I’m really looking forward to reading Austin’s book now. I had totally forgot all about the part of the first book where they were digging for something to get the guys that set them up for their big arrest. I’m glad to see that even though Dallas and Tyler seemed to have other things on their mind, that Austin was still looking for answers and his book seems to be all about getting those answers that will help them all move on from their lives. It looks like it’s going to be a good one and I can’t wait! If you enjoyed the first book then I’m almost positive that you’ll enjoy this one too.
Profile Image for Ni_kii.
610 reviews335 followers
September 9, 2012
Posted on http://scorchingbookreviews.blogspot.com

After watching a true-crime documentary about a little girl who was kidnapped years before, Zoe is convinced that she is that little girl. Too many things don’t add up and the recurrent nightmares that plagued her seem to disprove the stories she has been told about her life. Getting in her car, she travels down to Texas in the hopes of making the pieces of her life fit.

Tyler is a PI who has sworn off women due to some disastrous experiences. When he walks back into his office to find a sexy red-head going through his files going through his client files, he doesn’t quite know what to think. When she tries to hire him to investigate an existing client with a fantastic story, he pretty much tells her no.

When the threatening phone calls begin, it’s clear that Zoe is starting to shake some cages that have been closed for a long time. After she is nearly shot in her apartment, Tyler agrees that there must be something to her quest. He takes her on as a client but he soon realises that his reasons may not have been as self-serving as he once thought. Zoe tempts him in a way that no woman has in a very long time. Let’s hope she isn’t a crazy lady with a fantastic imagination.....

I read the first book after the craziness surrounding the name of it. I enjoyed it immensely and so I requested this one on NetGalley. I love romantic comedies and this fits firmly into that category. It isn’t taxing on your brain, or emotions, it is what it is. I really enjoyed it and it is one I will read again.

Tyler is actually a fantastic hero. He started the PI business after being dismissed from the police force when he was accused of murder. He is a nice guy who was betrayed by people he thought were his friends. When we first meet him, he is dressed up as a clown for his niece’s birthday. That is the type of hero that he is and I loved him from the get go. When he meets Zoe, big brain and penis brain have an argument. He is attracted to her but wants nothing to do with her, her crazy ass story or her drama. Then people start shooting at her and he feels bad. The man is good and responsible to the core and we see examples of it throughout the tale. When he declared he was good in bed and then went on to prove it? Yeah, I was hooked!

Zoe was OK as a lead but I didn’t have any strong opinions on her either way. I was impressed with her determination to find out the truth about her past and she was involved in some pretty funny moments throughout. The book would have been a bit of bust without her, but individually she didn’t really illicit any feelings in me.

Their love story is a sweet funny tale that is filled with calamity and heart-warming moments. The angst in this book comes directly from the side love story that is actually far more compelling. Zoe and Tyler’s story had very little “will they/won’t they” moments. It is clear which direction they will go in from the start. The tale with the meat to it is that of Rick and Ellen.

Rick is a man with many problems, one of which is that his child lives with its Mother who is definitely not mother of the year material. He wants be a more involved Father and, after seeing the way Ellen is with child, he realises it is a do-able scenario. He turns to Ellen for advice and support and I fell a little bit in lust. He wants to be a good Father but has absolutely no idea how to be one. When he asks Ellen about good books for children my uterus contracted slightly.....I loved him.

Ellen got stabbed in the back during the first book and is VERY wary on Rick. It doesn’t help that he doesn’t actually come with good references from anyone. After treating him with much suspicion, she starts to see the man behind the reputation and the walls begin to crack. I fricking loved this plot-line and would have happily read their book. It was the best bit of the whole tale for me.

I picked up this story because of the hype but I continued reading due to the plot. It is a sweet, easy read with plenty of belly laughs. There was enough romance to keep me happy and a fun plot line to keep me reading. The surprising addition of the secondary romance plot made this book a probable reread in my future; I love a reformed man......
Profile Image for Chelsey Wolford.
685 reviews105 followers
October 4, 2012
Everything is bigger in Texas, right? I think so! This is the second book in the Hotter Than Texas series and it is just as great if not better than the first! This story has a slight twist and is not purely a romance novel. I loved that about it! While we do have an obvious attraction between our two leading characters, Zoe and Tyler, there is a cold case that is reopened in the process and we follow alongside a rather deep, dark investigation. I absolutely loved this detail of the story. I sometimes get bored with the rather clichéd romance stories that always end up with the same fate. This investigation kept me on the edge of my seat.

Tyler Lopez was every bit the Texan cowboy that I pictured him to be. He is rugged and rustic and yet still so charming! I love that he carries that sort of rough around the edges mantra. The first chapter of the book introduces us to Tyler and he is dressed up as a clown for his favorite niece’s birthday party. Of course he is there against his will, and only wanting to please the child. Here we are introduced to his snarky, sarcastic side and we are able to witness a little of his crass humor. Tyler kept me laughing throughout the entire book. He is just a character that comes in at the right time with the right words.

Zoe also deserves recognition because I definitely admired her and loved her character. She comes all the way to Texas because she thinks that she is the missing heiress to a rather rich, prestigious family in the community. Years ago their daughter was kidnapped from their home and never to be found again. I was so into Zoe’s story because you have to admit this is very interesting! I know from personal experience that it is hard to write stories with these kinds of twists. You have to be sure at all times that you are not leaving anything out and that every detail adds up. Christie does a wonderful job of giving us an insight into this cold case! Zoe is a very likeable character and is not the usual dimwit of most female characters that have recently fallen head over heels in love.

Their relationship was wonderful because from the first page I could tell that Tyler was going to be over-protective of Zoe and I love that in a man. He has almost given up on love because of a bad relationship that did not end well. I love the way that they figure things out together. Both of them try to convince themselves that a relationship and love is the last thing they need. However, they cannot go without one another! They make room for each other in the midst of their ever-changing lives. I think that Zoe and Tyler are the answers to their own questions, if that makes sense!

I am anxiously awaiting to next book in this series and to hear Austin’s story! This book is filled with chaos and wild goose chases that will have you on the edge of your seat the whole time. Hold on like Bo Duke!!

***A big thank you to the publishers at Grand Central Publishing and Christie Craig for providing a copy of this book for me in exchange for my honest review***
Profile Image for Kati .
198 reviews66 followers
April 22, 2013
***original review posted at Romancing Rakes For The Love of Romance***

What's a woman in search of her true identity and a man who over analyzes everything do when life throws them into a dangerous yet super sexy situation? Deny adamantly, stare at each other with lust in their eyes and try not to give away their hearts to each other. Ha!

Zoe Adams experiences flashes of a memory that are the stuff of nightmares but she can't piece it together. There are certain things that trigger it but for the life of her, she can't remember. After watching a TV special about a kidnapped child, she thinks she might be said child. Only one way to find out. She packs up and heads to Texas.

Tyler Lopez has sworn off women since getting his heart broken. He's focused on work and his family. Sort of. He and his two friends at the Only in Texas private investigative agency are trying to follow leads as to who framed them for something they didn't do all the while taking on other clients who need mundane things like getting a cheating spouse checked out. Their newest client doesn't sit well with them. There's something this family is hiding and he's damn sure he and the guys will figure it out.

Between getting shot at, Tyler trying to get his sister to leave her abusive husband, Zoe trying to figure out who she really is, a sizzling attraction and the one woman who may ruin it all,  Zoe and Tyler must come to an agreement that will last longer than the two weeks they had agreed on.

Favorite Quote:

Two weeks, that's what she wanted. Fear filled her heart. She trusted him with her life, so why was it so hard to give him two weeks? Oh, yeah, because it wasn't just her life in jeopardy, but her heart. But he wasn't asking for her heart, and all she had to do was make sure she didn't offer it.

Overall: Confession: this is my first Christie Craig book and it definitely won't be my last. This book was a perfect blend of laugh out loud moments, sizzling chemistry and a shot of heart pounding danger. To me, Tyler was endearing and reminded me of someone I know in real life. He over analyzes everything and he makes lists (I think he and I are kindred souls when it comes to list making). Zoe is a mystery but she's headstrong and knows that she must get to the bottom of her true identity whether Tyler helps her or not. I will definitely go back and read the first book in this series and look forward to the next book. Also, I will be breaking out the rest of the Christie Craig books I have on my e-reader when I get a chance.

This is the second book in the series and although there is still the mystery of who framed Tyler, Dallas and Austin, I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything. Most of this book centered around Tyler and Zoe with  a few scenes here and there of supporting characters.

***review copy provided by the publisher***
Profile Image for Jessica.
43 reviews
February 17, 2014
This was a great book. Yes, I gave it only three stars, but I'll come to that. If you are a person looking for a nice read and doesn't overthink things like I do, this is a nice romance with a bit of action.

The story is about a woman searching for her past. She has memories that doesn't add up with what she knows about the people she calls her parents and the childhood she had. So she is on the search for answers.

In comes a hot dude who was misjudged by many, as his fellow PI partners. He has scars that hasn't healed and a past he can't forget.

Throw in some food accidents, a cold case and a misfortunate, but lucky, cat and you have a story worth reading.


This is where I tell you why a story I truely liked didn't get more than three stars.

Because it wasn't finished.

For one: How did Tyler get that scar that our heroine was so fascinated with in the beginning? I was waiting for that through the entire book and then I put it down finsihed with a happy sigh...'til I remembered I didn't know a shit about what happened to Tyler while in prison. Because Craig hinted that the scar had something to do with that time, right? So I had a real hard time letting that go afterwards.

And then when I was twisting and turning that in my head I realised something else.

Who was the dirty cop that was involved in the kidnapping?!

That is what disturbes me most. Now, I don't know if that is clearing up in the next of Craig's "Hotter that Texas" novel, but it truely bothers me.

You see, I don't like unsolved mysteries. Like at all. This question bothered me a bit in the book too, but I didn't realize that it did before later. I was waiting for the guy to show up at her door with a gun or something, but no. Nothing. So, was it the guy who died five years back or? Who was it?

The thrid part that made this novel unfinished was the part with Mr. Thomas Bradford. Now, I never quite got a hang of the guy. He was...an unfinished character. I wished that he at least would have had some feelings. Anger would have been better than nothing. Hell, if he had acted like Mrs. Daniels I would have been more satisfied with him. Just something! I remember reading something about how Zoe's heart broke a bit for him and I though why? He doesn't even seem broken up about the family tragedies. He just tried to justify the way they behaved.

So, even though I loved the story, I disliked it a lot for the loose ends that Craig left me with. And if the third novel in this series doesn't clear it up I will so not be happy.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 117 reviews

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