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It was meant to be a one-night stand. One night of passion. Scorching hot. Then Beth Cantrell and Eric Donovan were supposed to go their separate ways. That’s the only reason he lied about his name, telling her he was really his wild younger brother. Hiding his own identity as the conservative Donovan. The “good” one.

But passion has its own logic, and Eric finds he cannot forget the sable-haired beauty with whom he shared one night of passion. When Beth discovers that Eric has lied, however, she knows he cannot be trusted. Her mind tells her to forget the blue-eyed charmer. If only every fiber of her being did not burn to call him back.

336 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published October 25, 2011

About the author

Victoria Dahl

62 books2,003 followers
I have my mother to thank for my passion for writing. My mom is an avid reader of popular fiction, and I began reading highly inappropriate books around the age of eleven, I think. (Thanks, Mom, for always leaving those delicious books strewn about!)

To Tempt a Scotsman, a Golden Heart winning historical, was my first published book. Here I am signing the cover! A Rake's Guide to Pleasure (which was excerpted at the back of Scotsman) is my second.

Due to my all-around goofiness, my agent suggested I also try my hand at a contemporary romantic comedy. Boy, is my agent smart! I had a great time writing Talk Me Down, the story of a young woman who goes back to her small hometown in Colorado and causes a huge stir with her secretive career and her burgeoning relationship with the chief of police. Not only did I have a great time writing it, but Tara Parsons at HQN liked it too! So if you like cold weather, hot sex and dirty jokes, be sure to check out Talk Me Down (out in January 2009).

Speaking of cold weather, my family and I live in a beautiful ski town in
Utah. No, I don't ski. I prefer to sit inside with a hot toddy and a good
book while the snow falls. It's especially beautiful to watch when from the inside!

I have a wonderful husband and children, and the house is kind of crowded, what with the dukes, Scotsmen, police chiefs, and naughty ladies running around, but my family is very understanding about my imaginary friends. Good thing, since they refuse to leave!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 442 reviews
Profile Image for S.
388 reviews91 followers
May 5, 2015

I'm beyond happy! I've been reading this whole book with a big grin on my face. I savored every little bit. No skimming! It was exactly what the doctor ordered. Finally, I'm out of my reading slump!

"The memory of those words filled Eric with such fierce triumph that he felt like he'd grown taller. He might be vanilla as hell, but maybe that was her favorite flavor. Or at least the flavor of the month."

Eric was such a jerk in the previous books, but he was really lovable in this one. He was 24 when his parents died in a car crash, and he gave up everything to care for his younger sister Tessa (Book 1) and Jamie (Book 2). Now he is 37, and burdened by all the pressure. Beth is the owner off a classy sex shop, but not the sex goddess everyone thinks... When these two meet, the sexual chemistry is off the charts. Some parts off this book are wowza hot!

I laughed, smiled and cheered for them throughout the book. Eric was beyond hot...or maybe I just have a soft spot for that name xD And, as icing on the already delicious cake we got to spend plenty of time with Tessa, Luke and Jamie again!

Victoria Dahl is one of my favorite contemporary authors and this book was the best in this series! Do yourself a favor and start from the beginning, and let yourself be charmed with the amazing Donovan family.
Profile Image for willaful.
1,155 reviews367 followers
May 17, 2012
In the previous books of this series, we saw Tessa Donovan and Jamie Donovan both struggling with their family image: Tessa trapped as the good girl, Jamie as the bad boy. As it turns out, their older brother Eric is also struggling with how he thinks his siblings see him: despite having been their mainstay since the death of their parents, he doesn’t feel like a real member of the family, and the recent changes in both Tessa and Jamie have left him feeling far less needed or useful.

Meanwhile Beth, the adult toy store manager Eric had a one-night stand with in the novella “Just One Taste,” continues to be uncomfortable with her image as an uninhibited sex expert. And she can’t forget Eric, the only man who's ever gotten her out of her own head during sex.

When events bring them back together, they find it impossible to stick to the one night they’d originally agreed upon. But can they get past the false ideas they have about themselves and each other, and find the real people underneath?

It took me a little while to get into this; the narrative voice seemed surprisingly rushed and unsubtle in places, and I hadn’t liked the short story much. What first won me over was Eric -- not only is it really interesting to find out what was behind his harshness in the previous books, but buttoned-down Eric is unexpectedly smokin’ hot. In fact, I’d say this is the hottest book of the series, mainly because there’s something very slow, serious and deliberate about Eric that’s really enticing:

"He still didn't kiss her. She felt his whole hand curve around her waist, the edge of his hand restng on the curve of her hip, his thumb fanning slowly across her ribs. She opened her eyes to see him still watching his hand.

'You left too quickly last time.'

'I know,' she whispered.

'I wanted more.'"

Damn, so do I!

With additional background into her life, Beth also became much more understandable than she had been, and most of the elements that bugged me in the novella began to work. (The one thing that still nagged: the secondary characters with alternative lifestyles. They’re portrayed positively, but the way Eric and Beth think about them makes me think they see them as a circus act.)

The intricacy of the themes in this series is notable, and this was no exception. Eric’s issues interweave with Beth’s in a compelling way, particularly the fact that neither feels “real”:

“He though she was nothing more than a walking, talking sexual adventure. The irony of it was like a dull knife in her heart. She’d been real with him. For once, she’d been a real person in bed.”

I also love that the titles in this series are all actually meaningful, and that all three books meld into one ongoing story about a family. Definitely read the whole series, in order, to get the full effect.

(reviewed from e-arc provided by netGalley)
Profile Image for Alp.
763 reviews452 followers
November 4, 2015
This book wasn't bad but wasn't great either. I was a bit disappointed, but not with the entire story. There were some parts that made me laugh but some parts got me so frustrated. I felt like I couldn't connect to the two main characters, didn't see what both Eric and Beth saw in one another. There were almost no chemistry between them. But honestly, I can always count on Victoria Dahl when it comes to sex scenes. They are always hot, sizzling, luscious, and sexy.

Though this book didn't meet my expectations, I was quite satisfied with the conclusion of the series.
Profile Image for Saly.
3,434 reviews569 followers
October 25, 2011
In Real Men Will, we finally get Eric's story, the eldest Donovan, the one who took on the Brewery business and his siblings upbringing when he was just twenty-four.
Over the course of the two books Eric has been a jerk and come across as too controlling and critical and even in this book there is loads of family drama and fights with Jamie and his plans for expansion, with Tess playing referee. The thing is that Eric is pretty messed up and now he sees that his siblings don't need him, so he feels at loose ends plus combined with the fact that he always felt he had to be perfect and fell short. The best part of the book for me was when Jamie and Eric really talked without misinterpreting what the other had said.

Beth is the manager of the Wild Orchid and she and Eric had a hot encounter in the novella that started the series. Though Beth works in a store that deals with sex stuff, she herself is sadly not that experienced or comfortable with the lifestyle. She likes plain vanilla but tries hard to fit in, hence her hidden encounter with Eric who she thought was Jamie.

Honestly, I didn't like Beth or Eric much. These two were full grown adults scared to confront what they wanted though in the end they did finally figure it out. Beth is rightly mad at Eric for his deception with his name but soon they enter a sexual relationship which is hidden. They both have complications in their personal life, with Beth's father not knowing what she does. As a teenager Beth was made a laughing stock and since then she hasn't trusted men that easily.

For the most part I wasn't satisfied with the book. These two don't get talking for a long time, Eric thinks Beth is all adventurous while she is not. The relationship just didn't work for me and this has to be my least favorite in the series. I didn't get Beth's obsession to be appear to be as cool as her friends and Eric's need to hide his personal life and the fights got too much for me.

Still I did enjoy the Donovan series.

ARC provided by Netgalley
Profile Image for Lauren.
2,436 reviews159 followers
August 20, 2020
Real Men Will
5 Stars

Series note:This is the final book in the trilogy and it essential that the series be read in order to truly understand the family dynamics as well as the ongoing story arc. Moreover, it is also necessary to read the prequel novella, "Just One Taste", where the hero and heroine of this book first meet.

Since the death of his parents, Eric Donovan has dedicated his life to raising his younger siblings and running the family brewery. But now that his brother and sister have found their own niches, Eric is at odds with himself and his future. When he spies a gorgeous woman at the local business expo, Eric throws caution to the wind and decides to indulge in an illicit one-night stand. The only problem is that Beth Cantrall, the manager of the White Orchid erotic boutique mistakes him for his brother, and all hell breaks loose when she discovers his deception. Will Eric and Beth be able to move past the lies of the past to fulfill the promise of their passion for one another?

Wow! Eric and Beth's story is amazing. It is wonderful to finally see the real man behind the cold and stoic persona that Eric presents to the world, and understand the love, affection and responsibility he feels for his family.

Beth is simply delightful. The trauma of her past is infuriating, and the desire to enter the pages and attain justice for her is almost overwhelming. The fact that she has overcome the awful experiences is testament to her strength of character and personality.

The sex scenes in Dahl's book are always intense and emotional, but she has outdone herself with Beth and Eric's romance. Their interactions are explosive whether verbal or physical, and it is incredible to see them overcome their natural reserve and find passion and comfort in each other.

Overall, a fantastic end to the series and I am going to jump into more of Dahl's backlist ASAP.
Profile Image for Splage.
612 reviews386 followers
December 31, 2011
3 stars. Good story, well developed characters with scorching sex scenes, but I wish the brothers got along better. They had big fences to mend, not sure they really did it. I felt some good chemistry between Eric and Beth even though it started with a secret one night stand six months earlier. It took a long time for them to realize they needed each other, but once they got over themselves and let it go...magic.
Profile Image for Océano de libros.
807 reviews90 followers
February 12, 2018
Beth Cantrell y Eric Donovan pactaron una aventura de una sola noche pero sus caminos volverán a cruzarse pero ya nada será lo mimo y se plantearán su mutua atracción puesto que Eric mintió un poco al respecto sobre su persona.
El segundo volumen de esta serie donde tenemos como protagonistas a Jamie y Olivia me gustó en su momento por eso repetí con este tercer libro pero la verdad es que esta novela deja muchísimo que desear. Y es que la trama no tiene por dónde cogerse, es tan simple que la autora hace múltiples malabarismos para metérnosla en vena cosa que conmigo no logró. Hacia las primeras páginas la cosa parece que puede dar de sí pero ni por asomo, la autora empieza a alargar la historia con los pensamientos de Beth y Eric y a mí la verdad tanto análisis psicológico me mata y me aburre sinceramente. Luego tenemos a la pareja protagonista que no pueden ser menos atractivos al lector, no imprimen chispa alguna por lo menos desde mi punto de vista y hasta Jamie que me encantó en el segundo libro en este me sacó de quicio, las rencillas entre hermanos y las comederas de cabeza de Eric me crispaban (y eso que yo soy bastante tranquila).
En definitiva, este libro me pareció aburrido, lineal y poco recordable, nada divertido viendo novelas anteriores, me ha dejado un mal sabor de boca y pocas ganas de repetir con esta autora.
Profile Image for Jae.
693 reviews178 followers
August 26, 2011
Yes, it's true. The quiet ones are very much the wild ones. And in this case, Eric was the absolute wickedness of the Donovans. The bedroom (or the wall, the hallway, the dining table, the office) scenes were totally on fire! I am gushing here, I know. Who knew Eric the proper preppy brother had all that rowdy blood in him.


I was pretty bored during the first 50% of the book with Jaime and Eric constant fights. It got very old with the fights. But things picked up a bit after that and it's kinda sad being that this is the last book about the Donovan siblings. It almost felt like I'm saying goodbye to close friends. I will miss all you crazy Donovans and your equally hot significant others.

Will look forward to more VD's works.
Profile Image for Alexa.
484 reviews128 followers
July 8, 2016
So, the series continues with the last Donovan brother, Eric. And just like last book, it's a contained novel but it has continuous references to things that have happened in the series so I'd recommend reading them in order.

Sadly this was not my favourite of Dahl's books... mostly because I didn't like Eric at all; he has anger management issues and Beth (our main girl) is a doormat.

Their relationship is ok, but there's a lot more drama than in past books which put me a bit off. However I will probably read more of her books in the future!
Profile Image for Xan.
619 reviews270 followers
July 13, 2017
This book is toxic to queer & trans &/or non-binary readers.

DNF 4%

This book alienated me very early with a blatantly queer hating line that draws on very old stereotypes. And as a second blow, the line made fun of the existence of non-binary people and that anyone might be attracted to us in the very same line. Pretty sure it was a throwaway line, too, which means my queerness and non-binary identity were trashed by this author for basically no reason.
Profile Image for D.G..
1,366 reviews337 followers
January 30, 2021
The only thing I can say after reading this book is that I'm glad is out of my TBR.

This couple was just meh. I didn't feel at all that supposed chemistry between them and to be frank, the hero was super boring. I expect more spark from heroes - they don't all have to be badasses or the kind of man every woman desires, but I'd like see something special about them. Eric was just too average. He had a job he didn't like and he fought a lot with his brother. He didn't even have an interesting hobby, besides banging the heroine.

Beth was a bit more interesting, although I don't know why she was so hurt when she discovered that Eric had pretended to be his brother when they first met. I mean, do you really expect a one-night stand to be truthful? (To my way of thinking, that's what happens when you sleep with people you don't know.) Also, I don't know why this insistence from both of them on the "one and done". It wasn't like anything was going in their lives that precluded them dating now and then.

Not recommended.
Profile Image for Jess.
1,051 reviews155 followers
October 20, 2011
Review posted:Happily Ever After - Reads
Blog rating: 3.5/5 stars

Eric…looked like a man who never bothered with flirting. If he wanted you, he wanted you; it was as simple as that.

It’s finally time for us to get to know the oh-so-serious Eric. He had to grow up fast, taking over the family business and taking care of his 2 younger siblings after their parents were killed in a car crash. While it’s not necessary at all to read the short story that’s the prequel to this series, Just One Taste, it does give a tiny peek into Eric’s character. He lied to Beth letting her believe that he was his younger brother Jamie, but you could tell even during the short story that he just wasn’t happy being…Eric. Even though he’s running things, Eric’s trying to find his place in the brewery. He’s tried to do everything perfectly for years and when Jamie wants to try new things, including getting the pizza portion of the new brewpub up and running, Eric’s still resisting the change and that leads to many, many more fights between Eric and Jamie throughout this book. When he runs into Beth months after their one night stand, she still thinks he’s Jamie and when that truth comes out, saying she’s pissed is putting it pretty mildly.

Beth’s had her own past drama to overcome. One incident in high school really destroyed her in all areas of her life. She quickly learned that trusting people, especially men, just wasn’t going to come easy to her, if it happened at all. So her life was all about doing what others wanted, and being the person they all expected her to be. She was only able to be herself during that one night stand and hasn’t been able to get Eric out of her mind. I also like the combination of Beth running a sex shop, the White Orchid, and even though that maybe comes with an expectation that she knows all of what she speaks (and sells) she's really a shy woman who needs someone to help break her out of her shell.

A long time later, when they both came again, Beth didn’t scream his name. Instead, she sighed it so softly that he barely heard. And strangely, that was even better.

Eric is a naughty, naughty man. The straight laced guy was able to let loose and just be for the first time in years with Beth. Once the truth came out about who he really was, Beth couldn’t let their attraction just fall away, so they start up a no strings attached relationship. These are two people who were able to be themselves with each other, and that’s something that nobody else was able to give them. That connection alone kept bringing them closer and closer together and while their sex scenes were crazy hot, the quiet moments when they were lying in bed, holding hands and just talking were the sweetest ones.

I was a little surprised to find out how insecure Eric is in some ways. Actually, both Beth and Eric deal with this in different ways, but with Eric, he always comes off as so in charge, no fears in business, but deep down, he wonders and even worries about his place in the brewery. In his mind, it’s not really his business to be working at let alone running, but when their brewmaster Wallace is away, Eric takes over for him, and finds a renewed purpose at the brewery, away from his desk and office.

The younger Donovan’s have a presence as well and Tessa is still trying to be the peacemaker, as always, between the brothers. The fighting did get a little old, but all the anger and fights came to a head for these two brothers and they finally clear the air. It’s a scene that’s been building between them since the beginning; the emotion was high and their exchange was really well done.

All the characters, especially our hero and heroine, let lies and things go unsaid throughout the book. But what I enjoyed most was watching Eric and Beth not only become closer but seeing them both take control of their lives. That means changes in all aspects of their lives for both of them, and it was nice to see the weight finally start to be lifted off both their backs, especially Eric’s. I admit, he was on my “enough already!” list in the last book with how he was treating Jamie, but getting his POV made me understand him, and even better was finally being able to see the real Eric emerge.

I really enjoyed the Donovan Brothers Brewery series and I wish we had more siblings to get to know. The books are fun and sexy with many sweet moments between all 3 couples. Even though there were plenty of tense moments between the brothers, the sibling dynamic in the series was great and while I loved getting to know each couple, it was equally enjoyable to get scenes with just the siblings, fighting and laughing together.
Profile Image for Aly.
2,712 reviews89 followers
February 23, 2020
I've never read the novella for this series before, not even the first time I read the series. So my first impression of Eric Donovan wasn't a really good one. Bossy, way too uptight, take everything too seriously, stressed and always on his brother's back. Even if we knew he had to raise his two siblings when their parents died and he was at the start of his adult life, it's only in this book and when getting his POV that I could understand and felt bad for Eric's role in this, and how he could feel stuck by his responsibilities.

Eric finally accepted his brother's proposition to expend Donovan Brothers Brewery into a pub. Which means more stress for Eric. When the woman he met 6 months ago at a business convention and shared one night of pleasure with suddenly appear at the brewery, it could mean just one more problem (specially since he lied about his name) for him. But instead, it's gonna be the opposite. Since both of them couldn't forget that special night and can't help but want more, they soon embark on a secret affair.

Beth Cantrell is not the sexually experienced and confident extrovert that people expect from a woman managing the White Orchid, an erotic boutique, and who give sex education classes and write a column on the subject. Even if she feels angry and sad when she learn Eric lie, it's unfortunately not the worst betrayal she had before. And she just can't stop thinking about what he made her feel and no other man before was able to make her forget about her past and it left her unable to trust someone else again. So why not enjoy the freedom that being with Eric make her feel while it last? Maybe it'll free her for her next relationship ?

Beth and Eric have a totally different history but it was so satisfying to see them find a way, in being together, of being free from life's expectation and trial. They had a pretty potent chemistry in and out of bed.
Profile Image for Neus Gutiérrez.
1,015 reviews627 followers
September 1, 2020
3.5 en realidad.

El libro me ha gustado, además vengo con todo el hype de los otros 2 libros porque realmente me apetecía muchísimo leer a este hermano. Mi principal problema con este libro es que comparándolo con los otros 2 -y sí, las comparaciones son odiosas- este es el que menos me ha gustado. ¿Por qué? Pues porque tiene algunos detalles que me han sacado un poquito de quicio... y quizá porque a nivel relación y de más, ésta es la que menos me ha "encandilado". O igual sólo es porque al ser la última pues tiene que ser muy muy buena para que te sorprenda. También os diré que igualmente sí que quiero este libro en papel PRONTO, así que.. podéis apuntarlo.

Me ha gustado mucho ella. Eso también es un punto típico en mí, ella me ha encantado pero él no tanto. y yo necesito tener un crush maromial para que el libro se lleve mi patata. Sé que igual eso no está bien, peeeeeeeero es que hay muchos libros de romance. Así que, algo tendré que hacer para cribar y no gastarme todo mi dinero en libros. SABES.

Creo que aunque había cosas que me daban un poquito de rabia.. o que yo pensaba A VEEEEEEEEr, pues como los 2 anteriores son bastante realistas. Habla de cosas que por desgracia pasan. Y tanto en la situación que vive la protagonista cuando era más joven, como en cómo se comporta el padre.. he de decir que me molestó mucho, pero creo que está bien que se explique y se ponga el punto en que eso no está bien. igual que la disculpa de él. O sea, no lo romantiza ni te pone que eso sea "correcto", así que bien por la autora.
En el caso de él, es un poco dramitas, pero llego a entender sus sentimientos. Es verdad que durante los dos libros anteriores, y aquí especialmente, había momentos en que quería gritarle... pero es que en mi vida diaria a veces también tengo ganas de gritar a gente, así que.. touché.

Recomendado. sello neusiano.
Profile Image for Angela Carr.
732 reviews82 followers
November 1, 2011
After the last book of loving Jamie and hating Eric, I seriously doubted I would like Eric at all.
Boy, was I wrong Ms. Dahl did an excellent job rectifying Eric and his issues.
as with the last book, Eric's story made me angry, cry, lust and cry and lust.

I've got to say though, Jamie is still my man!!!

Bravo to Ms. Dahl for a wonderful job! I will be pursuing her other books for sure!!!
Profile Image for Mrs. Badass.
566 reviews227 followers
September 25, 2011
Reviewed by Erika
Grade: B overall, {A for the sex alone, it was smokin hot.}
Check out Badass Book Reviews for more awesome book reviews

When I first stumbled upon the Donovan Brothers–on twitter of all places, I was intrigued. Victoria Dahl is funny, and I like contemporary romance occasionally. So, when I saw that the trilogy was being offered on Netgalley, I snapped them up. The first novel is Good Girls Don’t and features Tessa and Luke. Book Two is Bad Boys Do, featuring Jamie and Olivia, and the last book, Real Men Will, features Eric and Beth.

I’m glad I did. They are a nice escape from paranormal, with interesting characters and thoughtful prose. The situations and emotions read real. Tessa, Jamie and Eric are siblings and are partnered at the Donovan Brothers Brewery. (Which, shouldn’t Tessa be a little mad about? LOL) Any ways, I have not read Tessa and Luke’s book as of yet, I read Jamie’s book first. I can tell you that Eric, the eldest of the brothers, and the one who took over raising Jamie and Tessa as well as running the Brewery when their parents died in a car crash when he was 24 and Tessa was 14, Jamie was 16—was an asshole. Stuck up, pretentious, holier than though, priggish asshat. In Bad Boys Do, I really wanted to jump through the pages and punch him in his “I am so much better than you, and always right—so do as I say—or else” attitude.

He put a lot of pressure on Jamie, made him feel inferior and like a piece of crap. I hated his attitude towards everyone. In Real Men Will, we learn why Eric is the way he is. It doesn’t excuse his past behavior, but at least, we have some understanding. I felt sorry for his situation, and I admire the responsibility he shouldered. I was sad he ended up so resentful and bitter. I was glad when Beth bumped into Eric after their one night stand six months earlier… {Featured in the novella “Just One Taste” in “The Guy Next Door” Anthology.

Let’s talk about Beth. I could really relate to her. Despite managing the White Orchid, which is an upscale sex boutique, Beth is really rather vanilla. Most people label or see her a certain way; sexually adventurous, and willing to try anything when in fact, she is very simple. She does however, have daddy issues. What I mean by that, is she is very conscious of her fathers opinion of her, and others opinions of her. She lives in a hell of her own making, always trying to live her life by everyone elses standards and beliefs. Her father believes she runs an undergarment store, not a phallic store :lol:

Boy is he in for a shocker.

We all have something in our past that we are not proud of doing. Most of this occurs when we are younger, and Beth is no exception. What happens to her is cruel, but true enough. Teenagers can be fucking mean, nasty and harsh. Her father was no better. Instead of trying to help, he…well shit, here I go giving away the plot. You’ll have to read the book to find out what happened when Beth was 17, what her father said and did, and then you will want to slap him too. You’ll also feel bad for Beth. Like I said, teenagers can be assholes.

Anyways, onwards!

Beth and Eric really LIT UP THE PAGES. Holy shit was their sex hot. I mean really, really hot. Who knew that the straight-laced, tight-wadded Eric had it in him to be dirty, dominant and delicious? Not me, but boy was I pleasantly surprised.

Not to say that Eric still didn’t piss me off, he did. He can often be callous, and he often says shit before thinking, which makes his brother and sister, and Beth mad at him. But he was much more relate-able in Real Men Will. Readers will be satisfied six ways from Sunday with how the series ends!
Profile Image for Lauren⁷ 💜.
367 reviews116 followers
August 14, 2016
Please note: this is an overview of the Donovan Brothers trilogy as a whole, not just this book.

These were my first Victoria Dahl books. And they won't be my last. I overall enjoyed this trilogy. But what kept me from loving it is that the hero and heroine of each book had their own respective set of issues.

Good Girls Don't.
Tessa has the issue of youngest who tries to be the glue that hold the family together. Which leads to much lying and angsting on her part. I can see why she would feel like that and it is explained why, but it's silly. One person can't try to be the glue that holds the family together. It doesn't work. I've witnessed it with my own family. It has to be a collaborative effort.
Luke has the issue of I'm no good for her, her brother doesn't approve of me, I'm damaged goods, blah, blah, blah. His issues are among the weakest of the bunch.

Bad Boys Do.
Jamie has the issue of being the young and viewed as irresponsible brother. He made mistakes in the past, but now he has changed and he has plans. This lead to big fights with his brother. I think quiet and calm communication that involved actually listening to one another would have benefited these two a lot. And saved a lot of angst.
Olivia has the issue of being six years older then Jamie. She's 35, he's 26. Hardly a huge difference. But she agonizes over it. Pointlessly. Her issues are perhaps the weakest of the bunch.

Real Men Will.
Eric has the issue of being viewed as the oldest and most responsible and how his place at the brewery is changing. How his siblings don't really need him as much anymore. And things are still tense with Jamie. I get that's he 37 and he's more or less devoted his life to the brewery and his brother and sister since he was 24. But his brother and sister both passed the point of being able to take more of the responsibility of the brewery a long time ago. He could have given over a little more responsibility and taken time for himself so he wouldn't feel so adrift.
Beth has issues with her sexuality and her self image and she seems conflicted over the old world values she was brought up with which contrast with the fact that she runs a sex shop. Beth's sexuality issue is sad. Very sad. And it's the one issue that didn't seem overwrought. I really can see why it would effect her like that.

I get that real life is very much like this. We all have issues and baggage, big or small, that we bring into a new relationship with us. And vice versa for the other person. But a little less big issues, which aside from Beth's don't really seem all that big to me and more fun would have probably lead to me enjoying this trilogy more. I don't mind angst and drama in my books, but in this case, it simply didn't work so well for me. There's also the complete lack of an epilogue. I wanted one! Issues aside, I enjoyed the characters a lot and Dahl nicely brought the brewery to life. And I definitely appreciated how realistically she portrayed sibling relationships, I'm an only child myself, but my mom and grandma and dad aren't, and it's pretty consistent with what I've witnessed over the years. And she can write a sex scene! I had no issue with those! Every one was very hot and very well written! And I noticed a progression of the steam level. Book one was very roasty and toasty. Book two was sizzling. And book three was volcanic! And there was a decent suspense subplot. And I enjoyed all the characters and seeing how Jamie and Eric do eventually patch things up was so sweet. I rate the trilogy as a whole four stars.
Profile Image for Amanda.
797 reviews38 followers
September 22, 2016
Freak'n loved it!! I think it may even be one of my favorites! I laughed, I cried, I fell in love with Beth and Eric! Best one of the series in my lowly opinion.


Stop, Warning! If you have not read Victoria Dahl’s novella “Just One Taste” in “The Guy Next Door” (authors: Lori Foster, Susan Donovan and Victoria Dahl) please stop now and go back and read it. It’s the “prequel” to this story and without having read that story you may not get some of this story. But don’t worry I really enjoyed “Just One Taste” so it is no hardship to read and plenty steamy.

Eric had to take on the responsibility of raising his two teenage siblings and run the family brewery business at the age of 24. Always the serious responsible one just for one night he wants to let that all go and be free of his name and all the responsibilities that come with it. Beth is a fraud; she is the manager of the Wild Orchid, Boulders premier erotic shop that caters to women. She loves her job, but feels guilty that most of what she preaches and teaches she doesn’t follow herself. Anytime she is with a man she can’t let go, until a chance meeting with “Jaime” at a business expo. For one night she is going to forget everything and let go and just enjoy the one night “Jaime” has to offer. Eric knows this is one night and knows as Eric he can’t be what he wants to be so when the beautiful Beth assumes he’s Jaime his younger, more carefree brother he doesn’t correct her. Knowing if she ever found out all hell will break loose, but really how will she ever find out? Months later a party brings Beth to the Donovan brewery, months of thinking about “Jaime”, and remembering the one night she was free. Now, not is all that it seems, people keep referring to the young cute bartender as Jaime, but she knows that’s not Jaime, or does she??

I absolutely ADORE this book! It is now one of my new favorites. I’m telling you, it’s the quite ones you have to worry about! Who knew Eric had it in him, I sure didn’t. As this is the third in the series you come to know Eric only as the uptight always says “Hell No” brother. In this book, you get to see an entirely different side to him, one I like. A lot gets better explained in this book as to why Eric has been the way he is. Now on to Beth, who I adore! I was totally relating to Beth, I always said that if I had plenty of money and wanted to open a fun business it would be an erotica shop that catered to woman. So I was totally into that part of the book. There was just so much about Beth that I related too; she is definitely one of my favorite book heroines. Jaime and Eric finally kind of come to a truce, Tessa is still cute as a button and sassy as hell. I laughed a lot in this book; I cried in a couple of parts it and was plenty steamy. You get the full spectrum of emotions which is more then you can expect. I highly recommend this book and this series. In fact I’ll be checking out more from Victoria Dahl, I think she will become one of my favorite Contemporary Romance Novelists.

*This book was provided to me by the publisher for an honest review through netgalley.com
Profile Image for Jonetta.
2,362 reviews1,190 followers
October 3, 2011
Eric Donovan has lived his life being the perfect son and brother. When his parents were suddenly killed in a freak car accident, he abandoned his dreams to return home and run the family brewery, raising his teenage brother and sister at the same time.

Beth Cantrell is the35-year old manager of White Orchid, an erotic boutique in Boulder, located only a few blocks from the brewery. Both she and Eric were attending a business expo in Denver with stations near each other when they established eye contact and the chemistry was explosive. Neither fit each other’s ideal of their normal “type” but the attraction was undeniable. They end up in a hotel room but agree to go their separate ways, marveling at how what they’d just done was out of character for them both. However, the entire time Beth believed she was with Jamie Donovan (that was the name displayed at the expo) and Eric did nothing to clear up the misconception.

This was a story of two people who were living lives based on the expectations of others and not necessarily ones they would choose. They are more alike than how they appear on the surface, suppressing their real feelings and resorting to lies whenever needed to perpetuate their myths. It was inevitable that Beth and Eric’s paths would cross again and she would discover his betrayal. As much as she distrusts him, they cannot seem to avoid their physical attraction and succumb to it repeatedly.

Eric isn’t an easy character and I found it difficult at times to be sympathetic towards him or even like him, however, he redeems himself very late in the story. Beth makes choices that are very curious and it was often difficult to clearly understand her point of view. We learn more about her personal baggage fairly late in the story and it might have been more helpful in getting her character if this information was disclosed just a little earlier. Nevertheless, she’s extremely likable but you question what it was that attracted her to Eric, beyond his “preppy” look and why she’s such a contradiction.

I liked this story but it is my least favorite in the series. Be forewarned that the glue that holds this couple together is sexual compatibility so there are many steamy scenes between the two, almost to distraction. There isn’t a neat wrap up at the end of the story so I’m hoping there will be more to the series. There are some secondary characters, like Luke Asher’s partner, Simone Parker, and Wallace Hood the brewmaster who are pretty interesting with room for stories. We can only hope as this was a very interesting series.

My rating for the book is 3.5 stars.

(I received an ARC from NetGalley)
Profile Image for Catherine.
522 reviews568 followers
November 7, 2011
I was a bit worried about reading this one because I didn't like Eric much in the previous books--especially the second one. I was so relieved to find that he was actually one of my favorite characters of the trilogy. He had a believable inner conflict and took strides to finally smooth things over with his siblings.

I've come to realize that in this trilogy characters that seem reasonable and sympathetic in their own book come off as jerks in another sibling's book. It just confirms my impression that their family relationship is very dysfunctional and they would probably be much happier apart. If they weren't partners in the family business then I'm not sure they'd ever trouble themselves to see each other again. The dynamic between them has been my least favorite part of this trilogy.

Dahl still packs a wallop with the heat in this book. The sex scenes were very sexy and it was easy to see what was drawing Eric and Beth together. I wish there had been more scenes building the emotions between them, though. Eric took steps to open himself up to her, but she never did. It was until the very end of the book that she admitted to herself that she was the biggest liar of them all and that she was a hypocrite.

Beth was my least favorite part of this book. I liked her, but I didn't like a lot of her decisions. Just like Tessa, Beth was never honest about the real her and it took something big to make her look in the mirror. I don't know why I enjoyed watching Tessa's growth more than Beth's, but I did. By the end of the book I had very little patience for her BS and I practically growled when Eric was cast as the villain in their last argument.

The connection to the Kendalls was pretty weak and didn't serve a purpose that I could see. Couldn't something else have just as easily served as the inspiration for her to be honest? Other than that, I liked the book. If I wouldn't have been so frustrated by Beth toward the end, this would have ended up being my favorite of the trilogy.
Profile Image for Dee.
1,500 reviews173 followers
September 16, 2015

Another good one from Ms Dahl. I have enjoyed all the Donovan series but found that I liked this one best of all.

When we met Eric in the first book I wasn't too sure about him. I got really angry with him in the second because of how he treated Jamie. He cam across as a heartless pig and to be honest I was worried about reading this book but was glad that I did.

Eric was only a young lad when the Donovan parents died and ended up moving back to the family home and raising his teenage siblings. Now dealing with teenagers is hard enough on parents (I know as I have one!) but to be thrust into the situation when in his early 20's just when he had started to spread his own wings would be even harder.

As well as his siblings there was also the family brewery which he instantly took over. To do this Eric had to give up his dream of becoming a Master Brewer and to add to this he never felt that he was good enough as he wasn't actually a Donovan. His mum had married Michael Donovan when he was 8 years old and Eric worshipped the man as he treated him like his own son and even adopted him. Taking this all into consideration you can understand why he seemed a bit uptight at times.

He meets up with Beth again - (we read their short story in The Guy Next Door) and they decide to continue seeing each other for sex but neither want a relationship. The sex scenes were pretty steamy and Eric was certainly drool worthy. He had a butter wouldn't melt exterior but boy oh boy when we got underneath he was really hot!

I am sad that this is the last book in the Donovan series. I loved reading about them and their friends and will miss them.
Profile Image for Susan (susayq ~).
2,332 reviews132 followers
March 9, 2012
I can honestly say this was my favorite of this series! I went into it not really liking Eric...he had been really jerky and bossy and overly demanding in the other books. In this one, we find out why he was that way. And now I get why he had that personality. I feel the situation between him and his brother Jamie was rectified enough to show us that in the future things would be better between them...I have an imagination and can work that out and don't need it spelled out for me :)

As for the romance - it was HOT. Like scalding hot. Beth and Eric were perfect for each other and brought out the best in the other. This is definitely a series I would read again :)
Profile Image for Keri.
2,075 reviews113 followers
January 18, 2016
Ms. Dahl really turned Eric around for me on this one. Him and Beth really had chemistry for me. Once I got the rest of Eric's story, I could identify how he felt. I am not sure that I understood them wanting to keep their relationship a secret. They were single adults, but I guess it was more for a storyline. The love scenes were extremely sexy though and I felt that Ms. Dahl really shines here. I wasn't ready for the story to be over and I hope we get one more story...hopefully Simone's story. What about pairing her with Davis??? Maybe she wants to peek at a shaved Dragon tattoo...I know I do. :-) In the end, IMO this turned out to be the best book of the trilogy.
Profile Image for Suzie Quint.
Author 11 books149 followers
March 29, 2012
I think this is my favorite of the series. It's certainly the only one I teared up over. The scene between Jamie & Eric at their mother's graveside just pushed me over the edge. They were both so wracked with guilt and Eric was feeling so lost and unsure of himself that when they opened up about the things that made them feel unworthy of their family I just lost it. Very emotionally cleansing. A great series.
Profile Image for Leigh Kramer.
Author 1 book1,335 followers
November 22, 2018
3.5 stars

I adore Victoria Dahl's contemporary romances! There was so much I loved about this story but there were a few elements that didn't age well. Still, Beth and Eric's romance was so compelling. I was really glad Eric's lie about his identity was addressed early on and it was quite fascinating to see how they responded to the truth and the ripple effect it has on their lives. I really appreciated how Beth combatted shame about her sexuality and her reasons for wanting to work at the White Orchid. Both Beth and Eric responded to events toward the end in ways that did not seem in keeping with their characters but overall, I really enjoyed this one. I'm definitely going to read the first two books in this series!

CW: bullying, shaming about women living out their sexuality (it is addressed)
Profile Image for Margo.
2,076 reviews99 followers
September 22, 2018
A lot of times the later books in a series can get a little stretched and crowded because there are so many characters and backstories from previous books. It's true in this case and it's a shame because the h and H are a really strong couple. The H in particular is one of those buttoned-down volcano types, which, I admit, is one of my faves. It's still worth reading if you liked the first two books.
Profile Image for Jess the Romanceaholic.
1,033 reviews487 followers
October 25, 2011
This is a Quickie Review. For the full review, please visit The Romanceaholic.

Expected Release Date: October 25, 2011 (Available Now)
Publisher: Harelquin
Imprint: HQN
Author’s Website: http://www.victoriadahl.com/
My Source for This Book: Netgalley
Part of a Series: Yes, Book 3, Donovan Brother’s Brewery
Series Best Read In Order: Yes
Steam Level: Hot
Eric Donovan is the “good” brother. Older, responsible to a fault, and a bit of a perfectionist, he never indulges in the same wild behavior as his younger brother. Until one day, a simple case of mistaken identity spirals out of control into a combination of the most shameful and wonderful night of his life. Beth Cantrell, the notorious owner of a shop that specializes in racy lingerie and battery-operated marital aids, mistook Eric for his wild brother Jaime while at a business expo several months ago. Unable to deny the attraction crackling between them, they both knew that they could never have a real relationship — he couldn’t risk being seen with a woman of her reputation without possibly damaging the brewery, and she knew that being seen with a man as preppy looking as “Jamie” wouldn’t fit with her sex-goddess persona that drew customers into her store.

After an incredible night of passion that neither has been able to forget, they both went their separate ways, determined to keep their tryst as a simple cherished memory. But now, Beth has discovered that “Jaime” isn’t Jaime after all — the man she’d had such a beautiful memory of had lied to get her into bed.

Furious and humiliated, she confronts Eric in an explosive showdown that leaves him not only ashamed of his actions, but also at odds with his family. He’s broken Beth’s trust once, but neither can seem to get the other out of their minds…

Overall, this was an excellent ending to a wonderful series.

While I didn’t care for the fact that in order to get the full benefit of this story, you needed to read a novella from an earlier anthology instead of just the other books in the series, I still greatly enjoyed Beth and Eric’s story.

Beth was exactly what Eric needed, and frankly, he was what she needed as well. Beth had spent her life “faking it” so to speak, and needed someone who was fairly normal yet aggressive to bring out her inner vixen without forcing her to overthink every move. For Eric, he needed someone who didn’t see him as the reliable, trustworthy part-owner of Donovan Brother’s Brewery and instead allowed him the freedom to make mistakes and simply be human for a little while.

The love scenes were probably the hottest out of the entire series, and wowza, the steam and chemistry between these two was flat out insane (which of course means I loved it!).

I do recommend that the series be read in order, simply because Eric has played such a large part in the previous novels and there is a lot of insight into his character to be had by reading the entire series.

In the end, I really enjoyed this one. There’s a lovely wrap-up with the Donovan family issues, some side characters get their long-coming HEA’s without taking over the story, and the romance (and heat!) between Eric and Beth was absolutely wonderful.

Recommended for fans of heroes and heroines with family issues, of heroines learning to trust not only others but herself, and of heroes finally finding their own identity.

4.5/5 Stars
Profile Image for Laura.
258 reviews24 followers
September 15, 2011

When the Donovan’s parents passed away tragically, Eric Donovan was put in control of not only the family brewery, but also of his two younger siblings, Jamie and Tessa. Eric was forced to grow up quickly at the semi-young age of 24, therefore trading in nights of partying and staying out late for making sure the business was taken care of and that his siblings were taken care of. Naturally, Eric fell into a role of control and was careful to not let that slip, basically meaning he didn’t have much time for fun.

When sexy Beth Cantrell, owner of the local erotic boutique, mistakes Eric for his younger brother Jamie, Eric decides to go with it knowing Jamie has quite the reputation for being a ladies man. He feels he’s been the “good one” for too long and takes what he wants. He and Beth spend one incredibly passionate night together and say their goodbyes, both understanding it was a one-time only occurrence.

Imagine controlled Eric’s surprise when not only does Beth learn of his true identity, but also makes her discovery very known; in his ewery, in front of employees to be exact. He feels terrible for his dishonesty, but can’t deny that, even now after she’s learned of his lies, he wants her more than anything.

Beth Cantrell is curvy, sexy, woman who, despite the fact she owns her own erotic shop and gives “fellatio” instruction classes, is quite insecure. Her friends consistently try setting her up with “artsy” men with tattoo’s and piercings. She harbors a secret attraction for clean cut, straight-edged men; specifically Eric Donovan. As hard as Beth tries to shut Eric Donovan out of her life, she can’t quite cut the ties and finally, she comes to the decision to overcome her insecurities, and enjoy what she wanted.

This was my favorite book in this awesome series. I loved Eric from reading the short novella in “The Guy Next Door”, and I couldn’t wait to get his full book. Even though Eric is Mr. Control-Freak, he was deliciously sexy and extremely attentive to Beth in the bedroom. Don’t be fooled by his quietness, this man is a seriously HOT lover. There are several scorching moments in this book that had my toes curling!!

Beth is a heroine to root for. Curvy and voluptuous, Beth is a “real life” heroine that loves what she does and tries desperately to overcome skeletons from her past.

There is the usual bickering between Jamie and Eric, and it comes to a very touching resolution between the two of them that brought tears to my eyes.

Overall, this was an excellent series and I am sad to see it ending. Hopefully Ms. Dahl will give us some peeks into how things are going with the Donovan’s!!!

Four stars
Profile Image for Ruth.
592 reviews66 followers
October 13, 2011
I have to admit, I finished this one a few days ago, and got behind with my reviews, but I have to say, this story, provided by netgalley, really finished off the series nicely. Eric is the typical buttoned-up exec running and stressing over the small family business he runs. Except that, well, is that really what he wants to do with his life? And I LOVED Beth. As in common with the others in the series Good Girls Don't and Bad Boys Do, neither the hero nor heroine is quite as they appear, and it takes a long time for them to (a) find out what they want to do with their lives and (b) what they want for the relationship they find themselves in.

I really liked how Beth wasn't exactly permanently scarred by an unpleasant experience from her school days, but at least largely influenced by it, and the experience itself, is something that is not sick or twisted or out of the ordinary. It's the kind of misadventure teens find themselves them, but as adults find themselves wondering at their stupidity.

As a kind of wrap-up of the series, I particularly loved how all the heroes and heroines were wonderfully normal people, with relatively normal stories, but nonetheless still intriguing and interesting. I also loved how all the characters remained incredibly true throughout. The sibling sniping and manipulation and love didn't suddenly change - the relationships within the family remained realistic, and it just worked.

I have to say though, that of all the three books, this one is probably the hottest. I don't know, it's something about those quiet types..

4 stars. I really liked it.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
Author 27 books82 followers
March 5, 2013
I had put off reading this one because I LOVED Bad Boys Do and didn't like Tessa in Good Girls Don't. For some inexplicable reason, that made me afraid to start this book. I worried needlessly. This book has all of Dahl's fun writing and snappy, interesting characters. She also does a really good job of integrating the sex scenes into the development of the relationship, rather than them just being there to have a sex scene.

Not a full-five stars (unlike Bad Boys Do) because the family relationship didn't feel as strong to me. The intensity of feeling between Eric and Beth was so strong, the feeling between Eric and his siblings felt less-than.

A lovely conclusion to the trilogy.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 442 reviews

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