Three Cool Benefits of Micro Steps

New Year Resolutions may not be for everyone—a Forbes survey says about 40% of Americans take the step., but …


If you are among those who commit to changing things up (whether a New Year's Resolution or not), how do you set yourself up for success in reaching your goals?


Enter Micro Steps!

What are Micro Steps?

Micro Steps are simple steps that are consistent and meaningful, small actions that forward your momentum to your goal.
If you try to eat an elephant whole, I don't need to tell ...

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Published on January 27, 2024 21:00
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Searching for Merry-Go-Rounds

Merida Johns
Carousels play a significant scene between two sets of lovers, separated by sixty years, in my novel Blackhorse Road. One of the things I love about writing a novel is where the research takes me in t ...more
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