Andrew Root's Blog, page 6

January 27, 2021

New Time Religion

Soul, Meaning, and Ministry

Andy saw Pixar’s Soul over Christmas break and can’t wait to talk about it. It’s a beautiful film with wonderful reflections on life, love, and ministry.  Spoilers abound, so be sure to watch the movie before diving in!

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Published on January 27, 2021 02:45

December 24, 2020


Talking Ministry, Young People, and COVID-19 with Phoebe Hill

Read Part One

Read Part Two

Read Part Three

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Published on December 24, 2020 05:36

New Time Religion

Cobra Kai & Taylor’s Triangle

It’s a karate episode for Christmas!Dr. Andrew Root has been watching Cobra Kai lately and sees a big connection between the evil dojo & Charles Taylor’s triangle of Humanism vs. Neo-Nietzscheanism vs. Transcendance. And, truth be told, this Taylor’s triangle reaches far beyond Netflix 80s revival shows.  Join Andy & Derek as they hop on zoom for a socially distanced new episode

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Published on December 24, 2020 05:29

December 18, 2020

The Four Speeches: The Concession Speech

Why is the concession speech such an important speech in the electoral drama in the US?

And: What is the appeal of Donald Trump?

Guest: Andrew Root, Professor at St Paul Luther Seminary

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Published on December 18, 2020 12:20

November 18, 2020

New Time Religion

What Do Pastors Do all Week?

What do pastors do all week?  In the world of the Immanent Frame – where the only thing that matters is what you can touch and see – this question doesn’t have a great answer.What does ministry look like in a secular world with the immanent frame?  How can waiting for God to act actually be the faithful response?  And where does Karl Barth fit in to all of this?Find out as we socially distance on Andy’s deck discussing this and more on this episode of New Time Religion.Also – the listener hotline is still open.  Give us a call at 651-800-1089 and we might use your question months from now! Time Religion featuring Dr. Andrew Root produced and edited by Derek Tronsgard.

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Published on November 18, 2020 12:30

November 8, 2020

Canadian Asian Missional Podcast

Episode 57 – The Secular Age, Part 2: Engagement & Ministry (feat. Andrew Root)

In gaining a clearer picture of the various stages of the secular age, how might that inform and impact our level of engagement and ministry practices? What happens if we misidentify which level we are in? What unique challenges do we face in today’s age? Here’s the second part of our conversation with Dr. Andrew Root as we dive deeper into implications for our faith and churches! Let’s do this!!

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Published on November 08, 2020 05:06

October 16, 2020

Canadian Asian Missional Podcast

Episode 56 – The Secular Age, Part 1: Understanding The Stages (feat. Andrew Root)

As society and culture move away from religious traditions, how can we understand the various shifts and stages of secularism? Do we have a common definition or understanding? Dr. Andrew Root joins our conversation as we dive into this important topic and unpack what that means for our lives and communities!

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Published on October 16, 2020 13:07

October 2, 2020

Leading Ideas

from The Lewis Center for Church Leadership

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Published on October 02, 2020 12:59

September 16, 2020

Deep Talks: Exploring Theology and Meaning Making

Ep 71: Dr. Andrew Root – Secular Pastors? Why Ministry in the Meaning Crisis Is So Difficult

Is the role of a pastor becoming obsolete?One thousand years ago, the role of a pastor (or priest) had a radically different value in society than the role they occupy today in Western culture. Understanding how we shifted from a worldview filled with magic and enchantment where pastors were seen as powerful wizards of white magic to modern CEO’s of private spiritual corporations won’t merely be helpful for pastors to understand but will be transformative to anyone who’s spent any amount of time in church.Our guest to help us explore these important questions and ideas is Dr. Andrew Root. Dr. Root is a theology professor at Luther Seminary. He earned his PhD from Princeton as well as a Master’s in Theology and a Master of Divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary.He’s also the author of several books including The Pastor in a Secular Age: Ministry to People Who No Longer Need God, which we spend our time discussing together today.

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Published on September 16, 2020 12:05

August 25, 2020

root youth ministry Podcast

In this episode of The Rooted Youth Ministry Podcast, Cameron Cole and Tucker Fleming interview Dr. Andrew Root of Luther Seminary. Dr. Root shares insights from his recent book, “The End of Youth Ministry?”. Youth workers will feel both enlightened and liberated as Dr. Root discussed the “shifts” in youth ministry throughout the past century, the importance of the concept of “identity” in youth ministry, and the unique opportunities that we have to minister to students and families in this present age.

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Published on August 25, 2020 13:28

Andrew Root's Blog

Andrew Root
Andrew Root isn't a Goodreads Author (yet), but they do have a blog, so here are some recent posts imported from their feed.
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