Ask the Author: K. Bromberg

“Hi Mikayla-
Thank you. To me, Grady was damaged and we needed to see the real man he became with each and every day that passed he spent with Dylan.

And I'd love to go back and do a novella!” K. Bromberg

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K. Bromberg Yes! He is. I like to put little easter eggs in all of my books. That was one of them.
K. Bromberg Thank you. I think sometimes music sets a mood and says things better a person can. I’m glad you feel the same way.
K. Bromberg Originally, that was the plan. But then with Chase being such a strong woman, I didn’t see her falling for the man who cheated on her. Around the same time, Gunner appeared in my brain and I couldn’t let him or his story go . . . and so he became Chase’s love interest and II’m so glad he did. But if you want to see Finn’s story and him find his match, you can read about him in Hard to Love.
K. Bromberg SPOILER ALERT: ACE stands for Arrogant Conceited Egomaniac. Rylee yells it at him in the fight in the bar toward the end of Fueled.
K. Bromberg Your question doesn't specify which book you're referring to but none of my books thus far have cheating or infidelity
K. Bromberg I'm not sure. Typically when I finish a book, I'm happy with where I've left the characters . . . so I'd have to have a really good idea to reopen a world . . . but it happened with Aced - I never planned to write that and I did. So, never say never.
K. Bromberg All the Sarah J Maas books. I'm in love with her Court of Thorn and Roses series. How about you?
K. Bromberg Yes!!! It's written and it's one of my favorites! It's called Down Shift and is on all platforms.
K. Bromberg It had to be changed because there is a real company called Corporate Cares and we couldn't infringe on their trademark without paying them for it.
K. Bromberg Yes!! We're slated to film Fueled and Crashed back to back this year!
K. Bromberg Wow. This is a hard question . . . and I love CD! lol. One of the best books i've ever read was Pillars of the Earth - it's not romance but the story allows you to get lost in and feel like you're there with the characters.
K. Bromberg Some days it's easy . . . most days it's not. Sometimes it's a song lyric that starts an idea in my head. Overhearing a conversation in a store. A news story. Anything can give me an idea.
K. Bromberg I wrote a book.
Everyone hated it.
(That would be my horror story)

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