Ask the Author: Laura Dobbins

“Ask me a question.” Laura Dobbins

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Laura Dobbins I love research. So I read a lot - great writing is very inspiring. It motivates me to strive to do the same. Sometimes I write about things that mean something to me like the novels I am writing now about my parents. Sometimes I write just for fun like the Silly Puppy series that doesn't take a lot of skill or creativity. It is something fun to do.
Laura Dobbins Sometimes you have to just walk away. I might have to stop and not write for a day or two. Sometimes I start writing a different book and then I go back to the original. Each person has to do what works for them.
Laura Dobbins Power. Your words affect people. And how cool to create scenes, characters, stories - an entire book. It is magical and a blessing.
Laura Dobbins Follow your passion and be honest about your goals. If are writing to make money you might be disappointed and quit. If you write from talent or passion then your rewards will be greater than income. At any rate, don't give up. Read a variety of books including ones in your genre of interest and go to free writing seminars. Be open to honest critics and to learn from your mistakes. Don't be arrogant or too doubtful. Believe in yourself but don't assume you don't need to change your original text.
Laura Dobbins In addition to marketing books, I also co-author a children's series called the Silly Puppy series based on a rescue terrier. We have written the second book in the series and are now working on the third in the five-part series. In addition I am currently working on two novels based on the lives of my parents.
Laura Dobbins Based on my experience as an author, I know that there are a lot of challenges to book marketing. The main difficulty is trying to understand how to navigate the systems on most major retailer forums. Since Amazon is the biggest player, I tried to write a step by step book for authors to boost sales at Amazon.

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