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Wikimedia SlimApp

Common classes to help with creating an application using the Slim micro framework and Twig template engine.

System Requirements

  • PHP >= 7.2.0


The library follows the Twelve-Factor App configuration principle of configuration via environment variables.

The following variables can be optionally provided:

  • LOG_CHANNEL = Logger name (default: app)
  • LOG_LEVEL = PSR-3 logging level (default: notice)
  • LOG_FILE = fopen()-compatible filename or stream URI (default: php://stderr)
  • CACHE_DIR = Directory to cache twig templates (default: data/cache)
  • SMTP_HOST = SMTP mail server (default: localhost)
  • TEMPLATE_DIR = Twig template directory (default: data/templates)
  • I18N_DIR = i18n data file directory (default: data/i18n)
  • DEFAULT_LANG = Default i18n lanaguage (default: en)


SetEnv LOG_LEVEL debug
SetEnv CACHE_DIR /var/cache/twig

.env file

For environments where container based configuration isn't possible or desired, a .env file can be placed in the root of the project. This file will be parsed using PHP's parse_ini_file() function and the resulting settings will be injected into the application environment.


Working on the code

Code review process is done through Gerrit. To start hacking on the application refer to the Gerrit Tutorial.

Key Features


Base Class for data access objects

This class contains common methods for performing SQL operations and handling nested transactions.


Page Controller

This class contains common methods for setting default data, getting flash messages and handling undefined methods.


Class for collecting and validating users' data

This class contains common methods for getting users' data, validating it and getting error messages in case of invalid data.


  • Bryan Davis, Wikimedia Foundation
  • Niharika Kohli, Wikimedia Foundation

Based on code developed for the Wikimania Scholarships application and the Wikimedia Grants Review application.


GNU GPL 3.0+