Sopra Steria

Sopra Steria

Services et conseil en informatique

Paris, France 711 484 abonnés

À propos

Sopra Steria, acteur majeur de la Tech en Europe, reconnu pour ses activités de conseil, de services numériques et d’édition de logiciels, aide ses clients à mener leur transformation digitale et à obtenir des bénéfices concrets et durables. Il apporte une réponse globale aux enjeux de compétitivité des grandes entreprises et organisations, combinant une connaissance approfondie des secteurs d’activité et des technologies innovantes à une approche résolument collaborative. Sopra Steria place l’humain au centre de son action et s’engage auprès de ses clients à tirer le meilleur parti du digital pour construire un avenir positif. Fort de 50 000 collaborateurs dans près de 30 pays, le Groupe a réalisé un chiffre d’affaires de 5,1milliards d’euros en 2022.

Site web
Services et conseil en informatique
Taille de l’entreprise
+ de 10 000 employés
Siège social
Paris, France
Société cotée en bourse
Consulting, Infrastructure Management, Data Management, Cyber Security, Cloud, Innovation, BPO - Business Process Outsourcing, Digital Transformation et Software Development


Employés chez Sopra Steria


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    711 484  abonnés

    Jeśli jesteś studentem, który chce się rozwijać w obszarze #AI i chciałbyś zaprezentować swoje pomysły biorąc udział w międzynarodowym konkursie -> Prześlij zgłoszenie do 18 listopada, aby mieć szansę na wygranie ekscytujących nagród do 10 000 euro, sesji szkoleniowych, możliwości kariery i wiele więcej… :) Więcej informacji tu ->

    Voir la page d’organisation pour Sopra Steria, visuel

    711 484  abonnés

    Want to shape a sustainable and inclusive future with AI? Registrations for the first Sopra Steria International Student Challenge are open! This competition rewards ideas that use Artificial Intelligence to address environmental, societal, economic and educational issues. 🔎 Are you a student looking to develop your #AI and #sustainable project? Submit your application by November 18th for a chance to win exciting rewards up to 10 000 euros, training sessions, mentorship, career opportunities, and much more… More info at 👉 #AImpact #SopraSteria #Student #SopraSteriaAIChallenge

  • Sopra Steria a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Aaron Kroon, visuel

    Sweden's 101 most powerful in sustainability | Multi-Awarded Leader | Author | International Speaker | Board Member

    Biljetterna ute nu! Och vad säger ni om den här stjärnspäckade lineupen? Att döpa en bok och en kväll på Oscarsteatern till All Inclusive förpliktigar, och med den här kvällen vill jag gå från ord till handling och göra det inkluderande ledarskapet tillgängligt för alla, även för dem som inte har möjlighet att gå på dyra ledarskapsdagar eller har en arbetsgivare som betalar. Tillsammans med mina medarrangörer Mats Wernheim och Malin Freiman Moezzi har jag därför skapat All Inclusive – Aaron Kroon med vänner. Den 26 november fyller vi Oscarsteatern i Stockholm, och med mig på scen har jag bland andra två av Sveriges mest ikoniska inkluderande ledare, Annie Lööf och Carin Götblad. Det blir samtal om mod, empati och makt. Det blir personligt och kraftfullt under ledning av poddrottningen och föreläsaren Fanny Widman. Tillsammans med journalisten och författaren Alexandra Pascalidou utforskar jag mitt eget ledarskap och min karriär. Och som om det inte vore nog, väntar fler minst sagt namnkunniga överraskningar under kvällen, alla med en sak gemensamt - det inkluderande ledarskapet. Och nu till det riktigt roliga: hela kvällen, inklusive för- och eftermingel, för endast 395 kronor! Så samla kollegorna, bjud med vännerna, ta med familjen eller kom solo och hitta nya bekantskaper på plats. Tagga någon du vill gå med eller någon du vill tipsa om denna kväll! Ett extra stort tack till våra partners, utan vilka denna kväll inte vore möjlig: Sopra Steria, Teamtailor, Liber AB och Jobbfestivalen - Tema Mångfald & Inkludering. Vi ses på Oscarsteatern den 26 november för en ledarskapskväll fylld med hjärta och mod. Varmt välkommen! Biljetter bokar du NU via länk i första kommentaren 🎟

    • Poster för Aaron Kroons kommande kväll på Oscarsteatern den 26 november. I mitten av bilden syns Aaron Kroon, omgiven av Annie Lööf, Carin Götblad, Fanny Widman och Alexandra Pascalidou. Texten på bilden lyder "All Inclusive - Aaron Kroon med gäster".
  • Sopra Steria a republié ceci

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    711 484  abonnés

    🛫 Airports operate in silos, leading to inefficiencies. By integrating planning across all stakeholders—airlines, security, catering, and more—airports can ensure a seamless flow of operations. This not only minimizes wait times for passengers but also maximizes their time spent on enjoyable activities, driving economic benefits. 🔍 Discover how a holistic approach and real-time data can transform airport operations, benefiting both passengers and the airport’s bottom line. 🔗 Dive into the Total Airport Experience: Elevate your understanding of airport efficiency today! #PassengerExperience #IntegratedPlanning #AirportOperations #EconomicImpact #SopraSteria #ThoughtLeadership

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    711 484  abonnés

    🚀 Exciting News! Sopra Steria will be a key participant at the iBestuur Congres 2024 on September 11th in Nieuwegein! Join us as we dive into the future of digital governance and explore how we can help drive the digital transformation of the Dutch government. See you there! Don’t miss our expert-led sessions: • Marco Brattinga on transparent information management. • Dennis Struyk on valuable lessons from the Adviescollege ICT-toetsing'. • Eelco Stofbergen on cybersecurity for global events like the Olympics and Paralympics. For more information about the event go to #iBestuur2024 #DigitalTransformation #SopraSteria #SSBNLPublic

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    711 484  abonnés

    🚀 AI transforming rail traveller experience for foreigners coming to the Paris Olympic Games!   How to ensure the 2 million foreign visitors expected to visit the city for the Olympic Games could quickly and easily navigate the SNCF rail network? That was the challenge. TradSNCF is the solution!   Sopra Steria developed and helped SNCF deploy this sophisticated AI-powered translation tool enabling guards to communicate with visitors in more than 130 languages in real time using just a mobile phone.   TradSNCF includes: ✅ Instant, intuitive translation to facilitate smooth exchanges between SNCF agents and travelers ✅ Tailored railway-specific language to ensure accurate communication ✅ Easy-to-use interface for optimal usability in stations   Thanks to Laaziz AOUAA, Lionel Falvy and all the team at SNCF Numérique and Sopra Steria Next who brought this project to life!   Discover how TradSNCF is leaving a lasting legacy at the Games, making travel easier for millions of foreign tourists. Click here to learn more ⬇️   #AI #innovation #TradSNCF #visitorexperience #technology #SopraSteria #SopraSteriaNext

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    711 484  abonnés

    💻 + ☁️ + 📚 Leveraging AI and Cloud tech to fight child illiteracy! Sopra Steria is proud to be a part of this impactful project alongside Norad - Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation. Child illiteracy stifles community development. The Global Digital Library provides children with free learning resources in a safe, open, and inclusive digital platform, translated and available in both majority and minority languages. It has: ✅ 11,000+ maths and reading resources ✅ 670,000 users ✅ 140 languages available We developed the web platform to host the learning resources and used our artificial intelligence expertise to translate and produce new assets. It’s tech solving real world problems. Thanks to Huyen Tran Titti Ho Brekken, Anette Nistad, and all the team at Norad - Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation for the opportunity to partner on this worthwhile project, and of course congratulations to all the Sopra Steria teams for your hard work. Click the link to find out more ⬇️ #Cloud #AI #TechForGood #EducationForAll Credit: Hexe Digital / Per Libeck / Norad

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Sopra Steria, visuel

    711 484  abonnés

    THE AI-ENABLED BANKING ERA: Download our digital banking experience report In its latest report, our parent company, Sopra Steria, unveils critical insights into the AI-driven seismic shifts impacting the banking sector. Read the ‘Digital Banking Experience Report’ to learn how AI is disrupting every bank in its path. Find out how jobs are changing, customers are getting more demanding, and disruptive new entrants are encroaching on traditional banking territory in the AI age. Key highlights: • AI is an efficiency game changer Almost half (47%) of bank decision-makers plan to integrate Generative AI into their business, and 45% plan to invest in AI-driven automation and workflow optimisation. AI also facilitates open finance, allowing banks to process data faster while streamlining connectivity capabilities, which most (74%) see as crucial to success. • AI brings cybersecurity and job threats Banks are also wary of AI’s impact on their business. AI-driven cyber-attacks and job market disruption are among the greatest concerns: 37% of bankers fear the tech will put their company at greater risk of cyber-attacks, and 30% worry AI will hurt banking sector jobs. • Customer trust at risk Trust is the lynchpin of the banking industry, and 80% of customers still trust their banks. However, banks risk losing this trust: 51% of customers believe banks aren’t interested in making them money. Banks aren’t delivering on personalised services customers expect. AI can help on this – if banks embrace it. • Big tech menace Nearly 50% of customers would consider Big Tech banking service alternatives, signalling unprecedented and rapid disruption for industry stalwarts. More than one in three (36%) banks judge ‘GAFAM-style players’ as the greatest threat to our business. Don't fall behind in the AI age. Dive into our report and explore how to lead your institution into a future of enhanced performance and customer satisfaction. Download the full report: And visit our website to learn more about what we can do to help your business ride the AI wave. #GenAI #DigitalTransformation #AIinBanking #FutureofBanking #TheWorldIsHowWeShapeIt

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