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Knowledge Base – Excellent Documentation and FAQs Plugin with AI Assistance

Knowledge Base – Excellent Documentation and FAQs Plugin with AI Assistance


Our Knowledge Base plugin is a powerful documentation tool that helps you create and organize your documentation, FAQs, and articles. It’s easy to use and includes many features to help you build a visually appealing Knowledge Base.

Designed with a modern and professional appearance by default, it also offers numerous customization options to align with your brand’s identity. Features include premade designs, popular articles, a Table of Contents (TOC), FAQs, a navigation sidebar, analytics, and customizable archive pages.

Our Knowledge Base is optimized for search engines. See our documentation for details on how this is achieved. The plugin supports multilingual and RTL languages, ensuring accessibility for an international audience. Our articles are responsive and retina-ready, ensuring your knowledge base looks great on all devices.

Examples of Included Professional Layouts
* Basic Layout here
* Tabs Layout here
* Drill Down Layout here
* Classic Layout here
* Category Focused Layout here

Consulta nuestra documentación de la base de conocimiento aquí


✅ Fast search bar with listed results

✅ Five levels of hierarchical documentation

✅ Article view counter with Popular and Recent Articles (NEW)

✅ FAQs Module and Shortcode (NEW)

✅ Professional layouts including Basic, Tabs, Category Focused, Classic (NEW) and Drill Down (NEW)

✅ Customizable Category Archive Page

✅ Articles with breadcrumb, back button, navigation, print button, TOC and more

✅ Navigation sidebar listing categories and articles

✅ AI Content Writing Like ChatGPT


  • Set up in minutes
  • Organize your documentation by team, product, and service using the Tabs Layout
  • Order articles and categories alphabetically, chronologically, or in any other order using drag and drop.
  • Optimized for the best SEO results to enhance online visibility
  • Counts your Article Views and displays Popular and Recent Articles
  • Analytics to track your Knowledge Base usage
  • Supports RTL languages, WCAG accessibility standards, and works with WPML and Polylang
  • Responsive design that works with any theme and mobile devices
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Module and shortcode.
  • Articles Index Directory shortcodes. Learn More
  • Change typography (font family and size) for article and category names, TOC, breadcrumbs, and more.


  • Check your spelling and grammar with GPT.
  • Verify spelling and grammar, and generate article outlines.


  • Choose from 26 professional pre-made designs – no coding required.
  • Enjoy a variety of colors, styles, and layouts.
  • Switch between designs with a single click.
  • Choose from Basic, Tabs, Category-Focused, Classic, Drill Down, Sidebar, or Grid layouts.


  • Compatible with Elementor and Gutenberg Blocks
  • Works with Beaver Builder, Divi, Visual Composer, and others.


The free Help Dialog Chat plugin offers a chatbot-like dialog for better customer support and increased leads and sales. The Help Dialog Chat shows FAQs, search, and a contact form. Learn More

✅ Why Choose Echo Knowledge Base?

  • It’s an easy-to-use plugin for your WordPress website.
  • Choose from ready to use professional designs.
  • Match your theme with a simple visual Editor, no coding required.
  • Organize your articles and categories into five levels of hierarchy.
  • All essential features are free, plus get access control and more with add-ons.
  • Friendly and timely support from our team.

🚀 PRO Features

  • Control del acceso y los permisos en base a los grupos, los usuarios y perfiles de WordPress y los perfiles personalizados.
  • Controlar los artículos públicos y privados y quién puede leerlos, escribirlos y editarlos.
  • Create unlimited Knowledge Bases with separate articles, categories, tags, and more.
  • Import and export articles and categories using CSV and XML.
  • Crear layouts de barra lateral y de cuadrícula.
  • Vote on articles, add a feedback form, and learn from analytics.
  • More widgets and shortcodes for categories, popular articles, and the search bar.
  • Replace articles with links to PDFs, external docs, video links, and more.
  • Filtrar la búsqueda por categoría.
  • Usa los análisis de la búsqueda avanzada para determinar las búsquedas más populares y las búsquedas sin resultados.
  • Migrate, create and copy articles and images from your Knowledge Base.



Lote PRO
Mira nuestro lote PRO.

Gestión de accesos
La gestión de accesos permite que los administradores, empresas y organizaciones controlen y limiten el acceso a su base de conocimiento privada en las cuentas de usuario de WordPress. Autoriza a través de los roles y grupos.

Layouts elegantes
Los layouts elegantes incluyen layouts de cuadrícula y de barra lateral. Usa el layout de cuadrícula o el layout de barra lateral para la página principal de la BC o combina layouts básicos, de pestañas, de cuadrícula y de barra lateral de diferentes formas. Saber más.

Unlimited Knowledge Bases
Create Multiple Knowledge Bases, one for each product, service, topic or department. Each Knowledgebase has separate articles, URLs, KB Main Page and admin screens. Learn More.

Búsqueda avanzada
Mejora las búsquedas que hacen los usuarios y consulta los análisis de búsqueda, como búsquedas populares o búsquedas sin resultados.Saber más.

Article Rating and Feedback
Enable users to provide valuable feedback on your articles. Collect analytics on the most and least rated articles. Learn More.

Añade la búsqueda en la base de conocimiento, los artículos más recientes y otros Widgets y shortcodes a tus artículos, barras laterales y páginas. Aprende más.

Custom Links for PDFs and More
Set Articles to link to PDFs, pages, posts and websites. Learn More.

Articles Import and Export
Import and export articles and their content, comments, categories, tags, and attachments. Migrate and copy articles between KBs. Edit articles outside of WordPress. Learn More.

  • (PRO) Grid Layout here
  • (PRO) Sidebar Layout here
  • (PRO) Links here



✅ The Help Dialog Chat offers a chatbot-like dialog for better customer support and increased leads and sales. The Help Dialog Chat includes FAQs, search, and a contact form. Learn More

✅ The Creative Add-Ons for Elementor helps you write articles and documents faster and more easily using our powerful and practical Elementor widgets. Learn More

Show IDs reveals IDs on admin screens, including posts, pages, custom post types and taxonomies, and others. Learn More

✅ The Content Down Arrow Scroll Down Arrow is an easy-to-use WordPress plugin that displays a downward-pointing arrow. It provides users with a visual cue that there is more content further down the page.


  • Modular page setup example

  • Classic Layout example

  • Drill Down Layout example

  • Categories Focused Layout example with icons

  • Categories Focused Layout example with icons

  • Basic Layout example with images

  • Basic Layout example with images

  • Tabs Layout example with images

  • Tabs Layout example with images

  • Article page with breadcrumb, back button, print button, Table of Content, widgets, and more

  • Frequently Asked Questions shortcode and module

  • Category Archive Page

  • Article Index Directory Shortcode

  • ChatGPT AI content writing assistant to correct spelling and grammar

  • ChatGPT AI to improve article outline

  • Article views counter tracks the number of times articles are viewed and display a view counter on article pages and in analytics

  • Five levels of categories

  • PRO version: Advanced Search with analytics showing popular and not-found searches

  • PRO version: Resource Links module

  • PRO version: Access Manager to restrict access to knowledge base content


Este plugin proporciona 1 bloque.

  • Epkb Content Block


Puedes instalar Knowledge Base for Documents and FAQs desde tu escritorio de WordPress o subirlo manualmente por FTP.

OPCIÓN 1: Instala el plugin Knowledgebase desde WordPress

  1. Ve a “Plugins -> Añadir nuevo”.
  2. Busca ‘Base de conocimiento para documentos y preguntas frecuentes’ e instala el plugin.
  3. Activa el plugin en el menú Plugins.
  4. Optional step: configure the plugin in the Admin menu, in Knowledge Base -> KB Configuration page.

OPCIÓN 2: Subir archivos de plugin de forma manual

  1. Descarga el archivo del plugin de la página del plugin:
  2. Descomprime el archivo
  3. Sube la carpeta ‘echo-knowledge-base’ al directorio ‘/wp-content/plugins’ (no renombres la carpeta).
  4. Optional step: configure the plugin in the Admin menu, in Knowledge Base -> KB Configuration page.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Dónde puedo encontrar toda la documentación sobre knowledgebase?

Encuentra documentos completos con opción de búsqueda en Knowledge Base

What is ChatGPT ?

Read about ChatGPT at ChatGPT


4 de septiembre de 2024
How often do you get a response on a support ticket within an hour? On Labor Day?!The folks at Echo KB has the support part DOWN! Also, their interface is easy to understand, have awesome flexibility, and has met my expectations 100%. Go buy this plugin!
12 de agosto de 2024
This is an amazing product with a large number of options and configurations to choose from. Even with all the options and configs they are presented in a way that is easy to setup and change as you get to know the KB better. And the visual editor for the configuration of the article page was a very useful way to immediately see the changes as you were making them. A well presented and thought out plugin
17 de julio de 2024
We’re in the process of setting up a Wiki/Knowledge Base, and both in terms of out-of-the-box functionality and sensible customization, this is exactly what we needed.
6 de julio de 2024 1 respuesta
You are basically locked into Echo because they use CPTs (Custom Post Types) instead of WP’s native Posts. I tested the Echo Knowledge Base plugin and created seven articles. While Echo is compatible with block editors, it’s primarily built with the classic WordPress editor. The design interface feels outdated and cumbersome; for instance, changing a color requires manually looking up the theme’s hex codes instead of offering theme colors. I ultimately decided to build my knowledge base without using a plugin. To my dismay, I found that I would have to manually recreate all the articles I spent hours designing. While WordPress allows exporting content as XML, this extra step shouldn’t be necessary. Echo should leverage WordPress’s built-in posts rather than custom post types. Additionally, Echo charges $99 for a plugin to export articles to posts, which is highway robbery for converting only seven articles.
5 de julio de 2024 1 respuesta
I test-drove a few knowledge base plugins before deciding on Echo. It has a ton of features in the free version, plus reasonably priced add-ons. It was quite easy to set up and customize with everything from layouts to fonts and colors to the names of labels/titles. I like the built-in category icons, the nicely designed layouts, the way the sidebars work, and the fact that it came with demo data. Documentation is good. There are instructions to further customize it in a child theme using either hooks or template files (though the dashboard customizations are pretty thorough). I contacted support a couple times during the customization process to ask questions and their responses were quick and complete. The only downside I’ve found so far is that it took a little while to figure out where the various settings are, and it’s still not 100% intuitive to me: some things are in the many settings menus, other things in the front-end page editor. I still have to click around a bit to find what I need, but overall I’m very satisfied. My supervisor thinks I’m a genius. Thanks, Echo!
Leer todas las 107 reseñas

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Registro de cambios


Release Date: Sept 14, 2024
* New: Tag Archive Page with separate KB Template
* New: Custom category slug
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Sept 3, 2024
* New: Visual Helper
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Aug 1, 2024
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: July 7, 2024
* Update: WordPress 6.6
* New: Utility to convert selected articles to posts
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: June 10, 2024
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: May 27, 2024
* New: Category Archive Page with separate KB Template
* New: Toggle for archive page sub-categories
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: May 11, 2024
* New: toggle article list icons on/off
* New: custom article list icons (Elegant Layout)
* Update: FAQs shortcode with extra parameters
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Apr 27, 2024
* Update: demo data
* Update: security improvements
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Apr 5, 2024
* Update: security improvements
* Update: Show KB Main Page tag in list of pages
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Mar 24, 2024
* Update: WordPress 6.5
* Update: Category Archive Page v3 with more settings and features
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Mar 8, 2024
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Mar 8, 2024
* New: Category Archive Page v3 with new designs and settings
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Feb 25, 2024
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Feb 25, 2024
* New: FAQs title and location
* New: Articles List title and location
* Update: Drill Down Layout – improved sub-category display
* Update: remove FAQ draft status
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Feb 16, 2024
* Update: improved loading of settings UI
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Feb 10, 2024
* New: FAQ Groups and FAQ Group Shortcode
* New: All Articles – add category filter
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Jan 6, 2024
* Update: Retire Article v1
* Fix: Article View Counter unserialize fix
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Dec 17, 2023
* Fix: Settings UI error


Release Date: Dec 17, 2023
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Dec 12, 2023
* New: Popular Articles List
* New: Resource Links Module if Elegant Layout enabled
* Update: Rename Modular Layout and Reorganize UI
* Update: Rename Product Layout to Drill Down Layout
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Dec 3, 2023
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Nov 10, 2023

  • New: FAQ Schema for FAQs


Release Date: Aug 14, 2023

  • Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Aug 7, 2023

  • New: Modular Main Page
  • Update: WordPress 6.3 compatibility
  • Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: June 27, 2023

  • New: Article View Counter
  • Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Apr 6, 2023

  • New: ChatGPT helper for article outline
  • New: ChatGPT helper for text improvements
  • Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Feb 27, 2023

  • New: ChatGPT content writing assistant powered by GPT-3 from OpenAI
  • New: Advanced search param definition
  • Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Feb 2, 2023

  • New: FAQs shortcode
  • New: Draft like Categories
  • Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Nov 12, 2022

  • Update: Improve CSS loading speed
  • Update: Improve Google CLS
  • Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Aug 23, 2022

  • Update: New UI for simple KB configuration
  • Update: Improve debugging
  • Update: Contributor can see a list of KBs
  • Update: full width when printing article
  • Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: June 25, 2022

  • Update: Option to show article title with Current Template
  • Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: May 23, 2022

  • New: Convert Posts and CPTs to KB Articles
  • New: KB Block Theme template
  • New: Article list indentation
  • Update: WordPress 6.0
  • Update: list available shortcodes and widgets
  • Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Apr 2, 2022

  • New: Convert Posts and CPTs to KB Articles
  • New: Add backend mode to the Editor
  • Fix: Article content output for Current Template
  • Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Mar 5, 2022

  • Fix: Article content output for KB Template
  • Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Feb 25, 2022

  • Update: Article content output for KB Template
  • Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Feb 18, 2022

  • New: Articles Index Directory shortcode
  • Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Feb 2, 2022

  • Fix: Category private articles query.


Release Date: Jan 31, 2022

  • Fix: Revert change to article content output.


Release Date: Jan 30, 2022

  • New: navigation sidebar with categories and articles
  • Update: Various fixes and improvements.


Release Date: Nov 26, 2021

  • New: control speed of TOC scrolling
  • Update: Add import/export add-on links
  • Update: Allow private articles
  • Update: Various fixes and improvements.


Release Date: Nov 11, 2021

  • Update: Setup Wizard improvements.
  • Update: Various fixes and improvements.


Release Date: Oct 12, 2021

  • Fix: search finds only publish posts
  • Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Sep 30, 2021

  • Update: resolve rare update issue


Release Date: Sep 30, 2021

  • Update: Add more access control settings
  • Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Sep 17, 2021

  • Fix: Issue with post being array
  • Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Sep 16, 2021

* New: Access control – choose what Authors and Editors can change and if they can view analytics
* New: On the Category Archive Page, the author, date and category can be turned on or off
* New: Option to include or exclude articles in child categories on Category Archive Page
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Aug 19, 2021

* Update: do not include articles in child categories on Category Archive Page
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: May 20, 2021

* New: Typography font options for text
* New: Custom icons for sub-categories in Categories Layout
* Update: RTL compability
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: May 2, 2021

* Update: Accessibility
* Update: RTL compability
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Apr 9, 2021

* Update: RTL compability
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Mar 27, 2021

* New: Search hit and miss counter
* Update: RTL compability
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Release Date: Feb 28, 2021

* Fix: Issue with Multi-network and editor


Release Date: Feb 28, 2021

* Update: preparation for WordPress 5.7
* Update: theme presets
* Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes


Fecha de lanzamiento: 5 de febrero de 2021

* Corrección: Carga del editor del frontend
* Corrección: Limpieza y correcciones menores