Jack Hanna

American zoologist

Jack Bushnell Hanna (January 2, 1947 –) is a retired American zookeeper and a former director emeritus of the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. "Jungle Jack" was director of the zoo from 1978 to 1992, and is viewed as largely responsible for elevating its quality and reputation. His media appearances, particularly with Johnny Carson, David Letterman, James Corden, Good Morning America, and Maury Povich have made him one of the most notable animal experts in the United States.

Jack Hanna


  • I've been blessed by the good Lord to be able to go to all these places and that fine, that’s real fine and dandy. But what about the other billions of people? Unless you love something, you can't save something and that’s my logo. You know, that's why I take animals with me so that people that live in an intercity.
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