Stuff That I've Done

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Non-Userbox Favourite Music

My Userboxes and I

First Off...

FAUX NEWS This user believes that Fox News is not fair or balanced.

Politics and Such

This user believes that capitalism is an inherently unjust system, and that humans can do better.
PC This user is pro-choice.
  • This user advocates the use of the death penalty for certain criminal offences.
This user finds censorship offensive.
This user supports the reunification of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.32
This user is against the war on drugs.
X This user does not believe in the existence of human races, except as a social construct. X


This user follows the Left-Hand Path.
This user is an Ásatrúar.
This user is pagan.
This user is a Neopagan.
  • This user is God.
This user's spiritual beliefs
are complex and personal.


This user enjoys listening to real metal.
Immortal This user is grim.
Grim and frostbitten
Accept This user's got the balls to the wall.

Rush (band)

This user believes in the freedom of music.
am Contrary to popular belief, this user does not look good on the dance floor.
The Beatles This user still listens to the White Album.