Dead Space Ignition: Difference between revisions

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The story of Dead Space ignition takes place during the events before Dead Space 2. An engineer and his partner Sarah, are called to the job when they hear that an elevator on the sprawl is acting up. They arrive to the site and find out that somebody had actually sabatoged it. The engineer fixes it, but gets another call about a computer main frame acting up. Finally arriving to there new site, they find out that again somebody was messing with the computer (i.e a virus). Their boss calls them yet again to tell them that the ship is having some trouble outside. Both the engineer and his partner go outside and see the engine is nearly destroyed. While on the tram, the engineer gets a call from a doctor paging him "He must rise," his partner asks him what it is and tells her it's work related. While on break, they return back into the ship and start to here frantic screams from far away. Looking they see people being attack by necromorphs, trying to fight back Sarah tries tp fire here pistol at them, but with no effect. She picks up a plasma cutter which she uses for the rest of the game now. The engineer and Sarah get on tram car and esacape. They both get a call to go out and reactivate the lights, other wise security would go down and the necromorphs would spread. In addition, they get another call saying that there is a hostage situation happening. From here you must decide on whether to go turn the lights back on or to go to the hostage situation changing the entire story. There are 4 different endings or outcomes called acts.