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Who filled my head with dreams? Who drove me to train until my bones cracked? Who denied me my destiny?!
―Tai Lung to Shifu during their battle. [src]

Tai Lung is the main antagonist in the DreamWorks film, Kung Fu Panda and a supporting character in its 2024 sequel, Kung Fu Panda 4. He was voiced by Ian McShane.


Tai Lung's parentage remains a mystery, but it was hinted that he had a currently alive brother or sister who parented a kung fu fanatic named Peng. All that is known about him is that he was left on the doorstep of the Jade Palace as a cub, and taken in by Master Shifu, who decided to raise the snow leopard cub as his very own son. When Tai Lung began to show a natural talent in Kung Fu, Shifu jumped to conclusions and was even more convinced that a child so talented but had no proper training was a sign telling him that his adopted son must be the Dragon Warrior foretold in legend. Tai Lung began training with Shifu, who filled his head with the thought that he was the real Dragon Warrior. As the leopard cub grew in age and skill, he became proud and overly confident in his own abilities, having mastered Leopard Style Kung Fu and advanced techniques such as nerve attacks, as well as all one-thousand scrolls of Kung Fu. Despite his accomplishments, Tai Lung still grew in desire for the power of the Dragon Scroll and wanted nothing more than to be the Dragon Warrior, but made the mistake of directing his whole life to the getting of the Scroll, since Shifu made the mistake of encouraging it.

When Shifu thought he was ready, Tai Lung was brought before Grand Master Oogway to be tested whether he was fit to be the Dragon Warrior, but since his overwhelming pride and lust for power alerted the tortoise of darkness in heart, Oogway refused him the title. Feeling his dream slipping through his fingers, the well-trained snow leopard desperately turned to Shifu, but the latter wouldn't help since he couldn't bring himself to object to Oogway's decision. Confused and outraged, the darkness that had been contained his whole life filled Tai Lung as he laid waste to the village down in the Valley of Peace, cutting a destructive massacre in his fury before charging back to the Jade Palace to try and take the scroll by force. Shifu charged to stop the monster that he had created with a direct attack but hesitated since he couldn't destroy his very own adopted son and let Tai Lung knock him aside, shattering his hip. Before he could claim the Dragon Scroll, however, Oogway caught the leopard in midair with a nerve attack and jabbed multiple pressure points in his chest. Shifu watched in horror as the warrior he'd raised and trained fell unconscious before him. Ashamed at his talented student's actions, he and Oogway shipped Tai Lung off to Chorh-Gom Prison as punishment, where he was chained and fitted in a restraining tortoise shell with various acupuncture needles in crucial places along his back, making him almost immobile and his abilities blocked. Shifu, on the other hand, became left with a hole in his soul of having let the love for his greatest pupil get wasted that he started training the Furious Five in a more harsh and critical manner.


Tai Lung is a dark, dangerous and arrogant individual. But when he was a cub he was happy and energetic creature who had great potential for Kung Fu. Shifu lovingly trained the young Snow Leopard, telling him he was destined for greatness, but never bothered to instill some humility in Tai Lung, nor did he see the darkness that was tainting him until it was too late. Tai Lung possesses a brutal nature of a slight sociopath and he sometimes gives the impression of being quite insane. Whether his insanity is the result of his long incarceration or if it was present before his imprisonment isn't clear; however, he is driven by a blind hatred of his old mentor Master Shifu (whom he blames for his misfortunes) and an obsessive desire for vengeance. Nevertheless, he possesses a fearsome dignity and is quite refined, exhibiting a dry, ironic sense of humor.

Tai Lung is charismatic and even charming on occasion, but this only adds to his aura of menace. He is able to use his immense presence and his notorious reputation to intimidate his opponents, sometimes for no reason other than his own personal amusement. Despite his sophisticated personality, he is given to violent mood swings during which his vicious and psychotic nature is all too evident. He also showed a vulnerable side as when he hesitated when Shifu made a sincere apology for turning him into a monster. Overall Tai Lung is an example of a person whose pride and ambitions went too far and led him to lash out at others and try to take what wasn't his.

Tai Lung's greatest fault in the end is his overconfidence as when he battled Po, he didn't think he would be much of a threat until Po managed to outsmart him and was later revealed to be immune to his nerve attack. During his last moments before Po used the Wuxi Finger Hold on him, Tai Lung was completely shell-shocked at the fact that he would be defeated by a panda.Despite his heartless and insensitive exterior, Tai Lung is naturally unassertive and insecure as well, so he never believed in himself to start with, and needed the Dragon Scroll to believe so-thus ironically as long as he could not believe in himself, he could never win against Po.

By the time of the fourth film, Tai Lung appears to be much calmer and usually doesn't start fights unless provoked implying that his time in the Spirit Realm mellowed him out. Many years after his defeat, Tai Lung continues to view Po as an unworthy fool for being chosen by Oogway as Dragon Warrior, but he no longer covets the title for himself anymore, showing that he got over his obsession. Other than that, Tai Lung retained his pride, refusing to share his own talent in Kung Fu with anyone, especially when he quickly deduced that The Chameleon only wanted to use him. His defeat after The Chameleon stole his Kung Fu made Tai Lung bitter and he later viewed Po more as a disappointment for losing the Staff of Wisdom to the Chameleon. Once Po and Zheng successfully defeat The Chameleon and restore Kung Fu, Tai Lung finally sees the panda as worthy of Oogway's choice as a Dragon Warrior and respectfully bows before him, something he has never before been able to do because of his own past selfishness and pride. Thus ironically Tai Lung finally achieved his lifelong goal of being a Dragon Warrior (which his name means in Chinese). Requesting to be returned to the Spirit Realm that he now considered his new home, he bids Po farewell, promising to see his former enemy on the other side.


Kung Fu Panda[]

Over the next twenty years, Tai Lung's time in Chorh-Gom was hardly wasted, and he spent them formulating a scheme to escape and take what was "rightfully his", the Dragon Scroll. But he waited for the opportune moment. One day, a messenger goose named Zeng came to the prison with news that the Dragon Warrior was to be chosen, and since Oogway foresaw that it might attract Tai Lung's return, the goose asked Commander Vachir to double the guard. Tai Lung knew that it was now or never. Using a feather shed from Zeng, he unlocked his chains and leaped up to the entrance, scaling up huge boulders and destroying the Anvil of Heaven. He sent Zeng back unharmed to tell the world that he was free and coming home.

With the breakout and message done, Tai Lung started the long journey back "home" to the Jade Palace. Along the way, he learned from passers-by that the Dragon Warrior Oogway chose dropped out of the sky on a ball of fire and that he was a warrior unlike any the world had seen before. To the leopard, the warrior in question sounded like a worthy opponent and went on his way back to the Valley to face him, only to be delayed by the Furious Five, who cornered him at the Thread of Hope and cut one of the rope bridges, which had to be supported by three members of the team. When Tai Lung demanded to know where the Dragon Warrior was, his adopted sister Tigress implied that it was her, but this made her adopted brother laugh and tell her and her teammates Monkey, Mantis, Viper, and Crane that he was pretty sure the Warrior wasn't one of them, adding in what rumors he heard. Shocked, Monkey accidentally let the fact that the Dragon Warrior was named Po slip from his tongue, to which an intrigued Tai Lung declared that he would finally have a worthy opponent for a legendary battle. A provoked Tigress took him on with other members of the Five until only Mantis was left supporting the bridge. Tai Lung was overwhelmed by the team's combined skill and teamwork and found himself wrapped in rope from the bridge's remains and left to fall into the mist below. However, he managed to use the ropes swing up and break free, proceeding to knock the Five out (except Crane so he could bring them back to the palace as a special warning) with a nerve attack before continuing his journey unhindered.

Tai Lung returned to the Valley of Peace to find it evacuated, but Shifu was still at the Jade Palace. Angered, he proceeded to beat Shifu senseless as the red panda tried to make Tai Lung redeem himself by saying his own pride blinded him to what the leopard was becoming before it was too late, and what he was turning him into. He finished with a sincere apology, but after a few seconds, Tai Lung decided to harden his heart and still demanded the scroll. When he saw that the Dragon Scroll was gone, he demanded to be told where it was, and Shifu said that it was halfway across China and that he'll never have it. In his rage, Tai Lung began to strangle his old master and prepared to kill him with his sharp claws. But before he could, Po appeared at the doorway, bringing the leopard's attention toward him. Now amused and incredulous to see the Dragon Warrior Oogway had chosen was a "big fat panda", Tai Lung tossed Shifu aside and taunted Po by asking if he was gonna sit on him, to which Po replied, "Don't tempt me" (but at one point, he accidentally did just that). Po and Tai Lung fought over the Dragon Scroll, which was with the panda. The leopard, on the other hand, found the fight at first challenging, and Po used his bulk to his advantage. Several times, Tai Lung was thrown into the air, but he secured the Scroll after knocking Po to the ground and defeating him. He opened it while relishing at finally having his hands on it, but was shocked to see nothing except it being blank. Po then explained to him that there was no secret ingredient, that it was just "who you were that made you special". Furious about the Dragon Scroll seeming to be a lie, Tai Lung yelled in frustration and lunged at the panda with a nerve attack, determined to finish him off once and for all. But because of Po's weight, he was unable to hit any nerve points and it only tickled him instead. The fight continued, but Po gained the upper hand and eventually caught the leopard in the Wuxi Finger Hold. Tai Lung was worried to be sure and thought Po was just bluffing. He tried to distract him, but was reassured when Po said that Shifu hadn't taught him the move; however, Tai Lung's hopes were dashed to pieces when Po stated that he figured it out. The Dragon Warrior completed the move with his catchphrase "Skadoosh," vanquishing the hateful leopard in a golden wave of light that rippled across the landscape and sending him to the Spirit Realm.

Kung Fu Panda 2[]

Though he didn't actually appear in the first sequel, Tai Lung did appear in a flashback in which he battled Po. Additionally, he is briefly mentioned by Po when he states that the handcuffs being used to contain him and the Furious Five are the same ones that were used to hold Tai Lung.

Kung Fu Panda 3[]

Though he didn't actually appear in the second sequel, Tai Lung made a non-physical cameo as an action-figure of Po. His action figure was used by Po to play in the bathtub. Tai Lung would be seen as one of Kai's amulets around his waist implying that Kai managed to capture him while he was in the spirit world.

Kung Fu Panda 4[]

Tai Lung returns in the fourth film with Ian McShane reprising his role. At the beginning of the film he mysteriously returns attacking a village of mountain goats announcing his return. In truth, the Tai Lung seen was actually the Chameleon impersonating him. He is summoned by The Chameleon to the mortal realm and questions her as to why she brought him back. After noticing the staff in The Chameleon's hands, he recognises that it belongs to Oogway. After The Chameleon asks him to teach her his legendary skills, he dismisses her and turns around to head back to the Spirit Realm, claiming he doesn't share his skills with anyone. This angers The Chameleon, and she proceeds to close the opening to the Spirit Realm orders her army of komodo dragon army to attack him.

Tai Lung makes quick work of her army, and notices one komodo dragon soldier still standing. He lunges towards it, but The Chameleon disguised herself as a soldier to trick Tai Lung. As he pounces in the air, she latches her tongue onto his forehead and proceeds to drain him of his Kung Fu. Severely weakened, Tai Lung stands back up in a futile attempt to fight back, but The Chameleon easily overpowers him and she launches him into a cage, where he is imprisoned. He questions The Chameleon on what she has done to him, to which she explains that she has stolen his Kung Fu, and proceeds to summon more masters from the Spirit Realm.

Later, Po manages to sneak into The Chameleon's lair and is surprised to find his enemies of old that he defeated, including Tai Lung, Lord Shen and General Kai. Tai Lung states that Oogway made a mistake choosing Po as the Dragon Warrior, and berates Po for losing his staff. Po promises to free Tai Lung from his cage, as well as the other masters, and restore their Kung Fu, with Tai Lung disregarding Po's claim, stating it's a broken promise. After Po and Zhen defeat The Chameleon, Tai Lung, Lord Shen, and General Kai confront Po, with Tai Lung admitting that Oogway was right in choosing Po. He bows down in front of Po, as do the other masters. Tai Lung asks Po to return him and all the other masters back to the Spirit Realm, to which Po complies.

He holds The Chameleon in his hand to take her with him to the Spirit Realm, much to her horror. Before leaving, Tai Lung finally calls Po the Dragon Warrior and quips that he'll see him on the other side, returning to the Spirit Realm and finally redeeming himself.

Other Appearances[]

Kung Fu Panda Holiday[]

Tail Lung appears at the beginning of the special as part of Mr. Ping's nightmare, where he appears as a giant and fights Po, who thought that Tai Lung was dead. After a brief fight, the snow leopard is defeated again, when the panda kicks him and sends him flying off into the horizon, exploding into a burst of light on impact.

Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness[]

Tai-Lung KFP LOA

Po disguised as Tai Lung in "Master and the Panda"

In "Master and the Panda", Po disguised himself as Tai Lung, acting evil and telling his nephew Peng to join him, to which the young leopard refused and fought him after "Tai Lung" proposed they destroy everyone. Po then revealed himself, telling Peng that he wasn't like his uncle.


  • "Not your FAULT?! Who filled my head with "dreams"?! Who drove me to train until my "bones cracked"?! Who denied me my DESTINY?!"
  • "WHAT?! WHERE IS IT?!"
  • "Who are you?"
  • "You? Him? He's a panda! You're a panda! What are you gonna do, big guy? Sit on me?!?!"
  • "Finally! Oh, yes. The power of the Dragon Scroll is mine!"
  • "It's nothing!"
  • "What?"
  • "You...can't defeat me. You...you're just a big...fat...panda!"
  • "The Wuxi Finger Hold?!"
  • "You're bluffing. You're bluffing! Shifu didn't teach you that." (his Last Words)


  • Tai Lung means Great Dragon in Cantonese.
    • Coincidentally, there are two place names in Hong Kong also known as "Tai Lung" - one on the island of Ma Wan and another in the Northern District.
  • In real life, the snow leopard (Tai Lung) is the natural enemy of the giant panda (Po) and red panda (Shifu).
  • Tai Lung's appearance looks strikingly similar to Jenner from The Secret of NIMH.
  • He is considered one of the most popular Dreamworks villains.
  • Tai Lung's voice actor, Ian McShane, voiced Captain Hook in Shrek the Third. He is most famous for the role of Blackbeard in Pirates of the Caribbean.
  • Tai Lung is the only villain who technically appears in all four Kung Fu Panda films. He is the main antagonist in the first film, he is briefly mentioned by Po in the second and is seen in a flashback, is seen as an action figure and one of Kai's amulets in the third, and has a supporting role in the fourth film.





v - e - d
Kung Fu Panda Logo
Films: Kung Fu PandaKung Fu Panda 2Kung Fu Panda 3Kung Fu Panda 4

TV Specials: Kung Fu Panda HolidaySecrets of the Furious FiveSecrets of the MastersSecrets of the Scroll
TV Series: Legends of AwesomenessThe Paws of DestinyThe Dragon Knight

Warriors: PoShifuTigressCraneMonkeyViperMantis

Allies: OogwayMr. PingLi ShanZhenSoothsayerThundering RhinoStorming OxCrocGood PoPengSongHan
Villains: Tai LungLord ShenBoss WolfGorilla ArmyKaiFenghuangHundunKe-PaFenghuangHundunTaotieTemutaiWu SistersBad PoJu-LongScorpionThe ChameleonRabbit TrioGranny Boar
Others: ZengVachirBadger TwinsBaoBearGrandma PandaJombiesMei MeiPorcupineShen's Parents

Films: Dustin Hoffman (Shifu) • Angelina Jolie (Tigress) • David Cross (Crane) • Bryan Cranston (Li Shan) • Awkwafina (Zhen) • Dennis Haysbert (Storming Ox)

Shows: Alfred Molina (Ke-Pa) • André Sogliuzzo (Tai Lung) • Danny Cooksey (Peng) • Susanne Blakeslee (Mei Ling) • Steve Blum (Jindiao) • April Winchell (Mugan) • Jeff Bennett (Tong Fo) • David Cowgill (Flying Rhino) • R. Lee Ermey (General Tsin) • Cree Summer (additional voices) • Keith Ferguson (additional voices)

See also
Locations: ChinaJade PalaceJade MountainValley of PeaceChorh-Gom PrisonThread of HopeGongmen CityGongmen JailPanda VillageSpirit RealmTraining Hall

Objects: AdversaryOogway's StaffShift Stones
Crew: Bill DamaschkeAlessandro CarloniChris SandersDuncan Marjoribanks
Miscellaneous: Kung Fu FightingKung Fu PandaFurious FiveLadies of the Shade
