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Jetpack Activity Log

Activity Log by Jetpack shows a record of all activities and events on your website so you can keep track of your site’s changes. This guide explains how it works and how to view your site’s activities.

Access the Activity Log

To visit your site’s activity:

  1. Visit your site’s dashboard.
  2. On the left side, go to Jetpack → Activity Log.

You may need to log into Jetpack using your account. Click Accept.

Once connected, you can view the recent events recorded for your site in reverse chronological order.

A list of recent activities in the activity log paid plans have access to their complete site activity for their plan’s data retention period.

The most recent 1,000 events are displayed in Activity. The timestamp displayed in Activity matches the timezone set in your site’s timezone settings configured from Settings → General.

At the top of the screen, you can filter activities by:

If a particular activity type is not listed, it means there are no recorded activities of that type on your site.

How to Use Activity

The activity log is versatile and easy to use, allowing you to keep track of all actions taken on your site. It can help you in the following ways:

  • If several contractors or team members work on your site, the activity log helps you ensure all critical tasks are completed by the right person.
  • Catch unauthorized changes caused by other team members, such as plugin and theme deletions, unapproved page changes, database access, and more. 
  • Identify an issue when something goes wrong. For example, if you know that your site went down around 2:30 PM, you might see that a plugin was updated at 2:29 PM.
  • Make use of real-time backups to restore your website to the point right before an error occurred. 

Data Retention

The retention periods for Activity data depend on both the activity itself and the site’s plan.

& Commerce
Pro (Legacy)
Users: additions, deletions, network deletions, registrations, invite acceptance, removals, updates30 daysForeverForever
Attachments: uploads, updates, deletions30 daysForeverForever
Comments: submissions, approvals, un-approvals, content edits, deletions, trash actions, spam/un-spam actions, restorations from trash30 daysForeverForever
Feedback: Contact Form submissions30 daysForeverForever
Settings: settings updates30 daysForeverForever
Menus: additions, updates, deletions30 daysForeverForever
Themes: theme activations30 daysForeverForever
Posts & Pages: publish actions, updates, deletions, trash actions, imports, exports30 daysForeverForever
Widgets: additions, updates, removals, reorders, set-to-inactive actions30 daysForeverForever
WordPress: plan activations and deactivations, new blog subscribersForeverForeverForever

At the end of any retention periods outlined above, activity data is moved to long-term storage and is retained indefinitely. Once in long-term storage, activity data will no longer be visible in a site’s Activity.

If there is no activity on your site for longer than the retention period, you’ll see a screen with no activity shown:

The Activity Log screen with no activity to display

Once you make any changes to your site that are recorded in your Activity, this screen will update to show the latest events.

Last updated: August 05, 2024