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Developer Tools offers a comprehensive set of developer tools that empower developers to create and customize websites with ease. With a wide range of features and functionalities, these tools provide developers with the flexibility and control they need to build robust and scalable websites.

From the powerful REST API to the intuitive Gutenberg block editor, developers can leverage these tools to streamline their development process, enhance user experiences, and unlock the full potential of the platform.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer,’s developer tools are designed to help you bring your ideas to life and create exceptional websites.

Staging Sites

Use a staging site to clone your entire site for testing purposes. This guide will show you how to create a staging website on

Staging sites


WP-CLI is a command-line interface for WordPress that you can access when connected via SSH. This guide covers the most commonly used commands and their associated sub-commands.



Studio by is a free desktop app that helps developers streamline their local WordPress development workflow. With Studio, you’ll be able to easily build and maintain local WordPress websites without manual server setup or tool configuration. It also allows you to share your work publicly (think: with clients, team members, or design teams) through temporary demo sites hosted on


GitHub Deployments

GitHub Deployments allow you to connect GitHub repositories to a site in a reliable, predictable, automated, and streamlined way. Whenever you make a code change in a repository, will be able to deploy it from GitHub to the site, either automatically or upon request. 

GitHub Deployments

Block Patterns

Build beautiful posts, pages, and templates with ease with patterns, made by the design team at to effortlessly inherit your theme’s global styles. Choose from a vast collection of patterns and customize them in any way you like; no additional plugins or coding required. Think of these patterns as a component library for the block editor.

Block Patterns


Secure File Transfer Protocol is a secure FTP method to transfer files to and from your site. This guide will show you how to use SFTP on



SSH, Secure SHell, allows you to use a terminal application to access the backend of your site and manage certain site files and settings. It also provides access to WP-CLI, which can be used to quickly make site changes and troubleshoot issues.


Database Access

You can use phpMyAdmin to access your website’s database and run a wide range of operations. This guide will show you how to administer your site’s MySQL database.

Database Access

Web Server Settings

In your website’s web server settings, you can configure options related to the PHP version and nonexistent assets on your site. This guide will explain each setting you can use to fine-tune how the web server runs your website.

Web Server Settings


Learn more about the REST API, and get a full listing of all available endpoints.


Last updated: July 15, 2024