DC Universe Online Wiki

The Wizard Shazam is an ancient mage and God of Thunder, who bestowed the power of SHAZAM on to Billy Batson.


When Doctor Sivana opens Black Adam's tomb and frees Black Adam, the Wizard begins abducting people one by one via magic and bringing them to the Rock of Eternity to assess them for the job of inheriting his powers but only to dismiss each of them for not being pure of heart. The Wizard then summons Billy Batson to the Rock of Eternity as his last candidate. But upon meeting him, he sees how rotten a child Billy is and dismisses him as well until Billy argues that perfectly good people "really don't exist" and that the Wizard may never find what he's looking for. Agreeing with Billy and aware that he is dying, the Wizard sees that Billy has the potential to be good and passes on his powers to the boy by asking him to speak the magic word "Shazam" with "good intentions" as merely saying the word has no effect. After saying the magic word, Billy is struck by a bolt of lightning which transforms him into Shazam, a super-powered being possessing super-strength and flight. The Wizard then passes away and transports Shazam back to Earth.




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v · e · d
Heroes Shazam - Mary (Shazamily) - The Wizard Shazam
Villains Black Adam - Doctor Sivana - Seven Deadly Sins
Other Isis
Isis Bone Pile - Word of Power
Weapons n/a
Apparel Aegis of Eternity - Black Adam T-Shirt - Captain Marvel T-Shirt - Divine Handwraps of the Goddess Isis - Doctor Sivana's Clever Glasses - Enhanced Magiclands - Globe Emblem - Enhanced Magiclands - Grin Emblem - Enhanced Magiclands - Maze Emblem - Enhanced Magiclands - Shazam Emblem - Enhanced Magiclands - Storm Emblem - Enhanced Magiclands - Tree Emblem - Enhanced Magiclands - Warning Emblem - Enhanced Reactive Emoticon Emblem - Enhanced Rock of Eternity Emblem - Enhanced Shazam Emblem - Enhanced Tawny Emblem - Magiclands - Globe Emblem - Magiclands - Grin Emblem - Magiclands - Maze Emblem - Magiclands - Shazam Emblem - Magiclands - Storm Emblem - Magiclands - Tree Emblem - Magiclands - Warning Emblem - Reactive Emoticon Emblem - Rock of Eternity Emblem - Shazam Emblem - Tawny Emblem - Shroud of Anubis

Rock of Eternity Emblem Shazam Emblem Magiclands - Storm Emblem Magiclands - Globe Emblem Magiclands - Grin Emblem Magiclands - Tree Emblem Magiclands - Shazam Emblem Magiclands - Warning Emblem Magiclands - Maze Emblem Reactive Emoticon Emblem Tawny Emblem

Vehicles n/a
Infernal Kahndaq - Kahndaq - Rock of Eternity
PvE JLD: Pub Crawl - Kahndaq (Raid) - SoBA: Godseye Pyramid - SoBA: Neron's Underworld - SoBA: Rock of Eternity - SoBA: The Treachery of Black Adam - Tomb of Isis
Justice League Dark - Justice Society of America - Sentinels of Magic