DC Universe Online Wiki
Power roar

Roar is a Nature power that becomes available at Level 22.


Unleash a terrifying howl to intimidate your target, stunning it.

Power Interactions : Pheromones are consumed and allies receive the remaining healing at once.
Poison is consumed and enemies take the remaining damage at once.


Vulnerable to Interrupt
Cooldown: 1.5s
Power Cost: 150

Legs Equipment Mods[]

Legs Equipment Mods are available for this power:


Briar, Carnivorous Plants, Serpent Call and Vine Lash release Poison.
Bloom, Cross Pollination, Harvest, Savage Growth and Metabolism release Pheromones.
The Empowered Channeling Hands Equipment Mod removes Vulnerability to Interrupt, prevents standard control effects and increases Defense and Toughness by 5% when using Roar.
