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Flashtastic Voyage (1)

FP: Flashtastic Voyage is a tier 6 raid in the World of Flashpoint episode. It is also available as elite version.


Flashpoint Cyborg thinks that the source of the chaos lies in the 31st Century, and needs a team to help track down the lead.




Map - Nightmare Central City


You start off on a street in Nightmare Central City, where you and your raid group fight through a few hallways of nightmare gorilla adds. Eventually you encounter a nightmare version of Gorilla Grodd.

First boss: Gorilla Grodd[]

A very straightforward boss encounter in the regular version. Can be tricky in the elite version if the group doesn't adhere to the mechanics or KO Gorilla Specialist adds before they have a chance to form change a player/s into a gorilla to adhere to said mechanics.


Gorilla Specialist add mechanic/considerations:[]

  • One of the key mechanics of this fight is that Gorilla Specialists will spawn in the fight alongside other adds.
  • The other adds can be defeated but the Specialists are crucial as they may transform a player in range into a gorilla.
  • Being transformed into a gorilla allows you access to teleport onto one of the ships above the boss room to turn off various mechanics, such as knock back bombs or AOEs (including Gorilla Eradication Platform). This is more important to note in the elite version, unless you are trying to obtain certain feats.
    - While in the gorilla form, you can do large damage to other gorilla adds with some of your abilities. it is helpful in elite to use this to your advantage so the group doesn't become overwhelmed with adds or damage from adds. - Carefully KO adds on the ship you teleport to, however try not to die on the ship as it is very unlikely you will be revived unless another player is also transformed into a gorilla and goes to the same ship as you.
  • The gorilla specialist mechanic should be taken seriously in the elite version otherwise the elite version of this fight may become tricky for the group. Otherwise a straightforward fight.
  • It is best practice especially for the elite version to avoid KO'ing Gorilla Specialists where possible, as if no-one is being transformed into a Gorilla due to Gorilla Specialists being KO'd too fast then the fight becomes more chaotic due to more adds and AOEs, limited safe zones, on top of Gorilla Grodd's own mechanics.

Other mechanics:[]

  • Gorilla Grodd may do an AOE red cone attack. Avoid this red area or the area in front of him when he does this - in elite it will likely do heavy damage or KO the player. There is a similar attack where Gorilla Grodd will stand on his hands and kick in the air, which does heavy damage as well.
  • Gorilla Grodd may charge towards a random player on occasion (Charge Attack). Upon impact this will do large damage and knockback, in the elite version it may KO. It is possible to get out of the way of the charge in time so pay attention.
  • Adds will spawn in the fight, which should be KO'd ASAP either by the DPS or if someone has been transformed into a gorilla. Be also mindful that Gorilla Grenadiers will spawn around the edges of the room and throw bombs towards the group (Barrel Toss). They can be troublesome especially when players return from a ship and are unprepared for a bomb to be thrown at them.

After Gorilla Grodd has been defeated the group travel through more streets and battle through add waves of Nightmare Citizens, as well as some familiar Iconic villains such as Trickster, Mirror Master or Killer Frost. Eventually the group reaches a large area outside the Flash Museum where the last two boss encounters are located.

Second boss: The Rogues[]

Fairly straightforward fight in both regular and elite - unless the group is trying for the Superior Simultaneous Showdown feat in the elite version then it can become tricky.

It is highly recommended for the tank to use the Super-Speed Movement Mode supercharge Dash Attack, as adds/subbosses can spawn from very far away and head towards the group, and if they are not aggro'd in time they can attack unsuspecting group members.

You may not see all bosses in the same encounter, however below is a list of the bosses you may encounter and their mechanics.

Remember the room is extremely large for an instanced content boss encounter, so mechanics should be avoidable if the player/s are focused.

Adds may be present or spawn along with any sub bosses.


Heat Wave:

  • Heat Wave may move to a particular player and punch the ground (Melee Attack), creating an orange fire AOE on the ground. This does considerable damage over time so it is best to avoid this.
  • Heat Wave may spawn a red AOE on the ground which again generates a fire AOE.
  • Fire Ball: Heat Wave may shoot several fire balls around which will explode after they have travelled a certain distance. They are easy to avoid but if a player is hit directly they will take damage.

Captain Cold:

  • Snowball: Captain Cold will fire several boulders of ice in several directions around him at the same time. Does moderate damage to a player if hit directly, but easy to avoid especially the further away the player is from Captain Cold.
  • Captain Cold may spawn a large red AOE tell along with a big ice AOE. This deals damage over time to affected players (more info needed)

Pied Piper:

  • It is best practice to stay max range of Pied Piper where possible and spread out from other players.
  • Pied Piper may summon an Alley Rat add to assist it in battle. There will be onscreen text when this occurs stating: "Pied Piper Summons a Rat!"
  • Joyous Musical Balls: Pied Piper will have a red skull icon above his head before playing his flute. While he plays his flute white music orbs will move away from him around the map. Try to avoid these if possible. If a player is hit directly by this they will take moderate damage, and be trapped and stunned, however if other players are nearby to the initial affected player they may take considerable damage. In the elite version this can KO. It is also best practice that if you are stunned by this not to breakout close to other players. (More info needed)

The Top:

  • Tornado Attack: The Top will spin and spawn green/yellow tornadoes which will move through the map. Avoid these tornadoes. It is also best practice to spread out from other players as you may be given an aura that does damage over time. This will do more damage to you if you are close to another player who also has the same aura.

Captain Boomerang:

  • Whirling Boomerang: Captain Boomerang may spawn a red ring AOE around him that will then spawn Boomerangs. These deal moderate damage over time to players affected in the regular version and heavy damage over time in the elite version.
  • Boomerang Cascade: (More info needed)
  • Gravity Boomerang: (Elite only) Captain Boomerang may spawn a yellow AOE, which will deal damage over time to affected players and crowd control them, drawing them towards the middle of the AOE.
  • Captain Boomerang may have a red arrow tell on the floor in front of him towards a targeted player. He will then charge towards that player. This will deal considerable damage to the affected player if not evaded in time.


  • Trickster Tickler: Gas AOE that does damage over time if affected.
  • Trickster may occasionally teleport to a player and do heavy melee damage.
  • Mass Hypnosis (1): Trickster may occasionally do this attack to a nearby player. Does moderate damage.

Mirror Master:

  • Mirror Master will spawn mirrors and mirror images of himself, which will be an annoyance and split damage that the DPS are dealing towards him. You will want to target lock the real Mirror Master (you will know this as the Active Gameplay HUD with his name will be in yellow) and deal single target damage towards him. Be aware he may teleport from time to time. (On PS, Hold L1 to target lock)
  • Mass Hypnosis (2): Mirror Master will look at a random player while having a red skull icon above his head, before dealing an attack to that player, dealing moderate damage (1-2 ticks of damage) and grounding the affected player. It may also cause the player to be knocked back a little.

Last boss: Abra Kadabra, Nightmare Flash and Weather Wizard[]

Fairly straightforward fight in both regular and elite.


Nightmare Flash:

  • Whirling Arms: Nightmare Flash may teleport to a random player and do a cone attack, which may pull players in and do large damage. In the elite version this can KO players. This can be stopped by a player lunging Nightmare Flash to interrupt this ability. (On PS, Hold Square to lunge) Try not to give Nightmare Flash immunity when he does this, otherwise in elite it can potentially cause several KOs and possibly a group wipe.
  • Vibrato: Nightmare Flash has a skull above his head, along with text on-screen telling you that you should block this attack. Anyone in range who doesn't block this attack in time will be KO'd especially in the elite version. (On PS, Hold R1 to block)
  • It is best practice to not be in melee range of Nightmare Flash.

Weather Wizard:

  • Weather Wizard has various AOE attacks that do moderate damage, including a large red AOE (Blizzard), and another AOE (Tornado Attack). It is best practice to stay max range of Weather Wizard otherwise not many mechanics to speak of.

Abra Kadabra:

  • Abra Kadabra may teleport to other parts of the map to summon large statue adds to assist him in the fight. This usually occurs after he has taken some damage.
  • Again like with Weather Wizard if you stay max range of Abra Kadabra when he is near the group then not many mechanics to speak of.
  • Mana Ball: Sometimes Abra Kadabra may fire white electrical projectiles around. These may do considerable damage and knock back players if they are hit directly - but they are also quite easy to avoid.

Various statue adds may spawn in the fight, as long as they are kept aggro'd by the tank and the rest of the group stay max range of them then they shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Once you have defeated this boss encounter the fight is over and you have completed the raid.



Briefings and Investigations[]


  • n/a


  • Better Together, Again: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Normal or Elite) Raid, defeat the final bosses within 10 seconds of each other (25 points), grants title: of Central City
  • Central City Animal Control: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Event, Normal, or Elite) Raid, only defeat Gorilla Grodd after defeating 25 Gorillas that join the fight (10 points)
  • Central City Pest Control: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Event, Normal, or Elite) Raid, defeat 123 Alley Rats and/or Kings Rats over multiple runs (10 points), grants title: the Rat Catcher
  • Control, No Control: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Normal or Elite) Raid, defeat Gorilla Grodd: (25 points)
    • Without disabling any of the controls on the Gorilla Platforms during one attempt
    • Only after disabling 15 controls on the Gorilla Platforms during one attempt
  • Forwards and Backwards: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Normal or Elite) Raid, during the final boss fight: (10 points)
    • Defeat Abra Kadabra before defeating Weather Wizard, before defeating Nightmare Flash
    • Defeat Nightmare Flash before defeating Weather Wizard, before defeating Abra Kadabra
  • Reflection Dissection: (During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Event, Normal, or Elite) Raid, during the second boss fight, only defeat Mirror Master after defeating 11 Mirror Images first (10 points), grants title: the Decoy
  • Rogues Round Robin: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Normal or Elite) Raid, defeat each combination of Rogues present at the start of the fight: (25 points), grants title: Honorary Rogue
    • Captain Cold + Pied Piper + Trickster
    • Heat Wave + Pied Piper + Trickster
    • The Top + Pied Piper + Trickster
    • Captain Cold + Mirror Master + Captain Boomerang
    • Heat Wave + Mirror Master + Captain Boomerang
    • The Top + Mirror Master + Captain Boomerang
    • Captain Cold + Pied Piper + Captain Boomerang
    • Heat Wave + Pied Piper + Captain Boomerang
    • The Top + Pied Piper + Captain Boomerang
    • Captain Cold + Mirror Master + Trickster
    • Heat Wave + Mirror Master + Trickster
    • The Top + Mirror Master + Trickster
  • Simple Simultaneous Showdown: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Event, Normal, or Elite) Raid, engage the initial 3 Rogues within 10 seconds and then defeat any 3 Rogues within 10 seconds of each other (25 points)
  • Standard Simultaneous Showdown: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Normal or Elite) Raid, engage the initial 3 Rogues within 10 seconds and then defeat 4 Rogues within 10 seconds of each other (25 points)
  • Statuary Student: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Event, Normal, or Elite) Raid, over multiple runs, defeat each of the Animated Statues: (10 points)
    • Animated The Top Statue
    • Animated Mirror Master Statue
    • Animated Trickster Statue
    • Animated Heat VVave Statue
    • Animated Pied Piper Statue
    • Animated Abra Kadabra Statue
    • Animated Captain Boomerang Statue
    • Animated Captain Cold Statue
    • Animated Weather Wizard Statue
  • Systematic Statue Smasher: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Normal) Raid, defeat the final bosses only after defeating 4 Animated Statues during that attempt (10 points), grants title: the Sculptor
  • Unbroken Mirrors: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Normal or Elite) Raid, defeat Mirror Master and the Rogues without destroying any of the Prismatic Mirrors first (10 points)


  • Last in First Out: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Elite) Raid, during the second boss fight, defeat the Rogues in the opposite order that they joined the fight, finishing with the 3 initial Rogues (25 points), grants title: Your Worst Nightmare
  • One Bomb at a Time: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Elite) Raid, defeat Gorilla Grodd only after disarming 12 individual Bombs (not by using the controls on the Gorilla Eradication Platforms) during that attempt (10 points), grants title: Bomb Disposal Technician
  • Statues Spared: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Elite) Raid, defeat the final bosses without defeating any Animated Statues during that attempt (50 points), grants title: Living Statue
  • Superior Simultaneous Showdown: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Elite) Raid, engage the initial 3 Rogues within 10 seconds and then defeat 5 Rogues within 10 seconds of each other (50 points)
  • Systematic Statue Stomper: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Elite) Raid, defeat the final bosses only after defeating 8 Animated Statues during that attempt (25 points), grants title: Master Sculptor


