DC Database

"Year One, Part One": Steve Trevor and Nick are wandering alone in a forest. Nick complains that the two are lost because the GPS is broken. Steve then starts to use the stars as a guide to get them out of the forest.

Quote1 I can see the beauty of the heavens, I can see the poetry in their motion. But all we do is bear witness. All of you remember before, Kasia. You can recall the world you left, even if the memories of it bring you pain. I've never seen what lies beyond our shores. Do you really wonder why my eye goes to the horizon instead of the skies? Quote2
— Diana of Themyscira

Wonder Woman (Volume 5) #2 is an issue of the series Wonder Woman (Volume 5) with a cover date of September, 2016. It was published on July 13, 2016.

Synopsis for "Year One, Part One"

Steve Trevor and Nick are wandering alone in a forest. Nick complains that the two are lost because the GPS is broken. Steve then starts to use the stars as a guide to get them out of the forest.

On Themyscira, Diana is stargazing with other Amazons. Areto is frustrated because Diana is not looking at the stars and is instead looking at the horizon line. Diana and Kasia leave the group of stargazers and Diana confesses that she wants to explore the world. Kasia reminds her that leaving would be permanent and she would no longer be immortal.

Diana then runs into her mother, Queen Hippolyta, who asks Diana if she would like to practice archery with Philippus. Diana agrees and the two go to the archery range. Philippus is critiquing Diana's archery skills when Diana decides to show off. She shoots two arrows which go through two separate hoops and impress her mother and Philippus.

Meanwhile, Steve and Nick are at a firing range. Nick asks Steve to go on a double date with him and a girl named Maya. Steve refuses at first but ends up going on the date. Years later Maya and Nick get married. Later Steve goes to visit Nick and Maya, who recently gave birth. Nick then asks Steve to be the godfather and Steve happily accepts. Months later Steve and Nick are deployed much to their dismay.

Time has passed on Themyscira as well and Diana is riding her horse, Kachi, through a field when she stumbles upon a dead tree. She walks up to the tree and reaches out. Suddenly a snake bites Diana's arm. Some of Diana's friends stumble upon her horse and then discover Diana suffering from the snake bite. Her friends rush her off to get help.

Diana eventually heals from her endeavor with the snake and goes to the temple pay homage to Aesculapius, Aceso, and Panacea who are goddesses of healing. Castalia enters the temple saying she is glad to see Diana in full health again. Castalia thinks that the snake and Diana's healing were a sign from the gods. She takes Diana to a statue that has the Lasso of Truth and warns her that she might need to use it soon.

Diana is back stargazing at the observatory. Kasia thinks she has found a new constellation, but Diana discovers that it is actually something on fire coming toward the island. The Amazons panic and run down where they discover a crashed plane. All of the people on the plane are dead with the exception of one: Steve Trevor.

Appearing in "Year One, Part One"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Maya's friend (Single appearance) (Unnamed) (Cameo)
  • Sandy (Nick & Maya's daughter) (First appearance; unnamed)
  • Evrayle (Mentioned only)
  • Gods of Olympus (Mentioned only)
  • Meghara (Mentioned only)
  • Harmonia (Mentioned only)






  • Asclepius, a son of Apollo, was the Greek God of Healing. His daughter Aceso was the goddess of the healing process. Panacea, another daughter, was goddess of the universal cure.
  • The nymph Harmonia was the mother of the Amazons by Ares (not to be confused with the goddess Harmonia, daughter of Ares and Aphrodite).

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
